I ' I 111 .11 . . 1 F I ' . n, . Si- - WK. - - 1 l . I I ..II 1 ' m n i .6ii wdf r n o n tti nrT U VOL. XXn,--THHlD SERIES SALISBURY. N, C. THURSDAY, APRIL 23,1891. KO. 5. -31 a i for Infants and " "CMtori I recommend known to me. so well adapted to children that it as superior 10 any jjrsBwijjuuu TT A A luTRtIL M. D Ill So. Oxford L, Brooklyn, N. T. r ' v tin nwrite bo well known that it seema a work of supcreroritlon to endorse if. Few are the IntelURont f amiHes who do not keep Castona -within oasyriach." I, j j New York City. Lat Pastor Bloomingdale Jjefonned Churcta. Th Csjrritns y i TO CALL AT J. W. BOSTIAH S .! AntTsee his NEW STOCK of Dm fi os, lotions and Millinery. 0 Consisting of DRESS GODS, ; UNDERWEAR, NECKWEAR, ; SHIRTS. . ,;Wo make a specialty in UMBRELLAS; PARASOLS and CORSSTS. Tf.. ATrfTVViDV Inmt JiL ALA i 1 1 13 nu iv MissiAlddrsoiijofliakiniorc.;- and examine her stock. f rfne Leading Furniture iy SALISBURY. Is now oEoriria tlio Largest aiid ture cjer brought PARLOR SUITS! Molinir Crush Flush -at $C0.O0. Fornjer priee T5.00. Silk Plush at $50.00. Former price, $60.00. Wool Plush at $35.00. Former. price, $45,00. . 4Hl -.PIANOS AND ORGANS. Wilcox and "White Organs and Decher 'Bros., Chickering & Sons and Wheelock 'Pianos. BED ROOM SUITS! . Antique Oak, Antique Ashe, Cherry and Walnut at prices that defy competition. A LARGE STOCK Of Chairs, Safes, "Mat tresses of all Kinds Spring Buds, --Work Tables for Ladies, Pictures and PituFc Frames of every style and quality always in stock, or will be made to order on short notice at reason able prices. BABY CARRIAGES I A large stock of Baby-Carriages with wire wheels at $7.50. Silk Plush Seat and Satin Parasol Car riages with wire wheels at -only $10.50. ( Formerly sold for $2250 UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT! Special attention given to undertaking in all its branches, at all hours day and a night. Paities wishing my services at night will call at my residence on Bank sfreet, in 4 Brooklyn." - Thanking my -generally fdr past continuance of the f lg)ur8 anxious G.'W.WRIGHT, Leading Furniture Dealer. Children. Cutorfa enres Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructatioo, ' y Worma, gives sleep, and proiaotea d gestion, "Without injurious medication. i For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria. ' and shall always continue to do so as it has Invariably produced benfinriar results. j T- Edwiw F. PABon. H Tbe Winthrop," lCSth Street and 7th Ave New York City. Covnxr, Tt Mchrat Stbt, VkvXWL. NV1TED ! WHITE GOODS, LINENS, LACES, TRIMMINGS, WRAPS, -ROBES. rtnn nnrlr . flin m!inn.fffinifiiit of vjoii v. t..- You are earnestly invited to call " ' i Dealer pd Undertaker Best Assorted Stock of Furni- to tins place. o fed, fed o. A friends and the pubh patronage and ajking a same, I am, to please. A Fanatic voung knight raae Iks' battle-cry, 'I'll GgUt the eril till 1 die !" And forth he rushed vrith heedless mtght. To do his battle for the right. : AnJ recklessly he lakl about, And ruthlessly, and teltno doubt, But blindly struck whate'er he saw That seemed to him to have a, flaw. At length a doubt came to his mind : He paused and turned, and looked behind. Ala3! too late he understood How deftly mingles ill with good. With swimming eye, and reeling brain. He saw the good that he had slain. : nimself seemed evil to him now, And then he thought upon his'vow. And'lo, the warrior lay at rest, With his own dager in his bre?t! Lippincott'3 OUR WASHINGTON LETTEE i Diplomatic Eegrilatiiasr-Colanel Pftlk. as an urator senaior uaiium Senator Edmunds. Cor. of the Watchman. Washington, April 13, 1S91. Mr. Harrison is apprtreutry not at all .put out by the Italian war rumors which are apraiQ nvins tnicK ana ia3r,. 11 ne ksows any thing about the Italian gev- vernment having notifiad Mr. Blaine that if he .did not immediately satis factorily anwer its last dispatch it would break oil all diplomatic regula- tions ana lumma ny aisnnss our min isters from Home, as the cable aaysthe Italian newspapers have pastively stated for several days past-, lie keeps it well hid from those who see him. Ho is devoting his time to putting tmgs in shape for hit four or five weeks absence, which will begin to- morrw, ana wnicn t .course, wouia not begin at all if he had any idea now or serious ruptures with Italy. It is through the long pending; and more or 'ess troublesome question of a successor to U. S. Treasurer Huston has been at last solved by Mr. E. N. Nedecker, of Indiana, having agreed to accept th office, and the official announcement is Excepted to-day or to-morrow. Mr. Blaine seems luchned to lose hi temper because of thera.inncrin whieh the press has discussed ami .disposed of matter. V hen assed tor information as to whether his answer to thn last dispatch had been sent he petulantly repuea: me newspapers rrom tne I - I 11X11 t II Lteginning knew more about this affair than I have and have lonj ago settled it to suit them, what is the sons? of coming to me for information r" That the 'answer to that last dispatch' was written and read 'to the cabinet last week is certain, but whether it has yet been sent nly the President and members of the cabinet know, and they will not tell. It is believed by unprejudiced ob servers that th administration and the Canadian authorities are both using the reciprocity question for political ad vantages in the respective countries, and it would be dilhcult to hnd a mau here, who has given the present con dition of-things any serious study who believes that auy Canadian reciprocity treaty will ba negotiated by thepres ent administration, notwithstanding the appointment by Mr. Blaiiie of next October as the time to hear the Canadian propositions. The Mc- Kinley tariff law hits Canadian inUr ests hard, and it was intended to do that every thing. There is a well de nnea movement, aitnougn not yc an pen one, to compel Canada to ask for annexation, or take the commercial consequences. Trade reciprocity would intertere with this scheme, therefore there will be no reciprocity. So great an impression did CoJ. L. L. Polk, president of the National Farm ers Alliance, make upon the local All 1 1 Citizens Alliance by a speech delivered here last week, defining the objects and aims of the former organization, that it has ba determined to print a million copies, of it for general distribution. Although Colonel i-olk has spent a great deal of time in Washington for several years past, this was the first time he had made a public speech here, and many people were surprised to dis i . i t i covered that ne was an orator oi no mean ability. .. i y-i 11 1 i senator uuuom, wno is now nere, is so jubilant over the recent ejections in his State that he can scarcely talk about anything else, and his friends laughingly say that Ue has again ele vatedhis presidential lightning rod, which was taken down for reparis last fall. n i n l 1 i senator jamnnas denies most in dignantly that his resignation was the result of a bargain to transfer Secre tary Proctor of the Senate, i He says that Secretary Proctor did iiot know of the resignation until it was made public. All of which is doubtless strictlytrue, and yet it is generally be lieved hre that the name of the next Senator from Vermont will be Proc tor. Soma surprise was created here by the stand that Secretary Tracy has taken in regard to taking partisan pol- it.h.s i nnr. of t,nf navv v.irn nf t hf co'nntrr. There is no donbtahont that l.ainrr tlia nrnnar tliinrf fr An Knf inlrr -rp j. . j J" o " l " - J r inor frnm'nasl'. fxniiriinff nnnln luirdlv expected to see a Secretary a SrnLirF nf f he Navv display such an independent spirit, and will he watched with interest. The innovation wilLin districts that have i i . i i navy yards, as tney nave depended up on this patronage for the maintenance of their power. Meeting of Iredell County Alliance. Reported for tlie Vatclim?n Iredell County Alliance met in re gular session in Oak Institute, at Mooresville, Friday April 10th, and wascalled to order and opned in due form by the president, J.; B. Holman. The vice-president beingj. absent Bro. Stikeleather was requested to act in his stead. The chaplain also being absent Bro. J. W. A. Karr led the Al liance in prayer. - The minutes of the last session were read and approved. BroY A. J. Clark; Lee Morrow and T. J; Williams were appointed a com mittee on credentials, which committee after examination of credentials r ported 15 sub-alliances represented. On motion tle calliag of the roll was dispensed with. On motion of firo-iM. W. White, Bro. A. Leazer was called on and mad an address to the edification of all pres ent.. On motion a recess an hour and thirty minutes was taken for re freshments. AFTERNOON" 6ES3ION. The Alliance was called to order by the president. Bro. Leazer read the plan of organizing a lecture syatem as promulgated by president L. L. Polk. It was moved and carried that Bro. J. D. Cliek, lecturer for Iredell County Alliance and all subordinate -lecturers be instructed to attend the organ izv tion of the District Alliance at States rille on April 21st. County business agent submitted his quarterly report which on motion was adopted. The following resolution was intro duced and adopted: W hereas, We have read an article in the Statesville Landmark of March 19th, in which the following occurs: lCol. Polk gave it out that there were 4,000,000 people belonging to the la bor organizations in this country who will not vote for Mr. Cleveland next year if he is nominated." The edito rial goes on to sav that the writer knows the people of North Carolina and if CoU Polk stands on one side and says "this way," and Mr. Cleveland stands on the other , and savs "this way," that four-fifths of them will en roll under the Cleveland banner. There fore Resolved. That we, the members of Iredell County Alliance, deprecate such utterances, and believe it is doac for the purpose orcausing dissatisfac tion and to reflpct upon the honor, in telligence and leyaltv of our members. vve believe that our members in North Carolina and throughout the Union are in earnest for reform, aad that no man is of more importance than one of our great principles. Resolved 2, That Iredell County Al liance is in favor of such public officers only as favor the demands of the Oca- la platform, and will not beud the Al- llance platform to suit the views of any man in either party, they must come to U3. Bro. M. W. White offered the fol lowing resolution which was unani mously adopted: Whereas, A lecturer has been ap pointed for the 7th Congressional dis trict, and a legislative council sooa to be organized and all the counties com posing the district that havjj been ask ed to, have endorsed The Carolina Watchman as the official organ of the district. Therefore, Resolved, That Iredell County Al liance endorse the Carolina VV atch man, and instruct our delegates to the district Alliance to b3 organized at- Statesville April 21st, to vote for its endorsement as the organ of this dis trict Alliance. On motion of Bro. Kerr, Statesyille was chosen as the next place of meet ing. . . . .i i A resolution ot thank3 was tendered bv Bro. Stikeleather. to the people of Mooresville and table manner in ed the Alliance the use of Oak Thar hainff no other bwsiness be fore the Alliance it adjourned to meet at Statesville on the second Friday in Jnlv. SECRETARY. j China Grove Items. EVERT THING LOVELY AND THECHICKEN HANGS niGH. Correspondence of the Watchnian, Dr. G. A. Ramsueriias been s confin for the ed to his room with4he grip past eight days. Four hundred tons ot guano nave been sold byour merchants this sprig. Miss XJennie bloop, a charming you nglady from Mill Bridge, is visit- mgner friend, Miss Dettie raiierson, this week. Rev. H. W. Bays, D. D., of Coc- cord has accepted an invitation tor de liver the annual address at the closing exercises of China Grove Academy. The closing exercises or the China Grove Academy will take place on the night of April 30th, May lst in the morning and at night. The editor of the Watchman was His Call in China Grove last bunday. friends were glad to see him. I ncain. Miss Cora" Patterson's music class I ol- thn acdpiTlT will Tender . a delight- I Al I fnl cantata at the close Dl the session Ann HO at 7 P. m. I ..j RAlicrinns services are held at the city hall every Thursday night by Rev. C. A, Marks, "at which time all busi ness is suspended. PVprvthiner is livelv and chickens - --- n ml W. vicinitv for the hospi- ea tne uiue ieuuwauu me wuw - - s w I ajaoatna Diaw finance, or uie euuor . . J., . . 1 K- T?L K, V,- r.Mn tha Kfl DO pleased With it. A l.uUJi -...,, wnicn tney enieruam- iui. Hy51i..iUu v ..- .-cr. n J.Qnnrl abanl nt TTn-1 Vl lu" AKut- oltl also to Bro. Clark for tie fellow with a round oi cararjoara . - a- r dailv becominemore popular,: and are "inltUute umberl lite tke foe. of a clock ad h 1 ?Z' W ...do in all Z SUty.-UU run high. I ' : , . . o mmm How to Cook Husbands. GOOD COUNSEL TO WOMEJT WHO MARRIED AND TO THOSE WHO WOULD LIKE TO BE. ASK uwuu XAUUStf Kt-DI HCTT irl 1 1 Larson has given the following recipe I for cooking husbands, which we hope all whp have an occasion to use may nna successful: A good many husbands are utterly spox.ed by mismanagement. Some women go about as if their husbands were bladders, and blow them nn: oth- , f-y iip cuuswiiwjin noi water; uiuers iet mem ireeze ny carelessness I ness and indifference. Some keep tnem in a stew by irritating wajs and iTwiu.?. vuicis rwisi, mem. Dome keep them in pickle all their lives. It cannot be supposed that any husband will be tender and good, managed in in this way. but thev ara .rp.alU rlli- nrni4o fill. 1. ii n cieus when properly treated, in selec-1 ting your husband you should not be guided .fry the silvery appearanee as in buying mackerel; nor by golden unt, as if you wanted salmon. Be sure to select him yourself, as tastes differ. Do not go to rnarkt for him. as the best are always brought to your I a- is iar oener io nave noneun- less you will patiently learn how to cook him. A preserving kettle of the very finest porcelain is best, but if you hav nothing but an earthernware pipkin, it will do with care. See that I the linen in which you wrap him is nicely washed and mended, with the I required number of buttons and strings I nicely sewed on. Tie hira in the ket- tie by a strong silk cord called 4t com- fort, as the old one called "duty it apt to be weak. They are apt to fly out of the kettle, and be burned and crusted on the edges, since, like crabs and lobsters, you have to cook them while alive. Make a elear stead v fire Is out of love, neatness and cheerfulness, et him as near this as seems to agree with him. If he sputters and fizzes, do not be anxious; some husbands do this until they are quite done. Add a little sugar in the form of what con fectioners call kisses, but no vinegar or pepper on any account. A little spice improves them, but It must be used with judgement. Do not stick any sharp instrument into him to see if he is becoming tender. Stir him gently; watch the while lest he lie too flat and close to the kettle, and so became useless. You cannot fail to tell wlum he is dene. If thus treated you will find him very digestible, agreeing very nicely with you and the children, and he will keep as "long as you want, unless you become careless -hd set him in too cool a place." . A Bible Clock, Correspondence ot the Watchman. Glasgow, Scotland, March, 25. 1891. I wonder if auy of your children know what a bible clock i. I mean to tell you how to make one; also about the first one which wa made. The Rev. Mr. Robertson, of Edinburg, a man very fond of little boy and . .1 !! ll girls, was in tne naoit or visiting tne siek children's hospital near his home. The little folks in this house of suffer ing used to eagerly await his coming, and when well enough would be placed near the window to watch his approach. One day; when he called a little fel low told hira that he had not slept at all the nieht before, but had heard every weary toll from rounding church steeples, it be a good thing to have think on each hour ? the sur "Wouldn't a text 16 You could choose one for the first hour, two for the second and so on, always having your first word introduced in all your texts, and then you would have a bible clock all to yourself. The idea pleas- a text opposite eacn nuruuer. xuur . i i i i littleiolks eould get a round of card board and put the figures of a clock h it, then search out the suitable texts. I It will interest you1 in, and make you better acquainted with your bibles. There are many words you might choose. Suppose we take wis dom as an example. I. Wisdom- II. Get wisdom. . I I I. Keep sound wisdom. IV. Wisdom is defence. V. Wisdom is better than rubies. VI. The rod and reproof gives wis dom. VII. He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous. VIII. Happy is the man who find- eth wisdom. IX. Wisdom riseth in the heart of him that hath understanding. X. Ho much better is it U get wisdom! than gold. XL IThere is no wisdom nor under- standing nor counsel against the Lord. Y1I T How manifold are thy words, In wisdom hast thou made them all. M. E. Wiley. John C. Calhoun said: "Why com pel the people to pay interest tn gov ernment credit through the banks, coiA orarlif pnnlrl he extended di- rect to the people without interest ?" The people are bow not only paying interest on government credit, but are pavineuorraousinterestonthe money wnnu sfiiu V.-V4- ' . issued on the government credit, is two-fold robbery. This viubn ii w J . r-" i i it' - j ii III I . A L 1 U .i.mKav V aiiii I VUVUCU T Wi uiu pwwinxuuwuH til- 11 rl K A I ' Organizing. Evidnre is coming in from all nides that the farmers thronghout the couatry ate organizing for self-protec- tl ' it i . 1 .i . i.iuu. it is one oi tne test . siicns that LllPV IifCTl II Tn CM f la tha nvSmA method to secure. themselves against those who have been plundering them right and left in the past W hope this organization will not end in the mere establishment of ex- changes for selling produce and pur- chasing the necessaries of life for the farmers. Thww thincra m n lr fha I - . aw 1 oegining oi tne retorms whicli are needed. It is one great stepnn the right direction to get this much, and if wecan get no more we may congratu- each other on accomplishing this much. But let us get more. Farmers constitute a vast majority of the citizens in our country and they should. have the corresDondinc ma- ioritr in all the responsible positions in legislation throughout the land. From the presideat of the United -States to the Governor representatives in our State Legislature the farmers should be in the majority. It is the height of folly say. to take no organized action about who shall make or execute our I iaw?. t e wannarmers ana ineinenas of agriculture wherever we can get them, and we must have farmers at the head of political affairs if we should have them we wish them, It is very well known that laws are of such an intricate nature now that verv few can understand them and the way is hard to find out. The vast machinery I of the law is more complicated than steam engines or electrical motors and why ? Because oar rulrs have been to a very great extent lawyers men who have no sympathy with far- raers, and whose interest consisting in I promoting ieuas instead or cultivating place; who grow fat upon laws which ha e been fashioned specially to ac complish tbfi end. We want plain, hard common-sense farmers in. the majority, that laws may be made plain and justice may be had without the necessity of quibbles and technicalities, and without the change or escape of crimi'ials through the ira nwion of a word or the neglect of a formality. Most of all we want farmers in the majority in State and United "States legislative halls, that farmers may have their just share of benefits coming from laws which bear upon"farming interests. We should have the Presi dent, Governors and legislators, to the extent necessarv to secure these riehts 1 which are now torn from us to build' up millionaire manufacturers, corpor ations and monopolies generally as well as the vast truths which openly defy the right in their greed after the far mers' toil-earned dollars. Let the organizing go, farther then, than selling of produce and the buying of a few articles for the house and farm. Let it resolve, not for the spirit of Democrat or Republican, but in earnest co-operation to place farmers to rule over us, to make and execute the laws upon which depend all our welfare and happiness. Maryland Farmer. Prom Academy Alliance. Mr. Editob: I have been reading the Watchman for sometime, but have never seen anything from the Acade- j my Alliance. Why the secretary of our Alliance does not write, is more than l know. ? The officers of the Academy Alii-! ance are as follows: N. B. Brown,! president: D. D. Peeler, vice-president; H. C. Peeler, secretary: Paul Peeler treasurer, I can say the Academy Alliance is still alive. They have ordered about $150 worth of guano through their opened oy our oia supenni 4 The officers were eleeted as follows: S. A. Earnhardt, superintendent, J. F. Black well, assistant, J. M. JPeeler, secretary, C. C. Lyerly, assistant, M. J. Walton Treasurer. YVe had a large congregation that day and hope to have on every Sabbath. i v. l a . . r raiernaiij, ojcuitisiAit i. ! Letter Prom Sodom. Correspondence of the Watchman. Mb. Editor: You have been want in the people of Rowan county to write td your paper, bo if yoa will al- j low me :a little space I will let you j know how the people in and around Sodom are progressing. . i The farmers are busy preparing their land to plant corn and cotton. The farmers are behind with their work. Wheat and winter oats are looking well, I think the wheat and oats crop in this neighborhood will good this year, if the season continues g00d. One night last week some unknown nurties went into the smoke house of b. A. Kudacii and iook some moiasses and corn. I would advise the people to keep their smoke houses locked. Mr. C. A. Guffy has been down for sometime with his baek. He had to call in t he-doctor. Tattler. -r -t 1.1 1 ...1 i , , . , , it . l l Mne oldest oee-Keeper m xne worm lives, at present, m Russia. He is ninety-eight years of age and attends to the bees u the Monastry XPalsha- ieff. Rolrhrien. His mother died last year at the; auvanced aged oi izd years. ' i i cn Dairy Kotes. , It you have not covered the ice in the ice house, nov is the best time to do it. ; - "rr-K,- An Englishman has started a factory at ATosa, in Norway, for the ; manufac ture from niilk of a substance like ivory, for which invention has taken out a patent - ' . " Mr. Fairman J. Mann, of theManor Farm, Norfolk, England, publishes tko returnof his small herd of red polled Cattlfl sbfiwinw an nnrmtil oriru vil,l ' " " to . MVVI fc. La. v tblU Prcw ot u,03U pounds of-milk. All farmers who are studvini? their business as the merchant, the lawyer, thedoctor and the banker study theirs will learn something from the agricul tural experiment stations. An observing farmer at an institute, said: May farmers who keep beard ing houses forcows run them . n"the" European plau The eow," hover, al ways pap on tlieJGuropean plan. She only pays for whakshe receives; notb . in 8 more- g more. ' The butter-maker wno attempts to wander through the mysteries of hi Dusi uess without a . .thermometer ii . quite as fooliah asi .the mariner who -trusts himself afar on the deep without a compass, and will quite as certainly come to grief. 7 . Do not spare sulpher from the mix ture when you salt your cattle. It will cool and purify their blood, and proba- wy save yu from "aving the distemper or blouny murrain, bulphur is the only remedy I hare found, says Y. W, Hobson, in one of our exchanges. ' A few weeks ngo there was quite a stir made by reports in the papers that deposits of cheese had been found near Searsboro, Lowa that was aU good a the geuuine, and could be sold for five - cents per hundred pounds and the owner of the "find" make nioney. It proved a hoax. --- At the last annual meet ingof the Illinois Dairy men's Association areso lution was p,assed asking that the State Legislature pass a. law compelling the makers of -boguabitter and filled cheese, color their products pink. ''..The bills providing for this have been in- -trod uced and ordered printed. , They should pass. '" J r When there is trouble about the separation ef the butter from. the milk, a correipondent of the American Ag riculturist fays that addiug a quart of water at sixty-four degrees, in whieh a teaspoon tul ot salt baa been dissolved, to each four quarts of cream, wb'en. ready to start tlMK:h urn, whieh ha redu ced the time of churning from threu hours to twenty minutes. The Tennessee Far merJs -authority. fr saying that whole cotton seed can be cooked withoat any other heat than that which it will generate ilself. Add, to the seed one-fifth of its bulk of wheat bran, wet with cold water, and mii thoroughly; place in a tight box, and in twenty-four hours the seds will be so well cooked that they, will mash easily between, the thumb and finger. ' - ' - - Prof. Witcher.of the New Hampshire Experiment statienrfinds that the milk I from his herd costs an average of 2.74 cents per quart on good feed. The best cow is at a cost of 1.59 cents, while the milk ef the poorest cow cost 4.20 cents. On a richer-ration the cost from the best cow was reduced to 1.32 cents, while the same cow. fed on a poor, in nutricious ration, the cost went np to 5.35 cents per Quart. Feed as well 9 breed is needed to make cheap milk. Grangers of Deleware fox To Per Cent. The suggestion introduced into' the hv.Alliances and Grangers. The Dela ware State Crange at its recent- session passed the subjoined resolution: We demand that the amount of the. circulating medium be increased by the General Government to about $50 per capita, and that this may speedily be brought about, we endorse the propo sition te loan money on real estate se curity at a rate of interest riot to exceed 2r per ent, with proper . limitations ; upon the quality of land and amount of money. High Wages.- Chauncay Depew geU $100,000 a year in salaries. The president,' vice president and comptroUerrjf-the Equi table Insurance Co., receive together $115,000 a year. Betrs of ISew York Life gets $00,000. Olcott of Central Trust Co., same. Lots of these men get $35,000 a year. Seme of the, fel lows too much. How much brighter are they than their fathers, who sat around is ew England cross-road store, whittling and swapping jack-knives ? Chicago Sentinel. The farmers are organizing for self protection . and preservation, TIm are not fightiug any other orgairiz -tion or any other class, but are simply working for their interest in wa that will be to the-best interest of t: eountry. They ask nothing that i- inconsiderate with the general welfare or iu conflict with the constitution. Childna Cry for Pitcher's Ptoria, -'--.'''p.:.: ; - I ' - j " . c , r