VOL. XXII. -THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C-. THURSDAY, APRIL SO, 189L NO. 26. ; t - for Infants and 'Catof!ft Is so wfeU adapts to cblMren that I recommend it as bfipkrior to any prescription taowa tojne." it- . Aecher, ?I. D., 111 So. Oiiora St, ErooUn, 2i. Y. Th r.m of 'Castoria' is m universal and IU; merits bo well kWnt&U it teems a work of Burrerotlra Co endorse it. Fewarethe Intellect fami(iewbo do not keep Ca&ioria witldu easy roach. " - Caklos JLinTTH. P.D., i i ' New York City. tytor BlooiwnsJaXe Beforaaed Church - . MRtBGDY ts INVITE))! TO CAUL AT w Ana sec Ins XEVT STOCK of W mm Notioris : . -' - T" dukss coons, HOSIERY, UNDEilWiCAP, XHCRWIv '--ml 1 V c make a spt la Itv and CORSETS. .My- -M 1 1 A rN it 1 is now Mi.fs AhU'i'son, if JJalthnoiv. i , H :adt.xq r A T T'O DI T OaLiODU Heside oadi otlier trim inl fiat :-Two p:irs of Vjctuiles hitve a cliat, rTulkii)if-:tw:iv ;ts srxk-tiiclt-'S c:ill, -rn.h ;is l.'licahl it, thus it ran. i ttwo ..a :t. ..rii. . - t.;. '!. ! To tiro m)14;ii pair niade ii)lerii-v ise, "Li 'is liuve a talk ei'o the- rood folk-; i'An.l chat tHI 1,1 nrv opens her Aj?pare!itlv the gold hair no-hie 1 assent, vvit'a arms' i-akiniho attention lent, hi'ie the sil ver pair his kerchief drew And then his nose moist vigorously blew. 'jThen wiping a tear-!rom his big round 1 1.e 1 egan b v; t el 1 i n g of days gone by, r first left his eve,. .V ben Youthful vird An4 to see distinctly he vainly tried r - ;W hen at hist my jrHod master souirht Biwsnet Hros. ami tl en T wa.i. bough tL. r roni their Hock e 'v largi. . i AVith examination ete and very free no e.tra ciKirge. Tl lev t(ld him T was the fljiesf, fluv had i suit' in v father, njot more than a 1 d. inen-f biding nrv -itwav, ; arias laid me gently And -told him to weak-hiosUy on cloudy days. These ni any vears ny nnister has -.had. Faitht-ul service, nevjer bad, Vhiy; wit youx mistress side by side MjiHy happy hours ye helped pr vith?. '.'AN ell do J remember1 a sorrow of the . past . hi n. master brouglit you here to stay, And thinking me.no earthly use, he me aside (lid lay, Tl ins perhaps to can cer and dec.T'". and. ux amine n(jr stock., " . .. ! j rf. b. REISNER & BRO., v. I-. ! . - .! S1AIES1LLE M1RBLE WORKS a - K Is" tho 'Blade to Get Monuments, Tombstones, &c . . i i- - 6;; .r - AG .sl0T of v EKMONT MARBLE to arrive in a few dr ys I guarailce -iv.iiou iu eyery respect and positively Granite Monuments Of all kinds 251JV . I .1 . Children. Cantoria cures Colici Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, , Kfa Vonaa, give sieep, and proiootcs cH gestion, ,. "Without injanons medication. v " Fw MTPral years I hare rftcommeivVd your ' Castoria, and shall always continue w, do so a it baa iu variably produced beneficial; rasuiis." ' I Edwin F. Pardei. M. D., "The Wlnttrop," lCStli Street and 7th Ave., Kew York City, WHITE GOOPS, T T T ! , l 11, i LA0E8, TIUMMFN'C "4 and Millinery. of '. . ! WRAPS, ! ". ROBES. in UMBRELLAS. PARASOLS t))(Ml linger tho managamont of i'ou arc earn"stiv'invilcl to call i JEWELERS, r KT Iv x , IN. Well for me noy, bv lleisiit-rs said, ; Or oil' rav shoulders would have went my head, j Told my master to try mt for seeing away. ; Quite certain, they said, I'd last many more days. . i From that day -to this no sorrow we've known, . A nd to riye vears together we've grown. Doin our duty only sj)ecKs can, Brouglit here to bless. both vvomai and man. 1 ' i Never-a tear has our 'masters shed, Never a happier life was sped, Never regretting that he was sentj Where he tpurehaseV the sjecks that made him content. Times have changed since first we came, But' their large stock is just the siinie. They tell to all as they spoke of us: Only finest goods advertise them thus. Now just as the day begins to bredk, Before their competitors can get awfake, Let us write on the wall just over then Don t waste your substance on desert air. " ' . So say .we and so say all; Big stock, .push and know-how the kill rotl the ball. - A on all ways buy what they represent, Ami never (we never) yah you repent If fourteen. karat true and straigh Or lowe" by six, thus making it eight. If Boss- filled or Crescent the cases may be, j They -will alhvays turn out as they guarantee. " Now let us rap you on the pate,' ; And veil iiryour ear: Don't be tbo late! If one thing you would have than! an other, Come and buy of , j will not be undersold. a specialty. C. B. WEBB, . i PllOPUlETOE. The Diffcreuc. You go upon the board of trade. Where margin merchnnts meet. And take some little ojitiotia On January wheat; Yon watch the little ticker, Till the Uand3 swing rcun l the ting, Then you find your little boodle IFas gone a-glinimering. That's business. You go inirt a" faro.ixank And buy a f-taek of chip?, And WHtch the cards come from the Ikx Which the dealer deftly flips; When your bead is dull and acjiing, Atjlic breaking of the day, Yon see that fivkle fortune, Ha3 gone the' other way. That's gamblings Ciucinuatti Telegram. BILL NYE! IN TEXAS. His Annual Farewell Tour of State. the Ik Texas, ) Down ey the Bio Gkaxde. ) I am preparing at this time a large and costly testimonial forthe young man who suggested the idea of making this spring my first grand annual fare well tour of Texas. It has been a great success from a boxtdiiee and so cial standpoint. Artistically, of course, the carping critic might see places where he could hav done a great deal better himsejf. Texas, as we know already, is a mighty empire of itself, connecting the stern and sturdy elements ot the r nrmersA Alliance ot Kansas on the north with the romantic yet peppery (jnixu'e of t he south. Here the sad and solemn lubricator, vulgarly called the greaser, spends h.is patrimony on a!i eight pound hat, and with what he has left he btivs a horse. 1 never lire of looking at the delirious clothes of a prosperous greaser. They are wildly beautiful to one who loves, as I do, to see a hand to -hand contest to a fin ish between strong colors. On Sunday 1 attended divine wor hip at the Mexican cathedral in San Antonio. It affords me a grand op portunity to look: at the clothes of the congregation, as we do at home, also to study the faces of the people us tney came out. Religion does not seem if. afford the Mexican. much joy or com- fort.i He jroes through it, however, as one gets his teeth repaired not for the delirio-.is thrill of joy he finds lurk ing in the job itself, Out as a precau tionary measure and as an evidence ol 4iis powers of endurances The ladies of the congregation, it seemed to me, -showed better taste in proportion to their means thau the gentlenieji. They dressed plainly, and seemed to favor deep mourning where ever there was an excuse for it. Some of them, I jadge, were mourning on very slight provocation that is. if they weiv mourning tiie loss of Mich hus bands as I was permitted to see samples of. The men wore large hats, heavily embroidered, and whatever else they could get in the way of clothes. J never saw people sun so much hats or seem indifferent to outer clothes. I i t i i saw one man ai cnurcn wuo wore a massive Mexican hat with two or three pounds of silver braid on it, and u leather cinch with two saver buckles for a baud. He also wore a beautiful' pair of lilac trousers. 0;;e man in the amen corner of the cathedral wore no ceat or vest, but had a shirt made of buff calico, with irrim figures on it, and it was made with puffed sleeves and a Stewart collar. He had also socked his inheritance into a hat. I 1. . i: i a . i auu wore nenoirope trousers ot tlie the time of Queen Elizabeth. Dallas is probably (he most prosper ous of Texsis cities. Some well known wnterup of towns possibly Charles Dudley Warner states that if you draw a circle, using a radius of 100 milrs, with Dallas as the center, you will have therein thirty-four counties I was too tired to try it while at Dallas, and could not get a 100 mile radius at any of the places where I looked Some of the stores didn't seem to have any radius at all. These thirty-four counties produce nearly half of the cotton of Texas, also more than halt the oafs and wheat. It is a very fertile district indeed. Th sou is rich and de.-p, and cotton just grwws wuu ine sugnresi encourage ment. I never saw so much cotton an v where before as I have seen on this trip. Down flear Waco pro nouueed- W ay there is an !d time cottou planter who runs his plantation just as they used to before the war. onlv, ot course, he can t show as an abstract of title to'h.is help, but he has the large black negro with tht white eye, and that negro 'knows his place. He is fed, watered and locked L 1 . .J".. 1 MM out ior every uay. i ne mules are locked up also, so there is no frojick ingover the countrv ht'night with the stock. Severe vsteni is the rule, and $20,000 is the cotton croft while the negroes themselves are any of them fat enough to kill, and their happy songs in tht cotton held show thai healthful discipline, regular hours land regular meals agree with them. in this way they have very htth temptation to monkey with the flow tug bowl. Bum is highly injuriods to tne negro, vniie. unquestionably beneficial to the white man, mailing Hint; bright and highly ' con Vkrsalio:nal t is not proper for the negro.' I juus u:s sensiuuities ana makes uui dinost cMirse. 1 met one of then h-r in TeXits who had, become some what al licttd to the use of Ihnior ! foi ! medical purposes. Hp said that, he had drowned several of his more sick!' and feeble sorrows in I hat way, but. he said they always swelled np and came to the surface on the following day bigger, and more disagreeable than ever. 'I said that was a good simile. He said he didn't know what it wa. out it was so. I found that lie was talkative, and so I conversed with him He said tliat he had got all his work done up ahead and got all over the rush before I came: so th.nt he could have a real good visit with me when got here. I judged that it had been several years since he had ben bu'sy , however. He said that Texas was advancing rapidly, he thought, in the matter of civilization. I said "res," with a ris ing inflection. He said that she was now safely past the crisis, he though t-V lietween the customs of the cliff dwel lers and finger bowls. "Some of us, of e'ose,is raw yit,but we aradvaneing. I would like to have you the guest of our club here this even in', sab, if you will come down the upper Congo club it is called, sah. We run it on eco nomical principles, sah, but is a cpiite, home-like place, whar you kin go for a hour or two, check your old razor and iiijoi'u youself." It .was a quiet and rather unpreten tious place the. Upper Congo club, oc cupied during the day as a laundry and Tuesdays and Fridays as a club room. The franchise of the club consisted of the inalienable right to meet, medicate and adjourn. - The club properly con sisted of a guest's register, made in imitation of the butcher's order book, with a pine led pencil tied, to it by a st ing, a gallon beer pail and a set of dominoes. The Upper Congo club allows no millionaires' sons to -join. Ot course if a member should become a million aires' son after he had united with the club he cannot be expelled Without a two-thirds vote; but I was told -that 'brains" and brains only was the rpial ification self-made "brains. Wealth could not come in and corrupt the pure thought ganglia of the Upper Congo club. Sam Jones preached in Texas and ectured and licked the mayor cf P u- est ine last fall. Every where one goes good hears of Sam Jones and the work done by him. A'so by Dr. mage, who, with Mi'.'Jowes .,aud sen, iurnisneu a star course ot lectures -ii - i the p:ist season ior Texas with- great success, people coining, in some instan- es, for liunareds of macs, bringing heir dinners and - paying a dollar tp!ec", looking upon us v;tn awe- truck teat u res fur a tew moments and then retiring cheerfully to their listant homes. Texas people s iv that Sam Jones re- minus them or J mil the l oreruam r in some ways, onlv thaf. John, so far as thev know, did not eat with his knife. Sam, however is a plain off hand man, and since he and I and Dr. Talmage have worked together in Texas I do not feel like hearing either one criticised, and I know that neither one would sit calmly by and allow me to be run dow n. Dallas is beautifully surrounded by the State ot lexas ana U.uc unit, a . r. try s 1 1 nf handsome suburb, with a thriving ho- tel and a vigorous girls' college. Also a pavillion fer speakers and concerts duriug the summer, and a menagerie. There is a train running between Oak Cliff and Dallas which is called an ac commodation. It is ow ned by the ho tel, and the proprietor throws iu the railroad. I say this so that the inter state commerce outfit may look into the matter and throttle this giant evil. Dallas did a business in 1SS9 of over S3 1,000,000. Since then trade has reatly increased. While there 1 met a company of Boston capitalists, head ed by ex-Governor BracKett. I hey had just bought a building for $250,- 000 that day. Four million dollars are (or is) invested iu factories and the yearly product is over 8,000,000. I was also in Dallas two days, and put quite a little sum of money in circula tion while there. I cannot help it. The western spirit - of freedom and reckless expenditure conies over me, and I buy the morning paper some times and do not read half of it. I went to see the "Ulcmeuceuu Case j while in Dallas. I had avoided it while in New York, but the pictures and printing were so beautiful that 1 accepted theJnvitatioH of a real nice man and went to see thw ''Clemenceau Case." I will never have to do so any more. I write down my confession that I did go with much sorrow and regret, but I cannot conceal it any longer. The play is said to have a beautiful moral concealed iu it. There was no oncealment in the play with this ex ception, though. The story is on the order of a train book now meeting with a large sale, called "The Sin of the Strawberry Blonde; or, Drowning Out the Gopher in My Grai.d.nother's Grave," by Pearl Studebaker. The heroine is strangely be xutiful in her lithographs and poses as an artist's model in one of the acts. If was very still during this scene. You could have almost heard a cough drop. After it wsis over, and the artist threw jl piano cover oyer his model, the en tire audience turned around and looked it me with a keen, searching glance. . I looked around also, as who would v, 4 Who is it ?" but that did not wwk. V wa;s discovered. It : ' t.iuuhi me a lesson this huh , fi i iiivmciib, it was that he that ddvertiseth and bil eth a town should not seek to conceal himself in an audience, especially if jrs lithograph shows a tunrked resem bl mce in him. The K.ii-hts of i Pythias held a con clave at Dallas whil I was there. I wove a badge in order to be -soci able, an 1 by that means learned of different gr ps and signs cf distress. I think ii w I could ,worUtiy way into a lodge if I could have time and a large cork screw. In shaking hands with many s rangers during the past yenr or two while travelling and making a wide acquaintance, looking to any acciden t d turn in affairs in 1892, I am struck by the large and varied number of grips given me which I am not able to classify. i . 1 would think! that a man who belonged to most all the secret societies must have very little time to devote to his business aftsr successfully remem bering all the grips, signs, pass words, explanation?, signals, rituals, work of degrees, constitutions, by-laws, reports - vi committees, initiations, communi cations and new businss, good of the order, violation of obligations, opening odes, manual of arms, laying of corner stones and funeral services. If I had all these in my head I could just about remember the combination of my safe, but 1 would not be mf ntally ade quate to anything further than that. If it rained, some "ood friend who had my best interests at heart would proba- b!y have to take me by the hand and onng me in. Bill Nye. 1'IIO.U NORTH IREDELL. V Q taint Relic Hie Moorcsville Meeting1 Other Notes. tom-snoa '.ence of the Watchman. Your corrosnondthifc hud tin nlon- I IITil of SnfMirimiT n t hart. Hmr ruif lnrr I 1 . r r ago with -Irs. I)altbnrof Houstonville, N. C, and while there saw, quite a relic. This was a sword that was used by one Colon Hunter, about the year l o. ne iiau it when the regu lators started to Hillsborough to re- leao Herman Husband, who had been captured by Governor Tryon's army. This lady also has in her pos sesion a sword which her grandfather used in .the revolutionary war. Mrs. Dalton has a number of curiosities, and is one or the most intelligent women that I ever had the pleasure of con versing with. She can trace her an cestors back for seneiations. Uoustonvillo Alliance is 0. K., al though vg never hear much said about it. We number about sixty-five, and the most, of our ..members are of the true gri At our Ja-t meeting tht Watchman was pressed very close for subscription,, and-1 think in the near future we shall be able to ?end you some suoseni.er-'. were jroini? to take Several said they tr. I w is annointed a deleaafe to the ' ' . -r " ,. , county meeting at Ji.oore.svi lie, ana speat tho day omte pleasantly Jhere. The people certainly had something left over from t he winter, for it has fr rmn not been our od ; iortune to come to such a dinner as was spread before u by the good people of the comnniHity in many days. For this, in behalf of the delegates from North Iredell, we desire to extend to them our sincere thanks, and may they live. long and continue prosperous. They are making a great extort tor a crop this season and are geuerally up with work considering the season. We wish for them a great harvest. Our teachers from North Iredell, who have been te; chins near Moores ville the past winter, and known as 'the three Tharp boys," have all made their appearance again. I had thought that perhaps some j of them would bring some of South Iredell's fair daughters with them, but alas, they caiutf as they went, and it seems they are doomed to be Vc rusty old bach elors." They will all go back in July and teach again in their same districts. The presiding elder of the Methodist idiurch for this district has bought prooertv at Harmony ad moved to it. We welcome Brother Smith among us. If there is no :noie frost we will have a very fair crop of; peaches yet. The apples are not hurt. Jim. The Sa A Boy ;c and the Boy: A Fable. who had his 'hand wrapped UP ia a oa image caneu upon u-neit i i 1 1 .i n known vige and said: l-0 Sage, I am but a young and in t Kuh and I Desire to be made Wise." 'Wh:if woiildst. Thou, mv Son?'' rmeried the Sage as he crossed his Legs and cut off a Chaw of Plug Tobacco 'Yesterday I picked tfp a Horseshoe in a Blacksmith Shop."' 'T seee." 'Jt was red hot." "As usual." wTeach me, O Sage, how to tell the Difference bet ween a hot and a Cidd Horseshoe, that I may not get blistered again. MvSon. cmoth the bage, as he spat at the earnest window, "it is as Rolling otf a Lg. Wait until , some other Bay has Picked up the Shoe, and then you will know all about it free of Cost," moral: But we never do. Press. A - -Detroit Free AUmC'ULTUUAi. Topics of Interest Relative to Farm and Garden FEEDING TCRKlVs. You cannot feed turnips to rcilch cows without effecting the flavor of the butter and giving ita turnipy taste. It will make .little- or no diff-rence whether the turnips are fed- before or alter milking, with or without salt for the turnips will pass into the milk veins and milk, t urth? rmore, if tur nips, cabbages and similar strotig ncented vegetables are cut up and ted to other '.animals in the sarua barn or stable here milch cows are standing, the very air breathed by the milch cows will be laden with the sfrong odor, and this will tint the milk. fPure and fresh air is just as iicprtant as pure and nearly inodorous food for cows in order that they should give the best quality of milk for butter making. Ther are, no doubt, cows which are not so sus ceptible to the effects of poor and stroiigly scented food as others, but they are not, as a rule, '.animals that give richest milk. American Agricul turist. 1 SITQULD THE IiULL BE PUT TO WORI?; "Put the bull to work." Such is the adyjee which we find iu one of our exchanges. Very good,s far as the theoiy goes. Uut when it comes to the practical part of it we would likf t ) enquire what line of work the bull can do to advantage at "this season of the year. It is not tune to rdow. and it it was tne Lull would not malce n (. 1 111 14 i very good team to plow with. If a harness wjs made tor him, and a carl was provided, he might be used for drawing manure to the elds; but these trappings would cost mo.e than this work womd be worth, and the horse or oxen usually employed Tor the pur- pose would find thier "occupation ; n The same trouble about work- iiUU'. ins the bull will be fouitd at all sea- sous of the year. Therejis very little w-rvi-L- f I th ilina rn Ilia it-rt ! n .i fir ?-irni if iil a L yj viviic I'll viii ;iuiiiiii j ai. tin which the bull can do !to advantage. Not only this, but I the bull is an unsafe animal to handle. He-is al ways treacherous, is liable to be violent, and is never to be trusted for a mo- It might be good for the bull to work, but we believe that, in the great majority of cases, the bull would receive a great deal more; benefit than his -''owner would obtain from the labor which he performed-; American Dairy ni mi. cabbage without transplanting. There arc two ways ofi raising cab bage in the open ground. One is by transplanting ' plants, the other In sowing the seed in the hills or drills just Ahere the cabbage is to be grown. If the -plants have been started in hotbedsjor cold frames for an early crop or are to occupy laud as a second crop. it is necessary tnac tney snouiu d- the one crop ot the season on the land I :.. i ai :. i..i; ,f i. occwpieu, uich t nn u; uir farmers in the great cabbage raising sections of New England that the best plan is to plant the seed just where the e d)bayes,is to be r iwn. Experience Experience has taught us that by this plan the piece matures more evenly than when when the plants are transplanted while thev are cerlenly as reliable for heading, for when 100 per cent, of the plants make marketable heads as 1 have known instances nothing better . . ... i . i can be asked. Those who have been irr-the habit of transplanting cauli flowers will find they will do better when the seeds are. planted in the hills where they are tp be natured. A plan now somewhat common among market Gardners h to drill the seed or cabbage sufficiently thick that by cut tiuf out the extra plants with the hoe the remainder will be left at the Uis tance suitable. This requires mare seed while it saves a good deal of time and bank-breaking work. The great de feet in this manner of planting Iris been that it lelt too thick, they mature quicker than was necessary for the ends desired. In my planting in in the drills we used last season the Mathews seed drill. My foreman made an ingenious change in its drop ping capacity, which is worth putting on record. He removed the wheel which has about twelve projections that as it resolves kept the seed agita tor in motion, .boring four holes at equal intervals inserted four projec tions on the opposite side and then t set back in place, but i a a reversed posit ion. The result was one revolution caused the agitator to inave four times instead wf twelve, and the seed was fed just about a thick as wanted. Very often a.little change m improvement can be na& i" an implement hv the farmer aud gardner uing it that will add much to its value. American Ag riculturist. FARM AND GAEDEN NOTES. Avoid extremes of temperature for plants ' Wood ashes are an admirable orchard manure. The house slops of every family are worth saving for fertilizing purpose by thro wiii g them on the comport heap. - - . Two tablespoon fuls of crude car bolic acid to each bucketful of white wash will make it much wte destruc tive to lice. I J Blackberries aud raspberries should be set ni rows six feet apart and the plants two and a half or three feet apart is the row. Rhode Island Greening and Baldwin aie two varieties of apples, that lead fa the New York markets and giiit- "ood prices. - .'.. - Hens should not be overfed. Keen then with sharp appelite, so that tlify' will take exercue enough to keep iivtilfcll , . ; i J I It is a mistake-to seeI Xvoung or chard down to grasatm less" the trw-a are well estimated and the toil is rea sonably rich. . " Tlie white or brown Leghorn7' Art '-'a -Tery desirable Wreed where eggs art wanted. Tbeyire good 'layer, Uut not good setters. Boues make a good fd for ''poultry occasion al-, and on raanj farms gool supply could be realiily secured witlr ji little care in picking tt a tip ai 4 breaking or grinding them into scb condition that the fowls can eat theik Do not calculate on making the frarden -all at once. A good garden should furnish u.supply all through the seascn; kale, kohl, rabi, celery, salsify :.nd cauhflewer are all good'erops, but not so generally raised as they should be. Sheep raising las to be learned, ai.d it is better to start with a few ai d carefully study their habit, read win t others haye to say as their caie, ai d then when you are sure there is profit to be made, get more sheep, and . wit lj good management you will succeed. The stock farmer has the mot imh. pendent life in the world. His steek: ' and grass grow day and night, rain or shine without a host of hands to feed, and pay off. He is more independent of the oad seasons than the grY.in grower, who loses a, crop when tho season is bad. True, there i nothing now to brag of in prices of stock, but still it is better thaii any other bni' nrss on the farm, and if we have hurhv'- grade stock we get the top(f the niar- ivets, that pays well even iu these limes. "Alliance Demagogues." The old partisn press is now tnzr. gel in denouncing every man, of any political prominence, who defends the lattonu of the farmers Alliance, and chrmpiors the cause of our downtrod den mid struggling tillers of tlrtf soil. is a "demagogue." There are men of their own ilk, however, who obtained office by professing loyalty to the print' ciples of our organiz ition and so scon a. successful repudiate the men wh gave them position that are held in to the world as patriots of the highest . trder. It is looked noon bv such v:ii pers as both honorable and laudatory ta nue the Alliance intoolhcc,undthen U. tray it. 1 here no demagoguery in this. No; it is the acme of patriotism and shrewd wisdom, and such treachery " Ldeserves the applause oF such intelli gent men. Anything that will In at the .lliance or any possible means by which the will of its members may La" thwarted and their wishes disregarded is all right and proper! But just let some man work faith fully in the ranks asking neither of fice or reward andStnnd squarely by the Alliance and its platform, and you will see him hounded and denounced, from one end of the State to the other, as a trickster, a schemer, and a dema- Such a fire of abuse the editors of this paper are now undergoing. All tlie epithets, that hate and venom can conjur up are being heaped upon our heads. But we' care naught for such, Our past record is before the public, and we defy our worst enemy to how wh u s we ever handled a dirty shilling, or have ever betrayed a trust or our people. We have asked neither honor nor office. If this ber demagoguery, make the most of it, we know our own hearts and every pulsation of it beats in sympathy with the struggling far mers ot out land; and we propose to continue te fight their battles so lou as we can wield a pen or raise our voice. We won't be driven from our our position by slander, threats , or abuse. We haye 80,000 alliancemeu in Georgia at our back, and defy .you. Southern Alliance Farmer. An electric street railway car can bo heated by tfhe expenditure of one horse power of electrical energy. There is uo dust, no cinder and no room i.; taken from the seating accommoda tions. Mr. Fife's Great Work, Writing the Western North Carolina ' Jieiuouisx irum incoiuiou, uey. j. r. Austaiiijias this to say of the laatiul; good of Evangelist l-ife's work in that place last year ; " ''Last summer Mr. Fife; the drummer evangelist," visited the town of Iancolu--ton, and accomplished great good the ef- Drunkards are roforraed, dancing has ceased, the billard and card-tab.es wt aside, and many once sad hearts are flow rejoicing over the reformation of a reck less father, husband, son or brother, -4 AJC ICUiUil Ul UUI AAIU llt'lUO, VUI1DV I l tfie, only sub-stantial remedy for t-u uiany dieart crushing evils of life.' F: . -. etteville)bserver. -

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