ul "' ' L 1 ' - - ' " ' ' - 'yr'-- '-' . I ' !"c. ' ' - ' - I i " ' - ' . ' l! IT . J if! i -.1 4 t " --i I it'. ! i II ' Pa I s i!- 111 II - it I AM-IAXCB DIISECTOKY, 1 Manorial Mlinnce-W. . 1 V.k. present, , North Carolina; - 1 1, 'Cover, vice prcsi S Kns: X II. Turner, .emtnry r. iSurSr, .Georgia; J.F.Wiilctts, lecturer, rfc 'Wana-Eli.v Carr prcsi. lent, Oll SparturE. It. lWadinhelJ, sccrctaiy. '-Ji:llcijl. " . f,o,zar. Moon-sviU.-: l'rouler , Col . H. A. );!mw.; Secretary unci Treasurer, J. E- JUamscy, Salisbury.' C-J Miller, president, Jjiackincr; M. L. Ritchie, secretary, bavv. mfcH CWy-J J nolman, pn-rfTcnt, -Cool Sprjns; M. E. Kaiusey, ecrctary, - Alooresville - ' . . '- UiUrm County-X. F. If.lcrnanresi- lent. Concord; Dr. J. S. Laikrty, Becre- rv. f!oncord. -- J)atulnon County II. S. Green, president, I .Times; W. A- Lindsay, secretary, i no viile. " - v CWy-S. T. Wilfnp, presi dent, Newton; J. F.. Herman, secretary, Newton. T N..C Kef jrni? Tress ""A'ssUwiatlon. X)(RccrHJ. I'- R'mwy. preside ntf -Marion Jtutler, riiident; .'.' .V. Uame, sec . r clary: ' PATERS. rWrvc Farmer, Sttt-e Organ, lUKq. Oiu.-ahiaii. vciw.m N. C. if ur.il Home. nrollua-Wutohman, Sallsuuiy. N. C. Tarooru, . c. Mountain iiome-.journ..i. . - - N , fSi?nt1' --True;: ,,lv- Hickory. ,C Mutt - -AVLHlSEen..? C: vjrfi 0 Ac rt&n-awpi jwpfro W Ac W. arf'.7 on the first Liar and add other, provide tliey are duty Urdrd. Any paper Jailing to advocate the ' Orala platform will he droned frma the lixt promptly. Our pm'l 'an 7 wtud aper.i are published in their interest. OUIGINAL LINES i)n the. W. X. C. Wreck,; Xenr Htatcs ville, Au?nst 27, 1851. . Ho-.v s.i'l to think of those that mourn Fur their dcparteiMrii-ii'li!, ' tt'hc'n they were sal ami su.lden torn -And uict such drcadtid cmis. "4)'.wlio.coulT;rca.l or tell tho t;:c W'itl'.out a tearful eye ! A loving heart VouH truly v:iil For those tinU there did die. 0 who cm tell the depths of yoe, Of loving ones at home; IJow ?.id nad piiinful it to knoiv That they no more will come. v Hero many now will shed rt tear For G:ptain W-iNiam West - Ic waa a well-known engineer, And one among the best. No more the signal he will sounL , That he U'eoming nigh; His. form now lies beneath the ground - In death's embrace to lie. 'The fireman, poor Warren Fry, , Ami Hugh K. Lihster. t')Gt "ear to tlie engineer did He, , 111 fated like-h'is woe, Perhap3 here ?ome were pound aleep When fast di-r move the train, Tlint ?oon went down the ifreadfu! steep. "" And never woke again. ' Ala?. poop.Mtpf Luellcn I'oo!, Hov sad tier mother's f.ite ! IJcr weakness there her love did rule Although her lovo-'wus great. Oh, it did fill a bitter cup When waters were around; She e'ould not hold dear mother up, - And mother sank and drowned. A logins couple late, had wed,- And on a bridal toisr, They jwion did meet .with woundd mo3t- dread, And still afflicted sore To loving friends how sad the sight, - And did afllict them sore: Siich were the forni3 of Mrs. White And M33 Ophelia Moore. 3 , We stood upon the fridge's height From whence thji, train did goj -In mind we saw tliCNiireadful flight To that abyss of woe. Three score and tour feet it did leap Into the swolle.ji-.st ream; The wreck dhMnake a frightful heap i Where woe with horrors scream. The iStatesvillo city Felt tho shock, And helped with willing hands; Their Christian hearts do know no lock Where want and woe demands. Jo thou. 0 Father, be their stay To those-whose friends arc gone; Jlelp them to how and truly say, : Thy sovereign will be done. . . - S. L. Pixox. Moorcsville.iJept.'M, 185.1. Words of Wisdom. ,iiit:.iy .in ,rome out ngut is io t..i : t.i. . Wrong living is caused by wrong iiuiiKing. I The things which cause us-thc most t.rOnl'.l I1PV..P iipinr ! XT , 4 iiiu.il u.ui utrirujiie iicu iiy never giving anything away. b rpi J .n. . , , rhere ar6 nnlhons of taskmasters who never cracktHl a whip. o. . ' j Sin is only limited by aliility. A flea would kill an elephant if it could. ! When everything ese seems to be giv.ng away, trytaiHl.ng on a promise. tj d do vhat thcy SVld Th ere is nothing which man sol world rjo. much hates as Jto, be told the 'truth ' .about hhnself. ' j10W m:ny do 'you ; As long as ny wan sees sorus other think they ' have to count, mau who is worse than he is, he feels One in. ten ? Net c:ic in five rr i- i mi , . hundred! -leach rag children to be stingy is only another way of Reaching them to Here are two remedies steal. : one the Golden Medical Dis- : There are no braver nien than those rr,.n,-..- rrnlntmrr nnrl irv. who, are never afraid to .peak the vigorating tholivcr and purify tu ..u f..ii ; ... ing tho blood ; the other,, the. very pleasant as long as they can have hoP of wcakly womanhood, their own way. and ihey vc been sold lor The longer a man has his own way, years, sold by the million bot- thestronger the probability that he tics ; sold under a positive wiir'neer give it up, vnrahtccy and not one in five Bucklen-g Arnica SalcT- hundred can say : The bestHain theworM for Cuts, . It -wa? not the medicine, for Imuses, Sores, hji It Kheu m, Fever Sores, , : ' ' Tetter, Chappnl Hands, Chilblain, mc Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi- .'C lively cures Tiles or no pay required. It And-IS there any reason is Kiiamnteed to give perfect satisfaction why VOU "should- DC the one ? !,or money refunded. Price 25 cents per a"j i ( box. For sale by T. F. Kluttz & Co. And supposing you arc what ! -T" , , do you lose ? Absolutely i Children Cry for Pitchers Castorla. nothing It limits One. . uQ ,nf,hoi3v An excha,-e has this:, borne body uiake a niL-tawe. x"", - . mistake. A l-aut:ful-wojman is sacn iicrtl, ruineil, outcast and forsaken. A society man smile- at the result, and all the vorld smiles back., Lvautihil woman dances with 1iim, and respecta ble -neu introduce him to the best ladies they know, without asking permission. AM doors open to the man, and a wo man can get no lodging this side ot the house or a prostitute. There seems to be nothing wrong in American society in torching tlve hands of a rake in the ball room or promenade, but the skirts are gathered closely when the wayward damsel wanders near. Oh consistency thou art a jewel! Oh bosh! thou art mostly stid!." The above cuts the truth right to the center. It knocks the bark off -the policy of society to continue one with out protest and to damn the other. lts mighty poor Jaw that gives a man a nice badge and a woman an. iigly brand. ' it's a mighty poor religion: that clo i 1 f:. !!.--! II MKK iliA'Vr.. .... ses its eyes and trembles when an un fortunate woman appro iches, -and sus tains, honors and associates with the author of her ruin. Ueiigion without charity and mercy and forbearence is contemptible. It's: mifrhtv DOOf SQeiotV wllCfC the doors slam in the face of afi tin fortu- " - u: JI,riJ, the nate, and cultivate, and ch -rli the friendship of him wnose record (moral) is hellish. And these sad things that occur to hock humanity, to ruin lives and make icarts bleed, are made all the worse by ltlU- . . rx, nn. ong, slimy tonguesthat cery commu- And these sad things that occur to shock he Ion tv possesses. There are hien and women (God "pity th:?m ) iivho enjoy 'Ou'inf' and shaking a bloody slander or fearful sensation to a greater degree tlnn thoe birds which Uod made for umii uiill - " . COnsumih2 fOUlneSS. At tirst It IS OC- I hind the door with a tnend ami parting with these words: "Don't mention it;' t r It. j tin r-hfirrr l-non ;, (mini Then society hursts r -I- p. "-n- - , I its back, and turns its back, and some, who set themselves up as followers o! Him who tauirht love, charity,forbear- ance and help to the weak, ccc, let their linrrnr ro to seed in coldness and tie"'- HOiroi gO IO Sut lll um him .mi o0 leCt and eveil adding fuel to the dames .r , , - I tiUlt Olirn. I The time will came uheu"-no more consideration ,WlH be ffiven one than I to moHiPr-anil when the human heart filled with true Christianity will try to 4 reclaim instead of in coldness, neglect J 1 11,... 1,,, I and even persecution drive ralleu tin- he or she charges another: "Don't tell And "(rolilen-' Mcdienl Discovery is it, whatever you do;" another one is the remedy for the .million ! The only .. V i 1 1 Cr . T..,fM t',u guaraidced Liver, Blood and Lung reia notihed and charged, oie., -until tne Your money back if it doesn't help inanity to lower depths. Concord Tills disease yields quickly to the wonderful p.-w-c. " 1 ' rsof I. r. P. (lirieklj Ash, Poke Koot urt't I oe.s- otanuai'U. , stum). -IVowie living Inn. Usmatie count rlesshoulJ In 1841 three couplesAvere married at the same time in a homestead hcm' Gordon, Ga. Ihev are alL still alive had placed muis hands u-an Kist in-.n.-i !aisio:i 1 1 in ., .,,i r. 11. r ary the formula of a sl-nnjo vejrot utile roniedy tor and healthy and are ai ranging to cele- sp,.0,u. an(1 pomMticm. cureoi t:oi..Mim:..tum. brate their golden weddings at the , , 1 .11 n 1 1 1 i- liomestead. illl the descendants 01 4.1 , J, m.n In ! i.ni.nf nnd c i the couples are to be p eent, and so are seven of the nine brothers- and sis- ... . .. .,.1 ters of the contracting paus, wno wil-iiPAd thp trinle marriage Wltlies.seu llie triple mirri.t. "And -now," said tho country cousin to.the Boston girl, 'l have shown you everything on the farm." u()h, George, you didn't any such thing. Wliy, I heard papa say , that you had a. daisy mortgage on it that can cover nine-tenths of the grounds Philadelphia Times. Mrs. Wheedle My dear, tho Dih- des want to rent their -cottage at the I seaside next season, and Mrs. Dinglei l.. ... -..I ?! told me yesterday that we might liavcj it for the summer for SoOO. What do you think? Wheedle. Y& might take it lor n few minutes. Harper's Bazarr. Soft Head Do you think your si:: ter would marry me? Boy I guess so. She toid mother she would rather marry anything than bo an old raaid-- Once a W eek. She Are vou fond of Meyerbeer? Tlo O I iiin't. nartifiirar' Anv , n, 's too, nnniK-1 itsnn v cod. I -v"- - p .....-P,.- -.c T it f-l I win UlliU 1 lCM-llllClllgl,HV.l.l. Tito people at the World's Dispensary of ' Buffalo, N. Yn havo -a stock-taking time once 11 ..-vim r-rl ivKit A i'mi Vnnlr a w - they do Count the number thr.fvo - been ro A . , A. - , tumcd by tho rr.cn and women who eay that Dr. Pierce S GoWcn edica! Diseovcry or Dr. Pierces Favorite Present Han a Million Miles. .LONDON, Oepr.. 10. HH? iiM:u.i ;m lnnroni U1S :U1 expri.ss - i 1 n T1! T 1 .1 pu'Mue. built in 1SS2, which lias com petefi its njilli'.nth nh a feat which the company claims is without parallel in the annals 'of railroad traveling. The engine has never sur4ainel a ireakdown. It runs daily from Al.ui- ciicster to Lon'Jo:t "and b:ic!c, and is jiumed the Charles Dickens. Good Looks. Good looks are more than skin deep, depeudin'' upon a healthy condition of nil the vital organs, n tno jiver ie in active, you have a Billou3-look, if your stomach be disordered you have a Dys peptic look. Secure good health and you will have good looks. Electric Bit ters is. the great- alterative and Tonic- acts directly on these vital organs. Uures Piinples, Blotches, Boils and c-vc a -rood complexion. Sold at KlutU iti'u's drug store, 50 cents per bottie. Alarmed Stranger (out West) Look! Isn't that a cyclone coining this way? Ileal Estate Agent C.Ttaiulv; its a cyclone. It will pasr about 2 ) ) feci east of us. Stilendid vi;jv of it from right here1, and I'm r.lfcring tiiese lots at only 'SID a- foot. Chicago Tribane AVe're not v.aitlnrj; for tho bats r.nd moles bat for men ai:u woi'a.-n who havf eyes and use them, w ho huve l;rai:if; and reason! There's a new jffd iur them sutlering and sickly as thry are-a new voria ccutea froil( thc lmlin of asksMful plvsici;U1:l discovery liic "Golden Medical Discovery. Years ago Dr. Tierce found out ti.at the secret of all scrofula, bronchial, throat and lung trouble lay-in the. boninin at least m impure hlood and the weak tonc o tho SVSJC lu the way to cuu. Years ago Dr. Pierce found out tnat tt ((.ct ' - s to" remove the cause. tviat human nature being : the same, the same results might be looked for in nearly all cases, o confident was he n:lt 1 ,e4lOT ' v: u l" 7 1 he took the nsK of giving the mediemo ti,c,, ,i;,ln't. K,.,1(.:r for Mnt!iiii-.- ;,n.l tho results have proved that lie v.v.s right. re f- .., Ml,.' 11 m.e ol u mhuh io m. uion we woum see moie suniune. TrTTrZ There are thousands or ucics throughout country whose systems are polHone l. unci whosf blood laln nnl,npurp condition num the atu p tton 01 impure mau r,clue lothiiirnsuiiiliJr.g ularlues Tins class are peeun.in mvn-niiea oj ih wonderful tonic and bloo'iM.-le tnsln ' iironcrtl'-: -lor rncuy As.n, eoke Hoot ami -i-f-i'-i';'' :-dcklv 100k. the lost color and the .-m-ral wtv.k oi esysjem. r.iMMsthecure-be.uroto m 11 7-i:nF vorV'co::-s iU UULU. ny using Abbott's icaM inuKn com pmnt. For Corns, bunions and Warts It Is rcat. .,,,7- ever be wctliout P. P. P. A word to the wise Is sufllclenr. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from praetlee, haying Broncnltls oatann, Astitma aim an iinoat raiu l.ung AfTecttons. also n jio.-lt ! .' ami i::lu-al cure for.Servoua I)cbr.U and all Nervous tm.lalnts, .tfter h-ivlr.g tested Its wonderful nir.iile imwcr- , tuouindH ot cis,-s, has r-it itjds .duty t m u:c it knov-n to rdssuirering in-.vs. Aetu ucd byihi.- motive and a desire to ieI1 've humau siaf.Tlr.y:. ! Hcmi trcc of ci .re, to an who de-n.- u. tai.- recipe. In tu-nnan. French or KiikM,:.. with taUui- reeilons for pieo-rlm; and usini,'. sr nt by 1.1 II In ulvlresslnLr w 1th stamp, naming 1 !' Is 11 vimt, V.'. A. Notes, s;o Powers liloek, Roehest'r, N. V. j -.ij A Household Remedy FOR ALL AND DISEASES Estonia Blood Safe UCtt-c- SCROFULA, UlCERS, SALT UUrgSs RHEUM. ECZEMA, every torm of malignant SXSN ERLPTiCfl. te- slds8 being clticacloua In toning epthe system and restoring the constitution, wtien impaired from any caute. Its almost supernatural heailng properties Justify us in guaranteeing a cure, if directions are followed. SENT FREE DLCOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ca. low For Your Jewelry Wo arc still at our old stand on -Mam street, wnere we nave a select stock of Watches, Clock?. Spectacles, and all kinds of fine Jewelrv on hand at the lowest prices. W at ch re p a i r ? n g. a s po c i a 1 1 y . All work gurantcod 12 months. rei,iy j;a H. H0HAIL LIST OF achinery Sale One 20-horsc-powcr Erie City Engine and 25 h. p. Boiler. One GO-saw Van Winkle Cot ton Gin with feeder and con denser. Also,- Van Winkle Press, One Lidd?il Saw Mill anci Platform Scales. ft This machinery is all in good order, and can , he bought to- gether or separately to nut pur- J) RAMSAY chaser, W hi ho soul cheap and nrA'TACT on reasonable terms. Call, on Sl'IKiKA I)hA lJ, or ddrcs, Smitiidkal's Uow, Offk k, Xo. 1, D C. BRADSI1AW, - 1 OFFICE HOURS FROM 0 TO 5. Russell, Rowan Co., X. C. SALISBUilV, - - N. C General :: Directory. COUKTY CO VKHSMI-NT. Clerk Superior Court, V G Watson. Sheri'.r, Jas M Monroe Register of Deeds, II N Woodson, Treasurer, J Sam'l McCubbias. Surveyor, B C Arey. Coroner, D A Atwell. Commissioners, V LKluttz, chairman, )r L W Coleman. Cornelius Kc&tler, J A Stevvart aud I F Patterson. Sup't Public Schools. T C Linn. Sup't of Health, Dr J .1 Suinmerell. Overseer of Poor. A M Brown. TOU'X. Mayor, T C Linn Clerk, D 11 Jttlian. Treasurer, I 11 Fousf, Police, G II Shaver chief, J F Pace, C W Pool, It M Barringcr. Commissioners iNorth ward, J A Ren- dlenian, D M Miller; South ward, D 1? Julian, J A Barrett; East ward, J Ii- Gor don, T A Cougnc.iour; V et ward, 11 J Holmes, J W Jiauncy. cinjucni-js. Methodist Services every Sunday at 11 a m and o in. Prayer meeting every v ednesdny at p m. Rev Dr W H Leith pastor, Sunday seuool everv Sunday afternoon atj; o clock. ,j -.iauney, sup t. Presbvterian Services everv Sunday at 11 a m and S.:a p m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday -at 8:C0 p m. Rev J liiimple, 1) D, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at 4 p in. J Rumple, sup't. Lutheran Services every Sunday at 11 a m and 7 p in. Prayer meeting every Wednesday atr7-p in. Key Chas B King, pastor. Sunday school ever; Sunday afternoon at o p m, R t Kier, sup't. Episcopal Services every Sunday at 11 a m and (3:o- p ra and Vv'ediu-sday at (3:30 p m. Rev F J Murdoch, rector. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at 3 p ni. , sup't. Baptist Services every Sunday morn ing ami night. Prayer meeting every Wednesday niglit. Rev N S Junes, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday at 0Aa.m. Tiios li Swink, sup't. Catliolie Services every pecotuf San day at 30) a m and -7 p m. Rev Father Oer.ir-x-1, pasior. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a m. Y c A Devotional services at Hall every Sunday' at 1:30 p m. Business meet ing firs! Thursday niglit in every month. Ill Fou.st, pros" 1. Fulton Lodge No 01) A F & AM, meets every first and third Fridav night in each m(ntli. E I Neave. W M. Salisbury Ltidjre, No 24, K of P, meets every Tuesday night. A H Boylen,CC' Saiisiniry Lodge, No 77o, K of H, meets every 1st and 3d Monday night in each month. C T Bernhardt, Dictator. Salisbury Council. No 272. Royal Ar canum, meets every 2d and 4th Monday night in ea'i -month. R G Kizer Regent POST orPK'K. Omce hour from 7:30 a m to C.30 p m. Money onler hour- 0 a m to " 1:-.. Sundav noun 12:i a m to l:'iO- p m J II Ihnasay, P M. ,T. V' Vatcs. Tu'l .no'ii;-!. Tern., wrlf-e: "!? c1r' 's l'UM-'idl In e :' '.-Uir i'.l i i i:.,ii''. It cuo a ine oi a a abrv.-e-:-. oh ii.i: i'.i'i,; - an t asM.tu i tiiat 1 i-'!Ui'l"d iv. t - 5 e:u .5 a::d ' Ctl'ri re nOvi.v f.ilk-u to ixe;eili " n n m m - II! Regulate Tho Bowels. Cos lTcnws rfcransjos the whl sys Siok MeadacjbGj Dyspepsia, Fevers, Kidney Discasets Biliotis Colio, Malaria, cto. Tut8 Pills pradaro realur Siahlt of bo!.y ncd s;ooJ ;;rf,stin. ul!?ion wblrb, ao one ran enjoy pood health Sold Everywhere. EO YOU ENOW THAT m I Badge CAKRY ' TIIK LAKUKST STOCK OF DIAMONDS OF ANY lloFSF IN NoRTH ('MiOMN A ? S ": i , VA T I O N 1 A ( ' K A r, i 'S sknt'on application, ut: kf.i:!' NO IMITATION STONKS IN STOCK. WIT'KU TO CTIAi: LO'l'TE HANKS. BO YNE & BADGER DIAMOND DEALERS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. :i;:u- VU-nc inrntton tiio V.'atc mix u b-n j on writ;-. . . E. LEE WRIGHT, . SALISDCKY, N. C. Witiiraftk-i.- nil the courts o; uov;:i nml .ul joining count it.-. Pronii-t r.ttf'ntioi: p- en .t ttli m.itter. ;.i-rt:il:fr.!g to my jrot'e?:-i-.iu ivi...r;. !:!. Avla KE1LIQ. SALC-HUKY, N. r. Offlc? H P.vi,5 Wil- h:i!:A V.nilc.M'" corner of M-iin nr; i Iiiiii-i :trcelr'. u ill r:r tire In Court: of Howr.-i .un-! a-ljoiving couisti t'r.r.Jpt and cnrrtul :vtti ntion jriveti to ail ou-iwe?.-; entrnsteu to me. Special uifntioa (.'ivcn to eollocl':o!i?. JOHN A. RAMSAY, CIVIIi X32NTOXl3" CBIl. Attends to Uailroa 1 Construction. S.:rvy:-. r.n-i Maj.nin.u- of Pal Estate. E.-timat-o Water Pov.rr-. Plan- f.r tl:e Erection of Mi':-. Ivellinpr.', k- r.nd nttend? to the .urcia?t- ot all kinds of Machinery, Puii-Vsi Mat'-ri.ils. -c. " - ffl-Mf. : Many years practice hav-? sh-ci 0. i A. Saow'& Co., Solicitors of patents at Washington, 1). C. unsuria-el s uc- i cess in obtaining. -patents for all classes of invcntior.5. Tjiev mahe a specialty of many patents that had Ijct-u p.re viouslv rejected. Their advertisement in another column, will bo of interest to inventors, patents, manufacturers and all who have anything to do with patent. V4 t'-r i 7 t H I . 4. '! r, X : if . . fr - A. .1 ? G-.-Vj---.-i. ---' .: L?--S" .;'?::'tv.VV 1 . I'.''' "t". CO. ;i Pv. , v.. ft .1. A 1 j ' tef& m m ; m?-jw u .w r.-yf rzra i'."u tr-: a u '"" - T 1 O A V . ' . ; ' - '.i .Sw d fiyrAiy ' . i ,' '; f J W ,jy t ,,,1 ' , , ; t j. a AV-W" ?---.-v ' . -. f 0 P. -f J d Poopk' W Nuishury find vicinity wtmlinji liionimifnts Miouhl fom'spoiid with u. .Iv-liinatcs furnished -initio. Mrntioa t!.c Wutchnian wlien j'ou wiit. Woollen's Patent Wire Tobaseo Hangers CA?3 BE USED '; W?rc nrr Tnnvn'i. Tc.Mrn ran Im; properly Spnool on Stiok and Hulked ;j Down ca lv: Wirc-j v. . .n curi:;;. iiuileht. CbcapT-sl aud Hc.-.t iu liic Market, ii: I'll SCi'.S, wh'-n C'asii Arcoinpar.ii'M liie Order: !jl 10O Stir. Vovn-silvir (7 Wires to SI irk) 03.00 I'l 1.000 Wires Mk tir ) l.OO IOO rrttoks Ccmpfrto l.OOO Wlr (No MKHr KasUcts,-r-'r Dof!' ji Sam;;c Mieti ana EsT Treat ue ca Tobacco Culture and Cut ins FREE. AGENTS WANTED. TOBACCO HANGER M'F'G GO.. Houston, Halifax Co., Va. ,J';i. :JV1, Steam, Air' and Vacuum Pumps, Vortical and Horizon fed of every variety and capacity. VERTiSL PISTCH. -I! V ; ) , " ' --- r. - :S' j A-; - . , -. j (1! i Tltwil' "TJnlvTTifll DouIt" H I S M HM fl udilK 1 11 "1 ltLLLlUIitU JJU1111 : -or- Salislsan, 11 C. H. J. HOLMES, -- Prcsidont. I. II. TOUST, Cashier. Capital, 850,000. Surplus and Profits, 35;0 0 General Bankinglmsincss trans acted. Deposits solicited. felfcly PROGRESSIVE FARMER Raleigh, is . 0. Org".n of the X. J. State Alliance.. E !;ded by Col. L. L. ldk, assisted by J. L. Kamsey. The paper will be kept up to the usual high standard Subscribe for it, only 1- per year in advance. The Progressive Farmer and 1 he Watchman will k' sent 'to n-w sol seriU rs at SI. 7" fc-r both pa- .1" - 1 4 11 per r-n'criin1 ihv. .Muross. I'KOGWrSIVK FA l M KK. Kalcigll X. C. I A dministrators' Notice. j Having qualified as administers of the estate of. . V. V.usoii, dec asd, y.e her- hy notify all persons laiviug" claims I against said estat to exhihii them to t;s I e: r-r h; inre )- l-ih !ay of S pt-ivJer. J tc;:c?, or this noiico will be had in. hur i of ' : eir recoV(-rv. Sept. ;;th, lstd. I). T.. V.WTSON. J. H'r Mi KFNZ'.i:, Administrator's Notice. ! Ha ing oualified as :idniii:i.-tra4ru.r ofi tate. of Sophia lYch-r. I .. r. 1-v i'giye notice to all persons having claim ! against the estate of decedent , to exhii'it 1 the -.one to the undersigned on or before hlie Ofh lw of September 1812. i Sept. 11SU1. i T PKT.-l TP j . li. 1 IMMilili, ' '"" Adm'r cd' Sophia Pet ler. ! W Civeat.s a::fl 1 :2-M.ir-;s c: ! I't-- f ut C -:..'ucio i for Moot r;'- 3. C'ji Cm e r; Or -o --ite J . 5 . Ftzt Ortic; e.'Hl i.r can ;if.te:it i-i lt. tlu-'o Ui'J-'O rcir.il-. f;..:a '-i.- :: e. i. -i ntvl' i, '.;:. wii.." er r.V'.-r, v.;:h :le-"i-.;'-t'.-ui. v.'.- ad .-;-. if x -:;. i- . f t c'. ; - o..v r !. :. : .. '. ! pAMPHtcT. i!ov to 'Kx..:t V. : i:r,"' v.ita ra:a-y .-f wtnul c:-:a- in r;;r t.'t oyi-y. -r Vjv. I?, seat trtc. Ad,:re.-e, G.A.SB3GWciOa- 0?P. P AT r K T OfF!C:. VVA-r-:CTCK. C. T. L. i:!.L!fTT 1 rr: n a tvt GraElto and Marble Works f 1 lie ct'iii 'i'titcd niuwtibwijkb u.::iai t ' in Ireth-11 'ronntv. ALTiTits ror Iron IVnct's, Finals, rtv.-li.Mg, kc EN ANY BARN. .i Tin 3.50 -1.50 ' -400 ire lor r ems, V Eogxilar Horizontar Piston. w . iP Aa CJT? . ft . r -v , Xhe most simple, dcraUe and efilctive Pump in the market lor Mine, Quarric, Refineries, Brcwcrirs, Faclmics, Artesian wells, Fire duty and general manufacturing purpo-es. ESJc-nd for Catalogue. TlnA. S. Cl'IEROlI STEAM POMP WHliKS Foot y .: vst 0i TiM- i-r Vi n- y ir j-r w. n. c. Divisio::. Conlensod s-lirdu'e 1.1 ( t "KAsTi ol nIk l,v einetMUt.1 1. v: . Louisville, L. k N. Ktiexvlilc, E.T.V.o: ti. :orii!ivi, -Lv Paint l-:ock, U O. Hot Springs, ArAshevllle Lv Asheville. houod Kiiob, ' ' Marion, .Moiy.-Uilon, 44 Hickory, " Newion, " S'atesvlile, Ar salbury, " Charloue, ' (jreonsbcro, " Danvl'le, Ar Illchmond, Ar Durham, " lOll'li;li. -" -itoid.iboro, " Merer enct City. .A .& N.c. Ar Lynehtujr;:, u. A D. ' as!iin;lui. " P.iltl!r:ore.. Prrci. " Pliihvietidda " New York, l-:.--v: . ., i' i-.c i:c. ,, - . -.; 4 4N.;.,.;.'.: V'1 .e, ; :.';" "';-l'-a . -M. !-.e'n: i,:" ie-M. ?." l o--li .;4; ,t I ''in ... M't W'KSTP.OVNO. ' V.. .i. Lv'N. w Ycrk. r lu. j- -. rPr"r- PMhub-'elila, - - ;. . .- " Ua!!!tii;.:e. c,,'. ':l I.V! ft, bill IT, - , ' r - " o.i!,viih. - ,. I.v lilclsuie.-ni. . ' -;s- ' . 1,1 l.v Von l.e.-d Cif"."..cv X c. " , . ,' " Oc-!';sh n , K. ,v. :. - " a e!-!;. . ,-,',' '; ' I' --.. .1 ; ! ' : - " ( r, : - - ..: ' ,, . - ' . ' v );- ..( v. '..''' '' " S' ;' v . ' 1 1 lei iuy. ; I ,'. . , 1 " ?.:or'-i n: o, ,' ' ..' 'i'.'.'Ui.i i- ?!, ;' . . ' ' A-heM. . (,-.'; I.v A h"- lib'. ' . .-,.!. - ' . ' r il,t ..-;, - . i . ' 1 " p,.tut !.. , v. . ... 1 " Ve-rrit.u u, ".T.V.i O. " ' ; " I. n x Mir, . 1 ! .-'.''" " !. 'iH ii:. ; . v " . ( 'l:irUri t', l.' ,v " - , - I I 1 1 ' !i I N ) i . i . ; , ' ..i. I ; -.1 : I 'Siieil't l. I " ' i i r i . - -1 1 . ; i . M I.'iO'ii s !!' j A r j. I:r. ! 1 1. " br x-t. (;;. - t " '!, ' . !"!!,. j ' '. ,"" : IX; I the' ! Ar Amusn, P.lv . V'.o " n,:--. JiiA"' (. xoi; rni oi no. i I v At.' i.t !: ..- o. ! " AU-us-a, - v. C. i ( ;i ,:, ' e I.. , " o'sn.n i , i. ...-:. I !C;i.:l un-. e i; j. in ' - : -.'"i Mil . 1 " :. 11 r I'll-. - -: !:!! I A". Tr" Ar 1 i:: j hi . :: ",.,i.,' ; , ,11 1 ;., J I'll) ' I II ! I t ' i '1 .': ! .1! ;,,!'. AI - ' : I ill' S. iS i h !. 1 y rr: 1 'V ; I 1 '.: ' f: I.t. i i ';!. ..1,;.::. , .: n V ' 1 : J 'al 'i'!:. n i .I'iT. i : !i-c i r I ! w ! j; w i ! i . ; -.. I nl'ifi.t h ! !.;; t Sin r ! i - i.j j V ':'!: i:nl W;.j;l!itoii ami Jiot S.i!i(,v r. I burv. i ... . , . . .. ( - ' ( l h I I ' ' " ' ' . ,1.1. ' I I I t ii 1 . sj.i.'i.wt-vi, n. v.-hi : : ui.a.o i. i.-. n. . i. - 1 j i i : : ' a v-1 A i i.i i i lir';:;j.. il.-U t .:. i.-Uc .it r-rlncipul ' all i-i-Tt : I'nr r.a - ,u..; ! r; t : . ; i'.h ' : i ii- ai j j as.: -I ' Jul; :' ''m.'i. n a v. A ': ! ; K, O- P. "A. Tr..ni" Vi:r. 0. P. A. Kali lh'ti, X. i . ' 523 VJTI1 LATEST IMr-TlO'V'rtTWrG E :t: o5' i"'r lr,r-. .. ?:.v i- - 1. si., v-,' :,3;.i.ifef. e5 vm.; -. : i w' Vv ; t urrj Ciufctt vi-.rloon .:' jihcm ; :,'- .fur fj'jir'-'li.jy V!'?. uo'iii Mrol. r f ' r-t ort 'r ,!. Fr.-), ra1 1. Z'tv I y 'A Vf 1 1 ,,'-i'-r r--.. -rt:.. . ilaaacrr Tf.A.Vi V '.A. !-A ! I. '' '. . - Itif-r .r T '- ' u. . . ' ." . . ... . - . j.i I ! ': I i A j 1 A i;. i;.. ' . :: !: N''!!'-.'";.'- ',! r r i , 'i ;-, ' -.. f !.. ; . -i .:'-. i i :.;!!: : ' i i.i! i, ijf ; I : : i i .- -i i ' i ; ' r-, T. : ' i ' i ' t ' I .- 1 : 1 ' i. T ' - : il 1 .'. ii .1 I . : : I V j ... In I- ' i' I I i . k- iHi. i-'-v. . ;. j i. j i vhb ft. i i '. C i V 'ir- - r . -4 , , i-1 -1 TV? 1' i- -infill T " v .egy. . iff vn .!! ! I . . ;i::.. l

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