General :: Directory. I 'corf NT-: COVlVXjIh'XT. , ' Crkilujierior Court, W ( Watson. 1. r ln ri;Ir J.s M Monroe ' .ItcirUter of Doe-ls, J I X Woodson. Treasurer, J Suin'l Jlclubbms. Purveyor, B C Arty. Coroner, U A At we Tl. Commissioners, W L Klnttz, chairman, I)r h W Coleman, CoriH-lins Kestkr, J A-Htewart sunl I F Patterson. . Sup't Public ScIioTrffr C Linn. Hup't of Health, Ir J J .Summercll. Overseer of Poor. A M Brown. yovx. ' Mavor, T.C jinn Clerk, I) U Julian. Treasurer, I H Foust. : -police, It W Trice, ehicfJ F Tacc, C Wl'ool, li iU-jiarnni?eF, Com mission ciS North ward, J A Jlcn dle'Jt;ln;I M Miller; South wuni, 1) Ii i..i;., r A .! i-i-f-t i - T-'nwt wind. J JJ (ior- dr, T A Cougl itii our; West ward, 11 J liaes, J W Mauiay. QlivnciiES. ' 'Jetliodi'st Services every Sunday at 11 a in and uU p in. l'raver meeting every Wednesday at G$ ) la. Itev Dr. " Wil Leith pastor, , ' Sunday .school every Sunday afternoon . ot.--o'clo.piV."J W Mauncy, sun't. iVeshierian Ficrvices every Sunday at 11 a m and 8:.)0j m. Prayer meeLinp every Wndncwlay at 8:20 m. llev J Sunday siiooi -every Sunday aflernooi at"4 p in. J Jtumple.'suirt." .- Lutheran Serv ices every.Sunday at li a in and 7 pin.. J'rayer meeting every "Wednesday ail p in. liev ChasB King, nastor Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at p in. l u kizer, sup t. 1 Kpj.scopal Serviecs every Sunday at 11 a in .and 6::0 p m aiid Wednesday at (5:'iJ p m. Itev I' J Murdoch, rector Sunday school every Sunday afternoon iit ' p m. 7 , sup t. Baptist Services every Sunday morn jilgAuid ni-lit. Prayer meeting every j vednes.uiy night,. - Kcv q Jones, I 1 -Slinda'v sehool every Sunday at 95 a.m. Thos LSwink, sup't. Catholic Services rverv second Sun- day. at JOV a m and 7 p ! m. liev Father ?erm-d, paster. -i fryiHlay sciiool every pauuiay ai ioa m. V M C A Devotional services at Hall icry Sunday Svt 4:30 f in. Uu-i.ess meet- m hrKt 1 hursday niLrht in every mouth. H Foust, prcs t. - - every hill 1 Fulton Lodge Xo 91) A F cp; Af, meets j ,.v,.rv n-.-t. :l tbi.-.l l.'ri.h.v ni.,M ii. h ino.nth. KJiNeave, WM. Salishury Lodce, No 21. K of P, meets t vervllLuesday nirht, A J i Hoyden', C C. I SaUshury -Lodge, Xo 77o, K ofll, meets, e v-ry 1st and 3d 3toml;;y night ju "each Months iC 1 iieruiKirdt, 1iciator. , Salisbury Council, Xo 272, P.oyal Ar- e:uunn, meets eycry -2d and.'lth r-Iondav t 11-rLat 111 'l.'-li -V1 ill T Vl 7 I 1 T.t'.rt. 1 OS j Or i ICh. wince !iour.- ironi a in if o..j n m. 3.ouey order hours d a m to 5 p m. - ou novirs iL-:io a m to i:uu p m J 11 Ramsay, P M. CONSUMPTION OTJR.F.r . An AM nlirl.-l n rMlw,l f, ,.,,,i i,... ii 1 placed la liK lmnds by in K.if-i Indta mission- ,;f.; t?i1,l.u.?rr.lf f.,;now1- uiatpi by tm Ul nd free of ejiar-o, to all who desire lr. this " u tfiiu.i.i-rieiiL'ii or hnt' K i u ir 1 mil I 1-1 1 n h f,nM.i.,i. M. l. .1... .... I J-e m f rpteparln-and Hslntr" sent by m-ui 03 Wi s f, -- rr ..t ' - , , I . All pr year rc:ind, you may- . rcilv UDon Dr. Pierce's Goldon t Medical.' Diccovcry to purify tUr. ui i A Ai-"1 ,, . Ti, 1 - iva u b not iiKC - me sarsparirlas, that arc saicT to 12 good fcjr . the blood in March, 'April and Mav. The 1 Goklc klcrf Medical. Discovery " irAl.o 11 i. 11 a 'orks equally well at u!U , times, -'and' in .11 cases.,, of blood - taints, or humors, ' no . f matter what their name or mature. : It's 4hc cheapest blood -puri- - -T'-ll- rl.-l i U .1 ' a because you only pay for tlic rood vou crcti . . Kout moncv 13 returned if I it iloesn't benefit or cure vou. 0 1"" J " V M..J1. 1 i.VJi . I . , v" uu aiLunoi io inebriate, nd, HO synip or tuar to derange digestion. lts -a concentrated vegcta l.!e extract ; put up in large - LottI-3 r pleasant to the taste, :.nd equally good for adults or cbildren. -. TLo Discovery"' curca all -fwi, ocaip ana bcroiulous ' ''itcctions, as Eczema, Tetter, . Salt-rheum, Fever-sores, White ; Swellings, Hip - joint disease ana l::ndred ailments. 0 fl -Household Remedv $ (5 ; tUH ALL DISEASES una Pi g Botanic Blood Balm V term of malignant SXJN ERIPJICN. fce- : "siiij v w toning Up tltC Jk SMtemanil restoring the ccr.stitutien V ben Impaired from any cause, its . Klraost supernatural healing properties justiijf us in guaranteeing a cure. It Erections are . (tiilowtd. Uklrl I I ILC T.iiuU of tUnum." BLOOD BflLW CO., Atlanta, ea. l i.! s ."ly ana-permim nr cure of romuni"tlon ,naand WlllCIl made tiiose raptllie laden iff moments glisten with Heawn borrowed .r Nervous lielrtiity and all Nervous complaints, tints of happiness, said to, hill "D irl- !!, rr iKLv'rir lest 11 :j woiKitTful euratic newer- T u i - r " t, o isarafs of easts, il.s feit it.ius miv tot,.., L nig I have a conumlriim for von to Potato Dug:?, ''-. Greveri of the Irish potato in NorJ0l ..Carolina and Virginia arc more or lef troubled Ly two species of ilieets which attack the vines. Doruhora (fccemlineata, the Colorado beetle, is an old and welL-know pest; lytta limu irj, 4he black Blister beetle is le.s known, but w hfecniing more plenti ful each vear. The best remedy for hot i these is nans rreen oriion- Ion rurnie; The purple costs- less than the green, and is easier to handle, and therefore preferable, lue poison is lnvt -applied wet using one ounce to each fix . jrallons of water. A conmron vvnter-rot will do' for u few rows of vines, hut when there is as much ;a one acre iu a. garden it will pay to get the knanack sprayer, shown ut Figure 1 in Hulletiii 7(1 of the N. C. Experi ment Station. This bulletin will be sent free to any citizen of North Carolina, and to other biates u receipt of six cents in stain ps. Instead of plain water it will be mora satifaef ory to use the Bordeaux- jiixrure, prepares nccoranig to ror u) ula No. 3, given in the above-mentioned bulletin, using the Bordeaux Mixture us if it ivas water. This com pound mixture will protect the visits from blight ns well as hugs. From four to. six applications will be needed .iocording as weather is wet or dry Rains wash tlm poison off the vines. Q era hi McCarthy, N. C. Experiment; attlon. At Random. A man n.imeil Uiily M.igoon, .Took ii sail in a gas balloon; But lie met Colonel Hob Carr, A:id cmne down w'ith a j:r And he thought he'd been up to the noon. It is needle-fS to state in this connec tion that Colonel fioh Carr and Colonel Pete Brings were making one of their sprinjj parachute leap. . if,. The ,r'rt, rC!,eS offiee tI,at Ooloncl OnKe proposes now to s tuat Uld Man (lees not ue- liver his Fourth r f July cration. Per- .haps this is all right nndprrhaps it is an y,Yt)nir. It will not l e soon forrot- ten that-we employed llr. Duke to take charge of the- exorcises; tliat we lT n , . , ' , eed to pay nun bo a day to act as one of the audience when we spoke; tnat he agreed to do so. It will not w s-on forgotten, either that this tiling : - . . , l . i t i wrong. oionei - ium? now sais he proposes to emplov boys to throw ip-eggs at ns when we attempt to speak ; that, im hiw made arrangement with the street sprinkling professor to sfirt." on us and, infact, we are to I e treated shabbily. There will be inose fto this. Durham GIoIip. The other niirht a liusband was male iujr ready to go down tow n to spend hi eveninir wirn some very a"-reeat e nnc I . r i? conrival friends.or rather to ballance his Knnh lmcl.wlc enmofinw,, l,, lo, ;uid just as he got ready to leave tins, loving wite went to mm, and wit! ,M .-, . ...i l 1 T . i iuc U'.inniicsi iUlU eilUCni IlItMli. Ol those dear old (lays ot WOOIIIK and COO hmswi r. Now tell me sweetie whv von are like UOUffh'7 ' 1 flougll not Know my sweet i ,lorc - r'",K replied, snickering at t! pun he had made. . 11 1 i 1 . ie "Well, I'll nutke another doughatjon -co your stock of puns by saying you re kiieaded at home, and under such circumstances no well bred man ought to he loafing down town at nisrht. ? vile took off his hat, threw it down violently, and said that the Wilson Mirror was gd ting to be a nuisance ;l' started his whole family in that ,.lptt:,'e habit of punning-, and tjian dashed himself down so violently in chaittlmt he brake his gallows. - r-o.r. A Cartl ot" Thanks. Mn. Editor: Please allow me to tender -my heaitv thanks and sincere gratitude to many friends who have expressed their sympathy for mC and especially to my" neighbors for their almost matchless kindness and untir ing attention and their tender nursint? of me through six or seven weeks of my iutens sufferincr and utter hl- s5, or to their help and kind hid. together with the L ira's !!esiirp- uiii 1 liltllP ! 11 . . " , -""u l shall evt-r !VP all a warm plac in my heart. WIhIp it is nov filtn weeks since I was first taken sick, 1 ..... f . r i ii . m a .ii iiwin i.eing wen, out am so better than I was that I am truly thankful. Itpsiwtfullr. W. L. Kistler. HePopIar, N. C. All's qu'te 011 the Potomac when Blaine utilizes it as a summer resort. f g in scrofulas taint. P p. p. P.UniltStUe bood. and thus nenn.innntlv ,..o tatairh. vtJ """" Ten l&le biooj pcisr.n.'lKMlv rnvoiwi with ea and two boo hs or p. p. p (Prii-kiv a u Root and Potas turn) mred the, making the patient lteiv ;iSb ten-. ear-old. Aib.TfaEisi India coin i idai rem nes quickly .1 corai. Dunnns and warts wp l-out rain. Uldl I tODiC. Mv wppa n ... . . i. : ' , M wU.a Ehyin in Xioblle ray c nitre - I' ' M I.-.", 1 . t . I IJ ( " bottle t U , .. ..''.I.L11' ,l n)' and PPe that know me .wuucnui euie, 1 UZATODD 7hen Baby w riek w gave her Castoria V.'hen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria Vhen she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Cluldrea, she ga-, them Catena Knouniulsm was to bad that J.mps iririn of avnnn.ih. cou d h.rndy walk for pan la life fchoinder.nd joints of his h ps p P p n'rleklt, Poke itoot an t i'ot.issium wasu'sor'tlioaud Irvin is well tmd happy. Ti.'o't w ... . iUiSon- Tor -a number of .ear. loZ iT?1?? ofMoW aad this city KaSd V'Vi'?.111111 J V 1,7,0 fr me. I also tx)k a large ii ii.nii.. ui . mir T;,iin l n.-i r,.i,r i JSatfrnnl Atfnncc-rj-tt. L Po'k, president, North Carolina; H. H. Clover, vice presi dent, Kansas; J. -jf. Tin ni r, secretary treasurer, Georgia; J. F. Wilielts, lecturer, Kansa?. . jjj Stfite Allidnrc Elba? Carr, president, Old Sparta; C. Ueddin iticld, secretary, Raleigh. :-!!! Itk Cvngrezklorud 'District T-eeturer, A Leazar. Mooresvilie: Prt-sident, ('!. II. A For ey, Catawba; V.-Pes., K- P. Penick Einiv)od: Secretary and Treasurer, J. L iiaiiisey," Salisbury. Jliran Co'tnty Jesse Miller, president Biackmer; M. L. Ritciiie, secretary, Saw Ircih-ll CvMnly J. B. Holman, president Cod. Spring; M. L. Ramsey, secretary M.ooresvi'ile. Cidntrrus Ct untyX. F. Ilileman, presi ilent. Ciinc.ird; Dr. J. S. LatTerty, sccre tary. Concord. JJitviilsm Co,di U. S. Green, jivcsident Jimes; V . A. Lindsay, secretary, I nomas v i i 1 e. C'ifoirha Co'ihty S. T. Wilfong. presi dent. Newton; J. F. Herman, secretary Xcwton. ' "See here, waiter, it's ;ui hour since I ordered my liHich,and ithasirt come yet. I can't afford to sir, here all daw Waiter That's all right, sir. W never charges no rent for the cables sir. Many years practice have given C A. Snow & Co.. Solicitors of patents at iVasnington, 1). (.., unsurpassed sue cess in obtaining patents for .ill classes of inventions, ihrey make a specialty or many patents tiiat nad been pre viously rejected. 1 hen? ad ve; ti-eiuent in aiiothier cohimn, will be of interest to inventors, patents, manufacturer-! and all who have iinvthing to do with patents, i 1 1 mn Mother "Why, Maud, 1 am shocked! Gt off that table ut on ft. What in the World is the matter with you" Maud "Oh, rats." ! Mn Laura Hart, Beaufort, s. C, writes: " loat lisome form of lihx ! poUsou vasktl!lnrino. appetite was lost, my Wines a" Jiol. and parts of m tles'i yeomen as li U would c nv o!T lay ioi.cs. A frica l b 'Hi(,'!ir me a b-4f :e of ! . H. i. ' ne SO!Ti besf in he' at one'; aul wL. n I bad talcon t'-vo bottles ; Kurprls-'I my irlendsat my r..pld recovery. Children Cry for Pitcher's nstoricb mi m& t&m uwati fti 2 iss 1-?; 4 Sold hy T. F. KLU'iTZ . CO. E3 BIB .dd by T. F. K1XT1Z & Co. Advioo to tlio Aod Alto bi tners Inf I j-ml litw. bnf'i en sliisr- rtsti bowels, ncsit lit Jnoj s bed blau Icr aii2 torpid live? III STB S have a specific effect on theseorRans stimulating: tlio bontis givins nut tir al dlscbarg:9s nltliout sirulnlug o griping, azd T IHPiillTnJG IG0E to the Kidneys, bind: or find liver Vfccy arc adapted to old cr yo:insr. First Mioil Bank -OF Sallsfearyj II. G. 1. J. -HOLME? fi II. FOUST, President. Cashier. Capital, Surplus and Profits, S50,000. 835,000. General liankingbiisiness trans - acted. Deposits solicited. fel:: l v ' ! ! if A AS-iii3 li!S5 'i:J&. Arvvf iVvl H est- .- jV.tfj mmmm rsfMP! rrvl rW r lM"i? V-JftVi'f,' ;v-Hs3 VT' vf :i &r&m arfl fyihM t H SB WILL NOT DO YOURSELF JUSTICE 1 F YOU FA I L TO S E E OU U STOCK OF Plain and Fancy Groceries. WE KEEP NOTHING BUT THE liEST GOODS IX OUR LINE. WE DO BUS INESS OX HUSIXESS PRINCIPLES. IF YOU UY YOUR GROCERIES. FROM US YOU WILL GET FULL VALUE FOR YOUR M OXEY. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE CELE URATE D "Tiii rr P. TTnTfrinrr UTinliirn THIS MACHINE IS GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS AND WILL HE SOLD FOR LESS MONEY THAN ANY OTHER FIRST CLASS MACHINE OX THE MARKET. CALL AND EXAMINE. THANKING YOU FOR PAST FA VORS, WE KEMAIX, ' TIU'LY CH33LY & McCULLOH, Between Express and Postoffice. 21.2m. DO YOU KNOW THAT s & Badger CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF DIAMONDS OF ANY HOUSE IN NORTH (Muni TV ? HI,' I 1,'CTIiiVIMl'K' (era t Ahl)L!..( IAjIA. 1 IUM At KA(h SENT ON APPLICATION. WE KEEP NO IMITATION ST()'i- IV i; i niaiiu.N Mt.M. 1A STOCK. REFER TO CHA R LOTTE BANKS. BOYNE& BADGER DIAMOND DEALERS, CHAHLOTTE, N. C. 1 H Livery, Sale k Feed Stable Salisrary, N. C. Mm, Pii:c e; M Caniaps on siioet iiotici:. co:.r.Mi;iiciAL tu wklkijs cak- I'JKI) TO ALL rnlXTH. HOUSES FED AX!) (JKOOMEI) AT RF.ASOX AIJLE IIATE.S. CALL AND SEE ME. JOIIN I. WOMBLE with- HIEITiicteo. li A LEIGH, N. 0. Dress Goods Department. Any lady wi-hinjr to Tmy a Dres Silk or Woo! and will write 'e Ptatiii eoler and about what price .hj.Is tiiey desire, I will mail samples clieerlnlly. Our Duess (loo I.i stcek i the most eomphde in the South. Jf you have saniji'e.- from any northern house seinl tin in to me and 1 wii! nuiteli thein. .10! IX M. WOMP.LE. 22::?ni -M'fr'i' Dress Cools Dep t. Ph a e mention the Waichmak w hi :-n jou wilte. Womacfc& Embrey, General FrcflEe CoM'aioii Mer chants. DANVILLE, Va., For the pa)o of Chicken-, E., Duttcr ami all kinls .f t'oiintry ITotluve. I'romnt rcinrns. (iivo ns your t-onsin-menl.s. WOMACK C- EM 11 KEY, our Jewelry si nn AV'e are still at our old stand on Main stiver, where we have a seleet stock of Watehes, Clocks, Spectacles,, and all kinds of fine Jewelry on hand at the lowest prices. Watch repair1 no; a specialty. All work mi ran teed 12 months. J. a H. HOEAH. fcl.Uy BIDS WANTED. Scaled bids wii; le receive;! until Satuwlay, Ma 3d, at 12 o'clo k, tor erecitn th'r new raeton buiidu!';,' ot The iS.thsi'U y Cotton MH!s. The bull I la wlii beabi i 3 "CxI'mi feel, besides boiler, cnira and e Lh loom-j. Th" pi ins an 1 spe. i;liMtio;.is can li.- set-n at I he D.ivia & VVIh'V iUlik on ; nd uli-cr May i:uh. I-. J . jkil'HHx'li. - I I or the imitdi o umilOe. Bop i?FcrY PliOVESSIOXAL CARDS. 1 R. LEE WRIGHT, ATTOKNKY AT LAW, SALISBURY.. C. Will practice in all the courta of Row an a.tid adjuiniu counties. Prompt attention given io all matters pertaiujag to iuy profession. Feb. I J. isyi. A. S. HEILIQ. SALISBURY, JT. C. OHiee in Pivis Wiley's h;xnk luiilding cornet of Main nnl I n i i-s streets. Will prac tice in Courts of Rowan arel adjoining eonnties. Prompt and careful atUi.tion piren to nil bus incss entrusted to me. Special attention given to collections. JOHN A. RAMSAY, CIVILi ENC-IKT I23S3X1L. Attends to Railroad Construction, Surreys. and Mapping of Real Estate, Estimates of Water Powers. Plan? for the Erection rf Mills. Dwellings, if.; and attends to t!ic purchase 01 all kinds of .Machinery, Enilding Materials, &c, &c. " .fel2 tf Dr. R. L. Ramsay SUllGE&JV DEXTJST, Smitiideal's Row, Office, Xo. 1, OFFICE HOURS FROM 9 TO 5. SALISBURY,- --;N. C. T. I. Vinson. South Main Street for your shaving and hair-cutting. First-class work in ioi.d sharjt razors at all times. Hair-dress- ii:g and sliampooing a specialty. Will wait ot, ' , ladies an 1 children at their "homes. I also sharpen scissors at from In to -20 cents a, pair, (live nn a call. fcbl2 tf. - HE RE ! I am still doing business at the old stand on ju;un siri-et,. l still do all kinds, of repair worl ""io -tn.. ,,uitcniij4 a s M-ciaiiy, Mins repaired on stiort notl e. Old copper taken in exehm'-e for ,-'ork. stovew and all kinds oftinwnrc kept in. stock. 1 gu i ran tee all my work and will do it as i cheap as It can be done in the state Pes:e,iri:y, 21 Sin WILLIAMS BR077N. STOP HERE! stop near corner of Mala and Innis street and sret the host Shave or Hair Cut to be found in Salis bury. If you will shave in my shop you will go a way SiiilsU.-o. I am the old reliable democra'L; bt.rber. ' IiespecL'ullv. Sahstmry. April's, 1-P1. rin . Ot JL1 IV C V- I 1 tj' PaiJ on Liiiid in iMijj-'ii? llcfinnji'ij. J; ;inn-s i. .uason. :i oiiin-.iilJiii- .I',.,,...! Hill. N. ()., will eollect this tax tor . eents on tlie I)o!l;ir. Send our reeiipts to him. Jfloft w rite the F.ii-fs. lie can ive the oest citizen-i of L'li. i pel Hi!! i as reb-reneei ::n I J. A. .JOHNSTON. NSTON CHAEL0TT3, IT.! C. i k Si MM - m j T-'t '(.x f f .,' v -' r.O-,' . -'.'.k-'.'V iU'fiU? &0?r ? f. :.r .- y People of Salisbury and vicinity wanting lr.oiuinients : lionltl rorrospond with us. Estimates furnished, irrat is. Wooffon's Patent Wire Tobaoso Hangers CAN BE USED ISM ANY BARN. 1 PRICKS, when Cash AccompaiilcM flic Order: 100 Sticks Complete (7 Wires to Stick)... . m nn 1,000 Wires (.No Stleka) . i'.qo r-.- . , PRICKS ON TIME : 100 Sttcks Complete 1,000 Wires (No sticks) i V"'R Baskets, per Dozen i ! : 4 !oo Sample Stlek and Wire for 5 Cents. tW Treatise on Tobacco Culture and Curing FREE. AGENTS WANTED. TOBACCO HANGER M'F'G CO., Houston, Halifax Co., Va. Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and HoriEon- tal o every variety and capacity. A I mm w T-.t-.- "" ..-;t .-jr I I Spring, 1891. ;i i DIZKS "FAliliTCS if Bult KAHLY 8!J?KXN 3" We are mow tbowlng a magnificent lino of Dress Goods lor early ; 1 n-r. en fcrHCini? the very newest tejttuies. and mt t tWe eo ors In N velt v Plaldian I yttlpes, famel's Ualr, G ievlots, Jleiirt titas, serges, tu; , etc. Tins premises to be the most favorablcseason for LJ.ACK LACES ever knowft, and wc i;ov Lave In stock a line of J.nce Klonnce. hraperj- N'eisandire dln s. wliieh tor voluniaud beauty of d siu, excell our efllorts aiiypieiloitseir of Wi.lie (ittol, Embrolilcilcs and I.rtccs. jour display is oy far the-greatest v.e have ever made. And everj where In the house In all of our H de paitinentti, m-iy now be seen new goo s. bougai iow for cash, and one red to the reepje of Xrti-m Carolina ct aa low prices as any housetu tlie trade. HAIL OHDEU DEPARTMENT. We haveimade this Mail Order l usiness a s ei. ial Ptu.I v, with the ultimate ci jo. t la viw of p rfeet li!$r tnes8i.em 90 that ii. will afford to tiiose Kh-j resld" In the most remote parts of our Slatvt..e convenience ut shopping in 'he btst Dry-doous 1 t ...... l-.i I.. -V... 1, .1:.. . 1M. l.. -1........ .1... I V'J.I 1 "II. lu.ii m i 1.1 jmii 1.1 . :ti t'.ui i. i i.t- umrios ii'uu ,t I'm,., 4 .ni, lhl-,ill,rl. I 1.1- ,.l,.,nn..! hnu i!tn.i,lili. In,.rn.ilii1 dnrlru I l'"U,IU iVIll'W, llll ,'llgll LIH., lllllllll II.IO lilt (1 ill 11 ,1111 1U3 the season closed, showing- a giealt r prooi tionate lTicie.ise i !,an any feiiuer waso and we win use every efT- ri in our pouer to mala i lie ore w hl-.-h we .ire no -v enierii.g eveu a greater success than the oae ju.-t closed. - ' SAMPIjES. . Wo cheerfully send samp'es; and would like lo impress upon our patrons the irnport,)iiee, when wi iili, i,r tor h iir.p s. io V.e as evpli it asvsslhle. so that we can send t.h'-m sultaide sainpics instead nr a lot wl.fii maj beeniirclj different front what they want.! CATALOGUE, our spring Oaialoue wid !v ri-.idy April 1st, and ill be ni .lied lice upon application. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. (Rseept Furniture and Crockery ) On all cabh onlei or $'..'u ;nui over, wo v. I'd- no HVer goods tree to nearest ss c flleo or rail road station. YV. II. & R. S. TUCKERS CO. ' S2:"m Kaielch, N Please mention the watch-man when jt-u write. PROGRESSIVE FARMER Jtaloig-h, N. C. Oi-aiUof Hi N. 0. ShuV Ailidncp. E'liied Ijy Col. L. L. I'olk-, Mssislcfl v lev. B.iylus C;;.le. Tln juiper will be kept up (o I.,' ii;:i:;l liih ;-t .-ttirlnrc ... - ,.:i i,.-ii,;i II1J.-H .-liillUitll SiiliscriliQ for it, only $1 per ve.;r ii .itlv.iiice. Tlie UrpeM'cssiVc Farniei ami tlV Watchman will K sent 'to new snlscrilers t $1.75 for l-o'Ji pers. Subscribe now. A!i're; UKOGlilSlVE F.IMER, Uilei-h N. C. 'OTICE ! I hereby that P. P. Alemr.ey is my nn: horized ajjeiit for col !( in" ;md i i eeeijvt in-: :n i m , :s te n:e. Ail accotinl.- 1 1 i . i ... nnetiletl ani not jnljnsel in tlie i.ext ixij- ilays will !e r duecd to jii-l-incnf. Ja SjK'cilu 1 ! v. .1. B. COL'NC'ILL.-aI. I). Fel. 2t, lSi!l. 7:tl 11 - ;. t n .vi'i iim? , -in an : i ru -i- .Si.i. wn- - :.,;.- .-, .ut:'auui jiHv M:i'"e fr;- u IS K W U i.t T. L. ELLi()'i:r & ELLIOTT. rr TEAM Granite and Mar Melons At -wholesale rind retail. Own- '' V I 1 C 1 i ii 1 1 ( I - " - - 111 i'o oiuiiiv. Aucnts f;r Iron lances, Finals, (;rp3tiii--, ; Eegular Horisontal Pntcn. The most simple, clnraUe and effective Pump in the market lor Mines, Omrrne, Refineries, Breweries, Factories, Artesian wells, Fire duty and general manufacturing purposes. 3Sonl for Catalogue Tlie A. S. CAHpOH STEAM PDHPWfBKS I CONDENSED SGFlEnm1 In Effnl March SU. J tL"riloUS"l) Lv New York". Fall idelphl.i, " 1? iltinaore. Washinifton. Chirlo tesvHle, " I.ynehtrirg, 1:11 " Il ' 1 I I''7!'". St' Invule, I-.v TM 'hiDond, ' liurkeville " Kevsvllle, , r Danville, ; -Lv Danville, Ar (ireensboro, Lv Ooidsboro. Ar Haleigh, Ivif.iMcJi,. " Durh im, Ar eir Ciislr- ro. I,v w ihston-sj.ilem, ;rec.sboro, High P.iint, r S tlisburv. Lv Salisbury on W. X. C ,r statesviile, " Hickory, Connelly Springs, i i'i, k 3 4,;pm 51 V i M,ru 15 ,"-' Mir ii tf :a IT-..!,, "''PI Aiorg.unon, 9 j- -'I ' - . ;on '!! 4,.- " IJiack Mountain, " Asjievlile, " I Kit Sp ilngR, Lv Sill bury, Concord. r chariot o. I'Urg, " ore( nville, " Atlanta, Lv Chariot ;e, Ar Columbia, " A-UgUhta, ' :i'lM I - ,tif, 1 ! I i v . ... i I'l.. K :p- j Ill 'ft"" Lij-,. "Mil,! :-: r. 1 i 1 . ! - 1" .''V. I ;-"!t; :"l'i.; Ni'L'i l I't I M I.V. AU-llr-ta. ' i oiumi i i. Ar Cii iiiotte, Lv A tl.ii -ta. - ;reM.i:i. " Spai ta-nburg, Ar t h irlotte, " ConetirdJ " Salisbury. Lv not sp.rliigs, ." Aslievllle, " ITtnck aln, l'oimd Knob, " old Korr, " Jloreranto'!. " cuiiTie'ly Springs, " Hickory, " St-tesv..lO, ArSatrsbuiy, . IvsdlsiuV, ' liluh V' I d, Ani' i oi f lore, " V.'lll-i 0!i-S;:lCEl, Lv cn-eesbr-io, , lr :)iuh m, K ilf-Itrh,. Lv I'.'i lefu :i, Ar ;n;(!.-.), iro, Lv Jreci fcbi n o, Ar Da.'ivlHc. " K i vk iile, " bur: e il'e, " TkiiM.ond, I.v Lynch itii-tr. " ch-'.rlott--sille, Ar Washington, ' 1! " Vi. delpldi, " A ew Yor , y ''. i )- (' 1. i.r, 1 "I ' I, V ,,, .1 II.;,-, r H..;r i Ot ! i i- !.;. i -. i V an. i "al,i!' r-; ; Ti; " . ii.: v; ;iin ! ' -. in' am; s -".Mr:1 j (IV 3 "Vir. F Hii af- , is fa '' Mil 1 1 :, . I .if i : ; ,. s. I l.-i ' "an, S in 1 - rv :J:: r ' ill I.v i: p:i.' S - 1 !t 1 1 . I ! o I'l ,(p "' l !.i .1' llu I '' I ij; J VESTIliULK TRAIN, -N I.OIM). D ILY. . lioiM, d rn am Ar. :c ii! "2r. :!!! ' 1 r, am. " l : " j-nii ' ! l; !.- m; ' s pin Lv. W.-hii i-:r ii, .'1 xaie ri i. .Cliarbut vi!le, I ! eh iirirj I U.VII!.-. rjn, ,t Si!isli:r.v. .s list ii; iv , Ch r'otir. Spa i r iTd ip--, -;n envJiii I.ula. ' i;.ltn s il'c, Mlaiita.- ' I,: '' .'-M-: : I" . u ' ''' I'M P'n Ar . 1 1 O'lpf.i " ,11 lllll " ' 1 lo am " YAIHCIX liAILi;ol). !' Salisbury d uly e.veert Mil1. r i!e s!l!e r, p m. - ' ' - !: ou t p i,.av., idles; llle .! n. ra : :rrh liir. Im a.m. . S I . V. K I ' I N ( M'aTi K Kll X if K. -t. ir in s '. ai 1 ! I -ii '1 in., n i;(i lii.M S ""li.- ev. it!, a i l:i. -Vj ,- i ' . '! i! , ' l U. .1 . ii c cms i 1 . I.l.-, ii ' . .1 d I'M'l:! !, S!, , ( 'i: CO. id . ;,:,( ,: r.;eei,: T .,.( ai d ! :1c , in; ; i.; s; i i.r ii la .Asl i O . l.ailiS ! r; !i! i ,: :, . y, '! i.'.- S',r;.: ir ' ar b-1 Ae. v,s':,!.v:,.i, w ()r.v , s' U '. '''rv '''th-;:.. S , I, I 1, J Tid l .ref)i.-,boii.. ; , .j : i , ,, ,., .,, , , i,.,, I-'! imrn-i t u- -y V. -i ,. , ,,'. Ml' i. l-ui'-St. : rr M, . ui i 1.. t i . i V-'i-' an.t W-ieiii.--iJ . . n. t v'.,v .. ! i . 1 i -S !;i l.pili',' ..i,, V, I mt, I 1 !.n.i:;;. ii- !,-;is,n s!e il in l:.i. ..k ft t)'i--!(i I all P MM . to. r I. s .'I'tmI !;:;. n:r...l)nii ; j -!' !i . .'o.ii or i :if -i.u.iii! (. u. j.v.i- I A l j.ok, sol. Il,i. W TI IK -v- -Ti-iufii,- Mlt l. C A KaLeich. N. ('. AHKOCNCEHENT. Wc hcreliv .'Milioi.ticc flir f Mr P. f P. Mpvohcv is ;ni .-nil linri4'i pveirt - fr-r ' coiiccl m mil IVC.tOjd 1 C "in lulls 'ill-'. I Li-l.ilclTnn of V!:Ij, !, ,; Tndi ilii'.Hl. All ;i( iilis iii-,'ll!i-il :,r,i not ;o'jii-f(-l in flu next sLxiv -il;t Will lie !".! 1 1 icn I t (i jni"ii II h Vv 111 TK HEAD. Ivi. I) II. T. TKANT1J.M,M,1. 12if " ' .avcatH, and Trale-Marks ohlainel. ai.d all Int ent bujiiicst.' conductid f(,r Modcratc Frts. Out Oftice is Opposite j. s. ptekt Ornce ai,a we mo t-or.ata pat-nt in less tiiac -than iIkw-j remote f.-nin Wasliiutan. Scud model, lrawing or photo., with dwr!r tion. We advice, it patentaMc or iui. fr-; of charge. Our fce not due till patent in nc'irtd. A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patent.'," r.ames if artnal clients in your ttate, touLtj. cr town, sent free. Address, - C.A.8M.OW&.C0. Ofp. Patent Officc, Washington. -D. C. VliiTICAL PLUHGl ir-iv.i ' . a i w . iL mm . u tt .. --ii. I- ... I In ' r, . - i . mm 'i--.VST.SJ,,ST,sKKT1 Xkv York.

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