" - i t . - . y . - ., .;; i : I i . . I 5 , ,j - - a-- 1 : x I i : ! - C --TlilRO , SEMES SALISBURY. N. C, JULY 23, 1891. NO. 38. .Vofc. x . v for Infants and ChHdrcn. t,rrmAiflitoBuperior-toany.prescripUoa I -Worm given SJoep, and promotes U- known to me." H.: AAncnta, M.D., fl postion, .stsr ill Scy uzioru uwuj u, . . . "V!'80.., ' , ,tn r twlorso it. Few arc t!o h iw ?i . " tn, n. work ' iiatl rastot DIooiaic2aaio lormtxi Church. pestion, TTitUout injurious medication. - For (vvoral veirs I hare rocomTnended venir ' Cafitr.ria, ' anl shall always continue to So as it had iuvariaUy pTjdud beneficial rc3ulls.M Eownt T. Paedek. M. D., . "The "Wlnthrop," lth Street and 7th Ave, Kew York City. TS CCTTAnajColTFAKT, 77 McSiuT Stekt, Kw Torx. .mm mi I I I III II I'" EVERYBODY NVITED ! 7 TO CALL AT, PUT- A IkT'O n And w bis NKW STOCIvof osdSj lotions and i Milmery. Written ror The Watchman. meiit which Irul so nmcli to I6 with it the defeat of Mr. Inirnils lust Noveni- i Wr. Mrs. Lpase has twice been chosen orator for the -animal, dinner 'of the 'Emmet Club of Kansas, whose mm- : bersh'ip 'includes many of the most (lis I tiiiuished men in the state. Hlie'has I often been nr;el to accept a place on . ..... t itt o state ticket hut lias always nrmly leclinefl to run for any political office I whatever. Unlucky Frhlaj. Fridtty is regarded by many people as an unlucky d.iy,thougii no good reason exists why this uneviable distinction should be conferred upon it. Indeed, it is self-tfvident that one day of the week must be just as "lucky": as an other day, as our division of time into weeks is purely arbitrary. ..Were it i.nf Jmv -tjiivoiiipncf we should bei?in to reckon time the first day of the new year, and number each succeeding day from that epoch -up to Decnilier 31t, which would be the 305th day. If this were done there would be lo "unlucky" Fridays. Our Savior was crucified on Friday, and the Shadow of that awful tragedy has rested upon the day ever since. Hut it is the deed ana nor. .me a ay which the Christian world abhors. Because it was polluted by the crucifix ion, it is no reason that the day should be unclean forever. Friday has been an eventful day in the history of America. Columbus sailed on Ins voyage ol' discovery on that, day and ten weeks after also ofl Friday .his ryes were gladdened by the sijjht of land. me Wliy-Shoull the Fanner Kisc s Four? BY PROF. OWES II. BISHOP. Why should the farmer rise nt four? To feed the drones and nothing more! The world's so full of hungry knares, That's why the farmers are smh shire.-:! No time to re.ia, no lime 10 ihihk, In fact, scarce "time to eat anil druiK. Ah me! lie h TrTwocfnl plight, And, if We think, 'tis hardly right. The merchant mar ?lecp on and snore .Quite sng in bed long after fmr; The doctor, too, come3 howii ni ninr, And simply wonders if 'tis fine J ( The lawyer, he can tell a lot, And do his little like a shot; The hanker only works till three, , So hc xan take his case, you see. Then why is the farmer np and out Before the god of Jay's about? IJe, surely, never stopped to think, Or he must he the missing link ! He feeds the world, he clothes it, too, There's naught but what the farmers dp: The mainspring of the world J3 he, If he hut struck vc eoon should see. The' fact is this: he works so long That brain gets weak as arm grows strong. And if he keeps his downward course He'll be no better than a horse! But up now,-farmers, take your stand, Foe knows you're guardians of this land, And if -you cease to rise at four You'll thin the knaves it nothing more! JaUv 11th, 18!1. A GOV euxmextI trust. l'liat is What the Whisky Rusincss is Under the Present System. When a man wishes to go info the business of manufacturing spirits he must file notice of his intention with the collector of revenue of his district, and execute a bond to comply with all provisions of the revenue lawsT pay all penalties or fines imposed for infrac tion' those law?, and that he will not allow any land, buildings or machinery used in the business to be encumbered by any mortgage, lien or judgment. This is ecpiivalent to a deed for the property and apparatus;' but Uncle Sam knows the character of the per sons engaged in the nefarious tralfic, and taking it for granted that they will not bo'honest if they can help it, proceeds to put everything under lock and kwy, bolt and bar. with salaried officers of his own choice to measure every gallon of product. Having thus provided against any possible loss, the moneyed partner then issues a warehouse receipt which is ac cepted at the b inks as collateral, and upon which $50,000,000 are nov said to be loaned. The government in this manner holds the property and indorses . . rn.t at the banks tor the distiller. It the THIS W03IA3I BEAT INGALLS. Mi s. Marv Lease, the Ka"sfs pro phut ot the Fanner's Alliance. .The early coming to Georgia soil of that remarkable woman, Mrs. Mary E Lease of Kansas. aroused natural cUnos-.'.n-.A.i.r rni- ntJOidp to know ' who "j ..... 0 i , she is. other than at once the most idol- ;jfc. Auarustine, t:ie old n-t town 111 I) HESS GOODS, HOSIERY, SHOES, ' UNDERWEAR, K-ECKWEAR SHIRTS. ., f : ' We ma!;o :i siHialtN and CORSETS. Consisting of - - W-iTITE GOODS, LINENS, ' LACES, TRIMMINGS, WRAPS, ROBES. JMBRELLAS. PARASOLS us well us tlie iuost batwl wijmiuu of thn.wlK.lw liorlliwi'st. Dimblless tn Mrs. IiCiuio ami Mrs. DifftP m.ire (llian to Hli v other pari lily l"'l'r Jnlill .1. Iu'allsowes Ins ignominious ueieai llvan- anks- -Ki vi lies over which the ntoples party in -i; liuvi not vet. ceased their tl .... J .-r . ' 1.1 I ! 1 iigs. The iNew lorli nun nas i ins iv of Mrs. Lease and her lifejwofk: "Mrs. Mary E. Lease is the daiiglitei an Irish nobleman who has iucufred the displeasure of the British govern- ment bv reason or Ins love Tor ureianu. and his disposition lo do all he could to defend the Irish people from "unjust rules. Mrs. Lease says his prjopeit was confi-cated and a price set on h.s head. Jle fled from Ireland to Ahierici. durinrr the civil war. lie enlisted in l -w-r I... !.. 11-, IILOIHl--""""" 1, . r- . I I' . ...... ..I. iUonleuerate rones, aim uieu .uni' n United States, was found on Friday, and the Mayflower, with the Pilgrims, arrived at Plymouth on the same day of the week-ihinker Hill was seized and fortified on a Friday, and t'.ie sur render of Saratoga was made on this same dav of ill omen. Cornwallis sur- on, hi ...i nf V ni ktowii on r riuav. 1 lie being used a second time in! any case, change school books as seldom as pos sible, give grammar and arithmetic the prominence due them, require commit tees to have schools taught at the proper time, not prefer fennUe to male teachers, and appropriate;1 plentv of funrls. f W. Monticello, N. C. Finance the Key. The great questions of the day are now recognized by a large majority of the thinking - people of the United States as the questions of finance, land and transportation. Of i these the greatest is finance, because it is the kev to the others. In all the history of the woild, when the money power has sought to destroy a nation, the first step necessary was to control its currency. This plan of the money ipower has been consummated in the United States and in the whole civilized wovld. The first successful attack was made on the United States in 18C3, when the treasury was empty and tht whole na tion prostrated by a bloody ; war. 1 A series of laws, seven in number, were enacted which, besides addinsr T J hundreds of millions of dollars to the ui- ..t iu i. ..i . 1. . ..1 k:. ' i wcuiiu in U!U oiijiock, p;,lc nun -uii v..ii.-ouu it-cuiju-ar .. jMv .i.t "ia- troi of the currency ot the nation. thing of value, for which money had been paid, the transaction woui(loe more reasonable, but they represent spirits which cost about ten cents a gallon, with the tax added of ninety c'.-nts a g!lon, which tax is not paid until the liquor is withdrawn from the warehouse and sold.' Practically then the government in dorses for the distiller to ten times the value of the goods stored, and indi rectly loans him the money by allow ing him three years in which to pay the tax. The amount of tax due and undue last vear was SSl,0S7,O0O, which added to tlie 50.000.000 loaned by tin- banks on the wareho ise receipts, niaice With the control of the currency in - - - . his hands and a few favorable laws, which have always !ecn forthcoming at his command, he has gotten control of every branch of industry that is worth controlling. It controls our oil wells; it.controlvu4r railroads; it con trols our maun Factories; it controls our import trade; it controls our iron in dustries; it controls our co',ton trade; it controls our wheat and grain trade; TiU: ALLIANCi: At WORK. A Secret Manifesto Rearing oa tlkeat ! Crop. Chicago, July 7. The Farmers Alliimce is about to undertake the! ex perinhent of oiganizLng the farmer of the country ujon n scheme of eompel--ling the payment of corner prices fop the ISO! wheat crop; An official man-' ifest6 has been prejred with great se crecy and will hi? placed in the hands of every member of the Farmers' Alli ance calling upon hirw to withhold n part or all ot his, and nskinir liis - i " r friends and neighbors to do the sam until! such a time as ..the necessities of consumers at home and abroad will . force the '-pay mejit oT prices satisfac tory to Wie producers. The various farmers' organizations hayeia membership of nearly six mil lionsj, and all ofMhem are expected to fall into line with the Alliaute, and to iuduce others not members of any of the societies to do the same. , The circular is practically of the rel ative) force of tin order froni Goropem and-Powderly for a general IhIoc strike, the farmers leing drilled up to. an appreciation of the overwhelming advantages of co-operation. The circular is lengthy and wta fortli with elaborate statistical detail the' fact that the farmers of,. America have Ixn skinned out f lt)(),tXX),IMH)j in three years through the machitin tioiu of short sellers, that Enr 1 lm the shortest wheat and rye crop of th century, and that, conditions arerofi djntial.for a trust. The farmers are directed to resedf that a minimum price ofl?l.;i5 in N.V. is moderate and conservative, and tlmt they pledge tdiemvlves not to market of mortgages on real .estate, which i? to o rendu. eu ai luiMumi i.iu uu.m. .. - . . ...... - ii i ii. , itu..,i ,,T.,. 'a total ot olol.lniAw advancetl to .iiri,.f inrfif:i(ro fur hvpi-v seven l rl.rhf lh to bi.frp. and inde-! this wicked l.aitner by Ins opulent ,.0,je n the United States. hen it rlM.,f w:,s ,:',de on a Friday. I fnend. Inis is the style o business folvcost;s ,ta mortgage it will have out We cite these examples simply to I approved by the political shysters whw !in,ls and we will be tenants. Shylock i m....v Jm.w.rtuiit events which ! find so many objectionable features in destroyed Egypt: he destroyed liaby- have proved blessing to millions, oc- the : sub-treasury plan. ! OM; lie destroyed Persia; he destroyed i ; n... i.iitl.inU-iii.r IIk'V find it impossible to provide lor l.onu.: ii is now destroying the United and superstitious regard as "unlucky." the governmental care and stoiage of rftille3 an, tjlc wi10ie civihyd world. At;U blovao of Iiulfii.iore. You :m; ouni'stly invitwl to call I tie horrors of AnderMmvill iMls .oo ' l it:, i .1 ...I ci.o mUii f ' ami n(71 kt stoc It is onlv as we consecrate a day by lofty thoughts and earnest endeavor, hat it becomes significant. The days possess no virtue in themselves; it must im ivsn llioin by us. The seventh day was not holy until Cod pronounced it. so. . It' you have anything to do on I n dav, do it, and you will succeed just as mmmv. C. HO EOT I IB UMEOlU.ilUI Mli. His brother and sons also- lost then lives in the civil war-and sotheilaugh- ' .... i . . I . 1 .... l ;,,f t... tei'J iuai v, loumi i uai. sut- n.m i:"i- niav, uo n, ano . i.. ,r-,.v . . t. j... .. . . theV, -uncle and brother in the lano t. ilH von would on any other day f poses to throw " bitk flight tbov li mi I ('oiik to emov ill U II 11.111 I v.." i ... - j j 'ram. hut. him no tnmme m-iaKiug i harge of the distilled product of that grain. The government cannot loan money on honest corn to half its mar ket value, but can practically advance the cash mi whisky made from that corn to ten times its actual cost. This ii one of the things a plain farmer can't understand, but the Alliance pro- the week. Mat cli-Making. After the machinery has been set in motion, tin' lust step u to pi ac rent. advertise tlie largest stock of ' FU IINITU IMiln the Stale, and thelowet prices or'iiiy deaK-r NokU. or South. 1 sl.alL4.10ve it by ufigires." . Read These lrice. . 7 50 i A Rattan bodv P.aby (.'.irriage. Wire wheels,: only Ceiinine Auti.'pie Oak Wl lio-.ni Suit (:10 pieces), Walnut l'raine Wool Piush Parlor Suit (0 p.fees), !Aj.iiNjtie Oik-Sideboard, with large glass, Standing Uail Hacks ' with glas. Antique Oak High l?a.d:Vooi Seat Ptockcrs, Mexican (Jiviss llainniocks.. large size,. ; 'Mosquito Canopies, with ; Frames- ready to hang, -i !rani.b'oo Ivis.ds, 5 feet high, Ladiis Uattau t lockers; 1 '.-Aiitique Oak ('ei)tre Tables, 1 ( inches sqnar" t op, Holland Window Shades, Oodo Fringe and' Spring Loners, i'lal to nn Spring l?.oeke'rs,varj-et seat, Sterling-Organ, 7 stos, walnut case, Sterliu'' Piano. 7. octaves, . Hbony case, I Irave just i ut in the Furniture, for three-largo hotels, and am receiving orders from all over North ami South Carolina daily. . One-price to all, and that the lowont known,- is my way of doing business. It you buy an article from me and it outs not .conic-up as represented, return it at my expense-and get, your money back. . W rite me lor Catalogues. n blessings ol freedom. Thus early cast upon her own resources she w s equal to the ned laid upon her, and earned her own living, besides finding time for . ? 1 11 cf 11 lu finrl wu martini wine l ner am- ' : " .. . ?u:,i. ' ",: 1 1 iii.k m m si) it mac nne. uuu .. .., 4. 1 "'S ! J ,.lwiU, ,,-hiove- each movement l.ie .uiile Iwoi.j- "r - -,: , rive sid Ls are cut. and at the same time ment but alway looKeii mw. u u . , tw() s,ats in thc moYC. something larger and better, llei in- , - , , the movement of the bid t through the separator and over hented-pipes to dry the timber. About lilty leet mmi me Directions lor Canning Fri.it. Small fruits, berries! currants and I subject next year. Oj ii (Col. ) ltecur-1 cherries for canning shufiiid be seUctei. th e i . i . . . . ... it is controlling our cattle: ranches; it the.r wheat at lower n ami then ,s controlling our coal mines; it iseon- pnngly under the-d.rvc torn ol troliing all other mines; it Ls controlling M committees cons UtuL.l for the. oar lumber trade; it is gettingcontrol Pl,ToSe peeping posted as to supply of our lands. It now has hiuJn.illiot mand and s rmig nntsons are icy will soon etevate prices to the de sired limit. The move is likened. to a strike with the difference that tlm s working men los money every day the strike lasts while 'the farmer makes money, and that the outcome is. always doubtful with the workingmen while in this instance with the farmer it is certain. In the bodv of the circular is a letter from Prof. C. It. Dodge, government statistician filiating the crop of 18U1 at seventy-live to one hundred million bushels, under the ."absurd" OKUW, 000 bushel bear estimate with a possi bility of 125,000,000 bushels less. This is Hodge's first estimate of the cn p. Hie circular is decidedly sensational in its .significance. ) I ne kev to this power is the con- irol of t he-currency. No wonder that thinking men everywhere admit tiiat the currency question is the great all absorbing question. The People's Press, Arkansas. 25 00 00 1() 00 5 75 1 50 50 2 00 1 IK) 1 50 1 50 057 ?, 50 50" 00 225 00 eessant labors broke down herconstitu tion, but even iH failing health she has managed to accomplish much more than many strong men can do. She was born on Sept. 11, 1853. She married anrtMs the mother ot four bright children, each of whom is preparing to enter the. work to which the mother has devoted herself in her own winds: .k'Vl... ,M..M-.iccrwl Ii mini 11 ! t V. 1110 ciiurw ytt- v.ni -...1 j. 1 1 If.. i- nrnnd husband and idiildiien make P:!n 01 YiU ... .... ..... ;.l..l nF boi- :iiil tlie abonnLT people Compulsory Kducation. Seventeen States, seven Territories and the District of Columbia have a mice law. .North CaiolinaV first step in that direction was the passage 01 tne act requiring teachers to at tend the Institutes. . This, in tliMorv seems nroner and wise, but 111 III- M 1 1 - it Tall with care, and only the niot perfect used as well as the best sugar, write Mr. E. K. Parker 111 Uouner-Journal Butter Ten Months Old. T..iti.lr I jiiwriPfl n i.ir nf Ind.tcr that the s'if-sealing glass jars are prefer- I I had made and packed away fully ten tl J. kt.wt.lar 4- 1 . I ..i I. . ...... tiri.i4 am r f tiftllAI- J 1 17 I Tn dill, to any otliers. When ready tin j - cans should be set in a large pan ot warm water, and set on the back ot tha stove. The syrup may be prewired I and the i'ruit "added. When tne caiis iiv. i-i.:i iK' tlu'v should be filled as ful tun wise, on. y, ., , ... . , -r ,s short, of exjH'cted results, and as possible and set asiue wneie no co.u ,f Kept iree in wiU(.tinuetodo bo under existing ur wiU strike i.e.... Dirawnor. es, mat long n is months ago, writes a farmers wife from Paris, III., and I find itstill sweet and gooil I don't know of any. way that butter as old as that can be mud to retain all of the sweet fresh flavor of newlv churned butter, but if it can m a rancid or old taste I first oou enoucrli. Ill Villi SI! IUI- IIIV-II'. .v. .. .- - , Lii4.v .'i.,., v i-j o .1 : 1 1.1 .! l...-,.;o .lfli.i- li l'..,vrf nil?? ivr.it- ni t :i I nf the butter er About inrv leet irom met i laspoeriies ami ui.itiiwiin.. ....... wiuuj st artingpoint the belt passes under a j c lllc:lors and lecturers nig carefully picked over, should b, milk and put in a spoon ul of granu . I ii ...l.-i :- I ". . . .... I . Lin .In. ..fl L..ti o mi ii s'.t nto.l nii'fnr !i on" with I hp salt, and couple ot rouers, uincu pit- 11. uw.. . . - to ()t,, tj,! vastuess ot the i p.. i i'"1"'"."" . -., just .nouKl, lo bring Un-emU f tlm retlcc Mmvn ,ig, srl,o.,ls a.rl on tl-.e sU.ve aud let conic to a l.oi , cor the f to... f the jar vy, h s.i I- i I .... I . ...... . I... .imr ? il'n 1" 1 i r f . I I I ...I1..11 11 .m.l TP ' (11 :i vti ii T wineii u niiiv tnrougn .... k. ,. , I ..j. , -.. -,i ,1 i eoiiinu'ii .-iiw. underneath, in contact witn me mei .... . . , in" r,.l sulohiir. which is contained m ..... i l A utile tunnel a and suggestions nr ' t ii -i ,i ,n..ir pi it ;i iimiml ot SULM'l nd niirk tilt DUiier (U)wii inniiv in ' 4h .,.!. r.,",..'.wl ,hould be added for every pound ol smooth layers, and fill in this way OL I i iv- I . . . ' , " i ill . , - r I f il... I , an idol ot her and he aoonng peop.e - o . h a 1:u.k to whom she preaches her new gospe 1vhicl iv,s thcni Tl,, finish of peace, revere her as pro diet and ; J o call her Joan of Arc. . p down the hall, still traveling on she pays no attention to the; envy of o ;ib(mt a f( t woman and the hatred of me.,,but tr.es He to keep steadily aldng ; ,cr e en Unctf of two huudlvd Wl from the oefieving mat so ..g-.t-, . . , f.lkes .nr p " . i i I .... - i i- il i T 1 I . ' , . -i, i , i i I r..,;f Ac unnn n wf u t tfl .shou (l I ivifrhm tour inc u;s ol Liu? ion. i uim il 1 illif nLitifitjl Till I I II 1 1,. .toii - " . . . - - - . - . - - . nu ii i-oiv ; r : i i i . iIUiimllii . .. . . f...flw... tho i-'"""', ., , .,.'.t ii.. I i... .M i'.i On. rviiin. I wet a niece ot cle; ulk"u "-: i hi. iH'i-is ot tie moral scno.us or me i - . , . i . Ldt is again depressed, aud the tips ot ..n ,u. (rami Model was to Canned Cherr.es - h(Uiej.pe cherries, water ; and lay it on it I . I . 1 .... I - . . rm I . Hi . i. a 1 1 iL'i i 1 11 iu I Wm 11 ami 10 Wt Trade t. L.. ! E. M. ANDRE W-S, muslin in - alt the butter and I . .. .. ,1 A II ... I . .1- :l .1 1 ... ... 1 .lii.l o ...t .r the colonies Tliero are if Aiorc osu or other varieties. :iuu cuck lt uowu .u.m.m . ..... Hie wants ot the coionus l i.cie .tie 1 , . ;H . , ,. tiling .i-.l-.te. he . , . m - , y - f,.m row- n ! ! ?X 5 " M wh to Z p.un.l to a ,H..m.l't fruit wiU wik .t lb, lop. Aflor lh,t 1 . i nuke Ztt '. -I Stly lS CesuHicient. Cok the fruit au.Hugur .stmng hn".;, hh-.t h,1 sk.n. , i i i i ,1 t ,1 nv-.v with thc in- logetlTOV for twenty minutes, ..nil can. anil when iwrf.K:tIy c. .1 and clear fill, for the J-H.. e t o to . j MU c i K .at-Cut in piece, two the jar .villi hrine to thc lopjin.l cover.. '"i1" '' i !J 'Z v incUeVlon..; put over a slow ire, with tiKl.tly to keep out the ilust and t it "'"'I in'; e SW e'e". vl P? Uti i.."-ool v T.,c 1... .1.o.,M al- cmct 111 the &t.it. c.un.is.cd .i in a i i . ..... r ... )rlUo suid no It won at then siowiy uuin V.H.-111, ...1.. v...... . .- ... , - - , - II ltaspoei I 1C! UII utuiiiiu au'iuiu Kin. .. - . .... . p f 1 ' . .. IIHH, grow air. CInirlottc, N. C, t, 1 ... TI-IE le-sii frc-'WKIlEH. that Hie s; selves sittentit of hv and rcson a quality the unique 01 ner audiences uyaiie pow.-i n a tal)le wneie uuy aie i.uv.m "j wU),n me intelligent ami sensioie, .mu iiarkable vin'ce, which is full a boy andplaced in trays made for S()M10 are penny wise aud pound foolish unit, very sympathetic aiid of the purprtind taken t the packing;' standanl of teaching is to be which enables her to perform ro0ui. The belt completes a circuit . cov;ltel the? pay should be commeu 0 feat of singing jj.iss in a once n thirty minutes, and during the sur:lte, and on a par with wages for ..I L-m-nril tlioiisand matches are 1 -ii 1 1. .!.,.-in dthei- avocations. 111 out ki in himplo, 1 hirable. 1 nnts Irom - M inv i.vo sa5(1 tjiaf sjli; vvonl.l have ar Mt'tal Tvno. (loos the work'oi made a great preacher, had not hei . - ' . .' . ? ... .I,.,,.... ;.,t,.!lo,.f i-ib .llf'd : t ( tin re.traiuts SlOO MacJime; rerlect Align- ' vv vvh, accus, d of h.dd- " , i' Vf,,,,, r,(.) to G0() txross of sul Print.s Caoitals. Small Let- in,, tho views nf infidel, and Anarch t Li,,,,. niMtehes ner dav. The mate. Figures and ()haractovs: 78 Mrs. Lease saysusheinvaribly preached VIUS pnluccl is superior in quality, III I - - . . . : .. .in? ' I t- Mini 1 H MILU 111 , i iterval several thousand matches are finished. The imichiuery described is found in an establishment in Uti-:a, v ..,i.,.o fr. or three men can THE "MERR1TT ii ;i . J rice coinn ete. !. 1 .'IT Agents and canvassers wanted. Apply-to - J. ALLEN BROWN, :gt for W. N. C. k. ' Salisbury, IV, C. STATESVILLE MARBLE WORKS . Is the Place to Get Monuments, Tombstones, &c- 1. - - I ill MUCK Ul V rjlii4HUiN I i V 1 W 1 j 1 j I j 4.-" ' ill 1 1 v v " iv- t naj o j ,iu,iulvi s.itisfactioii iii every resiect anil.posiH yely will not be umlersoUl. Granite Monuments . " - Of all ki'"1?' sjiccialty C B. WEBB, - 2i.jj1 ' PliOlRlKTOH. flu. ivlieinn of Jesus Christ and tin patriotic principles of Washington and I.Mirnln." Since her celebrated speech at Washington invitations have been coming to her trom diueient parts of the country to speak, butJ Mr. Lease says. "I have le nn&d the! philosophy oE life to Work and Wait."' Mrs. Lease is an active; Knight ol Labor, and has been elected Master Workman of one of the largest assein- hli.'s in lhe United States. She 'roes ........ ... ...w g - ; f-' about agitating and orgfuiz'nj; tin woru-mrr iipnnle. aud. as she savs. t rv- o 1 1 ' ' 1 1 "l ing to educate them to a standard which i. tamstantlv to urrow hiirlier. . J O I ' 1 S' e writes much, both 111 prose and M ..... I '-: I 1 verse, tor publications wnicij re uiiei ested in general reforms, aiul is a mem her of the Wichitarbar. aifouuder and prouuder of several clubs) of the Ad vancement of V omen,a nteiMber of t he Prohibit ion Leeture liuri'aii, amfth. aiolln 1 ol tb Clticu o Alliance move- aud will light readily on being drawn across the window glass, this is claimed to be a crucial test, and in ferior ones cannot be ignited in tins manner. n.i ...r.-Ivmo- in the packing room r.l.e matches are first placed in small .aner boxes, KM) m each -box. 1 ue small packages are then parked m ' 1 piste-board boxes containing one teenth or one eighth gross. Isibor in other avocations Teacher, from necessity, often underbid one another. Co nmunities and iiatrons, are praised at this for t hey can then otten get l lie oest man 101 thu least money; many, however, do not .cans much about the man so his .,l;,,-v is low. The la-cv so long in or three days after filling, and if leak ing from Mie rim, they should be un sealed, and the fruit cooke 1 dow-u into j.iiu, or used in sonm other way, and not-returned to the cans. the Concord Standard Wants to Know. Things WIk-ii country melons will Icon the arket. !::::!;;: rt: i :Vjt,u -r , ,,,,, , mean tencners There s:x- "I am going to become a mission ary'" she said,'as she gazed at him with J ' . 1 I . ...1. ..... t.. ......-i I'-llllM a wh v-uoii i-iie-asi-iio.-i."-'.' j expression on her face. Looking down upon her he replied: "Don't you think you had hitler be gin on a he-then ? They were married in the spring under the spreading chestnut trees. i r4iiidna Cry for Pitcher's C-tcria. ..ii U- lo be paid. Vv e ,i K.". -.n-i. well o Mali tied to teach omdit, really, to be no comparison bt tween a competent and an incoi.iipe- tMiit teacher. hi hi llitelligeni: pa- br bo'ises numbered. When some of our very delinquent subscribers will call to sc- u--. When cotton will bring ten cents When the new factory will mat'-rial- in- i iort r ri'iay ni.rhf A rooster committed suiciMe- byinTnging hiunclf between the pick ets of a fence. Th jury of in'pi-t rendered the following verdict: "We. the in rv, having sot -upon the body ot the aforesaid rfKisU'i', do Iiml inai i huii" heelt U:ca7.: of the information H.ii and thar reseevtd th it the Meth dis D'stnsdi Koul'iiince was in sehuii then a id thar. . . ? tok, imai. ( Sigueil ) Pliminuth trous know the value of the former, i. nnmbers of others will say of tlie latter, l"Ile knows euouglV to teach our chl 1.. ,..f of.oniin.f li Know that their n reo. i en. "7i - dii Idi.Mi will be taught wrong, an d that it is a harder tak- to -iiiiieai u O ie so taught than it is to teach him right at first. Iu addition to the canvass ami the incrensed pay of b aidieis alluded to.tho school svstem would be materially b-iufiHed by inaugurating a more -.triu gent ev.oiiiiiatiou of teacher foibuldin;' a-.v one v.-t of qo.- tio. Wl..i Hi., l.ni.lie will learn who the editor of the Stanly News is. When; rest is found. Where Uncle Sam's surplm is g'ftio. What damage the chinch bugs tire doing. Wh it the cotton crop promises. Win, will be I he next governor. Who will Im at governor 1'ampheflj of Ohio. Who will stop the-e .lull time. Cb'ldren Cry for Pitcher's :Castcri Old Nursery Favorite. There was Tom, the Son of the Piper, Jack Sprat, and Merry King Cole, And l ho Three Wise Men of t.fotham, W'etil to sea in a bowl; . The woman w'io rode the hroomstick, And swept the coUwelilKvl sky, And the boy sat in the corner, r.ating He: Christmas pie. 'p w... iv. re ome of the favorite?, hut they have been supplanted Jy the'Tausy" amt "Chatterbox" stones, i.iuie. imt I'aunilciov," and "Five lattler repjKT-. I lie Old fashioned pi4fsand. pliysics liavq heen supersedet, aii'l Wisely, umi, o.v Picice's Purgative Pellets, a T lndd, h-irmless and tdfeelive . &ithurtic. TI.ey are plea ar.t to take so gentle .Ir.li- in tiicir acimu mat . eate child can U1p. thf jn. yet so etTectivo that lh-y wilLcure the most olistiuate (axes , .ntipatin, stomach, liver mid l.ow. I troiibb s. They sln uhLbe in every :.ui ei v. A a gentte hnfative, only Qui lol a do-c

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