r. j i "V -I . - : i Carolina i Watchman. Editor and Prop. Associate Editor. t ''tXXLLSXl, V SIIUSCUirTJON KATES. p io year iiiHttlhratrce S.x months ' - ibj of five . ubs of tea or more . TERMS 'STRICTLY CASH. $1.50 .7') l.il 1.00 .ta - THURSDAY. AUGUST 27, ISpi. The Watchman is orpin of the Alli . cc in thor5th and 7th Congressional jji.stricts. . .' . The Watchman has fj0 per cent more circuhitiou than any paier published in 'vilislnny. '"'-.. ' ; ; A BILIOUS OLD FOGY. f The Progressive Farmer of this week Vntiu exjuses that piou old -fogy who 0-Jits the Raieigh . tVeiri pwl Observer. J IVhout a year ago that paper published n-most contemptible slander sent out : Vrom theSlauder Bureau' t Wash ington charging Coloilel Polk with lifaK-ation when he resigned as com jnissionerfvigricurture several years !?o..' At that time fie Progress! re Farmer pulled the corrupt cloajc from the shoulders of Captaiu Ashe aud ex-II- " 1 1 ' posed mm urpuouc gaze. ' This week, among otlier thingv a circular that was sent out by the Ketcs ftml Q'Jserver last fall is published, f his circular is a most ridiculous thing i that; it claims that the News and foserver favora the sub-Tre;isnrv and .ill the Alliance demands. This sec ond exposure ought to convince ail honest people that the News and Ob server' entirely rotten. ' Yet, strange 1o say, people and news paper men that profess to do right "and 7eaf Jod and love their fellow-men continue to claim that the News and Observer is th ablest, the most re liable"! paper in North Caiolina and thatit "moulds public opini'in." . ' We cannot believe that Mr. Jerni caiK who is how one of the editors, is -il l unreliable man. But he is in bad 'lonapany, and should disclaim his con oection with 'the work of Capt. Ashe: "Jf the News and Observer really did shape public opinion in this State, affairs would soon be in a terrible con dition. . Below is a copy of the circular re ferred to. Doe it anifdhe daily utter ances of the Xei'c-s and Observe' seem to have any connection ? COPY 6F CIRCULAR. 'rtjr. nev'9 and onsnuvKu, The Old Reliable Alway True and Faithful. ' : Advocates the sub-Treasury bill. Advocates unlimited coinage of silver ami t!ic"U3ue of $500,-00(1,000 more paper money. 1 "Advocates distributing ?100,00,000 of" the public money nov in tire Treasury to the States iVii the basis of their agricultural products to r 'relieve ngricJtural depression. - ' Advocates repeiJhig the national batik l;iv, artd allowing State banks to isstve notf. Advocatt'3 the repeal of the internal revenue V system and a tariff for rerinnc only. Favors the Farmers' AUianeef scek to pro--jiote its objects, anM advocates the protection of the freemen of North Carol'int against iiu .. position from any quarter! Advocates that the white ir.on of Nortli Carolina shall all gtan-i together and work for the prosperity of all class and conditions" of toen. : . - t We print a large eight-page paper. Price .31.25. In clubs at $1. c S. A. A she, Ed.Aivrj awl Olntcrrrr "- ' ' Raleigh. N. O. Q21 AND RALLY AT GIIARLOTTE. Widnesday morning' things looked gloomy for the farmers of Mecklcn- K..v TCa -i j . ourg; ISot only was it pouring;, down p'n in torrents but: as yet not -one of the speakers had arrived. A washout of a trestle between Greensboro and Raleigh delayed Col. Polk from getting there in the 'morning- but he sent a telegram that he would be there with Mr. Wiiletts by three o'clock. Least expected, "Sock less" Jerry Simpson turned up, on the vestibule. Speaking egan nt once audit, it is with regret ; that space forbids us from, giving his speech, and more so when I learned from him that he cannot be with us I -next Tuesday. lie has four speeches i i for this State onlj at this time. ''.y Tie is forty-nine years old with rather i a tall slender build,' lie is a sound ex pounder of Alliance' principles. Il poke two and threofouifhs hours. Co. Polk's train w:.s delay d six hours so he would notet to Charlotte before 7 o'clock., Mr. Simpson again ioolc tlie stand and talked for an hour and a quarter, in all making four hours lhat he had fpoken. His speech snacks considerably of the third mrty, in bi own state espVcially, for neither - of tlie bid parlies will acceed to tjie peole wants. In all, bis. speech was , good, his illustrations of Alliance de mands were better than ever- in-all it was grasd. We learn I "hat-Col'. Polk u the court house last ni'ht. THE ALLIANCE WHEAT H0LDI!iO. Now since the A l.liauce. people are AnrlanvArin.. i - .......... ' . uirTiFMir Ki uiiiig ioi a generau holdingof wheat we are particularly mix join to see them succeed, says, tire National Stockman tnd Farmer, for two reasons. First, for the ,,f fbe better jinciTit will bring to fu.. iners; and, second, but by no means lenst to demonstrate that when, far mers undertake to carry through . a coniuerciitl conitinatioti of this kind they may prove themselves nb'e to do it. It has been shown over and over ii"aiu Iblifc Vfcw shrewd men have been able to "change ' the markets 'of the country, to un ulruost fabulous ex tent in a few "'hours and to take from ,.m.i 'ul, tn flu. viiliin of commodities ut . mv u ought to be demon- rstrable that unck).uuted- thousands of farmers ought to le able to -tip the same, thing. iVof that they can do it will do m'tfij more jthan sitnply bring a fi increased ninount of money into -.their pockets; it will have a whole some moral effect iijmmi peculation. The experiment will U- watclu-d by the entire country with great interest. MUST iJAVE THE SUB-TREASURY. The Charlotte CJovnuue of the; 2? I wrote an editoriiil fuder I he above heading and wound up by saying: - Free silver appears to be the mean between these two extremes, a fr-e silver pl.ink in the platform with Grover Cleveland on it. He will stand there if put there and the formers shoirM stand there with him. Making a silver dollar as good as a gold dollar and a plentyiof them ought to bring the democrats together. It can be doue. Grover CUv.ebind is foritand wh:t more do the 'armers want? Cleveland has only insisted that the silver dollar should be depreciated in value and therefore be dispised and refused. Cleveland is the em bodiment of courage and honesty and free sil ver should be the common ground for meeting of the two extremes. Now, if we understand the Chronicle, it think, or pretends to think, that the Alliance people will st t lie snb-Trcas-ujt sc-h'eme aside and compromise on free silver foin::ge and Grover Cleve land for president. It never was more mistaken? What do the people mean if they don't tneanthat they want the sub-Treaf ury-? They hav; said that they don't want Cleveland. The Ocala platform has free eoinnge of silver in it. What have we to' compromise? Nothing whatever. Mr. Cleveland belongs to Wall street. Most of his acts wiiilei president point that way: all of them since. Jle will never be president againT i -- Thirteen S(a!e Alliances, heard from and only one delegate voted against the Oeala platform. Tim tliusness of the whyfore of this is that the people mean business. We predicted fjve years" ago that this would be the result of- the farmers' movement. Go on with t he-good work. n other words, k,!et he'r go Galligher." Tire Ne:rs and Observer of last S:iu d.!V and Tuesday morn'ug w:is red hot. For inconsistency, discrepancy and several other things t lie Xeirs and Ob server is a daisy. Tun farmers of Kentucky control the State legislature, . notwil hstaiulifrgTT the politicians claim n victory. Hur rah'for Kentucky. Missouri State Alliance met Tues diiy. v -We suppose liny wiil settle President Hallby' endorsing or con- ?enwing him. Ex Governor AxrKFD M. f cales is critical! v ill Tlr President. rknijaman Harrison , rresident of the United Sfhte-vis book id, IVa a speech at the Southern Interstate Exposition, which is to he held at lLilM;;ti durinicthe inontt).s of October and November. John Wanamaker and the entire cabinet think ii. i." sjtinwi iiuucy lor me rresiue.ni w visil thft sm.o.nr,, ..no.o 'pi,v r. i ..f durmg the ritterttent'.s Southern trip, made during the early part of the year, that the Southern people can treat the Treident of the United States w ith cour tersy. - The President will receive an unthsias tic Ae!eonie at the capital oy the Old North State. - v You want a picture of the - national officers of the A Ilia nee. Xcnd $1 90 and et the Progressive Firmer and the Watchman and pictnr,'. A Novel Feature at the Southern - Inter-Stutc KxncisLioii. The innnaftemcnt of the Southetn Ex position to be held during October and November, 1891, nt the capital city of North Carolina, have arranged a novel plan for the fanners within rive or six days drive of the city. They plotted off a large tract of land into Mimll plots of fifteen by tliirty feet , hii h aie fenced in, with a gate or entrance to each; and they lire advertising ext. nsivlv for the farmers and all who desire to do so, to "o to the Exposition in their own wagons ami carry provisions villi ihem for a stay of a week or ten days. ! This is a novel plan. The city of wag-' ens will have police regulation!?, aiPd will be guarded at night bv duly com missioned policemen, whose duty willube to preserve "order,as w ell as lo see that no one molests the property of those campiug out. Parties having ladies with them will be placed in dill'ereiit camping urounds 'froai the parties who have nien exclusively, aiid special care will be taken the have ihe very best of order. j The nnijority of people will prefers! to go that way for the following-reasons;! First, It will be little or no outlay of money. ; Second, No danger of railroad acci dents. Third, The pasty will feel like they are maslrnyof theh- own house, and yill not- get tifvd out as is usually the case when stopping at hotels.' . Fourth. It will he a nlenwint. t ii r inl i to .see the hundreds of covered illul cou'b5 will rciuiud one of PUT THIS lNjYOUU Plain Facts ami Sharp, Pithy Sayings from llefuiiu Tapers. " rri t. 'v . .., ..i.,., ;o l,Q rl,cf that mijst disturbs the slumbers or the millionaire. ' . In 1847 there wps one millionaire and no tranij)s. How does it stand in 1891? Answer the qnestsou and sad dle the' blame. Texans had letter be poor forever than lieco'me nch imw through the usurious use of f.yreigu money, with perpetual serfdom for themselves and prospeiity iu'thp future. Expoiient. This county is worth over one hun dred, billion of dollars. Who owns it? The farmer pays 82 .per cent, of the faxts and owns 20" per cent, of pro perty. ' " The growth of the Alliance and People's party of America is the wonder and astonishment iij the politics of the nineteenth century. f Washington Re publican. The -proposed amendment to the constitution to transfer 1 per cent, an nually of the public school fund to the general school fund is a step towards the final destruction! of a sacred .inher itance of the Texas children. Kx. 'r The' U'S.S'jnate ctrutahft-ToHy millionaires. (If con v. t hey teprcsjit the farmers interests. JNo oiie- would think of asserting that their in terests and the farmers are not identi cal. It is an absurd -discrimination of the law which makes the treasury store dollar lor dollar of the coin certificate, while it retains only about thirty per cent, of a reserve for legal tenders. Weekly Republic. IE a moral, a social or a political evil is prevailing aud the people of a com munity, a State or a nat ion, have the power in their own, hands to correct, and fail to do so, who can the' blame but themselves? Farmer Advocate. The papers which are carping : about the proposition of the t.rnieis combin ing and holding their who it, will please explain where the wisdom of expecting farmers to continue to raise wheat be low the actual production comes in. Farmers' Advocate. ; The farmers have; been patient, and have endured being robbed as no other class of men ever have and they have been slow to find out th t I hey pay 80 percent, of the taxis,-besides furnish ing the-verv material from which uu merous speculators: .thrive. Pioneer Kxponeul Wheat to-day is worth 1.50 per bushel in "England,; and the cost of transportation after 5 Reaches the gulf or ocean is but a t r fie. Here t he spec ulator again robs t hi fainnr, for the latter is forced lo sejl his wheat gener ally at the juices offered on account of pressing debts has! been compelled lo make tor a bare siiblenace. Pioneer Exponent. . The express and telegraph J ol Is col lected in this country are nothing more nor less than legal i'.-d jobbery. These rates should be reduce.'! one-half or 'two-thirds. Wfc exited, to -ee (lie cl.iv Then the goveriiujut will these branches of communication and transportation, ::s it now dues the jisostal nil tirs of Mu i cm nt ry. Speed the da ! Weekly Itepnldic Over twenty-two' millimi acres of rv soil in the United States are owned by Jjiiropeans. 1 he vast acreage owned by aliens is koih! ti nine States the size or iVlassaeliusetts. l lie alien Jvt'' lish land lords in Ireland, who are charged wit h. nine-tenths ol ihe miser ies a!id oppression endured by the Irish peop'e, do not own hiilf as many acres ll.'ere as alien Europeans own in this country. lloston Ol'obe. Shall the Alliancemen of Ameriea free citizens of what, 'ought to be a free countiy assert their rights and obtain justice Wiil they; stand like true men and do their duty, demanding equal rights, equal lavs and justice? Shall they demand a new civihz ition and a new system of tinanciab the equality of laws which she d- r. rve, or shall they degenerate into the condi tion of tenants and serfs. Dakota Review. AVhen you Hear an opponent of the subTreasury bill say it would be un constitutional lo lend money to the farmers, telj him that it is held to be con.-titutional tolendgo eminent credit to distillers, and that to-day the amount of internal ! revenue on the whisky in store in the bonded jvare Iiouses amounting to S(ji),"(H)(),00(), is a Joan to the distillers for three years. Then ask lijili why a whisky distiller is so much better than a farmer, and and why whisky is better security than corji, cot Ion or wheat. These are: per tinent questions. Ample Room. Ample room at the hotels during the Exposition in Raleigh, guaranteed at moderate prices. The! Exposition man agement has arranged wi'ih parties to put up temporary lodging houses, and a uniform price of only fifty cents per night is to bo charged for sleeping quarters. A well supplied restaurant will be attached to each of the lodging house?, and per sons can purchase cooked food at prices to suit themselves. Shoots the Ashes IVoni a Cig-ar. The most expert rifle marksman in the world will give daily exhibits of his skill at the Southern Exposition, to be held in tho Citv I!.. i V r i 1st of October to the 1 st So f Decern be Tt i- saul that he cait shoot tlie ashes from ei$nrinthe mouth ot hi? a.sistart.. He Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria ifuouiiui uppie ironi tue iittati or hu musieiaus. ronie u iiiiui tun... . ....... , 1T .- .- - , sistant, and throu-h ainger vi,,ghrhl hy ! far as the White Mountains of New ; that tin -iu.Ution ot toe corporation sh;ui i , ;" wt hi9 assistant. If therdiis anythincr inter-1 Hampshire, and two from lOurope. The ; he sixty y-a'rs; the capital sIock is sixly i TOpOl 11011- 1 esimg or amusing rat nek means to have selection ol tne musicians a ..j , u.u y- , i-' e- rt,.m it for people who visit the Exposition the musical director, who had directions crease to three hundred thousand d(d- OU C0I110 SOOll. .J " ' to select the lxst, so as to furnish the lars, divided into shares of the par alue v WASHINGTON LiriTEi:. f Hare of Texas Talks The Speakership I of Scvr York Jldrfffjare MalisUcs. Washington August 24, 1S91. Ex-Representative Hare, of Texas, is in town and he is full of interesting talk about things of national impor tance. He says Governor Hogg ie afraid to call an extra ?ession of the legislature on 'account of the senatorial situation, although the ' jeople are mostly in favor of one. He says also that Representative Mills cannot be be elected to th.e Senate lecanse of his having too many bitter enemies' in the State, and that, he thinks, Judge Cul bertson will be the next -senator from Texas, if he wants the place, whether the election be at an extra or a regular sessiou of the leidatur'. This, if true, jmts a spoke in the whet I of the scheme which has been much talked of hereto get Mills elected to the Senate at an extra session of the legislature, in order to get him out of the speakership fight. By the way, speaking of the speaker ship, a Tammany democrat who is credited with knowing whereof he he speaks, says that the twenty-three democrats of New Turk have ' been polhd on the, speakj4rs1upi;jind t hat one of -then is riMUr-Mp.t'Al,ilih), ami sixtHen im'i t-Wjfvi H:,the tmit ntkNvill be obsevv.eKhviu1 the -eaiuiis with the exception'-ttf Representative Tracy who refuses to be bound thereby and who w vote for Mills,'rfsp will get twenty-two of the votes. Secretary Noble is again on hand, and he is kept busy in denying that he has resigned or thnt lie intends to re sign. Whatever he Jitay have b.en several mouths ago when the report got out that he intended to reuigu on account of bad health, ho certainly isn't a sick man now. , The American Association for the advancement of science, which has been in session here since last Wed nesd iy, .has about concluded its busi ness and the m tubers are now engaged in enj ing themselves by sight-seeing and other methods just like ordinary folks. Can iager beer be, taken legdly into Indian Terr.tory and te sold there? Tlie ques'ion has been alced by seme body, and the "Treasury, War and lutt rior departments aiv. all interested in its answer. "Ardent spirits' or'Vpir it nous 1 quors" are prohibited by slat uf e from being taken into or sold in the Indian country, but judges having jurisdiction of the iern.ory have dif fered in Hie construction ol this statute, ome bidding that it included beer, and one, the other day, that it did not. Secretary of the Intern r thinks i: is a violation of the spirit, if not the letter of tlie law, to sell beer in 1 he Territory, and he has requested the Commissioner of lutirir.il l venue to prevent the admissiojt-of anv unuv beer into tin Ten iNir , hut t ha; iU t; ; t; l has not. vet decided .what. if an . li'is lie will t do' in the ni.il !i-r. '!'.,. r. ary b s d. reeted I hat all pack iges of beer in the Territory he muz. d. Washiniit'Ui nw wants ev-.Myt hing" I hat is goiuu". The delegates from the 1 )isj rict of I 'ol u m Ida d.--p art men I of the Union Veteran's Union carried: a heariv invitation to the national meet ing of the Union which convenes :it Cleveiaiul. Oiiio. t -1". u i "o . ti hold it lSli'J uieetiug here during the same week thai Ihe (K A. l. eneampmeuf will l.e here, and notw ii hstanding liat yesterday" was Sui;dav many of our leading ritiz -ns Were doing missionary w(rk in the rank-; d dcparl uients of M;is'i liUM i ts, il.tiu evAew llantp sliir;' and Vermont, the members -of which stopped bere en rou'e to ('it ve I ind. Washington is also after ail tt7e political conventions next year. It is. slated that a determined off i t is to be mad' to get .Mr. ilarrismi to ap)o:ut a ucccs or io W. L. Uragg, of Alal.iauia, one o) t lu- Inter-Slate limn melee dun :ii!s.io!!i-i: who died hist week, a Farmers" A liauce mm if not a member of the order, one who is known to be in. smjvdhy with its aims. It is claimed by liie Alliance men that their numbers ami their d. rect interest. in matters pertaining to interstate commerce entitle them to be represented upon the Inter-State Com mission. and they will be supported .by a number of influential republicans who believe that it would be -good polities for Mr. Harrion to publicly rec"gnizrt the A Ufa nee, and ii the Alliance -man selected be also a' demo crat it is not tiuRight that the .mem bers of that partywrriild do much kicking, as they are particularly de sirous just at this time of stiuidiug with the Alliance.' The oificialof thc'Nalional Farmer's Alliance say that there is no truth in the charge' that Senator P feller h s been misrepresenting the mortgage Hi u srep eseuiiii' me i;i"n- r,u m- tedness of Kansas and tlu-v have de b obtained the ollicial figures trom the ! chaser, V ill lie Fold cheap ana Census IJureau to sui.stant iate theirinn reasonable terms. Call Oil statement. These tigures give theor o(,l!VFe mortgage indebtedness ot ivansas io. jvansas lor iu; paL ieo .-. i- .-u- 7011 OOO .f 1,1 hd, Here remained nil- paid at the close of the Census year 5?235,OCO. The lota! nuinbir of niort g;iges was 020,000; the per capita debt was $IG0; 71 per cam t. were on farms; 3 per cent. . were subj -ct to 11) jHr cent, interest, 7 per cent, to 12 per coat, interest and some of them are re ported to be subject to 40 per cent, in terest. A Musical Treat. A musical treat is in. store for those who visit the meat Southern Exposition 'in i .1.1 ii. i; il.. ii.ii N ('.. iluiinir ' ( 'ctoher and No eitibt her. The hand that is to furnish music for the Exposition has been selected from tae most taie cti'.ea most complete band that has yet per - formed at a Southern, Exposition. ' Absolutely Pure. A cream' f tartar baking powder. Highest of nil in leavening ntrcnrth.--Latcst U. S. Qobverumcut Food lieport4 Fresh Garden Seeds at re duced prices. Clover and Grass Seeds at the lowest prices atEnniss' Drug ciorc. READ THIS! Be sure and call for a bottle of 3 Cures. It has never failed to cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and Sick Headache.. I can give you first-class references in Sal isbury to prove its merits. For sale lv BE IN TIME. Don't wait till you pot shk to get a botlle of Enniss' Diarrhoea RpcciHc, but come and have it ready. It will save you a doctor lull and probably your life. It is speedy cure for Diarrhoea, Flux, Sum mer and l'owel complaints. It hover fails to cure if taken in time!. J. If. ENNISS. fe!2:f - . W. H. & R. S. rucK HA LEIGH, 17. C. We desire to call tlie a! ten I ion of (he people of Noi l !i Carolina to the ExtrcarJiaary Offering of Dry ( ioods and kindred wares, Car pets and Puri.ituic, tl.a' we will make (luring the; Southern Inter-State Exposi tion, lo be 'hell at Ilaleigh, X. C, Octo ber l. t to December 1st. Visiters the Exposition ;:re urged to dffcr (heir pvrrl:r.t:rx mi'.i! ecu visit o.-.t .s-.'ot, w here they w ill be show'n the largest lines exhibited in the Southern States, ai d at Prices lower tlian any other Hduso in America. Ev ! oj o wi! ' he and p"i '. I c' y and m ; w. heartily received ive!v w aited '.'p.-ii. (.Vine to Tuckers. Exposition, and cl' W. U.;& R. S. Me.' & Co. Mr'ition the W'.it. lan.in wlicn yon writr. LIST CF Olio 20-horso-poYver Eric City KnpiK' itinl 2-") Ii. ). Ioikr. One C.M-fsjivv VjurWinklo Cot ton (Jin with feeder, and con denser. Also, Van Winkle Press. One Lidd?ll Saw Mill and Platform'-Scales. This machinery is all in good order, and can he bought to- . , , . Pher or separately to Hilt pur- , t) Q rAT)SIIAW, T , x f, IU?SClI, IvOWail LO.,i. V, State of North Carolina, I Ilowan Couaty, j jHly i0ih iS'Jl Notice is herehy given of the incorpo ration of the Central Land Company of Salishury, N. C; that the names of the incorporators are Edwin Shaver, V. H. Thompson, IL McCanless, I. H. iFoUst, J. S.'sMeCuhhiiif, John S. Hender son, J. M. liarlen, L. E. 8le-re, M. L. Bean, E. P. Wharton, and such others-as they may associate with them; that tho principal place of business shall he in ilisbuiy, IS ..-., ana its general purpose - nno business i to nay ana Feu reai estate ar.U to erect iniiH.iuxs ami lactones, aini the nouij; M any oiner nusiiiess couicj reo ittr.n !iv t he nw.H . . I , of one hundml h)l .;.i s ea. li. i W. ti. WA lON, ('. S. C. ; j . . . - Machinery Sale! EooFttThis! Bsiil - Wo arc now receiving the largest and best assorted stock wo have ever carried. Read a few ofour prices: Pant goods, 10c per yard. . Brogan Shoes, 1.00. Dress Goods from 8c. to $ .00 per yard. Men's Shoes from $3.00 to $12.50. ' ':- A'full line of men's and boys Hats. ' The cheapest li nc of G roceries in Salisburv. If you wish to save money, do not buy until you get our prices. We mean business. D. I JULIAN & CO. jJR. L. N. BURLEYSON, GOLD HILL, N." C. Ofllce near the Methodist church. "All calls, niht or day, promptly answered. .SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY, SALEM, K. C. Tho Oldect Fcmalo Cclkga in the Scuth. The OOlh Annual Session ))Cpin3 Aupust 27th, 18DL. IU-jritpr for,! as t voir :i'.0 tj.c ci:d features: Til K IEVELOIMKXT OF HEALTH, CHARACTER' AND INTELLECT. I5aUding3 thoroughly remodeled. Fully equipped lrepar.iiory, t'ollcgiato niul I'osd (iraduate Departniciits, besides" first-class schools in MUSIC. ART, LANGUAGES, COM-! MGItCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL STUDIES. JOHN H. CLSWELL, Trincinal. j Mentloa t!ieA atclunan wiien jou wrlie. WE SXOVVS it WANT nrinix if. filonp;; the more the !iierrir. Yc arc nrep:ired In lIir.HEU I'KICES fr SNOW XIUE CUHED than any oll.erjiv.il fivilits arc eheap, a nn-rt 1 ri i Io when iue-retsi'd prires jiiv t.:.km into' mvou Our r;u!ro:id faeililies are ord. - oend your td:iec to 0:ifrd, N. C, yu v 't ood prices and fjiiiek returns. Uuyer- for all cd asses and 1 from every p; ot the world are located in Oxford. Vu will hud in. ALL BUSINESS A KD NO PREJUDICE, Hunt, Cooper & Co., Rfoi'dows Warehouse, - luilhx lc Mitehell, Co 1 1, W ''-rs & Ii. . Minor & Co., Minor arehouye, 1L V Kuott, Maiuigi r Alliance Warehous',- J. M. Currin, Ihivcr, W! . C. Reed, I ?u er, dohn Meadows, Buvcr. Wilkinson Bros., lluvi rs .iii ai o iv ) .tlir , . !. I). S. Osl urn. linx'.-r, r . O. !;: ;:li.-!r!i, I ) 1 1 MIS. Bowaro (f imitations, iron nine fixed wire SNOW Modern Mtiunfat li led l-y AGENTS WANTED! Mei.tim t he Waichman when ycu w1:c. -S8- Can you read 25 OFF! $30.00 Tea Set at ' V i That's what ! v A $5.00 Umbrella, at I " Warranted three years. A $4 Clock at $3; Actual eosk A $2.00 Breastpin at I A 1.00 Breastpin at J A .50 Breastpin at " Evcrvthinjr under the i discount head in sail am ihe KLUTTZ&CO. ' : "-:": i . li IB y XTnequallcd forjttc Curb of Dysentery, Diarrhoea Choi era Morbus, Summer Com plaint, Pains in the Stomach! and Bowels, &e. r Respectfully, r T.F.KUITTZ&CO OF. Nest Term Begics Sept. S, Entrance Examinations Sept. ( Tuition ?no -per term. ..Needr "voiin" fmc laieiinuvi erftracier will ic aided wi-j, ,. arships-nml - loans. Hesides two CV, Courses of study, which oflit a wide ranee elective studies, there are comics t j, r. !:..:.. .,...1 t. &c, address the rresident, . GEO. T. WINSTHV, . ''' Chapel lh!;,N.:( Land for Sale. I ofTer for ale nvv plantation, contain' U7j Hcres, one mile west of Uoekwelt ' le near Peeler's school-house. The tract b . poafi.1 to contain a valuable pold and cm mine. Any one wishing .o buy olionid.calt or write me at Rock welL .n un ihj uiim . . j;m il l 1 1115. - in.tr Cltaiii'- tniitisTENnuiiv noLsuorsF.i: August f, lt91.. - Gt. - WIRE if TOBACCO 1! I IV t , t i 1 . :ii It h.miier an diovsu. (Jo., Ceu I iv Waivhuuse, . Ji. ((Jurifti. I 1 1 v e O. S. 8uvoot, Buyer, J. I). I Jul lock; Huyer, John W hl luer, W. A. Jlohhitt, IJu.ver, .. " t V . i rr'shti i vf ljii eiy rf I. Ci It'll n, ljujer. ' Buy only the origin 1 STICKS. Tobacco Jam Go., OXFORD, N; C. S22.5 $3.7.5. or- loser and you make it Family lO-CeiLDiairMi Mini UNIVERS TY lOBTHMm CrllED that? " ' Do you Know what it means ? i Truly yours. -W. Hi REISWER. i if

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