; i I v it r t i: T A:,: ill i-'? i-.. a. :if.-. Iff XV- '-1 ii:. ill H I'M m 1 1 a ' if r I-Ml ALLIANCE DIKECTOUY. JY.if lontl AUtAnce-Vi. L. Polk', president, NortlvCan.Hna ; III H Clover, vuc presi dent, Kans: .J. H Tnrner, ecf-rt-tary--1 reasurer, Georgia ; J . F. Wilktti, lecturer, iKansas-. - ' State jaiiante KHa Cirr, prosilcnt, joi.l'Sitartji; E: C. Uo-1 uulicld, mercury, Jlakigh. ! ' ' 77 CQnjriwd Dittsiet LcrhiierT A Leazar; M.MH.svili: President, Cl. II. A J'or t-v, Catnvrbi: V.-l'ics-K. . IVnuk, Mlmwocnl; S frreturyjnd fl'rciisiiicr, J. L. JUmsc;, Salisbury. -?s, Hawaii County Jesse Miller, president, - Illackmcr; M. L. Itjtcltlc. secretary, Saw. JmZctf County-J, II- IIol man, president. Tool' Spring; M. E. llamscy, sefjclary, ,Mooresvil!e.- CaUrrm County K. Y. Hilemarf, presi dent, Concord; Dr. J. S. LalTerty. secie tiary, Concord). - DatitU-m ConufyU. S. Green, president, Jinies; W. A. Lindsay, secretary, Tiuuuas . ilWj. ' CnUtwIui County S. T. Wilfoti", nrcsL .dent, Newton; J. t -Hainan, tccrUaryv Xev.ton. . 4 1 -M I General :: Directory. 1 -COUNTY GOVERNMENT. i ! , . Clerk Superior Court, WO Watson, hihciifr Jas M Monroe JicgLsttfr of Deeds, H N Woodson. Treasurer, J Sam'l McCubbius. Suivpyor, Ji C Arcy. Coroucr. D A AtwiU. Commissioners, W L Khittz, chairman, J)r L W Coleman, Cornelius Kcsticr, J A 8tcv?rt aud I F Ifattorson. Kupt Public Schools, T C Linn. "iMup't of Ifenltfi, Jr J J Suminercll. Overseer of Poor. A M Urcmn. I I town. . Mayor, T C Linn Clerk, J) l: Julian. Treasurer, III Foust. ! Police, liW Price, chief, J F Pace, C W Pool, K M-JiurringoiY Commissioners North ward, J A Itcii lloman, D M Miller; South ward, I) 11 Julian, J A Jjarrett; Last ward, J JJ Cor lori, T,A Coughenour; West ward, 11 J UolnJcs, J W 3Inuncy. r jjJIURCIIES. I Methodist Services every Sanday .at II m and (i -p in. prayl-r incethi 1 every Wcdiicsday at CJ p in. llev Dr. AV II Leitlv pastor, Sunday scjliool every Sunday afternoon ntg o'clock. J W Mauncy, sup't. Presbyterian Services every Sunday " iit 11 a m aud S:".'50 p m.' Prayer lricctiuj; livery ueunesdny at b:uOp ju. Kcv J lluniplc, D I)' pastor. 1 1 Sunday sclmol every Sun(ir.y!Qfternpon i it4pru. J iiumpJc, sup t. Lutheran Services every Sunday at 1 1 n 111 and 7 p hi. Prayer lneeliii 'every Wcdinesday at 7 p m. licv Cha's D King, pastbr. Su'nday school every Sunday aftcrnooH r at as p iq. K U Kizer, sup't. ! -Episcopal Services every Sunday nt ll ' A m and &M0 p m and Wednesday at 6:30 lm. Kcv F J Murdoch, rector. uSunday school every Sunday afternoon at jJ p m. ; , sup't. . j japtist Services every Sunday morn I jng and night. Prayer nutting every Wednesday night. Kev ' S: Jones, pastor. " Sunday s;hool every Sunday at 9 a.m. . Tho3 L Swiiik, sup't. - Catholic Services every second Sun day at 10 a m and 7 p m. licv Father jcrarri, pastor. . Sunday school every Sunday at 10a m. Y M CA Devotional services at Hall every Sunday at4:C0 p jm. Business mcCU ' fug JirsL Thursday night in every month. 1 11 Foust, licH't. .1- . , J J , L LVDGES , Fulton Lodge No 99 A F & AM." meets every lirst and third Fridav night ieach month. l li Ncave, W M. SaliabuTy Lwlge,4 No 21, K of P, meets every Tuesday night. A II Poyden, C C j Salisbury Lodge, No 775, K of jj, meets ovcry 1st and 3d .Mondav niglit in each iuoi tli. C T'lJeinhardt, Dictiitor. dlisbury Council, No 272, lloval Ar- canuin, meets every 2d and 4th Monday Jllirllf. im-.' frh innnth 1? fl l .,.. night ia each Month. 4 "V i . VJ 1 ltegcut POST OFFICE. Office hours from 7:"0 a m to G.ffl h m. iMoucy order hours 9 a ra to b i nir- I -1' Sunday hours 12:15 a ua to 'LOO p1 J 11 Jtaujsay, P M. : in When turkeys are first hatched they need ai little feed often rather than large foods occasionally. ' . Women are not slow to comprehend. They're quick. j They're ,ajive, and' yet it was l. a man wno discovered the one -remedy for their peculiar- ail ments. The man was Dr. Pierce. . j The discovery was his " Fa vorite Prescription "-the boon : to delicate, women. yhy go round " wkh one-" foot! in 'the grave," suffering in . silencemisunderstood when thcie s a remedy at hand that isn't an experiment, but which Ts sold under the guarantee that if you arc disappointed in any way in it, you can get" your money back by applying lo its makers. ' ro can hardly imagine a woman's not trj-mg it. Pos siblyStmay be true of one or tjo but we doubt it. vvuiii'jii are ripe lor it y must have it. Think .of a prescription and nine put ot ten waitmc; for it. Carrv the news to them!' - v Tlic 'cat of sick h.cadache h not in The brain, jcgu 3 ate the stomach and- you cure. it. Dr. Pierce's Pellets JTP the' Little .'cf'ulitoib. To Alllaiiccmoii cf Gcorsli. I have now seventy-five applications to delirer addres-scs in Cfeoria. Etch uVi Meat ion i an earnest appeal, . iwiuil- Iv 'Mvifii? reasons why I shmtld in per son viit them that are gotd and suf- icjt'iit. 1 r?gret very niuch that it is imj oihle to comply in a majority ot instances, and I do not feel like dis criminating in one locality or another. I have in every instance of the p:ist, done the test I could to meet this' de- maud and will continue so to do. My tliro.t his been troubling me very much reevntrv, und I will he compell ed to dcsit fiom such constant sjcak- in as -formerly. Now, I U' of the brotherhood to excuse me for a few weeks, until the danger involved i p tst. I am also under ! oblig itions to help the order in Several of our sister spates, this I must'fulfi.l if-posib!f. In the meantime I am. arr.ihjjin with Col. Polk for several grand rallies in Georgia; four are to come off in July as per notice -in this week's issii';; others will Ije arr.nj;ed for in August and September, lu this way our eb nle will have the opportunity o'i' hear ing gfMul speeches from the North and North-west, and if they come among us 1 must return the iavor and go to their Scales, ami in this way our peo ple will learn more of otltLT sections and their necessities and in the end completely bridge over the sectional clusii), that has Ix-en ? damaging , to the producers of every rcetion of thu country. In a word, 1 am doing all in my power to meet the demand for information in such a way as to do the most cood to the ure.it or number. 1 am a!so watching every, move from whatever source ck section that can or mav ffect us either for wail or woe. ant ie, assured that all ivy time ami e;iergiesfof both jnind and body shall be dedicated t) the success of our or der aiulthe success ot our ju-inciples and platform. And allow to con- gratulaie the Jlunk and ii'e, fur the un bending adherence and tidelity witl which vou have stood i y vour princi ples and your leaders, bo con tin to do, and vcUry v. 1 1 toaie, and that 111 itch sooner than many calculate lor Very respectfully, L. F. Livingstone. JFarni aiul Gairden Nutcs. Raisin": a good crop is no sign of n " r rood farmer until vou have figured out lo'1 where the cost line is located. An extremely wet season will hav the cft'.'ct of calling the attention of farmers whose farms are wet to the necessity of draining with tile. Foot rot in sheep can bz partiillv prevented bv keepffig "the sheep awav from wet pastures, but the rot arsu attacks sheep on dry locations Hens that are two years old and an not good layers had belter be' fatten e( and -marketed- as soon .a possible they are an expense and, return no in come. Try a soiling crop of some kind. I will be found of great assistance in feeding cattle and hogs. Peas am vixti ji:aAi an excellent crop for an early supply. Land that has produced a crop has lost part of its fertility, ljv.s fertility must nut only be restored in some manner, but the soil should be mad. richer than Tjef'ore. i It is -difficult to Secure n-good lawi grafs sod among the shade trees of a lawn, as the trees will draw on the laud for plant food to the detriment of the grass, even if the knd not shaded. It is always profitable for the farmer to have a good flock of fowls on the place, but with these just as with any other liver stock it is the best sort that best." lihtoded f owls and blooded 1 r. . ... . cattle are all in the same line and one will ay; as well in nroportion for' the increased' cost as the other ' CWlta Cry for Pjtcher's Castorii lie who lsoellns m scr ible-sufTertng with Tty: -peisl.i and liullastlon aurtoru'ii uuifswiih -:xi lies, would a. ue;l to take I'. 1. I, ai once. 1'. 1. l(inckl Ash, 1'OhC Koot ami roiastuin) v.lll care jou anl arrest the (Uscocs In its lncii loLcj .- Scrofula is an lmpurtty ofthebloo(fwhleh pro duces unsightly lumps or swelling, u likrh nevuiiiu latlntfia the flontla of the i.ic, causes piinitil runliW, sores mi the nuns, lrps or feet, wi ich de velops ulcers In tkeiej es, eurs or nose, o ten ci.us ln;? blindness nn't deiiinesv Take I'. 1'. 1. (I'rl. kl Ash. Toke Hoot amM'atasbium). It has piovedlt self tuc the most remarkable of nil b:ood partners. Wyspcpsla, thsi it ssaiu r ruling, hour Memoeh, lossoi itiipetlte.a f.ilnt all-gone r cling, b td t sst. eoated tongue, neait burn, all reileveu iiid cured ly 1'. V. V. (Prlcly Ash, Poke Koot an4l'otasslum) J t will regulate the system, give an oppetlte aLd make you well. CONSUMPTIOlT CUREIL An old physician, retired from practice, hiving had placed In his hands by an Kan India mission ary the formula of a simple vegci able remedy for the speedy and permanent, cut e of Comsuinp'tloti. HroneliltH, catanh. Asthma and, all Throat -and I.ung Afr. ctlons. also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and nil Nervous complaints after h iving tested Us womlerful curative powers In thousands of c:iws hns felt It his tiuty to mal e It known to his S'iflVring fellows. Actu.uedbvl.hu m;it iw-rmH a desiie loielleve human sulTeiiiig. I will snd free of charge, to nil who desire U. this recipe, in (Jcrman. French or Kngllsh, with full U rwtlons for pieivirlng and using. st nt bv in Ul bv addressing with sunup, naming this paper, v. A. Noyks. sjo l'owcis lllock. Uochestcr, N. Y. 1-Uy A man may be right in feeling the world can do without him, hut every man ouirht to feel that the world needs the host efforts of his life. 1 $ A Household Remedy FOR ALL BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES A3) rm i l)b ton I Botanic Blood Balm If rrc SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT W UfC& RKEUK. ECZEMA, -every form of mallqnant SKIN ERUPTION, be sides being efficacious in toning up the system and restoring the'tonstltatlon. when Impaired from any cause. Its almost supernatural healing properties justify us in guaranteeing a cure, if directions are followed. "Bank of YYnft'r.M V DL000 BALM CO.. Atlanta. 6a Various Hxprcsslons for Long: Dis tance The measures of long distances have varied widely at different times and with different nations, to sav nothing of the comparisons used in different ections of our country. ; fur in stance : The Jew.? say, "from Dan to lie ir- sheba. The Persians say, "from Medini to Mecca.' The English sav, "from Land's End to John O'Groati." The Yankee s:ivs, "from Maine to TVxas." . The Southerner says 4ifrotu Florida to A husk a.' The Sucker and II osifr say, "from the great lakes to the gulf." The South American, savs,ufro;ii the. Isthmus to the Horn."' In Louisiana thev ?ay, "from New Orleans to Pitt-burgh' In California the common expres sion is, ''from Altaville to Pilot Knob." -Chieagoulobe. Sold by rr. V. KI.ITTZ .ri CO. i urn m?w tsold by T. F. Kl.l 'I'TZ & (. o la an invaluable remedy for SICK HEADACHE, TORPID UVER, DYSPEPSIA, FILES. MALARIA. CQSTIVENESS, AND ALL BILIOUS DISEASES, Bold Everywhere. COTTON .BLOOM Mm WITH LATEST IMPROVEMENTS I"rp of Fro 1 3 Iil, fully Jimrail-rnl. H.V.KSiBB ARD CJ" W carry n'ock ftt various Bduthern points fur quick deltrorjr upon rclpt of orders. "OSGOOD" U C. Ctandarca Pent n fr'nl. FrotM nM. rnll.T warrmaiMl. T Trtl OiIit 8lr rropnrflonntolr Iw vJ 1UU iiuJ. l.XV.t:rn.4RW. 0n. Pintaera MBRr. ATI.ASTA.liA. DA I.I.AS. TKXAS. toniack& Embrey; General PrcJice Coinmlssion Her- clams. DANVILLE, Va., For llie sale of Cliitkcns, K'gs, r.ullcr ami nil kinds of Country l'rotluco. rrompt returns. (Jivo us your fousipn mcul. WOJIACK .C- F.MI'.r.F.V.' if For Your Jewelry - - S" ; Wo aro Flill at our r1d stain I on Main street, where we have a select stoek of Watches, Clocks,. Spectacles, and all kind of fine Jewel rv on hand at the lowest prices. Watch repair? ns- al snecialtv. All work iniranteed ;2 monthr. i Aga -pll n o?v n fi ii i i n n if mum i Mauy yeai-s practice have given C. A. Snow f: Co., Solicitors of patents at Washington, D. C, unsurpassed suc cess in obtaining patents for all classes of inventions. They make a sptcialty of many patents that had been pre viously rejected. Their advertisement in another column, will be of interest to inventors, patents,- manufacturers and all who have anything ': to do with patent.. Mlrilc M. Tnnncr. lioonvlUo. lnd..wri;os: "I hnd D'joo' roi3on nom wrtn. JCnots on mv ninb-t were os laro its h'n"s f Ks Doctors atlt 1 wouM be a cii!Hlf, but li. i; It. his curtnl m! fefu ad ami w ll I sn.ul ever praise the day the uaoa who Invented Uioo 4 ii.uiri wen ixirn. VThcn Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. " When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria vVhcn she tsocaine Miss, sho ckmg to Cast aria. V. bcu she had Ciiildrcn, she gac them Castoria WILL NOT DO YOURSELF JUSTICE IF YOU FAIL TO SEE OUR STOCK OF Plain and Fancy Groceries. WE KEEP NOTHING BUT THE REST (iOODS IN OUR LINE. WE DO RUS- INESSON RUSINESS PRINCIFLES IF YOU RUY YOUR GROCERIES FROM US YOU WILL GET FULL VALUE FOR YOURMONEY. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE CELE RRATED Beerii Heapii e & Mewii MacMne THIS MACHINE IS GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS AND WILL RE SOLD F( )R LESS M()N E Y T 1 1 A X A NY OT HER FIRST CLASS MACHINE ON THE MARKE T. CALL AND EXAMINE. THANKING YOU FOR PAST FA YORS, WE REMAIN, TRULY 1 CHSELY & HcCULLOH, lietwccn I-jXprcs-s and Postoflicc. iii.iia. DO YOU K1T0V7 THAT CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF DIAMONDS OF ANY HOUSE IN NORTH CAROLINA? SELECTION PACKAGES SENT ON APPLICATION. WE KKlvK NO IMITATION STONES IN. STOCK. REFER TO CHARLOTTE RANKS. s BOYNE 8c BADGER- DIAMOND DCl.ERS, CHARLOTTE, IT. C. 2:t: I y ' J. R LIJDWIOK & CO. Livery, Sale k Feed Stable Salisbury, N. C. Baps, FfcelylE aid Carriaees ON SHOUT NOTICE. C0:.IMER(IL TRAVELERS CAR RIED TO ALL POINTS. HORSES FED AND GROOMED AT REASON ABLE RATES. CALL AND SEE ME. Ti m Hi U a tiAl WITH- R.S.Tdcker&Co. RALEIGH, K C. Dress Goods Department. Anv liiilv wi-hine; tn Vn'.v fi Dress Silk or Wool ami will write me FMting color und ahout what price goods they desire, I will mail sample cheerlul! v. Our !res? (.ocxls siiick is the most eoniplete.in the Soulh. It" you have Famples from any northern house semi thorn to nie and I will match tlieni. JOHN M. WOMHLK. 22:."m M'g'r Dress Coods Dep'l. Please mention the Watciijian v. lion ; cu v.ilte. Firs! national Bank OF mm R. J. IIOU1ES, -LIT. FOUST, - - - President - Cashier. Capital, $50,000. Surplus and Profits, 835,000. General BankiiiLrhusiness trans acted. Deposits solicited. Bojiie t Badger fUM M WAMDT17 111. UVtilDULi 111 PROFESSIONAL CARDS a. LEE WRIGHT, ATTOIJNKY AT LAW, SALISBURY, N. C. Will practice in nil the courts of Rowan and adjoining counties. Prompt attention given to an mutters pertaining to my profession. ill). J2, 181. A. S. HEILIG. Attoruoy AtLiaw. SALISBURY, X. C. Office in D.-.vw k Wiley's h.iuk Lnilding corner of Main nnil Inniss streets. "Will prac tice in Courts of Rowan nml adjoining counties. Prompt and careful attention given to nil bus iness entrusted to ni?. Special attention given to collections. JOHN A. RAMSAY, CIVITj 332NTCS-XlSa- Attends to Railroad Construction, Purveys, and Mapping of Real Estate, Estimates ot Winter Powers, Plans for the Erection of Mills, Dwellings, kc; and attends to the purchase 01 all kinds of Machinery, Ruildir.g Materials, &c, kc. 11-12 tf J)n. II. L. Raisay Smitiideais Row, Office, Ko..l, : OFFICE HOURS FROM 9 TO 5. SALISIJUKY, N. C. T. I. Vinson, South Main Street for your shaving and hair-cutturg. First-class work men siud sharp razors at all times. Hair-dressing and shampooing a specialty. Will wait on ladies and children at their homes. I n'.so sharpen scissors at from lU to 20 cents a pair, (live nit a call. febl2, tf. HERE! 1 nm still doing business at the old stand on Main street. 1 siIU 1o all ktnild of tep.ilr work, l.-ootlnir and sutt rinr a specially, Siills iepaii-el on ss'.iort notl. e. t)id copper taken In exch mc for sor!. Stoves and all kinds of tlnwaro Kept In stoi-k. 1 gu irantee all my work and will do It as chijap aa It can be done In (he state. ItesKjei fully, sum WILLIAMS EEOWH. , STOP HERE! stop near comer of Mala and Innis street and get the best shave or Ualr .'ut to be found la s.uisr bury. If ou wlil shave In my shop you wlU jgn ir.vjiy satl::!l?(i. I am 1 hi; old reliable democj4: lo barber. Respectfully. ' K. 11. McMlyKLY. Salisbury, April 2, 191. rm U. S. DIRECT TAX Paiil on Land in lS(iG7 Ccfuntln!. James 15. Mason, attorney-nt-law. ("Impel Hill, N. C, will colleclhis tax for 5 cents on thij Dollar. Send your receipts to him. 11 lost write the facts. lie can give t hi? best citizens of Chapel Hill ns references. 2.'!::!m J. A. JOHNSTON. JOHNSTON & ELLIOTT, CHARLOTTE, IT. C. ' It J if--. S ' ... ti y V-i I People of Salisbury and vicinity wanting monuments should correspond with us. . Estimates "JcoSJon's Patent Wire Tewaooo Hangers CAN BE USED IN ANY BARN. WTirc9 are movable. Tobacco can be properly Spaced oni Stick and Hulked Down on the Wires when cured. Simplest, Cheapest und Dcst jn t he Market. PRICES, wlien Cash Arrotn panic the Order: lOO Sticks Complete (7 Wires to Stick) ' S3.00 1,000 Wires (No Sticks) -. !. l.OO PRICKS ON TIJIIS : lOO sticks complete 1,000 Wires (No Sticks) Uaskcts, per Dozen Sample Slick and Wire for ij Cents. XSr Trcatiso on Tobacco Culture and Curing FREE. AGENTS WANTED. TOBACCO HANGER M'F'G CO., Houston, Halifax Co., Va. "HE Steam, Air and Vacuum Pjumps, Vertical and Horizon tal o every variety and capacity VERTICAL PISTOH. V a : - - r 1 1 1 4 A "M -'-111 imi ! W, II, & it TUCKER CO - Spring, 1891. i LSS FAI5I1ICS CI FOR KAHLY f5rIIlXta V9 are now showing a mognlilcent line ol Dross Goods for early soring, en.biaetnirihe very newest! textures, ana most r.iiion.wue colors in novelty ri.ildaand stripes, camel's Hair, cuevlots,: llenrl Citati, Serges, etc , etc. This prjinlscs to be the most favorable season for DLACK LACES ever known, and we iiovr have In stock a line of L:ce Flounce, lraperj' Neisandtirct.adlnes. wnieh lor volume &f.A btuuty of destjn, cxcell our eCoita any previous j car. . Of WMic ioods. Embroideries anil Laces, our display is by far the greati st we have ever made. And ever j where In the house- In all of our 41 de partments, may now be seen new goods, bou-jht low for cash, and offered to ihe people of N:rtti Carolina at as low pieces as any house In the trade. lilAIL OSDSR DEPARTEIEirr. We have made till Mall Order business a special study, with the ultimate otiject In view of p rfert.- p.g tue system so inai it will ationi to tnosc wn reside In tite most remote parts of our state i.c convenience of shopping In ihc best Dry (loods marKeun iNortu (';irollu.i. The business done through this channel has steadily ln reased during the season Just eiosel, showing a greater propor- uonai ineiease man any former siasor. and we will use every effort In our power to make t he one w hich we are now entering even a greater succcssS tnan tne-one just ciosea. SAMPIES. We cheerfully send sampies; and would like to Impress uiKin our patrons the Import aner, when writing for s.mp rs.io le as evpU: it as possible. so that we can send llu-m suitable samples' Instead of a lot which may be entirely cllfferent froan what they want. CATALOGUE, our iprtncr Catalogue will be ready AprlUst, and will be m died tree upon application. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. (K'xeept Fuin'thre and ' Yoekerv ) on all i-ush ortlersof $.oo and over, we will rie llv. r goods free to nearest Kxprs otl'.cc or r.Ul road st alhnr. W. II. & li. S. TUCK ER cc CO. 2:nm l.'aleiglk N. (' Please mention the watchman whcai j mi w rite PROGRESSIVE" FARMER Raleigh, N.XL Organ of the N. C. JSUq Alliancp. Edited liv Col. L. L. lnllv. assisted Ux Uov. JJajlus Cajflcriio p5ipcr will kefit tip to tn; irsnal iuli st.niulanl Sitlsr.-ri!ic for ifeonlv $1 per vo;ir ' in aiv:itn e. Alie 1 ron ssivo banner ' and tlio TCijM.x will be se-ut to new sul)soriler.i at SI. 75 for both pa pers. Subscribe now. Address, rnouiiKLisiVE fahmeh, Ualei-h N. C. I hereby annotinec that P. P. Mcroney is my nut hoi i.eI silent fr collecting and receipt ina all bills due me. All accounts unsettled and not. adjusted ia the next sixty days will be r ditced- to judgment. Respect ful I v. J. U. COUNCILL. M. D. Feb. 21, 1891. ; 17:tt FURRCRIP.E TO AD VI T. L. ELLIOTT STEAM Granite alii Marble Works At wholesalcand retail. Own- ers of the celebrated M00RESV1LLE GMITE in Tiilill rnnniv Al'ciiIs for Iron I'VlKOVi Vlltrilj t 1 i-ikI i 1 1 r R:.. furnished gratis. 1, L. . . 3.50 i.r.o 4.00 Sogular Horizontal Piston. 1 The most simple, durable ami effective Pump in the market tor Alines,; Quarries, Henneries, JJrewcris, Factories,; Artesian wells, Fire duty andlgeneral mahufacturin purpose?. 2&md for Catalogue. T!i3 A. S. CAHSROH'STEAM PHHP WORKS - Richmond DattiiieR,R In Effect May SI, tfs j . I.v NewVork. Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington. Ch irlo'tesville, " Lynchburg, I) in vllle, Lt Pl.;hmond, HurkevlUe -" Keysvllle, r Danville, Lv Danville, Ar Oneensuoro, Lv (Joldboro. Ar Jtaieigh, 1 v IMtcivn, Durham. Ar ireeisl ro Lv Winston-s tlem, (Jreei.sboro, lilgh Point, Ar S it l.-bu ry Lv y.USsbury iy W. N..C. Ar statesvliie, " Hickory, t " Coiinelly Springs, " Morginton;- 44 Old-Fort, i 44 l.'onnd Kno4i. 44 Dlack Mountain, 44 Ashevllle, i1 ).'. ;m. . : Co Am i . 6 3 11 .1111' i ' 1115 am ii, pm ; ! 1.1 I lit I'll i '.I 1 -1 am .iia I 2 ''4 pm I il'. piL " 5 20 pi pill 1,"'jplll ! Mum 1 I'll 'I M 0 ,, In-. i 9 2ri.i4. ; I 12 vo an: i 1 W a. : , '' :iin l.r,r.; 2 iii'n r , nsairj ' IN an : ; T. 11 am' j 6 '." an; : aiu., ; :t r, pi.,' r-. pm ; TJ4.1 -i S4.V:lii 4.",:; .in, i b'".;L'; ' .'JJ lit l ; i iih.i-Ji! i-'i:;.!., 'l "'j inn v r.j j.i,, I I'm 4 i h 'i i i.i 'J ' ' I i'i 44 Hot SpiHigfi Lv S ilUl-ury- 44 Concord. Ar ' (-'harlot fe, 44 S iart i l.'ng, 44 (Jreenvllle, 44 Atlantn. . Lv charloite, , Ar Columbia, 44 Augiit.i. 'b'l i h"i Nik I . 'h! 'Ill K NO. I.". ; i ! "O pill! 1' o ;s!n ! 4 :'.i I'.i.il Cno;.; j 1 ul In! S-U nm .". 1 :iTi f. l.i;!l.l! ff "7 ,im I Lv. A1lgtlit:r, 44 ( oliiml hi, Ar Ch irk.tu-. Lt Atlanta. (.reenllle. 44 S:aria"ni)ii!g, ArChirloitc, 44 Concoifl, 44 :illsbuiy. i I i ' I LI i i-'i I 1? Hot Suriiisrs, n f ill ' fv: ; I ' I i : I I ' phi i. : ..; 13 in f .. j '. V W n 1 1 . r - u; ; Ash" ville. lllack Mout.ialn, Poiird Knoli, 44 OUI I'isrt, 44 Morganton. 44 Conneilv Sorings, 44 IMckorv. 44 Kt iiesville, A r Salisbury, Lv SjUsI.iii v, ' 1 1 ii Point, Ar (iicei slxiro, Winston-. lem, I.v (;ri-ei tioit', ArDurlnm, .'! r.7 i: it 1 1 i I I t 14 ; in, v ft2.1llt (-; C mi) j ; '.aiu! Sid '.III j '.I -. j ' -'-,i);il:i; In-' 11 4:. imii; tvj ;,', )o pin ! i i- 1 IV- 4:'.. I2':fi :.r i s; juiii in 1 1, '.( i i.i; it. ' n:. H, : i.-;,; 1" 11 1 hi ' In . . l : -t pm i . 2 13 Phi;- 1 i .. i lo pn 1 c i ". l;u ;hii : .. i : 4 '.'o l.iH j., s :.: pm in Iti.ieigh, , k4K iSK5rn, I j' (Jieo? lioro. Ar D.invilh-, " Kiysvllle, '4 i'.url.evli!.-, 44 Lleliu oi,d, I.v "I.j nchhniK, " Chin lottrsllle, Ar-Washlngton, ' PilthrK.ie, 4- PhiLrieiphhi, 44 New Voric, i'i 'it l 111 ) IV u". i i liooan -. I.. i ; i , i.O .Hi. 1 r.n .' ia VESTU'.ULE TRAIN. x. r.of.NP. fTrTraiiiuT c::riii!i - : 2') nm 44 1 :;r. nm 44 li 13 pm " 9 i5 pin ' S 1.3 ; Ul 44 s i:i piii I.v. 7 0.3 p;n A r 4 t:i pin. 44 .1 no pm ' 44 1 DO pill -4 4 ;o pin 44 II in mil 44 Souihh'd. I P ll.V. Wpshlnuti-iC P Mill. 'il l. ci,;irloil . l ! !c, La j ch burg, I'.;n111 .' iTcin-.lt .1 o, Salisbury, S illsbur. , 'h rioii.-, spai t.u.l uig, CitfnUllc, -lula. i.'liirsv li:e, AI'J'lilil. VAPKIX K. ;. N. IU)l Ml, Lv. U i"' , ri " 1 1 i i - irr. i ! !- . ; i M j i ' Ar.Tn. . ' !,! I.N.;n, i riM i I N.ilthh'.:. A . - ! I '.' .'i.i '.'.n; . i i ''.!'.' Mil .'t.ooim j'.v. S:ill:,lurjr," :'.'i- pit r. ;rr.niit t.Miarry,- .:.r..i jm - 1:.( Ucii, -J.i in" ;iid'i!im Mi-:eii:i liMiTsSpi!:."-, r..ropn ' u .,. '-I-'' I n I " Alb.-inarJe, ' T' 6 I hi I ' ?-oi w, ,(,!, 1 1 v (i I'M 7 i." aiut ' I'. . ( . I I' slmkimnc-cmi ,skkyi i:. n trnlus 3 ai .1 lo . litu t Iiufr. t v.-riw-r -tw; n N.-w -i.-rk u ml Alu i.-i. Ai;:"ri?:i m, . w o.r.e.u s U Vont.'o;, , .. . !' . Ml Ai;.. ;;. Mt ( nlunihl.i mid Am n-t:i,;,i ,j I'.ii!;, m, , , , , ( ,, , liefweiln ;irer.. 1,..k.' , ; 1: m,, vll'.e iiinl 1 nt sp'iihtfs. .i triillis.U 11 u l ! i i,!i!!?!..;:j 'i l:!.ii!( sl ei-lr" ';ir ! I -,vci n- . .: Ffi I !j ti fi ..ru orre.MiK VimljlOlitri v. C.lf,,, ,,. M(. . ,.. , I. ,,. I.icl 1 in ri.-t ami (ireeiisltoin. .11! - j- ; 1 1 (.p. inn! l.a clj. ii I'llillllMl lllllT.-l Mr. , i r-l i l U 1 I. W; ' i I! LK II -. Ausrmin. l-tiiitii.-i 11 i;i;i;.'i Mi 1 n r i,. t w 1 rti York anil Washington md lli.t Muli.i lu-.-v.; -bury. ' ' An extra fari"4 tse'rui! on t e W'a; liin'ton ;.., Soul In-, i-.sttrn Vi-s:lbule I.Mnlt ei! . In I . 1 -i li lrj;ion und Ailar la. i liroiiii tl.-kt is on sile nt, prlrn-ipal 1 ?loi.s 10 all poliUK. J'or r .li s and Inloi nn.l l.n aj j.ls tunny iii,'onl of Hie ( niu ianx 01 lo ; J.S. I.. TAYI.OK, S( )I, It A A -J, Y. VTIIIK, 1'. A. Traill.: Mjjr. I'. I" A. Wo lierohy anr.onnco that Mr. I'. I'. Mi'i'oiK.'v is "'an aiilhori.nl ;:jcnt l"i' co!U'ctin; and iTC'it.in all hills flue the Jute linn of " Whitclu-ml & Tran--th am. All accoiiuls tuui'ttlcil ami not adjusted in tin next sixty days will-be reduced to judgment. J. WII ITKilKAth M. I). II. T. TKANTUAM, M, I). Caveats, aDfl Trado-MarUa-obtulnod, and jl. Pat ent buwluiss condncti-d for Moderate Frt3. Our Office is Opposite U. S. Patcnt Orncc and we rjxu si-cury lati iit in less Unio-ilnn iliu-u remote from Wasliluuton. Send model, drawing or photo., with deprrip tion. We advfuc, if nutentublo or not, frc: of chargo. Our fce run due till patent In M-ciin.il. A Pamphlet. "How tor Obtain Patent," w ith names tf actual cin-ntH ia juur ttatc, cuuiity, or town, Btut tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patekt Office. Washington. D. C. VERTICAL PLUKGl I -at: v ii ' T Ii I'i I i i i mt J. a H. HOUAE. 1 3 telr' if r out nt- n . . . Nhw Vci:::,

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