t. i- - 1 I . i ,1 - -i f if 1 5 C 3 4. 1 1 ,. - ; - h i r tj p. i 11 H MU tuilMM II ! " I I' Carolina - ; y T I Watenman llitcr ium! Prop ilGsocip-tc Editor ,Onc yearly mlvanco hiX lnontus I Club.! of live f Clubs of te:i or more- I -TEIIMCS STIUCTL' C-VSI. 1.25 UH ' Kutor.Hi a98.aa-ciidd man in. Salisbury. ?c. J j - - - - - I ... . , r ,i ,, K.Yi I The Watci!MA-i.i orpin of the Aii-1 - . . .. i -.4. ..,.-rwiwit! 11 ". T" I fincc ni iat? tjlii aiu n" v. Districts: - - ' I TheAVAirif mas has M per cent more clrealatiou than any paper published hi Salisbury. J :; here iioiiin:o. leuiiy the -Stirs and fXcycrr got .... l.,ti-f:f nil!;is-h about (iovrnor Holt 1k. slelt atectea a m'gio in the :;t of sieaih) a fi:::imrr from the v!iioh he w is ri ling while the 'li-'M .o;eel :;t Ox for J. T! se th'ctnre 4ho Xnr?: end tjj.-xrccr for .carting suclr stufl :irou:al. ',- iv" w KI-; uoiu;!!'' u sa. ; ua r:nn;tnl:f (TliOr til 'A l 4 IV it! Lit kiJ I intention of cnici:'.i!ii hi-in that w e refer i to-it at all. But this little, petty way of pn!;:: alleged t;itesiiwn should not be -tol.Tated. Tins has had mo.e Norttr Carolina .1,' :ma' ir: ,er ic'eliev. i. uis is . mm : . :. ...I.icv tn Loom, f..., for C ect Oil or r , x-.... "ti :. 4 i.! .....f )x--e ecliou. .V)w .vms. mmon-i cw.-i :proo.ioiy two ceius. ,v o ,-v ui '-o"" or would have been more apt to i . 1 . : t I. ..4 ....r .4 . detect a negro iu tlie act of stealing it t hau C vvriior Holt or any other jnau. Soitis.no evidence that the 4,ov'ruor i.- watelrfui of the people's 'interesCs. The truth is, Governor Holt beh)ngs to the plaid trust, the biiest t.ast in existence iu the Stith at this ti'me iio ou see it is unjust t accue him of being "watchful of tlie .interests of the people' hut this is the old-way to measurer Li-.tmni. . 1.1H1 (' .i-MiitiM Smic . . . . . y of the biL'u'e.st trauds in the State have j Wo in the -ovh-im.s cha r, in the 7 -4 14 4 1 . .... , r;j rated States Sejiate and Congress, to i, . .. . .... ,,,, . I 4 1. ....... 1- . . 41. .- ... . rli........44 bay no 1.;..,. ,,f 1 1 1 i i I t ? i. vJ lung ot other 01m.es. lliey ot there ,y petty- newspaper - blowing. blowing iienatt)r Itaiisfau was never known tolKansau. j.ay n debt, but lie a..t trade around and get:a few apiuopnatiotis for this -S.tnte. 'Vet this man wlm won't pay I.'... I. .V. ,. la ,,-.1 H ,f,m ,,,,,'t 1, i ,,111 1 Ji most,- v a- -re-elected and sonie cranks win) uon L pay theirTowu debts pro- . , ' . n ,1 ul 1 j,oseu time u.e Fop.e 01 me raise money to pay Junsoms debts. ihio is. wily a brief hint, but the OloU can form au idea of what it has taken Jiei'etofore to be a statesman un North Carolina. Uut thank God such non sense lias been relegated to tlie rear and a brighter day is dawning. HI3 OLOPwIOUS COUNTRY. We hear but little abouti this '"ltIo .rious country' low since the Alliance lias made it daiu that our national government is rotten to the core. Now and then some wit rises to men tion the "billion, dollar Congress" in t: joking way. hut this is no finny niatter it is ii seiious thing,1 but is only one. mort kuile in the hands "of justice :" that will engage in the work of cutting off the oiliciil heads., of the men in b )th juditical parties w ho a!h)wed tie jippmpi iations to pass. A billion dollar Congress is a catch 'plirrtse which "may. be flippantly lUiJuthed, but how few of us lvali vluit it means. We lire now ap- ; ju-oaching the end of the nineteenth i:entury, et a billion dollars is more titan COO' for every- hour of. nineteen liiHidred year. The Fourth of July wis. the 11-o'h an ni versa-r.y of th.e ..declaration of Aiuerican iuvlependence, yet these apprupnations iimouut to iver for e-v.-iy secoud ot that j eriod. -r-V-TajyUig it another way it is over CdG for every man, woman" and - child iu the United States. Truly,! t his" is an Enormous tax. Yet it is only the burden of. the national govern-' luent. Add ti) it tin; State, county, iuuiiicijrij, scliool and tlie various sjec'ud taxes and the great interest harden, or tax1 for tlie use of currency t make the necessary exchanges, and vewill-.sce-.th'at American" labor is the liio&t p.-o.lujtive 0-1 any iu tiro world. Jiufc the'qilietion still rei::aiiis, can we afford these Jieavy taj.es? Some one "lias written, "It is the jace that kills.' Would it not be Wttcr to kesen the hurJens, and thus enable, the American orker-Tto slacken the jace. : . Who. A, Lea z Ail, lecturer for the seventh, congressional district, legan his lecturing tour at Gay's Chapel, Iredell county, last Tuesday. We hope he will l.a.e largi crowds 'everywhere, for hi is au l-iite'rtaining speaker and Lnows plenty of faeU and Sigurc. lie -yv'ill Le ii liowiin soon. Almost every day for a week or diures re ivmtrtid- ul. o the-: government is drawing biui:s to pay olr.. the irauuuicm, peti ... . i. i i i. ....... tion chiims. Truly this is u urout. gov- - .. . flkjt it eminent of ours, hetorm L 'ia?.nrui . . . Ti:-: Tillman-Terrell discussion rd Spartanburg last Friday amounted todjHVKentative Crist), in r.i:ikiii his can nothing for the anti-Alliance people. Tillman juimittetl that ho. was nut p.isted on national iinaneial matteis fc WS a complete wulk-over for Ilro. Tiirsul 1 . - , I J.I11.H.I until "i" " .....j . - e . T. of vl nv t.r .in in nnw jr. is seliinirat Titltv .ifo iuhinr ivna ce Ilo' i"" ' - , .r ci-nU and still L'Oin" lower. A ill Lome sleek congressman whose salary never fluctuates please explain w hy this Lreat decline and how to prevent it? ItoWAN county men distinguishes tliemselvr.s in the late war. They aaiu exliihited f.rit in einlorsein the Ocala p!;dfor:n unanimously last Sat indav. Hurrah for the Dutch ! Soiiii Carolina adopted tlie sub Treasury )lauk by itseif and the Ocahi platform in full at the State mtetiuu at Spartanburg last week. iae vote vas unanimous.- 51iXKLi:x!;i;::i farmers mean busi ness. They uYelared their indi-pen- j!r::n: m 177o. List week they de- ciared they were "in-' to have an Al liauee paper tUi.. 1 UUV 5JU,a- iu a i.uv. auu v- thusiastie audience at lvums Llousi- . ... L .11 1 lt4SL J. 41.14.1 Usl V . Ik J-1 im Ull.il - 'ft'lv , 000. people were present I'lain IV.ets t:a;l Sliarjiy lMtliy ayia.v; 13:rdh'y has been seat to the j-.cn i itiar.y lor 15 .year., but Deacon Wanamaker is still doiuir business at the. old stand. Every man who is defending the cause of tuir down trodden farmers must expect to receive a baptism ot slander and the abus(! troin the par- 1 : . . f 1 1 . 11 : . usau Mess, auu enemies 01 ine .vuiaiue. 15 .i .. I w 1 i-ll 1 " auamaKcr is sti:i runuiu- nis- Sunday school, and swearing like a . H . 4. u. 11 v 1 4. i. L.., f i.; ...:..i ...i i,..i.i MI.UU LII.4L IIV I I I 1 1 U I IV? II Uf,, n tjlc wrecked Keystone bank -'Kverv man i a slave who bears the l)tirden of debt," savs air exchange Then the great majority ot the peoph 111 l"u country are country is litterally covered with debt. i ,,,4,vi- . .L .. , , , . i he capitalists and not the -votm !UiiSSC3 ot the United States make tin 1 1110;4t of tmr Isiws, ml "tli'is representa- tives and salaried agents in high, and Lw ohicial places adnimister our gov em men t. Mouitor V.-- Oh no! neither the American or the Appeal-Avalanche dared to accept our jiroposition to discuss the sub-treasury plan, and why? Simply Localise they d.n't want the public to uud -?r- taod ' that proposition. Weekh I'oilv''- The" old 'hayseeds'' are "busy with tneir four-lineu forks, stirring up tin cesspools of political corruption and since they have begun t he job they won der how in the worTirTney could havt Oeeu so shiftless as to let th jiolitica! b rnyard become so hltliy. Monitor. Liberty is in danger.' America's in stitutions h;m; no more to fear from th; seven thousand millionaires, v; father the- system which has made niilloiiaireism possible, then they would have from seven thousand reckless dynamiters each with a million oun l ot uvjiamtte. -jlouitor Gar Alabama congress.inan is cred ited with the ownership of sections ot land in the great Tan-handle ot Texas while' hundred, nay thousands, ot Alabama larmersoire too poor to avai themselves of a free gift of 10.) acre.- iu" laud I'V the goVtrnnient as a home stead, because they are uua.de to de vote one year to improx 'nients an. iiave not means for it year's .sustenance ior their families. It is a well known fact that tlie con- t rolling influence in our government to-day the power behind the throne .1. . 1. I- -. r 1 p 1 ue 1 101 1 1 1 . 1 a 1 1 1 ioice oaciv ot our na fa n-J legislature, is Wall street, or the ... t 1 : 1 t 1 mo.iev powei, 01 ine counilV. Ami tli-e-gretit bulk of our legislation, es'.e cially that part which involves finance and commerce, is .shapetl directly, and often, without the semblance of an apology, by the 'money Lings. National Economist. Tin? same class of politic. ians who iy k'the sdliancemen are repudiators,M are ot the same pattern as thotre who said, "we will not- h ive this man to reign and rule over u-L" They called V,-l,s nu poster, anu the saim jvo- !e are tor repudaiti)ii,w hich is anoint biank lie. The people will pay every dollar -t hey owe, but they will pav it in money that is a legal tender for all debts, privide. 5o Exception clau.se in it. People's; Leader. Are you an allianceman ? Do you "subscribe to the principles of the order ? If nd, then why are yuu an alliaitce mau? If ou rrain" with the other fellows why do you impt)se ourself on the order? Some goid brethren have not accepted the sni-Tre.surv plan heci'iisetliey are honestly studying its results. These hrelheieii should attend every meeting of their lodge and j-eek iufonuation on both sides. j When they have fully d.reided to opeiily eld OUR WASHINGTON LETTER! The' SpiT.horsliii Tiio ,Uli;:nco Clrca l.r tix-Uoveniar (Iicney f.r Sccrclarvot War Otllcr Mews. frorrcsponiicacc lac Vu:clniian . Washington, July 27, 1 13 vass for the Speti;ernUip of the . House lias managed to arouse the enmity of a number' of more or less inimienti-d men in his party, although friendship for some of the other candidal e.f has prol ably hsid more to do with the en suit of these gentlemen than anything that Mr. Crisp has actually done ; that is to sav as far as your eohvspondcnt knows, lie is charge! by t hose opposed ed to his candidacy with having duiu ni.inv thinL's. not the least 04 which are what thev claim are his promise. of chairmanships of committees m ( places on the most prominent e.ommit- Jei's m exchange ior pru: nines ot voe for himself for Speaker. This promiingif eommi:t(e places and chairmanships is doubtless a very reprehensible practice, but';t would bi oerieetlv sale. to say trnit evci v one ot the prominent candidates have mad similar promises, and it is.ieertaiu that no Sneaker of eittu-r otrtv has evei been elected without having done pr eisely the same thing, i Giving Mr. Crisp sill that his most .sanguine friend claim for him, he is still; considerably short of enough votes pledged to con trol Uie democratic caucji. Another chaige, ami a far more serious oae, : matle a 'aiust him, and if can nroveu it alone will defeat him. That i , that he is the .candidate of the lob byists. Th.' democrat wjio matle this chiirge .says that he will-prove it at the proper. time if it is necessary to defeat Crisp. That is all that I know about it. j J udge Crisp has always been re garded as an honorable di an, and any thing connecting him with lobbyists would certainly create much surprise lcre, and the evidence will have to be of the most-indisputable kind in ordei o obtain ciedence in Washington. Mr. 11. W. Ayer, in charge of the 'ifmers Alliance bureau of iniorma- tmii here, says tiie circular which is k ing setit to the fariuers does not contain either advice or; suggest ion, as the farmers are entirely; cap ible of do- ng their own tainkmg 'lne busiues- of ;the bureau is to lay; the facts be- fojv the farmers, suid- that's what this 1 - , circular noes coiicernni'' the cereal crop of the world this year, and the can act 0:1 the-information by holding back their crops if they see lit, and it tliey can hold back half or even a thini of the crop thev will doubtless rroti; large!) by securing better prices. Mr 1 . V V l nk C9 i L JO Ollll U 1 1 1' I ,l.U I' M.I L ' ' charge Unit the bureau is i rviug to or gan:.? a wheat trust,; ami that it. i simply trying to give ie f. !::u;r ; to "e ts pwinier 1 hat win eiiaou j 'W 1 1 1 l L l I IKtl (! il'i'Ui oetter iirieis for lr.s wheat. : A story that ngs to t ni taut if true" chas ls in ci 1 c uiai 10, here. It savs that '.vhen Sc.: ret a r it 1 1 .1 . 1 . t rocior oecomcs re:sai::r ijiaruu successor, ex-Gov. Cheney ot el .ii i,t U to becoino Secretary of War. This story was discredited at first because i; was thought that .Mr. Ihuvison would, if Secretary Proctor becomes Senator, take advantage of the opportunity ot 'strengthening his party'iu the north west by selecting a man i.o.n that sec tion for Secretary of War, but it : p jpeaio that Sen:. tor Chandler ami other ;Xew Eu'danders who are relied upon to send Harrison delegates to tlie na tional convention have served notice that Secretary Proctor must be suc ceeded by a New England man .and Mr. Harrison's predilection for Gov. Chellt-y has cau..d him to lie selected. fhe source front which the story ema nated is one that h friendly to Mr Harrison, sind hrr that re.1s.0n it had. many bei.evers. There are signs of great activih among the friends of Secretary l'daine and there are reasou- for btdieving that 1 tU!t:t orgsitu.ed MloVetUtUit is to he still ted having for ii o'ij'-ct tlie dec tioii of delegates to t ho Kepn 'b! (-an natioilal eOlielltiou who v;!i go there pledged to nominate i!ai:ie wi:et!;er lie consents or not. It uiii not L strange it .;r. a. Liar l'esiia ui of tise Ucpubican League ui Oiioufd be put i orward by this Ciuhs. hh e- ineut sis a .Laine. running 'male or M ir Sfci etary i raev award. d t! ie contract for buildiijg cruiser hi to the William Crauiji iC Sons Ship and hit uiiu? building compuuv (d' 1'hii.u!. !jiZ":i;i. The pric ' agreed upon is ill iY.), ),(.()( , whieli whs the price sulnnitted by the hath iron works of 1 i 1 1 . The sec retary says the contract was given the Cramps because of: their .vipenor facil ities for building Hie vessel.-, which la estimates will save at least a year's time. When completed the vessel is to make r.ot less than twenty cue knots, per hour, which' will make her one of the speediest vessi ls in the world. A delegation from Mobile. Ala., is trying to get t lie postotiice department to include that city in the ports to be used by the subsidized lines of mail steamers, but it ii not probable that it wl 1 1 Micceed, in fact there seems to bi a serious doubt as to whether auv America!! ship owners, aside frem sev eral established lines, will d.nv to put' in bats under Jlri i anamakers adver iisement. In order to inform polities. we mut put reform uicujjiii the lead with tv ti.ir.i polities. Any other attempt will prove a failure in spite of all touching or educating that- can be done. Is this t;il k about asnb.'idizd press true? It has b'ifen testified that o;;e Tex.i.saper iecj?ves 12,000 pi-r ai i;um ) lrom din' raiiio;fi loiu ciuo iroui ai.li.vnc:: m:vs. ; . 1 Lato I utters f latoresl i'ortaintu to Why not all - he tun fanning for a vhile? It lias been run down long 1 r . 1 . t I . I. enouLrn. L.ct us turn oil me curoiwc nnnblers who have had Kich a g!c- r ous fea-.t tor the past fifteen year. I'hero is no sense m running down tut b.st business on earth. Now is good time to talk up farming and keep talk ing it up until wo make it easy for -ti farmer to borrow, money at a reason able rale. Mr. Polk takes a.-mora sober view th in anv; We nave seen trum nun nm. mere iu accord with what the Demo crats are (i-'hti.ug for. lie is reporte in the Washington Star as saying th; t the iss.-ue is not the tariff, free coins ge of stiver nor the sub-Tixuury bill The issue is re tor m of our entire tinan cial system. Neither the issuance oi more money nor the collection of les taxes wilt s.lone d1) the people any guod lne entire tinaiicial m stent of tnegOv erunient must be changed before any thiu!' ebe 1 hat may be-done; can cor rect, the existing cv l. The '.-ivern ;nent a ; money t national banks. It is is.-n-d to then not for the banks to do as ihey pleas with it; they cannot deal in real estate , 1 Til in hve stock". !ii uit-rciiaiait.se: i!hm cannot engage in mauuTavturi'.-g, rail roaili;;'' (,r :;nv eiiternnse. i".e mone is issued to t hm to loan, t j loan t the jeople. Th.e Links ioau agents and the .government 1 purdaliy loauiiig money to the jieo- ple. ih(! loans are at 1 per cent, jdu commissions of the agents ( the banks) The commissioner is too high, l;eiu from b to 11 per cent.jier auumu,Mju;u to "Jo to bb per cent. Now tlie propo sition is to ui-pense with these costlv loan agents. If the government inaugurated In the Alliance is right, and we believe it i, none should be 'more ready to g.vt it their sanction than our mer- .Jul 'it-' ' 1 t.l ! .1 .tf )i i ne ia 1 . I f L that to the anything that wi! 1 ebouml ;d o( our farmers will be of go d t - them also. If the sub treasury idea will, a a means for which it is intended, get mo;v money in cir culation in th.' country, no one will feel the goo;! arising from it more per ceptibly than flu; merchant. And it it (di'ered by the Allhti.ee a a way to get more money into circulation, and at a low rate of int--rest which the producer can stand. It the Alliance is the mentis of getting ?.": per capita in cir culation there v, ill bo more to siiend and more floods wall be bought. No one will juestim this statement. Tin 1. would not the merchant prolit by it ; He mest certainly would and we be- iieve th.tt ui a nt.-jority tht' cases .he fiti'niei s and t hav.- llu-gotu. v 1 II ol la. til. a ia their endeav- :s : 1 . L v)JlllUel elai. j ; s a nee ;jals s itle Vu;:i:;;:s it !;. ith picas -d Alinigh! to rcui'.V4 lV;;a oar lai la ly ileal t. l)r. Joim A. Aihsoii, a nsei'nl and honor able member of society, a kin I and .-y 111 pathetie iiMgiilji , a ehi istain gi'iit leinan, and an aet i ve and fait iiliti member 01 our orde, iheii tore he it 7. iiil,-i That while wesensibly realia 4i!l implore our loa, it trustintliai it is his e ernal gain, wo bov diwn in humble .submits. on to I'tia will i liuilo.U all things well. 2 1, We exteial otir h.eart felt sympathy to the bereaved family ia their gii-t ahbetiou. l, That a copy of these resolutions I e scat to the r.m.ly of I hi- deceased, a coj y to the Watchman f. r pub!. cation, jim. iliat the.-o re.-solutions be spieal upon ihc minute-. A. 1'. Kiti.i:ii, J Mna.KiSox, ;.t'..ia. J. F. AhMt iiiri). ' Si.ntlaj f-cluiid Ci.ii Teat ini Ot Atwel'l towus'sip, llowan county, wi 1 b held at ( )..k Jrove M. E. church 0.1 the -t!i !! August this year. "T.,c Sunday Si-ieul U a mean - of piojagat.ng ( '!irisiLaaity,.'T will by di.eu.-i:l .is fol lows: 11, ""VVIi.tt I be taugh; ihei'-iir.'" by Lev. II. W. Lays, 1. D.; "ilow houu! X i; se truths be i.ieui eate.l.'" ! Lev. C M. Payne, i). .; "W110 slioaid ti-aeh ia the Miuday sebool of ll.e e!ei ; eir.-'" 'lite adiht-n ! Wi'l eotnr, by Mi. Fan n :e li. ice. Singing by t ! 14- dii!e. iit .M-liools. Marshal- wiii be ap.pointel to y.u serve order. .i:mI eer oi!e v, i!t ie .-how n whele to lint- h 4 U 'rv -r va'"U and win.-re to pu; ins hors The dinner baskets ol l'iij-e who iisci'e tnis irder wid be earefuiiy-lookcil afU;. liisoruiTty per-j-oe.s iua exj'i-t t in tind i iieins'l v s in liie haiiils oi" the law. Kvcry tod- is in vited. J. J. C'ociiiiAN, v. r. Cr.ind Allimieo Ilally. I will address the Allianeu and the puluie generally, at the following ihites .iiid 5'ace.: Cleveland. August 4th. Fair grounds, Salisbury, Auu.-t old. ibu-kwell. August Uih. Fink and Yost's Mill, August 7lh. Miranda, Auixu.-t Sth. Kvi-rybody is invited. The speaking is public and at 11 o'clock a. m. An Alliance Imeetin in the afternoon. A. Li-;azau, Di:t. Lec-t. rft fm r.0YAL.r-r-. Xi r ri f r; jpn ra-A STATION i:VS. teiiito IioUed Daw h t.i Sav Spaeth From ?Iiiia tains to Scishcre. Winston is to have a free mail delivery system, to go in etlVctsoon. Johu Williams was acquitted for horse teulin ' last week on a trial at Laurens u. ir. Vinstoll was beaten in the fcccond Same of base Imll as ti to 7, by the tfjiUt taiiburg 003 s. J. A.liankin, of. Mill Hill, Cabarrus county, put up seventy-live loads ol elovcr buy. Dr. Henry V. Wilson wsts elected to 111 the chair of liolurv in the State Uxii- yersity last Monday. iii-rresidcnt Andrew Jilnson's only uryivmx lrraiulauLchter died in Colo rado a lew tlajs ao. A re rro was murdered iu cold bloo unl then thrown on the railroad truck ia Ourham last week. Editor Cook is in bad health. It i.- rcportetl that he will go to .Missouri to -ousult a famous 1); D. Chas. Eigan Mills, of New York, wa.- iTHi. te t eomuiiisisioner of deed for .North v.aro;in.i by Uov. Holt. . One township in Cabarrus county has polls registered against the women aiu aien ninety-five years ot age. Mr. V. II. J. Good wise, of Wakecountv his .-ecu red a patent on u cotton chopper .viiicli will chop tea acres of cotton per day. ; - Miss Helen Fowle, daughter of laU (toveinor 1). tl. Fowle, was married last Wednesday to Mr. T. 1. Knigtit, of Chi ea ro. Mr. J. J. L-iwAon, of near Oxford, fel in the thuni ot" ii wheat thresher and ha ais fectlei n olf while-sMijierintending the m..c.iine. ; F An attempt wan made to wreck the pasijnger tram ne.ir W ade.boro last Wednesday nigtit by placing cross-ties ju the road. Mecklenburg' county Alljance passed a 1 resolution at, their last, meeting that each farmer wuiihl not plant more than ten acres of cotton apiece, or less if pos sible, i j A negro, George Haukee, near Char lotte, has ripe watermelons that arc no larger than a walnut.- - His "whole crop is this size. The seed were from a la:ge Georgia melon, i It has been suspected that a snake has been tucking a ciw m ar Mill Hill. Tin cow show'iil indications of going1 dry. A snake was known to live iu the barn. A watch was set and the black snake wit caught at hi.r devilish deed. The cuw has gone dry. A colored man near the Ludi.-ill gold luinehad two wives. He pit on with them very well until last Monday, lie. ileter mincil to chastise No. 1. Her son eame up and struck the husband iu the back with an axe, making a hole that would contain u quart of rice. The Cmwonl MandarJ savs that John Wadsw oil !V umbrella caught toe la.-t Satuniay w hjlc going to Mist nhciiuei spring!. Nootie hint been smoking ia ihi oaggy for half an hour. It was supposed I hat il eaughl from the rays of t hu inn. I ne top cover ua. all burnt d oil. A horiib'.e deed v;u commi tee' in .oi luanipioii last urmiv. 0 co' 1 pi e wire traveling along- the ro;i( I.. ...ii. iiii ii!v were liieketi iv twt neuroes. . )n liel.l t he o'd man w iiilo ( he oFiei o omitted a -ri.iiual a.au!t on the the lady. Loth negioes aie iu jail. Tlie Winston bovs eame out alicad in the game bet wen the Chuhston bos anil ihemsclvi's Mondav. Winston sctueti six inns, and gave Charleston liiin- gto.i ggs. Wii.stoii also p!aed the Spariaa- ourg hoys ami scored six runs for Win ston, and gave the Spai tanbarg boys a You leant a picture of t'tc notU n ti ificers of the AUnnice. S( mhS 1 U() and iit 1 1 ; 1 r 1.1 ;( i.m a rt'i. esa-ce runner auu liw l atclunmi and picture. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorlai Look at This ! now rm'ivinir the 7 largest an; 1 htst assorted slock wo h:vo ever c;irrii'.h Ihari a lovvofotir prices: rant goods, HV. jor yard. Uror:in Shoos, -1 .CO. ; )vo4 (ioods tVo'.n Sc. to ftl.HO per yard. Men's Shoes from :?.00 to $12.oO. A full line of men's and hoys Hats. The cheapest line of Groceries in Salishury. If you wish to save money, do not buy until you jget our prices. We mean busiiress. D. B. JDLIA1I &C0. SALE Of Valuable Saw Mill a Cot ton Gin Property. Iy virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Kowau county made in the special; procccdiugs, entitled "W. T. 1 hoihasou vs. J. A. Thomason and others," I will sell to the highest bidder, fir cash, at the court house door in Salis bury, 6u 3IONDAY, Till 21111 DAY i iU TT-T'l iff it r ii , v.'l xo.n, li4U lOOOWlllg UCi seribeij real estate, viz: About one aefe of nind situate in the town of Franklin, I' 1 1 L- t i ti ti.il-liwl.iT. r. Ii iiVi!.K l.. I......... .1 . , vr uo.. . i-, "...111 1.-3. JUViliC4 I the i-:tw .mill, ciuio mill and cotton Kin of i the '1 'boiiiasoii lhos., udjoiniiig' ihu lauds YV . 'I, I hoUiisoil and others. Thi.-i land . ohl for paititioa. i , i , , or,, i, n i,i - ' ti 1 1 JOi WE WANT mm WIRE CURED TOBACCO !)riu' it alon"; the more the merrier. We arc prepared' to pr IlinU VI? PIMrRS f.ir SNOW WIKE CUHED tlran any other market.. Freights are cheap, a mere tri'de when Our railroad facilities are good. Send get good prices and quick returns. Uuyers for all classes ana rrom every part of the world are located in Oxford. You will find us. ALL BUSINESS AND NO PREJUDICE. Hunt, Cooper & Co., Mettdows WnteliousCt Bullock Mitchell, Hanuer Warldmuse. Co o tT liogers & Co., Centre Waivlru.-e, - r h V. Mimr i Co., Minor Waivhouse, 11. F. Knott, Manager Alliance Wandiouse J. M. Currin, lluvcr, V. C. Ieel, IJiner, Jh 11 Meadow's, Unver, Wilkinson Hro;., Huy( is, Mi'adows & Yancey, huyeis, 1). S. )born, 1 layer, F. 0. Hransford, Huyer, Beware 'of imitations, urcnuinc fixed wire SBTOW Manufiictrted by Modern AGENTS WANTED! 25 OFF? Q 0 L ui p n ,1 Tin t f 9 n p no o fp HEtMDLfcSS Of1 COST. Can you read tliat ? 830.00 Tea Set at That's A Sa.OO r'aibrella, 1 f l 1 Warranted A H Clock at A $2.00 Iireastpii! at' A 1.00 rreasi)iii at A .50 Lrcast phi ;it Evervthii'.''- uiider proportion. 1 i:n (ho loser ari.d you make it if you come soon. Truly. -yours, ,. . - ' 1 - -' (CI IT CZ7 i .ro 1 i We are closing out the remainder of SuinnierClothin- and Straw Huts friUJOST. do this in order to make room for our Mammotii Fall and- Winter StocL Come and see us aiul you will get a iJAiuaiK. Wo have just ieccived a iiiee line ortmeiis and boys' Pants, dark shades at all prices. Also a .ncv assortment of shiits ot alf kinds at low prices. We still keep a full-line of collars, cufl' trunks, valises, etc. We solicit your patronage, Yours anxious to please, ": HE APE Walter A. Wood's 'die best on the market. lubiuu Jiere and have given satisfaction in evc trial. They are durable and simple. Can rc you to any farmer who has used them. t Call and see me before von huv: ox:imine n&f . 1 ! i , cumes ana hear my prices and terms. I am i !so agent for IB ah in 1 1 increased prices are taken into account.. your tobacco to Oxford, N. C, yon will E. Gv Currin, Huyer, 0. S. Smoof, Huyer, J. 1). Ilullock, liuyer, .lohn Webb. 1'uver, W. A. l5oblitt, l!uv-r, C. F. Kingsbuiy, Huer, II. Glenn, huer. J)uy only the original STICKS. Tobacco - Barn Go. OXFORD, N. C. Da you Know .wM it maans.?- 22.50. wliat ! 80 i o. three years. ' '3. Aniua! cost. $1.50 - T I. tlie discount headin same - 1 Reapers and Mows arc They'liavc been full' J 7 J T . - 1 iJi-li Grade Fertilizers, v WE III - IT .1 f Ollll I .1 CI i hi::: s..oveiian C . T . T2 IrR F! I LA R D T A I i,vllCl".

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