JWM III r.IJ HJI MMOC Hl J ' ' '.Lrui Aiti&L 'L.Plk. president, .v'.-i. iu-it.. n if :iover. vice prt-si-Jo p. 4)f. . j ' t r rn no ft i r v i int Krin: j. it. linn", wiv...... . - t ii ii'tn..it.. !i.(-ti'ri-r t treasurer, Meorgia; rf. x . '- I - ' AlWiaat- dirr prcs.m .. , , , .Old Sparta; E. C. UedibnUelU, secretary, , lUI.eigh.;. i . dSlntwdod; Secretary ana incuiiy i rn Jtamsej, Salisbury. -jfeitoi County Jesse MiHcr, president, Ulackmer; M. L..litettie, secretary. Saw. - Triai Countui. B. tfoliuan, president, ol Spring;; -f. E. Ramsey, secretary, "M oo res vine.- 0&arruCfWty ,F- Hilcman, presv Icnt, Concord; Dr. J. S. Lafferty, becte Xary, Concord. - " frniihin County Tl. S. Grcen.president, Jimcs; V. A. Lind3ay, secretary, Thoniaa- ville. ; ' ' -' Cutaxtla Cfant-vr$. 'T. Wiltons, prcsi dent. Newjon; J. F. -Herman, secretary, Newton. ThoiiglitJIeHa.d the Bestxf It. i"Hnirl on minute, voting man!" p (The tone was imperative, nnd the ,vonn2 man turned quickly and looked 4nto the business end of a 44-cnhbre -revolver, says the Chicago Tribune. "Shell out and make no brash plays!'' 4But niy dear irvr -''Shell Vutr " -HJertainlv. sir. WltatMl yon have -a pocket-bank, a plugged nickel, 'or a hrafes match-safe P k. ' - ' - - 4Every thing you've got. Turn your $ pockets out-and quit talking." VYithpteagure. Will you" f .Quitl; Just eep ybrjr eye on the linker "nnd arop everything itltq. my "feple-pocketj. . ' . .'The orders were obeyed in silence, and then' carae to admonition: "Git a move on you!" : , HExcuse nif. Mr. ? Mr. ; well ever raiud the name, you're pro bahl4 modesL WJN you favor me vith a pencil?" The man with .tlie slouch ht pulled jdown over his eyes kept the young man ;covere$ with hi-revolver in his right hand -while-he reached into his capa X'iotu pockets with his lft and pulled .out a short pencil. : "ueurse, I don t want to be mean, -l. he ssiid 'Thank you Thank you! And a piece of paper? Nit.!. Well, never nvind; ril use'iay cuff. Have to make , notes or I forget everything,and this is r. n battling good tory. Wouldn't miss - IkkU worth ten cents, with three dimes ' in it, a plugged njckel, a match safe WO'th fifteen cents, arid a sea-bean . worth nothing I write up this story , and .gfctS2.49 for it easy. Maybe you igot the best ot ir, but I'm satisfied. r...i J t.i ' u encil. (jrool night And the-newppaper-man walked on whistlinc. whiti th hichwavmah , " . ' r . - rj-- J .leaned up against a fence and muttered, ."Weli ni be hanged!" Clubbingr As a Fine Art. v An old and famous policeman, savs ,lhe Chicago- Herald, insists that tlie ltice lub Is a cluinsy instrument only n the hand? .of clumsy men. Arrtslidcl ubbers lie says, find that .to handle alub well is to learn a deep and nice science, JL he perfect master of a club can hit a blow that will crack . h crown, (ir he tcan deliver athump that will gtun a -man and yet rais no lumpoj sign of a bruise: better yet a trao; adept an hit a uian so as to make i clean fine cut asTwith aknife-blade. Vhile the police told what could be done M'ith a c'y'o h:3 hearer thought -.of the. advice of a distinguished New Yorker uttered years ago: "Don't ever let a policeman hit you .vitU a club. No. .matter how brave you areruh before your4iit. A blow with a locust may rlevelope insanity or rparalysis ten years afterward." Many jy ears practice have given C. A. Snow! & Co., Solicitors of patentuit yashingtoL, D. C, unsurpassed suc ".ces.s in obtaining natep-ts for nil classes of inveptions. Tpey iuabeV specialty of many, patents tjjat had been pre viously rejected; Their advertisement in another column, will be of interest to inventors, patents, manufacturers nnd all who have anything to da with patents, . . j . si departure frorn jcrdinary methods has lonrj ;beca adopted by the makers of Dr! s -Piercers Golden Medical Discovery tncy guarantee it. ' Y cmr-money is proirhptly rcturnotl, if it faila tr - 'benefit or enre in all diseases arising - from , torpid livpr or impure blood, ;No better terms could be asked for. Ko' better remedy can be had". ; 'Nothing c!so that claims to Jo a ;l)Jool-purifier : is . sold in this way ,' :becau$o -nothing else is like iio -u G. M. T. v ; So positively .ccTtaia is it in its i4-curativo ffldets as t& warrant' its , makers in selling it as they are do - It'd j especially potent in curing 'Tetter, tial trheujn, Eczema, Er .6ipelas, Boils, X''Vlefl, Sqro Eyes, iGoitre, or Thick Neck, and - Enlargelj Glands, Tumora and ;welhigi .j iijrcat Eating Ulcers . jrijiidl heal under" Its; itiign in- fincriceV- World's Dispensary Med- jitrnl AsSoeiatiori, C.C Maut Street, fh Congrciionril DUlrn-l-r-lctnrcr, & Jhr.,S''r.v4llc:; President, ! H. A- Check. "Is Jhe lady of the hpum in ?" wked tmniD of the serrant who rant me - - . t il P . Jc i. L af .if a haf irinn tioor - oeri oi one ui vuc smiciipi . . . .- j,j01,M ij, Austiu. .4'D(? I.ulv ! de Iiausa don t cmr.e to . wj(1 tje hk(J ob you- elevating fhrM.miinf. f m liatwiUruirraceGhes- trfieM might hare euried, teU the Udy of the house a gentleman wishes'to se Ler in the parlor. Texis Sifting. Somebody Dcf rawilccl. ; ''It's a shame," grumbled the young man; "here my employes have been living off my wits." "Off your wits?" repeated his frienjJ "Yes, sir; they have bean smart enugh to do that." "Out great Scott! they must have got the best of somebody else." Vashington Post. TFhy Counterfeits ShriuU in Size. Counterfeit notes uniformly smaller than the genuine one. The plates is made by tracing over the Klines of a good bill, and the dam) paper shrinks, making the impression snuller than the plate. Kate Field's Washington." Those that Go AiuiXJoiiic. -A cynical correspondent says that summer is the time when a great many of our best citizens go to Europe and n great1 many of our worst eitizeus that are to be, come from Europe. . ... J -a'- Rev. Florance Kallock writes in the CliioiUOilnter-Ooeati: "American wo man h Hod in tiie most honored, respected and privileged " womanhood in the world. It i.s that womanhood, purie and true, gcivtle and br?ive, tender mid wise, that rules the queen iu homes and in that quality of society that is typically American intelligent, educa ted, though M'u 1. progressive and hu mauitarian." Fioiance, Florance, trim down your adjectives. -f3. . Another Cure fcr -.liieuoiatisa. Lakk Citvj'Fla. P. P. T. CO.. SAVANNAH, OA. ' ;kntl.mkm: 1 n .u rUeuiaa-tlsm forsix yeai, an l last m i. was taken iovu and eonuaa to my l),ifl Mv-lciraaivJ feet were Ua.lly swollen arul 'tlie color of a red aiiule. i-uJ I v;;s iu a tearful ooEUlilou. I ncard-ut f. I'.'P. (i nckly Ash, Poke Koot ah I- lotMuUui), a'ud aft ;r s -elnir what the ln?rd!ent:S wire as the formula is the 'ooitic I ooiiCiUdetl to irv it, and uXut Uhliiir ttiree sraall ijoitit's w;is uiu- to go ilov. n t'wn ai.'il attend to iay Viii: ncsfi jifirt I ransi v Mint." I 'fpf.l like anotiici' in. Am now taklosr the lartre slz.. aal to-J-ty 1 Relieve I will soon be ;ts lively s auy in an slxo one ycar.i of age can expfet to 6o. A. C. Lanu. Eiysl;.Hlas. I. L. li vin, of Tiioia is.iile. Oa., nays he was aftlictol with Krysloel;": for ten ytass and yas culy cored wiicu i. P. r. w;ts use u, i Tetter, Saltrhourn and Ciiiiccr arc all cure.' by' P. P. Tue eirecis on these diseases are perceptible alter the iirst hoiile ofiP.' P, P, is use J . Iian-lall Poop.'tbe retired di-ugglst-of" Madison, Flu., sjys P, P. P. is tue best a. tern .the In the Market, ais.'l he h-s handled nnd sold all the sar sapariUasand blood mediolnrs tli.it were advcrtiar-l A Good Little Doy.uI like Sunday school better than -an' other school said Willi'. "L am - pleased to hear that," my little man,'" said the minister. "Now, will you tell me why ?" "Yes, sir; it olily comes once a week." New York Ilerald. CONSUMPTION CUIwED. An old ph;. slclan. retired from pmctlje, rnvlrie; had placed la his hands by an Katt In-iia nrissii r ary the rormula cl a simple vegetable remedy to: tlie speedy and remanent cure of ooinsumntlon. uroneiiins. t'atarih. Asthma and nil Throat juid U 1 4 . I xi , . , . , . . . i.uiik vucciidiin, :uso a posiiivu ar.u racueai cure for Nervous Debility ana all Nervous omplaluts.' .uicr ii iviiik Lchicu us wouoeriui curative powers lit thoasands of c:i3es, has. felt it nls duty to nn Ve rt known to hjs suffering fellows. Actuated hy this niotlvcanda desire to relieve humaai suffering. 1 will send free ot charge, to all who-desire it. this recipe, in German. French or English, with full 01 rcotlons for nu.M)arlnsr and uslli. Sent hv m:ili in addressing with stamp, nnmintr this paper, VV. A N.0VE8, 8-) Powers lilbeif, Rochester, N. Y. ' is. ly i m i u.i i Dr. La A. Guild. Atlanta. Oa. wrltns? "Wm Sotlock, 11-vtnjr on ray place, had an u?lv running ulcer on his am which orrtlnarv remedies failed io control. As a hist resort I placed tin cn It. . I). and the uleer began to he-U at once, and effected an,entlre cure. It la a remedy weU worthy of con- uuciac. Children Cry for Pitcher's CastoriaJ Household Remedw FOR ALL AND DISEASES Botanic Blood Balm H Pi i roe SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT UUrCS rheum. PC7FMA every form of mallgnint SKIM ERUPTION, be sides being efficacious in toning up the system and restoring the constitution, when Impaired from any cause. Its almost supernatural healing properties Justify us in guaranteeing a cure, .It directions are followed. .' 8EHT FREE " Book at Wiera.M ' BLOOD CALM CO., Atlanta. Ga.. MM3UM. WITH LATEST IMPROVEMENTS Fre of FrolRliU FuHy OnatantMd. W We carry s'ock atvurious Bo-athent points for quick delivery upon rocclp of orders. 'TJOOf r ' si c rs 3nlonrnsf. Frctcht pnii. J"u1It arrau:cet. TATl fiXR ''ihr fcl-v Prop.iitionalclv l.ow l!nWr. AI'f.VNrA. US. i A f.LAS. TK V H. " - ii ! !!. i m Wc are still at our old staiul on lairt; s(reot, wherq wc hav-t.' a select stock of Waiclies, Clocks, jicctaelcs, and all kiiuls of fine Jewelry on hand at the lowest prices. - j , Watch repairing a specialty .All work. gurantwl 12 months. Now For Your Jew U,t J II. KORAH. -I General : : Directory. COUNTY COrjfRyMEXT. Clerk Superior Court., W G Watson, Sheriff, Jas M Monroe Register of Deeds, JliN Woodson. Treasurer, J Saui'l McCubWus. Surv'eyor, B C Arey.j Coroner, I) A Atwell. Commissioners, W JjJvluttz, chairman, Dr L W Coleman, Cornelius Ivestler, A Stewart atld I F Patterson. Sup't Public-Schools, T CMiinn. Sup't of Health, Dr J J Suiuincrcll. Overseer of Poor. A M Brown. ' TO IV p. Mayor, T C Liun Clerk, 1) K Julian. Treasurer, I II Foust. Police, II W Price, chief, J F FfAce, C W Pool, It M Bnrringgr. Comimssioners iSorth ward, J A Eeh- dlemun, 1 M Miller: South ward, D It Julian, J A Barre&t; K$t ward, J 15 uqr uon,- T A Couglienourj West ward, li Holmes, J VV JIauuey. CHURCHES. Methodist Service-i every Sunday (at 11 a m and p m. Prayer meeting pvery W cdnesdav at Gt p m. Kev Dr, W JL Lei tli pasto"r. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at o clock. J f Muuney, sup't. Presbyterian Services every Sunday at 11am and b:SO p m. 1 raver mcctijig every WeUnestlay a b:oJitn. Kev Kumple; J) D, pastor.,- Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at 4 p m. J Jvumple, sup t. Lutheran Serviees'every Sundajratjll rv m aud 7 p m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at p m. ltev Chas B Iving pastor. Sunday school every Sunday afiernobn at 3 p m. K u ivizor,: up't. Episcopal Services evcrv Sundaj' atill a rn and G:oO p m and Wednesday at G80 p m. Kev b J iuunloch, rector.- Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at 6 p in. , ' , .sup't. Baptist Services every Sunday mcrn- iii and liint. Prayer meeting evclrv Wednesday uiglit. liev N S Jones pastor. Sunday school every Sunday at 9J a.ra Thos L Swink, sup't, ' Catholic Services every second Sun dav at IO'j a ni and 7 p iu. llev Father Cerard, tastor. Sunday schoo! every Sunday at 10 a ra Y M C A Devotional services at Hal! every Suiiday at -l:H0p in. Business meet i ii jc tir-i, Thur.-:da'y night in every month I II t oust, prcs t. LODGES. FulJon Lodsre No 90 A F & AM, meets everv lht nnd third Fridtvv ninht in cucl month. E 11 Nc:no, V M. Salisbury Ijooo, No 24. K of P, meet every i ue.suaj' nignt. A li isoynen, j Sitlisburv Lod.te, No 775, K of IT, meet every 1st ahd 3d Mndav nijjht in each month. C T lionihardt, Dictator. SalisUury'C-jinicil, No 272, Koyal Ar canum, mcvi.s t-ycry 1! ami ita a.' outlay night in each montn. 11 U lvizt-r uesrent POST OFFICE. Office hours from 7:30 a m to G.oO n m. Money order hours 0 a in to 5 p n. SuikUiv hour;; 12:1.5 a m to 1:00 p in J H Ramsay, P M. ; General Preface CcMissioa Her DAIJVILLE, Va.,' For the sale of Ghiekcnp, Eggs, Duller and all ' kinds qf Country rrcxluce. rromit returns, j Give us your cousigu- &j x mi m va T vji 1 . bfsasM5M5 wis u v vr&szmm? r n mma Sold by T. F, K I.UTT7: & CO. 9 I.S2?fcS553 Sold by T. Ki.UTTZ A" t. Womack& Embrey. I ni edits. r. When Baby was sick, wo go re her Castoria. "When sle was a Chil J, 8 ho cried for Castoria When she became Miss, she caing to CasUtria. When she had ChUdren, she gare them Castoria A&vie to tlie Acred. Afire Drintrsinrirmitiea,aucn a s n c clsu bewela. tvcuU kidueyit mud blad oer ana sorpia liver E R Ft mi bvo a apeelffe effect on thesoorgan, tlmnlaling' the bowels, sriviaar nlnr. al dlsenarffM without atraluln- or inPAETllIG VIGOR to the kidneys, bladder end live? Tbey are adapted to old ar young. SOLJJ EVEItYVHEHE. : DO TCJU THAT ad ger CAHRY TIIE J.AKGEST -STOCK OF DIAMONDS OF ANY HOUSE IN NORTH CAROLINA! SELECTION PACKAGES SENT ON APPLICATION. WE KEEP NO IMITATION STONES IN STOCK. IiEFEK TO CHARLOTTE BANKS. BOYNE &BADGER DIAMOND DEALEKS, CHAKIiCXTE, N. C. 23: l y J. F. LUDWIGK & CO. Livery, Sale & Feed Stable Salisbury, N. C. Billies, Fliaeisns anil CarrlaEes ON SHOLT NOTICE. COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS CAR RIED TO ALL POINTS. HORSES FED AND GROOMED AT REASON ABLE RATES. CALL AND SEE ME. JOHN1 1. WOMBLE, yitii- WMa.S.M W" T- A T-S RALEIGH, N. C. Dress Goods Department Anv huly wishing to loiv a Dress Silk or Wool and will write mio sjta'tinif color -and iboitt wiiat pii e gop tliey ile.-iiv, 1 will mail samples cheerfully. Our Dress (Joo.is stock i? the most complete vn 11k' roiil!i. It vu have jar.iple? fVom any northern house scud them to me and 1 wit! match them. JofIX M. YVOMIJLE. -22:.'lm M'g'r I 1 c.ss (oods I'ep't. Please mention the Watchman when ou write. First National Bank -0? ury, N. Cr II. j. holmes r- President. Cashier. I. II. FOUST, - - Capital, $50,000. Surplus and Profits, $35,000. General Banking business trans acted. Deposits solicited. fel9:ly Mew Jewelry. NEW GOODS! LOWEST PRICES ! I have -just bought the nobbiest line if tme jewelry ever brouulit to Salisbury. Mv stock of Ciold and Silver Watches, Rings, Diamonds, Chains and Charms is complete. I am here to stay and will not be undersold. Iso charge fur show inr goods. The most novel line of Clocks ever shown in Salisbury. You will save from 2- to GO per cent, by buy ing lroni me. Come and be convinced. licsprctfullv, S. A. j. JOHNSON. Main St., next door to E. C. Miller. North Cai-.oi.ina, ) Superior Court, Rowan County, i Ain-ustTeru, lsui a s If r b u Boyne Elizabetii Herman, riaintitr, Vt4. James P. Herman, Defendant. Art ion for l)ivo;r from Jiotxh of Mat ri ninny. The defendant Jatnes P. Herman is hereby summonej to appear at a Supe rior Court to be held for Rowan county at the Court House in Salisbury on the 2d Monday before the 1st Monday in September, lbUl, to answer or demur to the complaint of plaintiff in this action. and let said defendant tnke notice that he fail to so appear and answer or demur the pla nt iff w ill upply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This June 15th, 191.. VV. C. WATSON, Clerk Superior Court.' TlIKO. F.TvUTTTZ,- 33. Ct Att'y for Plaintiff. ! - . - ae wMCTBrni riiori:ssioxAL cahds. R. LEE WRTGHT, v ATTOItEY AT IL,..V, SALISBURY, N. C. Will practice in all the courts of-Rowan and n1joinin5 counties. Pr6injt uttf nlion given to all matters ertn"iiiing to my profession. tvb. li, Ih'.ili A. S. HEIL1Q. . A-ttornoy -A-t Xiaw. ' SilJSBUBY, a . OlRce in Dayis & Wiley's banfc bnildiiig cornel of Main and Inni.-S streets. Will lriic--tice in Court? of Ilowan :uid a!joininp counties. Prompt and careful attention riven to all bus incss i-ntrnsted to rae. Seci:ii attuiitiou given to collections. . JOHN A. RAMSAY, CIVIIj 332Jd-XTa- C33X1.. Attends to Railroa'l Construction, Survey and M.i.pinrr' of Real Estate, Est'.ttRttestrf Water Power?, Plans for tho Kre::tio;i of Mills, Dwellings, &c; r.uri aticmls to tho purchase or all kinds of Machinery, Uuilding Materials, &c, &c. . r 1V12 tf Dr. R. L. Ramsay SURGE&X DK.NTJST, Smitiideal's Row Office,. No. 1, OFFICE HOURS FROM 9 TO 57 SALISBURY, ------ N. C. CSrO T. I. Vinson, South Main Street for yonx siiaviajr au-J Jiftir-cutttnjf. First-class work men ami sharp razors at all times. Ihiir-dri's's-iiiy an ! ha'njiooinsxa specialty.' Will w:ut 01, hio'us and 'children at their hoiuts. I also sharpen scissors at -from 10 to 2u ccutr a pair, tiive ru a call. t'chl 2, tf. pie nil ! T am still doin ' business at lite old stand on Main street. I siUl o.o klndj ol ' icpalr work'.' Hooilrig and guttering a specialty. Si i lis repairwl I on .short notleo. tUd copper takeu In cxch.iac f r ' ork. stows and all kinds of tinware Kept in stM-.. i gu.trantce ail my worK and will do it as cheap as it can be done in (he state," Hesoivt fully, 2i nm WILLIAMS SHOWN. STOP HERE! stop roar corner of Mala and Innts slnct r.td -et t!u nest Shave or Hair Cut, to be found In Salts bury. If you will shave in my shop ou will go away satl.-ii -o. I am t ho old reliable dcuiocra k barlicr. licupecLi i.lly. v.. i?,icm:kia7 S.-4i;.,bury, April s. 1 91. rm T T DIRECT TAX on La mi in iSGu -"ii7 Refnihli'd. James H. . ar.on. attorn; -y-ai-law Hill. X. (.'., will eoileel llii ; ;-x for ' T c.'ii t s the-Dollar.-' iScud your re w rile the t'to Ls. pts to him. J float if" give he. as n ti-r.ei-s. it citizens of Chapel' Hill j. a. Johnston. N CHAEL0TT3, ST.' C- v. i7 - .. . - L. .J : V J., v"- J Wai r-f-'' -'-"-' iSrv.f'W People of Salisbury' and vicinity wanting monuments correspond with ns. Estimates furnished gratis. Wooiton's Patent CAN BE USED IN ANY BARi. Wires arc movable. Tobacco cin bo properly Spaced on stick and Hulked Down on the Wires when cured. Simplest, cheapest and Pe-t iu the Market. PRICES) wlien Casli Accompanies the Order: 100 Sticks Complete (7 Wires to Stick) , $3.00 1,000 Wires (No Sticks) j 4.00 J PRICES ON TII5II2 : 100 Sticks Complete..... , 3.50 1,000 Wires (No Sticks) 4.50 Baskets, per Dozen 4.00 Sample Stick and Wire for 5 Cents. tW Treatiso on Tobacco Culture and Curing FREE. AGENTS WANTED. TOBACCO HANGER M'F'G CO., Houston, Halifax Co., Va. Steam, Air and tal o VERTICAL PISTON. 1 1. tfVt s v.y if TUCKER & CO. , 1891. Spring TiESft-TABUTCS i for ia.vu ja.' siJRxri We jiro now ffcovrtng- a magnlOcen r.ne of Press nooilsitor earljf spring, en.hraeuiir vorjjicwin texnirea. ana most IaaltloaM5 colors in Novelty Philds a nd Strfpes. Camera Hair, Cheviots, llcnrl tt tas, iscivi h, ete , etc. L. . TUik pruiutse to be the most faTorble season for - j I BLACK LACES - ercr fcr.own, aid we now have in stock a line of Ice flounce, Prapery Nets andurcitanevjiicu lor volume and bounty of di-sln, esjell our efforts any previousyipar . ; (r wtdre (J0oJa, r!mbR)i(lerlo alsd Laces, our .v tn i.ntiet w hv v"t made. And everi wftere in the housa in aiil of our II partihents. ni'fy dow uc .secu new jiw.o, m low for cash, and offered to Hie people of rtj Carolina at as low prices as any nouJin the trade. IjIAIXj OltDER DEPARTMENT. ; We hive maije this Mall Order business aspecial fcludv, with thie uitiiiiate object in vleurof perfect ing the svsteni so thai it will afford to those who reside in the isjost renote parts or our st ite trc co'ivenience or shopping in the t(St Dry GcKids mark'et in North Carolina. The $nslnes4 done t.fcrough tliia tfiannel has steadily increased during the tea.son jusl closed, showing a greater propov: tt'onate increajjo than sny farmer season, and we w llLuse every! effort in our power to make i he oik whh h we are Ijow entering ev en a greater success time tlie' oae Just closed. SAMPLES.? . Wo; cheerfully senfl sarup!; nd jwouhl like to Impri-ss upon Ipur pa? rona the Import anee, when wntlTig for s.dnp s. io be as cxpllcif.as possible. po Ihiil ive can !sci.d Ih-in sultalde spmpM-s instead or a lot whi.-hfiiiay be entirely diHecut from what th' j- want. - j i CATALOGUE.! Our sprlDsr it-alorrue vi:i be reaflr April 1st, and v UJ,bc in illed iree upon applicailoB. i GOODS DELIVERED FREE. (Except Furniture and 'rockerv ) On all as!i orders of $".oo aud ovfr, we will de liver goods tree to nearest Exprei offlee or rail road station. I W, U.S. TUCKER & CO. "S:jsm Raleigh, N C.:" I'sease mention the watchman wiicn jou write. PROGRESSIVE MRMER n v. 1 I C7 f Urir.in or tin i. i;. &t;ito AilninfO ft , 1 T O l i kit K liU-a by! (!... L. r-.l!c, ;isistel Ivov. iJaykis.Cnde. The puptr will kopt. up to ti:" usual o u I -.? ri'iefr it, only ;.il v.tnee. The i'roirr 1 I l amil tln Watchman will he s-ut !1-'V per": iigit - suiimai u --JM.T yoar in s!vc Fanner ihsdrihers at $i.7o fr both pa Subscribe now. Address, PROGRESSIVE FARMER, Ralei-h N. C. Caveats, nnd Trail-.-J! irks ohta!rca. tr.d all Put cut bu.-iuLSF c-'Uducttfit for Mcccrt: Ftco. 0'j!t Off ij'E is Opposite U.'S. PiyrfTOmrs and we c.?n sicare patent i i las title iiiua tiio&o rcrootc f:-m a!;i;:!r;on. Scud re.ailv!, ilraviug or photo.,: with ft rrr:; ticn. V.'e avic, if ai :a:i! r :n trTiee chiirc Our fu-j i.-ot d:e; t:;i j jo.; ;; euitnx. ' A Pamphuct, ' Tt-.w io tditain S'!m-.lix," it?i fames of aft u?.l cl i m in your titiic, county, ox town, styt free Aitircsa, on i ! ' MA. . -m 'm rs - . M?J ww J 1 t L- a CFP. T-ATENT OFfiC! V3H!MCTOfi, D. C. i T. L. LLLIOTT & ELLIOTT, STEAM Granite and Marble Works At 1 ilesale and IK! '(' lil. Own Cl of t lie cck'hi'ati'd in fieili-U coiiiilv. Adonis for Fences, Fin:ils, (.'iv.-tinirs, 5;c. diuuld Wire Tcbasso Hangers Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and -Horizon every variety andca pacity. ' vr .v Vs V 3- Eeular Horizontal Piston. ( ) fff'4vy.iM-;.-'..ffpaJ The most simple, disable --and efleKive Pump in the market fur Mines, Qiiamosi Ilefineries, Browcries, Factories, Artesian wells, Fire.luty and gencl nianufaeturin purposes. I"SeidrorCalal()iro. T'aB A. S. CAMERGf STEASTPUMP WOBKS Foot y Evsr 2Td T$evt . Xkw Tri:K. liicta Bi & Daafille Railroad Ca. 1 "W. N. C. DIVI3IOJI t uunvntn u si in Hint: i:i f IT' -i t 1 . 1 .. .4 ,.1. ....... .. . i.ij. KAyil'OUM). I.v canclnnatl, .ft c " Jxiuisvllle, L. S N. - Kiioxville, E.T V.&G. " MorrJHtown, -f ,v ram Kock, It. & I. Hot Springs, ArAsheville, hr Ahe ille, - hound Knob, Marton, " Morgtinton, H.ckory. " Mew t on, " 4ttat.svlllP," . -Ar sallbbnry, . . " Charlotte, cieensboro, "Danvl'L". Ar Hichmond, Ar Durham. " Kaleieh, t Ooldsboro. Morvhend City, A.& y..c. Ar Lynchburg, .1.'. & O. " Washington, ' Baltimore. Penn. " Philadelphia, " 'Ner York, '- : m 1 -'";uu i';- -l:, " )!. -"I'Ls - I -1 14 ' 'ina --4 -la ii-v.m ' l'':'!n H f'.rm iS'Ji..m IT11 ' 5i?m. J u.n -j do - 1 hi s, in .hi 305m '"'Prn in. 1 .-'I'lu loon -f-ntn " :'ita VVESTHOUNO. 0.11 I.v New York, I'cnn. " Philadelphia, " Baliimorc, " Washington, R & D. " LyiicdTrrurg," " liaDville, Lv Kichmond, i.v .Morchead City, A.t N.C. (JoWslwrc, K. k 1. na:cigiv Durham, J&repnsboro A r Salisbury, " st:ue?v lie, " Nuwton, " Hickory, " y.organven, Marion, Kowid Knob, Ashovl'.le, Lv Ashevhic, ' t Hot Spvlrgs, " Paint Pock, " Morristown, E.T.V.& (J. " Knortville, " Lou:si!ie, I,. & N. " (imciiiu .tr, (. AA'. S IT THiJ-H N i LvAsricvllle. ftT.t 1). r i!':i:l''tt.OT:vlilL', "' spa nan lung, " Charleston. A.C.L. VJ ir. 1 :otit 1 5tls- " ! - Ill v;.,!a .R---.ni ' .s:"';:lil 7 .io..m .jinn toipn j ii No n 1! -Ai I t.' i' ! I H:AiNCH. i.v A-ic 1 1 li. A r ayne-ville", " rr i 'It v, " To,r.otl;i, ." I.v 'i on;otia. Ar.-I'i-y-.'!; i if.y, " i.' !iev!!;o, " A-k' vUle, Ar Auyusia, V.KJc W.C. Ar At Unfit, K. & 1. OPTll IMl;Xl)." l.v Al lanto, It'. & ).? Augusta. ii.Jt.&W.C. " Ch.ulesion. .Vo l.. " (' llulMi.l t, K.tU. ' Sp irtal)in-, e Ar Ijeii i. i-( liillc, " A-l;. lib-. -Nil fj. ly bo !V C.! ' i IM..;,,: v I ' to No. 'I.: " S "" i:. ; 9m'in!a ' Kiiiii- li.M LSTnit'LIvJ'KAIX. Nil. " : u Ar. ' Wi'tstl oTrt t i , ! N. li ;l ti :-!.- ;:iu ' Ab x;ue ria, "iiiiin " Ci ioinit' p-.MIo, - - I'i'aru''" I. i!i-i!!,urtr, 11 1". iti ." I i'n nte. '.' '.i old ' . i e ni-tio, . !' m " s : 1 1 t .ii rv . I . " !h:i:i.. iU.oi:ry, t I'd Ar !i -rlott... . " ; '1 : '' i-m . " sparf .ud nrof, :- ". rio ' . ir i i.tii.,- - i ; o. " hula, jo pm " i; ,v? Hie, .1 io ;mi " Atlanta. ' -'4H'!b'd ! ! ipi, j .v. 1 h.-j-. pi: j r. YAiilil.V ',. if. Ilshoiy . " ' - " A ! n I'lM it i- ya u ry, iiij.' v.. r-- pi ii,c. 1 '..!-.!,. - -, "' I If. - 4..;-; ' ' i. I.V st J-CA-rKI'iajCE. .' ' M.U a ilii.'i.-t Sleeprr ! ! ti l . 1 . iarla ,-ijJ . ' I'll.', ill' -.,:i .M.:ii'll, v p.! I'lli'n :n Si- j it li.: r. r.n-iAusv i Ja11 ..) On 1 1. 0 i i ii '".Ol. J!.. I. 'p iC S!, (; in i rl ,.. ., V ir!e 1. ri. ' 0 H t'liivitnu. :. i;, J. 1. 1 h I'; !Tf i !'; i I ( A;:..:ti--t .i. !Ti!Pn . ii l . i . f , i Vi-rk-iatl WashijicloJi .v 1 Sir - bury. Y A.. exra fare l.i cma-( on I vv.-i i S :i:o 'i w .-,! ..-rn Vi-Slibuiu blloHi .-!. bfl , I,: , .' i . : '""-n a i i i'a' ta. it.i'"iir;i tb!;et op ;; lie al prli-'lp.i ,i ! a'l point i. For r ues and lWjn.iii.Iti':.rt4-. on in i in- I II pa 11 OIIO j JAJ-. !.. TAVl.OH, ' SOI 'HA t v i tck i- I'- A. - Tr..nt, : ' " P ' i H.a. ::. . c. 11 IENT. p. 1 i. 4 ItJ li ANNnnNfiRS . 1 A. I V V V; lieicby aniwjiiDc.e that Mr. I'. P: JNIerouoy'-rStn anHmrizi'i .nni It colU'cf.iiiij and recipfinil i lolls la-' Mo ! ttt a'nif of Whiti'l.. ,! Tnin t!i;i:u. All jict-otinu iiii:-,t.'hl.il mil ii.it ;bijastM(I in the iick!. si:;ty. -rlajT wnl n' rpilncod to iiuli.iont. ..- .Jt-ViIITKi!?;ii). M. I; . li. T. TltAN 1 HAM, .M. !). "T()TK'K! I l-.crcl-.y announce that P?l. fn,niK,y is my uutlierizei! siirent for coil. -t i;i'r:tml I rceeiptiiJtr all hirU dm- rue. All ;o couiiu., unset t-ltnl anJ not :uliu.-t(l in :lie next sixty Jays will' he reduced to ju'j-menl Kcse(M fully, J. B. COUXCUJ.. M. D, Feb. Zi, 1S01. 17:tf sri'.sri-iruK to ADVEIITISK IN iff m TTT VEBiiCAL FtOHGr '"-' M j.-.r:.t - IT- r 3 5 -f k. . I: Sen .-a .Li j - -1- - -j 'li ;f - f r 4 , y : 1 1 k i; 1 r . - - t m il P5 ! I t I 1 i4 ;5':m J 1C. ! 0. !- Hi -' '"'ti:; I r ' im ! !il - t-tiT-Ha .w-'.. .1: aW. Il- ta-1 lllll ' i 1 . St