-' if (' 's t i I 1 il i i i. 1 il v 1 i- fc. ! I Watchman. JJL. RAMSEY, Editor and Proprietor SUnSCIUPTION KATES. 0::c year in advance Hix'jnonths ' ' " Vluluof five X'ljUUsof ten or more- TEHM8 STitlCTLY C ASIT. .7S 1.2f.i 1.00 Entcnnrasseconft-elass mall ai S.tllsMirj , N. C. TilUIlHDAY. JULY 10,1891- The Watchman in oran of the Alli ance in the 5th and 7th Congressional districts-. v : ' 1 ' The Watchman has 50 per cent morei circulation than any paper published in 'Salisbury: THAT. PORT WORTH MEETING. Dispsllches liuve been .flying all over the conn try since last Saturday telling of t he great things 'dune by Hull, of Missouri, 1 McAllister, of Mississippi, ;.nd Sargenl, of Texas. About two hundred ulliancemen were present, but only three of them (named above) were -lackers, .They resolved nnd Vhereiised to a considerable extent, nndl managed to get ojl a loj. 6i lie;. They appointed-themselves a "committee of dive". to air:mfi for another meeting of soreheads tbis fall. ' In the first section they claim that . they bine rebelled -on account of thel sub-Treasury, laud oaii scheme and the govern mental own'erslnp of rail roads. The governmental ownership of railroads was changed to "govern mental control" at the 6caTa conven tion, but Hall and his crew ignore the fact. ' ' ' : Tt seems to. us4hat the most sensible course tor himjind bis chums to pur sue woirld have, been to withdraw from the Alliance when they found some thing they-could not swallow. But in stead they proceed to try to burst up the crgauizatioiHtisl like cranks will do. The second section is for "debarring jiersons from membership arid office for opinion's sake:"' No doubr Brother Hall is kicking on account of that very section. He has wanted a position in tjie Alliance, but there were, better pien, or men known to be consistent, and heot left. This, no doubt, ex jbiins,lis conduct, ' - Again they charge that the leaders have directed the attention of the farmers from' the tariff issue to doubt ful class legislation. This is. untrue, Carclin also. A majority of-our people nrefkopes in- getting the road? If Salis- earnest 1 li their wishes for tariff reform. .rveiyotaie anu national meeting has declared for it. One of the Ocala de - -.,1 - j. f il.:.. ' i u' i -in maims is as ioiiows: - we demand the removal of the heavy tariff tax on thei the necessaries of life which the poor of "our land are bound to have," The whole set of resolutions are chaiji of falsehoods from beginning to end.' We have no patience with such men or their 'actions. -They are not entitled. to the consideration "of honest people, as their resolutions show, jeal - ousy, wjckedness and slander iu every !inO ' " - it . . 1 oil want a pidm-e op the national officers of the Alliance. ; Send $1.3 fraud jct the Progressive Fanner and the Watchman awLjn'ct 11 re. ' NOT TRUE. I it is bad enough to disagree about I matters of public im port, but when a ! iuaii will undertake to misrepresent the business of another he becomes an ob ject of contempt; A few; days ao the Salisbury correspondent oil. the Charlotte Chronicle stated iii the coliuns of that paper that "the editor of ""c the Watchman was going to Raltigh and that the people of . the town w,r glad of the change, as the paper had lost luany friends, or words to that fcfP..f Pi,.. 1.-1 ? , Remarks it. tm L , V " imuj. rfeonte to nvpp. Rni tha r,.fo I bear out statement that; the na- per was unsatisfactory. When we took cWeof the W.vrrmMv f ,.f n. berirerl,;,rs cigUUr leu person, asked ii.jL ii . 1 . . uov.itV,CUI' ma! me paj-ui ue sioppett. inis was done. Some of them liavi subscribed for -U again. .We have atso added a number '-tttnk ...... l. i 1 . rri of . subscribers in town. The actual 1 11 fvch n K i It. 1 O". ...... l m 1 is three times as niuch Salisbury ad iv TerUs;ng in the paper now as was last December. it is plain that the people of Salisbury have patronized the : papar as liberally its the people in the countrv. : A number of the best riien iu Salisbury expressed regret when thev learned that the writer was jroinsr back to Raleigh. Our relations with theo- pie of Salisbury have leen very pleasant. Several of the best men iu the towu -liave remarked thatthe Watchman lias j 1. rnrpii tbf town smrl if en lprnciii moro 1 j? j a- 1 it i .. " .' months than any paper ever did before -,The files of the paper are, here to show for themselves. The Watchman ha lor niry-tnne rears uen tne eadinr? paper in Salisbury, aiid -wjijie it no Jdouht has niade mistakes. 3-et.it lias r and will continue to do more gmnl ft r its pntrons, both town -arid country, be darted. The Watchman has plenty of friends in Salisbury and plenty of tjiem outside. It will be true to them, they will-be to it. More than that, it ivill live to burv its enemie' ' 1 WHERE WILL IT END. "There is ' nothing " so conducive , to meeesp, as interest ; and determination. Well has it been said, thaHdessed is that man, who has found his calling and is pur suing it. This may nppry with equal force to towns and cities. Some towns seem'tobe dead and heedless of all pro gress or advancement in any Hire what ever. Why? Simply because the- in habitants have na pride for- their iTome and possess 110 interest for it welfare. Such men are well termed "fogies," whose highest aim iu life is to suck the life bloodlfrwm everythinj; within Uieir reach, and leave the carcass for the future generations t6 mourn' over. How is it with Tarboro?' Let tis sec. Several years ago, the town did look dead. Her; inhabitants seemea to be laying imcK on tneiri spoils, vnue uib ,uy world all around them, was spinning on and expanding each moment in to greater and grander things." " IS ot so now, Tarboro is lull anreast with the times, and outstriping her sister towns in more way than one. Her present industries tej.l the tale of progress and show ft dcterminatiod 'ori tbc part of her citizens to succeed. The' people of Tarboro have become greatly interested in themselves and what they are doing. They are vain enough to say, they have great advantages.possessed by few' towns" in the State. We shall iust here refer to one product, that is destined to place her right in the forefront, almost . without a- warning. We refer to our tobacco interest. At the present Edgecombe could hardly be termed a regular toboacco county, be cause as yet she has not pulled from the pressure of the cotton plant. But suffi cient evidence can be obtained" to prove that henceforth she will be a tobacco county -and pne of the first type too. Edgecombe has been 'termed the greatest of the cottou counties, and it seems that very soon she will hold this reputation as to tobacco. And Tarboro is not be hind w ith this great movement. She has provided herself with tobacco warehouses and in fact even thing that jsheccessary to meet the demands of the time. Does any one ask, where all this will end? It wili end in the upbuilding of a town we all will be proud of, an Eastern town with a Western boom. With the present indications, Tarboro in less than five years will double her population." The above was take from t lie Far mers' Advocate, and can be applied right well to Salisbury. it has as many advantages as Tarboro and should be far ahead of her in improve ments. People of Salisbury arouse from your lethargy; throw off this mantle of inactivity and get a move on you. Do y ou know that the Roan oke & Southerati mad is going to be extended south ? Do you know that by its neutrality Monroe has lost al ''y sits here idly concerned and let -mis opportunity pass oy it wilt un 1 doubtedly be in the same catesrorv mJ ti : 1 11 1 n . I me peopie in me lower part or tne county are very-active and we are de- tefihined to haye this road it possible What does all this mean? Sinipli aN1 11 blow from which it will take a J longtime, to recover jf ever. What'has been said of Edgecombe 1 hs regards cotton, can well be said of Rowan. " The present low prices and j the future indications for the same. plainly slrOTvs that the-farmer must look FM CAmt Utrvi Xl LL - I l w 1 ,-) ir iiLiiri riiiiif itiiii in:iri pnrrmi and tobacco may be that crop. An) wav k. g - - r Rowan has as fine tobacco lands as can be found anywhere. THIS 13 PROPER. One of pur exchauges admits a financial faminebut absolutely fails to suggest a remedy, though the sub- Treasury willnotdo Now the, proper way is to" bring for ward -proof. hat the sub-treasury is wrong'and then suggest a tetter' plan ;. j t- 1 ... . .. . ' SnW lC 13 a better lIdn IE 'ou d? tllls the Ppl will honor V 1 'V UU 1 want wrons leR,slat,on unless yen show anal3'is and logic that we are fn ernJrou cannofc a,ake 3'r opposition leuective. v SOME BIG PREMIUMS. u.. thil" 72,000,000 Has been Pltl ot ,n prenwums on government botmds In -he I1iust three )'eilM forlie lT n S T1" IfVstem. lliese nreniinm r:i?irri fmm . . -I- il . . ystem. these premiums ranged from G per cent, oh the 4 per cent, due in 1907 to 25 per cent, on the 4 per cent. due in 1891.- The people pay this euormous tribute and are hurt while the bondholders are enriched ranidlv let some people claim ours the b?st financial systnr in the world. It is ihejjestlov the bondholders. RICHMOND HONORED. In a letter dated July the eleventh Mrs. Jefferson Davis has made known hTff0 "he "M give lhe UJ. u 10 "mond as 0 r.w. OLtitCS have been clamoring for ihTs honor, 1 . ' iwb HAL iw 111 :il' 11 onir c- tying elaims to his nativitv. ote. . . 1 111 an v vptoMno tin ..l h..- 1 ml urn ici'fiec at inis iie- Icision for around that cit.v h ,,.f with careful vigihince for the welfare "J -'-. l of the Confenderacy. That citv is the most suitable for the erection of the Jefferson D ivi-moii anient Spurgeo, the world-famed preacher. is critically ill, and his death is looked lnr at anytim?. thari any that has been or nmy j :Fked Douglass, Minister to Iliyfi. hits returned home, anB has now re sign?d his position, j It is reported that uit will be a long time -before any one will be appointed to succeed him."' This is the venson : Hatians want a wliibe min ster, and if One is not sent thev will not like it. The negroes oi tliU countrv. whose votes in close J states is a paramount item, will kick if a liejiro is not sent. Hence the above quotation. - Hannibal Hamlin, the man who has figured' both in the legislature, Congress, U. S. Senate and in the vice presidents chair iu '09, is dead. He has-been in public life for 45, years! all of which time he has served his con stituent!' most faithfully. His public and private character has always been spot less and clean. The nation looses one of ber best sons. The democratic editors of Kansas have been holding a meeting and have decided '"to prepaxt an. address to the people-of Kansas and also -warn dem ocrats of the nation against tin? Alii- ance. Anotnei meeting will be held July 27th. In the meanwhile the edi tors will begui a regular warefare -on the Alliance. It i stated by a California paper that 000 Indians of the Navajoes tribe have taken possession of William Rad den's range, and have driven out his ranchmen and slaughtered his cattle. If the' will not be peaceably arrested the war department will bo called upon for aid. Secretary Blaine says the reports concerning his bad health are all lies, He is not taking any medicine and is feeling as well as usual. In Arieoua, Texas a white man re- cievnd 100 lashes well laid on with : black-sitake whip for insulting a wo man. Thirteen persons were scalded to death in a railroad accident near As pen, Colorado, July 13th- Five Good Ilcnsons Why tlic Snb Trensury Plan Should bo Adoptttl. 1, Because it destroys the "power of money to oppress. ISo corner can be made on money when the volume is flexible. , 2, Because it will prevent a general depression in prices during the season wftjMi the farmer is a seller. o Because it bases money on the most potential form of wealth instead of basing it, as the government now does, on the represeatative of the debt. 4, Because -it will benefit all classes alike and break up class privileges. 5, Because its sole OBJECT is to' in crease the circulation when there is an increased demand for its use. And by to increasing the volume to correspond increased demand, prices will not be contracted. Warehousing and nionev lending are incidental to the bill but are not Subjects. Remarkable Coincidences. The recomeudation of the adoption of the new constitution by the State officers of the Farmers and laborers Union of the State of Kentucky. The declaration of Hon. John Young Brown, democratic candidate for gov- ernor of the btate of Kentucky, that uhe is for its adoption." The withdrawal of the Courier Journal, the greatest newspaper of Kentucky, from the fight against it. The report so industriously circu 1 teq by. the democratic press that all the nominees for State offices in Ken tucky are for it. It;des seem remarkable that all of these things should happen about the same time. Mr. Brown in his Frankfort speech last' winter took occasion to say that "the Alliance must be fought vigorous ly. No concessions must be made to it." But in his Falmouth speech it is nt possible that he made a concession to it, when he declared after having re mained Kilent for nearly! three months. that he was in favor of the new con stitution. HuiiON, S. D., July 11. The Alli mce Independent conference closed yesterday. The question of re-organ- iz ition ot an independent party of the state to conform with the Cincin- nali platform was discussed and rc- fered to the independent Central Committee for a settlement, which partially menus that the Cinci- uath platform will be adopted by the Independents here. The organization of the Citizens Alliances to work with thf Kiiiglns of Labor is recomendd and also patronizing of newspapers that are frien llv to thp reform move ment and the holding of country har vest festivals in the State this Fall. Congressman Livingstone, of Geor gia, say?; "lhegreat bulk or our people are producers, about 00 per cent, are wage-workers. The propor tion of rich to poor is as 0 to 91 per cent. U ith this fact staring our Con gress in the face is it no- ast u.idini: that all laws touching taxation and currency have been in favor of the,k0v and against the "91?"1 The "94M in the democratic party are awake and ironsed. The platform and candidates for "92 must be in their interest." President Stokes, of South , Carolina Alliance ha decided that the joint de- bite on the Sub-Treasury bttween m it 1 -r 11 111. 11 mini in ana ler.vii smui not it jn public . ; OUR WASHINGTON LETTER Secretary Xoble Will Not llesl?n The Hansis Ail.uncs Harrison Will Have a Solid Son thorn Dele gation at the Next Reynb lican Convention Oth er News. ' CoiTcspon lenoe or llie Watchman. ' Washington, 'J"i!y 13, 1S91. Sec retary Noble has gomiaw;iy, he said for rest, and no. out will tell where he has gone, and that has again started the rumor that he intended resigning. At thi interior department the officials have all adopted tho know-nothing policy, its far as the Secretary is con cerned, but one of his family is author ity for the statement that he has no idea of resigning. ' . Members of the Farmers' Alliance do not' take kindly to a published in terview with ex-Oongressmaii Perkins, of Kansas, who" was here a few days ago, in which he painted a most d le ful picture of a tf airs in Kinsks, saying in effect that the Stale was rapidly go ing to the "demnition bowwows' be cause of the success of the Alliance, which he accused among many other things of being in favor of the repudi ation of private debts A Kansas Al lianceman -who was at Alliance head quarters here-fco-day said of the inter view: "It is an Outrageous libel1 upon the State as well .us upon the Alliance; we do net : favor the repudiation of debts and have never done so, and all such reports as Mr. Perkins knows very well, have been circulated by out enemies solely for the purpose of bring ing discredit upon the organization. I am afraid that Mr. Perkins will have to be classed among the soreheads. He isn t the firt man who has been under the impression that his retirement from office meant the destruction of the country's prosperity. If any mem ber of the Alliance is in" debt to Mr. Perkins it is safe to say that he isn't prepared to sell his claim at a ruinous discount, nor has he, so far as I hiive heard, expressed any intention of leav ing the State." Secretary Foster's idea that the offi ces of rive out of six of the Auditor's of the Treasury might be abolished without injury to the interests of the country, is a good one and should be carried, out, but it isn't very probable that it will be, because it cannot be done without the consent of Congress and it is always safe to say, judging from the past, that a majority of any Congress will ha in favor of increasing instead of decreasing government pit ronage. It has not been many years since the lafe Samuel J. Randall pro posed an amendment to an annual legislative executive and judicial appro priation bill abolishing these very bu reaux and others, on the ground that their work was simply a duj4tcn.tion of the work of other bureaux of the" treas ury iii id therefore unnecessary. Mr. tiandalt collected a mas of data show ing that tlu adoj.tion of his amendment would save 111 on-? "th.m a million and a half f dollars .e:adi year,but as soon as he began to push his amendment he discovered that it would le impossible to get it. throiurh the house, so he re luctantly abandoned it. Nobody who knows anything about t lie business of the Treasury department can deny that Mr. Ilandail was rid that Mr. Fo tr is, right, nor does any bod' think that Mr. Foster can succeed in getting a lot of offices abolished, any better than Mr. Randal! did. Mr. Powderly's long open letter ad dressed to Secretary Foster concerning the recent conferences about seven Knights of Labor discharged from the bureau of Engraving and printing has been much discussed here, and there is a general feeling of regret that it should have been written ;Jts tone is suchthat.it has injured rather than helped the cause for which Mr. Povv derly is laboring; and it looks too much like a political attack upon Mr. Forster to Milt 11 a iy of thoso wl o e sympathy had been with the Knights since the begining of the controversy. Mr. Foster has declined to answer the letter saying that he would not enter into the controversy with Mr. Powderly upon such a basis. Secretary Rusk is going to iWiscon sin this week for an extended vacation. He will be accompanied by his family. 'The country will soon if now whether the scientists are right in claiming that rainfull can bo produced in any local ity bv artificial means. Tl e Agricult irul department has started a party for the arid section of western Kansas with all of the necessary p -.rap ha e i s for making the experiment. Prof. Dyrenforth,whoisit. charge of the party is confident of success, and he certainly has the best wishes of everybody. Fourth Auditor Lynch, a colored Mississipian, who has just return d from the South savs that Harrison will have a solid Southern delegation in the republican national convention, and that it caunnot be broke. If Mr. Lynch is right it will differ very much from any convention,. as Senator Sher man and other Presidential candidates know to their cost. Fred Douglass who is now here on leave, will not return to Hay ti as minister, and it is doubtful whether any One will be sent in his place for quite awhile. Not by a Blamed Sigbt, The Charlotte Chronicle speaks of the editor of the Salisbury Watchman as "but little sliort of an anarchist, and if he can create a third party or raise the devil he will do it." The Watchman in turn kindly refers to the editor of the Chronicle as a "warty freak of nature." Honors seem to be about even, but these editors will meet at the editorial convention at Winston and kiss :tud make up. Axheville dti- en. j Children Cry for Pitcher's rtoria. Iits of Alliance News'. Mrs. Wilkin of Winfield, judging' from the -Allfanee picnics thinks if the Alliance s breaking lip it is" break ing into very large chunks. i i In twenty; years our farmers and. producers have seen two-thirds of their wealth absorbed by the money k;ngs. How long will it I before the remain ing third goes the same way. Stick to the text, and don't allow any of the old tariff to side track it. The politicians even now are begining to "cook" a platform that will say everything and mean nothing. But each plank in the Ocala platform, will be let severely alone. More moi ey and cheaper money is the password. Allow nothing to change it. Never before was such an effort made to educate the masses as since the inauguration of the Fauiers' Alliance. The ieaders who are responsible for this work are the objects of attack by the city pi ess, and hoodlums and degraded ollicekeepei s. Verily, the people sliould react these attacks with a big grain of allowance for the men wlio inspire them. S The farmers of the United States iv.citved 848,000,000 less for raising 70, 000,000 acrs ot com in 183Gthan they did for raising 08,000,000 acres in 1883, though the former exceeded, the latter 110,000,000 bushels. In 1884 there w:w sown 1,000,000 acres more than 1883, and 12 000,000 more bushels raised, but to the farmers 820,000,000 less was realized. An increase in acre age every year, but a decrease iu the amount realized on the bushel. The Farmers' Friend: The Alliance is about busted. At the lat meeting of Prairte Dell Alii anc only fifteen applications were balloted on, ami every applicant elected. At Allen Center they have about twenty initia - mj.io mi 111c tiling. J. HIS ttUOUL 111US- trates how the Alliance is disbanding, and the Horton episode proves it, if it needs proof. I STATE N 12 WS. Items Hoiled Down to Save Space From Mountains to Seasborr. Greensboro is to have a $35,000 school room. The Landmark has raised four dollars for the Jetlerson Davis monument. Mayor Smith of Oxford died at his home on the lOlh iust. of erysipelas. Jim Cook saw a News reporter in Con cord and thought he had met the "devil." Stanly News. The orphans' home, to bo erected by the Masonic Lode, will be located at Goldsboro. Ellison's monthly report for June says that cottou is lower than it has been hinee lbo2. The man who committed double mur der in Aslievii'c some time ago, has been captured in Tex-a,-- George lloge, t lie oldest 'citizen. f Salem, died last Friday, aged 'Jl. Jlis wife survives him at bi. C. B. Wcbciyof Statesvilje, raised an onion that weighed 1 j pounds and meas ured JSi inches around. Senator Vance, in a letter to his son. says he li s made. a tour of Ireland and s now 111 the city ot London. Mr. Elijah Willis, of Newbcrnc, one of the oldest uruggists in the tale, died Sunday morning aged 72 years. Charlotte is building a city hull at the expense ot '$1,000 per.week,and thestree's are costing SoOO'a week. There is only 250 in the treasury'. Capt. K. Mc Jones, a conductor on the r-, & D. railroad, was struck with paral ysis Tuesday, atleoting his whole left side, lie is not abie to tpeak. Benny Weinner, of Iredell county, was killed y lightning lust week. lie. vas passing through a gate and the post was struck by lightning, killing him instantly. A Mr. Turner of New York intends building a forty mile line of electric rail way Jrom Asheville to Itul lierloidlon, which will be the longest line iu the world. Nathaniel Wagoner was drowned in the Yadkin river, near JJoonvillc, iast week. lie was riding in a boat and it upset. He drowned while trying to have two other boys Who were iu the boat. The Charlotte News says the much'y interviewed individual, Col. L. LLloH , was in Charlotte Tuesday. The New thought he looked like he wanted rest and so did not daw the note book on him. Mr. E. P. McKissick, of the Charleston News and Couru;rt has abandoned jour nalism and is in charge of the Battery Park Hotel, at Asheville, the largest in the State. A colored girl at Biddlesville, N. C, while driving a cow to pasture, playfully looped the rope around her neck. The cow became frightened and ran off, drag ging the girl about fifty yards. The cow was stopped by :some passers-by and the girl wa nearly dead from strangulation. Maj. W. W. IIampton,of Surry county, committed suicide last week by jumping in a well and drowning himself. He is a relative of Gen. Wade Hampton. He leaves an estate worth $25,000, togxthfer with the farm oti the Yadkin river known as "swamp pond." News and Observer : A month ago a respectable young woman, Miss Maggie Motz, gave birth to a child. At first its paternity was charged to Evangelist Fife, but tho woman denied that and swore that Robert Michael was the father. Her brothers, Charles, John and Caldwell de manded that he should marry her. A row ensued, in which Samuel Motz, a cousin, was accidently killed, and Charles Motz and . Robert. Michael wounded. Charles, John and Caldwell Mot? were arrested and put in jail for the murder of Samuel Motz, July 11th. An eighty-year-old miser named Wm. H. Bost, died in Cabarrus county Satur day, leaving wore than $30,000 in his hut. The money was found in old salt barrels, in cracks in the house and wrap ped in rags which were stuck around in the most obscure nooks. Besides the above he has i 1,700 acies of valuable land, $15,000 worth of notes and other property. Surrounded with all this wealth he literally starved himself to death. He eaed his conscience-by leav ing of his hoard ?100 to Bethel church where he was buried. He was the uncle of our townsman, Mr. J. M. Swaringer. Goldsboro Headlight . ; I - I " i f- ' "' i ; ' - I KLUTTZ &C0. Family 10-Cent Diarrka Miimre " Unequalled for the Cufro of Dysentery Diarrhoea., Chol era Morbus, Summer Com plaint, Pains in the Stomach and Bowels, &c. Respectfully, T.F.K.L1TTTZ&C0. We are now reccivinur the Hargest and best assorted stock wo-havo ever carried. Head a few of our prices: Pant goods, 10c. per yard. Brogan Shoes, 1.00. Dress Goods from 8c. to $1.00 per yard. Men's SI iocs from $o;00 to $12.50. 'i A full line of men's and loys Hats. The cheapest line of Groceries in Salisbury. If you wish to save monev, do not buy until vou-tret our prices. We mean business. D. B. JULIAN KJ). THE f.ORTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture AND Mechanic Arts will t'epin Us third ?r?ion on ScntctiiluT .':!. 1S:1, with incr. a.-cl t.iciiities anil eiiji;i!fiit. iu every depai tnu-nt. The pa.-t sjucceysiVi! year lias given further evMciicc of its ijiractical valitc, -mh1 its young men are already iu lc manil for responsible osit'ur.s. Total cot $100.00. Each County Siiprrintwuhnt ol Etlucationj will examine applicants for admis sion. For catalogues, address, ; ALEX. Q. HOLLADAY, President, K.U.KIGH. N. C. Look at This ! Wciaro closing out the remainder-of -our Summer Clothing and Straw Hats at cost. Wo do this iu order to make room for our Mammoth Eall and Winter Stock. . Come and see us and you will get a bargain. We have just rbceived a nice line of men's and boys' Pants, dark shades at all prices. Also a new assortment of shirts of all kinds at osr prices. We still keep aull line of collars, cuffs, trunks valises, etc. We solicit your patronage. Yours anxious to please, H. & L. WRIGHT. AND Walter A. Wood's Reapers and Mowers arc Uic best on the market. They have been fully tested here and have given satisfaction iu 'every trial. They are durable and simple., Can refer you to any farmer who haTs used them. Call and spe me before you buy; examine ma chines and hear my prices and. terms. I am also agent for High Grade Fertilizers. C. T. BERNHARDT i u t imm & co. Spring, 1891. ' We are now Plio-.vln- a mgniii.nt lino rA " GfKKts for early s-ririjr. embracing h- lTl . nr' textures. most t.isliiomble colors i, v 'H l'l ilds ami Stripes, Camel's Hahvchi-M ,tVe!l mas, s rvrtc , etc. ,s' nt'tri- I'Lis premises to be the mast favorable sm . BLACK LACES USOnI0r ever known, and we now have in stock n n L.icp Klonr.cc. I'rapery Wctsanac;roariis- k ? tor volum- ar.il bauty of dest jn, exct-li our' J any previous year. ur(,uor-j or wiute woods, Erabroldciios and urta display is by fnr the grcatm wf have fvtr 4,; ittr A n cvori whort In the house- in nil of (l pari nit nts. m iy now be wa r?w er-s ' L a low for cash, and dTTerM f the j et-PK1 "m v Shr Carolina at as low prW lis any houst- fa tU? MAIL ORDTDtPARTMENT. We bare made this Mall order fcstnoss - , stud v, with the ultimate ol-Je t fn vfrw of VrT 1 In? the a stein so I hat it whl affofir-fo w '' reside in the n)0t remote parts of fiur 'sf-iti9 , convenleme of shopping in the om Hrv , , ;l market in North (irollna. The bus:i,4 i - ihrtMiph this channel has steadily incr. -iseddi the season Jast closed. sUowlr a (freHi.r nm tlonate increase than any former season. iV win use every effort In our power to rn;i?iMv.n' whirh we,are now enteritg even a crcaUr sm.,Ino than the o-ae Just closed uutM SAMPLES. We cheerfully send samples: and would m impress upon ou-r patrons the Importance wh..i ; wniimj lor dimples, to le as explicit a txissihic rr that weenn send ihm suitable sampi. s iTtl or a lot which may be entirelj dlffereut from what f they want. ' i f CATALOGUE. : Our pririT Catalogue will be ready April f-st arid wiil be in. died tree upon application. ' GOODS DELIVERED FREE. (Except Furniture and Crockerv y on all cash orders of f .oo and over, we will n liver goods frtsc to nearest Expret cfllce or miL road aialjlon. - " IL & 11. S. TUCKEU & Co. 2S:"m Kalelch, N r Please mention the watchman when jou wrlie'. Fire in the West Ward. I wish to call the attention of m liiemls to tho fact iiUt I Iuiyc deter. mined to consolidate myubusint&s at one' point. Therefore I have closed my up town store and am doing business eTir tirely at the store on South Main street near the Salisbury Cotton Mills. Here I have a full line of Dry Goods, Xoticns, Shoes, Groceries ami. Provisions. Coun- try produce a-specialty. J want an un limited number of chickens ami eggs at all times, for which I will pay the highest price. Mr. A. A. Hart mart is with mo and will be ph ased to wait ou his friends. Rest ful ly , T. J. W. BROWX. SSOLUTIOFOTICEr lie n kr.own that l.y mvitual consent we, Y. li. lieisper & Uro , Jeweierrj Sal. isbury, X. C, have this 18th day of May, 1S!)1, dissolved pai tu rship, and hereliy nurke jmhlic announcement of the same, and o-ivc -notice to .all persons indebted to us that all accounts due must be set tled by July l"th, ISlil, after which da to. ' nil lue and uunaid accounts will be hnfl with our attorney for collection. - Verv truly, " - W. "ir. KLISXKR. - CHAS. F. UKliSXKII. , "K. P.. Tho .Jewelry business will be comlr.ctrd by me .it the old stand of 1 ho above firm, and I hereby assume trlbdcbts iim; bli:iljns of the linn of V. II. Ilc'Hin r it l.ro., and wish to state that I propose to do .a strictly cash business ami give my customers lKMictit of the lowest market price on all soods. All work i; undi r my il n ersonal supervision and I will try to even better, if that be jxssi blc, the hih standard, and reputation o'ur work bus niirtiiied. My object is to pleasu, and' I"vi!l spaiejio effort to for-r ward that ind. Thanking you for ji.-isi fayors nr.d askint' a conlinuaiiec j tL same, I am , Very truly yours, V.-H. KKISXEH. WANTED. I'wp energetic young inen-or ladies. Salary $7.") er month, tseiid stamp for replv. K. 1). HOIUNSOX. 1 1(! FayeTtf villo St., ' Raleigh, N. V -AT it MOWERS J ., ' - !! ." I-

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