l i .;- ... : ! : i it : :, - : i If " - 1 - -:k - '. IP - I ' " v.- I I ( ! LJLJl(CXJ JL : ! I -1 0 V 1' Ji-JL JL J VOLiXXlI-TIlIllD SERIES SALISBURY. N. G., JUNE 25, 1891 NO. 34. 1 " " M- - i j'' - - -' ' - - m iww mn.iu i wu jn i jnumm -in i nj jwwm 'U'l i J'J p jipOw bp m f hi I mi in hiim dipMirM iit i 1 1 in i rfWfcai ii n "mti 1 mmm urn lirt i ri n Mfin" it n (.' if it i mwij i f I - ' . - - for Infants and Children is l! "CMtorl a tehrcll adapted td children that I recnimciwUfiupcrior to any prescription known to ntffw-JI.' 4- Ancnca, II. p., 111 Eiford CL, Brooklyn, N. Y. i;- ) "Tho hso fcf ';torIa Is EO universal and Its nwits so well known that it sowna a work of r,,lpr-rov,'atloto endorse it. ,'-"ttrT IntelliKont families who do not keep Uafetoria tt ithiu easy reach." . - . CAnLoa Martyw, P. D.. Now York City. Late Taster Dloomiagdalo Itoformod Church. i 1m Chttaob .EVERY TO CALL AT 1 X W. BOS Aim set; his NEW SfroCK of M tods, Notions (and M ! - ) i Consisting! of DRESS GOODS, , llVtJIUlV A j SHOES, i tJNDEliWRAR, XKOKWKAR, 1 1 o.. Wo miiko-.si.-oi:iliy m UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS and CORSETS. My MiUN'NKRY is now Iiss Aldcrson, of naitimore:' rmil oxtvinino lifr stock. " j I Tl-isij the largest-' slock of rUIJN4TUIiE in the State, and tfie lowest prices offjiiiv deafer North or South. I sfeiill prove it hy "frgiiivs." -; " :,. E.eaclTliQe I?rices; . A luU;m body. 1.5. thv i'aniae, Wire whpels, only $ 7 HO (n'niiii)('Anti(j'ue OA leil Koom Suit ( 10 pieces), - '25 00 Wafn ut 'Frame1 Wool Flush Farlor Suit (G pieces.), 1)5 00 . Antique O ik Sidelxiard, with h;'rge las, 1( 00 taiidin ll.ill Kaeks- With ;la8. 7) 7o '.Antique Oak llii,'h Faek Wool Seat Rockery 150 Mexican (Jrass Hanimoek, hire size, , 1 50 -Mosquito Canopies, with Frames ready to lian, 2 00 i)aniloo Kaseb; 5 feet: high, ' - 1 00 ' Lathes ptat tan Rockers, 2 50 Antique ();ik Centre Tables, 1ft inches square top, ' 1 50 i Holland Window Shades, Dodo Fringe and Spring-Rollers, 05 ' Flat tornr Spring Rockers, carpet seat, 3 50 Sterling Orgnni stops, walnut case, 50 00 SterlingTiano, 7 octaves, Ebony case, 225 00 I hin e just jiift in the Furniture Tor throe large hotels, and am receiving orders frpm nil over North and South Carolina daily, j ' One friep to all, and that tho"lovt;st known, is my. way of doing business. If you buy an article from me and it does not come up as represented, return it at my expense ami get your money back.' Writo mo for Catuloyues. E. M. - 11 and 10 West Trade St. " n ' . . t;' ift?-JliLi THE "MERRITT J ALLEN BROWN; Ag't for W. N. C. Salisbury, IV; . STATESVILLE MARBLE WORKS lis the Placeito Get Monuments, -Tombstones, &c- '-'! , Alau-e stock of VERMONT MARBLE to arrive in a few days I guarantee i utl-s'aet!on in every respect and positively will not be undersold. Granite Monuments Of all kinds a specialty. Castoria cures Colic, Oonatlpatfon, Bour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Krur-tatioa, Kill3 Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion. Without injurious medication. " For Bevral years I havo recommended your 4 Castoria, andliall always continue to do so as it hua invariably produced beneficial results.' I ' Edwin F. Pardee, M. D., Tho Winthrop," 125th Street and 7th At., 1 Kew York City. CoKPAirr, T7 Mobbat Strkkt New Yobs. i illinery. j WHITE GOODS, LINENS, LACES, TRIMMINGS, WRAPS, ROBES. , opii under tlia management of Yoit ;in; earnestly invited t) call i , - ?. ANDREWS, Charlotte, N. C, f?Siinplo; Durable. Prints from el oar Metal Typo, docs the work of a K0 Macliinc; Perfect Align ment." Prints Capitals, Small Lct- ters, Figures and Characters 78 in all.- Price complete, 15. Agenfs and canvassers wanted. Apply, to- C. B. WEBB, Fkoi'U1ktoh. His Wics Artvice. "Josiah, put your slippers on. And cease your needle? clatter J I want to hav.e a word with you About a little matter. V ' t "Josiah. look me in the face, You know thi3 world's condition Yet you have never cast a vote Right out for Prohibition. ,:I heard you on your knees -Ja?t nighl, Ask help to keep from strayin", And now I want to know if you Will vote as you've been pray in"? "You've prayed as loud as any man, While with the tide a-Uoating. Josiah, you must stop sich work, And do some better votin'! "Wc woman pray for better times, And work right hard to make 'em ; You men vote liquor with its crimes, And we just have to take 'era. "How long, Josiah, must this be? We work and pray 'gainst evil ; You pray all right, for what I see, But just vote for the devil ! . "There now! I've said my say, and yon Just save your ammunition, And vote the way you've always prayed ; For total Prohibition !'' A. M. Bri mmpr. TI5XAS. A Former Resident of Rowan Writes About Coleman atftl Vicinity. M-r, Editor: As I am a constant reader of the Watchman and a native tarheel I-wjll give a few items about Texas and especially the county in which I live. I first c;ae to Williamson county, Texas, and front there to Coleman. The land of Coleman county i.s of a sandy loamy nature, varying t rV color from a chocolate to black and very fertile and friable giving for little la bor lar-e,returns. There- is but little or no irrigation in this county. The leading crops are wheat, oats, corn and tTotton. The average ield here is from 20 to 40 bushels of wheat per acre, to 1 hale f cotton, corn 30 to 00, oats 50 to 100 bushels per acre. All kinds of fruit do well here, espe cially peaches, pears, plums, apricots and grapes. The climate i.tlelighlfu', ranging in tempeiature from 70 to )() degiees iu summer, and a gentle gulf breeze making the summers plea.sant. It is as healthy as any place in Texas. The. water courses are numerous an 1 furnish an abundan.-e of clear running water. It is a good stock raising coun try. Cattle lire only required to be fed three months iu the year and with this airfount of feed they will do as well as stock in the north which are fed nine months in the year. Land uuimpro. e 1 can be bought freni $3 to SO pr acre and improved land from 7 to $f5 owing to the . amount of im provement. Coleman county has thirty school houses and last year employed fort y two teachers. Coleman city, the county eat, is on the gulf, California & Santa Fee railroad, is about the cen ter ot the county and is surrounded by as tine fanning land as is in Texas. It is only about 15 years old and has oiig national and one private, bank a (lour mill, three cotton gins, a stone school house that cost 87,000, two hotels, thirty-five mercantile houses, &c. While this county is a line farm ing country minerals cannot ha . con sidered of secondary importance. Coal has been found in paying quantities, coke 50 57 per cent., fix carbon 47 50 per cent., ash 9.07 per cent., valatile 33 '1)3 per -cent., moisture 0.50 per cent. The absence of water and solid roofing overlying this coal render it very easily worked. The principal vein found up to this time is proven to be from 45 to DO feet below the sur face. The thickness of the vein is from 30 to 5t inches. I would say to those who are seeking homes in Texas that I would sulvise them to try Cole man. I do not urge. them to Uave the good old state of North Carolina. Young men had better, get them a mate before they leave because young ladies are not as numerous out here as young men. Crop prospects stre very favorable out here' now. The-Watchman is a pleasant visitor to me every week and I wish the good old paper success. I can also add that Coleman is strict ly democratic. A Cleveland Boy. Prominent People, General Hancock's grave is unmark ed. Mrs. Hancock went to Montgom ery cemetery Ir.st wick to see what steps would be necessary to improve it. Koch is at work. again on his tuber culine, and hopes to improve it during the next few months after which he will publish his own report upon it. James Fen i more Cooper's two daugh ters, who are now quite old ladies, re side in Cpoperstown in the midst of the scenes made famous by their fath er's pe.n. Sir John Macdonald seldom went to bed before midnight and never hurried about getting up in the morning, but up to the timeTof his last illness, he was healthy, wealthy and wise, old saws to the contrary notwithstanding. General Don Carlos Duel! is occa sionally seen on the streets of Louis ville, 'where he goes uo w ank then to dissipate tht monotony ot farm life. His form is erect and well preserved, and die is ah entertaining talker on military -and' other topics. CARE OF TUB EYIW A Few Simple Rules That May Stive Off ''Specs." A skilled optician furnishes the fol lowing bits of information is to the care of the eyes. Kep a shade on your lamp or gas burner. Avoid all sudden changes between light and darkr.e ;s. " Never begin to read, write or sew for several minutes after coming frun darkness to light. Never read by twylight, moonlight, or any light so scant that it requires an efliort to discriminate. Never read or sew directly in front of the light, window or door. It is U-st to let the light fall ironi above obliquely over the left sholder. Never &leep so that on thci rst awak ening the eyes shall open on the light of the window. The moment you are instinctively prompted to rub your eyes, that mo ment stop using them. FA I LI NO VISION. The symptoms of failing vision an; set forth iu this way: 1. Spots or sparks of, light floating before the eyes. 2. Quivering of the lids or sesation of sand in the eye. 3. Fereeptible fatigue' or the require ment or strong light in reading. 4. The hohling of objects at arm's lenght or close to the eye. 5. Squinting one eye or seeing ob jects double. 0. Dizziness or darting p. tins in the eyeballs, or over the temple. 7. Perceiving a colored circle around iii mt lamp. 8. Sensitiveness of the eyeballs or contraction of the vissual fieid. 9. filming of the vision or being unable to see objects distinctly at a distance. 10. Watering or redness of the eyes or lid.-, running together of letters when reading, or seeing the vertical better than horizontal lines. Oeneral News. A man named Smith, of Greenville, Ale., cut his hand while straping a razor, and died two weeks later in par oxysms. Col. John G. IVatker, Missouri, is in New Vo.ik using his influence iu favor of having the next Deuneral ie N:y tional Con venting held at St. Louis. Small pox has broken out in Otoe county, Neb. Six persons are down with the disease and three more cassis were repottd yesterday. Why do people wait until a man is sick and can't eat to send him good thiugsr1 When he is well, and would like something good, no neighbor conies with fancy jellies, old wines and tilings like that. An invitation 1 lungs are unfair, to visit the Expo sition to be held iu Augusta, G i., next November has been extended to ex Prisdent Cleveland, who has promised to give a answer at an early date. George E. 01 instead, a Brockwater, Fa., boy, just out of kneehreeches, has been offered 40,000 for a tire escape he has patented. Like a sensible boy, he is going to take t'r.e money and give himself a good education. A conductor on an Illinois Central says that female tramps arc-on th in-t crease. They are not so darting as the the man in jumping on or off trains, but they are found hanging all over a frieght car. A Little liock alderman, W. J. Cap il, will be impeached for going to a Sam Jones meeting and the alerm tnie board without a quorum. To com plete his punishment he will also be charged with carrying concealed weap ons. . An Ohio woman picked up an arm ful of sticks and carried them to throw on the fire. One of the sticks twined itself around waist. Did she shirk and alarm the nieghbors? Not a bit of it She put the snake in a botttle corked it up when she went down town sold it to the local druggist for $2 as a curiosity. It is reported of Mr. Surgeon that while peaching in a large half the air becomes oppressive, and stopping in t he mist of his sermon he said if those persons sitting near the windows will take their canes and ummbrellas and knock out sufficient glass to let in some fresh air, 1 will pay the damages soon as I am done preaching." The Philadelphia Record of yester day, says: "President Harrison will try to go to the great Southeran In dustrial Expositon at 11 il eiglii iN. v., iu October and November. It would I be well wprth his while. But it is ten times greater importance that I hila delphia merchants and manufacturers should bo properly presented there. The undertaking has the official and pecuniary baik ng of the leading Southern States, and will therefore, be a representative showing of South eran resouces. Nothing is plainer to view than the drift of fu ture business relations of Philadelphia and the South. The fiield is open for instant cultivation. The Central States are reached by rail and the open sea. To the South wc must look for the bulk of whatever increased" busi ness U to come to us. The Ualei"h Exposition clears the way for u- Household Hints. Wash oilcloth iu borar water. Cold tea is the best wash to clean grained wo l or natural woodwork. Solied wall p iper may be cleaned by first brushing the dust off and then rubbing down the pieces of light bread. Tin unpleasant smell of newly pain ted apartments may be lessoned by setting pale.'t of fresh water around on the floors. N After cleaning the closet sprinkle borax around the edges of the shelves and floor and you shall not be troubled with the roaches there. Add a teaspooful of borax to a pan of hot soapsuds; p(tr your table silver in it, and let it stand two hours, llinse it with clear water, and polish with a soft cloth or chamois. If you wish to keep pickle in fruit jars, rub the inside ot the mefai caps with lard. The cans with caps lined with porcelain are much to be preferr ed for all purposes. To fasten a steel L blade which has conic out of the handle, fill the cavity with roan, then warm the part to be adjusted, and inserted slow I v, pressing it firmly. Hold till it gets cold. For rheumatism, take half a glass ful of lemonade for ten nights. Al ways take it when getting into kd at night. Wear flannel next to the skin, and in cold weather sleep in warm blankets. A simple means of changing the air in a six room is to open a window at tlie top and opening the door, move it back and forward rapidly, so as to in sure a current of fresh air from the window. t Heat an egg thoroughly in a bowl and add one teacup of cold water to it. Use enough of this to thoroughly moisten collie when making it. Keep in a cool place, and waste uo more eggs by drying. After thouroiighly sweeping a dingy carpet, wipe it with a damp cloth par tially wrung out of a mixture ot water and ox gall iu the proportion of two tablespoafuls of the latter to a gallon of lukewarm water. To clean a gold chain that is dirtv and dull froindong use put in a bottle with warm water. Hub dry on a clean cloth and polish with chamois skin. The following will he found a wel come change for the meat soups,: Three pints of milk, twelve large poptatoes a tab'.espoonf nl of butter onions, salt and pepper to taste. Let all simmer, not boil, for two hours, than rub through a tine hair sieve. Serve with nicely browned toast cut in bits the size of dice. In the care of the hair it is impor tant to brush it thoroughly on the "wrong side." For instance, when the hair is worn rolled back from the face it should be parted and brushed, and if the coiffure is low the hair should be combed up and also well brushed. At tention to this seemingly trilling de tail, and to have the scalp messed daily, will issue young bright hair to elderly people. The Poor" Farmer ami Fertilizers. Mr. Editor: Will you allow me a little space in your valuable paper for a few lines ? 1 will take the poor class of people and fertilizers. When you go to rent land from the land holder the first question he will ask is how much cotton can you work. I want as much as ten acres worked on this one horsu farm. The renter thinks the land good so he makes the bargain. Well the next thing is we will have to have some fertilizer. This land will not make cotton without the stuff, so here goes for one ton of fertilizer. Well uow how long will the poor man have to work to pay for one ton of the fer tilizer. It will take him about four mouth if he can get some one to buard him, if not it will take him a good while longer. He plants the ten acres of cotton and the season is bad. lie -makes about a half crop, so the poor fellow comes out behind. So you seo there is no money in cotton and fertilizer for the renter, and there is none in cotton either. How can a poor man feed and clothe his family and work about one-third of his time for some man or company. If the landlord would pay this man fifty cents a day and let him make manure he would make more iu the long run. Let him pay the poor man for making manure to the amount of .one or two tons of fertilizer and keep that money and labor on his form. The trouble with the southern far mer is lie raises all cotton and keeps his cern cribt Hour bin and smokehouse in the north or northwestern states. What is the cause of the poor" con dition of the laboring class; is it legis lation as some say ? I would say no, it is because we do not raise home sup plies enough, which we ought to do and a little to spare. The Alliance noilno other organization can better the condition of the people if they do not trv to hell themselves. I think that the land and people would both improve if the people would take this plan. God helps those that trv to help themselves. W A. A. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. The Two Old PATiios. The only possible thancr for either of the old political parties to maintain their supremacy is to j! lay aside all war issues and- make a campaign upon the. question of to-day. tor more than a quarter of a century we have betn lighting over and over, every four ars, the battles of the past. Issues that should have beeiv buried at Appo mattox were resurrected by politicians in order to further thfeir selfish ambi tions;5 and all of this time the people have been tjie innocent victims of shameful oppression. Sentiment us urjMd the throneof treason, and pas sion of public weal, hut the honest voters of our land -North .South, East and West -a re at hist aroused and will refuse longer! to be blindly led by political schemerf. They plainly see that so long'as these old war cries are raised, that the oppressions will not be diminished or their wrongs righted. The farmers of the North and South have clasped . hands across the bloody chasm, and from this day on will live only for the future. They have closed their ears ;to the whine of the politician. With a united effort, intend to go to work and remove from their shoulders the burdens that tyran nical laws has placed upon them. If they cannot get redress in the old par ties, they will form a party of their own. They will not longer be con trolled with empty promises. They will demand tangible proof from the. party that receives their support. The democratic leaders 'should realize this fact. They cannot slap the alliance in the face with one hand and draw; them to them with the other. Every word of abuse against our organization broadens the chasm and makes recon ciliation the harder. The toiling mil lions of our land demand relief and re lief they will have. AVill the Sun Ilurn Up. Thousands of curious and ingenious theories have been brought .-forth to account for the fact that the sun, al though he has whirled his burning disc across the heavens for untold ages, continues to burn without being con sumed or his bulk, being lessened in the least. Some learned men affect to believe that the great orb is a mon strous b.ll of gas, but even a great: ball of gas would be consumed to its utmost atom in the course of a few thousand years; Others believe that its tires are kept up by the remains of wrecked worlds which are constantly falling into its depths, but even this seems far from probable, not to say a purely absurd conclusion. In giving his opinion on the last opinion, one of the most eminent astronomers of the day dins figured that a mountain range consisting of 170 cubic miles falliiig into the sun would only be sufficient to maintain the present heat a second; a mass equal to that of our earth would engender onlv- enough of heat to last ninety-three years. If these conclusions are correct, and we lave no means of proving them false, well may we ask the question. U what wonderful, indestructible, sub stance is the sua composed 1 St. Louis 'Republic. v i Words of Wisdom. The noblest mind the best content ment has. He must b an obscure and common place person who has no enemy. Men of character are the conscience of the society to which they belong. The certain way to be' cheated is to fancy one's self more cunning than others. If the power to do hard work is not a talent, it Is the best possible sutati tute for it. Some lend their hearts much as their money, with a pretty heavy in terest. ' ' True worth never seeks credit for more than it is; that is left for imita tors and counterfeiters. The decree of success obtained mav often he ascertained by the amount of jealousy which it arouses. Half our forebodings of our neigh bors are but our wishes, which we are ashamed to utter in any other form. No abilities, however splendid, can command success without intense la bor and persevering application. We may be certain of an axiom, but it becomes to us doubly true when vouched for by one whose opinion, we value. People generally are what they are made by education and company be tween the ages ot titteen and twenty five. Many of us have two standards, one for ourselves that reaches the clouds, while the one which we give to others tiails low iu the dust. There are those with manners so tine they seem formed by the graces, and with speech so courteous that the spirit of persuasion might have prompt ed it. Whether a boy is from country or city, rich or poor, weak or strong, tal eutec or not, will and work are sure to win. Wishes fail, "tmt wills prevail. L iboi; i luck. . Agricultural. FEEDINO A YOUNO COLT. A colt whose dam has no ihillc should he fed with -fresh cow's milk diluted with a little hot water to re- duce it to the more watery character f the mare's milk. If necessary a nursing IxAtlo may be used, or the milk fed at first with a spoon at inter vals of one hour, until if is ablo to' barn to drink, when its regular meals of two quarts four times a daypmay bo given. New York Times. r -' FOWLS TALK. Very tame hens often show a-desire to talk to you, and it is usually possi ble to understand their meaning. Once a Cochin, whoso years and breed ing entitling her 66 a seperatc perch, catuo and stood in; front of nie, looked me full in the face and4 complained loudly of something. I could not translate further. Patient investiga tion revealed that one end of her perch had slipped down, and Mrs. Buff had no idea of sleeping on an inclined perch. Another time a nervous look-" iug Leghorn met me at the hen house door fairly junipingandcreaming with excitement. 1 understood from ih-i cackle which fin shed each seutcncQ that she had been disturbed oil her nest. I did not wonder at her new powers of cackling when I found the nest occupied by my cat and three-'" small kittens. When the chickens ' first begin to move in the egg, just before hatching, "7 the mother hen sings to them a low crooning song, very sweet and never heard at any other time. A friend telis me that her canary startled Jier one day by an entirely new call. It was so plainly "Come here, quick," that she rushed to the cage to find an enormous cat-with its face Tresse I against the window pane, staring at poor Ned a danger sufficiently great to account for the new-call There are but two ways by . which one can hear animals converse. Ono ' is by hastening to them -when tli'y. are not aware of your .-presence, always a difficult feat. The others is by win ning their entire confidence. Cole-' man's Rural World. CELEKYjX'ULTURE. Iii reply to the inquiry of the Ne braska subscriber wiio asks ' how to plant and cultivate c h' y w ; give the following: Sow in the open ground as soon as it is fit to. work iu April, . and keep clear. of weeds until the timo. of planting, in June ami July. Tho tops should be shorn off once or twice before planting, so as to insure "stocky" plants, which suffer less on being transplanted. Plant in rows three feet apart for the dwarf varieties, arid four to five feet for the larger sorts, and set six .inches apart in row. . " If the weather 'is. dry in time of planing gtcat care-should be taken to see. that the roots" are properly ""firmed" by pressing the yide of each plant gent ly with the foot; this compacts tho soil and partially excludes the air from the roots until new rootlets are formed which will be iu forty-eight hour, after which all danger is over. After the planting pf the celery is completed nothing further is to le done for six (at seven weeks, except Tunning through between the rows with the cultivator or hoe, and freeing the plants from weeds. About the middle of August, we be gin the "carthing-un," necessary for the blanching and whitening of that which is wanted for use during the months of September, October and November. The first operation is that of "handling." After all the soil has been drawn up against the plant with the hoe, it is further drawn close around each plant with the hand, firm enough to keep the leavc3 in an up right position and prevent them, from spreading. This being done more soil is drawn against the row (either by plow or hoe, as circumstances require), so as to keep the plant in this upright position, The balancing procNs, must, how ever, le finished by the spade, which is done by digging the soil lrom 'between the two rows, and banking it clear up to the top on each side of the row or. celery. Farm, Field and Stockinau. Honesty the Rest Policy. He (trying to play a trump card) As I p;issedyour house last evening I ? thought I heard an angel sing. She ( stiffly ) I was at "the theatre last evening. Mrs. Mulhooly and her twins werc,Jat our house1 visitiug the cook.- -Good News. The fanners must know the cost as well as the selling price of his farm products before he can tell the profit Racing With Wolves. Many a thrilling tale has been told by travelers of a race with volvc3 across tho frozen stepps of llussia. Sometimes only the picked bones of the helpless travele r i-re found to tell' the talc. In our own country thousands are engaged in a liie-and-death race against the wolf Con sumption, The best weapons with which to tight the foe. U Lr. H'icrce's (Joldeit .Medical Discovery. This renowned rctr -cly has cured myriads of cases when -ill i otlicr mtdiclucs and doctrines had failed. It is the" greatest iiooi-puruier una r -storcr of stength known to the work . For all forms of scrofulous a (feci ion ; (and consumption is one of them), it unequalled as a remedy.