-.- "n iiiiii ii J . I, . "" niBiWiniiMi 1 1. M-Ji iriUM-,uxjujijJ...-iiJ,.iiiitjWBMi'ii.ii.uui ninrwwiwiwpi nnJiiiiiMim uii wiwwm.mmn3L n.-i w''"mjimm. vm..,. ,vmmm ummm tmrr"immmmj-wmmt vmmv. 'iwrniMiiwn ii mimmiwn mmm:iu;msst.mt,. t-.m. - - J- WWMMWMMUUMUL ,,..,,..JX W iOWIIlirT--''"'1"""' I " l jj? " " ' - ' - ?H v: ' '':' ' '' 'i ; -" - VOL. XXU-TJIIIID SERIES for Infants and C airl a is so veil odiptcd to children that I -oplpumJ Itsis superior to acy prescription taown to me." II. A; Anemia, ZI. D., Ill So. OiXord St, Brooklyn, S, Y. ' Th" v of 'Castorta fa eo nnlversal and u n.Hi its so well knovntfeM; it seems a work I f ,,fPTfToeati(n to endorse it. ew ore the InUiwnt f am'.liM who do tot keep C&storia lie Taetor Uiocmlnsalo Kelormod Church. N.er orK uuy. V , Tub Cehtaur B3SST Tills space belojigs to W m3 I ate i .If Carrie the Largest Jtock of Ti 1 1 urniiure, r laiios ana organs ' . 4 To. do Founi zs do i?oun BjgY I Buy in rgo Quantities Direct from Factories and Will Give Write for Catalogue niicl l?iice: .. Gooas Maiel if not Saiisfactory. . Mention flic Watchman POMJ WOAL! .dill 4 Taviii!? 'LToatlv incroa-sod OB v . . O C - y WCOAL c-omiiij season, I would now again respoct !ly solicit any and orders entrusted to me, promising to 1 -rnisli ,yi promptly with . what coal you may want at the lowest Market price. T order to obtain advantage of -the lowest sum r RK es, you should at once send" ino vourorders. Remember , liuntlJo onl v the best m-udes ' JaO.u Asli. Snit.-iblp fur trvio , "VH'P on hand at all times T SflTES VILLE MA Is ths Place to Get Hcnuments, Toinbstonss; S,c- tisf !. . ' riiaiu I 31AKI:,1 f11-1" very respect ami posi lively G-ranite Monuments 1' . Of all u specialty " . C. B. WEBB, Mention the Watchman lyhen you wit" - iwM't ,r,,. , ' mLJruMiTrrcnn 1 n H" "n ' - ' ' "" ' V ! " ": - .' - -'. - ; :i ..-m -.'.t-.. Children. Caxtoria enres Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Lructation, Kills 'Worum, gives sltsep, and promotes di- e-estion, "Without injurious medication, u For several years I have reconiTnende4 your Castoria, and shall always continue to do so as it Las invariably produced beneficial results," EowiK P. Pardisb, M. y ThO "Wthi-op," liSth Street and Tth Are Kw York City. Company, 77 McttftAT Stbkkt, Kkw York. II. Rclsnor. Watch it, tlic Siato, "flHQ'-'TaYSlCLE! Low Prices. ANDREWS, E. M. ANDREWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. when j-ou write. QRTABL mv facilities -for liandlinir and of screened Coal, includinu: tt-o-? heritors. A'O. - the finest ir ratio of blacksmith ATT T7M RPOWM J XI Li 14 4. f A-iVf V - : to arrive in a lew rtavs I guarantee vj!l not be undersold.. " PjiOPlliETOR, RBLE Wanted A Uttlc HirU Where have ttiey gou to the girl girl ' Willi natural tnnnne3 al oaturHl turls, Who lovctheir doU? And Hke thir toy, And lalk 01 soraetWWg nesid'cs e cj s : : ' i i kittle old wom in plenty t find, iatVie in mAnners and old of mind; ; LUtlc old flirts who talk of their 'beaux,'' ' And Vie with each other in stylish clothea.1 Little old belles, who at nine and ten, i j Are 5ick of pleasures and tir?d of men, Weary of travels, of balls, of fun And find no new things under the sun. Once, in llie lenlitiful lonjr ago, .Sonic dear little children. I used to know; I iris who merry ns lambs at play, And hvughed and rollicked the livelong day. They thought not at all of the "style?! Of their clothes, " jj They never imagined that boys were "beaux;" ;0ther .girl's brothers" and mates" were they : - j j Splendid ifeUows to help ihtra pUy. Where fcave they gone to? l( yoH see m ?nc of theri arvj wIiiTe, senil her to me. 1 would give a medal of purest gold To que of these dear littlttgirls of old, Willi an innocent heart aiid an open smile, - ho knows not the .meaning ot 'flirt" "stle." Boston IMoi. or All Unliappy Happy Man. Ifit In possilile for a happy lroarvto l)e iiiisenible, I'm that man. T have quite enough of this world's goods to make me comfortable, a tight roof over my Itead and a warm hearthstone for my feet, and yet I'm miserable that is to say my Inppiness is sulgect- to stich sudden and unexpected inter ruptions that I'm never able thor oughly to enj iy the good things which have fallen to my share. It all comes from my having one of the best wives in the world, but stilj a wife with a, defect. Yes, with an in c.ur.ible defect, for after ten years try ing I'm no nearer a cure than I was when I commenced. njay describe my wife's defect ;it; the'fo'lowin terms: An uncoutrpl ;ibie inclination to think of Iter some thing else when I want her to thiukjof my something else. The coi.s quence is that although sue is one or lue most trtistwortuv wor.ian that ever darned a stockinir or made two iww soils of clot Ins for t lie boys-out of. one of my old ones, yA I never can know es.ictly what she is going to d.. When I muke known my v ihes lo Eiizibeth such is her name, God bless her she hu.ks me calmly and tenderly into the eves and murmurs: k- Yes, dear." " ljut that "yes dear" might just as well be spoken by one of Kdisou's talking dolls so far as it expresses her thoughts at that moment, tm- as I have, said she is. always yes, always-- t hi lik ing or her somet limg else when 1 uaiit her to think of urj something else. ' And the tioul!e is I don't dare man ifest the least suspicion that she is loing so. Site at6nce becomes mildl indignant u?;d asks u;e in a tone tinged with sarcasm: "Samuel Duck," that" my given name, God bless ine too, "didn't you hear me say yes dear ?" Of course I heard her say 'yes de.tr" and I mu-t confess that her "yes dear" has such an honeitand per suasive ring to it that it would satisfy doubting Thon;as himself. Knowing that Monday was J'!:, -iietii's b'Tiled dinner day I said to her last! Saturday: "You know Podgerly, Jaiza'bpth, one of my best customers. Well, he is in town and I want to have him take dinner with us Monday. Please have a mre roast. 'Yes dear." Would you believe it, when Pod gerly and 1 entered the trout door the odor of corn beet and cabbage was strong enough to float a pine board. ! Did she mean to be unkind to me and give Podgerly a boiled dinner? Bless your heart m ! Si e w is merely thinking of Iter something else when I went to her with my some thing else. We always give a little pirty on my birthday, and this time Lsaid: 'EHz ibeth, don't invite Ike Munu; I want to invite Billy Dunn this year.'- "Yes dear." I must expl tin that Munn and Diiun are rival lawyers in our town and never fail to get into a wrangle at the table and thus make it extremely i n :omfortable for every one present. ; To my almost speechless surprise in walked Munn along side of Dunn, both in a violent uisnnte over a cow case which thev had just argued in court The part7 was a failure, but I griiir ned and bore it, all for Ei.z tbeth's sake. 1 was called to town last week to meet Senator Ijoggs; Lig man m onr State iiuportant business. Elizabeth always packs mv valise; She says it's a woman's work, God bles$ her! "Put in my Ulapk suit, Elizabeth "Yes dear." Tois time I plucked up courage and said t - ' 1 ! Ll.zabeth, ou understood me; mv black suit." uYes, dear, perfectly well; you want? your black suit. 1 know what people mean when they say 'black suit.' " ; Incredible us it may-sound, she must have uttered these words with her lips only. Her thoughts must have beeli on jer something else and not on nit) i-omething else. She could have heard a Word I said, for when I opened my valisp o, drqs for the call on the j-u-H SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1891. K tor there was my pepper aid sail! Think of it, my jepper jind saltt Two liundred milns froui hoiii? with my pepper and salt in my 'valisiytny butter suit on my back and Senator Boggs waiting for nie nt the Iioteh When our last baby was born we talked over names far several week We couldn't settle "tipaii' one that pleased us both, I wanted to name hi 111 S uuue! Duck for me while she inclined to Josiah Peebles her father's givetl llalue liut seeeiug that I quite Set my heart rui Samuel Duck, she yielded God "bless herJ "Yes, dear-, Samuel Duck it shall be," said she genHy and sweetly 1 I had an attack of cholera morbus Saturday !ght and.could not get to church that morutttfbut as site left the mom ! said: "Ueni mber, Klin .belli, Samuel Duck,' - Yes dear;1 This time I hud the most perfect conhdence in Elizabeth. But could you believe it, when she brought the j little youngster into the ,rooui she ! tossed him into the air and sang out R'y'y1' . t 1 "Here he is, papa! U.re is Josi.di 1 Peebles Johnson, . I r.!" f lle..ven forgive me. but I hated ! Josiah t'eeblea Julinson, Jr., tor tuliy fave minutes. But, thought I, what difference does it makeV He will give us just the same trouble no matter w hat his name I have wanted to haveStrvker Tad Stryker up to supper for a long time, s ) one day last week I said to my wifr; ; "Elizabeth, do you remember 1 ad . Strvker!' "Yes dear." "Well, he's been jilted by Tabby Doolittle. Poor fellow it hurts, know it does, although he puts 011 a smiling face and pretends to be quite as happy now as uheiuhe old squire's h'ftv thousand was starinsr him 111 th face. What 1 want to say is, bear it ' critical audiences. He poured out a in mind and don't, as von "used to do, ' o1lss f water, carelessly- scraped a nut ask how Tabby is. You'll remember, meg into it, and after removing his won't youV" " j coat, necktie and collar, headranci'd to tes, ore V.-rTtiRT." ! r.mcv f eeiinr , when around the for ho! th biscuits VV 1 l:U sed second time, to hear my Elizabeth cry out gayly: "By the way, Mr. Stryker, how is Tabby? Alt you're a ba ky man, Mr. Stryker, such' a girt as Tanby doesn't grow every day. Sh.-'s a jwel, Mr. Sir ker. and a j'wel in a pure gold set ting, isn't sin1, Siniuei?" she queried, turning to me to buar her out. Well, I was knocked clean out, so was btrvker. I had to do something ind do it at one', so I g.ive an uu-1 earthly veil. "For heaven's sake what's the mat er? ' gasped my wife. j 'Did von sift that flower" 1 asked, "Mere' yes) ' she exclaimed, "I'm afraid not, Elizabeth," I 1 j' ill f ti 1 moaned, for 1 uelieve 1 swallowetl a hoop nail !' That saved btrvker. Mv wife mane a dash for the medicine chest and 'Te amed with the castor oil hottle. but I was feeling better and re! 8 d to take 1 f 1 I . ! ;mv; however lor ine rest ui tne even ing that hoop nail k?jt her thoughts busy With me. I said nothing after Stryker left, Whats the use? The good Lord has made her so and so she will remain till ihe end; but take her all in all, Eliza beth is a prize, a real prize. We have no right to expect ovr wives to be perfect. If they were, we shouldn't, he worthy of them. So I shall continue to bear my little burden, as no doubt you, dear reader, have to bear yours. And here ends the ta.e ot an nn happy happy man. Slie Cciildn't Play A Too Common Case. She had been taking music lessons for fifteen years, so when they asked her to play we naturally expected treat "You really must excuse me, I am entirely out of practice." "Oh", do play, Mi Foots," "But I never play without mv notes." "Now, Miss Foots, you are so un kind, and we're all dying to hear yon." "I should be delighted, but really I-" But they insisted, and she was finally pievailed upon to se.it herself at the piano. And when it was too late, and after she had begun to knock down uiid'drng gut poor old "Heavenward,' they discovered that she was oat of practice, and that she couldn't play without her notes, or with them either, as some of Ihe people wha coaxed into it were mean t n 01 gh to say. The moral is contained in the following, frmn tho Detroit Free Press: "When a lady who has been taking music lessons for the past eight ears hangs back and blushes and says she really can't play, don't insist on it. The chancps are she can't. Cincinnati Saturday Night. HQi Cucklsn's Arnica. Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, BriiL-e, Sores, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, TetUr, Chipped Hands, Chilblains. Corns and all rskin Eruptions, .ami posi tively cures Piles or no pay required, i! is "uarnnteed to give perfect satisfaction or lnoitey refunded. Price 25 eeuts per box. For Side by T. F. Kluttz & Co. Ch'Idrcn Cry for Pitcher's Castoria Till: COTTON BLOSSOM CLUB. Ceeellectirtu Johnson, of Xortli Caro lina, Electrifies It. i After the meeting had been regu larly Opened, Brother Gardner an nounced that the regular routine of business would be sii$p2nded in order to listen to an address by the Hon. Recollection Johnson, of Goldsboro, N. C., who had arrived in Nw York two jays previously. The title of the address was giver, as "Does riches make happiness; or, why should xveet milk sour during a thunder-storm?" "Befo dis pusson,-vwho is now in de auntyroom, is let into iie hall, I want to say a few words,'' observed the president. -In de fust place, 1 want Eider) Toots an' Judge Cadaver to keep awake doorin' de lecture. It's an insult oij a man lo go to sleep an' snore while he am talkin'. In de next place, if Shindig Watkins frows dat cucumber which he has trot in his pocket at Samuel Shin, i shall be lookin' right at him, an' befo' de tueetiu' closps his fitcher life will be made wretched. Kurnel Cabiff an' Judge Che wso had better git as fur from each odder as possible, an' I shall depend upuij Giveadam Jones to keep his eye upori Uncle Dradleyrn' de old ntan Taylor.: Da honorabl e gen lan M will now be brung in HFvis III 151. o XG. The man from the Tar-1 feel State created a favorable impression at first glance. He was the beau ideal of an orator three stories high, loose in the n-J nuts and a wild expression to eyes. As he took his place upon the platform it was noticed that he toed out. and covered a great deal of space with his feet, and this was also taken as a further favorable sign oi his intellectual greatness. There was no sign of nervousness in his actions. and it. was clearly evident that he w is the habit ot audressing large itnd tae -trout or the nlatlorm and hemn. 1 o THE EFFIIONT OF HIS LIFE.. "Mv f re ns," he said as he locked his frigers together and then looked be nignly d'wn upon the bt!d shin- cra nium of Judge Cante'ope White, "does riches make happiness or does she not? At de fust go-otf it would "pear dat she did. When we see a rich man ridiu' by in his keeridge, tiis arms foldel, his head up high an' his black' bosses pranciu' along as proud as pea- cocks, we auijtpt f fik i n v r 1 1 r 1 1 1'. la 1 11 kill an L w'.sii we was 111 lus place. e see I 1 1 1 T I only ontsiue nppearances. it we could fojier dat puson to his home of Iux- ury we should take a different view of 'tie case. De minit he giU into de house his wife wants fo'teeu thousand dollars fur hew dresses; de children cry fur him to buy 'em aneleghant; de j cook 'has broke twelve plates while washin'-de dishes, an' de gas bill i ober seben dollar 1110' ban it was fur de. month be fob. De proud smile on dat rich nians f.ace. flees, an' he goes out behind dje ba'n tiu' kicks hisself an' wislns he had nebber bin bo'n. 1 (Cheers, shouts and wild applause.) I "Yo' go into i rich man's house," continued the oratory lan' yo' see lace curtains, kivered cltti'rs, fine carpets an' heaps of Ijric-a-bats. Soine of 'em j have got a$ manv as five beds up sta rsr, an it yo go find a hull lur'l of down cellar yo'll perk and sixteen 1 bushels or tutors. iNurtin seems wautin' to complete dat man's happi ness, but datj's all on de outside. lie may be sittin'' around on deih fine car- , ! pets or lookiu' at hisself in one of dem loolvin -glasses which nehber cost less dan nine dollars, when he gits a tele graph. He opens it to find dat some body has robbed de grave of his grau' fadder out ill Chicago, and demands one millyun dollars to restore de body. ( Appall;e vigorous that two legs ! teli ol,t of the stove and a serious ca lamity was narrowly averted.) A VISION OF V.EALTF. lkI war in de private o'fice of a mill vonaire de odder day. He was cuttin' u;e coupons oif his bloated bonds. Dar war seventeen bags of gold on his right hand, an' sixteen bar'ls of silver on his left. '(Suppressed excitement.) Dar' war' fo' bushels of diamonds piled up behind de stove, an' about two bail's ot' pearls an' opals ober bv tie wash- stan. ( Whispers of "Ynm!" "Yum!") Dat pusson owned the awful.le.st, big-j gest plaiitashun 111 ue hull aont. lie had six millyun hor.-es an' cattle. He i f 1 i 1. . 1 1: : 1 .. . ,i . ii- owned lo nanus au uve lainoaus. ue owned all de judges an juries an' law yers in de State. If yo' i roweda tater at his dawg he could hev yo' .ent to State prison fur life. (Sign's and groins.) An' yit, wid all dis power an' riches, was dat man happy? No! He had a sorei heel; his stom.ich was outer order; lie was gittin' bald on top o' de head; he woke up in !ejnii;lit a'u' saw spooks wnvin' deir arms over him, an' he said he would git) all he had on airth to be like me. (Appbiuse whiL.li put out threse lamps and, upset the water pail.) j "No, my frens," calmly ..Continued the orator, aiier sipping a liitle more nutmeg, "riciles di ;tu' make happiness. Dey is just handy w hen you fel you ti like to get uiejiismetl fur fo' new shirts, or you want tried chicken fur dinner. All de rest is iv.iiiity an' aai! such to bring vo' trubble. T ike Uu ca.se ol Shindig Watkins, of dis club, at whose e.-.bin 1 am tern, orarily stonpin1 f ree of vu.u. xie got a rag carpet an in ree cane-sei 1 1 eat chare m his par or. vp.,u!, 1 ii ' r 1 1 1 1 t ..weami were eQiiaily . distributed it; ee dawgs an one ice-chest J .,..,,.1,1 ;r 1 t t t Wl" , V6 He s got three an a chromeo of Napoleon crossin'' de Alps. He's got a cuckoo clock dat cost him 'lben dollars, an1 he bought an ole lounge for $2 an' kivered it o!er wid new stuff nn' made it wuth Si '7 His wife kin aim a dollar a day while he sits onde front steps, an' Ins chill'ii save deir pennies to buy him terbacker an' beer. From Sunday niawniu' to Satuiday night Brudder Watkins is perfeckly happy an' content, an' he will lib thirty yVtrs longer dan any rich mm. (Vociferous applause from all except Brother Wutkiug, whose modesty is well known.) WHY MILK IS SOURED BY TIIUXDEU" "An' now, why docs sweet milk sour doorin' a thunder storm?" asked the orator after getting his breath. "Yo' may think dis has nuffin' to do wid de case, but it has. It has a heap to do wid it. De rich man has to use sweet milk same as de pore. A panful of it is sittin' down cellar on de shelf, an' we is gwine to hev puddin' au' milk fur supper. 'Long comes a thunder shower, an' de o!e woman goes down to find de milk. Why? Whence? Fur what reason? To' do not stop to inquair', but yo' jump" up and' dow n and lick de chill'en. If yo' would only sot down in de rockiu' cheer and philosophize a leetle yo' would diskiver why it was thus. De electrified condishun of de atmosphere has simply absorbed de energetic radi ometer of de liquid, an' de result is a perdigerous situushun of de magnetic illiberality. My frens, de hoi.r is late, an' I will not occupy any mo' of yo'r valuable timo. Whii the speaker rrlircd he was followed by round after rjuud of applause, and he must have been highly pleased with his successful hit. When silence was restored B. other Gardner said: - "Gem'leii' I hev no doubt dat we hev all bin made de better men fur li-stenin' to dat address, an' dat it w-dl be wise fur us to treasure up in our memories de varus facts brung out bv tie orator, but at de same time I want to caushu!) yo' dat great men am only mortal artcr a!l. bhould de lion. Uecollection Johnson want lo borrow any money of yo' it will be eminently sale lo reply dat xJ1 has just tooken yo'r change to de bank, an' ""dat yo" loan' "snect-to hev any mo' befoh next week. We will now go home. Y iiy-vlirls Sliuiiltl IMay the VioliJi. For the relief of the young mm who is frequently entertained (?) at family gatherings, I would like to point out to the voting women the desirabil ity of playing some instrument other than their irrepressible piano forte were it onlv for the sake of novelty Much or little, every girl plavs the piano. The young lady who cannot wade through at least two-thirds of a Beethoven sonata is indeed a ran$ twis. Equally rare would be the man who would not admit thai -he has oiten been bored by the universal accom plishment of piano playing. The soothing e fleet upon the ear produced by even a mediocre violinist afier the gyrations of three or four Liszts in petticoats, is sufficient reason whv girls should have another bow on her strings. In musical culture the stud of the violin is of prime importance. Care ful practice upon a string .instrument refines the ear and trains that organ to a nice perception of tone and intona tion. A violin can always be tuned per fectly, and at a moment's notice; this, we know, cannot be said of the piano. The violin can ne carried by the player anywhere, thereby saving him the in convenience of performing upon an unfamiliar instruaient. Fur'hermciv, a good violin can be secured for less money than a bad piano usually costs. A violinist of average attainments tan t uch the hearts of his listeners, while it requires a Chopin or a Liszt to produce a similar impression with the cold and ungrateful -piano-forte.- The violin, comparatively to the piano forte, lends itself with ease to the pro duction ot pathetic effects. The position of the violinist is more graceful than that of the pianist. I can bardlv conceive anything more ; charming to the eve and the ear than a leautiful woman playing well on the vioiiii. Punctilious mothers should dismiss doubts as to their daughters pbiving the violin, for that instrument is al- ready popular among 1 v iioiinhir :mion r women nf llie upper-fen. .Even princesses scrajie through Kreatz-r's studies, and, J rnigiit s apiopfis, that Mr-, ('ieve- land is one of ihe recent additions lo the long list of prominent wou-ien vio lin am tieir s. Louis Ljmuaru M. ttoWM v- 1, Tflerit Wins. We desire to say that our eitixens, that for years we have been selling lr. King'. New JJis'coverv- lor ConsuniiUioii. Dr. King's New Life Pills, Put-klen's Arnica Salve and Eactric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given .nich univeiul satis lact ii n. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every tiine, and we stand reaily to refund the purchase price, if patisf ictory results tlo not follow their use. Thest retu.-dies have wo.i th ir great pttpuhir ity jiuiely on their merits. rvittitCv Co., j.uuisl.'. . .i.i- - . . - Where Is It? ' The estimated wealth of the United rSt:.tM. 00 mnrv Afwv - t7 TuF. country in round figures ntout 1,000. But there u not one in a thouun. who hiw 1004 The farms represent a considerable proportion of thf wealth of the country, but deducting ti e mortgage uebtsi on the firms, how much is left to the credit of their nom-: inal owners? The farmers oi - Kansas owe 335,000,000, more thau. their tarms would sell for to-day if they were put up and sold under "the ham mer. The farmers of-lllinois. one of the best agricultural States': in Amer ica, owe $103,000,000, Jot which: there are mortgages recorded agaiust them. And so in other States. There is nut a State in the Union- where the money lender has not mortgages on more Jf less of the farms. . w ' i The cities and the towns have their- mortgageV top.! Nearly half t the mortgage indebtedness of the State of Illinois is oil Houses and lots in the . city of Chicago -Deduct' from the real or assessed; Talue of these faruis and city property the mortgage eii- cumbrancf, and how much is: left to . . the owners? ' .' ' " . '--. Tl . I. . 1 1 xneii iaue ine army oryyage earners. "... How many of these have any bank ac counts, save the little Uhat some of them have in the savings banks, which little they squeeze put by rigid economy ; from their daily - earnings ? Vho, . then, ojrns the SGO,000,000,000 wealth in this county?, I A handful of men own and control it. - ; It was not ai ways so. It was not so a half a century ago. The change be--gan when paternalism in the govern ment began,; and tlm tit diciest were m- an g iira ted which created a legislative Iistinction between different callihiri k and made some tribute pavers toothers, i L p to lSbl, th wealth of thi conn- -t ry was more evenly distribulediimong ; the people, than in any other country under tha sun. There, were fewer -very .lich and feiyer very po6r people in proportion to population than a any other country under the sun. The -democratic party which had directed V the government mid '.shaped its poli- -cies for more than one Icilf of its. hrt - century did nit believe in paterealismrT and didn't believjeji-fl legislation to. ep--rich some of tlmj citizens at the ex pense of t lie others. ItUidVt lelieve 111 building up oil i ml us t ry at the ex. pense-of the others. It didn't belirvn in lev ing tribute iir. ilia man. M'ttv.V J earned their dailjy bread in the. vyewht.- - of their faces, jand lived in Hirrfife dwellings, to support in lusnry i.uciC ; build marble palaces for the men who ' spun and wove the wool tbfr farmer , 1 grew, or melted and moulded the iron which the m.iu?r dug from the earth. It didn't believe in ; any1 favoriti-in of this or any other kind and: couse quetrtly the men w 1; o ! nuuW . . Jor t u n e made them by their caIu indiiiifnis, " honest efforts, and did ttotjjet !htt. by legislative enactmeiir. Ihe .yu'n were not plundered to enricluilra, few- - and there were then more peonLs who had something and iewer peopi who counted their fortunes by the million ' Then the "almighty dollar" was not., worshipped as it is now,, then it-was not as corrupt and demoraluKgr it-, is nmv, then it didn't buy -votes like cattle as it doesnqw tlven i didn't own and contiol Uangrcsses and Ijji latures as it-doesi ow, then, xk -kuan's millions were not the taiuAau that ' opened the way ip the .Uniitevl State S n r.s tl ey ar- n w. A mighty - change has come over this country within", the .past genera tion, the people getting jx;orer and poorer, and the few favored rich grow- ing richer and richer until tiity- hae become the owner f the larger past of these SG'MXJO.OOO which Tepreixi . the estimated vyejalth m our pirople, and this isthe I pgical result tip monstrous tariff !prl icy which IwjJk the, hard earueil monpv from lnv pockets tf . one man and put it.into-tbyovkeU ot another man ,whoj toiled it at nil. It is well for -j an individual br.- a country to le weaUhy By,t Vat country is in t!ie bst cojiJitiim- "!iere.' the wealth is moUL 'evtfu.lv distributed, and that country ihe rt unfortunate where there is greit wealth, in tht? -hands of the few at;4 little $ tiny in the handi if ihe many. I;t is- Ihp happy mean where there is extreme pf neit her wealth npr poverty, - 111 t'.trt s she huvl, ti, (Mis'teion? Jit frfr, " W'heie ';.;.!!.!', itf-c-uniiUilAtes niel uSMt Jrf-y."" I Wilmington star. Iwt-t ?very enfeebletl woman know There's a tnedicine4hat'U cure her, 5d the prt'oT positive! y ' Hereriili.c- W'tK-f -if it 'doesn't ! ton i good wiihtu a ve:iioimbl lime, reiioift w taci 10 ns- inaKera arm you Jjet vuur -inoie y bjick without a; w:oyd,-but') ou y.n't do-itt - " ------- The vtmedy 55 Dr. IHi'W'eS FavWite Prescript ion and it lias proved iuelf the right veniedy yi nearly every "case of fe male weakness. It U not a miracle?"- It wou.'t cure everythingbut it has done , more to bwild up tired, enfeebled and -. broken-down women' , than any oilier inettu ine kuow iK , . 1 vi YheTGHa woman whoV not ready fat it? A that we've got lo do U to gyt be news to iiei. . .The medicine w ill tlx iie itsl. -.'- ' WanfetW-Womhi. First tQ" know it. Seyiand to use it..,;. Thinl o be cured i;y it. The on entries of the tit her. Ti.e seal titstcK, head:tehts-f4 not ill il brain. Herniate jibe timuch hikI vUu etne it. r. Pieree's.Pellt-ts are the 1 1 uc iitipia!iors. vty V-,4x a V.ali.

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