V ' 1 i ii s H -n M ' i It. 11! if Carolina Watchman. J. "L. R VM iEY. L t. JSIILLEIt, Editor and Prop. Abo Dciat a Edit 3 f. eUBriCKIPTIQX KATES. pne year in advance Ktx months -k .'I u b.j of 6 ve -blubs of ten or more ! . TERMS STRICTLY CASH. 1.25 1.00 fcjjtcred aasecqnd-clisa null at Salisbury,??, Ct TIIUliSDAY. JUIA'-23, 1891. " The AVatciiman is organ of the AiM ncein tho 5th and 7th Congressional . l)istricts. "- ', 1 I The Watchman has 50 per cent more eireulation-than any paper published in Balisbury. . ANSWEE THESE QUESTIONS. The parlizan prcs3 persist iu attack jng the measure proposed by-thc Alii unee. AVe would jike to see their an swera to the follovving questions: JIow ubout'inc! -easing the amount of circulating medium' ; to 0 per capita? Then thcrb u lha ' proposition- to de mand stringent 'laws prohibiting the dealing in futures what about it? Jlowdo vou like the lfee coinage oi silver? is this whoTeswie? "YVc demand laws prohibiting alien owner " ship of land" and usk for the reclaim- in" of all lands now held by nliensaiu foreign syndicates and that all lands not actually needed by railroad com panies bo reclaimed for actual settlers? Tlien conies the demamt that all indus ries have au equal showing by the .'nvprnnient and that the existing r- - . - heavy -UriCE tax on the necessities o life be removed: Isn't that goodV llow do you like the idea of a grad ' . dated .income tax? Would you like to have the revenues limited to the neccs sary 'expenses of the government? AVhat lo think oi the proposition for rigid,, honest, and just" state and na tional governmental control and sup r . . vision of the means of public' com intuiication and transportation, and 4"i this control and supervision does not ! "remove the abuse now existing, we de , iiiaird-Uic government ownership o such means of communication aiu 1 transportation ? And Iasthow abon the election of . Uiiitetl States senators by a direct , vole ot the people? You have directed your fire against the sub . Treasury plan all this while, now tel ui j.tst what you thinly- of the other demands. They are3thiniorii:g for ex pressioiis on.the sub-treasury and dt houncing every one who doas ' no speak, out to your liking on just t hi one demand. I$ow v;e ask that you i unbosom yourself to rtha dear peoplu 'r on these otller important issues. Your , course on the sub-Treasury will har l ,-' liiouizo only with a frank expression. ' llow about it? ' Ve undertake to gay that if they vould answer these questions at length they would shov,Jn spite ot all efforts. hat the propositions are essential. MORE HONEY. " Anjong all tl;e reasons assigned for flepressiou tho need of Imore money stands out most prominent. It is plain fli.it Coutraction is rapidly reining the country. It can't bo idleness on the part of our people, for they now make iuord grain, cotton, tobacco, etc., than . the world needs. : The voluma- 61 business transacted by tha eopW of the United States last year amounted, to (the enormous sum ' l.f 8130,000,000,000. When we live deducted all reserves in hanks and in he national treasury, and ..ether public funds, we would have but about . 00,000,OOQ iu inoney avaiiLIe for our business not more than one-half of u cent on the dollar of business traisaeted. - But we are told that the deficiency was made up by checks, drafts and cer .ficatesof various kinds. The report of the contraiier of the currency for 130 J shows that SI 23,000,000,000 was thus supplied to meet the demands of d: the busiaess of tlie country. Ami vhat was back of all those evidences of money? 'Absolutely nothing but i . ihe cbaugiiig, univhahle forms ot in dividual leoponsibility, fortijjed by only -si fraction of a cent on the dollar. i Talk ab jut iniiation! Was there ever jiiflation so euonnousuid dangerous as ihis? Wall street is always willing to ! Jiave iaflatioa i nhe can do the Jn . ihiting, and thereby rob the people of i their hard-ourued wealth. y The sub-Treasury plan is one of the j fueans suggested to change this state of dXiifs. .AVe believe it will do tho work, bat it any otber plan should prove Jwtter after iHie deliberatiou, . then it should be adopted. , CIGARETTE SMOKING. It is a great pity that the last legis- iture did m it pass' a law making it i. 4-riminal offence to manufacture oy tell igartLs. TLousauds . of boys " are ratling themselves by this dreadful ju'aet.ce. Dozens. go into the i.uane 4s)nuuis of this Si alt every veaiv L - j ' . I I jsaid Iht, the. manufacturers , jul Ihe iobaceo orl some rr nmosiljrm in paper that increases the desire to use . - i - theni. Many show it in unsteady nerves and in their countenances. We S.lW a iim mail recenuy. tin"ers were mIIow, caused by exces- km". Jt is becoming more sive iiidjiiore alarming every day. Almost everv bov smokes them in towns, and it is onlv a ouesliou of time for them to A lw.,.Atua , memo fit 1) vrec'iM iu other wavs. STAND FIEM. A. few persons all over this coimlry seem to think strange that t here should be a general uprising of the hs masses and thaflhey insist on certain ,.1i.imot.j l-.ifi(r in.'i(l3. The truth is, a t-"iiw .n .-- - . .w rso,is nro treltm ulonff alt i. iim ... i- ..i ..rt,.i ..r the strin-encv. Uut the fact lemains hat there is, need for irhangrs, nud tneVV lil SOUU IWIllV. IU iruo huyv m I , i. n u ...:n 1 i ij- . if r-i L-i-ij i years to Lt't into mis irouoie; . vears to get out. The first plans v i may be discarded, but something will rrow out of it and before long. Hknuy Wattekson, savs Hill can' not, bn nominated bv the democrats, . i....r ...I..r ami cives a iiiiiiioer oi reasons ui. But Watteron's political predictions c J have never Wen very accurate, ami it 1 I is not probal)!e that this 'one will be followed by the announced withdrawal of Hill. Mr. Wuttcrson should read what Horace Greeley wro!e of the feel- iims that influence a national conven tion in inal&ug a nomination Here it is, and it is Toll of truth and hard horse sense: ''Those who compose national conventions are generaliy least shrewd politicians. They want to secure xa - triumph if for not better reason than they hope thereby to gratify their own personal aspirations So! they consult, uud compare, and balance popularities aiuf weigh proba bilities; and at last the majority eentei up.oirihat candidate who can poll mosl votes. 1 ins may not be our noblest test of statesmanship, but it is at least intelligible." rn t , in e ' .i: I 1 HE i aiionai iieiorm iissoeianou of which Hro. Hal W. Ayer is mana- ger, sent but this week a letter, con- tairiing valuable information to tar- mers concerning the wheat crop. The plate matter is gotten ui by theAmer- icau Press Association. It is supposed H.,f iWr.v fM.-nw'wwl -lw, rrr-nn , bl- tos-s with information of the contents - , I . .l. ic.i 1... A uie itiiti aim ii u u tut ioiu iu nuiu tli-3 letter. At airy rate they have failed to send out all the letters, as it i: to 1 he interest of speculators that the facts be concealed. This is the first bit of evidence showing rascality in unexpected quarters. Truly -the peo ple must dethrone these rascals. Go for the sub-Treasury and turn the ras cals out. Ex-CoxanEssMAX Pekklns evident! h id not consulted the oilieial figures when he had that interview iu which lie represented the State of Kansas as being in a critical if not-dying condi tion. He said mouey could not be borrowed in the State, and vet returns from thirty-eight counties of the'State, recently published, .show that during the month of June nearly a half mil lion to be exact $474,G71 was bor rowed on farm mortgages, and that ilie faria mortgages paid off in in thesame period amounted to 73-1 ,3o2 It is.71i flic ul t fcrpick up 'a newspa per which does not contahi the denial of some, politician of prominence or would-be prominence of the authentic ity of a newspaper interview with him. Some people might suppose -"that this means that the average newspa per reporter is a professional liar, but it doesn't. It means in nine cases out of ten that the party interviewed has heaul fronrhi.s master all politicals have masters and that he must repu li ate what he had previously said. Tiih English 'Snob" buys the Court Jouni.il and reads ot the doings oi royality at Windsor castle with a thrill of pridp, and the American "snol' just fairly gloats over the details pub lished in all the iuet.op:Iitan newspa pers of the number of crabs caught by the President, the color and lit of his bathing suit etc., while sensible 'people wonder why some big-bramed man doesn't start an anti-snob paper in each of our large cities. Sj-natou Stewart, of Nevada, will have to join-the Farmer's Alliance in order to get into congenial political surroundings. His radical views "on the silver piestionvwhich he never loses an opportunity of 'publicly ex pressing, are getting him roundly abused in the editorial columns7 oi his party, papers, particularly i:, ihe middle and eastern States. I: The Stanly Xt as bHpeves in ghost, tariff reform, spring chickens, mumps and ulo believes that Eobiusoif Crusoe j Mill J ii coveieu .-lujr.cu. As alliance between Ihi cf - . . . . . 1 , t,gland and, the sirmy or ueunauv would make tnoc countries uie cmi t roller of Europe for a decade to come; but it bv no means follow that be- cause the Emperor of Germany has been hosp itably cntertainl by 1' er,the Q.ieen of England, grandmother such an alliunpe will be made. pent a letter to the Watchman this week for puVJicalion in answer to the Concord ! Standard's strictures on the price he aked for coming to Concord to lecture. We refused to publish it becauie Hill Nye a hlockader hiding fromjthe revenue authorities . , i V erily, strange tiung are taking nbiei! in the io!itical world when dem- ocrats of Jventucky are geLing rrutied over the prospect ot being: dele.ded by 111 II A II. II,.. . 11,11 - x jf - itM; whifb knows what ohlitical nart v tue rarniers Ainuiiee. tv i i i.- v...- - , t mi ill l. I a : win carry at me next eiequou. There is ro mueb money in London that it is impossible to dispose of it Thousands of England's popul ilion live from hand to mouth, but tt--noble- mini Iimi-o iiifr.vi r.innul ilititi ii(PV K linvv ...-. ....... 1... t .i r:t TrT -.Tn. i wnat to do with, liie ignited states " At . . is on uie same kjou.i-. Til P. political bo tk-mikers are oiler- uig-big odds against me presidential chances of Shelby M. Culloni, of Illi nois, and Isaac V. Gray,' ef Indiana. The l"IV' of their resjiective States do not in the eyes of political gamblers stand for "in ii." One democratic Senator Kerns, of West Virginia is out tlal-footed for the nomination of Cleveland, but so iar he is very lonesome. ; Mr. Cleveland isn't at -.ill popular with the senators ol his' party. It is an ill wind that blows nobody good. The bad crops' of Europe ar oil-set by Americans bi crops, ajid the farmers promise soon to become us big fiiianciailv as they liave-already be- 1'iniiP i)()litic:iilv. AK0THERk'surecure for consumption has been discovered. It is hoped that its use will not ptove as; fatal as Koch's lymph has proved to be. peopie ate 10 oe oeiieveo i i . . i ii i ii- M- U "aiiel lll IU Si lO U IU 00 ! WUl l(Hl 1 !1 Ulld I lli ri lll" lit ; 1 1 I II "I inverted into a mamiuoth penitenti ar. TlIEIlEis danger of someliddy got ting talked to death by the political educa tors this year. , ( Unrestricted immigration wiii eventually ruin America if nothing else does. P LUTOCK AT I V li U L13. Desolation Maud Poverty JMark tho I'aMuva.v of ilu Moniet Aristicraey. Iowa has mortgaged indebtedness averaging S2AXJ0,000 to every county in the Staiy. county !pays the monied aristocracyAvhich legislation has impos ed uponjbe peoj)le, an average of $1(50, 000 iiiyfnterest every yb.tr on the niorl gage lands alone. " lii addition to this eacJi county will' uvejrago as much irjore which is paid as dividends on watered railroad-stocky and other cor porate debts, Illinois, our sister State, placed $10, 000,COO of mortgages on her real estate in one year. There was 1,233 foieolos u res on 1 13,507 acres! valued at 81, 0fJ2,53G,and the foreclosures on town lots amounted to 1,0 jl 2S7. Glorious country jthis! Sharp, scheming, avarieiousy greedy cormor ants who run t lie iilitical m c 'lines' on the one hand, ami hard working, passive, doif t-eure-a-eus-onh -o-I-live works on the other. : j If the government: jean loan money to the banks it tan loan it direct to the people. If it is right to loan money to an association of individuals it is right to loan it to an individual. If the government! has to issue bonds to borrow money, how can it ever pay the bonds off in moili-v? If the government scan make money, a:id is the only poweri that can mare money, why does itUsue interest bear- j. ing obligations to get it back from the people? Ortmiiwa U'orld. 0,000,000 morl gages. 02 per cent, of business done on credit. ) , 31.000 millionaires. r00,000 tramps, j 1.200,000 idle men. 1,400 part of population own SO per cejit of all t he we.dtL 23 per cent, of wealth pays all the taxes. I Annual interests per cent. Annual profit 3 per cent. No need of any a'jiance. " Tariff ami whisky 'the only issue be for the ieopl. - j llow long, Oh, Lord, how long? There are 'b st farmers" in every farm community; men who understand t he business and attend to it properly It will pay the best xperienceil farmer to find out how theiJe men are conduct ing their work. A really gool farmer, .is a rule is gratified to be recognized as such by his neigh bcjrs and will cheer fully jive tiieui thebeiiclit of his ex pei'.eiJtt. Ch'ldrcn Cry tr rr's Qzzt "OUR WASHINGTON LETTER Contest f tr Hpcakprsljip Free Coina?c Hank Indian and Norman Trouble. Corrc?pon icnec or the WatoLman. Wasiiingtox, July 0, 1 SOL The contest for the speakership of the next llousc is ettin. Wan !;1J( llv i;,,.; Tho .op 1 conse- popular idea of the positions of tho candidates hits undergone a change, and now repre sentative Crisp is thought to have taken the lead from Mr. Mills, conse- quenily-the friends of the other candi dates have begun l0 talk of unvlhinLr to beat Crisp. M-issr.s. Mills,, Crisp and McMillin are now in this city and neither of them show the slightest disposition fo consider the li-ht won oy anyoouv. w lien iur. mills was thought to be in the lead it was at his head that all the adverse criticism was I I 1 . " i " r - ii uui ic i, now ii. is at Jir. Lrisp. jic is charged with being , a prohibitionist and also with being the lobbyist can didate, and yet the active canvass may l . t 1 liri . oe saui ur nave just - neguu. v nat ii will be a little i n no one can tell, fur ther than that it will be lively, and that it is likely fo occupy consuterauie sjiact! in Uie newspaper Hie manner in which some of Ok more prominent democrats now hen and others A'ho nave been Here 'since the meeting of the Ohio democratic convention, treat the fret coin.-1 ire plank in the platform adopted bv that convention, has brought forward the doubts which were freely exprosed while the democrats were ostensibly battling for flee coinage in the Senate last winter, as to wh-jthcr the demo-, cratic leaders were Rally in favor oi free coinage. At. that lime there were many shrewd observers v. ho expressed the belief, founded largely iij)in the previously expressed ojnuions of demo cratic Senators, 1 hat. they would r.ot have supported the ' bill if they had supposed it to have even a reasonable chance of becoming a law, and now from what has been i-aid by democrats man believe that the piank was only inserted in the Ohio pl.ilform as a bid for Farmers' Alliance votes, and in the h.ope that -ft would prevent the nomination of a third htate ticket. Such suspicions may be entirely unjust but they naturally, arise from the many tricks which i lie professional politician has in the past played upon tin; people. There is a general feeling of regret among fair-minded, broad guago peo ple that Indian Commissioner Morgan should have severed the relations which have .so long existed between the Indian bureau and the Catholic liureau of Missions bv declining to make lurUier contracts with (hat ai- reau for conducting of Indian sc! tools. i this is tne culmination of a controver sy which began with t he appoint merit of Commissioner Morgan, i.pon whose confirmation by the Senate such a haul . 1 I . 1 ! 1 1 I 1 . . . aim long ugui was mau ; ti:e eat Ik. lies' have maintained th..t Comiiiissit.jici M"organ iias coi:siantly discriminated agai nst i he:ii on account of religious prejudice, "w hile Mr. Morgan has con tended that the Catholics have thrown every possible obstacle in the way cj his mailing reforius-in ti e Indian" ser vice, lie claims that his action in it tusing to make any more contracts with the Mission bureau, the head of which is located here, will not intei fere with any of the Catholic school?, on the reservations, as lie will make contracts with those who conduct the schools. The other side could not Le obta.ned because ihe ofiicial.of the Mission bureau declined to distias the matter for publication at this time. Secretary Tracy is the only member of the cabinet in town lo-day, but Mr. Wanamaker is expected at his of! ice to-morrow. The negotiations for the arbitration of the disputed points in the Pehiin" Sea matter are not making much progress just at present, although every day or so Sir Julian I'auncefote, the Ihiiish Minister, goes down to tlif tate deji iitmeut and ha a conference with the Assistant b'-'cretai v oi State, Moore, wlio is in charge during Mr. I Maine's abs'iiee. The facts of the matter arc that both sides are awaiting the report of the commission which has been sent to the Leal 'Islands for the purpose of making a thorough in vestigation. Uoth countries have ap pointed a commission, and although the- are both on the same errand thev will walk entirely independent of each other, -each commission mailing its re port to its own government. When these reports are submitted, if they agree ai to the condition of things it will be plain sailing to arrange the de tails of the proposed arbitration; but should they dis.tgr.ee there will be a very troublesome hitch, which may in the end upset everything. -I A bullet in issued by the Census of fice gives t he product ion of gold and silver in the United .States for the cal endar year as, gold 1,D0,SG ounces, and snver ul,3l,Sol ounces, that h-ing. about 23 per cent, of the worlu s entire production of gold and 41 per cent of silver. j Secretary Foster will go this week to see Mr. Harrison, but nobody seeis able to say aut horitively whether it is a social or an official visit. It is prob ably a combination of both. A great many people who belong to the extreme partisan class are con stantly'proclaiming the profitableness of agriculture. If a farmer don't make money and enters a complaint about it they say it is his own fault and thar if he would only give his farming oper ations the same eare and attention that a business man does his he would Lave no reason to complain. A good, way for these people to test this irkatter would be for thein to buy a farm and try the thing for themselves. AIm u two ears of iulin life be irxf oi , the pudding to them ri'T THIS IX YOUK PIPE. Plain Tacts and Sharp, Tithy Saying frora laf.ma lpors. The California b inkers are getting some sense into their lieads. At the Los Angles bankers' convention they even discussed a resolution that con tained this proposition: uThe founding the issue of iho eurrenev nnnn ihe wealth of the whole nation. Sentinel. LverV sign points with an un moving hnger to 1802 as a year destined to furnish the coming historian with po litical innovations that mark the downfall of plutocracy aed the begin- ingot the reign of the people. Close up the ranks. Farmers, fait into -line! I acihu Union Alliance. The plan of the government issuing money at a low rate of interest upon landed security direct to the people.the same as it is now loaned to t he national bank's with their, bonds for security, has rapidly grown m favor and has leen approved by the various industrial or ganiz itous, after a full, fair and free discussion. K a n sas b a r m c r . Syndicates are being formed to buy up the foreclosed -farm mortgages iu Kansas, in order thafcthe farms nury be :ented out to tenants. This is a trans planting of European landlordism to oar own bel tvenrlaiid. E.iglwi caita ;s being poured into the busim-ss. Isn't it about time to shut out alien owner slrip of land in this country? Why are the enemies of the farmers alliance turning all their guns on th a! nance sub-tresury plan? Eicause it will save American working people about yi,(K)0,( 100,000 a year in the way of interest. The laloiiig class pay i. -terest on 20,t;00,0p0,0( K a ear at an average of S cent;,; this amounts to 81,000,000,000 animally, while the in terest on the same at 2 per cent., is 0100,000.000.; tve the point! 'Every dollar ot this goes into the pockets of Shylocks, ami their henchnieu are squalling '"uneonstitutionall" at the ul-lreaurv, but are as obedier.t as dogs and as. imiie as mice w hen a 2,000,000 syndicate v.aiilsto borrow mom V out of tiie United States treasury. Southern Mercury. Cath? The farmers of Ohio bave lost 35, 000,000 during the last ten years on their wheat crop alone on account of tho demoisit iat ion of silver. Is it strange that tiny are determined to "Ingallize" dub n Sherman thu arch traitor to their in! crests? The alliance is making a grand Since Feb. 1,140 new sweep in Texas. sub-.diiaiices have been organized. Six hundred and five alliances have been renewed and recharteivd and four new count ies have been added to the list since April. Every officer in every depariiuent and the ofiicial organ are in thorough accord and hanm-ny, and every one is doing everything p;sibb to make tin; T-xas ;1 iaiue th. grandest, one in the Union. MM. 1 i I . il l. lie I. II I'lt 1 Wi lli'... Ell IT I11i.IW.t in vest ( ..it- . ii. iti. - ....i... I H'lb llltilM ii ri-1 . i ! ! 1 1 1-1 ! i .ii ron if 1.... M of giiciii. anal I -. 1 1 ,t i . i l 1 1 iir !;iid otit per (flit, in len years. wniie monev loaned oat on Pond and , ; i. mortgages lias paid 7 per cent. No wonder the moiic -lenders oppose the ubtreasurv.' We may 'exact every m ney-h nder and b iuker to oppose the sub-treasury plan. The only universally profitable busiues.s in tlu United States tp-dav is money-lending. In the p st tvvenfy siVc years they have legislated the value out of the iroductive industries of the laud ami into the idle bond. The farm that was worth ten thou sand dollars. t weiity years ago is only worth seven' thousand dollars or less now. Tho untaxed, ten thousand dollar interest-bearing bond of twenty years ago is now worth twelve thou sand nine hundred dollars. "How are the mighty fallen." After your Uncle Josiah meets Hon. Hen Terrell he won't feel quite so bi but he will know a heap more. - Seattle (Wash) is Maid to-have 2,000 idle laborers standing arouul the streets with no prospect of work. It would be inteit-slaig to know how many of ti lose- poor 1.. lows carried a kerosene, the last campaign to light. torch dui ing them o: to victory for "protectn n"' or 'j'rec-lraue. 'ihev semi now to nave secured ncitlier one or the ot h le oilier nothing to protect them from trado With hunger and nothing to anybody. fkoji ti:x s Crop Ilcports Shootim Affrays A 111 aaco 'cws. The wcat crop averaged 22 bushels per acre; oata 40 busliels per acre; corn is Vol look'cjg very wery well, owing to the ill. ulh; cotton looks tine. ' A shooting affray occurred near Cob mail Cty yesterday between lii II Au 'drews and jJavid Taylor, i ti which both parties were seriously but not fatally iiijuicl. Tho cause of the affair was an oid ti cJ existing elweeu them. Taylor went to the lot where Andrews was cur rying some horses, lie began insulting ma. wiin violent in reals, and linally drc w bis knife and began to move on An udjs. And rows ordered him to stop but he would not. M'hen Andrews drew his p stol and began firing on Taylor. Tay-ia- relumed thu fire and shot Andrews t avouch tho arm. Taylor was shot iu ihe breast. Andrews had several Ugly :nife wounds. Both parties cameto town a:id surrendered. Anotheriihooting atluir occurred a few days ago.; Jlr. CJIass was milking his cows when his wile and two hired men slipped up behind him nud killed him instantly, j The men were hired to do the killing. Hiswiie had tried to hire sev eral olheii hut had always failed. Glass' wife refused to let tho coroncrV jury oring nmviiiio tne nouse. Jig lay in the cow pcu an ii"m;rus blood was licked bv the dogs, j Bulh men are in jail and live woman h;ts given bail for the appearance m court. ; The Aliancc is booming out here. am not u iuember but still ain in full yui- patiiy wiljlMicr aims ami purposes. Scccvs-; to tLc Watchman. A Clkvklanu Dov. , ColcmaVi'ty. T.::-, Ju!v I'J. KLUTTZ&CO. Failj 10-Ciit Diankn Kiitore Unequalled for the Curoof Dysontery, Diarrhea, Chol era Morbus, Summer Com plaint, Pains in the Stomach and Bowel 3, &c. Rospectfully, T.F.KUITTZ&'W. Look at This! AVe are iov rccpiviog t lie largest aiuT lest assorted stock we have ever carried. liead a few of our prices1: Pant goods, 10c. per yard rog;aii Shoes, 1 .00. - lress Cioous lrom Sc. to 00 per yard. Men's Shoes from So.OO it $P2.ro. A full line of men's anil hovs Hats. The cheapest line of (Jroc-eries in. Salisbury. Ifvouxvish to save liionev. d ) not biiv until vou ret our nces. We mean husincss. D. IL JilLlAr! & CO. THE KORTII CAROLINA College oi Agriculture will lcjfin its tlijr.l sessifi!i o;i Sepu-mbcr Ihl. wltli iuci-cjisc'l facilities ami Aiiiiiaiu-nts in every (Icpariiiieiit. The past ?ucce-sfiil year has given ffirtlicr evi.lencc of U jsractica! :ilue, and itd yijiin men arc ulreaily in de mand fur resio(ihle positions. Total vi $100.00. Kavh County Suj K-riiitciuh nt of Kdncation will examine a;licaiitd' for admis sion. Tor catalogues, inldrcss, ALEX. Q. IIOLLADA.Y, Psidont, liALKKJH, s. e. eehaiiic Arts It " L Wc arc closing out the remainder of our Summer Clothing and StrarII;tts at cost. Wc do this in order to make room for oir Mammoth Fall and Winter -i I Come and sec us and you avill get a baiu;aix. Wb have just received a niecline of mens and boys' Pants, dark shades at rill prices. Also a new fissortmcnt of shirts of all kinds at low pripes. j Wc still keep a full line of collars, "cufls; trunks,) valises, etc. We solicit your patronage. Yours anxious to please, - ' ' ' Ho&JL.WRta-HT- Walter A. Wood's Reapers and Mowers a. ihe best on the market. They have been fully tested here and have given satisfaction in every trial. They are durable and simple. Can refer; you to any farmer who has used them. Call and sec mc bcfoic you buy; examine nia- oniues arm near mv nnccs and terms. I ar also agbnt for High Grade -Fertilizers. C. T. BERNHARDT. 3 1 W, H, & R, S, TUCKER & CO. Spring, 1891. . von 10 ,V li ti Y hi m N Wc arc now Khowlnjr ft mnenlilpf nl linonrit nooclsfor early -srnir. cu!bnM:itiv tlic'v-i- m v.i st ri ilrtaml stilpes;t:amcl's Hair, chc: lots' lu r' i ti tsis, sorjjre, etc , etc. ' ' ' . Tills promises to Do tno most ryorable soasonfor " ULACK LACES pver known, and wc umr liavc In. stock, a Hdc o ror volume aafk b;auty or design, cxcell our t rroriH any previous y;ir. t)f White tioods, EmbroMcrles and Ijicrs our dlsplny ih by f;ir Hio-yreatt sr wc have ever laiu'di A nil cver wuerc in t m nousc- in alt oi our u (j0. paitmcnts. lay now be scon m?w" ponds, intnrhl low for cash, and offered to the people (t f.rth Carolina at as low prices as any house in the traflf MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT, We have made this Mall Order LuslneRSi n sneij study, with the ultimate otjovt in vlew-or peril A. In? t lie svstem Kothat lt will afford to tiiofer. h reside In the inoht remote parts or our statr convenience of shopping In the best-Pry Unotfji m.irkci In North CurnUna. The business drmo t hrough this channel has steadily increased iiTirit.e the sMson Just closed, showing a greater i it i,i. tkinate Increase than any former season, an.i P will use every effort In our power to make ; ir tj ,. w'hlch we are now entering even a greater suotss than the oac Jiiot closed. . SAMPLES. We cheerfully send samples; and would iiko fft Impress upon our patrnns the Imixntar.ic. vu, n writing f-r s.unp'es, 10 l e aa explic it as .siijh . ,a that we can saHl them suitable sfinipli s iii. j of a lot which may be entirelj dirfercni lrca v.Lai they want. v - . CATALOGUE.- our prhi; raiabK'iie will be ready April hi. nr.tl will be m.dUd In e upiiiuilH!ll;Uioii. goods DELtVEi:n riM:i:. (KxT-cpt Kurnit4Jie and 'rockcrv y t tn all t- iiili orders of S'.oo aixl over, we' will io. IP. r phis live to ueaiebt Expn a i.fllce or ua road sialion. W. If It. S. TUCKEU oc Co. S8:r.m -l?aleii;h. N r. IMcasnncntlon the watciiman wl;cn jtu un:. . Fire in the West Ward. I wish to call the attention of my liiemls to the fact that I have detcr inincd to eonsoi'ule.te my huKiiiess at one point. Therefore I have elo.sedaay t jwn stoic antl atn luing business en tirely at the store on South Main n!ru t near the i'alishtiry Cotton Mills. .h ie I have a fall line of Iry Goods, Xotiwis, Slioe.-, Groceu'es and lr&ijsions. Cuiin try produce a specialty. 'I want .an un limited number of chickens anil eggs-'at all time, for which I will pay the higifot price. Mr. A. A. Huitnuin is with mo and will bejh a:;ed to wait on his fren!s. llespeetlully, A J. W. UKoWN. DISlUTiOlTlTOTICE. " Ee it -know n that by mutual eoithcnt we, W. 11. Irrisiu r it Eio , JewtToir, Sal isbury, C, have this lSlhday of May, 18Ul,disslved pai tnership, and lieieliy make jutblie announcement of the imie, and give nelice to all persons indehted to us that all accounts due must le svi lleil by July bth, lS'Jl, after wlljeli dalo all due ami ttiq-aid lueouets wilt be left w ilh our attovi:( - for' collection. Vei v truly, . i W.fjf. 1IKISNKK, CJI AS. F. JiElSJN Eli. X. 15. Tfie-Jewrlry business' will bo eoiidiieted by uie :ti ti'- old .staii of the above firia, :nd. 1 hcavby assume all lebts and obligi linns of the. linn of V. i. lteisner it Ero., aiul wish to stale that I propose to do a strictly cash lupines-; and give tny cu.Vio!:kt 1kt. f it of the lnwa -t market ju ice on all goods. All wjorl; i under my own personal supervision and I will try to even bi tter, if that be po.-v-i-ble, tlie high standard "and reputation our work has at tained. My objoet i-; to please, and 1 w ill' spare no dibi t to-lor. ward that end. Thanking you for past favors and asking a continuance ol tliw same, I am, . Very-truly your. W. IE KELSNEIi. - ITU-JZ-JST 17 33 ID - Two energelic yma'g men or ladies. Salary S7T. !(. lnoiilii. Send stami) fur ref.lv. w. ,--- , , V.. 1). K()l:iNSN. 1 1 1; F.iyett.'vUIe St. Il.ib-ig'i,. N. :.. AT- COST ! mill AND , it

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