i - mn v r, v"n ' M i v ' " - . I: i - ALLIANCE lilKlX'TOnV. ; t ' &ttwal AUwce-U L-Toik, president, Korth i:riliaf-H. H. Cloved vice nrrsi- U ?i,ftcr" W,u; J- P. WiUcitMcamy, rV Slate ' AUticeU Carr iwjfij, lt.ilei.-h. rr ev,CatuwU; V.-lTe L..l lwk, lUmwiMid; Secretary and. l.tcusurcr, J. i... All hi::co Notes., IJdIv. Oao r.Iiriismuiix Ct JSis Start, j kt fen e.n u," aaiu u Millionaire, General :: l)irecthrC la union, tiiere is po.vei. . pj stmKi without u nickel iu my p'jcivei Or 'aniziiion and education is the or- outside of a reUinriiiit in baa - Trail -der of the Alliance, eiseo., Was iitu!gm mj '! . , 1 . ,tt frtv sunt wondering how all thoe An intelligent ballot u tno potent , " ' - - Suli&bery. C&vnfy-Jwsc Miller, president, -lllackiut-r SI. L. Uitcliie, secretary, aw. . 6y-d. li- Hol.aan.pie.i dent. Cool 'firing; M. U Uauiscy,.fccm.iai , JIoi)Tbviit' weauuti v.Iiicii poiiticKiu u-m. lf..ste if they were sliding i down ray Force the sub-Treasury and hu:njrrv palate, i was tryiiig to tlinik coinage 'issues vo iue uoin, mm l0W t couiJ jjet me price m them there. " ; huinstly- or dishonestly, it mattoreu -n,yarm b iefemiid toriko the liltt f v;! d . pwn ot l-ibor Srvhea tUt.blow.falU it will fl.irlnfa' a l:al dollar m im Ufc&S tile jl-,tiou o6uaiik,vpp9d. U. throng uti iron gratiMg :fU 1 ' r;- -- and it fell iuto the ahay below. He n' , , -Hr., -:tve fin unconcerned glance iji-lhe lt tsn ii niit iinat a.hub - fiml iiriKlircu ii.tUllt' W&tUh hliOllM llV Cihirrm Comity X V. Hileman, presi-1 - u j ty those who ryvCuncurd. , J in. their life should aocu.uaUe mi.i- aleut llie'ulxon. Count u jimcs; V. A. Liudauy, secretary, Thorny Aiile. Cal.ucb CvthtjfS. T. AVilfong, V- .1utVN1; J- T. llcnaaii, scorctury, Nevvtuu." V . Too I.I licit Grown. I U is ;eiieraUv conceded that the price of cotton will be low this year, a nd tliut the average wi ! 1 n ot be tnneh , if any, alwve the cot of cultivation. Thre is one thing certain, and that is, if the juices do not run hiyher than anvone now believes--they will, there ifi b n vprv small luarsin between ..... J . . . -. . i U4 V of wealth. ton r?. ... r -i . ., i ve " r , .- waiKtu o.i. , - 'It was u 'gronua-jiog cal-e' for ine, smd I thlermiiiL-d to socure; t'.ut c tin. So I walked into the restaurt and Clerk Superior Court, W'G.Wutsou. yherilT, Jus M Muuroe , j llegtaler of Dcctld, 11 N Woodson. j Trcaaurer, J Sam'l HcCubUiiid. -Surveyor, 1J C Arcy. Coroner, D A Atwcll. Commissioners, V L Klutlz, chairman, I)r Ij W Coleman," Cornelius Kc-stlcr, J A Htcwart aud I F Patterson. Hup't I'liblie Schools, T U Linn, bup't of llcultli, Dr J J Sainmercll. i Overseer of Too r. A Urowu. 7'011'A Mayor, T C Linn -Cioik, 1) 11 Julian. Treasurer, III Foiiftt. Police, G II Shaver chief, J F Pace, C W Pool, It M Dam nver. Comiaissioncrs iNorth ward, J A lten (lle'iii'iu, I) M Miller; KmUli ' ward, I 11 Julian, J A riarrett; Ecu-t ward, J 1 tior . , j . . j i, -,- i i ' ,.',.;.', i !,..,! nt'd :oi', i A Coisgiienour; cst ward, U J It hus been figured out that., f the a oia puree u :;ic-n i I .. ! llmes, J wllaunev. WniCH'tiie LUi-'Jil jHii'i -n.v. " i.i- - n , i ans for tlie siL- of letv York erty ainl gave ine a harc.t wua i ku i , - CHURCHES. burn put out.oaoiupouna mici- migUt remove a vuwue.i u u ... Methodist Services eN-erv .Sunday at i at the usual rate, the amount lxjen uu'k-:l across a uoor i.fa.04 "' 11 IX m uml inn. Praer meeting mouev di had es wourd'now be trreater than the value of the site. Usury i terrible! - Alliance principles are. making their way. Tlse Ohio Democratic- jdatfonrr is fur free silver,low tariff and income tax. . So the good work goes on. If we are but true to ourselves for a few brief year, we will see the triumph of right. - In the tittle State of -New Jersey, the cost of cultivating, picking .11 rl n.4i":it- if. veils iol". Kveu when the price is.what is con- uccunlinir to the iNew Tcrrt biiu, tlieie ered vvhat is fairly high there is not 1 are 18,43 acres ot uoauaoueu iai.:,j. The American laruier oemg mowj, but surely "protected to death. No wonder 'the Alliance movement con tinues -to move. Ijo-oIou Globe. 4 ninch prolit in cotton, for it is more t . . 1 I. ..... . Mhan ordinarily good lana an.vneie -outside of the rich bottonis of- Mississ ippi Alabama and Louisiana, ith pei liajH some small rick sections in some - of the other States, where the land will , yield a bale of KX) pounds to the aere. bupibse ,fho market, price was 12 . cents per pound, (and il will have to , be more tlian ordinarily good cotton to bring that) the cotton grower will real iw SoOp-er ae refill t of which he will have to pay the cost ol cultivation, marketing, ice, which will te at least - Wight cents a pound which will -h-ave . him 818 per acre. -But the average laud won't begin to do this, nor -much lnore than half of it. But that isn't much and is a very poor return for. V return for rich land. There is hardly I anything else which could be . grown for which there is a market, that 'wouldn't pay better, without taking ono- half the rish. Grass would do it. U;ans would do it, there are dozens of tilings that would do it aud very few lhnh won Itjis not u good crop to raise any way, unless where rotatioiujof ciops is pursued, because, like tobacco, it is a soil exhauster and has nothing-, to give . kick to the soil ihetura for what it takes. Grass, wheat, oats, corn, beans - i mid potatoes all give back sumething inireturn, while some of them give ; much, iul leave the land, or furnish the material to leave it iu better con dition than they found it, and not so poor that it has to be coaxed with iiigh priced fertilizers to sprout any thing. Tor this reason cot tun should iiotie made the leading crop n-ny other Mian on naturally rich and prac tically and uuexhautib!e lands, -such ' iis are found ia the alluvial bottoms of .Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana.; There is a sort. of mystic relation be tween cotton and the negro, and as he, following th.bent of his inclination and hiff instinct, drifts Southward, and tlie time will be in. the far distant fu ture as a matter of necessity go South ward, .and the time will be in the not distant future when the cotton .fields wilt ie a parity worth of Southern Souths Carolina and Georgia aud when the bulk of the cotton crop ill this country, will be grown in Alabama, . Mississippi, Florida, Louisiana,. Tcxap and the -Southern -part of Arkansas,1 .. t booth Carolina and Georgia. 1 Within ten years-The larger part of 1 the land now given to cotton culture in this State will be given to tobacco and other crops. fur which there is more demand and in which there will be more1 money. As it will disappear as h crop of any considerable proportions Irom tins State, so wilt it from V ir ginia, Tennessee, the laruer part of Georgia ; aud South Carolina. This does not necessarily mean a very lar:e decrease iu the production, for as the trea is contracted the system of--culu- Vation will' improve and acres cultivat ed will he inude productive enough to supply all the demands Eastern .North Carolina will, be be fore many years a great tobacco and iut(a small t cotton yrovvins section tobacco dispossessing cotton which is lffny doing rapidly without makiu much fuss over it, and.Avheu this da comes then the farmers of this" sectio: will begin to pick them3elves up. and fetd that thev are alive. - ' The outiikik for the i'uturbf cotton )s not golden hued because its produc tion has increased oat of all proportion to the increase in the number of jeo . pie who wear or use cotton, and the increase still goes on nyt onlyj iu this country, JnitJ in, India, Africa and Southern lusia, jdi of wl:44i will di vide the market with the cotton grow ers of this country. It looks as ff low . rt.n.O llnv.i A.m... A.. .1 . Y .1 .itvt.-i iiiirWm,e iu May aim me sooner our planners recogni it the better f them. W ilmington Mes iiger, Interest hangs on dike grim death 'to a dead' pig. - Tue increase of wcaltli in this couirv is not more-than three per cent.: so if Sliylock t'ets iuore tiian t i hern drunneu ia u tiiiinuu 1 1 eleaiie-i up co seit-estcvm men of iuilsiefice'. to i-.il Leiore, i ifaVC KOt Mis'v iusoiv'eiit since tha courai: been Set' thne. 'i'iius thread otien hangs a cbahce Ol. AjOIOS v on wi:Ut a 1 r- ii iiie. the biu-oment to tne op..o?Ji n.ei too OVery veIucsday ul CJ l ia;. Key Dr. .r:de. Tlierc was mucii later ana dirt y it Leuu vn.it- fi-.Mr,. nod in ,Mrchhifor the Sunday school every Stunlay afternoon .. 1 - '..1 vJ:,Vb h.-id at o'clock. J V aua..y, hp t. UOl,l i. IUUH.I uii...Y '- ,WI,vt.(.n-P.vil.K ,.v,vv Knml.v 1 : .-.m. i- u-.-iv I w". lw" " . rv ...... rnoKEssiaxAL cakds. NR. LEE WEIGHT, VX"rXXIJI izy AT L,.TV, SALlSIiUllY, N. C. . Wi!! prs . Ice iu the courts ol Rowan and adj.im!ir cu'ttak-?. Prompt alWaUoa yivcii to ad m.utrrs jit rL ;mmg to my jrcK"3aiuu. First Bill A.-8HEIL1&. Attorney At Xxvxv, J SALIobL'RT, X. C. OfSce in Pavis yiloys liauk" l-nllllng corjifx of Main ana lauhs streets. Will j-rac ticij in Courts of Itfnfajj ftu'1 aSjoitHng ctHtnttes. Pior.ipt and e.ne'u! aitv ntion pivt n to all Lus '.r.css er.tsteU to iuc. Sitcul a.Uci.tiou given to ('olleciisjui. f A U s F, p ft M Q h v AtteiiJs to Il.ii!ro:ul (.'onstruciiou, h'urvo .s and .M.ppi;i of Ileal I'Ute, Klnnates oi Walcr Powers, Plans for the Kr"ctisin t.f y.i)U. Iwellin;s. &e.: aid uUi-i.s to tl.e .nvha.? 01 sd! kiaJi of Ilachiuery, liuitdiiig .iitterial.-s, ie., mm SalisMry, II. b, J. HOLMES, President. I. II. FOUST, - - Cashier. Capital, . 850,000. Surplus and Profits, 835,000. General P.ankingbusiness truus ncted. Depo-tts olicitc d. f.i!)r!y - IlislQ.Ei !i MM Mioal 11 W. IT C. DIVISIOIT. Condense scIh dule la eCTw-t ray ri . !v)) fXHTiroiNlK " oT. .; v to 1 2 tt' : . - nf 11 si in ;mil K:"' u va . Pruvi-r Ji-.cel i iil' P . i i. 1 .. - . I "v l . T ll'oai imti. iu us, . .wi Weduesiiav lit :C0 u in.- liev J amount sttllicient to completely uwarl i:Umplc , D D, pastor. an able-bodied ui-.pe.tite, secure a clean buiulay school every Siuidty aflcri)oou ,l,r:. . .,,.1 .- -...v.w,,-;.,.!:iT nm. a:nt of at 4 p m. J Kumnle, sup't. on in, ...m -; - i , - , j., ; ........ C.....1 n i: I , ... I-.... I ij'Ji iieiitu o-wi tra j vi ouru.i u ij r i i l a, va and i ia. i'mver n.ieetmi: every SiOMl U. Jlatl nub v,r.uln.x,r.- -,t 1 i. I.VvCbxl'. Kin-.- I t , i v "v i' In. R. L. Kamsay SUIKUWX BEXT1ST, Smith deal's How, Oitice, No. , OFFICE HOURS FROM 0 TO 5. SALiSiiulJ Y, N. C. i. 'er o . .!. . . - i it -! i . !.; . J. I in- .-'.' "I 1 . I :.ir-i3-..-t I". l.l,""! Hi.', tb-it. in the .-dome OI HUt'leSt, it IS Oil IV it (pieation of time v. a en he will have all tiie wealth of -the country. Usury must go! Government lo.ms to the people will make it "git. ' The daily papers and partes in press, all down the lini', are now very buy advising the fifrmers aud laborers to steer clear of the Third party move ment. In view of the fact'that these same papers and dishonored eonsellers have hiv4ofore arh-iscd the people to vote for the men who have gotten the country into the present predicament and even not insist that" everything is running sutoothly, except, peril am a .-light friction in the tariff laws, their in v.--: .eiil. j-. i i' one 11:1.'." ..1 : ! iw..:. . ona A.'ith i.urplc i. -ir.Tj;-.: A .; .! Of. U. V.U 1 rui:,-iil on 01 ii ! ui U-" i-1 nci'ii i'.:;i si "t-HUi a .j-i iiicl IV. a:. ' 1'. lititQ :;:'- i: " i: tiUUl. tiAli: Liy au i .-.a-i C-AiliT-ZlXx-i 'SJJC w ;Uid l.f : i- " ii 'is i 'l .i?" (;eorr.--"i!'i f -.-1 ail! IV-.t biU'':.'!." caari -y.-';o::. l'h(-it lo .'f :ii!ic to Ui!- !iv-.:'i.i' .'.-' C. timt'." ....:'.- ;. v,. ; in ii.-v- :ipiv i-.! a oramjofs. oni; a sliort cour- it V. !'. ! i.-ii : ':. H'f 1 ..-. V-ry.-1'T 'f -- C-raor ll.ai rj;"'l;:.uli' ii ?- l:!l HiaV;vi)!i e'-r.i..; !i; ..r IAh, Iiwhci? i-I-.t .'alu-s ll.c ,..UrK- i fl-V ili.,.' h.'-'..l:V"'l.- It'-' ir- -.1 !, !'2'd .( iiuow'v.!'.::!":. ..il :- ' !" i-.V. ,11 s.i'i.-iMtv .:C ; V!:- -- ' P",'"'-r. wul-.t th-u.v thc w. tcuiu., .; oris luive given C. dicitoi': tt pateuts at pastor. i Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at ii p m. ii Cr K'.er, sup t j T. I. Vii. NEW GOODS! LOWEST PRICES! I i:ave just bouulit the nobl'irst lino of fine jewelry ever hi or.uht to t-H.hary. Tly stock of Gold and sjilvtr Watches, Iliads, Diamonds. Chains and Charms is Toaipk-le. 1 roa here to stay 'and will not to undersold. No eharce for Show ing good?. The most novel line of Clocks ever shown in Sa'Ulairy. You will sae iVoia - to oO per cent, hy buy ing fiuai me. Oomc and be convinced. llepectfullv, b. A. L. JOlIXsOX. Main St.. next door to' 1. C. Miiier. ."in" t I,r etfr I I-:ois.-opul Services every Sunday at 11 ' '''l.rl' r.....r at a-il ;vv.. Hidr-.!r.- a maial 0:150 p m and Wcdhesday ut C:) i "t1 : '!: "'V'.'.' :i ; ' Hi v. alt ... p m. ' llev l J .Murdoch, tcetor. j.-e. .e..d ctoto,, at u- u.kvs. I Sunday school -every Sunday afternoo:t ' : - J--'; - VV- at:;prj. , .-r.p't. i Baptist Services every Suitoay morn-j ii;g and night. l'rriver lueliug every I iuiieteday ni'al. i.ov b :stor. Jones, : J . i . . i . i -.. . or i bumuv .--ciifjoi eei iiuuav v-2 a.m. Thos L Suink, sup't. "Catholic Services every second Sun day at 10 ii m iiiiu p id. llev Gerard, pastt r X' ... lie ! CO. ( ( Organ of the N, C: ,;-ie AUiatfVe t o:. L. L. I'o.k, a-s.ted le itev. I hi y 'us C;!.e. The paper will b l t.:i io life iism-.l high stamiar. per e.u l.v Claeiunatl, OJ. A. t oufsrilic, I.. a. N. " Ktioxvlilp; K.T.y.&Oj !MorrJ'sov"n, ! v Piin't isiK.-k:, ii. & 1). lU'tsrfinB, Lv AulictllW " LoTsnJ Kaob, lf;Oltir, ' ilorguiilou, " ll-Ckory, CU)'I. i SHateiIlv Ais.uuberj, I C:i.trl-tt; i;na'ns:oro. Prtr.Vi'l, Ar lUrHmoiit;, At OurTjam. V oTulctcii, (M.kW-oro, " Morelioua Clt;.-,"? a!, Ar L nciht.uis, m, " Wafhinytou, " iv-uiiHior',. i'ca'i. " vmia.iHciil.i, ' cav VT.rii. WKSi'lioTsi). I.v .SfVoi-k.- i'ri.n' 1'i.r ij:;a.i, " U ahv.'inton, R . i. - - Li TiOi. P.irolilc,-. I.V lU?J:lT)f?;(i. l-Voi.-f?;Ml ( " (ioUlslM.iv, i.. i i. -" Uu ai"i', " PUl ll.'.l.!, - " ( iI'ct'!'.-l,nTO A r Sails! itny. . St)it.S ile, " lllokoiy, " ,M('iVioi!oii, " Mai'.oii. -" nr.it Kauii, " A-:!!.-w!.-., I.V A.-ilt kliir. r l!i.t.s1Ji.-sl ' I'.'liil 1.(kK. V.cri:,ti--. l, II.T.V ' Kl.-JXViii,-, " t. i!t' j;:.-, i.. ,f. n. " O, O. ,v i ' s Tiil-.t.l N :; i v.' ..; -.;:! " .f- ;,' ' I 1 j i.;:.'i--..!M in, ' .. 1 I iuTl J.;!'-. , " i-i!i; -.i.i.i, " riurii-i-.'.. a.c I. .Vl til'H h.-; H T I Si : i i a-, . H'I lkv-1... ' - ' i 1-,,. .:ur U,. .pm s, , -V.J.M., -,.'fN : :.. -i - (SM-.;.l:i lor..v..n ''? ir..-.;.;; .f, "a . ::f J . I.) m 1 :..!- (. ;,, i-'-'.i ..M r. r, ' . , -'..iiii y . 'r '!' - ii. '.' . -, v l-m )-.'-. -.1.. ;- ' i v.. ',, '" :v. n -! ; I. ' f'SO; id 4,. iv.,tjJ 1- V".Mlt tH 4;urJ. o. 2 0"4nu 4 iftjlil 4 14,ii,j - r '": : ? roj.i.i '"Hiii t,t: f ,:i ' -.iia . !i ;m i . s -"'J .IU C 4-; .r . , I Ml,. N'. i t. 11" -I 1'' '..;; .i .. i r-."t.;!a 5. N.i. ; !.;..; i'l i c f Oi i-:!vS! lilany y . i . Oikmi iv e. pr.u-t:.- Wash in lit on. D. C, iiJii-urpa.-cd sue- hat advocate practically tne 6;ime hinrr The neon He 'are not so much concerned whether the post office shall be distributed among the ltepuoticans or the iVmocrats- as thev are about saving their homes fio.anie . debt.-uvst- g upon them and clothing and . ieeu in the children and-families. "No, I cannot be your wire. some other 'iri." "I've tried 'em all and none of 'em will have me. That's why 1 came to you." New York Press. r .'l -a nr. paMt r. yi CI O T5 ri i 1 1 Sunday Heh.'M.l everv .Sunday at 10a m. ' f .ll'APTf SP C a lfr vIVOpL Y "d C A-l)evliohi.l ,erviees ait ih.il Lll Ui v , OCiiU OL i U'jll OUlblO k-i-i.l5 m V , i, C, '.very Sammy ait -i.O j m. iu-iiics.s a;ect inu iir.-.f 'i hnida n..';;t iu every i-.ciidi. 1 11 FoUsi, Hi j I. -L(WUES. Full on Lodge No DO A V u AM, rtlcls ivauee. '1 iu? L'l o'"re:-s!Ve FarhK r and tin Watchman" will be sent to H-v. siiliM' i ihers at Jt'I.To for both pa o.'iv. Siib-erilie Mow. A:d;-ess, P'tOultEoSlYL: FAUMEIi, Kaleiul, N. C. r u r..vnc'.-,ii.', " J'.rys... it ci; , . ! " T.;i!iutl... '. I.v 'i .i.:....ln. Ill ! l''.v:-.'.'h I.;.-, " AHk lilc, Ar AuifiiHiit, .! W.O. Ar Miaiiiia, i:. ,-. i. " i.i SO every ..no c.iird I-i-idav !.!' i:i in ear ii f:T?rim t'r'yt rrr Piv-rr.'! i rrnd mni'.lh. 1 1) .teiiv e, W- Ai. , UiJ l..;L..a.j Llt vu:!iutJ bali!mry' Li"ie, x.o :M, K ol 1', meets ; every Tuesday ni..ht." A H I( Hen, C (.' j Salisbury Lodtre, No 77-". K .;' II, meets j every ltd ami ;'.d ilomlav niu in each I : io..i,i i! :: M 1 1 1 1 i i i u oariii.o; no. l.v At.iOitu," If. it. ' All-"!.si;i. u-;;... a " it.ii if .Ti (in, a t " mp.ii i ., i .... " Sli.UTalil-ur;', -lu illr. b lo.wa :-l i . i in ! 1 1 . : 14 '. 1",:, ,,l -'.;iii; r 17:.!, t :;;.t,:i ViTIiUdTtr Til ! j. i c.-r -r- .: 7 t f ' I'i.L !. Ul'fl f,...1 ' iiK o.iuvu i ....... i . . . . ,. . o ,.i ,.v- ui.. n. it. l Jicrjoianir, J nciiuer. udvice- Will - not CaiTV with it much CC m obuuuing :uentr ioi y;lnsbury Council, Ko 272, Ue.val Ar- v.e hLwith the aven.. yvWr. Tho.of iJive'io. li-y a :,,.rciatt c.:tUViVt uuvls ,v,ry :Uh1 -h Mon.lay people are not very -forcibly with the of .many p-denis thn j.au been po- niht ia CiVCa uieuih. II C l.uei importitnof supporting 'two i-arties yiot.sly n j-eled. 1 netr; attveriis.-ineiit UeSent that advocate practically the Si tine m unotner i..;.u:.:::, nv i; o-- oi l.av.i pf) v f i ,' ' v to ; inventors, patent.-. ;iuunufa.-tuei:- and all who have anything to with patents. (. f! eo:,iMi:i:viAL tuavklmuh cau- KILi) TO ALL POINTS. lKlKS FED A M C,3ltK).Mi:i AT KI". AS . - III Trv Teacher "Johnr.Se, what state in New England has two capitals1 Jchynie "New llnmshire. ; Teacher "Indeed? Name 'them.'" Johnnte k'0apital N and capital II." Brooklyn Eagle. waacaufc Aff v wum jam ill -v 1 iuljk iJ mm m ,v v. ra . . - V I ,i, -I or There is hardly a datilv paper Ct P(1 j : itician in the land 'that 4s not usin" its j Avlnde power, wittingly or uhwittiuirly, lo carry out selfish plans of the banks! bankers or "gold bogs." Whenever you see uuyoue that (ijpo-es the issue nf more money bv ne 'goverainient put lnW down ita o friejidjof thebanks r a nafiirnl t'onrfoolf In eitlief case. it Avi.l do to Jet him alone, ?'for the Lord, has hardened his heart that lu plight belii ve a lie ;md le damned." . in th'Hiiieai.tiaie press the issue' of mote money by the government and h'eep it tliere, if to do so it become-; )iecess!iry to to ret in, every old party poliljIah to the .-hades of pritc iik. ,-7 j:i v. h-ij Wliy docs this man etare so ? IIo h simply listening to tho jmarvcloua cures effected by Dr. Picrcc'g Gold en Medical Discovery. The following caso illustrates: February litb, ICO., TTosp's T!?PTSf'.nY Medical Accxa- riO. Eulialo, N. Y.: 1 Ger.'lcne n A1 recatv-bio cae baa ooevrred 1a cur tcrraorv.- J. N. i lorry, a man r.bout thirty vrars cT' c?o. roin 'own r.tpidly. lie tri.'d pjiyoidan aitr physician, pr.tt-r.t mii-incs, siome rcceiprs in fact, s-vcrytlsSn. He wcr.t to n noff -eanit tr'ajn cyl returned iw bctTr. Wc u!t t-i!i;!fr!:t ho was dyiu?r with cor..surr.-F:6inp, aad cr.'.y u, low v.-c-i'ka of lilo worn k"t't icr hnr;. lio rornrjn. ;i "Cr-IJn. M''l;ctJ Discos cry," up I ut, t!M rarto titr-.o rorntncrn.d to iiicr..!. H" b:s v's a o!oyt:twb (!."-'-; V'Otiloa, an-1 is Fful ej.ns ;t. il has pahaoil in TOi'nt, color end ctrinrt.i. nc.-l i-i al.lo t- do iisrl.t work. ii-Ts just 8'i"T n Cji fW sh'ouid rxvo liettjj'-'.'d to rather sur,riGiou;.iy, but.wucn ' w it w niu't believe ii. It pas trebled, cur ti-c of " Golden Kc&c:! DwOOixry." JOIIM 1IACKETT & COX. C.-usIcta, lioaookc, lud.. l!:ip ' i i-v.-r -. ... It J.'.-Lv."' -.r.r.t. Vn... f.. .! Ui."-.!,!-- J.!"0-l -..!! ' i 1 1 u- li'i' .'C'iii'.i'. .c'.; ca.'.i.a ta i-iy When Daby .was iek, we cr&vo her Costoriax. When b!:o w a Ciiiul.tUo cHc"J for Costoria iThen she became Jyss, sliol cliing to Cuslaria. V.licu sbo bad Children, siicigavotaeni CutUri POST OFFICE Olacc hom-s from 7:"0 a m to 0..';0 p m Vliisinv ivi :; hillll- 'I -l til lit .) O l'l. . .......... ; u . Sunday ho;; r-. 1 'J: 1. a ui to l;bv) p m J 1 1 Uainst.y,-! CALL AND SEi: l:u .-- c .iii'utt.d '. r yoatf.xTs: l ets, .rice I-. Oir-oriTt ,0..i. tTit Orricc .r. -cur i r t-;t t. in tco .tuic uiui. iOiiij.-i'- t.-.,;i W:t I:'.:.;:..:.. S tid !. li ..':: i; T ' T-o'o., w;th !orip- 1:o?i. -,; ii.'. ."-c, iT i.;' 'e ..r t!..t. wt? tli. r. C.'.r i'- - v.-.'. C-..' '.'I ; .t.i..: i a uviii-L- A f'c.MrSlST, " ! -- e' : .';i ; iic::t v. :ih tu'.Mi, L-cui frco. Ailt'axa, J7 OF.-. PViNT Cfi iCC. .VA5H:rCTOM. D. C. i. . o I ...... i I . -i . l. i: 4 J. e r . ts . ' T A "3 Ace briuir i s J in il ':-. i '"' t.e- ativd to.:icl . ivci". "f x t n . I- 1 f T'" vrfW'Vi?. i,T fl n. r.oi no. r, , i i,v; c, r:, ,:n .t. -. ,;-ii,;i; 1 " ; ::: .-iu n.4. " i'' ..ii. ' -1 , . i in: : . 1 . I'lll " iA! I ', i IU.", 1 ! 1" ; :i; " ! . i, in.-. '. '?, in., " ( : r. . :-!. -I:., ! !ii " S :!;.T.ri v , v ! i ' . - S :; !!., , 7 ii." 'ii i , v ( r -i !H ! '.:, " S)..l I.-'. I j :; p.i. ' i i c.-,.-. ;i, , li id ;,ii. ,. ) U;c, u- ..iil " Al '.!-.!;.. : ::' I -vZ -v. " ' : i i r. e. .. -ur: .r. i i . ' i, I - ii . i - '.i. ; i r. i ' 1 . in. . . ii :-. - . :..! :.. : I ' '; i Mi, -1 I '"- .1.1 ' 1,1 n i -I ! I I -i : l .. .... .. , " ,! ! .: '. ! Hi' ! 'i-: in ' : .n.i ,i :. in i I i.li'. 1 i I" 1,1 111.. ,11 .- In all" bronchial, throat and lung affections, lingering coughs, spitting of blood, vrealc lungs, ami kindred ailments, the "Discovery" effects the most marvelous cures.. FOR ALL - DISEASES jC&rj hi & AT 0r -t-rsT-.s.-. "g"" 'i-pl & nil rrrlpinir, and o t! blilncy. Mr.iliior r.r.ti 1U.T. feltcy urc adapted to oiti ofjoou,. tjOLi i:vx;itY7i:L::;;:. i'lJU O 3-1 2j TiJ i.. 'U.' - ' or. in. .ii ! . Tv.-' . !i 'i.--. . "i.i in ii; i .1 . ! i '.'....; i S Tl -ti,l 7 !'. ;!.! I.. . C . i.i ;vin:. ' ' : -r lc- 1,1'.. ;.l,.l N. V,' ' , u: . ( on. M t ij.-! :j !( i i Ir.1. r , 1 i lli i , 7 r 1 .......i - .. !. . .i.. 1 1. :. ;n i . ... .m- ( ii'hiVitiK r; KbU'i; ?i V i'L S t .a... u i-ianiu... vi-ii.ii,- n,v--; , . i l i.-. .. : i-i! i: f . ' ,'. ; i.iu:i' ;:":,uj. . -i-jn.;., i ; , i : -, ... , s iin-;" (..; ivi-! -.i... ; ) .j t.M , ! i . :'li! rcliUl. CnVli- C"!'!'.. n :a c. 1. ' -i-f i-' ; - -. :, (ifli.'i (. clui i'i;U i : V.e. .t.; i V. .;. i.i.tj!.,:, ;t...i Hot ': A . ...1.1 . 1 1 -. i ; ;;o '- in Led. 11 louiiiy. IVuCes, kh..:.!st . Cre : i i s - i o r l.-.m 1: ri-ordu! ?f Salilnirv niul vioinitv wnntir.-d' r.ioiur.'.P.-r.i;, corrwajrAl vrith us. Kstima((M furnisho;! g:rati-d. A .. Mesaiuu tbe Wiiieianun when y.r.i vr:'e. :1 n .,-.! i r i i Jbu.c l..!.iiU . 1. .i' : 'ill 1-. !. . .'.;'ii ii'L:.! . .;i s.ii- I . !, ! ii.'. - l 'i: r l ij- i. ,. i ! . . . 1 1;,. ii. : i.i- ' ... !u S. 1. I .(): - S.L II A . i I , n . ) - ' . w i .i v;.. .-.-u - ' :" i !.; I, L 1 .-I". :. . ii- ' i i ! 1 ! t- .1. :. ,.j I .i!...- x:. .r' k. i. iv .. i -- K.Oc'l S. ' i . . . r '3 CD. j -3S-.'. rsci tiirfSa .!itl .i.- -MTj..IC:rvVl mm vsv-- -v'.s'V fV-'-V:? sr??m IV !7H L AT EST I f .1 PHO V Z P.i C ? . 3 ? v p r ' s b CT" r. t-!Jt-' x '' s i: -eI W-C V.' crry e'ook tt vcrioun LculMin po.tua fi.r quick deliTory upon reccJnt of crdora. r o " r i - r -i tH si. Pf .in tHa! Fr.-'el.t p.. i':t?I.T v. artMit JlOU wuw. gj. Xi". I! iit; .???. Gn. tomti Hmt;er, ATI.AMA. 4 1 A. OA .i.AJ5. T2XA5i iMeniiua tno w.tioiii.i.iu li mm e as -a k : x.i : T ii r ijk v 1 WbolieEi's PalsiiS WIrs Taiiaoss Mangers r V. 1 :7 4 Ha.; -r-:H-v i?.i1 CALtIV 'tvm la.j.;kst S'nCK OF DIAMONPS CP ANY IKii'SE IX (i:T!I CAHf d-TNA? Si:LLCV: i.YPACKAC.KS jLN'i' N Ai'rLtCA'l'ioX. K LLP M) IMITATION KTiNI-:s IN ST(CK. -UHr rdi' TO C!l Ai: LOT'l i; lam;s. EOYME& BADGER DIAMOND DLALLKS, CHAHLOTTB, II. C. I'lOi'M- u-ienllon Hie Wat(.'i:.n v. hf n you wruo. ! CA3 USED V&.AWY BARK". Wire3 tire movable. Tobacco can be properly Smec.l on Stick and nlkcl Do-Vtu Cii tbe Wires when cured. Simplest, CiioaiK'St and IXt ia t l.c J target. PS1CI1S, wlion 'aaa Accoin ;;ii;lc. tue orurr : 10 Ktilis Complete (7 Wires to Mit l.) 1,000 Wirci (No &tick) i iIClES ON : 100 Stick Cornplctc l,QOO Wires (No Micks). ESasiLCtg. tcr EPozcn Sample-Stick aud Wire for 5 cuts. lT" Treatise oa Tobacco Culture and Curing FULE. ACEKTS WANTED. TGBAOGO HAKGER S'F'G CO., Kcustcn, Halifax Co., Va. $3.00 4.00 .1.50 1.00 Ui v ui Li?i Dlv be. ;v iilli vCw- toi Ciin Property. T.y virtue of 11 decree ol" 1 L e Stint iir Ciiii.t oT itouau emt-iily iinnit in llLo s;ieei.tl iuiet ciin, eiiliiled "V. T. Thuinie-ijii vs. J. A.- Tlmniason :u 1 others, : i will sell to the Miiahe.-t !.i'lj.-i,-J'ir e:iii. at the eoiii t lioue 'h;..r in h -hurv, !. MONT) A A', Till: ilTIl -i.'AV OiA Al'(ilVT, IS. 'I, Cue i'.wlov.m- :' serihed leal e:-:aie, vi.: Aljniit.oa.; .. r 1 j' l.iinVsiMtTite in l!.e town f' I'tiii l- ii'1, Fi.iiiklia I "jwri.-hi;., .hi which is I.h-h'.i-'IJ the suw mill, eioie nitil und ey'4ii pin !. tiie Ti:orii;i.-.'.ii iiro:-., jidjoinin,'; t.lie Iuh'Ih ei' V.'.. T. 'i'iuaiei-oti and others. This lan'l is .-old fur partition. July I'OlIi. IS'jI. , LKi: S. OVINIMAN, Coin tjiissionet'. .a M nsi:ini: 'to mi-n VT - I ADVKLTIsKIN 1 110 IfGtudU. . -m-i (ra -ysiKW; t.' "j i'v- .'" i". K ia. .' t-'-..-J -i ir. - . f-vC .';J . . ' ' 3 Rt.r;mi. Air a a, s.a i by T. V. K I I 'IT H t o. Kzs!i o 1- t.-- ? L?sa 1 bun rui i. il ill don-tin j 'i vf-i T-nn PuiDsrvTetical and Horizon- tal. of "every, variety- and capacity. .. . We are t-i II! at our old sta !0 I Bofams Bfeod Balm 1 4. rff- SCROFULA. UlCERS. SALT iw wnio RhEtia. ECZEMA, evarf 1 form or maiisnant SKiX EKUP1I0H, be sides being efficacious In toning tip the system and restoring the constitution. when impaired from cny caue. its almost uSerrtataral healing properties justify us in guaranteeing a cere, if directions ara flowed. i'SEHT FREE "Bii?wll., BLOOD BALM CO.. Atlanta. Ca. in:a,',i.''-,-", : on din street, where jwu luive 1 a select stock of WatclieS, CiocKi-, Spectacle, and allkinHs of fine hand at the lowest Sol'Pby T. fl Ul.CI 1Z &. Jowclrv on 1 .-A -5-r-r:'--'- 4 -11 'i :' f'LiV, . - ' " " S 'it ) -4 . 1 1 v. ' r 3 r -i-'S'va i . .A. t5 - - .1 f ' .-'-t'Z-i '- i.'. r p , .... K5Oa KVAH INSriTl'TC, Ua ll-OLiLa U 4rJ STAUNTON, VIRGINIA. -.tis Sjit.. 171!'.. Ivj1?! One tho niosi tbeiu?h nsiiiiu -r:icuveafni(ilnir win LK.ttiohin irnr.ouin C ftivevsMory u'ir.H ui lusihi. fweny-it.' ipur-lt. T)ITCC Watch reixainng a jspocialiy. All work gurantced 12 months. rcis.iy : -' A' I ; ; : 5 &- ISj ... j i .afar?' n O ftivt viMory u'ir.so iu(it. ' einv.v.' ifuctt- ,,T.," )1!lf. . ... ,r,., To..!s, of K. h. i'Liiie s ersan lolllvrs. Mtu itinn aminil. CUini.VMin-ur- .nVti.u.' iu itwmtl.aiUM' iuiilu-i.f p isi .-d. t oia 'jwoniv st .ties 'lVns liw. ,.?.spin.Ucs awl -i mlw 4. ii'-s r rimapw curt: the u;M! i-r ad ma r Uuho- IHtr-ucrt Vtrjrtuta o,,'',UL- vv""-t j.TjWYAi'r, sii.." ui t. inr "i 1 ) t il.r. nr t n I tf- l,r.,V!ilonl . . "J 'V A.vf'p fis rn M.ui . o.., Va. ' MeialuuriiLi.-s ,i..tu..u. . Kftss LV Tho most simide, durable and effective Pump in the market lor Klines, Quanier, Ilefineries, iTrevveries, Factories, Artesian wells, Fire duty and general manufacturing purnoses. SSTnd for Calah.gue. TI8A. S; GAHKSOU'SWErPBIP WGHS-S yur o;. iwU Si 1. 1 1 Ni w j of'.K . . ..... . 1 , : .1 Pi it - . V