The -bapoiina' Vatciimaii. - ,- . ' . - . -t ' - - - -,r'- r ' ' ... . - L . SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1891. ;XXHTniRD SEML. $0.48 ' " . " - . i , , j i l II I I " I I ' J." ' I "I - ' f. n ff 'i- i infrir-'n . r. far infants andOhlldren. .:8,torift Is so well RdaptM to children that t -vom-nr nd it as Eujcf ior to any prescription teoru vi mo." H- - Ancnm M. D., Ill So. OXorJ Ct., LrooUyn, N. Y. T-V of Tttstorla' i3 so universal find , r fso well known that it poems a work ' rWattion to endorse ,.t. I paretic 1 , .', families who uo cot kocp CatAoria - Csst-ori rrrres Colic, Constlpattnn. Sour Btrnnach, Diarrhoea. Kructation, KXil3 Worms, gives eloep, u.l promotes m- pefitipn, . .... Without injurious medication. itttc paetor BlDcmia-JalO iJofc-a Church. 44 For several years I have rocommende4 yoae ' Castoria, ' anl shall always contim-.o to do so 03 it fcfiti Invariably produced beneficial results" - "Kio "VVisthrcp," liuth Street and 7th Aro.ti New York City. Tnr CrvrACR Coxpavy, 77 Mceoay Strzst, New York. -v.' its' o V 'TrTF 9 Df f1 'i Bit I H? OP PflT liljyilMiiiJJJyy ui. uuui . dan j 1 V that? o you Know ihat it means v . 822.50. Room at the Top. Never you minl the crowd, -Irnl, Or fancy your life won't tell j The work is the work for a' that, To him that docth it well. Fancy the world a hill, lad, Look where the millions stop; You'll find thexrowd at the Imac, lad ; There's always room at the top. Courage and faith and patience, There's space in the old world yet ; The better, the chance you stand, lad, The further along you get.. Keep your eye3 on the goal, la 1, Never despair or drop ; Be sure that your path leads upward There's always room at the top. On the Train. It yras goi'ig to journey, tn;tt wsis he n dull railroad certain. Dullness it- 3.75. S30;&O TcaT5ct at , Thai's what I A p.00 Umbrella, at Warranted three years. A U. CloiW -at-S3. Actual cost. A S2.00 Breastpin at A 1.00 Breastpiii at V . .50 Breastpin at Everything under tiie discount .head in same proportion- 1 am the loser and you unake it ii vou come soon. Truly yours, -.50 .3 4 2 E. MM Carries the Largest Stock o Furniture, Pianos and Organs SflBY I -Buy in Large and Write for Quantiti Will" Givo, Low Prices. Catalogue Maapl if ml .S Jill. ft Mont-ton tfto Walrhman wleh you write. POAL! torn permeated the, tins! y and cindt-ry a mosnliere. Kittv iirooks had a book, but she rlifi not. fWl like readinir. She uiiirht have ookd out, but t'ne ielegraph io!'5i diturbel her, and not muen was toio seen at any rate. T men were ashM. A woman jtcross the aisle was euliii" out of lunch basket something of a distinctly rniinuv odor onions or r;irhe.' It had aillicted Kitty from the tirst, and, now she felt thitt fresh air was absolutely necessarv. " Tim Vindcrs could not be much worse than they already were. Site iv nioiiis hnI lok an i nurse ami um brella and tried to raise U12 window It iiifk. of -course' And rotudjv of v--.-uv-- J - course a man rose up from the seat be hind her, totalled his hat and:! said uAllow me!" in jolite -accents. H:ii Kittv been more trave C less unsophisticated, she would have, lu'eu . . . i -1 1 able to Ion cast tuat occurrence witn reasonable certainty. ; As it was, she raised star! led eyes and made stammering reply. What she saw was a young mini of attractive exterior, if not precisely handsome, bending fyrward with a courteous smile. " What the young man flaw was one of the sweetest faces imaginable, blue eved and tender-mouthed, under a hat of not quite the newest style; a sleu-1 der, gir.ish form, clad in a dress whi.;b was not exactly uthe th n ;,1 and a look of tremulous uncertainty. lTH put it tip,'1 he said, hastily, -and father stiffly. ;V . , What in "the name of common sense was the girl afraid of? He shoved it tip with a strong push and sat down. But now that he had seen her- face :5iich an astonishingly charming face! the back view of her Ua.ven head and unworldly little hut was simply tantalizing. He kept an admiring, faciuafed gaze upon them. And. when she turned, the next moment', a timid liusb risi ig in her cheek, George Floyd's heart ac tually beat faster. ! ul didn t mean to be so mioolitc as not to say .thank you," Kitty said bravely as hhe could. "Thank you!'' u You are: more than welcome," he answered. 4 But the .response sounded ferky or lie persuaded himself that it did. "I 'falicv.'Vhc said, smiling, "that vou were getting tired of the! pickled bilious of our hungry neighbor? " pickled onions?" Kitt smiled , too. "Yes; I couldn't stand it.' "Most of us seem oblivious, though,'' -pTryrry Tortf-orinc! hp s:iid. pbincilif? around. "I tlllllk you ana 1 are tne oniy people in the car. uies, I am sure one ot those men wi lose us hat oil in tne aisle 11 lie doesn't wake up," said Kitty. But in the words were an effort--1 knew that. She looked shy,hrin in,T. The ancient simile of a wild-lost neenrred to Georire r lovd s intent - - (j mind. To nobody could the phrase lmv bee n; more fitly applied. - iler sweetly moMv fswo was ilower-hke, and lore tin; marks of a half-rusticity, which added ten-fold to her charm. It vexed and distressed him that snc should seem t distrust him; as though .he would be guilty of n breath of dis respect he, and' to he.' ! "Warm weather -isn't conducive to enthusiasm among railroad travelers. And possibly L shouldn't say it but the 'scenery along 'this road clear to Wyudhani, where my experience of it ends,' is worse than ordinary; it's bad. You get tired of brickyards and spind ling woods." He tnokn in a. studiously matter-of- . 1 1 lier even. 1 1 1 tnar. lie " George queried, old farm, Kitty Kilty distrust had fled long ago, and now her tiniorousness was going, too. She hid her merry smile behind her loosely gloved little hand. "it doesn t, she answered. "It is Aunt Calista. "Why is it Aunt Cnlista?" George questioned, and wondered if all men were moved to oe as nrofectinglv gen tle to her as he was. 4&he isn't here. is she?'' "No." Bittys linniorous little smile remained, with just enough ( f snyness to Ikj pretty. "But I seem t to teel her, you know almost I Iler listener laughed, since he could not help it. So did Kitty. "She must be a a terror, so to speak," he ventured, i- "Oh, no! bhe is well, Aunt Ca- lista" said Kitty. ;-uit describes her best, somehow. She is my father's t 1. 1 1 i 1 1 n , 1 sister, but not a oil like my rariier. She has always lived in Wyndhaui, and Wyndham is very diuerent, I sup pose r "Different from "From our little answi'ivd smiling. "And you've never visited Wyndham and vour Aunt Calista?" How interesting was every fact con cerning this sweet-faced girl her every word! "No. Alary went tirst, then Celia. But now that they've married, it is me or nobody, olie visited us a year ago Aunt Calista and lately she wrote for me to come. "Well?" "Well, and and I'm afraid sh doesn't real I v want me. Mary and Celia are different. I don't think 1 really don't that Aunt Calista ap proves of me." Sh-; looked rueful and serious. Her pretty inotd.1T was faintly pouted; : tendril ot hair blew across her deli cat el v-blooming cheek. W-ia Aunt I Villain hlinil nr iiK:mo' ff .J 4. It. Ik ..11. Pit. .,.111V. . - George wondered in impatience. But he said, mildh ; "Whv nol?.,, Was she saying too much? Kitty knew she was. But he was looking at her with a deep, respectful interest with that quiet, gentlemanly air which had made her sorry for seeming to be a I f T up ilrearinessJan-I that 'of his i.Mo-hW ittle," saicfG eorge, in a sort of growl. wyndham was only halt a mile away, and; he was feeling angry with us unkind fate, for he didn't know Aunt Calista" from Adam. "I suppose so " said Kittv. annoloiriz- inuly. j Aunt Calista who?" he demanded with a desperate hope. - 1 1 a . uuu me conductor was siantinc Wyndhau, and Kitty was pickin her traps.; "It L can be of any assistance about your hunk?" said George, gloomily. 1 nank you! said Kitty. Did she look a little bit sorrv, too? lie fancied so he hoped so! bhe tumbled in her purse and held out her I brass tar. The train was topping before the busy, long, station, and she was peering out. 'Oh !'' she gasped. Ge orgejsaw a tall, elderly ladv, in a black boirhet and veil, standing in a calmly waiting attittxle. "It s Ahnt Calista," Kitty said, her blue eyes .'solemnly fixed in Aunt Ca Iista's direction. "1 didn't expect her at an. xuarv sum ieiia said she never met tlient she always sent her man and the cart. Ok, dear, what-would she thiiik about about it? She would be shocked the very first thing I think she'd send me home again Don't get off the train w th me don't take my check! Oh, dear! I I if it was anybody hut Aunt Calista. You don't feel angrv? You see how it is? She g.ive him an imploring look, which he told himself he should never forget, and was gone. At the! latest possible monv nt the bell was beginning to clang he step ped from the train, there stood Aunt Calista aiid Aunt Calista' s niece he seemed tio see nothing else. But he cast no look at them. He strode past at as wide a range as possible, grimly smiling. - "George Floyd!" Aunt Calista called, sternly, "come back' here!" The young man went hack, hat in hand, daed and staring. "Mrs.! West !" he stammered. "Cert-iinlv!'' said Mrs. West, looking I behind her veil and her glase;s distinctly NY ITS HOME LIFE. fieorge Vanderbilt aad He Have a Happy Time. Copyrighted 1SJ1, by Edg-.r W. ??rc. Craiq-y-Ncs, Buncombe Co., N. C, ) September, 1 391. f Up to last Saturday our lives here had been almost eventful. I rose each morning, caioled a glad pa3;m,ate a lit tle breast of kippered herring, and fin- were so kind-hearted that they c uldn't 1)0 nnkind even to a bunko man. IK laughed a sad laugh, like one wlm breakfasts with the President f H United States on the 1st day of April and cuts into a Canton flannel Cj.kja. But at last he interested me in Itini-. self. He wasdiere for his health l e said. He had air cells in his lungs, i think, or something of that kind. 1. 1 also had a letter from mv brother, i ." ished off with some of our delightful w:is ;i letter of introduction from mv SEWS, To be Found ia the State. T wide i awaki and IPrices. he ipf i&Xi W o, CHARLOTTE, N. C. as tide to him at iTl'st. "Well, I'm not quite so ladylike the others," she responded, gravely. (He stared.) "I'm different.- I like tilings just such as the boys like, i ve tramp d around in the woods with hem till I know as much about birds 1 , 1 1 1 r 1 1. i ! .! 1 inu trees as iney uo. 1 nice 10 usu.anu !'m even getting to be a decent shot. Vnd Aunt Calista doesn't admire it." "I cannot conceive why not!" said G eorge. 1 warmly displeased. uiun t you sec mer luy title1. Miss Kittv Brooks Mr. Hovel Ge age Ioyd, a very old young friend of mine.' Kittv. if I may express it so. And vou came on the Ivitt v? In a different You wohld certainly have known her if vou! h..d been in tiie same car, (ieorm1?! "I don't know. I--" lie lowered his eyes. At Kitty he did not dare look. same tram as ar, I suppose? climate, would go gladly about my work on autobiography. At 9 o'clock Mr. Vanuerbilt comes with the milk and vegetables lresh from his farm. He is getting a fine start, and the niostof his products com mand a ready sale. I buy everything I can of him. He has a tine brickyard also, which is more than self-supporting. He built it for the manufacture of his own bricks with which to build his own house near mine, but the bricks were so evidently superior to those made heretofore in this country that he was importuned to supply a number of builders and contractors at good prices. His nursery, between Biltmore and Asheville, on Richmond and Danville Boad, is also, like my own nursery, a howling success.. He grows almost everything known to the botanist and pomolgist. The Baron De Lange has charge of the agricultural department and on a bright morning it is a glad some sight (0 see Mr. Vanderbilt and the baron weeding onions or tarring the noses of their sheep. Mr. Vanderbilt showed me yesterday a picture frame which he has designed, and which will be u-ed for a large pho tograph of myself to sit on his piano in his off parlor. It is designed to con tain nothing but products of his place, such as cereals and other grains, seeds, nuts, acorns, etc., etc. These are glued on a-pine frame and th n a coat of shellac is put on over the whole, so as to look almost like a boughteu iranie There will be an iiinei row of buck wheat,' then a row of ll ix seed,-then two rows of rye and one of wheat, then corn, oats, etc., with acorns and nuts, chinquapins, etc., etc., in the corners, with a rosette of corn in the in the car a::d ftstoxis of dried apples over the whole. At 8 a. m. every day Mr. Vanderbilt rings bis bell at my door and with a long-handled dipper he hands us out our milk, also our rice, new laid hen egs, fresh from t In? hand af the arti sau, and warm with the atmop.iere or the homo nest, and with now and then a dear little wjiite feather still clinging to them, lie also fetches our roasting ears, and when he butchers we get all sorts of novelties from him. No man need ever ask for a better neighbor brother. , As I read it I eould nlnio r.. - ee how he suffered as he wrote i'. I'robably this mail had supported him. when he ran for otlice l ist fall, ar I and-now he had paid- the debt1y gn - , mir htm a letter ot introduction to in. . Taking him by the hand, I sau : "Sir, you are my gmst. A letbr from my brother will le honored at. u I times, never mind what I happen to tune. the letter seem ; to be, genuine, and my brother h;. failed to put in the cipher whif i means 'do you, lip.' So I j'udge that I . means for tne to throw myself. Y 1 are now nrv guest. Come with 111 and I wi)f show you where thev a going Jo h'.ifld the new bridge aero Craig-y-Xos Creek." lie rose and we went away together. As we passed the store I invited him 01 lind we got some seegars. At OtO' "I told von I expected my neice to "She doesn't. She said so to father, day, George Floyd!" said Aunt Calista, tlUm George is. He helps me during And when she saw me once running u halt I real and halt pretended (lis- the hoeing season, and I help him in after one of the cows which had gotten pleasure. "To-day, and on vthis train, harvest. We own a thrashing ma into the wrong lot, and washing off And vou engaged to call on us this I chine together, and i if the fall we not the buggy another time, when father evening. Do you remember that, was busy, she told mother she was George Floyd ? afraid I was 'hopeless.' " "Yes I Mrs. West. George V loyd coughed. He did not Je stood like an awkward schoolboy venture to smile, her face was so gen- with his "piece iorgotten. lie re- tly serious. But the visions which membered the tall, rather cold and rose before him shut out all else tor a severely stylish girl he had tuny ex- moment, pected to see. only do our own thrashing with it, but can make as high as &bu, we think, oy thrashing for the neighbors. We lead a happy life here, as I say, destitute of carlo. Tlu-re has been but onecase of tark here since I came One case of cark. and one of Milwau kee beer. The day goes bitterly by, :ml :it. niirlir. I write for an hour in mv r--- - - j diarv a lot of moral thoutrhts, which will be eagerly published alter my death Hi. saw tier anion or the ta trreenerv 4Verv we . I'm sorrv vou were of the woods. bareHieaded, warm- not in the same car. Ion d certainly cheeked: he saw her tracing a path have known that this was Kitty, and across a dewy pasture" singing or Vou might have introduced yoursell I have decided to make no dying speech nhisiliior. mavbe: he saw her in the .-md made it nleasanter for her, George. for I rni'dit die at the same time when r-i 7 . I 1 . ... , . ' 1 - b:irn and the meadow, in some rattlv A Ion tr. warm trip like that alone some other eminent man is Well!'1 Aunt Calistachanged the topic with old wa-on. norehed in a hnvstack ai d .v. .. , saw always her innocent eyes and sweet expressioned mouth andrump'ed flaxen our. 1 1 is heart was oeatmg rather fast now. "I don't know what kind of d said . 1 doing the ntigh so against a per- vnn vour Aunt 'Calista is. he saiu 1 ..I 1 .. suon 1 . "She is very good,' d i 1 I'm "charitable and good, bbRT-A-HI' 17 '2 UL& VIM Is incTOTiscd my facilities foi; handling and t omiirj; soayon, I would now again respect- llavin'g greatly storing QQL the fully solicit any and -all orders entrusted to mo, promising to ftu-nL4t you promptly with, wdiat coal you may want at the lowest - market ur'xon In nrdnv nhtnin orl vniit of the Inwost smn- factcway, hardly looking at ,1,, .. t , -, , 1 ! t" 1 She should he made to see v.i iices, you snouio at once send me your onic-is. ieineiiioer uenfleman, at least - Ll;il 1 handle onlvtltc host grades ol screened Coal, jncludmg pieon that she was Ued Ash, suitable forvgrates, stoves, heaters, ccc. Also keep on hand at all times the finest grade of blacksmith J. ALLEN BROWN. said Kitty ut she's very . 1 1 1 . . . .... 1 . . 1 i. , 1 1 iKirticiwar. anti i in a mwu uru .mun i.f-h!-: If T didn't kno v she doesn t anorove of me, and would certainly have asked Mary or Celia again instead if thev hadn't trot married but I do know it.' He hm fed to express his utter con- 4 m nt it r Ann fc Calista and all her tastes and preferences his unqualified horror of her. 1 n "I trust s ic won t make vour lire a burden to ou while you are with her he snid indignantly. "I shall try to be a pleasant surpre to her." Kitty answered, with simple earnestness. "I told father 1 shouh d I shall. I think I can behave p.i. 1 1 1 1 a "racious wave ot rue nana, ami suu- 11 11... .r; , 1.. deniy lurneu lier niece . Miw.ueijf i"- ward her. Her look was a proud, ad miring and approving one, as well it might ihave been. 'I rOn (dad to see vou. dear." she said. "We'il walk home. Matthew is ill today, so I'll send your trunk by the cork myself and say something which sta'e. and we will walk, the day is so I would afterwards bitterly regret. beautiful. 1 u may come, George. I W hat can be more pitiiul than a He looked at Kitty behind Aunt Ca- bal break in grammar or the fnquent use of tautology m a dying speech? It is for this reason that I have decided to keep a diary, to be published when I I . 1 1 1 same thing and so what I not receive that attention whicii it justly merited. Ilow I would hate to play Mr. Blaine, for instance, a man who could easily score a death-bed success at any time, while 1 am timid and feel almost certain that in any forensic effort of that kind I would probably 1 ii a s uignilieil back'. his twinkling eyes am gone. 1 ittle woo' i- STATES' ?ILLE I ARBLE Is "the Place to Get Monuments, Tombstones, &c. 1 guarantee ... .A lare stock of VERMONT MARBLE to arrive in a few days osLteuon 111 every respect and positively will nut be undersold. " Grranito Monuments Of all Vwiw o. specialty C. B. WEBB, f Propiuktoi.. j Montloa the Wab liinaa v' lien you wrtto. 23.1y Kitty gave him her first full look. "Wymtham?" she said. "Yes. I live .there," said George Flovd,aii odd little hope stirring within hinu 1 011 are you "I am going to Wyndham," Ry. . .... then she turned pink again dropped her eyas and was silent. The train rattled on with an exas perating chug-chug. And ! George Floyd, amused and exasperated, almost ground his teeth. "I am glad you are going to Wynd ham" lie said, quietly.- "I thipk vou'll like it. I live 1 here. But L don see why I don't, truly whv that or any thing else should make vou feel afraid me? j He lookul anno).-.! he looked hurt said and an. well as Aunt Calista likes to see a girl behave, I mean and I'll try to. 1 can t be a 'romp in Wyndham; that s what Aunt Calista says I am. the bovs won't be there, yon see; and per haps, by keeping it on my mind and trying hard -" Her gravity give away at last to- a mischievous little smile. "And it was that," said George 11 -.v.l "which made vou afraid to thank me for opening the window, and scared at the notion of speaking to me afterwards -it was your haying your Aunt Calista on your mind? Bryerdon!" lie niutteVed, inaudiblv; "and Wyndham only two minutes off. Confound it!" "Yes," Kitty owned. "Aunt Calista would think it dreadl'u!,iny speaking to anybody I hadn't been introduced to I know she would. Yes, I'm certain of it, even when if'7 "Even if it was perfectly apparent 'anybody' was an entirely safe and inr nocent individual, bored to death by the monotony ot a lengthy journey, taiid only desirous of l sluing his own lista's lit "ohall we tell? asked.i And she shook her head, turning it away to hide her shy smile. But the time came when she did tell. It was some months later for Kitty's visit to Aunt Calista 'exceeded in length Mary's and Celia's put to "vthei;. And when Aunt Calista had coine,-yery promptly, to realize that her youngest niece was no "hopeless" hctyi'.eli, but a sweet and charming girl to whom young men "toot suipns- in,Tlv, anil when Kitty had come, not ,,r overstimula'.e the brain. ..mi.. kr iv.omi.t v. to see that Aunt urdav a man with a dreamy C tlista was, after all, very little to be feared and considerably to be loved, then Kilty told her about it. But she t i!d it as a sequal to he" engagement. Aunt Calista looked at her over her glasses, a i. d then kissed her on both pink cheeks. "fain glid it happened so, sue ,;.i li..ntilv Emma A. Ooner. in S iturday night. It will be a good thing. It 'will show me in mv serious moods and also, hen: and there, have little trickles of pure merriment in it, a thing I couid not introduce into a dying speech with credit to myelf. I will also thus have a chance to rectify the grammars irrit and have it punctuated as I go along. As 1 say, we move along quietly here from dav to day, with little to excite Last Sat look in his nut down view. I Pronouncad Hopeless, Yet Saved. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd, (Jroton, S. 1)., we quote: "Wus taken with u bad cold, which settled on my I-lungs, cough set in and finally ter minated in Consumption. Four doctors gaveWup, saying I eould live but a shod! time. I gave myself up to my Sa viour;, determined if I could not stay with my friends on eailh, I would meet mv absent ones above. My husband was tt 1 vised to get Dr. King's New Discovery tor Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I ;t n ti:il. took in all. einht bottles; it has cured tne, ami thank (iud now a well and hearty woman." ,Kltles free at KluttK Co's lrug re'Mijar size -r0 cents umTI. I am Trial st or oale blue eves came here no mv oorch to look at mv have. a good view In re, and keep my horses in a deserted sawmill. lie sat there with his hat off, drink ing in the view and fanning hisdtigh, smoo h brow with his hat. At tirst I took him to 1e a doppelgunger. lie had th ; same Ben Davis style of Adam's apple, a-nl his high forehead indicated that he was just a brainy a he could be. Far a time I let hiai sit there. Then I cr..tit"ii1 .nt and oassed the time"" of l .111 '1 l-1' . ..w ,l,v wdh hit;:. H- answered in a rather brief and abstracted way, but finally asked my name. I told him what it was and he took my hand. said he had been frequently taken for tne. I was glad of ir. 1 did not care if he had been taken for me, only why did those authorities who took him for me let him go again. Finally he said he-knew some of my C.Al I ;dd that miirht be. - My folks never di ' j by i xp i H in e store here we have a nice, smooth. se -gar, with nianilla wrapper, which is i free smoker, and if kept well tipped if so thaffhe filler will not sift out, j fords much pleasure to the user. lighted these seegars, which are caih I , the Belle of Talhoilt, Indians, and ;s we puffed them almg.the .road v--seemed somehow to warm toward' one i other, and I told him that I km- where he could get some calamus ro f. if he liked it and some mushrooms at loist they looked like mushrooms. He said he was passionately" fond T calamus, but still mere so of niusl rooms. So we gathered some of each an I had the latter for din Der. Nor.e of the rest of the family' won I at any of the mushrooms, for I nev gathered any before,, and to be a go t gatherer one should - ha e killed off a camping- party or two 1 le exiierience. But my guest "si leartilv of them. He ate them at . My wile winked hopefully at me as n r doppelginger ate the last one and car --. esslv ran a slice ot bread around o . hs platter and breathed a long, . icious sigh. After dinner J said; "Come on; ? will go up on the top of Mount B bee. From the!? we can see almost AsheviUe." Ileal !y, my obj'ect was get him off the place before ' he di '. I hate to have a guest die in the hou f aTTil if I can help it I will see: that never occurs, especially when V.c as a letter of introduction fro ' some one I know. We climbed the hiil through the sweltering heat, and he seemed to ho L up under it quite well. All at on..--. like ii clap ot thunder from a cl i sky, came the terrible thought, "O heavens ! oh, heavens 1 After all, -haps they were really mushrooms." The thought maddened me so th i as I pushed my way through the inid brush ahead of my guest I pulled b e k a hickory sapling and let it fly ba with such force as to knock him acn- -the gothic oat farm of General W . of this place. But my guest did n mind it at all, for he came op h. r with a glad smile and humming a i of an okl love song. That-evening he took from hisva!'. a puz'e and gave it to my child n . They tried to do it but could not. V were smoking a couple of- store cig and the butler was burning a r Finally the eliildten brought the pt .-, z'.eto'me. It looked simple, and a f am ;i great hand to work out diflic: things, like mathematical sums ;; social problems, I told my Colo amanuensis to keep my cigtir going i a few minutes and I would show I children how to do it. It consisted of a circular box with i glass cover, and inside were five hi. ppgs .villi five little brass rings lyi. i on tlw bottom (it the box. Altli-re i to do, as I may say, is to flip this lit , box so as to hang the five rings oirt . , five p( gs. That was a week ago. I bave n t, done it yet. Neither have I done'ai thing else. . The children's voices -no longer heard as they romp and pi y. Each one is trying tr do this fool i: . .le That is not all. 1 am away '1 hind bn my autographs. Hundreds . such letters lennrin unanswered, J.s from tho-e answered by my color d man, Dr. Euyster Snialhers. E'-'--letters asking me to write what I kin on a ji.'.tchwork block oi silk for t ralH '. leinain on my-desk, and ti'.vil y hi the ratlle is almost here. . 1 am idl broken up by this man,ii d I haven't w ritten anything in mydi. . for ten days. Fossibly 1 may m '. write in it again. When I try think now iuy mind creaks. f. , B'at dark cm- seem t' learn an thing S ui.e -if tin :n, i sa.d, minor shows me under my eyes.. If this man tomes again I am pre- li- i II.. I I. pared i"r nun. i kiiuw a uaniv n-n- the musnroom v rj giowj, hut uhk- . a lJ" mushroi.m. 'I'he weep.. . ;, i 1 1. . i ...... . .i.iil.i.i' mil. i no i l 1 1 K 1 1 ll I l 1 1 .1 1, ( 1 1 . i n in1'" uii.1!.! """'i a panic southwest f the liver and u. ot the watch pocket. ' 1 have also si.4ectel a plot in It: primeval forest wlnre he can beat A place where the trailing arbutus. .. the wixtdtick tiiay wander o r i utiM . tomb. IUll Nv...

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