it " n r i 1 r i 11 i .fi ; 1 i, !T1 . -Of! ,1 , r f r K. ... ' ALUANCK DIKKCTOHV. v-V ,th Carolina; is. n. i"- -r- -- ,'. . - T If SIHTfJarV Mi t. Jvnn-w: - i ftr, Georgia; J. F. WMett lecUrer. ; '.siAr Atlinw-VVw Carr present, t 'rSpartu;' E. (MJe.l.JiuyficId, fccerctary. Congrevuonal Pintrvtecivror, A 1,-uar, Moon-sviih-: President, Col. It. A. eyi-CHfwba; V-l'res.. E. J'. IW. J ivwo-kI; gcrctary T usurer, J. I. U,tca!iuray-3rsM Miller, present, t ickmcr; M. I Kitchi. secretary, bw. , Jrt,Ui iiunly-i. U. J!tfn, MMcnt. (ol Sring; M. K. Bmoacy, uccrcUry, Ho'onsvillt, - - fVrru CVvV P. IJilpmwJ, prwi--nt. Concbrd; Dr. S. Laffcrty, seeri- . try, Concord. batulwn VnuntyK. S. Green, president, Jjnies; V. A. L'lDdtay, secretary, TJiomas viile. Catawba County S. T. Wilfoug, prcsi Jmt, Newton; J. F. Herman, secretary, JJovrton. - N. C. Reform Press wUtIB. Officers, L. Jlimey .president; Marion Jitlert vice-preidcnt; W. S. Barnes, ec- PAPERS. -ojrresslve Farnjer, 3C. OrjfW, ,m :aslan. i.ural lloinc, ' uollni Watchman, p triuers' Advocate, . fountain Home-Journal, Bal3f b, N. C. -J: -j tan. N. C, w iisou, r. u. gallsbuty, H. V, Tarboro, N.X". Ashevtlle. N. V. Goldsboro, N. ', Trtnlty Cbtiege, N. C. HJckory, N. C. Wbutakere, N C, yi. ll.ince rwuuucj, it urntrj Life, crcury, Kutier, f il nhnv-iuivLxl mantra are re- q-iested to&eirthc list standing on the first a aie and add others, provided tkey are duly , 'ectrd.- Any paper Jailing 1 advocate the );ala platform will be dropped from the Hat promptly. (hif people can now see wliat jtopera are publimed in their interest. Change Needed. The suggestion of liro. VV. S. Mil - )iken, of JxceIsior, N. C. published in nr last issue, v;w h wise onf, . He t illed-attGntwiirto the very imperfect jIhm we now haye of funrisljiuj; cid to lue unfortunate members of the Alii jince. We fully agree with him as to the need of a change and n better system, or rather some System, for we iiave had none heretofore, and itis im--ortant that we do,uot help the un fortunate, For instance aworthy member of t lie Alliance loses a horse worth, say, S10(). The president and secretary of u s Alliance sign an appearand it is pub lished. Perhaps several Alliances con tribute a dollar e;ich and that is the last of iL The loss is not near made up. Hut suppose each of the 2,200 Alliances Kend a dollar,. Alien lie i?ets Z.ZUUdol lars f jr a hundred dollars loss. If each one only sends 23 cent he would get more than five times his toss. But it each Alliance wonld tend onlv 4 or 5 ents the poor man would be able to luy another horse nt once and nobody would be hurt, Now and then a house in burned causing a loa of $1,000 or 1,200.. An appeal brings a few dollnrs, iiMt a majority don't send anythig and o the loss is not; made up. If each Alliance would send $2 or $3 as some "do, the owner of the burned building would get five or si thousand dollars, tr several times his loss. lint if each Alliance should be as sessed 40 cents, his loss of $J.,200 would be'made up aud 00 ojub would feel it. Jt may be said that th nsessment pUn is not fair because somerT!nl-Al H nces would have 75 or 100 meobers while other would have only fifteen or twenty or more. That should not be considered, for an assessment of 50 txMits could be paid by any sub-AHi- nces either from the general fund or by Yofuntary coatributio2t any time, : and one of toe members of a small ' Alliance is just as liable to have his house burned or lose a horse as a mem ber of a big Allianee, : We don't know that any act of the State Alliance is required to put this System into execution, If an appeal is published where the loss is $100, let each sub-Alliance send h cents. If the loss be several hundred, send your pro rata part and ther will be no further -complaint. JJtseu taw m ever? sub- Alliance and it will he plain that it is ,a good system of insurance against fire or otlier losses, acd it dot cost our meuibers cent ezcpt the actual con tn but ions when there is a loss, Pro gressive Farmer. Plougbcd mp a Iot of GohL San Antonio, Tex.,, Aug. 22. A yo ng farmer named Edwards, while ploughing near Southland Springs a few days apo struck an iron pot the top of which jrojcted half an inch above the ground, Itas apparently filled with earth, but in' great weigbt led an investigation. Under an inch of dirt be found $17,- 000 all in go!4 doublooms. Ed wards loaded his treasure into a wagon, drove Jto au Antonio in the the nig!itvaud next day deposit etT the coin in a ban sayiug jwthing of the fciid until his return There ihas bmg lj traditbu in boutherhuid S-iuKM neighborhood that Santa A una-buried treasutestjteii .n bis retreat, after his defeaWat the 1 a'ile of San Jacint in Texas war, itiijl various senrehers hav hunted: for Jt. Ashebon Courier. If 70 cents worth of silver bttllion vllll el'OMI or) 1 it il,. . ..w...,, 'j Kverniaient is worth one dollar, or oite-third of a gent's worth -of nickel bullion when ftampd by the gorernieut is wx)rth jlive cen Is, Joes not ihut firwe that gov ern men t stanij prodee tkl exchange f r legal tender value? Why then is it not just1 a easy fw the goernmeat to .stanij) pieces f papr tttd gir them to u as money, ami let Mm gold and sil ver be ued ;is 4riiaiHejjts, as tle .iva res use llrk, or in the arts, as avilirel people "otht k use Ihem? )Vill somj hwi '-money uian please 'ianstverj Report of Hc Executire Commit ' tee in Ueg.xnl t the Te:iclie' AHsembly Hall. - - Office Executive Coitmitte. Morehead City, Ag. 11, 1801. Me. ItelDjENT: Your jaommiliee reswectfnlK report that at the last m.tincr cii the State Alliance held :it Ri-o. Worth stattJ that iliej Secretary of. the Taekers AbmiJMv fr. ...... m -- - - , tendered to the State Alliance the use of the Teacher Assembly "Hall at Morehead L5ty for oar next tm meeting. Other Biadtj statements in ranTto said halL and the State Al liance accepted the invitation, and se lected Moreliad City for tne prac? oi The Secretary of the Teaicbers' Assembly, without notice to 114 Par the Hall th Dental Associa tion, and we regret tliHt we did not know the fact in time to ha?e selected a town that wonld hare given us a hall, V h k . suitable to hold eurlUeeting, ana give the brthr6 notice of the change. S. H. Alexander. J. S. Johnson, JL M,Mewborne,0uhhiitteei ; Tb Truth, iftTeXcbers' Assembly rented Bells Hull Jrt ha VarnmN' Alli;HlP.rt. and un with p.onviiiences and raored a Iarcre nnmlier of the as sembly benches into the hall. Special to the Stats Chronicle from Morehead. Who n the Teachers Assembly.'' Is Mr. Daniel Bell, of Morphead? If so the aljove from the Chronicle is true, otherwise it is a malicious Jalsehood? I rented theliall from Mr. Daniel 1111, and below is a copy of his bill and re ceipt, W. b. LJaknes, aec.-lreas. JM. G. f . b. A. Mobeeaj Citv, N. C., August 13, 18Ji. Farmers' Alliance Bought of Watson, Daniel & Bell. Hall rent, 10.0!) Ice, 4.00 Moving seats from and to Asst m bly llall, - - 3.G2 17.02 Received payment. Da si el Bell. - IVrM. Drinking a Farm. My homeless fiii'iid with tlife chro matic, nose, while" you are stirring up the sugar in a ten cent glass of gin, let me give you a fact to wash dmvii with it. You may sa you havi longed for the free independent life of the farimr, but have never been able to get enough money together to bin a farm. But this is just where you are mistaken. For several years you have been drinking a good improved farm at the rate of oiia. hundred square feet at the gulp. If yotr' doubt this statement, figure it out for yourself. An acre of laird contains 43,300 square feet. Estimating for convenience the land at $43.30 per ne e you will see that it brings the laud to just one mill per square foot. - Now pour down the fiery dose and imagine you are swal lowing a strawberry patch. Call in five of your friends and have them heh you gulp down that .500-foot garden. Get on m prolonged spree someday and see how loug a time required to swallow a pasture large enough to feed a cow. rut down that glass of ginj there's dirt in it 100 feet of good rich dirt, warth $43.30 per acre. Bal timore Herald. The Topeka Capital is just now undertaking to prove two things to the , neoDle of Kansas that times are ffood and na mortcasres to any Grant extent exist in the State. aau mat money nas an intrinsic value. The iob will Drove alout as difficult in one case as in the other. , In its present shattered condition that paper should have judgment enough to undertake something easy .National Economist. The Capital objects to the statement of National Lecturer Willetts that the form of this government is to change from a republic Ua moneyed aristo cracy. YVe would like to be informed how much of a change remains to be made ere the name of money aristo cracy would be appropri ite to the gov ernment as it exists to-d y. Of what would the necessary changes consist? Topeka Advocate. -j.- -t-. MUSICAL. There scorns to be little going on iu musical circles of late, but there in much ta&, among musical people, of the fnvyelojis cure of Miss 1 , the high eontralto ginger, who has long entered from &. 6cvcre throat or bronchial affection, jsnperinduced by Catatrfe i the Ijad, and who lias been perfectly eared hy the e tof Jr, Sage'i Catarrh Remedy, couptcl with the -use of 0r. fjcrcc'a Oojdea Mcdicai JJiscovcry. l?or sftl brcdfyclual, lliroat and lung afTec-" - iiosAntl lingering coughs, the " Dis eovry Js nn uncquahvl remedy. When complicated with Chronic Nasal Catarrh, its use should be coupled with the use of Dr. Sage's CfiUrrh Heiuedj Of all dnifgists. STATKXKWS, Hews Bailed Omni. t Sst Space From Mountains 1 Seastiorp. Mecklenburg county s to haye a colt sliow. The Concord Fair will he held Sep tember ISlh, ljltii and 'J fJi. A negro was killed bn the Haleiirh A Gtii-tm rad a mile from Wiiidsor .Sattir day night. Wiley Zacbary, oft Ash-jvTiIe, chaseTT and killed a very hire wolf on liald, rauiutaiu. Iu that section they are plen- tiful. Ex-Judge Montgomery, Colonel Jone. and P. I) Walker,; Ej., will appear for the Motz hoy at - Lincolntou in the charge of murder. Hon. Jeremiah Husk, United States Couinii&iouer of AgrictiUure, is booked for a speech some time during the expo sition at itnleiuh. The first bale of cotton raised in the State and sold was nought by Messrs. Sanders & Orr. The halo wns raised -by C M. Burns, of Anson county. The fare ou the street ears in Anheville has been raised from' I". ve to ten e-nts. and a mass nieeling fins been called to take action regarding it. A Cabarrus county -convict, Robert Furr by name, was went after u bucket early i'n spring. He did not return until last week and then iu the hands of an officer. Uriah Lamb, of ,CJ nil ford rourly, vras stun b;,' a bnnlgjclee and died fr.m the elleots. He jlowedi the nest up and the bee stung him between his eyes iu the lower part of the forehead. Mr. W. L. Ewart drov a hundred and twenty-five dollar ::is e to the camp meeting at Hickory 5 rove. Somu per son drove recklessly in;o Mr. Iv.v'ur!' team and. run their iniy .-ir.ifts into hi inule, kiiiiu liim initautly. Twelve months ago iioveriior T;i' rnan championed tlie farnjers' canr-e; and the opposition papers fought T;il ;uan. Vet those papers p:'oi sscd to love th: iaini -rs. This year Governor rillinnti op.po-es the only measure that'S to bi' a : the jio vrr f a few men to ro' t he farmers; and those samo oppos-ition p .pors now champion Governor TiM:.:a:i. Y-'t ht.y all love the dear fariner to death. South Carolina Cotton 1'i .ii1. ( "v: - I h sve su;': n i i r j vurs with a lml of t"UeMr brcikln 'cut :iu u-. ?r r.iy t,i. iiid at tl:u'S U -s iil ? a .v-i'nd i"n:i'.!:ate :nb )ils. Whi.c IT (ciln,i; la tli' ; i.-i: ruv I '.i mi o-'casl n to tr . a b.,uilc --t i'. r '' . W.ii.-a w. rii-omin Ii.ifd to I:i r ti a I:'!. :. ,t:-.i It I ,y Slir- rtw It liTj'rt ae f!-" !n 'a it I -r-n. i.oitcs more, ;iivl afnr t.ii.liij-ihc i'nl' i.i.'!i!":its. I ic-it tn -tcr thin I h:id :-l.-e tlie ftcL-iiH.i' u u :r-M.,W, ind winio I ti ive no s m,)i') i.s t.s ills-.s r--turning. 1 a;n still;',' ti . wo rt' 1 1 iiu.o.1 i: c l cine at intervals, a-ti am ftiily hatihii'l Wiil be entirely cureit ol a di-! i-, - t'.i :t to; t;;i rti c.i s Uas troubled nic I e;i inot c;ir --s ::iy if u le to YOU for SO Wf'tld'TlUl u bi ti' t:: . " a: OU!' r.l'.i'. (Prickly Ash, Poke i.oot; antl e.'!..s-,inm. - I am yours truly, .1 c vt I'mths , Tr.ivcllai SiiIcmmi hi, -.iv mina, (5a. COIiNS, A It : H AND I'.VN IONS Removed quickly and surely by usuir Ablotfs East Indl i c om Paint. Hair all gono, S'?.i'p c-tvlT. 1 with rrm-tlor.s. nnd ;alns In an of his Unibs, n die d.;il e.ise of is . vet p. P. i. re:nal;i d rn ist'T o the sit:; it!.. , ure was affected, and the t tl- t.t. t':e ta ir-b. I Montlcello, Flai. says his hMr li. .-, ..ivn i-ut, -v.x. th:tt he Is a well n in. Tills .-"r. sv-id t r :;! wide, an I n nv 'the ,l:u r sfor M ..'j-- -I.i. 1. P. P. P. in laroe qu.iii'. l; U s. consurtiPTion curiE. An old pnysle,! m. retire. 1 no:-.; p: .o ?-.. iad placed in his ,iu : . n J'td;.- rri -iry the formula i.l a sl!;l;r v-srtable r-tie-dy fot the speedy and p.Tl'l i!:e:;l oo.! ' of 'e:i-;:; :; t;oh Bronchitis, Catanh. and all 'I hro;.( irv hnatr Affi-ittions. id-.o a po-itiv nnd rndieal 'i:r for Nervous l.-blllty an l ail Nerus . d-ijnts. liter having tested its wic!(t'Tfut e v.- r !n tiiousands of e is s. ii s i U ! nl t'.u! ;. o miff it known to ids aiirr-rin fallow-. A -tit a M t :-.i.-noiivcnnda desire to relieve Iitfi a-:f' ;!pt. will snd free of oh tres. to all w) . de.-lre it.t ais recipe, in U'cnaan, French or r.vilsh. with full di rectiouHfor pteparlnpr anil uslnt:. i-'.eiit l.-v m dl f indn-sslnp with stamp, n urdt.i: t Ids inpi r, w. A Noves, 60 Powers n;dck,: Rochester, N. Y. is. L When Baby was sick, f'o crave her Castorta. When she was a Cald,she cried for Casioria vVhcn she became Miss, she ching to Ca.storia. When ehe had Cluldren, she ga j thotn Castona tr- T . ' ;: by T. fi KLl'TTZ CO. &r&s?i&sf&23$p .tiP5G&g5 s5rgt m F KL .T ..v General Directory. COUNTY (JOVKHSMEXT. Clerk Superior Cxmrt W G WaUson. Siieiitf. Jas U Jlonroc lleister of Deeds, Jt N Woodson. 'J'ri;asurer, J Sam'l MeCubbius, Purveyor, i C Arry. Coroner, J) A AtweM. t'o'.nnussioners, L Kluttz, chairman,' ilr j (.oie'man, Cornelius Kestler, J A Stewart and I F Patterson. Sup't Public- Schools, T O Linn. Sup't of Health, Dr J J.ummercll. Oveioeei- of Poor. A M Brown. Mayor, T C Linn -Clerk, I It Julian. Treasurer, I II Foust. Poiiee, (; II Shaven chief, J F Pace, C V l'ool, 11 M lian i uirer. Commissioners North ward, J A Ren dl email, I) M Aliller; South ward, 1) R Julian, J A liarrcit; East warl, J li Gor don, T A (."ouglsenour; West ward, R J Holmes, J W Maunty. CHUllCllKS. Methodist Services every Sunday at il a m and pin. Prayer nioeling every Wednesday at tij p m. liev Dr. Vr II Leith pttstor, Sunday sehool every Sunday afternoon atg o'clock. J W Mauney, sup't. Presbyterian Services every Sunday at 11 a in and 8:30 p m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 8:30 p m. Rev J Ilumplc, I) I, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at 4 p m. J Rumple, sup't. Lutheran Services every Sunday at 11 a m and 7 p m. Prayer meeting "every Wednesday at 7 p m. Rev Chas B King, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon it M p in. li (1 Kizer, sup't. Kpiseopal Services every Sunday at 11 i in ami u:;!0 p m in Wednesday' at 0:80 : m. Rev F J Murdoch, rector. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at o p ni. , sup't. lviptist Services every Sunday morn ing and niirht. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night. Rev N S Jones, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday at 9 a.m. Thos L Su ink, suri't. Catholitr Services every second Sun- lay at loi a m and 7 p in. Rev Father (Jerard, past r. Sumiay sell ol every Sunday at 10 a m. Y M A Devotional services at'llall very Sunday at :'0 m. Business meet ing llr.-.? Thursday. ni-ht in every month. I II Fotist, invs'l. Lo i Hues'. Fulton Lod-c No 'Xi A F & Ar, meets everv first and iliird Fridavnight in each month. K Nt-ave, V .M. Salisbury Lodirc, No -1. K of P, meets every Tuesday niuht. A lt Boydin, C C Salisbury Lodce, No 77"), K of II, meets every 1st Mid :d Monday nilit in each month. C T Bernhardt, Dictator. Salisbury Council, No '27'2, Royal Ar canum, meets every 2d and 1th Monday niirht in cacii month. R (J Kizer Regent POST OFFrCK. OHIcc hours from 7:."0 a m to f..'rf p m. Moi:cv order hours '.) a m to 5 ni. Sund;i hours 12:1." a m to 1:00 p m .1 1 1 Ka..ay, P .M. dl.-f.-.i .-ito t. trio..- on .i. count . f tlK'r '. ).it::oiiiO li i! ii ! -. Mo- ! t il it. MiOJ wrei k t i..-cwst Uu' i, -:::lo,s lie j.i.-; e ! !.; li'i- ;iol"..(i. :. : . ! , !'-o o.l' i'looo e.iia) 's c n os i of t!:- :trui'lo:! i.r l.looJ nolst n. Its "isf nevei Talis to ;,ive s -.tisf.tol Ion. 1 eiiigN 111 risit SAVES one box of hvio illl will save many dollaro In d.c1ir'n hills. Xhcy uro pecittllx irepuro! e-s a Family Medicine, Dnd snppflca a v, ant long felt. Thw ro roovc u:iUc:i!U5.r oc ur.niUliciM from lite body, without niTt)ir? or jrrlplny. .Satc3 to j ixia j and 1.1. Yrtee, 3ae fcJOID JCVEUVW11E11E. DO YOU KNOW THAT oyne CABBY THE LA K( JEST STOCK OP-DIA.MDXDS ' OF AX Y HOUSE IN NORTH CAROLINA! S K LE( T I O X PAC K A( J ES SENT OX APPLICATION. WE KEEP NO IMITATION STONES IX STOCK. REFER TO CHARLOTTE BANKS. BOYNE& BADGER DIAMOND DEALERS, CHARLOTTE, II. C. 3i:ty 1'jeiisc ir.enMf!! the WATri'M n vhen you write. P!;if;;ssioxa l c. i mis. R. LEE WRIGHT, SALISBFRV, N. C. V'iil Titctice hi all tis-'courf.- of Ko-.v.ui :wii loijoio.inir coo :i! 0 Prompt attriitioH-iven to ail ir..'.tti-r.- ja-rtaitnuy to :uy i;-oVssiun. i. i. ISal. A. S. HEILIG. Attornoy -A-t Hjzixtct. SALT-SITKY. X. C. Ofilce in Pa vis : Wiliv"? lunik bui!i'irp cocner uf Main and 1 11 11 i.4 ftn-ets. Wi'! jrac-tii-e in Court-id' Kr.waa :md adj-iiiiirip ouniiii'-. I'roir.jd -a-.-.'I cand'iii ntt ation pivcu to n iiH jS entru-tr.i to ins.'. to coi!Tl:o!iF. :ial attention ";icn JOHN A. RAMSAY, CIVIIj 33TC GrIW GER. Attends. to Kai!:-oa-l Coatru-taon, Surveys, and Mapjinc: of I'ual Estate, Estimates t Wilier Towtrs. riaas for the Erection of Mills. Dwellings, kc: and att- nds to the purchase ol all kinds' of MadiiiK-rV. Uui'.dinjr Materials, .tc, Jee. " f-12 t f Dk. K. L. Ramsay Smithpeais Mow, (H'nrr.. No. 1 OFFICE HOURS FROM 0 TO 5.. SALISHUiJV. N, C. Badger J Many years practice Wo given C. A. Snowjfe Co.! Solicitors of patents nt Washington, IX C, unsunas-cd suc - . . . . cess in obtaining patents for all clause or inventions. I hey make a specialty of many patents h',L had been pre viously rejected.. Their advertisement in another clunin,Sviil le of interest to inventors, patents', manufacturer and all tvho'huve anvtiin; to do v. lth patents. A Household Remedy f FOR ALL f vsmwwi wiasu DISEASES 4 Botanic Blood Balm UCtt re SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT UUrgb RUgUM ECZEMA, every form of malignant SKIN ERUPTION, be sides being eltlcsctous In toning up the A system and rectnrina Hi rnn&:!ntin T when Impaired Jron any cause. Its almost supernatural healtag properties justify us in guaranteeing a cure. If dlrecttware followed. 8ENT FREE " Book f Wonders. BLOOD BALM CO.. Atlanta. Ga. Now For Tour: Jewelry We aro still at (mr.ld stand on Main stivet, where we haw a select stock of Watcliv1-, Clocks," Spectacles, and all kinds of fine Jewelry on hand at tire- lowest V prices. -Watch repair.' nt; a specialty. All work guranteed 12 mouths. J. II. HORAH. W?Q! BVftPI KE5H'-' IXSriTL'TF. cbWLi Ta STAt '.NTON, VI!;C1NI,. op"ns Si-jit . nth. ivi. one uf tUf must thoifiuii iiKtultr.n-H -h loivioi v, tin South. oiiscrval ! t -ti v l-i laM-if ' i ( n y-il i r if li i'rs ;i ii 1 oMi cvs. si: u i ;( n, IkmiiI 11 -ij. liin;it( iiumii-p:is.-"il. rupiis triM iuvi.iy Si T 'ni:s i.v . i T i-1 t ci.a-iii.s u, pers us ..' i iIIsmikv. K. i tin- Still rl" !' :ul ,uil;.;;i o: I h. ! br.ili (1 I Sthcol, wilto tor a ';.i.;-r::i.' in i h I'n u. w A. I! A D a . s. mi .Uii,, 'a. 3r0 T. I. Vinson. Smith 'luiii Street fur yot.r sliavinp ami hal r-i-i; r t imlt- I-'.ir.-t-class work men ait-il sharp razors at all times. 1 !ai r-dres -i g ami tfh:ini.iKiii!r a spei ialtv. Will uait i r. iad'us ami c-liil-hih a" ilu-ir lionics. I alr: -'i irpen ?ctsus at iroin 1( to '!') ii i-t- ! (live me a call. fVii'2, tf. J. A. JOILNSTCX. WB 12pQ MsE i ..... JOHNSTON & ELLIOTT, CHAELOTTS, 11, C. yt 1 y r'j , ..... : , J-i - " kW r. ..' i ' iT ScJSjrAJ Poopk' of Salisbury nnd vicinity wanting r.oonnionts should corresjiond with us. Estimates furnished --trratis. Tton!h."i t.'if? W':iK-!inifin wiifi . -rir-'-. ' Woofton's Patent Wire Tobacco Hangers CAN BE USED IN ANY BARN. Wires are movable. Tobacco can be properly Spaced on stick tmd Hulked Down on the Wires when cured. Simplest, Cheapest and Ikbt in t'ic Market. PHI C liS, when CmMlt Accompanies the Ordrx 100 Sticks Complete (7 Wires to Stick) $3.00 1,000 AVlrcs (No Sticks) 4.00 PRICKS ON TIJIH : lOO Sticks Complete 3.50 1,000 Wires (No Sticks) 4.50 Baskets, per Dozen 4. 00 Sample Stick and Wire for 5 Cents. XT Treatise on Tobacco Culture and Curing FREE. AGENTS WANTED. TOBACCO HANGER M'F'G CO., Houston, Halifax Co., Va. THE rf- Steam,: Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horizon tal of VERTICAL PISTON. I i; a-l I- -a I f I j T"i; a "Ma! nT1 nl H If Q I U P fll S Uiiwi XluLlUliul -or MM, 1 C. R. J. IIOUIES, - - President. I. II. FOUST, -- - .Cashier.. Capital, S50,000. Surplus and Profits, 835,000, General Ur.nfcinglraainess trans aoted.r Deposits solicited. folf:1v New Jewelry. NEW GOODS! LOWEST PRICES! I have jsist bought thr- nnT)14?gt line of fine jewelry ovt-r lroiilt to Salisbury. My stock of Gobi and Silver Watches, Kings, Diamonds, Chains and Charms is complete. I urn here to stay and will not be undersold. No charge for show ing goods. The most novel line of Clocks evershovn in Salisbury. You will save from 2 to ;! per cent, by buy ing from lue. Come and be convinced, ltespectfullv, S. A. L. JOHNSON. : Main St., roxt door to E. C. Miller. PROGRESSIVE FARMER Raleiirli, N. ;C Orsnn f il X. ('. Stato Sviitcd by Col. L. L. I'nik, :siv,.l 1m lcv. Bavlus C;;df. The ;ier will In kejit ti to llit usual l;i;l) standards Subscribe for it. only 81 w yo:;r in atlvanco. fi he I'ifgn ssive F;'.vi!iei ami (lie Watchman will be sent tc new sui-.-cribers u 81. To for 1 t li pa pers. S:i Scribe now. Athlress. i!i:MIKK3SlVE FARMER, ' Rniei-h X. c. Cavca?, nnd '1 ra.!c-.Mark- -ei'al'.cd,. and a:! Pat ct.T b:.iu.'?-i c-.:a--!C.-' f..:r Wcderst: Frr-j. Ov1 Orri c O v y'.'z V . S . Prc O r net a ad v--e -aa '-cur.; ;: :;t ia kv-s U:u.: iliaa ihotj remote (nm Wr,-;. Sead t:u !!, !-. - ;.: or photo., v.'HTi liwni? tion. V,: a-i.visf:. if ;:iii-"-ti;' !o rr n;. ft-fo of churo. Oar v't Cav ti.l rv::-:-' is c .ri. A HAMFHtrr. ''Hoa ('t-a-.i. r.uoi.tH,' x.-ith ut ni-aal c!i;-at iu y.-ur JlU'-v-, u,utitj r towi., seat l.-ue. A Mru, OFr. Patent Cmcz. Washinctow. D. C. t ' i"i"iifirr','i ri - n Aiirn At vdiole?al( and retail. Own in Tiedcll eoiMltV. Ai'rlits lor Iron J-Vnces, Finals, ('n-tins. &e ' - - ef' w jKje$ every variety and J ,' - , X: W S VV Kegular Horizontal Piston. r'Wm " i fer- ii?y - f. t ' -C.: ""31 f; r: tfp TIip most s.iirtpli?, (Ii'ra.o ami oflVrtive Pump iiFtho inarlcft for Mines, Quarries llt.-liiicris, .ir"v-- r :., Ft-t(rics,' Artesian WL'iis, Fire duty and gni'Tal Mianufactui inu purposed. j'pm'ImI for Cii.laloguc. Tie A. S. CAMERON STEAM PUMP Wf RKS Four (. East Stim i i- -v Yokk. VvVN. C. DIVISIO coaenspd rcliedulc In efTc t m KA-sTrr.iK" Nil. lo LV CllKillOiiiti, t. ,t l' LtUlt.iflliejL. N. " KiiCxHllH, K.T.V.S G. .rrl5ior,n, f ,v Paiut hock. K & 1). ixot s' prists, - rAbhpiile, LvAKhcMU, l cuad Knob, - larK;i, ""yortfimtoiij ' H.ckory. Iiewto , Statesvillr, Ar sali-t ury, " ciiartott.', tireensNjro, n.invi'i-, ArKlchQiouU, Ar IMrham." " Ualfclb. ilci.Uoro, " MnrutHeatf'Uy, A..V N.c. Ar Lynchburg, K. S i. " Washington, " Baltimore, rrnn. " Philadelphia, " New Vor. 1 ita I'lii - ;;,.,! - ' f.'i:t V7; , , ' '-will tl im ii "ill; WKSTBUl'ND. . Lv Nv-w urk. l fim. riil!actvlphla, . " Bali miuro. " V asUiittor,i 1 4 D. Lyi.elil-riig, " HanvKk-, , Lv IMcIunow', Lv Yon liea.i t:ity, A.t .c. " (ioldb rr, k. x j. Ka elgh, . " Durhaii., " iiipensriero A r Salisbury. statrsr lie, " Nfwfon, 4lil'cl.or.v. " Slortraiiton, ' Marion,- " Loiiiid Knob, " Ashfvil'.e. Lv Ahrvlllp, r SpitiiK . " I'.ilnt Lot,,-, " Vorrisiov.u, E.T.VJt " .K ii-ixyitlc, " I.. u:.s it i.-, I.. A N: Ciri. inn tl, Q.. a; c. s,:T'itjbulTM : i i : i , i4 "i " r r.-j,.rv!-..,v::!r, " S- : rt.-rTiiillv, " Co I j ,t " cii iri 'i.i'i, A.c.I,. Ai t lii'n i ji.i..M';i. Lv Ahlnn illc. -Ar v., " 15).H..i City, " 'I OOK I 1;!, Lv 'I nioi la, Ar. i;,. x.n ltv, ' w :u nc-,vii;'c, " A. !j 11 " Ar.A;unSi,Ta. I'.U & W.C. Ar tl,:n!a, K. a; n. N'oJvTlil oi M). ... fi 3 .;... ':"1a 5.. V""- 1 ..," l03-iu. io S MlUl A 1- 1 & r ' f'iU s , .,rtr ,L 1' 1. . I. , , ; . II. -.r.. ' ' . i. 'I ' 9i -in l'-'-li i. J" 11 . 1 i Lv Atiaiit.i, if. ,t i). - Aii.uMa. K i; A: W.C. " cii irn s on, a C L. " oliil:.! 1. , 1..AH. " Sp:irt;i,t urt, Ar )' n !, isr.iiwne, a-:i. iro, . 1. 1 1 i VKSTIHT'I.i: Tb'AI i- i;'..jj N 1 ' CM'. DULY. r: J'lU.Af. V-:.sll-yf . li ! 11' Al- X:i:i :i '. " i" ' ; " -viv.t- ! i " J- , ,-l.i 1:1,-. li I l):ih Hi-'. t l i" 0, s la i - . . :'S piniLv. S ,lisln:rv, a, Tq: pii; Ar cii. j loit-. i , 1 I I U " Sp;irt Ull'lliy, pm i " an cnvin. , ' fo i in " Tula. IV! ,11 pill " i.:lllCKVli!, n L!'.'--,;L tinrta ''i'''l. ; Y A 1 1 K I !:. l;. 'in,,,. ; ,v. i,iin,(. - , r it.v..". pt;-j vr. Cnniit-irirry, :' ' ) I'lC'.l ill I, 4.: -, r ' u.-ri iMji. i " M sfri!i. pui'! s ''prii " r !-; ! ' Aa)"Mi:u-;c. ' 1 " Nt-rw un,', pv 1 :.i-''.. "lit si.kumng-cai: KHVin-:. !:' t tu'l lis l a' d to Pl'.pir irirl S.i'- ;-r ;wi--ii .v. i v.iik mid Ati. i.' ,v; ,, i ., j' ,- rv'-i t ;'u "!:' M'tu-i -.M-i i i,:'i,."i , Oil tialns U una 12 I'tillnian ViwihMii1 f: tr ';ir tv t v (( n V.'iihri).Mn .mrt v-a iltv, i.-. i:a" M"Ul-!i!i ( rv. 1 u 1 1 rn 1 1. SIN r-ei t- I u it ! li r;. -1 Hid ' I' Clil.i rn. Md Ci iu-1 ,!(. I. '' O, la .IT. I i', ( i 1 mi. , i, V. ; -i nil. i, .,1 V'-;i I 1 nllli. n Hi fTH SpC . i , I v. '. i ; . . Y. i k ,i:,.J Y. a.sLiiivou ai-d liojt spriii- .s '.li.-ry . : An extra far; Is rharr d on'tl ( V':l.lm t"r h."I - So:ill .v, -Uri, YesllbU'lf L.'llillcd. l.-i 1 ici I. V. ;.rll- riiroiiu'ii tli-k ts on sale at prlrc,!jml-Jt,.tfu'- io nil polnis. lorr ,t.s otnl infoi inulloh nj pl-l a'.-ont or t)i- Ci.ih.;.;iih iii io JAS. I,. I'AVl.OK, SOI.IIAA, W A Tl'liK, ;- 1. A. TnifH.: Mr. P. r X. Halrik'li, N. . n b t m 'a f?r - &t-ti sr WITH LATEST IMPROVEMENTS K'rcrtor Vn ixlti. Full.r iunrnnlrl. K .V.liCJBBARD "SltMt f Wo carry ock at varloua Soutbi m pcln' fur dulc-lc Oellvery upon receipt of orders. OSGOOD" U 8. StandaTd mm scales 3Scn t un irUI Freight nl1 Fully wurulrl Tn jt? OlliPr Klr. ProportlonBllr UAUJ J- . W. III'UBAItn. C !!oUtTn ygMr. ATLANTA. OA. 1)A1,I,A8, TK.N AS. Mention tne Watchman. VT''II7 having t'ia;M 1 vJTIVV l 1 1 I Kowan Counif (in: lte Millstone ui.rries, Toois, c, ot K. K. il nil! - c.,i:ii.'. 4 -t. i;i foiiilnne to maipifai-f ur- 1 1 . ! . : -: 1 .nill-s'i'lndU'3 anil , ortable n.nis for kMii'!!' ' ' ' nd v.dicat. ( oru-pfnidcnce soiii iird. .iV: ' j .1. T. W V A I' I , FfliMi. I Miiiii ' it: N ' MefJor the Wi.tW,iii:lii. capacity. VERTICAL PLUKG1 VV mum i&p4 1 -l f Ml : J " ' , '" . ' ; . . J ; -

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