v r ' JlM W 3 tCJ3IU3,Il i 1 - - ...... . . J '"H - -j ! T. ' ". . VOL. XOI.--THIRD SERIE3. 1 aaiAOiJUJtx. a..jiXJiuax, ajiL iu, 1S91. I . 110. 24, D Ik i ! i - . . ! I - - i- -. f: . . - ... " i A nercnant rnne3 - - i ' - ! I . ' ' - ' l l II ' I hi I for Infants and Children "Cftstal a Is so ureQ adapted to children that t rwiehiia(iad ifcaa superior to any prescriptkm k&own to iaei" IL A. Archer, TI- D., t 111 So. Oxford Zt.j BrootiTn, N. Y. . ... f i . nrio . w.11 kTKwr , tho it seems . work InteUiKent families who do not keep Castona Witbmeajtfreacu r, r, new lurik v-nj. Cawtorfa cnre Colic, OotwHpaHmj, Boar Stomach, Diarrhce. Eructation, KiUa Worms, gjreatoe and promotes ai WitoSiDurious'inellcation. j - ' . - for sereral yews I have" recommended your Castona, ' and shall always continue to do so as it Las invariably produced beneficial results." x Edwik F. Pardm. M. t xbo 'Wlnthrop," 125Ui Street and Tth Are Kew York City. LatePasfojJBloomingdala Beformed Church, i' TW ewriim Cowi, TT McnaATMrrNBV Tear. t . fv tn rouy J. Dfy.fi RESS HOSIERY, SHOES II XI) Hit WE A I?, SEGK.M SHIRTS. Wo m arid'COHSETS. 1SS 3tv M Al.lt TO 0AI.L AT- .BOiTIAFS;!;; ;- i Ana sco liis NEW STOCK of j oods,. Potions and Millinery. Consisting of GOODS.: ' WHITE GOODS, SCMETRIiTO ASOUT ICi. V, J. DAVIS j A MAGK1FICEXT ESTABLISnMEXT IN xoHxn Carolina's queex city built up riiOji Noxnixa IN LESS THAN EIV!: TEARS HOW IT WAS DONE. 1 ' Charlotte, N. G., March 20, 1S91. . A few dajs ngo'I statl in this cor re ponflence tluit all eyes in jhe two Cii'oliiias were t urned toward Uhurlotte, on account of the wonderful improve ments now under way herd. 1 Naturally people will wonder wheth er it is all true or not, and after satis fying themselves that facts have been stated, the next question will he te know what it all nu-aitr. Is it growth, pern a .ent and l isting growth, or is it simply vapor floating in the air, seen to-day gone to-morrow ? iLet us argue the matter. But that will do no go l, as every man has a riht to his own opinion. Well, what then ? v I'll fcimply state ti few cold blooaed (facts. They wiih Heed no argument, land 3'ott-can fix your opinion after wards. A tier all; fact are tlie best arguments a man can present, anyway. An assertion is worthless if it cannot be hacked with the plain, simple facts. Now let's sec. If a town is really gnawing its mercantile traue is like wise improving, as a natural result. There are more stores in Charlotte to dayboy no less than twenty per ceil than there were four years ago, a nil of them are doing, more bu.sin each succeeding par than thev did preceding one that's an assertion." i merchant in t;h iotidli ever made such wonderful sncces uKYThere as he has made here in fcl!arlJttet So don't get in a hurry to!leaW ut be pcrf. ,.ti . qnhrtaml lisilri aai he says. Now I wiil ask ihef qHj?shojnl: "ilr. Davjs, ;jc xi have succeeded herej in the inrcnt U business, please tell something hbbut 'it-f-any tiring will rEAR. ike n spooiaky in , LINENS, 1 laces, : trimmings, WRAPS, ! . ROUES. U MBRSIjL AS, yAE A OIi and oxmrii ho her t-')ck. n, of lialtiniuro. ' - ? n uiiiIlm the mina3m-?nt of You are-o.irnostlv invited txycall r ti H m "K8"lff u u r ii ef 3: Sis IP I In T i AO f1 PA 1 e Fiirnl- s .er ana fi SALISBURY. il .certaker Is no'W oflea t . . 1 nig tin Larwst and Best Assorted Stock of Furni- tine ever bixmglit to this place. j be interest in gi'? il Yes; I thik ijnyj Success in Char lotte," begiinj' -thjB pian of "ilacket" faiii "is woilderluli l 1 cama here & little over f on (jtiari ago and opened up with small! stotk f good in a small store, y strW Ktf.p 50x60 feet, afMittgttti u ndf4l feet "Of floor ing, space. Weli.j we h ive the biggest store in townwe jhave found it neces sary to build and cut through tlv; wall into another biiilding and not only that but being pusfied bo badly for room we recently nioveU our fine stock of milli nery across the street into another building. W wijl cut through into the Butler stoj-c next mo;.th and that will thtMrgiyeins about B3,000 feet of Hooring sp icej Ye ; began with less than a .s&OQO fstoqk and todry it would Uke $120,000 -to- heal us completely, liould we be burn't'd piit. Why, -we i ; carry in (vlotl4u Shoes. Awm gooa. , .......... a. ..j.j i . l s iwiniMiiuii mious. S 25,000 20,000 , 10,000 10,000 10.000 , 8,000 . 5,000 . 3,000 . 3,000 . 3,000 . 3,000 20,000 Carpets Dry l)res goods Millinery . . . Gent . r i ' tr vim ixcij ............ . Men's hats. , . I ....... . iiooks and stationery . . . Harness a;id sairl.'.lery. . .. Mi-cellaiitous.s. ........ i i I t . Total ...... .$123,000 '"Now you sq. tiiat'is a ight good sroclv of goojs for a city-of 14,000 in habitants." j "And you built up this immense business h'.M'e?'! "Mxaetiy almost from the ground, and as J said in five years." "Mr. Davis ther are a lot of poor SVl'.ows ?ti uggljug for success, and of cOiirs' tliey would hajl with delight .my suggestion ftVoili one who has suc ceeded like youso phi ise tell mo how yo;i a.ccomplislii'd it?" . ' "We!!, n :w ii tlie first place Char lutte is a good town to f-ficct.'ed in; but. of course, ! coujd have failed 1ere. 1 'ueS.eve that to Succeed in anything and : l . .: .. . r; . . i ; it: tine, re of business lack of thi. i Better Kail Facilities Desired. Cbaricttc Chronicle. We think that the postoffice depart ment is not giving this Fectioa of the State all the mail facilities to which it is entitled. The whole department is not to blame, however; it i3 some one into whose charge these matters are placed and Avho is expeete l by the post master general to look after" the inter ests of this section. 'We have never taken any stock in the unjustifiable abase of Postmaster General Wana niaker, which characterize so many of our southern journals. We think that he has done a gr?at deal of good in the past and that Le wishes to put his department upon a business basis, and we are confident that if our lack of postal facilities be brought" to his attention he will improve them. First: All our business men wish a postal service put on the night train of The Charlotte and Augusta line. Letters after letters have been written about this matter to the proper postal authontie3, and twice Superintendent Terrell, of the Atlanta division, ha3 rec ommended that this service be piit on. We have gone to some trouble to as certain the amount of mail handled on this road by the night train, and we haye it from the railroad authorities themselves that from two thousand to twenty-five hundred pounds of mail matter is handled on each trip. Tins mail is made up, we. are informed, by thqclerkson the V ashmgton and Char lotte line for the large offices along Inc line of the southern road, undisplaced in the lianas ot the baggage master who puts it -ft at the proper stations. This is known amongst the postofHte people as "expressed" mail, and while it is little better than no service aft; all. it pas to be quite popular with certain es PAULOli M'lTS! Cuish Plush at Vt.t .00. Foi .i tr pike ;?." 00. ' . Silk Piush.at $(. GO. Former price, '$60.00. Wool Piusli at $:5.00. Former price, 45,00.- PIANOS AND ORGANS. W ilcox arid "White Orgnns and Det her Rips., C'hicktrinj; & S ns atd Whtelock Pi.mos. , . ; BED ROOM SUITS! Ant-ique-Oiik, Antique Aslic,-Cheny and AVahuit ut pritts lliat tlcty eonipttition. s r : A LAllGIi STOCK v Of Cl.'aiis, Siifts, y.iittitTwa of all Kii f!s Spring Ic(fs, "Work Tables for Ladies, Pictures and Piturc Frames of every stjle and q.ualfty ahvavs i stock, or will be made to pnkr on ihort r.otice at reason able L iicJs. EABV CARRIAGES.' , AJirge stock nf Baby Carriagps with wire wheels at $T.50. " Silk Plush Seat .acd Satin Tarasol Car riages wit li wire wheels at. only 1G.50. Formerly sold for $22.50. w. J. Davis. "go into complete details would - require i!ore tim tlnm 1 am disp-vsed todevte to the matter now, so I wiii single oui to-dav orfe nierchaut and see what he is doing. To begin: Now yon come along with 'me. We will walk out here on 'Try on street the prettiest thorough fare in the city. We cross -Independence Square. This is headquarters for politicians ;aud gcoeral caucus gatherings, and those men standing, about ill groups are discussing the' coming municipal election. Yes, they say right oyer there is where old Corn wall is sat and smoked his pipe, and figured on his davs of grace. But come along. UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT f Special attention given to urtUitakirg in all its Uranches, lit all hours clay and night. j ' . Paitics wishing my services at night wiJl call nt my residence on Bank street, in Brooklvn.M : r: Thanking my ' fi icncls and t he r rbli generally for pastJ patron age and asking a continuance of the saineI ani, Yours anxious to please, ' - Gr. W. Will GET, Leading Furniture Dealer.; Now we are in front of a' collossai three floor building. The display win dows are filled" with pretty things, and inside the humming "clattering voices of people can be heard. No doubt this is a representative store of the eity. We will go in. It is the greaV RACKET STOUE of Messrs.. W. J. & E. M. Davis. Just look ! What a building stacks and piles of goods before you, behind you, in Tfront of you, on all sides of you, urdpr you and over you ! Of course yon have heard of Mr. Mr. W. J. Davis, the owner of the store the power behind the throne. Let's see if we can find him. Yonder ! See that portly, statesman-like gentleman, with a pretty flowing beard, across there, smiling at th"se ladies that must be Air." Davis. Yes. We will approach -him. "Is this Mr. p.ivis ?" 'Well, no, not to-day; my name is Shields Ben Shields anything you ii u l.-i. ... n . ii.: . geuueiiicii wish, oust wau up iius wa.y, please just an inch further out of the way of those ladies please. Y es, Mr. Davis is about here somewhere." Hern is a rather oung looking man, but he niay be our bird. 4kJs,this Mr. Davis ?v we queried of a tall gentle man, twisting a black mustache. "No, sir, my name h Fletcher I am head tf the wholesale dejiartnieu.t." "Won't yon be ko kind as to help us hnd lum, sir ? "Certainly-fe-come this way,' and we followed the black mustache man into what they call the "Racket" annex, and there we fiud a gentleman: seated by the counter., ".He is busy writing an advertisement, but posessing the true type of a southern gentleman, he greets us cordially not simply from a busiuess polie-y but tke goodness of a heart which is reflected as truly in his 'open, handsome face. Tjiis is Mr. Davis. j Cl. 1:' 1 u;e mc-ivaU'wiit: .iire- a Cv;ri";:ii amount ixlur.tlilv 1 tliink the kills hundreds ff business nnn every ye ;r. Thereis jonei law tint will diaw 'men .t vi-u, and that is the law of then own intciyst. I5v getting the niuitery of goods w!h;j you buy you can keep it wlieji you seil. This I do, and. it craws inch to niv store their inlt-r si. "1 never think of making an article S cents if 1 cm sdiord to 'e!l it for 7, and, c indidly, I don't think 1 ought to. ()aick sales and pmall profits is one of flie l'oundHtio?i stones upon which the U icktt stands, il believe that the rule of big nndit's is 'defeat i, I have never asked two pront-i on the sann; goods and I do not expect !to. "Hut briefly i reckon on the great success of a kacket jests upon the fact that we always get the mastery when we buy and keeptthe mastery when we sell, a: d by infusing into our busiues a sv?c:es of liberahtv tiu'.t tew merchants practice. 1 havtj a perfect horror for thislciiugnig litueness i:i nnTchantile business, l'woujil rsither n1 it an ap parent injury than to h any person tle least bit wrong in a business trans action. 5 ' That wrong dealing would kill any business. A merchant j will always fiud it a paying ibusiuess to treat the puolTc rignt. "Again, I attrifiufe milch ef the suc cess of the Racket tomv own att Tition to business. I mil always among the first in th store in the morning and the last to leave at night." SOMETHING Alhl'TTllK BUSINESS The fame of the Charldtte R-icket stor' h;is gone ht until the people journeying through this section lnvan oiV'stop here andllook through it in wonder and annizenient general I store in It is the North or .eei We A TAI WITH MR. DAVIS, take a seat. He is an interest- in he hiV-rest South Carolina, aid its continued rapid growth is beginitdg to startle tbe com muniiy and put people to wonder where it wilfetid. Eveiy year one mn e room and new lines areadded,? and now d.ir ing this dull sea.4n, sixty clerks re required to wait upon the giat sir of customers tat : flock to "Racket" counrer. k ; ; , Mr. Davis yaii;l his e-lnnable wife a lady of rare Accomplishments and business ability lowits the: bus'ness, 1 and they have together built it 4ip from the bottom, workiiigf hand in hand. Mr. Charl for the Hack hand man. He hs teei with tue firm since its infancy, 4nd is now' a finely equipped buiiiefS ?iiari. i i Mr. Davis says liext .fali ;and next winter he expects to ejnployjfive hun dred clerks and hjs business this year of ;a million dey VJilhitns. is the buyer ket, anil Mr. Davis' right a qiiurters very close. C. Jb Kin v id riin thret very ch Journal. ng, in Atlanta postoffice officials. A few towns r c ?'ve a slight benefit from this iervice, the mailer towns receive none. To show the absurdity of this service we have to mention th:t mail for this place from all points along the lina of the Augusta road arrives. here in themorfi- at 1 o'clock in closed pouches for the Washington and Charlotte line, liie clerks on this line open and distribute (when they can) tins mail and send it back to us by the noon train, a delay of thirteen hours to our business men of this mail. If it should happen, as it undoubtedly does, that the clerks cannot distribute this mail before they meet the noon train at Reidsville it will be delayed twonty-fVur hcur. The night train on the Augusta Toad mak.s connection witli the one from Washington that brings the daily pa pers from the north; these papers then,, by reason of the fact that there is r.o4 service over the Augusta road at night, are delayed twelve hours to their sub scribers. s Second: Postal service is also needed on the night train of the Western Nort h. Carolina railroad. While the section of this State through which this 1 oad runs has increased wonderfully in the past year in wealth and population, the pos tal arrangements on that road are the same now 'as then. The same old, narrow, dingy curs and the same num ber of men. There are tens of thou sands of visitors every summer in this section from all parts of the United States. Large and growing towns are springing up all along the lino; the volume of mail is inerea-ing every year, -and yet from some cause or other there is no corresponding increase of the postal facilities, 'the railroad author ities state that they have been trying to get a postal service on the night train of this line for a number of years past but so far with success. Twenty pouches of letters of the like number of canvasses are "expressed" on this train in the care of the baggage master amounting to about two thousand pounds. The same condition of affairs exists on the line from Goldsboro to Greens boro. Only one train, the "day Hup," carries a postal ckfk. Only tw clerks run on that line and they are on duty every day in the week without .any rest whatever. A thousand pounds of mail is expressed every night over this line and as before only a few places re ceiving the benefit. Ftnirth: Over the short line from Hh'h Point to Randleman is aUo ex pressed a large lot of mail. This hue runs across an important manufactur ing Ki'r.rion and it is important that thev, as wll as the rest of u-, should have their mail delivered and dispute n-cu mnmntl v All tins "expressed" mail for the four roads above mentioned amoant-in-' to nearly sixty pouches of letters and ninety canvas.- or papers and weighing from four to five thousand pounds is made up and dispatched ') the clerk on the Washington and Charlotte line. This line is already congested with mail, as was. shown by reports last fall of a large amount of u n worked mail which was brought by this line into this office. If clerks wee put on fhe night train of these roads, the line from Washington would be greatly relieved, being then com pelled to make up one pouch and can vass where they now make up fifteen. They would have more time to work their mail. All this "express" inaii has to be made up and distributed after the clerks leave Danville, Va. 1 We have here on the two most im portant lines in the State only half a lack of pioper jnail facilities; business 1 'tiers requiring immediate ans.vers have to wait until the day train before they can be dispatched. The popula tion lai increased on these liurs three-fold and jyet no increase made of facilities. Towns have sprung up as if hy niagic ahjng the lin of the West ern North Carolina railroad, business is booming, sunimer travel is immense and yet the mail facilities, which should keep pa ;e with the industry and development o the cmntry, lag far behind. We vou!d like to know who is responsible f r the d feet. The pos tal authorities cannot plead ignor.iikce. The nattrr has been brought to their attention f. time and again. They answer they have no money with which to put it on. Why do thfy not get the money? Is not sufficient money.. 'appropriated? The general superintendent of R. M. S. was granted for the year ending June 30, 18D2, the sum of 0400,()00 for the payment of p.istal clerks, an increasa of half, a million dollars on estimates for last year. The ex'ense of having no money cannot be given any longer for failure to put on Increased service on the lines above indicated And we respectfully suggest t6 Congressmen Henderson, Alexander,. Crawford and Williams that they could do no higher service to their constituents than to have in creased nijii! facilities given them. They would th-.is benefit not a few people in their respective districts, but eveiy man woman mid child, rich and poor, white and i black, who writes a letter. The appropriation for the year ending Jnhe, in all p obability, has not yet been apportioned to the different divisions of The railway mail ."crvico of this country. Now is the time to strike for if. We need these increased facilities and must have them. L- t's examine this and see how much the additional cost would be if postal service were put on the following line?: To Augusta, three clerks at 1,000 per annum, v3.nH). v. rs. (J. K. ie., three cler.is at (XX) j er aniiuin. &,000. ' (jold.sboo to Greensboro, two clerks at $1,000 jier annum, &2,000. ll gh Point to Itandieman, one cierk at m)0, ftSOO. Total, 83,000. , The traicsare already running, the various roads receive p.y for carrying the "express" mail: thev are paid ac cord i ig to the weight of the mail car ried. We'have then half o! the State of North Carolina and a good portion of'Soi'ith Carolina deprived of needful mail facdi'fes supply because the paltry sum ol SIO,KK) i not tipip.riuted, or at least is not nvliilahle.' iv yout. raasica following t Ilcacrcas. The man who aUs down aiid. waifs to be appreciated will find himself, among uncalled-for luggage after the limited express has g me by. f", Miss de Jinks: "Are Professor Jerkins?" Prtiiesor Jorkin-: "Ye; huf, if you are going to play, don't mi ndm feelings!"' -s Wilson, the celebrated vocal Ut. was upset in his carriage uear -Eliuburg, A ikotch paper, after recording the n -cident, saidt We are hapnt to state ne was able to appetr the evening in thiee pieces. "What are you going to do with your hoy?" - "I think of geiting him on the p - ; lice force." "Il is he any special qualifications?' v "Well, he is never around wt eu he v is wanted." ' "It isn't always easy to keep truck '.of what Hhmk is s.iyiiTg." reaiarked a congressman in referring to his col league, "hut he is deep."'. 1 "es," was the reply, "he',3 .so ever--lasting dieep that I am constantly iu fear thatxhe is going to fall into him.-', stlf imd et let." The careless ue of the editorial "we" fretpiently g- ti new spapers into trouble And the., use of the word "we" in speaking of the people ol a whole country: is sometimes as "fatal -' at least this is-t he-opinion of the editor, of lin American paper why said re--celly, "we ate three million one hun dred thousand bags of peanuts last year." A young Germa!i officer rather n w to his work was drilling a squad of raw recruits, and. gave the word of command, "Lift the right leg!" 0.i of the soldiers by mistake, lifted the left leg. whichot'Vo.uio was cloe to" the right leg of his neighbor,- "Thun der and liliining." exclaimed- the of ficer, "what j ickauape lias lifted boti - S3'.iool. Th3 j?cav$ Ma. JThe programme of the third soiree of the Neave iMiisic School was pre faced by these rational remarks: The musical sky is so much obscure! by the pompous j arrogance aud dicta bt: pedantry, and the insincere, rhap sodic vaporihgs of affectation, that fre quent gales of common sense are needed to dispel the dense and suffocating clouds thus created, which impede the advancement of true musical education, darken appreciation, and beget the in sincerity' of -morl cowardice in many well-organized, genial people, making them feel ashamed to confess that they keenly enjjy melodious music; that, they prefer musical expression to har monic form devoid of it! Life -work is embodied in two main, self-respecting oblig i! ions; cue is cul tivated ability to support lite, the other, to make life worth living; the latter is largely achieved through at tractive accomplishments which give social value to their possessors. But both obligations should be as one and inseparable, in the application of at tainment, making each an aid to the other. In this respect, a true educa tion implying, at least, fine perform ance and fluent, reading of muic at first sight is the; Alpha and Omega of all practical ' edubat'ou; for as the Alpha it is the (jnry exercise in this life that trains the mental faculties to absolute concentiativjii, thus insuring efficiency in idl other skillful work, earnestly undertaken; and as the Omega it is chief of social urn lineiits. Piimariiy, then, the chief end of musical education is the promotion of social value, iu the home circle, the church, the concert room, et al. and uot us till indiscriminate production of quasi teachers of music, nor of ponder ous, automatic executants in eiocity, as imitation artists. "Mu-ic is the affectionate ait;" hence, at the outset and onward, the study and practice of it must be made attractive to pupils dtdet: table to all. liut thtiuusie ie"s-' r .- . Father (looking" over the paper) "More bad news! A hitherto unknown frog po-ud has b en di-eovtred in Ci.f tral Afrfca." - Mother "What is that to ns?" Father "What is that to us! It moans that every one of our uih ch.iidieu will have to have a new and revised edition of Highprice's go graphy." II:'. James Payne ielis the following story. The rector of a small country arih had the mist'ortune to break his leg; i: was a ease the vill.age ?ur-eou cou'd have mani'.ged easily, but the recT o'i wife was nervous and telegraphed for Sir Parker iVns from town at' once. TI; 1 lady's brother who under took to make the pecuniary arrange ments inquired what was the amount of the fee. "A hundred guineas," re plied Sir Parker airily. "Good I e.iv- en Jilv -brot nei -in-law only one hundre-l kng gentleman. ; I don'c believe any ti. ,.'...afu Af tliU ftoMpr.v for the ni..- . tUiWAnnntot An-'postal serviee. P.qrs and letteis are cierit E'-ypt have dnd( uMie repair delayed alut twelve h..ur.; every; one uf Uie lial Temptf. of Karnak. ' . ' living ou these hues has to suffer for a pedants, and' thrir ll unit as "classic" is, larmouic sound de- ihat impractical proselytes mostly at best, cniv fine void of soul, of no musical worth, ex cep't to students of form iii composi tion; and, in ' composition, harmonic forui is toe pro I ucjt of science on'y. while melody is the effspring of art of inspiration; just as iu performance, technique is c ie nee, nieieiy to form a channel for tile outflow of musical ex pression, and inusieul exres.sion is the art, the etoquence,j of musical recita lion. Mich as it may be through con ceptuiii and oiptl of any gude be iwixt the extreme ; from fine, impa ssioned iinii syutnici-ricai, tioifH locar.st, torpid ,ud .elliptical. 's living is . ind fifty a viirl - Cujjld yiju not make some (b-duetion? ' "Huih ha! The circumst -tnces lfiug such as you descrilw, let irs say pounds' instead of guineas." Soiling V3.' Pasturing. ' ." A Li Salle ronnty subseril)er -asks; "Whic'i in the best way and cheapest to summer tiiri: cows if pasture is ii.O'J -per mouthy and you cell get two iicres of good hind for 10, te iin work 3.00 jkm day. and give ail other labor? Would it pay to give clover, corn Tiii'l turnips gre:i in the stable, or what is best to plant imd feed in the summer? Would it pay to build arsilo for two or three cows with milk at five and six -cents per quart." If the land can be had for a year, fiuly. think it would be b4 to pas ture the cow until a crop of corn could be raised till hi tassel, -then, would take them from the "pasture and feed the corn cutting it as feed until juutured, then cut all up and tack in the field till cuied or else' run direct to silo. If the laud had been secured last fall a mi . hal f of jit seeded to rye it would have furnished fet d 'whib-- oats and corn were growing this spring. PlantL a succession "of torn a succession in variety and iu time of 4 planting. Y hen the' first "corn is off sow -indllet or turnin-'. perhaps nrdlet the very first, " then the ba-fauce to turnips; these may be sown till the-first or m (l ife of Aug- , u-4 and aive a crop that will pay t pul!. This is on the supposition that . the two ac-r-'S are n.j.ir and halidy to the feeding plate. If the fodder ?:as to be carii- d i-y baud, any distance, or a team hiii 1 at every, fet ding, of eour e the expen e "would be gieatly in cleaned and the profitableness cut down, it is the work t hat costs. ' . Clovtr m.ik'S a good soiling crop, but winter rye comes in' the earliest, spring wlieat, oats a id clover follow tiie main croo ioTti.is ieefioii of the Union being corn. As to the economy of a soil for two or three cows, ijlji ' uihtins has .to be buiit fin puipoe, th.' silage raised" on land at five .tolla;-.:- p-r acre, th woik done with hired teams at 3.t0 a day and the improbability of g tting a Suitable cu!t:r without tot) much out i.iy ot time or money, we question it, wliHii in all probability good bay Can bi bought in the fall or w inter delivereiT" at a reasonable pric. i Children Crv for Pitcher's Castori; ii i -- f Ni.