i j. Carolina Watchman. DOG A L THUKSDAY; JULY 9, 1SU1; ' j," PERSONAL.- - , . jlavin" accepted a position on the ". AVaTchman Uts expected, of -course, that I make come announcements Feel ing my inability to do justice to such an organ, it is with reluctance that I.take v-iipthiivcrk.. However, I will only he responsiWe for the local part; the edb, ;torial department will still m continued .: by Mr. Ibunsey. I have been a member of the Alliance V: for more than three years. I ain in full .-sympathy with all measures," and shall i : do al I cab to push our organization to the front. I came here fresh from the plow and with "hay seed" ia my hiir, onrT should'the locals not be as Uitcrvt- - hi" and newsy as heretofore you will think of the above facts and try and excuse, ilfdiall endeavor to publb news fresh and spicy as I -an And, and to ' work for the mutual improvement of ' both town and- country alike. To this i pnd I earnestly ask the aid ot persons interested in the wiine. - i Yours Truly, h . jc L. Millek. y'f Iloasthig ears are on the market. ; Crops are iaiproying very rapidly, ' Whatihas beeome-uf the ice factory and ' street imprcAeraeuta? Mr. J. 13 -Sliceta is doing a lively bubi jicsby wUy of jdgu advertising.-- ' For thc'Iargest,. freshest and best tur nip seed call at Funis' Drug Store. Peaches and blackberries are selling "at oue-dollarper bushel; apples fifty cents. Some of our Salisbury people went picuiciug at Organ '.and Lower Stone churches on the 4tli. .The Watch ban has tagged her office and youvvyll njnv liaye uo trouble to find her. ' Come to jsee u.'. Mr, J. -Allen Riiown will continue to Lold the .lighting editor's chair down jn the Watchman office. Mr. W. B. Su6ot, a popular clerk of M. S. jJirown-N, Is spending a few days with ji slpareiits at MoorcsviiLe. 'The'colored people are soliciting sub- wiptitHis for; the -erection of a large Jjrick Methodist church in this city. Subscription lists - for furnishing a budding as a . Ijioic e for the poor and crippled jare ndv going the founds. . Mr Lloyd Syvieegopd left Wednesday . for' Asheyiie, -'to accept a position with thej Iiandaiidi Kerr'Printkjg Company. A,' L. 3o!nison has -just received a "large tot of oxeel leu t -clocks which be is js,ieiiiiig at iu percent over actual cast. Till. ciMHity Alliance vviil le in esdon here next "Friday and SiUurlay, The '-meeting will.be held at the 1'airgrouuds. , A strong wind, doing damage to sh de trees-, accompanied by a whirlpool of .du.stlpreeeeded the raiu Tuesday night. Mr. Fugeiie Iieuti, O'.ie of the clerks in jlie postotiicc, is on the sick list tnis weeK. C. ,N..lko.,yu hi holding down liis positions- - 1 - - The eleetuib of Prof. Kizer to the po sition of CoiuitySuperintendenbof F.du- eatkmvas projper, He wril make a ood oflieer. Jlr. F. J.- Buclianan returned home fripm the'"' Uaiversitfy of Virginia last JVedue$day, where lie has been studying lor.'ine lasi nine raonins. If you want pants buy thciri,but don't try ij get theia-froui Kluttz . & Kendle-lBau- by slight xf hand. James Newsouie tried that fast Saturday aiul is now re.st iiig in jaiK Mr. Will Corl, of Webb City, Mo., .formerly ot Rowan, was in town Monday jonhis way to Norwqod. He reports the west boamingaud says the-crops are very good. r : - Mr. Walter M. Kirk, a represcBtative of the Singer Sew.ing Maekjuq Co., with headquarters at Chai lotte, is here doing business this week. ,llis ohjee is at the Hotel Jerome. ' A lawn party was givcu by Mrs. Horah Tuesday night for the entertainment of her lady and gentleman friends, espe cially those who attended the teachers meeting 'at Morchead city. I ' 'I :"Hjrscbaek riding is very popular with '. -sopai of the ladies and gentbincu. Biey- eTc riding is the pastme for those who do not relish the society jof the weaker- ?cx. Both can jbe teen ynlhe streets at even- iag'tim'e. - iTheivil engineer -.corps, the chief -upiruction managers and;, all han?;s 'employed on t lie -Yadkin -railroad except r t ne section hande, were . UstMjpsed- Wed nesday morning, the work of construc tion being finished. Our friend, Owen Bishop, Esq., lelt'a peculiar animal or vciretable or smnfl. thiiig at this effice'a few days ago. It is oVerjhijie.en incTics long and resembles aeucajnber. j No oue kn,ows what it is, so we call! it tho "what is it." '; llfx- MV Weitz, paster of Union and Christiana churches, this county, was . called to South CaroKua yesterday by a telegram auupuncins the serious sickness oHus wife and qli.ild, they having been on a vibi tb that State for some time. . !. T he tax : assessors- did not makei out . their report last Mondayi only;ft4cV be- Jog ready. They will meet next Slon ay, however. The dividing of the tax 4 accruing from Ui0 Yadkin railroad, be tween the three townshipsfTwill bo ac- : culed the same;da, ; u. I The IVidmont Allianco Fair stock holders met here last Saturday. The race track and iher commit tees were con tinued. Mo):e than $100 has been sub- si-vibed i.r tne completion ot tne race track. Voik wiii commence soon'. The fair will be held ct 20. ii to 2-ith. A new posJ,2ie hns' been established four miles eat of Gold Hill, at the siding. It is nunel ("hidrftone, with It. J. lliehie postmaster. IA new building is being built for the accommodation of passen . . , - gers. i'ersons going to iuisenneimcr s Springs will stop here. Last Saturday evening the up train-on the A. T. & O. road left Charlotte with several drunken negroes on board. A few miles out a negro boy and a white man bv the name of Williams, who lives near Croft, fell out and began a fight The negro drew a pistol and shot Wil liams in the riirht breast. The negro was at once placed under arrest -and is now in Charhttte jail. Williams.i - notdan geroaslj' wounded. ' Mr. Tobe Thompson's little boy esca ped from what might have been a serious accident vesterdav cveninir. HH horse ---- v r - became frightened by a plank slipping against him, and jruji "awaj'. The little boy was thrown from the wagou and was picked np pretty bartly bruised, but is doing very well this morning. The wagon was completely demolished, the horse havinz only the ahafts and front arlet ree f o him when he was stopped T'nc horse ran through Main street. Aftcntioii Veterans. Oflicial report has just been received by Mr. F.arker tlmt the 11. & I). R. Pw. Co.. will sell tickets for the round tripo tjic unveiling of the Jackson Modu menl at Lexington, Ya., for atfout $4.30. All wbo v'ill go are requested to place their, luimcs with W. Lawson Kluttz at once. . - Nr. Lawson A. Fi.hcr, of ITeilig's Mill, died July Gth, with a throat disease, He was a faithful member of Grace Reformed church, both Ln chuich and Sunday school. - He " leaves ia wifeAand eight c'iildren, besides many friends, to mourn his loss. He was buried in Lower Stone cemetery. A. College. The rditli Carolina College of Agricul ture and Mechanic Arts, Raleigh, begins its third cession' on-the 3d of next Sep tember. This college is taking a high rank -among the institutions of the State, and is doing thorough and honest work. The board of trustees js -adding largely to the plant of the college, and will, this summer; put tip two new buildings; and in-addition add such new equipments as is needed in the development of the work of the College. A Llx Cannibal ler Kinker, curistiaiMzeu. name, Kev. Ciexnge Johns, wlio was boru and captured in the interior of Africa, and has been under the influence of civiliza tion an-d cducationfor nine years, will lecture o: the customs of the heathen iiviug in the interior of Africa, in the Lutheran" church to-morrow, Frid.iy ev ening, at 8:o0 o'clock. See hand-bills of this wonderful lecture. Admission: Lady and gqntleman 30cts, single ticket 25cts, children under 15 years 15et&. IIti:i:cide on the Kail. A big riot occurred on the Augusta train below Charlotte Saturday night, which resulted in the -killing of a man named Padgett. A party of negroes were iu Augusta celebrating the Fourth of July. They boarded-the night 'train to go home and became very boisterous on leaving the depot. Andrew Padgett seemed to be the ringleader. Tie crowd beiiaii to throw bottles and jii!?s of whisky at each other. The riot increased and Padgett drew his knife, when he was set upon by live other negroes with knives and razors, and was soon slashed to death. The deed was done in full view of the first class coach. After the killing the negroes all .jumped from the moving train and fl-d. . The victim was badly mutilated and died with his knife in his hand. . : urn rr i in IS YOUIt NAME TlIIiltE. The Direct laud Tax Rowan Gets 0Yer$l,000. 'Rowan county's part of the Direct Laud Tax, is now iu the bauds of the Clerk of the Superior Court. It amouut3 to over $1.6,003. More than 1,400 per sous are entitled to this money in Rowan county. By an agreement among the Superior Court Clerks cf the State their fees wiUbe.low. Only 25 ceuts will be charged for the applications. Where the parties-to which the money is going are dead an administrator will, be op pointed. When the amount is over $25 the regular fees will be charged. Over $5 and uuder 25 only.'$l will be charged Under $5, nothing.. This State is enti tled to nearly $400,000, which will te quite a help to our people. Of course yon will iict forget to pay for your paper, or subscribe for oue when you get your money, for the newspapers have worked hard to get thi3 money paid back. Don't all speak at once. : ! i if ! A Fine Chance. We have raade-arangements with the publishers of Sunny South, Atlanta, Ga., so that we can furnish our readers with two papers for a little more than the price of one. The Sunny South is the only purely literary .f family paper that ever succeeded iu the South. The sub script ion puce is $2 per annum. The Watchman isjl 50. We will send both papers to new subscribers at $2.75. iThis is a very lileral offer and should be taken advantage of. - - - - - - ' - - ii y, . . r-.-s ..;-i.- --. .-.-.; n.'. - -" - - - j ; Meeting of Comity Commissioner?-.. The countj' commissioners met in reg ular session at the Court Housfe Monday. Present "Cliairmfln Kluttz, Coleman, Kestler, ITatterson and Stewairjr. ' Measrs John A. Hedrick, AcW.EIuttz imd H. R. Plaster, tire eounty board of education, came before the commission ers and the oath of office was; duly ad ministered bv Chairman Klutt'z. Ordered that Joseph Kestler bo uoti- fieeTto appear before the commissioners pu Monday, July 11th, 18J1, in regard to his own and his father's taxes fur this year. J. W. BAsinger was appointed consta ble for Morgan towuahip. i A. M. BrJwn wxs authorized to pur chase one gallon of paint for tie purpose of painting one of the rooms ii the Court House. He was also directed to furnish the inmates of the Poor House with cof fee once each day. The following allowances were made to outdoor paupers: Isabella Erwiu, $3 for 3 months; Wra, Felker, $3 for 3 months; 6. H. Cowan, 1 for one month; Purline Howard, $3 for 3 months; Cmvs. Fesper mau, $3 for three months; Tcna Correll, $3 for three months. Permission was granted to II. P. Po lan, Lou Dorson and Margaret Lowder to go to the county home and remain i until further notice from the board. A number of accounts were presented, approved and ordered paid. ; Messrs. Kluttz, Patterson and Coleman were appointed a committee to have general' repairs done at the Court House. Prof. R. G. Kizer, Superintendent of Public Instruction, cone before tha board and took the oath of office. Dr. J.J. Summerell made his monthly report, which was read and ordered filed. 'A. M. Brown, "keeper, of the poor, re ported the number of inmates to be 1G white3 7, blocks 9. He also; submitted an itemized statement of the expenses of the same, amounting to $39. A large number of the citizen living . --. A A It'll. near tne csaiisoury i.oiion mis peti tioned the board to have a butcher pen and other nuisances removed from near their dwellings, but no action was taken as the board does not think t has any authority to remove?-same from private property, but direct that said: petitioners take such action as the law allows. JUROR3. Henderson M. Brown, D. Calvin Hol- shouser, Adam Ore, Eii . Ilolshouscr, J. M. Brown, ltufus Saf'iit, J, K. Briggs, N. A. Lentz, Solomon Morgan, S. A. Earnhart, O. S. Galliaiorr, James Burke, Jas. C. Graham. F. B. Walton, Julius A. Peeler, Jesse Mahaley, H. B. r.ailey, John E. Shaver, J. F. Rufty,"Jas. C. Miller, J. J. Basinger, James B. Parker, James N. Morgan, J. F. llob:non, Vr. F. Murph, D. M. Becker, J. S. Hall, R. J. Ilaltom, D. R. Russell, Boyden A. R. Miller, Henry Ban inger, Julius A. Ma haley, J. W. Bowles, Jkv.uut Wifct.; Jolm W. Steel?, C. F. Biker. Ueccpt OU. One of the moot enjoyable social events of the season was given Tuesday evening, the 7th inst,, by Mr. and Mrs. Joe llorah complimentary to Miss Lilly Bell, of Morehead City. Tho lawn and verandas w ere dotted here and there with groups of chairs over which were sus pended Japanese lanterns that cast a del icate halo about the heads of those who preferred the evening zephyrs to the more classic amusements of the bril liantly lighted drawing rooau At 10:30 refreshments were served iu a sumptuous manner. Many of Salisbury's beautiful youug ladies aud chivalrous; gentlemen were present to Welcome the siren from the sea; and enjoy the unlimited hospi tality of a host and hostess whosoevei y though twas for the pleasure and com fort of their guests. Notes from Statrsville. Correspondence of tuo Watchman. ' We are having dry weather- now, but tle indications are lavorable for rain this niomiug. The wheat crop is all housed, aud threshing has begau iu some parts of the county. The crop is generally good, and ia most cases they yield satisfactory. Corn is looking well; farmers have been working as faithfully a3 I ever knew, and they have Gen. Green pretty well sub dued. If the good Lord sends the early and latter rains, there will bo a good crop of com made. Cotton is said to be doing well but is backward and will be late. If the fall be late a reasonably fair crop will be made. Mr. Bruce Linster, who was so badly bruised up in the railraad wreck is up aud was on the street yesterady. The probability 13 that he will be able to try her again in a tew days. John Woods, a white man about 2D years of age, was iu town last Wednes day evening. He imbibed freely of "tu- lu" (the curse ot this town aud commu nity) and started for home wit h is three miles from here on the Junebux road. His mangled body 'was fouud iiext, morn- iug ou the railroad, having been run over the nitrht before. The county commissioners were in session yesterday. Their principal work was, passing claims, di awing jurors for next term of court, and meeting with the assessors of the various townships in order to equalize the valuation of real es tate as much so as possible. The asses sors have completed their work, which will cost the county about;$l,200. In most of the townships the Valuation of real estate is (somewhat advanced, but riot enough to make much difference in the amount of tax derived from the same. Yesterday about 1 o'clock, p. in., the alarm, of fire was- souuded. It was discovered that tho depot was on tire. Men aud boys rushed pcllaUiell to the scene, j All business was sujkoded and thereWas a general rush to the depot. The depot buildiugs were all destroyed except the uew passenger depot which was saved, i Spontaneous conbustion is sup posed to be the origin of he fire. The greater part of the freight was paved. July 9th, 1891. J;VY Ce Tk. j Just Kcccivcd j A fresh lot of Robt. Buist, Jr.," celebra ted Tufnip Seed at Edwin Cutbrell's Drug Store, nest door to Davis & Wiley Bank, i . ' - . I Chlldf-jn Crx for Pitcher's n-storia. NORWOOD'S HEALTH. Tho Cilizen3 Indigaant on Account of Malieions Report ii ?r. Editor:- Will you kindly grant us spaed in your paper m order that wemav correct some false aniFdamasrina reoorts that 4e being freely and maliciously cir culated !!i oursistvi towuto the detri ment of the material prosperity ot our place. These reports are so base and absurd that we at first defirued tliem un worthy of consideration, hoping aint be lieving that no intelligent person would dare say aught that would be detrimental to our village without even a hooe of our part unjust to ourselves and discour teous" to those outside of our county who have contributed so liberally of their energies and means to the advancement of our town. First, It is reported that the town of .Norwood is su located that it is pecu Marly subjected to the ravages of that fatal! malady, typhoid fever; and that largo numbers of our citizens have fallen victims to this disease "Now, Mr. Editor, the facts in this case are vouched for by two iiitelliirentyand and reliable physicians whose names ar- pear ac me ciosc or nns letter. Seven. L ini n years ago iui our village was scourged with typhoid fever, from which several deaths occurred: since that time. to our knowledge, there his been but one casej of typhoid fever m the town of Norwood. The iirst case which occurred in our town in that vear (lb84) was distinctly I t ml pronounced by the attending physicians to hitve been contracted horn bedclothes which were used immediately after be ing brought from Wadesboro, where thev had just been used in several fatal cases of typhoid fever. And every subsequent coscwuicn oecurrea was direct Jy trace aoie to visits paid oy neixnoors ana friends who were so charitable astootfer their services as nurses. When the phj' sicians ascertained that it was contagious and the proper disinfectants and pre cautions useu,not anotucr ease occurred The most arduous efforts of our best pnysicians nave lauea to aiscover any local cause in our community which might breed the germs of typhoid fever, ihc natural drainage ot cur county is perlect; our water unsurpassed; and our health record can be judged from the fact that not a single grave was dug in our cemeterv (which is used for the whole surrpunding country) from November, 18S3L to March, 18!X Second. It is currently reported that many of our most extensive farmerifown stores or commissaries and compeL their laborers to purchase their supplies fromj thern. the report is as lalse as it is foolish;. for till intelligent men are well aware that in the present time neither iabojr nor trade can be controlled in this way!. Such reports bear fallacy upon their face and need no further comment. (Signed), Pit. J. M. Duxlap, lUt.V. A. Whitley, II. C. TruxER, i (. T. Dun lai, M. E. Blalock, 11. L. Smith, ; D. N. Bennett. r H I ' Il I ifK" Deaths X Fencs Bond Remedy for Tc , baeco Wenus Other Xotes. Comts. ntvlfiiee o: tiie V' .itcliiv.au. i r Mr-:. Mollic Albca, of this community, who' has been sick fome time with con sumption, died last Wednesday morning at the age of ab&ut '0 years. She leaves a Udsbaud, one child, and a great many friends to mourn their los.. She was a member cf the M. E. chuich, South, a goud, kind woman and was loved by all who knew her. On the same day August us Nicholson, aged about 00 jtars, a highly respected colojred man of Turnersburg township, fell dead without a moment's warning. Tins makes three deaths of that kind in this Section in the hist few weeks. It re minds us of the passage of Scripture, "Iu sueli an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh." 'Squire Kennedy, of E iglo Mills township, had a peculiar case before him yesterday. It was that of a woman against whom a peace warrant had been taken out by her husband. It is gener ally the other way but this time the order was reversed. She got mad at him and; the children, cut his wagon harness up, cut all the epoke3 out of one of his wagou wheels, tore her shoes in pieces, prepared pine to set his tobacco barn ou fire,! had a tire built in the yard with her oldest daughters clothing laying around it, yhich she threatened to burn in case such and such a thing was done, and to capithe climax she threatened to split the last one of them open with an ax if they did not let her alone. Of course she had to put under a peace bond, and it 13 probable that she will go to jail for six months. At the last meeting of tho Houston ville Alliance the see ret a ry was ordered to buy enough cobalt to supply the Alli ance members and the community for try iing the experiment of poisoning the tobacco fly. We have heard of one man wild uses it effectually, and decided to give the suggestion to your readers that they may profit thereby. Some mix it with sweet milk or honey and put it in artificial flowers over the field. Since the fly sucks the jinipson blossom it looks likei an artificial flower resembling it would entice the fly. They are t he worst we have ever known them at the season of t2ie vear. If any of the readers have a sujggestiou to make we will be glad to hear it. Harrah for the railroad, and success to ouribest paper aud all its readers, ltarmoiiy, N. C, June 3. T. Obituary. Died, near Miller, N. C, April 1st, Tim A. Kellv. He was sick for a shoH time but wus growing better. While eating dinner he fell forward on the Itable and exclaimed, "Lord help us," whiich were his last words. Brother Kelly was a member of Pleas ant Grove Alliance, and did all possible former upbuilding. He was the first chaplain of his own lodge, also the first of Iredell county Alliance. He was a member of the M. i.. church, at Mclven dry's chapel lor nearly forty years. Ain'l is he gone forever gone, And is his earthly journey o'er; Sjiall vcars and ages still roll on " And we Lear his voice no more? Hb was a Christian spirit, too, 'Twas always culm, 'twas always kind. I fiever knewfa heart more true A nobler heart, a purer mind. Ajid now when at this dreary hour I I'm dreaming of that spirit tied, Ekch star, each breeze, each blooming flower, Seems wliis'K-rir.gtortu, tie u'1- L,nncl Sale. lWt'M desirinir to huv 155 acres of good farm land will do well to attend the sale at the Court House door at Vi o'cjock ou Sutbiday, Julylith, lb'Jl. auuiipi; to lus own town, uut these re ports have come ?o thick and from tueh sources that we deem further silence on MIMIWQ i)EARTLI2NTV Kininsr Hews Gathered ia Thi3 and Otiier States. '-Mint 25 Is a safe M.sUk if parew-d with ihe same care and la Instry as inercaa3.ii-tu-r, baiiKlPtr. ?t!'er pSltltt!a'- Pu'-sUlt- H Uaiboacreato ot soll i weanl It !9 cla!mfl that tbe nmaf. oa Efi".tnV Per arccl,a- Tne mint, ot Uie prectaas metnlsclotf! not excharf??; be creates. What fee Z 4 ' i " uasiosi an i au.1 1 n t rinslc value. atldca to tbe wealtli ot t ile w oiM." N. C. GoUl ami Gems. Sf. Louis, July 1, 1891 f C" T . jjfur j?ir: nas mere ever bpnn nnv large piece- of gold or any pern stoned found in orth Carolina? If so, has there ever been any found in McDowell county? Do you know anythine about the nrone.rtv of tho Xrvvtli t'n Mining and Bullion Company in the above county? 1 enclose stamp for re- ply Kespecttuiiy, J. B. Thomas. To Casolixa Watchman, Salisbury, N.C. . The above is quite verdant and re- freshing and for the benefit of others who m , .. . , , . may not know anything about the mm- eral resources of our State -we will answer it through our columns. la the first place, be it known that every known mineral and gem stone is found in North Carolina, and ono gem stone (Hiddenite) is fouud ozty in this State, Many large pieces of gold have been foil ml llOl'O tliA Urcricf rf whr tliafa ia I any autneniic account- being a piece weighing twenty-eight pounds, found iW Cabarrus county, although it is said that a much larger piece was found ii-Stanly and cut up and divided among tlWminers who discovered it. Knrse nugzets. are constantly being found and hardly a week passes but some State paper men tions the finding of a piece worth from one hundred to five hundred dollars. McDowell has a good reputation as a mineral county. Many fine gem stones have been found there, among them being diamonds, rubies, sapphires, em eralds, hyacinths,, garnets, topaz ame- miysts, &c, &c. The.-;c have nearly all been fouud by accident, nothing like a systematic search ever having been made for them. Thousands of dollars worth of gold has been taken out of the creeks and water courses in that county, and we have m the hies of the Watchman of 1SS7, au account of over seven pounds of pure gold being blown out at one blast in Muddy Creek Valley, which seems to be about the centre of that district. We know nothing about the property of the North Carolina Gold Mining and Bullion Company. Several large north ern companies own valuable properties in that part of ihc State. a beautiful gem. A gentleman living in New England, but a -North Carolinian by birth, writes to the Scotland Neck Democrat that as he was going through oue of the principal streets of Providence, R. I., he was at tractcd by a haudso.ne collection of gems in. a show window of a large jewelry establishment, and says: "In the centre of the table was the chief attraction to me. It was a huge crystal of emerald about 1 inches thick and 3 inches long, weighing eight ounces and of a rich green color. uy tne side ot tins lay eleven diamonds and other cut gems about the size of a pea and very brilliant. A card on the table said they were found in Alexander county, N. C." The emerald spoken of above was found by Professor Hidden a few years ago, and is the largest and finest in the world, save one. Tho largest is owned by the Duke of Devonshire, and is a South American stone. From Henrietta M ills. Correspondence ot the Watchman. The celebration of the 4th at this place was a grand success, peecnes were made bv M. H. Justice, Esq., Rev. Mr. Abernathy and Col. Thos. B. Long, a na tive of Salisbury. All of the addresses were admirable and were well received by about 2,500 of our citizens. Colonel Long's was an Alliance speech aud wasi docidedly the best of the kind that has been made in Western .North Carolina. We have a nice, quiet, jnanufactunng town, with 700 inhabitants and will be increased double by the 1st of January. The new mill has been commenced and will be completed by that time. No whiskey in our town or county ac cording to law. Souaoteitbe. Johv A. McCabald. Henrietta, July 6th, 1891. Salisbury Produce Market. Corrected weekly by D. K. Jclus 4: Co. Eri3, 10;12 20f.25 "too 00 .80 Drj' Hides, Green ; Onion?, White bear.s, Mixed " 6! 31 1.00 !.:': butter, Chickens, Irish potatoes, Sweet " Pe;is, Coin, l.oo Flour. 2.5O03.OO Absolutely Pure. A rream of tnrtar baking powder. Highest of all ia leavening strength. Latest XL S. Government Food Keport. T-n energetic vounsr men or ladies. Salary - o - Jer month. Send stamp for rely.. It. I). ROBINSON. 11G Fayette ville St., Raleigh, N. C. (tR, A NIT I lto-wan County Grai- Ue Millstone Quarries, Tools, Ac., cf E. K. PnllUp a estate I v ill coniicue to manufacture millstones, mill-snl miles and ortahte mills for grinding com andwnat. iorretr'udnce KIU:lted. Acidress, 3ily i S J..T.WY.V1T. i i Fdvu, UoTvaa .o., 2. r.. '111 1 ifiJ QO TO THE 01TE p,ICE STORE OP For the Largest and Hand somest Assoitment of . mm IN SALISBURY. We have an elegnnt stock of fine DRESS GOODS In white, blacfcl and colors We have a bier assortment nf Shrill per JRra Btir lots of all kind nfRKii4a HAllnva right prices. CarpeU, Rugs and Mattins elegant assortment of hand-sewed Shoes, of buoes, and lots of them, at rock bottom r V i i.'t. AU,ki?da or Molasses; 10 different kinds of Coffee; G different kinds of the best of Teas. Potatoes. Cabbage. Beans Peas Fruits, Grits, Meal, Bran and Cottonseed Meal at RokM InecK prices to wholesale buyers. - , -. - Oub Motto : M Best goods for least money? . Yours to Serve, - ' : , 1 KLUTTZ & REHDL2LIAU. :: Salesmen -tW. W. Tavlor. J. A. Neelv. H. A. rWnkttlL R-lVn Sullivan, C. F. Merooej, T. B.'Beall, W. Clarence Kluttz and Warren. IVIOltZ. This Space will be obcu. pied by ! Eamesfi Dealers In FURNITURE. ! Earnhardt BUGGIES ' !' ' " -.,. ' Constantly on hand from All the leading makes. w AGON In great Don't fail before you buying. It off and make work more pleasant and easy. Respectfully, Hill II ' i- n.T Tt. a r rf Aftfivn tbe best aud prettiest ever offered. An They will not burn Vour feet. All kinds prices. Fresh Qarden Seeds at rc--duced prices. G imwand G rassSeeda a t the lowest prices atEnniss Drug Store. 1 READ THIS I Be sure and calJ,for3 bottle of 3 Cures. It has never failed to cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and Sick Headache. I can givo you first-class references in Sal isbury to prove its merits. For sale by . BE IN TIME. Don't wait till you get siek to get a bottle of Enniss' Diarrhoea Specific, but come and have it ready. It will save you, a doctor bill and probably your life. It is speedy cure for Diarrhoea, Flux, Sum mer and Bowel complaints. It never fails to cure ii taken in time. J. H. ENNISS. fe!2tf " - - les. to see bur stock will cool your daily READ quantit l jmAjfiowico;