jiibli - .IZZZ ; ., r , ,, . . ,.T - r- : i - . .- . . .1 Watchman. narolin LOCAL. . ... .' txcrr 21, 1S91. Trcxlcr, D-1., of Concor.I, Ttxco Cowan, of Concord, spent M!',.. homo. ,o town laa - - r.- leigh, will bring up ins i. .f.fc jo the Fair- . nil) lv--T 'UD,- Uutlock, of Gold :IIiU, - is ''Wsd,J'll'w";cuk;.-.f , ... a. 17-. ft iv if lint . Til liS CI I lllll 1 Ik 1 A A aww mL Pol win u - in . . . v.torV.'ofGrcensWo.Ul tc ncro 'V-urwitlv his trotting stock. . nii'intz. of ilft-hmohd, Va., Itw ivi" is.vLsitu'S"'.111"15 eity.nnd county.,-, rticmcnt this week. Look it up. . -.miilce on arrangcincma l?r. I.e Roy Mefoney, one of our town toys who has been practicing dentistry in Philadelphia for Home time, lias been in towifor n,f vrdays pastand will re main with-u a week before returning to his hoiiiC " . Mr, J..W. B?tian bns jnst returned from the North vih' a large stock (I good, and he hnnot time tovteJI you vcJiat he has this week, Out lie taiics a space in this paper and will tell you whati.e ha next week. . The and ciit inent mctiat Tuesday. . 1... I T?.,:,.n li.ia Tnnf t,f ...iiuirv'S i;nonil uiih-mi ...... t, akigh to attend thcwusical festival. ' Wjcnni'e'Sinith.ofConcordris vis ti;g"ai Mr, Kubon Holmes'- this week. Mr lTvr 'or has a notice of administra tion on tl estate of Dr. Letter, .in this & A. L. J"hnso:i . . : ",...lrv thi. knowing - J'rom private tells," you something that is worth week we learn than was individuals '.. . . i. i fi t-roo is oeiioi inai tn- -expected Hwlio, Armstrong, manager of i,.lcm christian Mine, was in the city Tuesday. . When will we get shut of this dust? When will, work on improving the streets commence? . Mr" 5), M. I tarry, of Charlotte, who Wbcen' voting in -the city, returned .' home Monday. There will be. nmning, trotting and : -mule race at Uie; fair. Biua. i i- .... row at i11)1 w visiting Mr. Lyerly, from the Salem neighbor hood, had two new bales of cotton in town yesterday. The cotton was all nicked and crined this week. It was ex- 7 J cecdingly fine cotton and brought him $8.15 per hundrel iounds. 'Three large boilers from the Sam Christian Mine came up Jio Yadkin Thev- will be used in our two new cotton factories Tlioro nro. ftv boilers m all. Iho bam Christian ha3 suspended work; Several Sunday schools are rxf til.-in.t ilw.Jr scholars to the Fair 1 " .- Special inducements will be made to al such. Manv poor children will Ect to see the many pleasant sights who other wise would not on account of their pov erty. - M - T?ilii-t. Hull, of -this- countv, and Mr. J. A. Spence, fcl Stanly, lelt Here yes terday at noon for the Nashville Uni versity, at Nashville, Tennessee. They both haye a two years appointmcntat that institution from. Stale SupernUef deut Finger. From a private letter we learn that -. a- 1 ' 1 r Tiro. J. L. llamsey and Mr. u lKier, oi llaleigb, wliilo out riding last Sunday evening were both thrown from the buggy by the horse becoming lightened and running away. Neither were ouslv hurt we are glad to say. buguy was torn into toothpicks. We are pained to learn that while Mrs J. C. McCanless, ot Dunn's Jit., was walking in the direction of the II. & D. depot in Charlotte last Monday, some ono threw a stick and struck her little Ui.Kn wlitell she bad in-her arms, on the head, afflicting a serious bruise. KatWto Burlinffton Fairf For the above occasion the Itichmoud & Danvilie railroad will sell tickets to Burlington, N. C, and return at the fol- ow injr rates from points named below. Tickets on sale October 5th, Gth, 7th and 8th, limited to October 10th, 1891: I Asncviile, !i4.40; Charlotte, $2.; ,m- ston-Salem, $1.00; Durham, .85; Hcr.der- son, $1.-00; Goldsboro, $2SLQ; Salisbury, $1.50; Greensboro, .Go; lleidsv ille, $1.00; Oxford, $1.40; llaleigh, $1.20. j Bates from intermediate points in same proportion. Thy Southern Exposition. One of the grandest displays and pleas u re-gratifying occasions ever occuring in this Stale ! will take place at Kaieign through the months of October and: Nov ember. ' . ' ' 1 should cro to Ilalciirh at this . . . ' 1 . i 1 time you would see nine oisijf iu;i preparation for th& entertainment of the thousandsof people who will attend the Exposition. The streets will be beauti fully decorated and a beautiful triumpha arch will be erected across Fayetteville street under which the procession wil pass, 'he fire and military departments together witli other civic organizations will takepart in the procession night Fayettcville and the other princi- ; pal streets will be brilliantly illuminated. ill the business houses, banks, schools, factories and similar, institutions will close that day to fio honor to the occasion. Reduced rates have been secured on all railroads to one cent a mile. Those who go will never regret it. D AVI 12 NEWS. Fine Tieather Fnnuers all Busy Per sonal otcs. ;Miss Ella .Wilson, . lllf11"-" u"-i.-' ia 'thU'city some time. ' Mr,Rcui)cnlIolmcs,Jr., went to Mt. . t i . . Ar,v..i,w n iitienu scuooi .it . J - . i A-1 1 1 X- Korth Uaioiina v,ouegu. Work 'will commence next Wednesday todrissup the race track, which wil i make-it perfeetlS' smooth. , Juliii llo!)ii:son s. Dig io(r four trains or fifty cars, for Salisbury da "Monday, October 10th. of this city, AVho iveliing fur a New York seri- The It was not known from whence the stick came or by whom thrown. We saw quite a curiosity at the post nirp. last Mondav. A trolip of Turks have been around town fur a few days Monday they went to the post office an mifed two letters addressed in their lanuatre. The inscription resembled thn hird net of marks which children sometimes make oh their slate. They spoke English fairly well, and told the assistant postmaster that they were wr.ting to Turkey. He then placed the Thi journey South Iredell Notes. The farmers have been 'quito busy for the last week culling hay and pulling fodder. Cotton has begun to open nrettvMivelv at last. A few bales have already been sold. ! Mr. Joe lirawlev commenced making molasses this week. It is reported that he is doimr irood work. Jay Atwell, son of Mr. James Atwell, i miite sick wilh tvnhoid fever. It is ... ,1 . - x thounht that lie will not recover. 1). V. JSiann and family moved this week from this community to their new- home in Stanly county, m the vicinity of Albemarle. Success to him. Mr. J. II. Shui'ord returned last week from Missouri. The protracted meeting will commence at Iho M. E. church to-morrow. C. 11. Austin. Mooresville, N. C , Sept. 20, Vo'Jl. Corresirnlence of the Watcainan. Somoof our bovs are attending the State Institute at Winston this week. Several of our farmers have 1iad the misfortune to lose their barus and U- acco by fire. Dr. R. L. Anderson, of Calahan, ppcat some time m Farmington recently iook- in? after the interest of those having teeth to fill. Miss Mattic Bahnson jcturncd Thurs day from a visit among friends and rela-1 Aftheville and '-Western North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kearns camo over . . . 1 - . n on a visit saiuruay, Biopiing at Clark's. Mrs. M. A. Brock -and Mrs. T. I. Clingman will leave this week for Lloyd, Texasr where they will spend several months with relatives. ' Rev. F. L. Groome has just closed a very interesting series of meetings at Smith's Grove, with good results. Also Rev. J. N. Nelson has had quite a successful meeting at Advance. A large uumber were added to the church. With much sorrow we record the death of Mrs. N. S. Cuthrell, which occurred at her limine near Farmington, Thursday, September 17th. Her remains vere in- toi-vfH in tlmfflinotprv nt V:rmrtnn on At p-irl,.v Prof. Leon Cash enters upon his duties ltJ "r6. as Superintendent of Public instruction with zeal and energy. In our mind a man more fitted to fill the position could not have been found. The hog cholera is making its appear ance in some sections oi mo county. C. Smith has lost more than twenty rom that disease recently. J. T. Moore will leave in a few days for Florida where he will spend the winter. The new roller mill at Cana is running ind doing excellent work. The machinery for the Farmington Mills arrived last week. It took thirteen two-horse wagons to haul it from the depot. When done it will be the best mill in the countv and capable ot doing as good work as any in the State. The telegraph lines have reached Mocksville, connecting It with the out side world. An office will be arranged at once. Hustleii. Farmington, Sept. 20, 1801. iiK8. Vim Pieaa3iit Alliance Slntostrlal UaioJ JIMS "9- 3 SECOND ANNUAL f EXHIBITION, i - TuesSay, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, October 20, 21, 22 & 23, 1891- WHAT IS IT? Klnttz & Rpndlemau want all the dried fruit, berries, etc, brought to Salisl We want you to know that we will give you as much for them aaTho market affords. Eighteen years ago we began business in this town and by always paying cash for what we bought and sticking to our motto, 44 The bestgoocb for the least money," we have been compelled to enlarge our .store-rooms until faow have six floors filled and packed with the most desirable goods . SALISBURY The Soldiers' Reunion will be on Wednesday. All pensioned soldiers will be admitted free on has ever seen. We have the latest styles of Dress Goods and ore anxious for the ladies to see them. Wo are prepared to sell goods and-will sell themjehcaper tna any ether house in the place. Look at some of our prices : Aturtore you- WILL GET twenty pounds of the whitest sugar for $ 1.00; coffee, 20 cents; seven grades of Dour; fresh hams, crackers cheese every week at lowest prices, amuianw Wo have a stock ot shoes equal to any anywhere along the proposed route of THE 11. & S. stores vour headnuarterB, , (1U MIIU8 Ul VIUI1W X BIIIISIIIU uuuuo. -rf . - that day; all Other Veterans at even ir you don't want to buy, it will give us pleasure tajshow you our goods ami leu you now cneap we win sen tuem. iu out wjin j uu n uu .vv for your horses. ! To the wholesale trade we offer special inducements. Yours anxious to serve, Best Agricultural Speakers. j There wilT be the best display of Agricultural ProcUets ever made in the Piedmont Section. 5 EACES. There will be Running, Trottiim and Pacing Races. I KLTJTTZ & RENDLEMAN. Durham Fertilizer Company Races. Also Bycicle Balloon Ascension & Parachute Leap in midair tront an immense neiffht, a novel and extremely hazardous exhibi tion oi courage. Office: DURHAM, N.-G. Mr. W. !- BliVekmcr. . h:is hern ti house, is spendius a few days in town. i-.'lli4 things- await Salisbury, the third Vweek in OctoUV. John llobinson's big ' d,,, a.iilthe Picdiiioul Alliance Fair. - Mr. II. A. Banks, , formerly of this . . . . 1 T1.ll..... 1. l.nkit ntillillllTl'l !1. ' UW t 1 the University, noreaaw n vu.t... and terday morning for Lexington, Ky., Jo ' tntln eoui-ric in the business college at f that place. ' Concord will send a large delegation to the Fair. Jim Cook writes for pre mium lists and says that their-"people fare mad for 'cm. - Hon. Marion Butler, president of- the ; Monday night for Newton where he spoke yesterday. ,-,' ..... i r p n' o. 11. NV-ilcy, aunuuiniiaiui v. . Krider, offers "200 acres of valuable land for sale on- the 21lh of October. Sec I the advertisement. i ri- Thnrviii Wil.'ht has crone to Balti 31 issioiinry fleeting. The W. H. & F. M. S. at Christian.- held a special meeting in aid of Wis-ions on Thuibday 21lh of September. It was a irreat success aujrmentir.'r their funds to nearly $!5. Stirring papers were reac by Mrs. J. O,. Wcitz and Mrs. Alice Bishop, who arc both evidently! earnest Mission workers. Grand speeches cal culated to induce people to do more for mission work, were made by the llevs. li.-h superscription on the , envelope i Brown, lrexler and crtz, also by 31r. lo:i" i&ttrney. It J- - Jnie. j nanus arc uue to tne circus, compris- IS llOOKCd 1 - requiic-l a five cent postage stamp to carry ine leuer 10 us tu'siir.auun. The laily liemld. The Daily Herald .came out Monday. It is neat, newsy and no doubt will merit a liberal support. We trust that our people will appreciate the importance of j (.ivinf it sunnort. Isothtnir can be. a success if patronage is withheld Announcement. c We arc glad to inform the readers of the Watchman' thatrMr. I. N. Ilich, of Farmington, N. C, has consented to lc eome a regular correspondent of the Watchman. He will keep us fully posted concerniug affairs in Davie county. The Watchman will not Only be more interesting to its general readers, 4 but will also gain a stronger foothold in Davie, which is one of the best counties in the State. We trust that the good people of that county will aid Mr. ltich in his work for the paper and patronize it more liberally than ever before. choir ior 1 lie great asMstance they rcn do red i in making llittlay pieasant. Jev. It. LiiJrown, V'o is a line mission advo cate was made a life member, j and the Uev. 11. A. 'l rcxler an honorarv member of the society. Clreat regret was felt at tin; absence of Mr. Theo. F. Klatlz and Mrs. lteisner, who were indisposed. An excellent dinner was served in the grove oy 1110 meinoers 01 tne society ;iided by the ladies of the congregation who for that tlay at least, were good mission workers. Thei c was a good at tendance, many coming from a distance. All seemed well pleased with the exer cises. A. B. Winston Still Ahead. Winston, N. C Sept. 30 The base ball pennant "till floats on Winston's banner. The Blue Sluggers won the de ciding mime this afternoon from Rich mond for the southern championship, by a score of nineteen to seven. The Virginians put in three pitchers during the game, Euright, Napier and Kane. Winston's battery was McGann brothers and Keefer. : j-m ISoulanger Suicides. Brussels, Sept. 30. General Boulan- ger commuted suicide 10-uay on tne tomb of Madame de Bonnemain, who died recently in this city. Madame de Bonnemain has been known asthe mis tress of the dead general. Boulanger was for a longtime a leader in political and military alfair in France 1)iu he has lowered in the minds of the people since be left his true wife and be came attached to the woman over whose grave he died. His grief over her death and the fact hat ho was losing public favor is assigned as the cause of the deed- Factories: DURHAM, I C, aid RICHMOND, Ti Please observe that our premiums are fair and unusually targe. Send for a cbnv of our premium list. Thes 1 -j x 30 bycicle race is open to the State. Pin3 Music tr a Good Band. This .g & nome Company manufacturing For- Excellent police regulations. No T?.Trx-T Anml intemperance, profanity or immorality tlUzCF CXDreSSlV 10r tllC 1 arillCrS. lVCry pOUmi will be tolerated on the grounds. 1 " Tt i n l Uf Pop,lar prices o Mmiaion-nnder of gOOds gUafailtCCd tllC Highest GraUC. 13eSt 12 veai-s, 10 cents; over 12, 25 cents. . T . .n .f volnri. ro ; , : ... Materials. 1 armors will always get value-re- liliipie uppoi tuiituies xoi ifiiwu ments on the grounds. A New Cotton Mill. Wo learn from enterprising citizens of Gold Hill, who were in town Tuesday, that that place is taking; initiatory steps towards .erecting .a cotton factory ninro nn.l will tnkn another course oi atanatpiaee. a iuu..;; w.y.v.u .ital and College day night, and more tnan Halt enough mill. .lectures !in the City llos of Physicians and. surgeons. ,The 'Alliaiieo guano warehouse has been completed and they now have a nl:fOtn ctf.ro llieiv own ClUlllO. lVlld Call come and get it. when it suits them best Mr. IT T fra n ford sold the first bale of hew cotton in our market this year lle sold it last Saturday to M. C. Quinn, and received nine cents per pound for it. The Concord Standard says: John Got man, who has been with W. II. lieisner, of Salisbury, came in to day. He. will go-with D. C.-Correll to Siartanburg, S. C. Only three teachers were granted State certificates to leach. Three young bv , dies, M issea Kl la G ralnim , Maggie 1 louck and Sallic Jiwnisoii are the happy posses sors. Mr. F. F. Smith, once a popular clerk in the clothing store of M. S. Brown, but now a traveling salesman for a northern firm, is spending a few days vacation in Salisbury. Mr. S. H. Wiley and son John arrived home last Sunday after spending three months in England. They report a pleasant trip, and having yisited many i interesting places.-"1" Mr. J. Z. Schultz, of the firm ofSchuUz & Marsh, who is now residing in Buch anan, Va., is spending a few-days in tke city. -He is one of the prominent busi ness men of Buchanan. f.- Dr. J.. E. i Buchanan, who completed ,liis course ii medicine last spring, vc rcturncd to Baltimore 'Hospital yester ;day morning to take a year's course in that institution. - ' - A negro, Osborne Overton, while trying to steal a ride on a freight train, was put off at High roiiit, and in trying toget on fell and" had both of his legs cut off. from the effects of which he died Monday North Ii'dell Notes. It seems that your .readers luivehad no news from north Iredell for some time, and since your correspondent has turned out to be one of the "crusty bachelors," and has been from home for some time (probably on the hunt cfa companion) th.s possibly accounts lor me absence. c 1 .1 T 1 It We reached home, lrom bouiu ireuen last week, where-we bad been teaching for a few 'months past. We were glad to find every tiling in our old vicinity moving happily along. At every lonacco oarn we find u watcher, lor tobacco curing nas been the orde of the day for a few w eeks. Some are getting a good cure while others are not doing so well. We learn by ex amining the weed closely that: it has not matured right. A lot of it won't yellow but stays green in the hill and rots rather than yellow. Great preparations are being made-for a wheat crop. A lot of fertilizer will be used Fotbler gather- Let; every body take a rest and come to the Fair. JOHN BEAED, Pres. J. C. BEHKHAkDT, Sec. Is He Iho Wrecker? 1 Statesville, N. C. September 30. Elmore Cloningcr, a negro supposed to have been one of the. parties' wiio caused tho fearful wreck near this place was lodged in jail here three nights ago. His capture was the work of Detective C. A. Worst er, of Atlanta, Ga., and D B. Yount, marshall of Newton, N. C. They say they are sure of capturing others who were implicated in the crime with Cloninger. Cloninger and some others were unac counted for during the time when the work must have been done. Before tho wreck, when seen, he was in perfect health. After it he feigned sickness and avoided everyone. He never asked tiny questions about the wreck, aud seemed to studiously avoid any discussion of it. The. two detectives have recovered a vci feet tims in the wreck. Tho work' has been signally successful They believe they will fix the guilt pon 12.50. overvone 01 me i iLiiiL i;:u uus aim the $10,000 reward. Look at This ceived when buying goods with these brands on them. Don't buy any goods until you examine carefully what they arc offering, and then get their prices. Exclusive manufacturers for the North Carolina Farmers' Alliance. The following is a list of our brands: We arc now receiving the North Carolina Farmers' Alliance Official Guancy largest and best assorted stock Duriiam Bull witli Peruvian Guano, Durham we have ever carried, Ammoniate( QuailO, Peruvian Substitute Read a few ofour prices: 1 nut j,wvwo, ...w, rpn . Progressive Farmer, and IN. ). a. uiuui.u Brogan Shoes, 1.00. liress Goods from 8c. to $1.00 hcid PllOSphatC. cry largo portion of the jewelry and cf- per iyard. ets taken from the bodies of tho vie- j Hen's Shoes from 3.00 to stock was subscribed to build the Others will subscribe who were not. pres ent and some aid is expected from out side. They were in Salisbury Tuesday consulting the enterprising mill man of this place, Mr. Murdoch, and secured as surance thut bo would do for them all that was possible. Mr. J. W. Noah gives fifteen acres of land on the railroad as a free site. They are enthusiastic m their business and we think they will succeed. The factory will run as exten sively as the eajdtal will admit. Any way we wish them success in tlat gold bearing region. lealh oi'Dr. Letter. " Dr. Leflcr's death occurred hist Satur day evening. He lived near Organ Church. Fordive weeks lie had been a sufferer with pneumonia. The doctors of Gold Hill, Salisbury, Mt. Pleasant and Concord did all thev could for him, but their efforts were vain. He was 31 years old at his death, and rumor has it that he would have been married on the 20th of October to Miss Eugenia .Fife, of Thomasviller She is a sister of Evangel ist Fife. Dr, Lefler bad just receive! his lieense last Mav to practice medicine. He started on the up hill of life when but a ing is about over, and next j week will Coin on iiti average ind and every a glow dor boy. By his own aid only, he secured i;ood English education. Jle took a to wv.. v"(-"- sition .with Gibson & Montgomery, of Concord. After his day's work was doue he would wrangle over medical studies He was aided by Dr. Lilly in his studies He saved enough money to attend a medical institution in Baltimore three - 1 . . . .- - . . years. Last spring he locaieu nuuway between Gold Hill and China Grove, antljWouhl undoubtedly have won laurels in his profession. ' , - His death is sad, so soon after his hard I finish up tobacco is good. ' ! The birdthunters who come from the North here every year to hunt birds, and stop with Dr. S. Angle, have egun corn in - One came last week land others will be on soon. They have; dogs that are remarkable for their training. Mr. Lcander Ganher, who lives near TTiit-monv. had the mislortuue last, cai- mi1:iv niirlit to lose "Mari:, "diiis fine stal- ' v -: :. '. 1 ,. i lion. A IHtie over a year a.yo ne uwi fine colt, and a short tune ago he lost a mare He is now lelt with t)tu one con. jt is a sad misfortune to ljumfyr ; his horse was valuable. Mr. uaijtner is gd- lin- old and his only way of hmking any surplus was by his horse. ; Tim tx fuu tMiiuinv in next iiiuuiu is )1u n.itllllini'l'iil!'r at (J Id Harmony Hill 'u-iihrft Miirmoiiv P. O. got its name is right at the campground) thing for miles around is al the meeting. This is a union camp "roundTall have equal rights, and is one of the oldest known. Hundreds of peo ple come hCi-e every year, and have in view all the various motives that usually attach themselves to a campmeeting. One of Harmony's best citizens, a bachelor, and one obout whom all hopes were lost of him ever marrying, lomeu n nbfiiit a vear -ano and made himself K..r.u bv .-jiTtlunnir one ot jJavie eouutv's best young ladies for a coinpan ion. We congratulate, mem aim &m.v thev are recently made-happy again, we congratulate them again in uenau ji i (.(iminmiitv. Its a boy. Just now our m'.i(t runs to your cuy and ve think what a good time you are having with Prof, ami Mrs. Mclver con ducting the Teachers Institute there this week. We spent last week: with them in Statesville and must say that we were highly cntertaiiH'd ami received much valuable instruction. They are enthusi astic in the cause Of education and they will be long remembered by the people of Statesville and all who sjiw and ttearu iliii. 1 Pruf. Mtlver is Icertainly the ni.in in !. tii'ht. ithti-e. May he :mh1 his better half live long and see the fruits of their labors. j ! J. HENUY. U z? uu vy 4 full line of men's and boys Hats. FARMERS' ALLIANCE GUAHO HEARD PROM. Coleridge, N. C, August 10, 1891. W. IF. Worth, S. B. A., Dear Sir: As much has been said in regard to N. b. i?ar- Ttho cleanest line of Groceries mcrs Alliance Ofllcial Guano, I wish to state to you anu - X ... , .... 1 ..il.-r. 4lint 1 1C (TlVinff fTfWMl in Salisbury. Durham Fertilizer company, aim uuiyi?, " 7 . ; Vft in cnic fl . .. 1 , n T ntr.l it nn wheat last lau. ann 1 - j- ..-n-- Mi ftl ' . I UCV-Vl - ' J1)uinuBll w " J ' frnm n lot' A'here I sowed U bushels 01 seen do not buy until you get our bnsieis 0f good wheat, or 25 bushels from one. to the acre. The Alliance is soIijlI here. Mention tlio WATcnMAN when you wnu. prices. . Ve mean business. I threshed 6 . I used one bag L. B. fACON. D. B. JULIAN & CO. a ana Absolutely Pure, f tartar baking powder. rr:.,i ..r nil in leavening strength. Latest U. S. Government tood Keport. o a I 11 0!H 0 0 on 0 (U iu lotton :- Buyers ! Fresh Garden Seeds at re- i i : auceu piiLx-b. i Clover and Grass, Seeds at the lowest prices at Enniss' Drug Stbi'c. I FOU tiittt t niVTrv rVDflDT nf3('iiiv3. It has never taiica MILL H1NIJ JLiVruixi. iv-sncnsin. Iii.liRestioii, Wc arc closing out the remainder bf READ THIS ! Summer Clothing and Straw Hats at cost. -,, i ..I. - ... 1 i. n AI11 frt AtlP Be sure and can tor auouie (iQ nns in oruor IU unuvu iuuui ivi Mamioth Fall and Winter Stock. our We ctruggles with ihe preparation for life. 1 Harmony, K. C. Sept.SC, 1891. Don't fail to see them. .-wi SiV.V Hndnchc. lcaninve: ell"1 l,lv - ' . , I 1 s-,m 1 i- -l-1 4 TV rhevalwavspav highest cash vm first-class references 111 Come and SCO US ailU YOU WILL mvxi.y price lor Cotton and Seed. isbury to prove its menu,., xui Q received a niCC imp OI men and boys' Pants, dark shades at an prices. jyw rw tT TTAfF, - L w nccm-tmont-nf sliuts ot all Kinds at low -, :,- m v.,,, pit -.irk to get . cg vc still keep a lull line ol collars, culls, irunks, valises, etc... We solicit your patronage. Administrators Notice. iT..:.T nnalitio.1 a? ' A-iminisHator uhm tho ... V I. I.t itlT. dt't-'C sol. r?nvn; ui -- . - luvviiiir claims a?mis- hereby nbtitii-d'to present ment on or or tins numc ..... - - . , t.lfl. !ir(. . . . ,.,i-.n iii time 1 , . .. i: s.H,.m,.nt. t t r TTVTTVTTO CI til iH-r- tlu m to aie tt.r paj - 11 and orobably your life lW f ""iiAw l IS1-1 corophunts. It ncel '.L.I , ininieaiiite scUlcmt-nt. October 1st, 189!. M ji5Aii(;K.iAilin.r; i,i:i.i.AN, An y. Yours anxiousf to -please. H.&L WRIGHT.