. . ....... - : . v j . . . ' . !'i . 1 v I' '111 5 r-A & j v 3 4 jl e 3 1 FslORSDftY. -a i ' Hoalisiic Bcvival cf this. Sports, Pastimes and CVrtcc7cf . Anchnt - :e i m Yn cf Is Otetiaifl Bst Stow ft Ifie Oaivese. B 1 1 Ai-7ay5taeBi-22sU Always the Best! Always the Host Popular! , 10. S! lli Jm-n! 10 greater! than evkii! Nowhere JVcedenTod, A!l-Ovorshalovinjr nul OvrwheIm inly (ireat, CJr.ru, Vr.aan.l Voinmini uk! iVcsenlin-111 One lJiiliiaJ.it, viiorious and Siut'cntloUrf LnHic.it ion in ippourotneii J, u Two ati-l Fonr-IIojpe (Chariot I i-act'S, Flat H ir-o. Slai-dii r, j. I:-o:iU-XiM-k StiTpIu Chasi-s, Ludicrous Fack, Wii; ( lilal.,7 !!nN Oitaclo llaccs, CatJicl and Elcplniiit Hacos, On-vh,, "l' llaces, Donki v Ka:iv. Ostrich Kaces, ;irall'c iU-W-i ' ' I ulkies, Jockey, Flat and Chariot llaccs, M 10 and remale Jockeys aim Liiarioteci-s. n A Thoroughbred Ilorees ! 0 A Male and Female Jockc' .JOHN' B EXiniaturs Poniess! UU Coy and Girl Jochevs ' i A ' droit World's Exposition, A The Mvwt Exhilarating and iMeasaut Event of a Lifetime, will" be to v, A id. i i I 1 i ! 1 i- X ! T : f ..J4 1 1 in ji v' JL V " 1 i Jl A rv ' "W ii .Crcatiy aurnontoil by iir new bnuu;!.! aortal. trtumnhaUni colossal, sccacc V " graphic, lirifciclufcun, tlr.iUiaUc ami musical spccuc.c of SofomoB, HisTemplei tiie Queen of Ma. titanic and ro:eal iiip-j.iraiioral creation, from the ft f tile and gifted j.ra'm of Mr. JOHN UETTH',, the- fatter, originator, projector, paiiifr. Ic 'mlmht and coiisdrsu tor of tin: world-f: ent-d sensational spectacles, ' Koine Under Nero," The 1'atl J' bahvf.u," " Montezuma, or The Conquc.-t t 'Mexico,''' "aril '-Tiic !;.ndacia Iv.'ypt.'- rouin'etely- overshadow in?, cinfc and dtviirlinK to cot::i.rativi.-fi--irifi:anpe the combined interior . juid'otit-ol'-door Se ta. nlar Events 'of tlc era rcnlete. in .Sacred Realisms, - Historical Arcura. i, Hiblieai Krcut. lolo.al Processional Features, l.o ' Avitc!iin.ii.i!letV, S iciiii-.-ia! Ceremonies, an I the splendor.; and clones of tho Cifai tf S dii;i!o!i. tlie J-'u-r, Patriarch, :md grandest and gre:iU-st of lii- ancient Kia-. Thi- su'oUai-.-, in )r.il, ivliioas and hiitfuetive .ec- taoc coining r t a liual voi.'c1. u.-iun with a -GRAND BALLET;- By On? HandreJ Lady Tcrpsichorsaa Artists. ALLIANCE DIUiCCTOnV. fiiitiwtatrAUtaice- L. L. 1'olk. ortsident, JSTorrli Carolina; l. 11. ('l-ner, vice nsi ildit. Kansas; J. II. Tmmr, seeieta-y- rreasurcr, (Jco,-ia; J. P. Wilk-tU, lecturer ' Iviiisas State AUiincc-MW? Carr. pier Meat, Old Sparta; E. C. lied I'm liiid, secretary, lialci-l.. , 1th Ooiigrcmonnl I)i!rict--Lvctnvor, A Jjca.ar. MtffircsviHe; rT'nlunt. ('',. H. A. ;Fnr cy, Cataudi.i; V.-l'i s ',. 11 V. IVttick, ;V.lnvwool: Secrcta'iy and 'l'rcasurcr, J. L. hainsey, SalisUIiry. ' ' lioictiij. &udttj.i-rs Miller,- president, IJlacknier; M. L. Ritchie, secretary. Saw. Ircd. ll County.). I. Ilolman, iiesidenr. X'ool Sjtrin-; M. E. Kau;sey, secretary, looresviilc. ' - Cthtrrus County . V '. Ilileman, jaeU knt,! Concord; Dr. J. X. L iiTcity, secie tary, Concord. DuvUhon County- 11. S. fJrccn, prtnlent, Jimes; V. A. Lindsay secretary, Tiiomns ide. CatatrbnCovrdyS. T. WiU'en,, nrcsi' di iit' New too; J. l lfci niaii, secretary, Ncvrlon. . C. IttTjiu: I'rcss AssiK-uuion. OJJii'Ci'sJ. L. 4i (i.i ; .-;, pxmiJat; Marion 'Jfuller, vice-president; li'. S. Jlarjiex, sec retary. rAl'KUS. j'VsfrKSlve Farmer, state (r'in, K clh, N. C. .; aslan, V. Intoii, N. '. !;,.: il Hume, Wilson, N. ('. .. uollaa W;ite!imnn, Sall.shuiy, X. ('. iriiTers' Aavoc;it.e. , Tallioro, N. C. M unt ln llom- .Joura' 1, - Ash -vin.'N. V.J1.I nee Sentinel, ' Uoldshoro. N. e. Co'ititr.i Lite, Trinity 'oile-e, N. C. eit'vry, Hickory, N. C. JUK lei , - Wianakei-s, N c. Kneh of 'the,ibne-K.mned papers are re gloated to keep the lixt standing on tin nrni vye and add other, proruled they are duly ele cted Animav.cr fail inn to adntniie thrl I i ,t ;'",,Jy w wyvutie lae i M.'a platform will be aropned train the ' Jixt promptly. Our people can now see .whst paper, are published U their interest. ! GCH. Woavvr Ut ilke.sboro.r . I jiri;7 11 'vlntf tested its wcmdeifui curative powers .X 'da thomamlo of cases. h,is felt It his duty to in i! e Ihe morhuiil was1 tine, and the iMcno-.vn to bis sufTerlng fellows. Actuated by this jc - ' ., - -r. i miHc ami a desire to iclleve humati sn;Tciincr, l ffarmeis rejoicillg over tiieir Jine Crops will send free of eh n,-e, to all who desire It. this - of roni turned out in a lamp r-on-m,l)e' ,n !ennan, French. or Knliah. with full ill oi corn, tin iiiu oh. Hi a 1-Uge -f'"-1 riclions for pieparln? and using. Sent bv m di bv ..course to near the distinguished spak- "(Wressing with stamp, naming tins p:per, w. a. W Gen. Weaver of Iowa, and Col. 0VES Pwcrs Blocic, Rochester, N. Y. is..y L. L. Polk. The crowd g;tt hered early " andt waited patiently until aliout i jociock. lint we all were somewhat i .disappointed wl;en w e learned that - .r l . 1 1 - ii i... ii 1 i - Atone 1. M. the courthouse was i .i .-.::n : a iuiuwiicu wuu anxious men anu womeir to hear the speaking. Music was" fur ywdied by the Wilkesboro band." The General slatted out Ijv fgiving a 'hort sketch of his, travels in the South .and correcting many mistatements . that had been published n Cot. Polk and himself, w hich was a prelude to Jiis speech. His discussion, wax-mainly m the duty of the Governor to the .people, and .'giving staienients about (the Natfonal Hanking system ; how .they were sucking the life' blood from the laboring class, also discussed at .some length the sub-ttvasiiry plan and .the coinage of silver. He said they of jhe'N. W. were, tired of the " iftonied king, and lie had come into the South ern States to Trsk'the men to jo'n with them, lie says the bloody shirt is buried forever, but some of the old parties -will cry iiegni rule and inanyj other things to. hold the men back and 1o keep them fj-oiujbhinkiiig for them selves. Iat the time is, come that each man-must tkhk ami iu t for him , self. We have allow-d others to do our thinking for us mitil we are tired ,of it, and wrh to think a little for ourselves. .When lie closed he stated that he wished to s lake hands with ,. the men of the South, espectaltv those i vh were frii'iully to the movem'pnt . anil all the whole crowd took hi!U- ,v tliehanil. I heard a e,HK ui.tnv tell liini that )h,?y were imt- i em hers ofj 1 he Alliance hut they were with him in the movement. I think t!u old -p:irrir-s will- nntlce a , ,dejerate elfj,rt to hold the. Alliance, ..but nothinjjjsliort oithe. demands will , satisfy us, as o'St L r.s wisely stated t iat i he fanners w ould raise a crop of poli tics t Jus year. I t hink we nee.j t hem for li.. onu ih ..sionor t!iey ate like gniin, they' will ,1'tuioiit if t iev are cot th tilled once in a while. V Quid Est. , ' MUtl, peistle. Koothinir niid lienIiu.T 5 t Sagc'(;aa,rhvlJotncdv. Cn-tho M-nr.st ea espennancntlv. No oxpenineu tiiijr. It's ")I1 Keliable." Twenty-five : cars of success. .Cb'Idrcn Cry fcr Pitcher's Castor - '! A rt Organ CIn:rcJj Items. Tin? cotton is openiiv very fine this va nn weather, ainl t ho faniiers are picking eotton rijht alone;, iMrNinn,,d M. Ua.-rr navs he has the fiju-st crop of cvfUu in Gold Hill tuv. i:ship. lie li is alxjyit ou' and a raise-h:i!t acres and s;tvs-he will two bales. That's pret'tv pul in't it? - Mr. T. Jl. Ui-m cntvJ first b.irn of toheco last week, nnd will he ready for another barn- lull in another wci k. The farmers are making hay, tops, fodder, &c. -Mr. J. X. Kymcr crime linmo. from N. C. College and will remain a few weeks before ret nrniiig. Mr. George !osih 'has Iv-en quite sick for the past few days bat is 'now recovcring. There will be communion meeting at Organ church the fourth Sunday in October, preparatory service on Satur day." Itev. (J. A. Hose will preach on Sunday. JJev. J. D. Shirey, of N. C. College, will preach at Organ church tiie sec ond Sunday in October. Vv'e learn that Dr. Corriher, of Cliina Grove, will move in this neigh borhood soon.' Mr. John Clark is quite sick -iwith malarial fever. - Mr. T. M. Yost i-i building an addi tion to his store. Mr. Yost is a wide awake country merchant and expects a big trade this wilder. V. MM-GZ " 1 CONSUMPTION CUHED. An old physician, retl.ed irom practice, having U ul ,.u.ed ln Ill3 h,lncls v an K lft In(Ua iaiS:..olf. ary the formula cf a sim ile veyetahle remedy tor tlie sj)eply and perKaneut .cure of eorasumiaion, SAKtSLm , for Nervous Debility and all Nervous oomalalnts. AdviGO to tllO ATOd f,.te,inrirntti.9ncriiisRiii TS" bowels, jvcuK uidneja and fciau. - TUTU ti nnCzi have o srecif lo effect on tJjcno or;am, etttnulalln itio bowcli. glvin.vc aatiir el (llsctaaras uitUoui ntzAialnj ui griping, eutl MPAETTOG VIGOR to tlio kidnoys, lladtjer and live? fiicy ere dujtcd to old orjo.);:, coia Gvi2itYwiii:i!:. A Household Remedy FOR ALL AND DISEASES "Botanic DIood Ealni I rurar SCROFULA, ULCERS," SALT ii. vm KhEUM. ECZEMA, every form ot malignant SKIN ERUPTION, be sides being efficacious in taring up the system and restoring tho ccrstitutlon.' when Impaired from any cause. Its almost supernatural healing properties justify us In guaranteeing Secure, if directions are. followed. SENT FREE "Book of VToniivra.' BLnnn nai m ro ananta ra I A'vvvcvrv ; -. ; TT TIT- , 1 T 1 I Ii 1 T fl T Ftlntinnni' limiirl I'll l lyHMMHI Hrl'ls 1 111 Ui 'HlMUHtil 1 1 1 1 1 1 i -lW.lUlUi iJUlilS. -o? ,H.G. R. J. HOLM KS, - - President. 1 ll' iU ) Cashier. 50,000. hum hi q nn.-l P-fife! (V H r .. M,u v General Bankinjr business trans acted. Deposits solicited. , fcl9:ly lilt I rSi 3 c n c r al : -: D i rc c t ory . boUXTY GOVEVXMEXT. ClerlcSjuperioj- Court, W G Watson. HheriM'.Jns M ilonroe lie,;ister xf Deeds, II X Woodson. Treasurer, J Sam 'I ptlcCubbins. Surveyor, Y) Arey. Coroner, I) A Atwell. Commissioners, W h Kluttz, cjiairman. Dr L Vv' Coleman, Cornelius Kestler, J '"Ar'Stewai-t au.l J F Patterson. Stip-t Public Schools, T C Linn. Siqi't d' Health, Dr J J Suiiiinercll. Overseer of Poor. A M Brown. TOWX. Mavor, T C Linn i Clerk, D 11 Julian. ! - Treasurer, I 11 Foiist; Police, (; !I Shaver chief, J F Pace, C W Pool, R M Barrin4cr. Coniniis.sii:ers Xortli ward, J A Rcn dleuian, I) M Miller; Soutli ward, 1) R Julian, J A BarreU; East ward, J B Gor don, T A Ci)ULj;ieii(H!r; West ward, 11 J Holmes, J W JMaunev. CHURCHES. jlethodist Services every Sunday at 11 a m and ( p ia. Prayer meetine. every Wednesday at ; p ia. liev Dr. W II Leith j tailor, Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at; o'clock. J W Mauney sup't . i're.hyterian Scvices every Sunday at 11a m and S ,;X) p in. Prayer meeting every- Wed eesday at SioO t :n. liev J iiumple, 1) J, pa.it or. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at 4 j r.i. J Rumple, sup't. Lutheran Services every Sunday at 11 a m and 7 p m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 7 p m. Itcv Chas B King, pa-tor. Sun. lay school every Sunday afternoon at 3 p m. li G Kizer, sup't. Episcopal Services every Sunday at 1 1 a m ani o'l.'iO p m ami: Wednesday at G:oO p m. Rev F J Murdoch, rector. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at p m. i-i , sup't. Baptist Services every Sunday morn ing and night. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night. Rev tf Jones, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday at 9 a.m. Thos L Sw ink, sup't. ; Catliol'u; Services every second Sun day at 10 a m aud 7 p in. liev Father Gerard, paster. Sunday sckoo every Sunday at 10 a m. id C A Devotional services at Hall every Sunday at 4:o0 p m. Business meet ing first Thursday night in every mouth, III roust, prcd't. LODGES. Fulton Lodge Xo 09 A F & AM, meets cverv first and third Fridav nightln each nionth. E B Neave, !' M, : Salisbury Lodge, No 24. K of P, meets tvery Tuesday niglit A H Boyden, C C , Salisbury Lodge, Xp 775, K of If, nieetH every 1st mid 3d Momh-v night in each month. C T Bernhardt, Dictator. Salisbury Council, No 272, Royal Ar canum, meets eyery 2d and 4th .Monday night in each uionith. 11 G Kizer Regent POST OFFICE. j Olfioe hours from 7:30 n m to G.liO n m. ( &t?tV"Jl'Z p.,, .1. W Yaies,'TullalK.;n-i,lTeiHi.. writes: ''Itds in-' ui .ui .ingress on t ne lu.i's an i as'nma mat i i roui'ieii in.- tvo year.-i and taat ether rcmedus faiieu to benefit " Jsislrj Fer What it is Worlh. "'- we e.in't m .kf f'cm io to loo per ceat. on Jewelry velti"t h'll Do you kiy.w that this litis '.onfr been, una sill 1p, .vcu-iom witii i t in ly ail .lieu ela? If ihey caiA lou.de, tUelr none t lsi eomi-n ted '-siii etltii awful." Away with such bid fujy Ideas. I believe in'l.e "quiet sates an huall piolil" svsieai W coin,' l)'a.,in-s, and shall alwajs rti.-k to It.. ci- onre i ae gttotis ana pile; s quoi oa below with those t e.thor il'-alers anrt s-e for vours-eif. bvejMM r. e..lve.dano!esar.f line of the cele rafHl IU iCBCK WatuD.S ia both ladi. s' and LOals :sizrs' silv,'r arid niekl, direct m ml he met ry at CaEtoa. Ohio. What do you think ot a I) autifully enrrave.1 sa!i(l14k ladie.-'co:d watch ;V.: Zi-i.'Ai, ;rul ir pi ! e of which Is fcfc? I have theiB.. Mso a eoaiaieie line of 1. idles' rold watches fioin .?' 10 $loi. Way l.:r,v assort iiient of g nts' trohl. lllicd and silver Watches at prices that will i svonisa ou. i ne oa.Hser silveilne W atch. V v windinsr. with Elcrln. Walthaia. Hampden or Ilil nois iai'vem Ms at $ usaa!!y sells lor S. Saire wate1' with stem-win 1 lojif-. regular price $9 and ? I can sen a pebcr l:k tfold filled watch, war ranted far -twenty -live yHln, with a full jeweled F.Ici:.. Valr!-ira or unv iA ieilcan irovciuent de--uetof siiaUar i;r de fori -S. n-trualr fo wat ch. 1 have anv wi.teh urn w atit aau can sa.e jou 25 p r eep.t. on i . is Ivroiijieof ;e; ts' CI( Is in va'lous stvles. qitilltJ.V and prices. CTi inns. Caif J'ius. stone a nl l'lala CoiJ Kinsrs a nil alt other Kinds of first eh'ssoo-is. cuff Pan tonsjifollar Hut inn?. vc. A "lee line of VIA icKsiifiim) 9o cents up (iuar niiiced I t l?iaotit'a.s. lAViil sell theia ia weekly iiisi uPnents. ' -AM I -tsfc is i e!i lace. 1 have no rent norclerk to pay and eat. e ray customers the benetit ot 2Ti per eeift. H Tii iTi-O ii-yoa lor past favoi-s, 1 reinalriyonrs re- saeetiuiiy, h Alaui trjjf, o;ipo site Isolate. M 1 v . !:-;-.'i:!'!;! 'U' i, '(..- l"a!S' PR5MTAT1CW , BE u AWD- TTi I'JMFICSSIOXAL C.i I1DS. R. LEE WRIGHT, j ATTOUNliY AT LAy, SALISBURY, N. C. ! Will practice in all the courts of Rowan hnd adjoining counties. I'rom-pt atu ntiou givcji to all matters pertaining to my profession. Fil. 12, 18K1. " i A. S. HE1L3G. Attornoy TVt i"r--r0 SAI.IShUUY. N. C. OlTice in Davis & Wiley's hank laiildirp corner of .Main an, 1 Inniss streets. Will j'fac tice in Courts of Kowatt and iidjnining i-unnes. I'r.anj t :ind caretnl att ntion given to all juis on-?, ciiiru.-ieo to nie. ojeciai aueiuion gi en to collections. j . - , JOHN A.RAMSAY, CIVI Xji JH1SJ OXIXT CEn. Attends to Railroad Construction, Surveys, and Mapping of Heal Estate, Istnnatej ot Water Powers, Plans tor the Erection of Mills. Dwellings. &,.; and attends to the l iirclinstj or ail kinds of Ma,. him rv, DuilJing Materials, e., &c. t e i j tt' ; I)e. II. L. Ramsay- suivmwx dextist Smitiide.vis Iiow, Offick, No. 1,'. OFFICE HOURS FROM 9 TO 5.1 SALisHui;y, - x. cv mwmm ! .ii hit 2.1. f.iMr ; t . , - ti i Caveats, and Trai'e-Marka olitaincd, aud all TjJJ, eut buiuc6d conducted for Moderate Fcc3. I Oun Orricc is Opposite U.S. PiTrwT Orric end we can eecuro patent la lctd t;aiu tliaa iliotia remote from Waliinton. j Scud model, drawing or photo., with dewrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not. free of ehargo. Our foe not duo till patent Is n-cured. A Pakphlct. "Ilovr to Obtain Patents," with names of aetcul clients in your Kta'.o, county . o town, Bent free. Address, Opp. Patiht Officc. Washington. D. C. Hi.. wrw,'ii, . .','..i.it..J1-.1 COTTOIf BiiOoM mm WITH LATEST IMPROVE ti NTS Frc or Frflfrli!. ;i;nr.tniMl. Cub' We carry s'ock ut varloui Boutlicrn poiuif for quick dellvo'-y upon receipt of orders, j "OSGOOD" U S. Standard! Pont-.on trfnl. KrniIit p.ii'l. S'uIS.T wnrrant'-'l 3Ti Ham Q ifn-i nhiT '.I'rni.' rii.n..l..v 1 .w U kj-J. 11 V. Ml Hit iri':. 0r. Fontharn Manager, ATLANTA. OA. HAl.f.AK . '! h.XAi tm Monti n tu Wii'cUaiaii. mmm Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horizon- ta of: ' ilTTI-l! DIQTHM A I i 115 I" FOK Hess Kb ftrt-i- .K:.?i;:iiy, I or LIST OF .?;:::i::'!!Pf-i; ifl ft filll'81 AUTT V ft C A I Haviii-;iia!i!i-I as Administrator upon tlio I'l it I ill I alfli U O iU In. ' ' ,,:tlU !r- U- : - L- Ltii" - 'l'.d. all pcr Lft.l&VIlAlVl. 5! UW.l'U S 1 sous haviier ciaim.: a.'iins! I I istaf.- aro Oor i T., . Engine ami 25 li. p. Boiler. Oiiv OiVsnw Van Winkle Cut ton (I in with feeder and eon- ' i Aiso,ran Winkle TVcfp. One Li dd .'11 Saw Alill and riatlorm Seales. 11ns maelnnery is idl m i'ocA , n i . . M,,,l ,.nn ., ,nr t.--- . 1.. i i ... l l., j " ' " " f-"" 1 ' j i ireth(ir or separately to u i i t pur-1 l . .. 1 1 T : 1 1 l ii i i cuas-ei, win nc soni ciu';m iinu on rea.-onaiwe e'lins. v. a.i en or address, J). (.'.'V.UADSIIAW. Kuss.d!, Rowan Co., X. (' i j J()!' 'S I ' )N ! ' ' ' ll" ,u u ! lf V? y y v,- h ! Peonle of Sa'islmrv and i , i.' t u ; ei- mi m '.iiii liininu Men'Ior, tl.e W alei Woolfon's Patent Wire Tobasoo Hangers CAN BE USES IN AMY BARM. Wires are movable. Tobacco ran be properly Spaced onstiek and DulLed Down on tho Wires when cured. Simplest, eiiea'i " st and liest iu t he JUarket. PRICES, tvlic:i Ca-.li Accoinini:;es t!io Ortler: 100 Sticks Complete (7 Wires to Stick) S3.00 1,000 AVIrcs (No Sticks) -l.OO PHICES ON TIMi!: lOO fitleks Complete 1,000 Wires (No Sticks) Baskets, per Dozen Sample Stick and Wire Tor ZTt'eiits. t7" Treatise on Tobacco Culture and Curing FREE. AGENTS WANTED. TOBACCO HANGER fcVF'G GO., Houston, Halifax Co., Va. every variety and Hesrular Ilorisontal Fktc. ilk. M:-:.:.:r:.:,;HA';v';r A,.-7& . v" -v-jf JsftWffiJ ll&if The most simple, durable and effective Pump in the market lor Klines, Quarrie;:, Kefineries; Breweries, FacU)r:es, Ariesi;m ueljs, Fire duty and general iiianiifaciuriiii.r purposes. J"Send for Chtalogiie. Tii3 A. S. CAMERON STEAM POMP WOEKS Foot of Last 2Jd t tucjc S'kw Y TRIUMPHAL SPECTACULAR STREET PAGEAKT, Th Most Rntraw.-lnff. the Most Cx.?!ttnjr, the Mwt Dellchtfnl. the ;riT,-w im'' aal M.'.t i).w-.iia,' free J!o!l;;y iemasimtkn Kver Seen in An Ag.'.'i , ('". 50-OA.G-3S MElSrA.GKiaE' T? e Hi st Siir,'tpl an.l Most Coniprehi nsive In Existence, surpti k in m the 1. 1 1 ir s! J.xdorjk-:il Ct.lhfetlon in the Wort l, ami (on:-tnnty l:eea,.r ,,,','f tlio vVKd.s a:;d Janvrk:s i- Africa. Asia, Kurope. Xaith a;.f! South -Amir I a L ir0r'; da ps ot Specially C'omml.ssWiKii Avnis. ' u'Bi $-15,000 .Drovo of Giraffes!- j $2.0,000 ..School of SeaLt. $5,000 School cf Valrus ! SI0.G00 ITilo Hippopotamus ! IT 1 T;Tm '-i 'a 1 ! . ls ' M jtl I H'-SK, VI Ii I 3 ; i I I () v i'K!, ,i, 17 ii j ; pi? r 1 4 n -1 nmsnnpn- at h u'uwi j u p' u : uu u 1 Administrator's Notice, Havnig.;iia!i!i.-1 as Administrator tijioii tlio i ll-Tidc,- ilotiiied to presciit Ilea 1 t I,;,' i i v i u-.riit on ir lK l,;r,' tli-j 1st day of M.d.cr, ISl.C, i ii ,t-. All i .-rsons indebted to sai ! estate a,"-' re-jiovted to ia tKe immediate settlement. -et- 1. t. is:o . v.. J. i;a:;;:::; AdmV. f.;:': . . i!-:.ix. Ali'v. Having (jU 'lif.ei! ;is d r.o ui, 1 1 at r of the esi;ae of Sojtiii;; :- ; 1 In n ly give lioii'-e to pcr-oos i:a ing ei.:iois agailist l!a- est::t' olV ee!e;.t .to e. i il.il : i ! . .. i ... I . i i- ... ! !ie lo.h dav ,.f Se:d i,:1 r . in ui. ii. IS . .v. u. i ..i ..... , T t f - ' i ' - f i Adiii'r ' f j i: v. Peeler. vs t :! i; r::.-:o;c IM! . II , ' i. -t.ii.-. I I i in.: j. Ii!!,1--- :i:.u s ; '! ; !. an.l v. ii - a. t . i ll . ."l.-i . i- . i ! 1. !.. I - I - : ! ! !:,.., ., I. M i'M i if . ..: "i . L. LLLio T T i ;'' il pi f : ftrrrrlfr-crf - ; ":'r 7 1 10 i'l vi iiO Al win (v:d,- n:d retr.i.1. Owi cr.- o!' lie ech 1 r-:cd f" - f. -j . j ,1 I:-, ui ;.';. 1 1 i -i , i ; ' -. I i for i-'en.-es. r;!i:!i. c r...i vic-initv w- inur leoiunnents should1 .n .1... i i . : ; i; : ir ! au. rn :i v.ii 'v re: . rite. 0.50 4.00 eai - i in fhs - gl VJi'cV 34 '"-JL jr?1 - Tfvv-- .-n .l .1 "v-)N 11? s t eif i t ? $5,000 2-Horned Ehinocercgj Every Rare & Curious Animal! teet High. :tidlilirh. j leel lii'l'. i j j i''i . w i iu:.t ;.. II 1 !!. Wi 1 ,, 1 - n - r -i . n.m. Hflrtnrmanpp hpfrmQ hnnrh! jJi'i'i 1 ui iui liiuituu uuMiu iuu j Riciia t & DaOTllle BaUK-l Q I - JJ' V. IX. C. DIVISION. Oivlease.i sc!e I i'-e la eir-. s.-t. ..,., )v, - , i i .As i i or. o. e. ,, j; I .111 !2 -';,!, . ' i 1 .)...; i,; J 1 1- 1" i-;.,':l Jv:: O-'il-' -.!'.',,! Ia i an innat I, i. r. " I iinlsv 11 e, t.. i N. K low me, i:. i . N'.it i;. " x-.tii riiown. I v Pan.! I.e- I,. it A 1). spn.".-,, ( " "As'iei UI.', -j. ' i.i-iiii'l K ..oh, Man. n. M. r ' ; i.t " li e: o, , " Nru Im" , M:tevlli. Al s.iji.-J.ui-.x . . i .viisiii im, l-eiu'i!. i . .. 1 uu,:!,. . oar.i.ui'. I -' r - i . i 4 11... ; -' i i . "I mi.i li'l, - ; .ids; o.i !. I O i! ie, A.- I,n hn:i if, li. ,v; !). ' , .i.-.i ii v i.-.'a, - - I!. Hi : . rin, " i'lill.t .el ; hia, N- i i;- . '. v r. i r.-1 1 o. l.v Nev ;r iTlMi.' " !' li-i'l. ,ni.in, o' 1 1. 1 t :. c. r 1! ' . i i i . r - .i , !. (: .. - r i..l i-lva. . 1 : 1 1 1 . ...t I . ' ' i : ; t "(-:: -, ii : . ..,-. i-.-n St.-la.:.. . ST o . 'lie. . v. 1 I , l .: x . y-. -.i . M i.:.. . 'a ,; i fi..;. :ij. . i.i.i tii. v V. I'D !. ...-' . " -a n;ti. ii. E.T.Vwfc i. IC ., . ,.; 1 . a e C, : .-..an '.I I-...iji i. M l'... i '-' j ni. ( . i Nn. "K. I V As 1 l.le. V. & S. ' II. -a I i si a'. Ule, i. " 1 I ' 'Vi., : -1 - i i- i -- :- - ' ! 'J .' 1 . 4 i I 'la ' f, '.Mlilii Nn 1.:. .No. I'.. . - 7."'in lt!"t s r;l,:n 2 1 I'll 4'J mi 3 S3 1 IU y 1 1 pm :: ) ii y :i4iiin i"'nu 1 V' mo ' " N i. ii.'.. .No '4- "t Ki .iii: 12 4TDIII f, i an C iir.piii s n.e.'i .. s :i- i riiui e-.r. 1a- .unanijuig. t- i-a. ' S lili.-.., i'iai tat.-!:, ' l' i ler-(.!:ViliP, . Ar Ash -Mlic, Ml'l-Tl'.r ii.JAN;-il. I.v A-44- li:.. ( !:i!lv -) A r iv acsvlile, -Jcvc. pi K ' Hr.s. fliy, ( mid. j " ,-.e:i .'! !. " Mu'phy,- " I a M'iri,.'. ' A I I'n i,"t j... ' ,'a i n.-.Vij(:le -'xeiMil " ' ti .ni.-v I Mm. I i in e-.v ii.-Tiii 41 !.l VKSTHil'LK Tl.'AlN. f mil .V 'a-' M. l") 1 I.V. V, -. no ! ATT W a.-liji.gtuii, i.v. . in : ' 1' x.iii. i la," :-' :)!! . " -l.arloJHevlUo, ' 1 ' am " l.v i cld'tirff, ' " 1 1"' ain " D.i n llle. ! )ln . ' il i ensliolO, l.i m " Saltslairy, " v:! pin! I.v. Salisbury,- Ar. T or, i:n .r Ciii riotic, la i j:t I s i ' sji.ut.-iTd.urg, :: :.u ,,-,! 1 " ;p i , v nic, fti.1 ).!: --L' I Id. i. . - e; ' ;.t!tiesv lc, 1 ! 'nnti " A I !.-r.a. - - - - - : t ., e,l'HM. I VAlJKIN It. i:. .'i.oo ,i j .v. al.isinii vv Ar -' 1 1. ; r. ;r.intt( nian y a...:rpi. : l.' .-kv. . n, i.i? . i. i (.-' Id inn. l " Miserili i!tK-is?;iiir,c:-, " r.' 6 i n ; ' N w London. . ' Allien arle, ' !. 1 N n w m ,d, I.v jiut M'. i-i a'- n 1 1 : :: j.i 2 :.. i !.. 4 : r j iu . A Hi .f.(,-M S , 1 1 ;.i5-w sid:i:i'iN(;-CAK skuvk-k. No;t and in lMiHuein Sh epirs betw-e. Il.i'.'v.1. (.! nsf... . .. j.i! Kn.rxi;j. . r Nos. I'rrni 12 iMIllfi in SiCf p'lS- ')( 1 .' ' I'" J M l.-aiid N-.-w Yuri;, Ma Aj-hcville, if " W : , -.1 1 i I ; . . ' i : . N"s. 1 , an 1 ir, I'uiim. n S! i p r t ' ' 1 r to.l and ( ll: ililia! I. Via Co IlluM... Kj -,n ! .I.1'4" ealt.l !i-l-. K!ieXilleaiMlJelco. ' i:. ... ytriUiiKifs. ?uoiii!.t,'ndenf. AMe-vlli'V N. ' .W. H. I.I.'KK.N, .en. Maliae. rv W. A Tf'ld.. A. (.. I'.''-- i ;,. 1 -JAS. 1, I i eeri. r -- '-; -VI .id i, fia. SL II A A s. rl raf. Vr,, Atlantr. , M.5 iSSIVE FARME1 Kaleili,N. C Oi-an .of tlie N. C 'ta;e , Kditcd l.yCo!. L. V ilk., a-,:-J. L. llarn.-fA'. '1 la -1 ii. 1 'I' '.-t:i ' j - - ii ' i i K'pt nji to the uual liib - M. i.m" .Snhscriho for it, onl y s'J l'1''; '! ' advama. The I i i a '1 -'-': ."J and li;. V.AT('1JMAN will h- ?' 1 U new suh.M r:.Lcrs at Sl.lo f r i th 1 ers. Siilisei il now. Alilr I'KOb'ULSSlVE FAh'Mli''. i; I lei!! Administrators' Notice. '- Tlavint; ej!!;ilifi 1 as-aijt:'iinit.rr- l' otaie of'W. T. Wilson, uc( a iiertdi.y notify all jiersoiis r ha ii - '-'-ut aTrriinst saiil -slat--lo e!nlit lln u,l on or before the loth -iavi of iu-V', ,n:'' 1S:l, or ihis lad ice will be l-Uad m UlJ ol' tin ir H'cu c vx . ScidUth. 1891, I). L. AV AT.W J. JI. McKi:.Ji-' . PR06RI - .

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