V - t r - z. 1: t; 'VI If ? r; I A t -I! -'! i '1 ' 1 i 'i ' i Carolina Watchman. J. L BAMSEY, Editor and Proprietor r SUICIN RATES- Dne year in svdviuuve Six months - . Ctnlu of five . Clubsof tn or more TERMS STUICTLV CASH. 1 "0 .75 1.25 1.00 'jfRtered as secdnd-cUss mall at KullsOur , X. C. THURSDAY. JUNE 25, USUI. The WaTCHMA U organ of the MM ,noc in the 5th and 7th Congressional Districts. ';,- The WatchiaK has 50 per cent more circulation than any paper published in Salisbury. jmmr j , 5 ME. CADE BETIREjS. In this week issue q the Proqrcs ire Fanner, liev. Baylus Cade an nounces his resignation. .Maj. IV. F. puffy; of the Wilmington Star, will succeed him,. Mr. Ciule giws Iris rea sons as follows: "After a cartful anil -patient Ftudy of ttlel Pub-Treasury bjJJ, i am convinced that its en actment into law would be disastrous to the country and "especially fo the agricultural in terestof the country. Holding this view, I cannot vrriic one word in favor of that bill. The dofiiinant Pt ntirhent in the Alliance upon tlds'-ajcasure iHtt'lrreconciiTable conflict with my riewp; and the only manly and honorable ii:iiircp left onrn far me is to retire, fliid let another editor take charcc of the paper whose views are in harmony with those of ihe friends of the Sub-Treasury. We have no auarrel with those i who think . that the sub-Treasury is not the beat thin but the man wio can see nothing good in it certainly de serves the prayers- of the people. The anti-Alliance papers, with a few, exceptions, seem ready fotJJie battle. to be getting Instead, of an- tagouizing the organization we think the proper 4otirse t'6r the pliers of both parties to pursue. would be to -ad vise wisdom and discretion. They should say to their leaders that owing to the fact that" such a large number of people are disstftiified and seem de "iirniineuHo have a changehe, the best thing to do is to give these measures the consideration they should have in stead of crying "nonsense," demagog- uery, etc. That would be honest politic-. 1 ' 'Some wide-awake jsoutbem business men have invited Mr. Harrison- andf Mr, Cleveland to attend the industrial exhibitions which are to be held in several southern towns this fall. If both of them should" accept and visit the exhibitions at the same time what a royal advertisement it would" make for the Souths iiuvv- Hill Uas,--we think', already partially promised to at tend the Augusta exposition. Could a platform be built wide enmrgh and strong enough to hold all three of them lit one time? -. The. Baltimore Sun figure it out that all of the defaulting treasurer.'4., Stale, county and municipal, of both political parties, have owed their down fall to being what is popularly known as "practical politicians," We don't like to dispute with such an eaiiuent authority, but we have always been under the impression that being "nrac : tical thieves" was the cause of every defaulters downfall, -whetlier the stolen money was private or public. The devil is trying very hard through various agencies, to trip up Bill Fife, lie attacked him atCharlotte and was defeated, but 'folUwcd him to Greens boiMvvhere he began a meeting last Sui;day4 and the devil got a black eye. The evangelist was u good and willing worker for tlie old boy for many years and he is lotjb to gie him up. ; It Is said tliat Charles Emory Siiaith, torof ilie Philadelphia Press and United States Minister to liussiu., who is now on tiis way home on leave of absence, willuo.t return to St. Pet ersburg. Mr. Harrison seeois to foe waking up to the fact that he ireeds the services of his editorial friends at Jiome just no:, In thfl absence of any definite state ment from the gentleman himself, it is just as well not to pi;i too much faith upon the rumor that Mr. Blajue now favors the free coinage of silver. We bay j no r.a ons fir saying that he , doesn't, yjid we think those who ay thath does are just about m the same pradicam 'nt. yt- is not Relieved that the numerous . cases of ice creuuj poisoning published this season h;is had the slightest effect r upon the consumption of .thai delicious . - compound. Young' in pay ulotit as i . ' much attention tahese stories as thev In. f.n t.lu nl d ingers attendant upou kissing. TllE fhiHigSeaagi-eswnt Ijetween Great IWtain iitul this country is that seal fkoac hers "iuay he seized,, but it's - a good ileal lilie Hling a mau without 'gtli oolog that he A4anay' have 4'abbit o diuuer. Oh, humbug, diploiinu'v t' is(U;.f tlifiiiiiiiy'aliH.4. . i Vvtr ' Irncrr Lie ; n wnm.Hl' wliol isn't waiting for the adoption of a constiUatioira"! rniiendmeut to obtain her rights; she knows them and to prove her ability to take them, she re cently whipped three Jersey City po licemen. . . . . It is said that Mr. Cleveland has placed his presidential fortune in the hands f Senator Gorman and others He might as well to have committed political suicide at onre. It is like leaving a hungry man io watch your dinner. foHOCXD the rniice or v ales ever - - . V A www become theJving; of England which hw recent action has .made somewhat loubtftvl, his official title would be Al- bert VIII, but to most people he wil always be known as Albert the Gamb ler. Whether the recent anli-IIarrison republican conference at Indianapolis represented u large constituency or no it has given the Harrison men some thing to think about for awhile. Key. Baylus Cadk, editor of th Progressive Farmer, and Itev. Dr Carter, pastor of the First Jiaptis church, Raleigh, delivered addresses a the commencement of the A. and M college at Raleigh lst week. A PAIR of lovers caught kissing each other in the street in Philadelphia were arrested, , charged with uass;iult and battery." That isu't what they used to call it when we were young. The address by Dr. Dewitt Talmage at Morehead last, .Thursday night is said to have been a little vorse than was expected of the man,. It's a loss tip as to whether a crook ed Phildelphia banker, or a cheating English nobleman occupies the high est social position. We are all prone to think it easy to reform the vices of some other fellow, b it what of our own ? STAT 13 NI2WS. I terns Roiled Down to Save Space From Mountains tc Seashore., Greensboro Workman: The Horti cultural Society of North. Carolina-will hold it Ninth Annual l?air in this city on the 4th and 5th days of Au gust, Durham Sun: Crops along Lynchburg -and Durham railroad liear to be in good condition, with the exception of corn, which looks some what backward. Goldsboro Ile-Jidlight : We regret to le.irn that Mr. Joet Flmore, of Newhope township, was so severely kicked in the side bv a mule Saturday that lii tie hope is entertained for his re covery. ; Raleigh News and Observer: Th meeting ofthe North Carolina Board of Pharmacy, was announced to be held June 1st and 2nd at Morehead, will b lull at that place on July 8th and 9th n:tead ot oil the hrst date mentioned. Winston Sentinel: . While at Wal Fnut.Cove Saturday the reporter learned rrom gentlemen who are interested that the coal mines there promise to turn our handsomely. lhe company now has several hands at w ork and t hey are getting out coal m larira ciuantities They expect to commence shipping in a Ifew weeks. Oxford Day: R,v. Dr. Black, Su perintendent of i he Orphan "Asylum, uas returned home from (ireenville court and brou-'ht with him the orphan boy, Hudson who was so cruelly whip- pu oy a man named Uarr. The littk fellow had some uulv bruises on h i body. The court fined Carr S500 and required him to pay the boy 150 and me uri pai Asylum SiJOO. toTcord btindard: Laura Polk, wife of Hard Polk; an enterprising col ored gentleman living on C. M. Bosfs place in No. 10, gave birth to triplets on June 12th. The vouhg fjlow;-- at hrst the terror of the family, are still living now the pride or the honu They are named Benj. Harrison Polk, Matt Quay Polk and James Bl ainc - Raleigh Chronicle:. Col. A. B. An ill.tri? ia-. m... . 1 L LI 1 " J I . .o, 3 u t'e 11 sraieu in the pa pers, will shortly become first Vice- t lesiuent or the Richmond & Danville railrwut It was though the won 1.1 ,U cliue the office ow-THir In Him h..c ity of removing his office to New lurk, but this objection has been over come and he will be permitted to hold ."c I'osuioii anu reside in ISorth Caro lina. Winston Sentinel: Itev. Samuel Rothrock, D. D., of Gold Hill, Rowan county and who i visiting relatives in the city, tells us a . few incidents in his lie time that are interesting. He has been in the Lutheran ministry for 50 years, and vyjjth the exception of one R- iao:itlis-be has served the same charge iu Rowan enuntv fTo hoa ...... ched Ins ist year but is still active. liiXVSi ' '"S ljeei1 toandidateforthe Preid tteNf,hiUUlTMlsJI,e rSiaiid'SS-Charlottel lotte ews that Sam Jones perfoimpH 4. .. . . . I,","",C, fir. , l "'."ujrimi nny.f our siifoon keepers, and broke o tircus that whs run irfng in opposition to him.. A wind stm ...it . . ""muiwilllis auditfy-H.tu, but he bou-ht tlve rir,. Cei.t mid roiitlliiiwj i,is meetin' uudrr is s it ii-r.. 0TO WASHINGTON LETTER The Financial SlUation The Speak ership Camnalsn! ia Ohio BennKOther Items : Correspondence ot the Watchmnn. Wasiiixgtox, June 22, 1S91. The condition of the Uu'ied States treas ury lias oeen much talked of during the last few days, and among tbip joli- ticians of both parties it has been the fruitful source of misstatements not to give the hundred and one stories that have been told on both sides a worse name. The democrats have declared that the much prophecied deficit wr.s an actual fact, while the republicans have been just as emphatical instating that the tre;isury had p'enty of availa ble cash ou hand. Neither of them have stated the facts just as they exis ted, without txageratiou, because they were on both sides trying to make po litical capital out of w hat should really have nothing to do with partisan poli tics. However, it is hardly fair to saddle all of the blame upon the politicians:, when much of it .is chargeable to the style in which the treasury statements are made up. For two days this state ment mads it appear that tlie United States Treasurer had given checks for. nearly a mil I ion dollars more than the amount of available cash iu thetivas urh hence the democratic stories of the treasury aetjcit 'when as a matter of fact the treasurer had $2(3,000.000 ou deposit with national banks, which was. certainly jast as much available cash as is a private individuals bank deposits, besides ftlere was in the treas ury, more than $20,000,000 in fraction al silver hence the republican cry of plenty ot money. There is no deficit, and there is no plenty of money; the real situation is midway between those statement., bui. as all the big payments that will be due for three-mouths' have now been pir:id it is fan to inter that the treasury surplus will increase-very rapidly 'dur ing the next ninety days. Among the questions. to be considered at the cabi.net meeting which Mr. Harrison called before going to Cape May Point with Mrs. Harrison land the children, for next Friday, it is ; understood, will I i A ... oe the torni ot treasury statement, to be used, and it is hoped that it may be decided to change it to a plainer form, so that neither side can take advantage of it for political ' purposes. Every patriotic citizen, no m itter what his political prejudices are, should be iu favor of die sing our fin meia' sjsiem from partisan politics. As was expected the North Ameri can Commercial Company which is the exclusive lessee of the sealing privi leges in Alaskan waters, has tfed notice of intention to put in a .claim against the government tortheainoui.it of its losses hy reason of not being al lowed to take the stipulated nunv'ier of seals during tlie ; season of 1!S0;, when it only tok 2.),0CM.) wlii e it. contract allowed it to take OJ,000. For that it claims 8400,000. Thi season when it is to be only allowed to take 7,500 it will probably claim a larger amount. It is believed .that the administration is favorably inclined to paying thiscompany back the money that it had actually paid out Mr. Blaine is credited with having said as much 'out it is hardly probable that it will even entertain the idea of pay ing the enormous sum asked for, which doubtless includes anticipated profits had the full number of seals been taken. The National Democrat which has been in financial straight for some time, has suspended publicat ion. It is thought that a very; large amount of money has been sunk by its p-iblisher. It has been regarded as a Cleveland organ. A geutleman high in the councils of the democratic, party said to me to day that Mr. Cleveland w;:s backing representative JMc Mill in, of Tennessee, iu his fight tor Speakership of the House. He was of t he opinion that Mr. Cleveland's help would not 'prove very beneficial, because, while he had a very large following it was entirely personal and not of ! a nature to be transferred. Ohio politics is exciting the greatest interest here just now, and in several r.-s'pects it is certainly puzzling. For instance, the democrats seem disposed to concede MeKinleys election as gov ernor and to concentrate their tfforts upon electing a majority of the legis lature, at least that's the way they talk. The republicansare in much doubt as to the .actual relations between Senator Sherman and Ex-Governor Foraker, and they are very charrv of expressing opinions fin the merits of either man. Secretary Foster, who is to return in time to attend the Friday cabinet meeting is relied upon by hfs party associates to straighten out the tangle when he gets! back. There is much speculation as to the effect ofthe new European silver pool upon tne purciiasers ot silver bullion by the treasury department. Only $1.90 for thr Projrcssicr Far mer, n atclunan ant u picture -ttf all the officers ofthe national Alliance in cluding each State President. Ex-Senator Jce McDonald, of Indi ana, is dead. Next to Mr. Hendricks. he stood, us a democrat in the Stnh was prominently snoken of ;.s n encv, loth in lotte Chronicle. Tlie director of the Mint is informed that 82.500,000 of gold was shipped from New York and! 250,000 from Boston on last Fridayj Ten thousand tin iil.ite workers arp locked out in Wa'.s. MINING DEPARTMENT. Mining: News Gathered in This anrj Otlier States. j kenis aa.t artic-lca for. this department arft earnestly solicited. j Xo PMnrhjuce Can Possibly Arise froui Onr Silver CoIue. We call upon our bankers and business men to look at and consider this m ntt fo under tire light 'of the monetary history ofthe epoch, which doc3 not warrant or justify the present ig:i.)r.mt clainjr from certain insensate quarters agnin$t the use of silver concurrently wilh gold here iu the United States as "the basis o f our paper currency. The Ji it historical fact we have to ask of them to weigh and remember is, that should our mints keep on coining stan dard dollars until the 30Ji June, 18J7, to their utmost capacity of-$i,50J,00i) peir month, they will not have supplied the country w ith more legal-tender silver money than exists in France at this present moment, to wit: $700,000,000: bat h -ld in Fiance at a valuation concurrent with gold which, if given to the 41t grams ot silver inoursilverdollar, wouiu make the same worth 103.00 cents! j Certainly, with such an expression! silver circulation of fully 18.150 per head, me rencn people havs not oeen over taken and are not even regarded at houc or abroad as menaced in. the least by la financial catastrophe such as we hear much about iu the mischevious, sensational new-papers herein the Eastern Atlantic States us the certain impending conslt quencosof a. silver coinage in the United fkatcs at the present time of less than 0.50 per head of our people. We beg ofthe intelligent business men ofthis country to look squarely in the face the further historical fact that the greatest bank in the world the Bank ot France under the. bi-metallic regime oi that country had a specie reserve iu its vaults a week ago ofthe enormous sum of $187,870,000, of which no less than $l!4o,ooo,000 was silver; and held at a valuation ''.0'6 per cent, higher than is given to the same weight of the metal in our standard dollar and consisting tle silver basis of 50 per ceirt. of the paper money of the Bank at this time, And yet tlie shares of the Bank of Fiance ot the pr value of $193.3 , each, are selling at this time at $S.j(. Though by the- 30;h Juno, 1S97. we should possess in this country $700,000, 000 in silver money, nevertheless, tliat would not give us a greater circulation per head of our people than $0.10; that is to say, $11.20 less than the French haye per head at this time, without having been subjected to or threatened by any -financial cyclone.' We ask all business men, whether bankers or merchants, to also bear in mind that while r ranee, under her bi metallic monetary sytem, has acquired so prodigious i.n amount of silver, that country has also attracted and kept the exceptional sum of $"23.53 per beau of the French people in gold, and the B.ink of France now has in her vaults fully $213,S00,0o0 ot that metal showing in the most practical manner that the possession of silver has not driven gold from France or from the Bank of France; a bank that was easily able very recent ly to spare the Bank of England $15.0o0,o(m) ot the yellow metal at the rate of 3 per cent, per annum. Upon these ground, wc ma- claim, business men should dismiss from their minds, as equally wanting in vtracity as the ogre stories told them in their child hood this sheer iu fancy that the coin aye and current use of silver in tin1 United State- with gold, ;,(.' have the effect to drive gold from our shores. It If there is any country in Europe in a cond'H ion to venture the adoption of a mono-metallic monetary system based on gold, n-suredly, it should be France. This hardly admits of honest doubt, much less dispute, for it is nowhere de nied that there is a gold circulation in that 'Republic, at the present writing, ot at least $1)00,000,000 or $23.53 per head, for every man, woman and ebi d in it. while so distinguished a Minister of Finance as Leon t;y, asserted ten years ago, that there were between 905, OOO.OOO and $1,15S,000,000 of gold in France at that time the meaning of which would be $1,001,500. It were therefore, safe to claim that France might ven ture upon the experiment of a single gold based monetary currency, with at least $2G per head of that species of money, together with'J say, as much subsidiary silver as $100,000000 or as the British and German people, respectively, po ssess at this time, and coupled, al.-o, with as much "uncovered" paper money ($100,000,000) as the latter people hav'e in their circulations. In that case the French people would still have for .the?; sustenance of their business, at least. $25 per head with about $2.01 iu subsidiary silver and- $5 20 in uncovered paper UtcnvV', or in all, $31 81, per capita, or 1-8 21'in'ore than the English have at piesentfand fully $7 per head more than our people have Mining Record. ..Weekly -crop Bulletin. Raleigh N. C , June 1S9U The reports of correspondents of tlie Weekly weather crop Bulletin isssucd by the North Carolina Expeiiment Station and State Weather Service for the week ending Friday, June loth, 1891, shciw that e'ear weather has been con siderably in excess, sun shine abund ant,', ami towards l he latter part bf the week occasional showers have pre vailed generally. In consequence crops have made marked improvement. Grass is getting uniler controll somewhat, though stiil very abundant. Tlie wheat harvest now progressing has preventt-d farmers from devoting much lime to the cultivation of crops. Farm labor is re ported dithcult to obtaiu. Of crops generally, cotton shows the 'least im provement; it is not all -chopped yet, aiiid stand continues poor. Tobacco has made f n ? start. The wheat harvest w ill probably be completed next week; tj.e yield will le a good average and of ejx cellent quality. Another favorable wc j'k will enable farmers to bring their wojk nearly up to date, and will give a better outlook to the crop prospect!. Tlie -condition averages about the saine now in all districts. I Grand Alliance 31 ass-Meet ing-.i A grand Alliance mass-meeting wjll b held at Goldsboro on Saturday, tlie 27th ofthis month. Senator Petler, of Kansas, President Polk and other promi nent speakers, will be present. This meeting is in the eastern section of our State. Another one will be held Charlotte ou Wednesday, the 25th day t August. Eet everybody turn out. Pro gressixe tanner. ; There is a movement on foot ill Richmond, to secure separate stivet cm accommodation for the whites and blacks. Ghilflnn Cry for Pitcher's rtoria. The Kaces of tlie Fourth 1 f July. CorrcspoaJonce or taa W'alchuija. The people of Raleigh and the people ofthe State generally will have been fully informed, by posters and the press, that the Fourth of July will becelebraled here by the finest races ever held on the Raleigh track. These mc !trf m.n..n up by gentlemen interest in the turf, not amucii from devotion to fast racing as jiom bmru ana unrnnsn tn in-iM-,. the breed of hoist s so as to prove that the stck in North Carol in.v is inferinr in speed and endurance to that of no other btate. 1 Ins has had m-.wf ,iirriv in tu pieformar.ee of Mr. Batchelor's horse linlh-o and other line stock of Capt, B. F. Williamson, and other gentlemen here and elsewhere in the State give promise that Pamlico will not wear his laurels with incontested rivalry. Entries will be made from Wilmington, Winston, Tarboro, Oxford ami perhaps other places and such numbers and ot such excellence as to give promise of a day of unusual animation and excitement for owing to the number of horses, the races will succeed each other with as little delay as possible. They will be conducted alio on a high principle, so that fairness will rule, exact determina tion o. qualities be reached.nnd spectators spared the humiliating tricks ofthe pro fessional jockey. The race is to be a i t newai of racing in its best days in North Carolina the object being the same, to present an occasion of animating sport, with the ultimate object of proving w hat perfection can be obtained the aim being to improve the breed of the horse, the boldest and most 11 eful of all animals. Lieutenant Robinson and four of his crew, of Revenue O tter Bear, were drowned near Sitka, Alaska, several days a 20. Salisbury Proclacs IIark2t. C.oiTCcUd weekly by I). K. Jri.l.w & CO. Egg?, 10,12. Dry Hides, Ihitter, )(," : (men CliidU'Hs, 25(W.:J0 Ln'oii. Iri-li potatoes, too White bean?, Sweet () Mixed " 1 .(Mi 1 ..!.--1.00 bVa.-s ;:, Flour. Corn, 7-.' TOBACCO MARKET. Corrected weekly at Planters' Warehouse break J for the month ending March tilst have been unusually good, considering the bad weather and roads. As vl 'there is no vi-dble decline iti the market. We udvisv 010 friends to sell as soon as i;ssTb IJeluw we quote : Common Lugs, Jai. YVrap"rs.good, Ra2.". Oood 4a';1, Fine, 2. " a. '-'." ttright " ;alo Faney, :;;,a-!. Ulers, common. .a8 Abso!iitc!y Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of -all in lca4'ii;ig strength. Latol U. S. Governiuent Food Report. KLUTTZ&C0. Family lO-Cd Diaita Miilo;? Unequalled for the Cure of Dysentery, Diarihca, Chol era Morbus, Summer Ccm- plaint, Pains in the Stomach and Bowels, &c. Respectfully, T.F.KLITTTZ&CO. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Ie it. known that bv mutual rnneoni wc, W. II. Keisner &. IJro , Jewelers, Sal isbury, X. C, have this 18th day ofMav, 18'Jl, dissolved partnership, aiid herebv maKe i-mniic announcement of the same and give notice to all persons indehtf to us timt all accounts due must be set- tied ny July loth, after which date all due and unpaid accountswill be left with our attornev for collection. Very truly, W. H. 11KISXER, CI I AS. F. REISXER. X. B. The Jewelry business will be conducted by me at the old stand of the above firm, and I hereby assume all debts and obligations of the firm of W. Jf. Keisner & Bro., and wish to state that I propose to do a strictly cash business and give my customers benefit of the lowest market price on all goods. AH work is under my own personal supervision and I will try to even better, if that be t.nsel. i i. ii.. i i. -i -i . oie, me mgn sianoaro and renutat inn our work lias attained. My object is to please, and 1 will spare no (Hart to for ward that end. Thanking o'i for past favors and asking a continuance of tlie same, I am, Verv tiulv vours, W.'lf. REISXEK. FOR SALE. A complete Ferotype outfit at a rea sonable price f.r rash. For further infor matiou apjdy attbi.M olfice. goal, Sal 2'. " extra, 12als, mm WAR! 'Illff lll " - Salisbury Jias long been in need of another first-class CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING STOUE, and wc are glad see II. &, L. Vkight coming tor xrnrd to fill the long-felt want with a"S3 fine stock of Clothing, Hat, Shoe?, Shirts, Collars, Cufls, Ties, CrvAt, Handkerchiefs and Geuts' Furnishing gsj Goods "at lower prices than ever before oHVred in Salisbury. "'Si They have opened their well-selected stock in the storeroom formerly occu pied by G. V. Weight us a furniture store, on North Main street. Their bus iness will be strictly firt class no ."Cheap John" and up wilh the latest ' styles. Their prices will astonish you. Many people are anxious to learn how g they are selling so'low. For their bqne Gt wc will say that they bought tike ir entire stock directly from headquarters ol manufacturers. They paid the cisn and got the discount, and with the Lns sistancc of a friend of thirty years ex perience iu the clothing trade were able21 to purchase tl cir stock at lower prices than formerly sold. Of course they Will give their customers the benefit of their r- ... r Jgs" b:irsrains, and will enable the citizens of Salisbury to buy goods cheaper at home than tlicy can abroad. Just tliink ftr one moment what money will do, and then hear some of their prices : You can buy of them S:!0 to $K) suits at 2.V; 82: to S:;o suits at t() $:oT$2;) suits at from 10 to 1G, and so on all the way down. fci Tl.n.- . . ..v , x .in uj.vu , uur c es on prices fii Wool and Straw Hats, all of the Litest Stvb.'S. Their stock of Hoys' Clothing is com plete, and way under the regular prices They also carrv a well-assorted lireot f-li jggg ladies', misses', men's and boys' Shoes from Tj cents up. Fine Hi. en Collars onljr 10 cents. Latest styhs. Linen Cnfi's only cents. A handsome line of underwear at ju-iyes never before offered in the c'tv. The hattle has begun against hiMi prices, so go and examine their stock whether you want .o buy or net. and be convinced that the above prices and qualities are corrcrt. f y,,u a eg? will be the best pleased soul in the land W. 26 ly - Look at This !; ' AVo arc now rcceiviimr the largest and best assorted-stock wo have ever carried. Iiead a few of our jirices: Pant goods, 10c. per yard. Jirogan Shoes, $1 .00. 1 Jross ( Jonds from Sc. to $1.00 er yard. Men's SI loc-s from $3.00 to 31 2.0. . - A full line of men's and hoys Hats. The ehe;i;est line of Groceries in Salisoury. If'ouwish to save monev, do not huv until vou "et our prices. We mean business. D. R. JULIAN & CO. New Jewelry. NEW GOODS! LOWEST PRICES! I have just bought the nobbiest line of fine jewelry ever brought to Salisbury. My stock of Cold and Silver Watches, Rings, Diamonds, Chain and Charms is complete. I am here, to stav and will not be undersold. Xo charge for show ing goods. The most novel line of Clocks ever shown in Salisbury, You will save from 2o to o0 per cent, by buy ing from me. Come and be convinced. Uispectfullv, 'S. A. k JOHNSON". Main St., next door to B?C. Miller. Walter A Wood's REiPfiRS'DHOWEJIii. the best on the market. Tfiby have been iiiHy tested here .and have .frivfinsnfisnwfinn in every- trial. Iliey are durable vnd simple. Cairicicr o farmcr who has used them. vail and see me .before yenrbuy; examine-nm-' chines and hear rfiy priees and terms. I am also agenHbr High Grade Fertilizers. C. T. BERNHARDT, V-1" CHARLOTTE, it. c Douglas' 4 Shoes, Douglas' S Shoes. Douglas' 3 Shoes, jadies 200 The unprecedented trade of n ll'C pt 10 days made in necessary to huv h to fill the sap in a great o sroods this week. V.vor e;.x,. ."i- ration of niir rrvont rnf ...:.. i ' i ice sale m filp clothing that department has been fijj,, with ready buyers. No sale like it held in Charlotte. When yve ad , nj cut prices we cut. Every body ,,,.- stands that now. We never nd.vn what we have'not got, nor nnn:t, .J1' we no not take. When the work ,,s llacket is done there will:lK. llu j mortal who can say ti uthfuilv failed to keep faith w ith the pul,ic. If the man Douglas, the mm, fl(i Brockton, had know n us as well Ve known here lie would surely haekT that wlien we advertise his VIhm-v had the sdioes, and saved L;.;. , ." ,,: ridiculous position of nuikin-r , ng in the .statement which c m-yT-' knew was untrue.. In th onward Li'-'n" ' ot our business We cwinot afford to V" ttaye,.,,,i,ni nor U".V other eoinUu-m,";,' which hills in our way. . Carpels and flattings have had J due share of patronage in the -re-u ,(. r for good values. Never sold , -,'f ' many as this spring. Xt nmi.v 'df now until, we reaclV the lluthr huWVv'. and shall- inaugurate a special -ih.v Crockery and (ilassware to run "f, , ' ht days. A large stock of t-liese" M.-K ne closed during this sale for the h, 1 room. W.J.& E.M.DAVIS. rresh (larden Seeds at re duced jirices. ( lowr and Crass Sc ,::t the lj)Wt'stricest Knniss' I)n: Store. HEAD THIS! "Be sure and call for -, fcttfe I f : ( 'uivs. it has-never fai;..) to cure lyspepsin. I ndi' si i.rn, and Sick- I i (::.;(!:(, I ..;V(! you fi;-l-cJass h Un-ru -s in Sal isbury fn j)!ove-i!s nil-fit'.-sale by BE IX TLAiE, . Don't wait till you get sick t -et a bottle of Ihmiss' Dial i -hu-a Sj.ecilic. 1, in come and have it ready. It will -a i- i a locto:- bill and probably your iiS . h is speedy ure tur Diarrha-a. Mux. Sin,, iner and P,wel complaints: It i.ir fails to cure it tiikcn.iu time. -- J. H. ENNISS. fc!2if Fire in tfie West Wail I wish to call the attention, of my triends to the fact that I have dciti miued to consolidate my business at oi.. point. Theft-fore 1 have do-cd my !js town store and am d iing bu-iiu ::i tirely at the store on Sotiih Main Km! near the Salisbury Cotton Mills. Huv I have a full line of Dry (Joods,- Noli' n-, Shoes- Cro(;eries and Provisions. ' C"""1 try produce a specialty.' I -want an un limited number of chickens and - egg' at. all times, for which I will p;i y .the hi-h-l price. Mr. A. A. Hartman is wit i i and will be pleased to wait on hi-!i i n4-r Respectfully, T. J. W. BRoWX. Xon-;a Caroi.1x.v-,- ) Superior C R'oWAN t:CN'i'V. ) Augu.-t Tun; Eli.ate4h Ilermau, Piaiutiil', vs. James P. Herman. l)( f nd.m'- Action fjr 1 )i rarer J'roiir" I' i-!' Mai riinoiiij. . The. defendant James P. H. 1 ;. hereby siunn.oned to appear at a Mn' ricjr Court to be -held for Rowan . i . n at the Court House-4u Saii.-biuy n ii-' -d Monday before the 1st .M i. !. v : September, 18'J1, to answer or rl- i.i i: i the complaint of-plaint iff in this ;i, 5ind let said defendant take n'o;ic- ii . i- : he fail to so appear aiulian-ucr ! the plaiitiff w ill apply 1o the ( . ; : :'!' the relief demanded in the eoir.'j This June loth, 1 sill. i.' 7 W. (J. WATM'V. Cletk Superior (i.t. Tiiko. F. Kli ttz. o:J.Gt Atl'y for PTintiii. Rcaners and 'Mtuvcrs nrc

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