v. f t If- i I S 1 lip i) : i - v I. ii-: JL. EAMSElV Editor and Proprietor j VV 'j!;i;SvTji'TliN KATES, ''.One yt-iu-ui advance '.Mix'aoi:th .1 . . '" t 'lu'a i live ; 1 Club of lcHor ii?uc $1.50; .75 1.25 1.00 whVj.ufe watt ai SallaMify, C : TIH'jISIMV. MAY 2$, 18J1. in-VT:MA isorjsan of the ilti yr m liu: 'f.fti and 7th CaJigressioual i. ..;Jr.tr.:t.-. , . . V.vinivAX"'has 50-per cent more ,-tyrnniU,n .than auypapcr published 111 ' .SalVmtry. j i 'TJi riTAiSVILLE IANBHAEK .V1.TD THE SU-TREASUHY BILL. vThu Land marl; ''of last week con fainbi -two anJ a quarter columns more Ja,. o... u!r.Tiv;'isiirv ouation. As niJiV Jiii f-xpected, -when that paper -. tri'-r it ran ulak out a strong case. ? ' ?.,.-. -h-iiii";-! to Raw it claims not to lniv: nntii.'iicc to discuss so; mud jtiooniuiMo. The sub-Treasury has onjy fj.ceii sprung upy ' uyi.v . aici:tlf's;eenjm(T7itbs, At first it. had Jew ;u!vocate. but it is grouhig in favor sfcr-tlily. Owing! to certain iu-fiutuc'fs- fert;er-.)ersons favor it in Itr- WA than any ether county we know of! yvi-iently the 'htndiiiark thinks ..' fori thai ! '.'asoii that it hasr but few ' is. Well, all thi will be tested on.- of jiiese days. , - i 1 Tao ivriter is -free to confess that he h4, Relieve m it when first dis Vued. W'ev'-t bought it toocumber :,;n!"t;.o costly." We thought other S ..i-.:il:on could be enacted that would iili :t!:Lill,-. Hut the more we study it " " Ua'..bit!-er it gets. 'As editor in charge uf hl.t; Btate Alliance organ, the writer ' t i'V i:;'- say a word ' in favor of the ji!:iir for five months or more, but ;ur;tllv the wisdom of it became i, conspicuous. ' For this reason we .Ji!'. ;h' d i -posed to )C patieut with 11 per- of small calibre who t oppose it. j!"4t sucli men as Senators Vauce and iile and Editor Caldwell should be lo talc 4 it in by this time. - ilij 1 1 ; v hu .til; tin T;e Land mark did say: "We pass i he matter f the vast expense of '.ling these sub-treasuries." Jfow, t,Witi an nsse.tive objection but t is one ot t he very mutters that it iil : uve discussed.. 'vljtKtiiiiark says: i T t- :c.c du we criticise the leaders hat i!n y are keeping' Up a pi'elense x t h- omiiOoratie party is at enmity v; !i lih.lhe-favinct'3 and tlmt in indenend political action lies then only iiope reliet lrom tlie evils ot wlncn they cottiruam. : Again the Landiiiarh is' mistaken. 'J'iifl AfTiauce leaders do not criticise tieSparty more than another In the South f tliejl democratic party is the uimihantc out. If there is any mis doing in governmental affairs thedom ;nant partyrniust be the guilty one. In the, North but little is said about lie detucrats, for in most, sections ti.tv are in the minority. Hence the mistake iuade in asserting that the 'ieadeU" pretend tliat the democratic pally is responsible for all the niis- ton;g. ;!"-.; The Jjandnuirkiiis. Tound a hair too line fur it to splits It is the statement 1 but "membership. in the-Alliance docs li M .absolve- the member from alle giap.f e to his party as a citizen." We ftiily explained J-hat two weeks tig". We said thai no member had 1 right to work ..for his party in an 'AlliT unci meeting, but outside he1 could put in all Ins ti:ueMfor the party of .his choice. Tnere is nw hair-splitting in tiaf. A cjifurch member would not be u'lowed tojilake a political speech or .tnythii.g ql tlie kind in th church b it insinbei-idnp in the church does not absolve hiin from allegiance to his party. I f t he editor of the Landmark it a uiember of the church ho m:iybe ::lie to grjtsp the situation. If not, he iuav require the assistance of a niis sionnry. ' . The Landmark says that Messrs. "-Mills and Carlisle declared' it uncon .stitutioi,;il, UHdemocratic and paternal and that thy proved; itf- Maybehey did to Ither satisfaction of the Land mark, butfthey didn'j; "satisfy' nwr all tiu-ir cjiisituen.ts, and as fast as thel m sure is grow ing in favor they must jnt v -riiad. 11e.11 ly ;aotal -failure. The L tudmarl: insists on makin a fl-e.lt r ieket about the nuiltiplicatiofi ot feder.d officers. It does not av av ivvhrtt iiarm federal officers will do, bevei-.V; VVe siiPDoft Hihv will i . t . - . - . Io be paid, foj one thin"-. Tl..f a...:. 0. a mil uoe : li tj matter, i 'Ihe managers of WUre .nis.-- nj.ly get $r,D03 pr year; a H is wi piy that seyeraj times-over to i. -in iM.ig. fs of prirnbv wntr houses.1 Th . i ; . : i . . ; tie P.'frtv 1 naif. oapj.K'iis rik iie nr in.. .. er won id luen in:ve too urreh ntt nmn'v , r,-,i.: not b:o:ided. . Norih aiolTiia would i i i. i r: tiu u; iiiiny Or Mi ! !ii xv houfs. Avlf-it weight would thidy of t!iMy-n.veiijffagers h e in ; ii elcctro i? There would not be over J welVe or fourteen hundred warehouse? in.lhe Uuilcd Stales. " What could twelve or fourteen luuulnxl meit d? in a country of sixvfoiir pillion jieoplf? Such stuff is dry rot, pure and simple t.... r,j,,b 0vnl,;,, wav the Ure . . - ' . I d piilHc btiihbng matter by provwg j p : ih,f :!,' St.itville public . I building will save the government the magHiticent sum of $000 Ter year in i- . 1 . A rent. If it saves the government mai much it , is bound to .s-ave the people something. But still that is nothing Nation was l,y63,40U,il0, or SoZ.Ui ifter all. The government simply '.VIlllUI iiw a lis owners in the town of .Stutest ill in favor of the public generally, that is ov 4.97 je: capita. In JbOb we had come a factor in the national cam exactly the sub-Treasury idea. We 032 business failures; in.lS90, nearly paign next year. There is another .,,. ,,nw nMx-inn- pnorinoHS rents, ware-Ml "-."" i"V"0 - ' .! , - , i,, Q.,A, .... bV, " . . .. prohts to private jwrties. n u,tf goTernnient to relieve us ot tins, imow how much difference is there in a pub- lie building and u public warehouse? V.T-.J' 1 ... A .i i..... vv 111 our eswi..itiur..., 1 rise and explain. The Landmark quotes from Mr.l Titdenwhen he s "The -gorejn- . . iiat they can do lor tneniseives. . 1 Tlmt is exactly our yay of thinking. Your Uncle Sam Tilden had a levnl head. lint it is right for the State aiid natienal government to build , , , nostofhees s that the public can have all advantages in getting their Emails; it is right for it to build jails to hId criminals, and court. houses where the people can go and get justice, and to . , tt 1 rp-n 1 pay ludges. Your Uncle lilden and " j J 'Ms'- Uncle Caldwell iiave )th said this is right. Then is it not right that the farmers should have tlie protection of the government in selling their pro- ducts? If it is right for the govern- ment to protect her subjects from crim- i mils it is right for it to build ware- houses and take the farmers out of the hands of unscrupulous capitalists, stock ambi'ers and a combination of bond- 1 . . . 1 holders. Two weeks ao we asked the Uind-U mark to discuss the sub-Treasury as true of the army and navy, the officers at times to occur, and the only ettka follows: f)f w!,ich hsive come to n'nvd "IP""it- cn.as way of dealing with them is by I . . . . . 1st. Is there a necessity for sucha measure? , 2dr Would it accomplish the purposes inteaded? 3d. Would it be unjust to any large number of people? 4th. Is there a better plan? If so ex plain it? 3th. Wouldrthe cost Inj.too great? 5th. If unconstitutional, paternal or utldeuiocratic, state why ? Here are his answers: 1. No. 2. No, - - a. Yes most of all to the fawners. 4. No. Any plan that contemplates the.idea of the, goverunietit establishing equally good,- is "hopelessly wrong' iu principle and cannot be so amended as to 5. Yes. 6. (a) The" landmark is not a lawyer and tries not to talk about things ii doesn't know anything about, It notes. however, that noluwyer of any reputa- turn regards this measure iu ; cousutu- uawu-Buuip, iu cvci, vvumj, iiuiiiwiiiiug A. . ., U..,..U V.Mv... .!.... D am hv making promises that sue an .army of office-holders thi.ee times a " ?""6' t, jj Mufc. . great as it has now and loaning money at ciety was sent by his government to ." ' ' ' 7' 1 ' l anoininat rate of interest to one man iigate the locust plague which is rZ f.Tt the Jl aim not to another, the secuntv he 11 or o v o lenoeierl flls nlg!:..! ion. Out the gen a matter we are guided in forming an left ot the insect expert was his skel opinion by those who do. (b) It is pater- eton, whiskers and necktie-the rest. liK-nt shall take charge, of : the private business affairs of the people, coddle them, Miiise them, aud help them over all the rough places in the road. (c) It lis undemocratic because if democracy does noti stana tor non-intervention by the government with the affairs of the people it doesii't stand for anything at all. $qme oC?fhe most Important ques tions he disposes of with "no" and yes.''1 We think that the govern ment has as much right to maintain an army of office-holders as it has to maintain anything elsef provided it needs thehi. If the: government can warehouse the surplus of the staple crops ad benefit the producers in many ways at leas cost than it is now and luu been done by foreign capitalists and corpo rations, that it is right. We believe it can. r The Landmarks-Ays no lawyer of any reputation regards it as constitutional. Cl. Harry Skinner, of Pitt, who first s iggestei the idea, is a lawyer of ho mean reputation. Mr. Calhoun, of Georgia, is one of the most brilliant lawyers in America;, he argues that ; it is constitutional. Some of the ablest lawyers in North CiU'oliua have ex pressed the opinion that it is consti titional. llie buprenie Court of tlie United St;ltes has sustained paralel ClStP. Most Of OUr hlWVPN nr.. nnf,. t i ral politicians, hence they don't care to admit tlmt it is constitutional. W e insist that the Landmark discuss V each point thoroughly. He lias no! satisfied Jiis reader. It must be plain to him that ttie people m this country are thinking and watching. Those who oppose the measure aranot nil ready to come out boullyi Tlnw who favor it, so f;rr, are becoming more ami more eonyin-M ll-.ai it is rightJ It ki( rave (jueshoii tmd shuldi not be dis posed of with a wave of the hand. We r spectfulty ask .e Jwdmark U keen on witli lhe good work. f ' ' T BROKER DOSES. Now and thpu'the iponey-making machines of .thin piintr? are stopped for ear they will ,niake loo much. This would be against a few bond holder.. Again our nioner carpenters constantly changing t he style. In elisirf tuna ailvpr nuarrerrf will anoear ;: n We don't care "iin new pan is o... ...1. f .. j1 . i . ..1J a mnnor iVO ' ""Y . "i want more oi it. warn, more c,i : ,. - . . .. ! -r t hl our population was 282. The amount bf-pioney in circn- per capita. In 1890, with a popula-1 is linn wfc i""v' v.vv.,VYv. ,j , . ony hil,l 300,999,082 in ircuUtiom -000. i ii. . aii: . . it .. io i lie finance men, ami uiul is In 1800 we had a national Gent or 2 7S3,0()p,()00. We liare paid on -. tl :lltpi.Mf nnnuni on bonds, etc 193 931 301 or uWiy twice the flJ (p tL W" vet owe - - 1?183,334,08S. At the present prices f nmrlnrrs. whieh arp so low on ac- nnni nf r.rtutrr.Hon : it will riuire mrtrp meat nil Cotton to naY the t r- 1 1 nii ;n 1S00. 1 It seems difficult to make the public men of this country understand that the peoplo do not wish! them to appoint - , 1 . 1 l their sons, daughter, and wives to poMtions uudt;r theiu. lhis govern- ment is not a family altair; for -more than 00,000,000 people are interested in the honest and official administ.ni- 1 c t. it j 1 1 tion of its affairs, and sooner or later the masses will demand the enactment of a law forbiding two meinlers of one family holding appointive Federal offices. There is some i such law, or rule in existence regarding the depart- nients at Washington, but it is a dead letter, and there are hundreds of cases in the'departinents where as many as three or four members of one only fa mil v. in some instances, father moth- - . ! ! ; . er sous or daughters, are hanging on I government teat.! The same is , f .1 . 1 , ft I ments for their sons to West Point or . .... ..v ... quisites. Ihese, things are resulting in buihling up an olncial class that is as obnoxious to the averagi citizen a , 1 1 1 ri a titled nobility won d be. Here is an J opportunity for some daring niembei llaVB ,eM ScVpri(l t.OMfBreniW. It i. of the Fifty-second Congress to endear "believed that he will be compelled to himself; to the people and make a last- ing reputation by standing up ajid de- j- ,1 1 1 i i. r- 1 manding the absolute: demolition 01 n this class und family structure. Who will embrace it? Even scientists can be foolish sonic- times. M. Kunckel Hrculais, presi- doing great harm in Algiers. While ex imiing a deposit ofi locust eggs he became very much fatigued and went to sleep on the ground. That was the , . , , . . , lHst of ,m Au """"Oii.s swarm oi the locusts began the investigating business cm Uieir own hook, and all tneyate. iviorai: i ever go to sleep . . . r i -r . on the ground when swarms of locusts are around. Jottrnalism is rapidl v becoming the f.Vf f m11 i1,m ,.Finn- !,.ifli J., KAmMWAivtv.'.'-i'riVW'jwyrv-ll bill' , , . i i .i eountrr and abroad, ami there n a J i scramble amoiig the prominent men ot the world to write signed articles for the newspaper. Lord Randolph Churchill, a brilliant though somewhat erratic En- ... , u , . giin uuoie.uau, ... just, oeeu eug-geu by the London GrapUic to go to Mas- hohaland as its special correspondent, If this thing keeps up we shall have to ,,:rlu Innl r Mvn f.n nrSh,fF .IHimi weuaCan.utfa inat uui ueru ... kick,' The heaviest blow" the present civil service reform system has recievcd is th Droof. as shown in the case which , i i ,1 the resignation of the son of commis- r ' sioneroi tensions, uuu experts can successfully personate ignorant men ti in the civil service examinations. If tharsnrt of thin I? is trt bo rontinued it t r.-., . ...... civil service commission in the market as lurcnandise to be held tor the-Jitch- est bidders. The cable news contained a queer paragraph the other day. Here it is: Charles Dudlev Warner has returned t t .. ii -ri L iroiu uis loor oi Li.e jasc and is now ,, ., ri . ., , , , na it mighty poor polities, ... V? 1 1 1 1 . t 1 l o I I m nuuir. hv iu i.i cooipiei.eu a novel ilepicting American society." Did the distinguished literatenr go abroad to study American society ?. liUDlXl is certamlv an "iimoozin" T - - r cuss." Having lcen left without a leg t stand on in his ridiculous demand against this country, lie now tells the Ifalian people there was nothing of in ternational importance1, in the "New (). leans affair, and that it is only a h-gal quest ion. ; OTJR WASHINGTON LETTER! TheThlrd Pnrly llaiim'.H Viclfd Son Itlaine aud Harrison New District Conrt Jnd?cs. Corre3oadeBce or the Watchman. Washington', May .25, 1891. At the Farmers Alliance headquarters I ,,f here there is little disposition fto cuss, for publication, the new bnrn pe)ple.s partv. Notbnig but the kindest feeling exists on the part of ii.. aii:...,,.- i i. '. .. u ...., u.,.iu. .- v. but it is easy lo ee that they tear , , r . fancy in its formation ; and it is p.e sumable that they vish to see bow it ivceiv-M before committing their ! ich t Vui-ir I.. rak i-kioljii-tTt' t T- t 1" r l, ., .... I . " . A . 1 voer;irI , he ,leW p,. rt v, if it kto U- ill LLU mill" 'i ill phrase ot ttie matter that is not pleas nie chHritCter, or rather lack of dn.rac ter, of some of the men vtho have elbowed their way to the front m the P:l.r!y' 4'T7 . "P" f tdioroughly we.ghed before the great iiiia-.ce couen;ion metis next reu- ru;irv, and after ail that convention will reallv decide whether tlie third Prty shall live or die. no , 11 1 1 1, 1 1 iie irouuie wi.icii- resuiiwi -in u.e resignation or ti;e sun 01 i niun 1 .ijiii 111 ini run iu t;i i iol ti.i. .1 it w i new iiud interesting .tspect, having !tten into the bauds of ihe District Attorney through the cffwi ts of the Civil Service Commission, which ft?cl very sore on account of the trick that was idaved upon it in connection with , ,-- .',, .,, : t. i..MC;,in Office. Commissioner Koosevelt, who, whatever his faults uiav be is never afraid to publicly spend his opinion. ; 0,1 the sui-ject : 1 am alighted to learn that the Attorney General , . , . ., Tr has turned t it case i.Vt'i to the Dis, rjt.t Attorney. We felt very sure that the testimony nude out a prim facie case against the four men, St rami, Johnson and Smith - anu iinib it was our ciear amy io promptly report the case not. only tp tlie UMds of tw departments' in which the men were serving, but also to the Attorney General for such .-.ction as M" - 1 night see ht to take. Ihe nr.s- . . . ' .' ' : egel to be cm tv is of so serious n .i",. rti1't ,V1 (ini.-i f!o no h.ss. Otf.Mices of the -kind indicated are sure imillMUlllli I lU-.'IIUl 'I . 1 ItC IMOItlOL. ' , . " . 1 t'. and vig(rous action ot Secretary Ad- we in tins matter reflects the greatest. credirupon himsi If and the admiuis- trauon What the Disirict Attorney w 1 i Mio wiiii ire-si" ases is a qoe.-i.oii noor 11, , , 1 c , I whli'li ir : 1 1 1 I tllH At orilfv (n-Hi rii 1.. .. ii : . . . .. 1 to do something by the Civil Service ,-'yoiiion, i. cm iw.... uieuouoi casu upon uu 11 piie.triiiii;. ov ine .. , .,' 1 , , . ? I ne.f. rnwr. one man i-riaul i;ilf nn tv- :.min;ltj(.u umi u .-mother could 'e pronndetl. and is dr-tenniiied to trv 1 - . and rehab htnte itself in public est - in itioM bv its energy in ousli n" tin prosecution of the detected olL uuYi erai impression is inat ne wi.i even i -.i.i L 1 I I HI . . I 1 A I 1 I cuaiiy uo so. jnniv ueiieve mar n I I 1 . . . " i XT I I win ao so as soon as .cecrerarv ioile returns to the itv, which will Le in side. of ten day-;. He is regarded as a very unfortunate man. but many of his personl and political friends h not hesitate to suy that the bet thing he can do i to resign, in order to ie lieve the administratioirof embarrass ..... ... ni. nr Mr. Harrifon has not up to this time attempted to take up the hanging threads of any of Mr. blame s partial ly completed -reciprocity agreements, but 1 am informed that an nnuig ,u-!''' " " sausrj-crory ro nil I - . . . Ill " concerned, wherebv. in Case Jlr. Ulame , , , t decides to go to .IMaine instead ot le- turning to Washington, Air. John W. Foster, thegentleinan who iveenth Kent to Spain tor the State deprt- mei,t anu ifVMi- ty agreement, wnicti is now in : Mr. tt - i icome M- Harrison's adviser in all matters per taining to reciprocity, in short a sort of deputy Secretary of State. lIlCHOryoi Jir. ixaiiie S oeillg mi i. ...... e . fit .. io-..". l , , , , sii, y fo ,;wJ d , ll saw a letter that be dictated less i than three dvs ago. and it. was in hjs su.,l vigorous style, a style which cannot be counterfeited. The presence of a considerable nnm 1. 1 .... e i : . i i oer r more or less in o u i e i nepuo- .. . ., . , ' beiieve(i that lht ...ppuintments of the i . new United States Circuit Court judges are about to be made, although there are still some people who think :n l i. i :i ..i-i.... gress meets. Ihe rumor is also re- v;vaA i,..f Af,. ii, ,o,c nn. pointing at least three IJe.noorat a nong the judge-. Perhaps be will but if so lie will greatly surprise a good many, people, myself among the number. It would, of course, be nigniy Jionoraoie ning lor mm to oo it t i i ii.i- i i i out, ins i uciii nsMicia.es wouio The Japanese policeman who club bed the future Czir of all the Knssia's with the flat of his sword, is noweligi- I 11 o f nr micif uui i w I li nvv n 1 1 f v I. i j,...,.. ttEEN Victoria has had a ispw and nobler titie. than all she bad before, bestowed upon her. She is iimv n great grandiuotber. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. No I:V,s:cr h? Frrc c';fslc- The ad litip:) to our circulating Me dium iin to the present time which free coinage Avon hi have caused could not have exceeded fif tee njmillion dollars. Such an addition would have been a great boon in the present stringency 1 1,,. ,., miirl-pt Th nrwlicf.on dis-jthat European coin would be sent here j if pur mints were ojened to -free coin- are of silver is idle. Europe needs all her silver coin. It is all held iu reserve for her redemption of paper or is in circulation among the people. It is the people's money, which cannot be with drawn without great inconvenience. It is circulating on a par with gold at a ratio of 15 to 1. This is a' valua tion higher by more than thr-HJ jer per cent, than that placed on tlie silver in the stand. ml. There is no silver coin in the World which is not valued higher thaniour own, except the Mex ican dollar, which contains a little more silver than there is in the stand ard dollar of the 'United States. The oulv cheap silver in the -world is the small ncctiHi ul.,tion of silver bullion now on the market That accumulation not oi!y depresses the price of silver, but wi;bs down the price of all commodities. Senator Sh u art in Jane Forum. Will the next great national cam paign hi! American tin vs. IJriti-di gold? TnE democratic caucus of the Flor-j ida legislature should eithtM- go" into perpetual executive session or crib its slugging propensities. , Tust Out. A heautiful steel plate engraving of the nation or!:c'is of the Alliance and all the sute preslJcnls. This :s a handsoaie trroap, beautifully executed. It Is copyrighted bj Uro. J. W. Uenmark, of Bnl eigh, nnd will be given free to any person who subscribes for the Progressive Farmer and the W'ATCiiM.vs both for ooe year at the low price of fl.oo for both papers. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria! Abso!uto!y Puro. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leaveeinn strength. Latest U. SCiovernment Food Report. .Salisbury hu3 lonp been ia need of aaoiher fir.st-c!as3 CLOTHING AND GEXTS- KL'iiN ISSH ING STORE, and we are plad see II. k L. Whigiit coming fur wan' to fill tin- long-felt w;int with a line stock of Clothing, Hat-, Shoes, Shirts. Colors, Cutis, "Ties, Cravat., A HaieUerelnef: and Gents' Funiishintr Goods ut lower prices than ever before -mi offered in Salisbury. 3 They have opened their well-selcc'.ed Ftoek in tlie storeroom furnierly occu pied l.y G. . n;ht us a furniture store, "on .ori.!i ;.!n:n street. Their l;us- i:ies3 will be ftrietlr firt class no Cheap John" and up with the latest styles. Their prices will astonish you. Many people are anxious to learn how they ure selling so low. For their-hene-lit we will say that they bought their entire stock directly from headquarters of manufacturers. They pail the cash and got the discount, ai.d' with the as sistance of a friend of thirty years ex perience in the clothing trade were nble to purchase their stock at lower prices than formerly sold. Of course they will give their customers the benefit of their fi-ST barains anJ wiH enable the citizens ol Salisbury to buy goods cheaper at home than they can abroad. Just think for one moment what money will do, and then hear some of their prices : You can buy of them $30 to 4!) suits at ?2o ; $25 to $30 suits at 55"" 18 to 20 : $20 suits at from $15 to $1G, and so on all the way down. they can open your eyes on prices of Wool and Straw Hats, all of the latest styles. Jggf Their stock of IJoys' Clothing is com plete, and way under the regular prices. They alio carry a well-assorted line of ladies', misses', men's and boys' Shoes from 75 cents up. Fine linen Collars only 10 cents. Latest styles. Linen Cuffs only 15 cents. A handsome line of underwear at prices never before offered in the city. The battle has begun against high prices, so go and examine their stock v helher you want lo buy cr not. and be convinced that the above prices and qualities are correct. If you do you will be the best pleased soul in the land W. 20 ly W 5 0 i V Salisbury Trodnce Maiket. Conetua weiklj by P. If. Ju.u& Cp. Kg!, id 12 ; Dry' IIHca, liu ttor, 2025 i Creen 4 o 3 1.00 1.35 1.00 Chickens, 25(530 Onions, White besins, Irish potatoes, i JOO Sceet " CO Pens, I G5 Corn. ; 72 Mixed Flour.. 2.503.CO TOD. CCO MARKET. Corrected wce&ly ot Planters' Warehouse Ilrtiika for the mouth ending March 31st hare been Unusually good, considering tlie bad weather and roads. As ret-there is no visible decline in the market. U"c advise our friends to sell as soon as possible. Below we cjuote: Common Lt-.gs, 2a4j Vrap'rs,good, Sa2o Good " 4a(l Fine, Zo'i Bright " CjalO Fancy, 35a4(i Fillers, common, 5a8 'good, 6al2J extra, 12jal8 Unequalled for the Cure of Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Chol era Morbus, Summer Com plaint, Pains in the Stomach and Bowels, &c. Respectfully, T.F.KLUTTZ&CD. look at This i Wc are now recoivi-Hg the largest and best assorted stock we have ever carried. Read a few of our prices: Pant goods, 10c. per yard. Brogan Shoes, $1.00. Dress Goods from 8c. to $1.00 per yard. Men's Shoes from $3.00 to $12.50. A full line of men's and boy? - Hats. The cheapest line of Groceries in Salisbury. If you wish to save money, do not buy until you get our prices. We mean business. i ll JULIAN S CO. 8 KLUTTZ&CO Waiter A Wood's Rcnpors and Mowers arc Uic best on tlie market. Tliev have been fullv tested Iiere and have iiiven satisfaction in evcrv trial. They arc durable and simple. Can refer you to any farmer who has used them. Call and see me before you buy; examine ma chines and hear. my prices and terms. 1 am also agent for High Grade Fertilizers. C. T. BERNHARDT, vg.t. A LIVE BARGAIN. t t v T t We have a line of Ladies' Breast Pins that we are sel ling until June 10th at half price. All good goods and fully warranted. - Respectfully, REISNER&BllO., Leadin'ff Jeweler. CHAKLOTTE, K. rj Douglas'. $-1 Shoes, Douglrts 3 Shoes. Douglas' 3 Shocf, ladies Don -las' 2.50 u 2.2 2.25. '".10 TheTiDprecedefltfcd-lfa.de of tlie Pnt 10 days made in necessary to buy largely to fill .the zn? id a great m.iny Uew goods this week. Ever since the iin ii,,,, ration of our great cut price sale in fi, clothing that department has been fi!e) witli ready buyers. No sale like it ever held in Charlotte. When we advertise n cut prices we cut. Every body unUr. stauds lli at now. 'We irever nd'trtje what we have not got, nor name piiccs wp no not take. When the work vi the Rack t is done there wilt be no livin r mortal who can say truthfully we ovu- m I failed to keep faith with the public. - If the man Douglas, the man from Brockton, had known us as well v c rC known here he wonld surely have knowti that when we advertise his shoes that had the shoes, and saved biiiitif iho ridiculous position of making or jirfsiKt. ng in the statement which everybody knew was. untrue. In the onward in;tr h of our business we canuot afford -to stoj, to save hiru nor any other eonibiaatioH which 'falls in our way. Carpets and Mattings have had their due .share" of 'patronage "in the great iuh for good values. Never sold half srt many as this spring. Not many fTavn now until we reach the Butler Ltiildir." and shall inaugurate a special Sf (.'rockery -st ud Glassware to run for ;;ti days. A lare stickof these :vous will be closed dining lhis sale for the lack of room. W. J. & E. M. DAVIS, ' Fresh Garden Seeds at re duced prices.' Clover and Grass Seeds at the lowest pric-cs at Enniss' Dniir Store. - - READ THIS ! Ie sure and call- for a bottle of . Cures. , It has never niiied to cure Dyspepsia, indigestion, and Sick Headache. . J can give you "first-el ass references in Sal isbury to prove its merits. For sale by BE I N T ME Don't wait till you rot .iik to get a bottle of Enniss' Diarrhoea Specific, hut come and bave it ready. It willsavcymi a doctor bill ami probably your life. It is speedy cure fur Diarrhoea, Flux, Sum mer and Bowel complaints. It mur fails to cure ii .taken- iu time. J. If. ENNISS. A,ND Jf READ 0WERS.

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