I " I llllll I HI I I I I I llM M I I ill II :. . ' -ti- I -vC- Carolina W atchman MUSICAL. CONTEST LOCAb blooms:. arc reported of Winston, has , this week. of Davidson College, is f.-om t'iiis county-, t,. 1; T,. (rav.Toi hi the city. .11: Crawford's thS week nt Cam-. J. I- v .V :t,- VnnHte Kamsay, of Durham, i ii.'itinLMl.cVumiiyofi.aA. Atwell. MH -u'-s H. Bo:cche arrived at iHrnc lVunrMontc Marea Academy Mo..- dav. . -. clii'nirv is soon to liavc additional ,n:iii'firti'S in the shape of two more c: t-1 r routesj. . ' ii-:n:. il.-il Von of Mr. W.-J; T )ea1 r o 'd iys a":'- Mrs. Sallic CJlc. of this eity.jthis week .1 Hw v.i!rii;rd -'"reudintr room . i .... .h. tria iriirnn- lit lllC rCSi- " A lawn j'iuij , t... 1,, IV Moore, on I'ulton V.strcof,'laHt Fruy Vcjkt Sata.day is tbe 4th of July. The ' j.Ul henr'win .h closed. the entire day. .So transact your business -Friday.- fell and broke his fci; a feu Miss has he IVatison, of Morgan ton,, ... visiliMMi -A-nes. eave. H.e left li'or her home on last Monday. For IVeieoin, deeoratin- hd Wk, call (iiij'S'-ioc, ilm.siii painter, itfitt; i, in Halishuiy for limiled time only. . in'v! bridge haV jiist been complete d over ( iraiil's creck two miles west of t )vn where it U.crossed ly tlie, Shen-ill J'.iid road. . U'tanoke & Southern surveyors are m The route and jjiiound town this week. via rial! 5 . . ! i i; t i "i 1 t ,, .i-'i ! Mirv, v.oneoni, :inM iinnuiiu " i)C siSrvt-yed as sooiuiis pos-dhle Our people oii-Iit to oneoura-e. Rood workmen ' wlieii they eou-.e anion- us. ; u .i,e. the m-u painter, will lo just i 7 'hit y-KAwi ' J I is work speaks lor itself, r : IKjiiU for-et to eall on S. H. Wiley Jr. . l i ii Ti.:.tv,imii he in re orderi-n' yom" fbyciele. (TlHy are general a-ents lVr tlio thd'st ajiid best .maehincs and will save : you money. , . New ').ods are stil! arriving at S. A. L. t i ... .. .... ; .',-v r,r.-i' aad t'aeni. (iuuds e.m he nought from . .....i (',-,. i:Mi!'iv i. i- :-c:it. lower tliaiv the le.iiar piipes. l'.-r (d'd Ji"nrVHk lias f-.-und a terra i"hi in- 'abari iis cuimiy "that is over a . hir.jihe.l yenis old, aeVoi -dini; to an in- f. script iou oai its haek. Jim is nearly that ; tl t Uiiaisdf, -uid uumari ied. 3Iiss Kate K. Williams, of Atlanta, did v weilii. sell;; her vaintHiLT, "Windsor sast!e" hero, It w:s hu-lit for .T") and - i 1 he ii'Uhe Y. M. C. A. hall. She Is very grateful to otir people. ' Thoe (le-inii-u,o:vd siu ork wou'd (lojvell to -it'otie whilo Nooe, the ariis- ' tie sjga wiiteif, fresco painter and deco r itoj- is in on i town, lie has the reputa tion -of heiiii; Ilie finest in the State, lie ran he found at theft In shop of Mr. J. T. rtussamoii, on Inniss street. Order left at tire St Jjames Il-otel will be promptly : attended to. Mr. L. E. Steere has -one to Asheville, where he is -en-aged in ihc wholesale -' ili u-husiiH ss. 'i'he store here will heeon tinuett avid he in eliar-e of Mr. T. 1J. 1 Wells, who i well known to all our pec- ; ilc. -Mr. Steere undeistands his business thoroughly and we wisli him suceess. Mr. Weljs will keep the huitiejs here up to the usual standard. k , - Mr. W. A. Lipe, of Lipe postofnee, this couiify, requests its to state that he has Ikpeii' in tlio, -lnh-rai.in Lusiness lontr eubu-h atid lhat members of liHclubean joii other, clubs if they wish. " Some of them have already renewed, "Mr. Line ' inrr has don- been, a kind friend t5 the At ?Iorchoaa Salisbury Wins tlio Prize, The musical contest at' Jtforehead bv pianists "iiite 'wi no semhly llaTT was thoroughly packed by an calcr audieie. There were nine contestants iiTjhe start, but five gave it up and June wsiiltlel. j Three Salisbury yowng ladies, "Misses Bessie K rider, Mauye G.sl;ill and Mamie Owen played. Another wjs from Thom- isville and still another from Murlrees- horo. Miss Krider carried o! tlicmeoai. ll is said the yoifn- dadiea were almost equal in every respect and it was a diffi cult matter to decide. 3IiS4Kwuer iep- rescnted Peace Institute, Kaieigiu Miss Gaskill represented Greensboro Female Colle-e. ..Three cheers-for balishury. iiiKOUCiii Tin: tiii-stli:. Another Terrible Wmk A Portion of a Traui oe 1 nrouirn niiiiuun s T res 1 1 .8 - X ca r X e w ton. As the east hound freight, due here nt 10:"0 a. m. Tuesday, was crossui- Huir man's tresile, one mile this side of New ton one of the cars about the middle ol h t.-.in iinnr.ed the track. The trestle; then gave way and the entire train, ex cept the engine and two cars, went down forty feet below, breaking ad to pieces. Conductor Bruce Linstcr, of States- ville. is dangerously hurt. Both thighs are broken and he is sutTcring from coi eus-ion of. the brain. Flagman Lum Morrison, of Jonesville, had one arm cut off. (ins vv illiams,-n colored .nraxcmnn, was killed JnstatUly. Mr. Linster wr.s . i . brc.U "-lit to Statesville, but ttie iattsi news is that he is not expected to live. Mnrvunn llVfiUCrllt ilCrC. Jlcds 4iii"g we'd, as his injuries were not seri ( iis except to his arm. Both of the:-e young men are very pop ular and. their friends are deeply pained. Mr. hinster was in a wreck last fall when his train ran down a mountain a long distance. ' He had just recovered from h:s injuries and began work again. Passengers and mail are now trans fenvd at the scene of the wreck. It wib take some time to repair the trestle. i irutlicrford College Nearly : cn. plctcd. KUTIIEIFOP.D COLtEfiP, -C., . July 1; ls.l. , Deau Kd'ttor: Oar new l.t4diMg is neaviiig completion and we ejipeet lo open school : g iin o:i the vt Augusi with ai- least :m studeius, (nr new college is a beauty. It is lsfJO rwt, to be linishcd in lino '"Oil" fuush. Our 'location, health fulness of onr Hjirrmmd- ...;- iw.i rhluirlioad. OU1 tJUJ I UiU . '.-5 '! . ' ..u". ... Lnmi nnrl tuition lall con- 1 . ....I Ul I I . A r r tllf- spire to render tins me one People." , . W bile board is. $S and $3 per month, in-,-tr- PvtiAiisc we. can and d ;'"" 1 j r i ,n-f:in'ri. f'i.r mst as cooi I board, penses included, at per month. !..,. ort;1il tn diir facllltv a uate of Yale and Lei psic; also a Dean c La- ami o-e of Medicine. Oar grade ol scholarship has also been raised in -l! . e de-rees for B. B. A., A. M.aud Ph D. Vu do intend 10 make the Rutherford College, taken all in all, equal to any in stitution in the South. ... Let all students enter at beginning T.TTTCT'N'G DEPARTIulEITT. and carried offby llie water, leaving any nuggets that may I have been in it Jfiinms Hews Gathered ia TM3 and iMiged: against- the ! rifiles. The Log Of.her States. - Tinr-n. ; 1 uu GO TO THE ONE PRICE STORE OF i " GOLD MIXING IN N, C. lTv::irrie Kiver hcetion til; IJichcst isi the State. Take a pan full of dirt anywhere on my land and if it doesn't show gold I will nve vou any fifty acres I own." What do vou think of that for an offei? lie ill ex- -rad- A vni.rontntivonftheW ATCH M A N'WaS vii uj iu river we go y iiiggins' mil, in Montgomery county a few days ago about tWij ,miulml anls from the and the above proposition was made to 8trcam. whro tkn wntlomnnlv nwnif Rocker is a .section of ii lnr?re tree hollow ) - n- c l out, with grooves cht in the bottom in which (prick silver is placed: a small stream of water Hows into it at the upper end ana the dirt is gradually fel into it and washed down bv ii.' rocking motion over the quick silver which takes up the KOid as soon as it touehes it. This is a slow process but an excellent one when tne g .Id is fine. On up the river we goby Riggins' Hill, KLUTI1Z &. EENDLEM A K For; the Largest and Hand somest Assoitment of . . . Ill I liilli 1000! AtiL'iisl olh. 1S'.1 i- ' K, L. AcERN.tTHV, Pres. The Roanoke & Southern, ...... v.. w . niiuiui, ttiwru me geniiemaniy owner him bj-several laim ovrncra in w nans Mr. H, McCoy, Jr., gives us our first ex- r-o r .ia ihA 1 whrirrie river portion. I t.. - )t 11 k w - 1 the best mining locality, but the least know n, of any in the State Up to a few mcnthsago it was a long hard drive, forty miles over rough roads, IN SALISBURY. . . i -i 11 . 1 1 1 wt - 1 1 'l a 1 - ft TntiTi nnrtTvi ' . 1 I t yi iciicu uuuer grounu, v e arc ixnow eu t o u ivu.au ic;ini, siocs 01 nac ui& viuuua in wnue, oiacK ana coir to get in the bucket and the hoisting en- We have a big assortment of Shallies, Lawns and Serges. Yonr choice for 5 ecu j ginc slowly lowers lis down the .main per yard. shaft one hundred feet under the surface Big lots of all kinds of Shirts Collarsand Ties. A big stock of CLOTHINO:t ana Planing., me best ami prettiest evrr pii sewed Shoes. They will not bum your feet. 1- KniiH : hard drive, forty mdes over rough roads, a:i(1 we arc si,own tireo parallel I veins ri-ht prices. Carpets, ftugs and Matting., the best and prettiest evrr ottered. vA but since the completion of the Yadkin of hr.nvn nn.irt -,v rinr ; -i1th f.nm elegant assortmeut of haml-sewed Shoes. They will not bum your feet. All kiju railroad a drive of ten or twelve miles onc t0J,hre4 feet and " "h 123 ncr to Joes, and lots of them, at rock bottomriccs. a N ( r u i :i: s c o u n inn: l Loukiag For a Victim He Wrote t!ii! Vi'rong 3Ian. to Ut, r-TTTiP- T notice- vouv columns are 00e.11 Ibr discussion in rtgar.l to the Roanoke & Southern rail re ad eon through Salisbury. Wc havo great 111-.i.i,..Tn.nt-i in our section to oiler any ....:i,.,,l fl,..t t. ill -nine this WHY. We h-ive the "rent 11 rani to belt ot rsorth Carolina jMiSiing through our county, and riuming paralell with the Richmond n mvill'. railraad for a distance of from thre; to IVur miles. The Yi.dk'm road receu.ly cros. c i this belt, and si. ice then Inv ..T-anite companies have te,;n form ed and .".re now shipping, many ear load of granite to all parts of the country. IS'o.v if the Roanoke. & Southern railroad sh mid i!;s bv Salisbury it would pass ov-r the st uthern end of this great range of mountains, or run paraleii- wnn me sa ne for some miles wiik-ti wouUl cause lar,e granite companies to spring up and hu idreds of car lo.ids of granite would so n he shipped ovei-this road to 'all I a'ts ul'the country. Near Rock P. O , ,s situ iled th.e old Rowan county mill stone works which" has been in openuion more than fifty years. In our opinion the Roanoke & Southern could not pass ihroii-h a better section of country where it cot.iTd -get so much heavy freight to naiufie. Cur granite was selected by expei Is fvr t he government building at Uaiei'iih -stveral ye:rs ago as the best ouilding stone'. All we need along this gianite range is a railroad to connect us with theoulide world. " - . , J. T. Wyatt. Faith, X. C takes vou to the centre of it. If you de sire to see the different methods used in obtaining sold this is the place to go, fot in a distance of ten miles, beginning at the mouth of the Uwharric and not more A f Piirnni-n i l.n 4 tit nt1 An - - I ill iMH UCJ 3 UllUC, IV" UiliC. U UJ c than one mile from it on either side, you tjie mouth of the Uwharric, we cross can see. all the processes usel lor saving lhat stream and start down iU One mile 'old, trom tue crudest 10 me most eiau- autl a half from the .bridce we come to nrnto lllir 1.ic-cll ..vS.m ,1 K. nn r.1S.K If you like we will take a trip through company, where seventy head of stampfe e country together. Starting from are crushing the ore nipht nnd dav. Salisbury we go down the Yadkin rail- A mile below the Russell, and one road to Albemarle, the cpunty seat ot najf ,niIe from the river, is the Appa- Stanly, and hiring a conveyance we str.n iachian mjne owned by auother English next morning tor tno i-waoraa.o 'oi iNorin in gold and silver. The work coins: on here is of a developing nature but extei - The best FLOUR in America. All kinds of Molasses: 10 different kiwis T sive yorka for the proper treatment if v-oyee; o uiuerent kious oi theocstot leas. rotatoe., uahhage, Ueans, lc the ore will soon lie erected Fruits, Grits, Meal, Rran and Cottbn-sced Meal at Rock J?ottom Prices. Spetial o oil cticv-lc t. nrifoc In vhrlnc.ilr tnnni prices to wholesale buyers. Oua MoTfo: " Best goods for least money." Yours to Serve, KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAK. the Silesmen -W. W. Taylor, .J. A. Neely, II. A. Bernhardt, W. U. Wcakon A. M. Sullivan, C. F. Meroney, T. B. Beall, W. Clarettce Kluttz and Warren r t.'i..ii U. IV I U 11. 16 17 This week Mr. J. S. MeCubbins, Sr., rece'i vi d the circular printed below, which was Written on a typewriter and accom panied by a newspaper clipping rut from a paper called the "Fni,hi Hertihl.V The circular explains itself. The clip ping is quite long and was set in nonpa riel type. . It is not necessary that it be prit:Ud,.as it tells the old story of i:reen bick plates that were stolen from -the Treasury Department at Washington, and that lenuine mmev is being ma.e, wnicu wiil b u 11 . kl . . I'w' 1 A.' soiu at ine iaie oi .-i,vw fwr ?1V. Mr. Manly will not find a customer in the -person of Mr. Mct uointis. ile promptly turned the letter over to the Watchman' for publication to warn oth ers and will thenlrivc it to the Solicitor o 'thi.s district. T.ds is the same old amc on a "different plan, and we will . . -1 1 - . si.mpiy say that no honest man win at tempt to deal with this rascal, and if i 1. anybody ooes become a pureua.er me will get a bad bargain. The circular purports' to bo. written from K ist Port, Maine, but the envelope shows that it was mailed in New Y-wk. Here is the circular: . Thi - bettor Is dictate' 1 on typewriter "anQ is jntcnik'i.i only for your persoaal lerus.fS Dk.vk Snt: I liar.- heur l of you and believe you would make iin a jjool agi-at. No ageat of niiuo has ever Ii id any trotiblj ami my business is the fastest monev makinp; business ia t!ie world. The enclosed nevsua;.er accouut will give you as rood an idea of my, sclienie as if I 'wrote a hundred pages to yuu. "My rates are three thousand for three hundred: five thousand fur fcur hundred; ten thousand for . six hundred ai.d fifty: -and twenty thousand for a thousand, If you will invest $t;."o or more "I will give you the "State riejit." Now the only satisfactory way to do this business is , face-to-face Goods for money and money for1 goods over the table. If the goods don't tint, you don't have to biy. Now think this over and if you make up your mind to deal write me , to the below" address and sav: "Please send information .ho v to find you." Do not sign your name to your let:er, simply sign "A-l" and i wiifknow who it is from."" Don't throw awav your time ask ing me to meet you near your home. Common sc will tell you that, as l nave men coming From Harmony. At last hope begins to appear of this part of our county having a railroad, and surely no county ever needed one more. The roa.1 s to be built from Statesville to Mt Aiiv. wbieh will briiiix it through this part ot the county. Meetings are bein- held everywhere ami tnc subject diseie-sed. Action will be taken at once. Last Vriday was a big day lor liar mouy, beii.i- the occasion of liie closing exercises of .tbeebool here. Early- in l he morning people iiem ail directions "alheied until l Here Wei e one t housand or iifteeu hu niiLd on the grounds. At H in. l;.--v. V. A. Pool, ot fjlalesviile, pretieilcd tiie annual sermon, whu-ti dm hji;er to i.is inei'ited lame as a preaener. At '2 j.'.an. iloii.- W. 1). Turiker, oi feuues Vtlie. de.iw r d li e literary address. The exercises at night were greatly appre ciated, as was demonstrated by the re- 7 . 1 f ! ! peated applause ot the crown. i ne music was rendered by Messrs. 8. V. Ward, J. ileury Tharp ami others. Prof. M. P. Davis has closed quite a successful school, and we were very sorry when be told us he could remain uo iongir. He has won many warm fYinmUlnrinr his stav. and will carry witli him wherever be. may go the best wis lies ol the miinitv. lie . . . : studv for the ministry. V e will now nteii another teacher, and would say that no better place can bo found for a Jive, energetienian. Oti last Friday Mrs. Jas. Jones, living nrvn- Iktc left tier l'oui-ni on t lis-oid baby in the cradle while she weiit to gather .mil i.M i-4-i u i-ni iiLr home she lttii.d u e t i i v. .J v i. . . . . - c j it dtad with the next youngest child lvinir beside it. 'Pnorn have been two weddings in our vicinitv recently and we have promise ol another in Uie near future. U heat is about all housed ami wnere u was out in tho ground right is as good as eould be aslitd for. inng oats are food. Tobacco and corn are both look ing well but needing ram. i. Carolina. After a pleasant drive of eight miles wo cross the Yadkin river just north of the Uwharrie and on en quiring wc find that wc are only three quarters of a mile from th6 Moratoek mine; so we decide to make that our first objective point. Arriving at the mine we find that the greatest activity pre vails. Mr. Muffly, the superintendent, is getting the new mill ready to begin work and in a week's time expects to begin milling ore with ten stamps. We are shown about the mine by the superin tendent. There are huge piles .pf "ore, it) which the gold can sometimes be seen, nicely stacked up at the head ofa tramway ready to be put in the cars and conveyed to the mill, about three hundred yards down the mountain. The mine is being worked as an open cut, lhat is, no shafts are being sunk and everything is ex pected to go through the mill Irom the "rass roots down. We learn that the nronertv is owned by three northern p.uties, and that it is a elosc company aad no stock is for sale. Leaving the Moratoek we tiiul our-s.-dvos after a circuitous route of half a mile at th.e Worth mine, and here we are initiated in the mysteries of using the pan and hand rocker. We hear a pecu liar noise on the branch below us, am" wpndiiiir on? wav in that direction we find an old man busily engigcd in rock in-g what looks to us like an old barn awn throu 'li len-'thwisc. lie tills us his i a hand rocker. The dirt ami reek; -.1 I are put m it with several inieiveis oi water, and with .a motion like rocking a b.ib 's era lie the dirt is dissolved and is good people o: me com noes to Wake Forest to company. At this place the mill (forty stamps) is wot running but the pumps are lifting the water in a steady stream .'rom one bundl ed and fifty feet below. Mr. Skyrmc, the superintendent, shows us through the mill and explains the modus operandi oi treating the ore from the time it is blasted out uutil the gold is extracted and melted into bars. Leaving the Appalachian we pas.s by the Morris Mountain, Sally Coggins, Crump and Pass Harris mines. At the atter, live miles above the mouth of the river we strike across the country for hams leaving; the mining section behind us and convinced that if we weremouied men instead of poor newspaper scribes we would pitch our tent in this land of gold. Had this locality been in California it would have been torn to pieces years atrOi but capital and enterprise are sadly lacking in this part ot the "Old North State." Take for instance the Uwharrie river, a small stream one hundred feet wide, known to be rich in gold, the centre oi this district, every vein in the section crossing it, every foot of land on the slopes of the mountains which shut it in showing gold, and every stream empty ing into it having been successfully worked for gold and still the first thing towards working its bed has never been done. , The day cannot be far distant when all these facts will be known to the outside world and fortunes will be made by those who take advantage of it. This Space will bo occu pied by Eames & READ Earnhardt Dealers In loured out with the water. This is kept W-AlTIIMAN, and while we would, like 1 to sec -me all the time from all over the conn- for him to continue his valiant services in its Uelialf, yet his reasons' are perfectly good, and "ve. take this occasion to thank him for past kindness and wish him suc cess in all his. undertakings. The roost -of his subscriptions expire: with this issuer i kp, .Stanly NeHvs. A new paper has been started at Albe marle called the stanly AiVv It. is the -successor of tbe Stanly Observer', It is' conducted bv the . Old Arm Chair Club, b it it is understood tltat Mr. Jerome has editorial charge; 'rte Xeivs is a imght p qjer and deserves liberal suppor Marries!. . .Mr. W. H. V. Ea-uiesvof this city f?and Mis Marv E. Wilson, of Charlotte, weie married al the Tnoii street Paptist ' "-him-hby Tiev. A. G. MeManaway, of , that cifyjat live o'clock, "hist Thursday. They arrived at .home tjie-same evening and were tendered a "reception by Mrs. S.,J. Swicegood. The young collide luv.'c the best wishes pf the Watchman. trv. thiit l have to remain at onei'lacein order to deal with them' as they arrive and net keen - - , ,i x - ...1. tlieni va;lnir or !i.-aii)oiiu iHc-iu. .ov. :iu other correspondence wc wui have on Uii.s nbieet. 1 will alwavs write-as if I was sointr'to make you an agent lor a patent uie.neine scheme. U lien vou write, jo me aiwavs speaK of patent nfeihcine. Novfor (lod'a sake re member this and don t be foolish enoiiiih to 'refer to the real nature of the Lushiesj ia your letters. . - Address me as follows: ; Joiix Maxi.y, East Port, Maine. Prof. F. County 15. lSrowii. Feu J- upintcndcii t. I hear rrof. F, P. Brown frequently spoken of for County Superintendent, and I say he should be elected by all means, "here is no man in the county better qualified to perform the duties of the office. He is a farmer and is hard at work on his farm every day. He is thor oughly acquaintcel wiili the wants and needs of the poor laboring class, and they Vimvo bi sincere svunwlliv. If ho is elected he will .do all in his power to 1 '' Itl A 1 .1 I . .. t. ... 1 ' i. maiie every uoiiar oi me money go as f; r as possible rause of education. A Fkienp eF the Cause. From Ilethany Academy. Correspondence! ot tlie Watchman. The summer term of Bethany Academy will begin Monday July 13th. A steam engine has been tarried down adeplh ot lbO feet in the earth at Gobi Hill Mines. It is used for i umpiug air into the mines. , Mr. J. W. Peeler, the Rockwell uepot ,,r,.,,t h:. been called to Nc.v London to take charge of the ollice at mat place, be ing one of ' more importance. 11 v- If. A. irexier anu i. . vioun. will deliver ad Irenes at the public meet- : ..C.l,.. W II ;w.l l' M. . Of OlLi.n i'lwf, bilv'ilie-Ui. The n'iitc boxes ef the soc.'etv were opened at the last meet u i' and were found to have i c umulated s'lU OS in six months. Kev. W . It. Brown was made a life member of the society, v..,-. r.-.-.vr Alliance has elected anu installeel the otlietrs for the coming year. Ti-w. ;, i :i "in! cf'ne and I creaks- m cater prosperiiy lor the lodge than ever. .. ...r....,t iin i ilie the l'raterna:it v .f i bo lod'-e was sounded and found not wanting. Help was given to a vyorthj i.... - r ..iw.i biT bi(l to buv him :i n; t-uiii'i' snddenlv ell eel. At ..., in..f.tiii.f nne iil'our own mem l 1 . J . 1 1 I " V- k . . v ' - - --, liers having sicki.css in his tamily.was in i i iw."i. .... ii it s of life, and thai i,;. i-.oo.led work. Money kih Viv.i. - - - , , A Fine (Jlianee. Wo have made arangements with the -publishers ol Sunny South Atlanta, Ga., so that wb can furnish our readers with little more than the leniurest 31eulal CTuite-st. ,A party of young ladies from Concord and Cabarrus count v aave a reiidifiir s t " "t ' ! i.-.n i . .t 'fi l.... ..:..t.. A"u,n,,V tvyopapeN for a little more ue a huge ci-owa came out to Hear tlie " of onc Tho Sunny South is' the j'ivees,iaii oi wnicu were goon. lion 4.hn' '1'., and Mayor T. C. Linn ' i.lt- ini..Jw lllnl'tHV f.im'.lv Il.'lllOI" tl nt. v; ir. ...a.. i u --k..V; J 1 - J 1 . . ss j'.me S. 'Over acted as judges. At the dose of the exercises the medal was .'awarded to Mis; Barrier, of Concord, lion. L man presented the medal and made a Short but eloquent speech. y All of pie young ladies did well, and jtbc a'udjeuce was pleased and proUted. ever succeeded in the South. The sub scription price is 2 per .annum; - The Watchman -is 1 50. Wc will send both papers to new subscribers at 2.75. This is a very liberal oiler and should be taken advantage of. us power to T,rovi-U)US Were secured fur h.m, and, a mblic school eNV ,lavs llcrf 17 i:OM WCre seen in his m the great lk,d cian;,ag his cotton. Let men who crvdown the Alliance laKe a icoh. ai this and think w hat they are doing. In spite of the entieiAies of the old party loveis, the third, party seems to be gaining ground very fast in this section. " The farmers are about ready to lay by their crops. The gvyssy cotton is about all cleaned. The wheat crtp is housed and th.e nrospe c:s are for a large crop. Corn is looking fine; cotton is late, with a p or stand, but is fallowing up pretty Nvell. LlU-sLri. up until the rocks are all clean, and then by a different motion all the heavier matter is settled to the bottom and the lighter rocks are thrown out. When this has been continued until there is but very little left in the bottom the gold is picked out and the rocker is ready to be refilled. We also see at this place the panning operation going on, which is done in very much the same way only on a much smaller scale, a pan about the : c 4i..-iti i.-kii lw.iM'r iloi1 size, oi a common nmg i'.' "v,".- '--"-Upon inquiry we learn that ihe property was worked years ago on a very exten sive scale and that a large amount of ""-old had been taken from it. But at present the parties working on it are paving a certain part of what they find as a royalty and are netting about $3 per day to the hand. Wishing to locate ourselves and know ing no other point to enquire for, we find that wc arc half a mile from the Uwharrie. Two hundred yards below, at the forks of a road,Ve find two stores, and are urprised to learn that gold dust gold is a common currency of the country and that a good-part of the population depend entirely on the. gold that they get out of the streams for their living. iere we are also shown consideraole liiantities of the precious metal and are allowed to handle one nugget worm several hundred dollars. Mr. Sanders, the proprietor of one of the stores, goes with us over to the ander? mine and shows us where not less than 50,000 in gold nuggets vei taken out in onc month about a .year ago by the people living in the neighborhood. Since then Senator Spooncr and associa e ; nive bought the property wilti me w oriu mine and several others and expect to put up an extensive hydraulic plant in the near future. Lavin" the Sanders mine wc go up tho river, taking our time, by way of Ce dar Haw. Buck Mountain, Bird, Mosely, Adeline. Hog Pen Branch, Dry Jiollow and Bunnell Mountain mines, all gravel, and see the Long Tom, Sluice Boxes am T.vr Rocker in operation. The Long Tom is a long box-like concern with sides ,.K- few inches hie.h; along the bottom which is about two feet wide, is mulct 1 n 1a t'ntior Clld cross strips aim un'" i -i iitrm 1; a niece ol raise i aoo v; - bo. t iron punched full of holes and water - . . . , , . I. ilaceel me Resolutions of Respect. The following preamble and resolu tions were unanimously adopted by Bost Mi'll Alliance No. 1.45'J at a meeting held June 27th, lS'Jl, in memory of Dr. George C. Cope. Whk.rk. vs. Tt is has rd eased our Heav en.! v Father to suddenly remove from the very threshold cl an active anu prom ising life to the spirit land, our worthy brother, who bv his gentlemanly bearing won the resneet of all. Therefore be it - - t. i-ncnl vo1 1st, That we bow in humble submis einn tr Him who doeth all ihinus well. on,l That bv this dispensation of God's providence we are solemnly reminded if the truth, in tnc miust oi uie we are m death. 3rd, That a copy of these resolution? be sent to the family of our deceased brother with the assurance of our Chris n.ii. ivmrwthv. :i copv be spread upon our minutes and the Carolina Watch man be requested to publish. Jj. . 5. JJUSl, L. W. Beaveu, Com. C. E. Bust, ) . W. Kluttz, Sec'y. FURNITURE. Fresh Garden Seeds atr . duccd prices. Clover and Grass Seeds r the lowest prices at Enniss' Drrg Store. - READ THIS! . Be sure and call for a bot !'e of f Cures. It has never fail to cure Dyspepsia, In digestif , and Sick Headache." Ica-ngh you first-class references in S; isbury to prove its merits. I.r sale by BE IN TIME- Don't wait till j'ou get sit-k to goj a bottle-of Kninss' I Ha rrheca Specific, be ( come and have it ready. It will save u a doctor bill and probably your life, i." is speedy cure for Diarrhoea, Flux, Fn mer and Bowel complaints. It ne.j fails to cure ii taken in time. i fe!2tf J. If. ENNISS BUGGIES Constantly on hand from $150 All the leading makes. fine New Advertisements. Mr. J. T. Wyatt will sell you millstones. Mr. G. W. Corriher warns the public n t to trade for a certain note held by John Josey. f rhe Weslevan Female Insti- .. u .in it t mi V:i .'one of the best schools in the country. rll on S. B. West, at Hotel Jerome, ad. of moueV to UI J . II - " loan. . -.i of tb a Tl.ic.ket.- Store at - r?Cl: in ii. ....v Ch irlotte. Thev are otrennj: b .rgains. butter, Chicken3, Iri.-h potatoes, Sweet ' -y .. .. Yon mint a pi d me of He wrfiona officers file Alliance. Sail Si DO and . tl,p. Pro i res ice Farmer and tin '" " - J - "7 Wuichman and pict jre. Bi money to theriht man. Call at room 22, Hotel Jerj.-e. 44 Work. 1 Ghildr-jn Cry for Pitcher's rtoria: Salisbury Produce Market. Concctcd weekly by U. K. Julian & CO. 10(7,, 12 Dry lli-les, 100 00 7." 80 Green Onion, White Jicuns, Mixed C 3 1.00 l .:5." 1.00! WAGON In great quantities. S 1 Flour. 2.503.00 Money to Loan First mortgage on first-class Real ... n I 1 Estate. No : objections to tarm uinu near Salisbury. that vour death Ol'CUIc J"" l will not take from your heirs. Call on S. B. West, Hotel Jerome, or J. W. Mauney, Att'y- Don't fail to see our stoc' j It will cool before buying. nr . . x . 1, ,-. vou on anu hkiku your dail WESLEYAN FEKHK IXSriTtTE. STAUNTON, VIHUISIA. 7. . ,t itiIi lsjl One ot the most iiinrou;n o.iens ept. 1 li1.i';..xV' , ht. south VI" lUJlll' teunsur- Tenns Iovv. ee. sor Vlrlula sitlent. rcmainins while the dirt is earned away 1 l.y the water. The Sluice Box is simp.v ft N IT E. Ko n enL a treuh with a fiat bottom, across which Jue rH are nailed strips or rifles. It is placed ii'f e: . fn in the creek fco that water will run L.uua. co, es. ona.nec ..whoi.. Ac.a.e. .. ihruii-h It -ud the dirt is dumped in.o, ,J imhu. ..-a -a .--. work more" pleasant and eas5 :... .. it this IS 1 1 ll Ll ll 1 w - I . i 1 .1. ... no l-. Ol. i n ' I - 1 1 1 1' ICtlVC ?C dirt to be waueei anu mo aa, - ; .vul ry t " t " pv.rv thimr except- the coarse roc . enilUuo. T. - t.lsrouill Hie HOies on tu - Sp-jei nun . i(.,,r.,tcd . . , nn,.tblo iifh as erold tue sii.mji i y. a "". : tUft i in iY I' L"l lll U,.'in:1. VI I Cl'JI iU Respectfully, mi boydi m i I , . j . ' - ' -. 1

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