SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1891. NO. 47 VOL.XXiI--TIIIIlD it ' - - ; The to fo? Infant and hiidren. -'Castorlais Wwcll adapted tochQdrcn that I rocommr ndit as superior to acy presenptioa b0wn to nc." II. A. Aacnra; H. D., Ill So. OzIorJ :t.j Brooklyn, ?. Y. .. . - fncti-ritt universal and . " . " . ' .,rr7,wt it am8 a work 'SSSSBS&SBSiSSiBX inteiiiirw iau'i r ... -7 v. " CJT JlARTTO, p.p.. ; . New York City, tato Pastor Wopnuasdalo EefornioJ. CLurch. Costorla cores Colic, CoasJtipatioR, Soiiriilonoach, "Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives cluep, and proicotcs oi- WitloSajuriou3 medication. Pot oeTpral years I have recommended your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as 6 has invariably produced beneficial results." EnwiK F.,Pardct. M. "Tho Winthrop," l5tu Street and 7th Ave., New York City. TraCraTACR Cojcpaxt, 77 Murray Street, Kew Tons. Ij A itij 1j S 1 H 1 : j 0 Can you read that ? 1 rn mil ifnnw what it mp.anRY , iU JUU li.ll U II II A. iuywuw . it French man nnd Ihq Flea A Frenchman once so runs a certain ditty I:nl crossi-il the Straits to Londort City, To get a living hy the arte of Frunet, And teach his neighbor, rough John Hull dance. ; But, lading pupils, vain was all his; skill; His fortune sank from low to lower still, Until at last pathetic to relate "! Poor Monsieur landed at starvation' pate. .Stan Jinc, one day, boside a cook-sho; door, And pazin in wi tli aggravation sore, He mused within himself what lie suM do To fill hi:'- empty maw and pocket too. I5v nature shrewd, lie soon contrive! a plan, And thus to execute it straight began: A niece of common brick he (iiiiekhi found, .Vtnl with a harder stone to powder ground. Then wrapped the dust in many a dainty piece Of paper, labeled "Poison, for the Fleas," And sallied forth? hi roguish trick to try. To show his treasures, and to see who'd buy. From street to street he cried, with lusty jell. "Here's grand ami sovereign fleapomlare to sell!'' And fickle Fortune seemed to smije at last, For soon a woman hailed him as he, parsed. Struck a quick bargain with him fof the lot, And made him five crowns richer on tho f p it. Our wight, encouraged I y this ready sale, Went into tho business o.i a larger gealc, And soon, throughout all London scattered ho The "only genuine poudard for the flea.'' Eiig.ige;l,.otie mopning, in his new yocation Of mingled boasting and dissimmulation, lie thought he heard himself in angler called; And, Kiire enough, the self-saBia woman bawled In a not mile or very tender moo: j From the same window where" before she stood: "Hey, there " she said, ' you Muiisltjr Povvder- man! Kscapc my clutches now, sir, if you can; I'll let y oil dirty, thieving Frenchmen know That, decrnl people won't be cheated so." Then spoke Monsieur, and heaved a saintly sigh, With humble :Utitinle and tearlul eye: 'Ah, M.nlame ! s'il vons plait, attejnlez-vous, I vill dis lectle ting explain to yous My poudare gran'! Magiiifiwic ! Why abuse him? Aha!. 1 show yjou how to use him: First-you must wait until you catch de flea; Deal tickle he on the petite lib, yoi see, And when he laugh aha! he opejiis throat; poudare down ! jlJegar ! he the two until Jack lftaiui then Pey went up stairs to pull 'over some old trunks of her own iwuther's to see what she cr.iild find Knitahle to wear to the hall. She came across :i Iwautitnl white brocade white tiuj' ink roses embroidered over it. Now,"" she soliloquized, "this would. just -suit me mane u witn a little ot f..,,.,. ls, :t llf tl) ,,., t b.,f ..f .iV. i t4ns lloniton lace. Mrs. Uihlreth will i.1Pll,iti r.,.; : i.:k i 4 A Short Address to Youngf Men. The tiniy h:ts com? when ymin men must ?)e educated or fall into the rear rsmk.j Ever one must choose his own position in life. This he does whenever he settles the question as to whether he will be an educated or an uneducated inau.i lhpre is no avocation or eal hi?t poke de choke."' $30.00 22.50. That's what! A 5.00 ITnibrclla, at Warranted three years. -v; A 4 Clock at $3 Actual cost. A S2.00 Breastpin at . X 1.00 I'rcastpin at . . A ;50 Breastpin at Evervthiiiir under .vxvsvi ;'t nnviho' loser and vou in lltH'l UVM- - W j you eomc soon. Truly yours, W. H. REISSUE 3.75. S'1.50 . 3 h the discount head in same jvnd vou inak6 lt d j i --ii- I. ? Bidder To ths Highesi E AN MEW Carries the Largest Stock of So L 111 3 a . K-7 l.C.l. 5 n m lftuws WISH li' To bo Found ia tho St '3.t Pi'gXy Miidivth was the inilie of the vill;n;e. No one ever quest joned tin t fact. There were as many girls as pretty as l'ejro;y, but none its bright and saucy. C'-rtainly no yo ing girl of IS had more suitors or Uufvv bet.ter how to refuse them :uid still -keep them at her feet. j Now, IVggv hau a stepmother ' asm id fa't.her, and like the traditional step-. nother, this one was hard to live 'with. Perhaps I'eggy was a little ro blame herself, tor she slrongly .oyj -ete.l to beiiiij ilictuted to. even whens, as Mrs. Hildreth would inform her, "it wfas only fr her oven good; put it was ihe week lefore she had heels to say she 'should be 'glad hen thai witch was well married and out of I he house,'' w can hardly blame I'eggy for not having 'unquestioned faith in Mrs. Ilildretirs desire for her good. One afternoon, when these two had had a few words of anything but an amiable nature, the servant iannouneed a caller for Miss Peggy. Mr. Jack Leslie of the Seventh Regiment, it ap pend from the card, and Peggy lis tened to meet him,. looking; with her sparkling blue eyes and golden curls, gowned in a short-waisted white muslin tied up under the anus with "a broad sash,1 tike an animated Kitte Green away picture. '()h, "Jack, Pin so glad you've come! ilrs. 11. and " I h; v : been having it aiin,' although 1 came out ahead,"1- faint with horror at the idea and say Til look like my own gran Imother. Then, perhaps, somebody will fail in love with my own grand- nothei. Now 1 11 put it on and dance the '.minute with someliodv s grand father. I wish the somebody's grand father looked like iimvrath .Ovendle, tlwi hateful old thing. I'd like the fun of refusing hiui. Now Peggy, wait a moment. If Air. Overalle should ask yon to accompany him to 'Montana, and spend a dull existence with an in valid sister and an aged mother, would you, after all refus"? Oil, brother, it's too warm to get into discussion with ones self." And doing tho sweet, old fashioned gown up into a bundle. Peggy saun tered down to the village dressmaker, and alter leaving there, decide! she'd jmt run in and see if Widow Tucker' boy was recovering from slow fever. It was a poor little cottage into which Peggy wended her way, and the widow herself looked half-fed. l'l don't believe you've hud any din ner to-day," thought Peggy, "and as you're too proud .to ask for it, I'll have to .plan. "Why don't you take a ralk while sit by Jamie and tell him stori.'s?' she said' aloud. "Ami, by the way, if you're goining by ourhouse just step in and get my cape and tell liannjih to give vou your dinner. It wilt save yon cooking here." The widow gladly went, and 1 eggy annuel herseliand J.unie inventing stories. While in the mid lie of one she glanced up and beheld Ilowarth Over alle standing in the doorway with a look of rapt admiration o:i his face. "Do you come here often?" was his fir-'t remark. sh; replied, while Jamie's ucalpui is not nrccessary to the highest succ fcs Th e young man, no matter what jhis abilities are, who goes into business life without a welt-trained and well-stored mind goes Into it half made up. You know men who have been successful and somewhat influential without being educated in the schools. True but nunilers of men of this class have said" to me: "The greatest mis take of my life has been that I did not become thoroughly educated before en j teriiig upon business life. I have made imney and won t.i it what men call success, but lam not mentally equipped mlj and opnortunitie to There are very few professional mu sic teachers in our country who do not know the absolute importance of cor rect technique, "and who do not insist upon their pupils acquiring the "touch legato" at the very commencement ol the study of Hie piano. very .fortunate in having few profes sional teachers of voice culture who are unacquainted with the rudimentary principles of correct singing, such as "eteady breath pressurf," "position of tlie mouth and tongue," etc." This is certainly a very promising state of af fairs for a new country like our owji, which is at present in it.s"nuis!cal childhood. But we are fearful, that in oiir nineteenth century ambitious haste to reach the maturity of "musical man hood, many of our professional teach ers an? sadly negligent of that all im portant and necessary accomplishment cf playing and singing at sight. Cer tainly we would not consider a person ; to I e a "luminous fountain of light" in for th, i i . w,i!cn my maney an t la.ior have ; the literary world, who was unaole to I .1.4. Il . i l i i r . J .. V oioiigm uie. it is now too late, Out l would giv.? thousands it I could undo this fatal error." read and write with comparative case his or her own native language. Neither should w eonsier that, nerson v :.i i.. t ii ,i : ' : ii a vwii aiso oo,erve mac ine?cmeu to 1C, :l cultivated iuumc teacher, or . a are the most de'ernimed that their chil- n.-,,.!,;., bl ivf be thoroughly educated. k-t,.!l ilw.hinn" ,,f :. i.nnl b-iibu! i re:i shall educated. , k-te!l lu. tmu." of a lumuhir balhu fill T . . . I I I I hey do not want their sons to reneat ' rdT-,T.b 1 - 1 . VUlOVyll Ll'UUU MlbliOUb UiU Cfcl'V'l. V l-l V their tolly or inherit their misfortunes. In the" main, boys have much more to do in determining this m ittu than they think. Aim si; tvjry father will be found willing to educate his son, .even with gi'3 it labor and sacrifice to himself, provided the boy shows' a pro per ambition to raise alnve the c nu ll o : level andexhib ta j r.i'swoi t!iy dili gence in the use of the oouon unities organ or piano. Not many months ago, we presented a very simple song to a voice teacher of reputation, in jjie city in lwhicli she resided. Upon looking at the piece she said: "The words are perfectly lovely, lint, tell me, is the tune as pretty as the words?" We asked "can't you tell from ,the ! TlialV No Way. , We clip the following from tfov Charlotte News: Concerning Col. Polk, n IiahigU correspo-muMit says: 4 rent many people have lieen asking; Who is thw man who is the official rcpiecntafivr We sire JilsoJ of four-fifths of the farmers of the United" States ? Raleigh has known him since ho was' a Imy, aiid Iwileigh answers readily, Republicans as well rs Democrats: Until five or six years ago he was a failure; tjie:i he became a inanof destiny. He failed as a far mer, he failed sis a soldier, lie failedis a legislator, he faileil sis a SSite officer, he faileiPiw irland netitan 1 he weiiB to mash ns a manufacturer of a patent medicine. His' worse failure was ns a farmer, as the other; fanners of ilm country have risen en masse Jiml rait him at tjieir head its an awful cxiimpN', so that the legislators ho love their 7 country i may take warning and pas t he sub-ti casts ry bit!.' - "; Heaping abuse or ridicule upon Col. Polk does no good for aiiv me. In fact, this personal abuse business lia gone to seed. All parties are becoming guilty of mud slinging. ZThe sifuat iou is really a serious oiu, and it deserves the soberest and calmest study of the brainiest men efth ag';Hid "t uiut, from the very seriotisnss of the situa tion, be discussed in srcQJiservsitive manner, free of personalities and bitter, invective;?. -"T-- " ,! The Standard does not seek to den v- the above, bt t it dos say that 1 Jut "Never,1 eves dil.itetl, to such Uuow sh e was an not extent tellin: one the asked. would truth. "What ar.L you. here for':" he "My laundry," was the brief reply. He saw her home thorough the twi light ami Peggy idler tci k more in enst than ever in her gown for the "Third." The evei.iM-gcamc and with it Jack Leslie for I'eggy, an l when he saw Let he exclaimed: "Why, Peggy Hildreth, you lovely , i t ' 1 i 1 I ... I I ...... picture: 1 am iiiuo-.i leuipie you of? by main ferce, you lieautiful huk Well, vou needn't," scarcely re marked Peggy ,s;s she a her. d her p : a cloak around her and let him put her into the carriage. Words of admiration could b? heard from all sides as she entered the hall with her escort. And she did look Inwlv The "olden curls were gath- the ered on to Ml mm - TBY010LSS. I Buy in Largo Quantities Direct from Factories and Will Give Low Prices, "Wxite for Catalogue and Prices. liMni if not uuuu. "E. M. ANDREWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. mention the Walrtiman Hien yoa write. P0A.L! W0AL! loiFOR TABLE. ant J ifiivin : irroatlv increased my facilities for handling sti.rin-- COAL tlie coming; season, I would now again. respoct- fullv solicit any and all orders, .entrusted to. me, promising to fiTi-mlt you projnptly with what coal you may want at the lowest inaVR-ct price. In order to obtain advantage of the lowest sum mer juices, vou should at once send me your orders. Remember that Handle only the best grades of screened Coal, including the Tied Ash, suitable for "grates, stoves, heaters, etc. Also keep on hand at all times tV finest" grade of blacksmith coal. T. ALLEN BROWN. SfATESYILLE MARBLE WORKS Is the Place to Get Monuments, Tombstones, i A large stock of VERMONT MARBLE to arrive in a few days satisfaction in every respect and positively .Will iut be undersold. , Granite Monuments : Of all y, specially - J " C. B. WEBB, s I'liOrUlETOH, MeuUon tUc y'atchma:i k 'at: itu v.i tie. guarantee with a laugh. "A'J usual, I S3e. lut what were i- m' you ouarrelilig over mis unier j . . i ii i j i i "Well, 1 11 tell you. I caned tnai. youn" Bliss a fool or an idiot, I don't remember which, and as ne is distantl y relateei t) Mrs. II. she naturally ol- jected. We argued the matter over to some length, ami then she told me to orove the statement or take it back. I ... . . i x I said I could, and tliat sue wouki agree with ine if she had only heard "him propose the other other night. "It was done in this way.1' and Peggy .to d up at an angle ot 45? and toyed with an imaginary eye-glass: vv eaiiv Miss Ilildwelh, you weally must do me the;au extreme kindness ot accepting my name and an estate,doncherk now,' and that after shegave in, and I eggy took two walt turns and then sank into an easy chair and said: "Now Jck, let's have it. I know you've brought some good news by the disagreeable way the lines ,iu your foivhead run." "Well, you've just guessed aright, so just. catch our breath while I relate all I know"! The Seventh; intend giv in" a ball on the ;rl of next mouth, ami PvW eome over to invite you early, so there can be no mistake about your going with me." "Ik-ally; honor brightr; cut your throat. Oh, how lovely! How niceoi vim to ronie oer and tell me before the other knew anything about it !" "Well, as long as you elon't throw me over the lat moment for Overalle or any of the Wainwriglit boys, I shall feel repa'd." Peggy actually colored, for llowrath Overable was oneof the few men whom she could not bring to her fi'et. Not a very handsome man, but tall and distinguished looking bearing himself tike" the true, honest soldier that he was. He had often widchid Peg-y Hildreth from afar and contrasted her with the pnie, tired, invalid sister he had M home in far-away Montana. Jack" Leslie hael purposely me ntioned Over..ble iust te tease Peii:v. He had always known her; and as she pestered him when it suited her uietod, he once in a while letaiiated. j It was war to the kii.fe betwee i ' ami yet in that crowif you find . im:i" who are the victims of circumstance notwithstanding Hio' fact that tiny were honest, active, energetic, and i i their own way did a work of iucaltn labie value to the cmnmuuitv, church and State, yet -so tar as lltey are con- top of her he sd; the beautiful brocade was nio.lernrd; clip pers had heen made to match the gowiu and although Peggy took only a 3 boot, she had squeezed her foot into a 2, the ,.,ilf Luin.r betote the evening was half over in one giving wav when sh was dancing with Caj tain Van Le i!cn. "Now,'' said Peggy, philosophically, liI :nn (iiiished for ('ai,cinr. Alt I call do is to flirt." "No such thing," said the captain. "I shall send for some more slippers and he was as good as his word. When thev came I'eggy was sur rounded by admires, and bedding up the pretty broken slipper she said: "What do you bid for it "A box of gloves," said Jack Leslie. "Two boxes," said captain Van La- ten. Til go one better and offer three boxes and a live-pound box of candy, ' exclaimed an ardent at in. re r. IVgy saw Mrs. Hildreth gazing at her iulioiror and with her eyes dancing .with merriment, she said: "Come quickly! Ibdaway! Ill marry the Highest bidder." "A diamond bracelet ! ' "Diamond Pin!" "Two. tickets for Patti!" And so the bids rattled on, and Peggy f mud heivelf the ient-rot a large ad miring circle, and she began .to wish she was well out of it all. At that moment Sir. Ovealle ap peared and stepping forward quickly said: , , "I offer over-all. And I'eggy laugn article is a thrust an I a ridicule burht at a movement that is not only fis ! f " tic but serious. : , Any faiivminelcd man must knoi and admit ths.t the vast nmjoNty t f whiuii his father provides for him you 1 seoiv vM t he human family have gricvnncc!,aiirl- may have thought of it, I ut it is really I "0:i! no!" she replied, "Not until 1 that 'hardships are encountered',. tlist a great atilictio t for parents to have ' it over upon tlfe piano." are peculiarly galling. We Cannot say A young lady a of one of Hiat thes grievances have Jiad rtju;-.. the best known music s.Jiooh ot our origin in 1'iire lazin; Si or tho 'total lan I. with a dioloin i si '! ed by every want of sense. That would bcl. aim-. 1 . - . - . i- ... i ii i . I . :- to pie lie ot rue mackest nue. her ability to give musical instruction Col. PolU may have tailed in iiU-tlio to pupils 'of every grade, was recently cases mentionedof thi we do not offered a position in a sout hern college, .know lint can you tot sit-down right where she was re-quired to teach sight here at home and count on your finger v it. r nr to a hi-.'" e h-ss of niini s. He- uien wiio nave oeenneetoiai lauurc o n o i i fore giving b) lier field of labor she. in terviewed a niiisic;:! friend, and ask 1 1 i in to give her some instructions, coiifes-iing that she did hot know how to teach pupils to "sing" by note." These are not isolated instance-; many more could be triveu to prove what is well known to eminent chorus ecrned they fell bankrupts by the way ? directors, that comparatively very few I lave they tlone no good? bucccs of our singers c an sing from a. core, and usefulness must not be measured unavoidel by th; orchestra or some, ty' 'Hw and cents alone a;i-ul..l..t. r in.luslri.d asMstanee. enn tlo that much; a miser.ibl, duty i One cause of this unpardonable miser can heap, up tbllar.H and cenl ; neglect of a very important branch of and be a curscf to the community an I musical' instruct ion, by music teachers an eye-sore to civilization. " of high reputation, for teaching any- To retun; these who bitterly op. thin" that the "Hoi Polloi" can reallv poic the AUianee m all iU feature undstand and annreciate. Another can not do their -side any good by going to early into what is cilled busi-.'pa:se is that many teachers are afraid heaping abuse upon its leaders. . I Ley ness. Thev and sometimes their par- 0f sight' singing, ' becuse there are so niay be wrong, and tlw;y nriy eveii hi? cuts, feel complimeutel that, the are lu;my uiTMeut sysiuns of teaching it. bad men, but ll principles aVe; invoiVed called at the ago of 15 or 10 years to () .0 prefers the "movable do" another .they live though temporary leaders laiKTlt tlie "m -.-ahle do" to scorn, and totter, tjll and perish. prefers the "tix.d do" while esthetic The Grange sprang up, grew rapidly fleet that he who is a bright oftic:! boy (:IS was s aid Of lie.i A ihem of old, and then died It died because ot tlui at 15 is more than likely to be only an ..m:iv ,is trdj - increase,") - dotes upon lack of well-df fined purpo-esy.lac.,- of the "tonic sol fa system." Oar ed- iu(iiViuuuiiiyami pi iijcip.iujr -..n m iiorial opinion is that it is of maioi- desiuing politicians iiutl ineii who4i I imoortance that music pupils be taught not know a plow-point frora ... . , , , , . sight singns, and ot minor importonce what system is used in siccomplishilig this resuult. Let the teacher adapt himself and his teaching to the best capabilities of sons who arj without a:i ambition to be something in the wodd; who will not.-when in school at home or abroad, study and strive to excel; who are con- j muluMT f the faculty, ccrlil y;n: .I i 1 1 ii 1 1 i . .... . . . tent r,o ue or next to noining. Are, you willing to be one of these? The world shall h.ive your t j answer a little later in life. There is in this day and in this land no excii. e for one who fails to become fdne ited. . Any -young man with a good mind and good health can edu c i''i himself, ail 1 thus heenm; fitted . for a grand and useful life, lw so imt.'ii.-; iii) ins iiinm (hi t iic irf. . . .... E least two men in the history ot our nation ii eve. in tn3 race oc rue iva!er dihiculiie than those which onfront von, arisen he United Stats. l ! II sniiciv Have overcome me to presidency of Thousands in other same ehlli- culties, and have arisen to places ct great usefulness and honor i i the les public places of life. Yon can do the Many ef our brightest, and best boys and young men are being ruined by take places store, tl i'.; sno; ot responsibility in the the ottice; but you re- othce boy at oO, the compiini n t s van hji an I the serious- results begin to appear. This is tine, because as a rale young men mu.-t he educated at from 15 to -21 years of age. Any argument in business takes away a taste for the drill work iieccessrry to a thorough education. The right time for this l " noe- audio sought to tell, the hoir;st 1 1. farmer how to raise clover, : cotton,, wheat and oats.- This distinguished him and he quit we saw that. ; -.' The Alliance is one thousand times stronger tlmn the Grange ; it has indi- viduality about it. It may full it lowewer plane. :l Here for lack s.jelc -on ing, and the: are man v voting men who fail of lv higher i fair -o off standard. They academic trail - or a few mouths the "word method " and it is still nioo'ed finest ion among educators, education process having passed, it can t lie pupil. Our forefathers learned to 1, n'til thus the VOIIIIL' 1 Kt- Ui--t h.-n-eiiiir (beii- " 11 (V" 1ICI1.I n.v.ii .) ., i-j UMU IM m il Hill "Pn " , I - t" 1 ' i... f.,'..i M,Kf:,L-P le.s hound his life i.i.... ...... t-,.erl,f tr. re:id Lv may go asunder auditt tailure wsu . . . ... i . .-il l ...I...I...I fnv fhu I' "liirl ltj ilu'ilh 1 J. pieoictcu iui fcin-t jun iiuu uvi.i i i- announced for l&HJ2,&eM cM as differ- i . t . ' ' 1 -T - " .'- which is the better nntiioil. So let -in p-"P c u w'u t i.u.u. each teach us the system he or-he luis on the Uml-plates ot tliese stormy tunes, formed bv experience U le best adapted' YeJhe Alh.mce may -o U pieces, to improve their pupils in the a!i-im- but- fellow-citizens, : there are gnev-. f.,. i.,,t 1 1 1 1 w 1 1 1.-ri,.h :,ee(Mn,liJi- auces t hey are not yet healed. 1 here leent of siirdmr at siirht. F. L. Pitis4'e thartangdipavily rMut o C r" TOV,'. to a so-called "business sciiooi, and get there a little technical training in iu type-writing, stenography, book keeping, special engine .'l ing, and the like, and think that they are prepared , for life. They seek a "bread and but- ter" education"', and they will probably find il ; but they will also find when it is too late, that they have prepared themselves for being only the servants and followers of other men, instead of their leaders. These stores, farms, oftioes, and busi-.-biils are briniiii'' up our seed corn to satisfy Ihe hunger of avarice. In this whole matter of securing an education vou must beware of indiffer ences, and delay. Think upon the clatter. Look at ;.d.antages of the one course and the dis idvautages of the other. Ii) not ' '"-. start at the rigut time often results in a failure to go at all. Putting off till j next fall what on ought to begin th S tall inav prevent vou, as it h;:s thou sands d' others, ti-oin ever becoinmg elucated. In this regard, as in all others, aim . .1.1 iii h. Do not be contented lo no ua.i .1 4 II it Develop to the r Tulitic-s Hie taleii.s wiii. h God has- con 'erred upon you. The day in which' you live de m.neb t:io:oijily educated men as befoie it ha- ever done. It must will have them. V ill in-dv called: "Gone! am I started wahVang with the highest bidder. The circle then disbanded, murmur ing, "Tricked," "puns not allowed," and similar reiuaiks but Peguy was happy, i i li .... 1. I Out wlin met. and wlieli nan ao nui - the possessor of the slippe i . ...,i,wv ..mi asked her it sue SCI .H VII J ....v. con firm her remark and marry r in the con she would the highest bidder she only said in a nall- i, ,,.r m iniier. liltt Willi a sellout blue eyes for once: "I b tar-bay i ngs. laughing manner, look in her eyes always keep my won.. Spcclni3a Cases. K.-II. CliiTord. New Cassell, Wi., was tpabled with Neuralgia and Uiu'iiina- . i : 1 1 . Usui, his Moiaacu uai oisoiuci co, ins Liver was alb ctcd to an alarming decree, jipjietite fell away, and be was terribly reduced in stieugth ami IL-sh. Tiirte boltles of E!ectri- Hitters cured hitu. JM .vai d Shepherd, Hai l isbui , III., had a running sure oi hii leg of eight years' standing". U-d three bottles of , Electric Hi iters aa.l eevciK boxes ot i Uu-jkl en's 'Arn tea Salve, and ''bis. leg is ! sound aiMrwell. John Speakc.-, Catawba, ()., had live large l';vi r s ire's on his leg, doctor said be was inccr.dile. One bot 1 1.. 1' ., i i i.. Uitii is ui.d one box IJuck- A failure to jt.u-s Vrnica Salve en rid hiui entirely. Sold bv Kluttz oc C'odni-msts. nineteen-twentieths of the eople, Le they town or rural ; eople. They aiei witji. us with a veiigeance ; Asolutieui must l.c had, Ix-cause rip?ne,s dc.uaudj, it. If this mighty. and gigantic n;oe inent tails with wends and ballots t. correct tho existing evils and to re move the causes ftn? grievances, do o.i "think the matter: will dry up? Not a bit of it. It is too widToo iongtoo tleep Jiud too (ild to hush up that way. rvvoluttoii mare bitter tlian winds. aiid morcseiioas-thim .ballot&will come. The quest ion, if this be true, should not be ridiculetL ahei their espouse; sliould uet i tiers.onally attatke'd; bt common humanity sliould unite iu work; togethcrto correct evjls ami avert anything more Conco.i',1 Standard. " - rucklen's Arnica. Salee. Tlie best Salve in the world fur Cut P,.i,un Sores. Salt Rheum, Fever Sutes, T.r..i- 'h:iooed Hands, Corns and all Skin Emotions, njid Chilblains. JIOSl- l. It lively cures Hies or no pay required, n .r.K.miitced to give perfect satfation or money refunded. Pi h e Lo c nts per box. For -ale by T. 1 Kiuitz .S: to. ii: i man. S ranger Digging a grave, seh? I) i jieojue die oflen iu this village? bcxtoii No, boss; dey nebiier elies but once. Munsey's Weekly. none oeioie have them; it you be one of them? or will ou, from fear of the work it iquire-s, slink into ,e rear. ;.n I ignobly yield the palm to tl wno are no more capable than If? James Atkins in Nahvibe your- Ad se.l r .J an ics aui" i Vucatc. . ; The young king of Se rvia is one of the bet. educajl boys in the country, ;.,1 :.t b". vears ild is admitted a mar- 1lni - yel ill nialhcmatics. TO TUJLf.AOIuS. TIitc a-e thoiLstri'li of hulles tlirrmiKut the) ..i.i .i i -v- vv!i !-j- sxr.len.s iiro i.4i.viti' I. ami whose . !;. KlH In ,i;i liami.-e eoiniul n Tiooi Pie .ilis.iri t i '. in iiiiiiur" liiiiit r. Hue unite ineiislnt;U Img-u-inil-s ' Tinsel. uss .tie v.viiinr!y iH-rn-iti-'ed Ijy t'i ,v..!!ilf:tili tu.,ie Hi li;tMn!-i:le msin,' J)iM rti'-s i if 1'ia-i.P as!i. I'ol e l.'xt ; n 1 1'.1uiuiii- IM. I. I. us.-, .m l lu'ridHi- iie.ia'.l take the -l n'O Ot the I sirkly I"" . He- l'ist eoi'r o.l t!if z--h-v wn-c.k ot i 'ii,.- v I... IM. 1. lalheoiire Oesiueui K'4 It al once. . criiK vorii e oi;N.s h 'i-i'.ru; Ahbo.a's K.isi PkII iii I'aint. For CjHiS. il .. luub :nl w ar; tjMKtl uut. MA L U1A. "hU ill -i"? vUMs qau:ki i.n the wori'lerful piw f f .ufi I' C. ( I ;.! As.i. I'oke t.K.i an t I tOis S iiiO 1 i ''.'l' lo in- la ti;Us u.iliiNt uiiifieshoiil.l ev rti-- weU.o a 1'. 1. P. A wo:.l lo the wt.e la su.aeleui'. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoriau Takes 1000 iHoplo to buy Dr. Sato's Catarrh, remedy, at 50 cents a bottle, to make rfSOl. O.iu faituru to cure '-would take I he . prutit from 4000 sales. I.s makers protess toeure "cold in beail," and even chronic calarrliTUnd if the) ' tlu-y pay rj00,fjLr their over-eoididenec Zu in newspaper wonls but iu bard cash 1 Think of. what contiU n e it j-a-k s to put thiit iu thejnipcih yt.d lneau, it. : lis makers believe in the rcnicdy. Isn't' it worth a li;ial ? Isn't any trial preferable; to catarrh? After a'.l, the mild a-tnicics are the best. Perhaps I hcy woi k unue iuvh , b y t 1 Ju y k mo rVu i c 1 y . 1 r . V u i c , rieasaiit PHt ts'Tiiie viu- aetiv e-ugt . ' but epiict and inild., The'rc Mia, -coateil, -easy to take, never fclnnk i. . derange ihe system ami half their pov , U lii it ild vuy in which the wutk t done,, cheapest, easiest l. take One a done. Twtuil) -live eli.ts a Mul.i Ul .dl duigii'isU. ! j

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