!, .v . - , , . ) a1 . - - ! ai . -'' , ' ' ...-:. j . ; : v. -. 7 j a-- je -- a-' a .-;--v - ': ' - . VfeVt 1 : . "'.: ; -.-a;- 1 . - ' ;.' . ..' . : '- .. r" - ' '. ' e- 'I.: ' ;- VV a. ;.'f C'-Vie Hi: 'i. 1 1 1 f r f i 1 ft i : 11 i i ! I. : r 4 !!- s- II !) I' ll 1 1 i Carolina Watchman. J. I. IUiV Editor and Prop. Associate Editor. r ; SUFSCIlirIOX KATES. OUe year inadvauce Six-months Cuth.i of livo LMutwof tetCor more i TEKMS STlilCTLY CASH. $1.50 1.25 1.00 'f he Watchman is organ of the Alli miceinthe 5th and 7th Congressional The Watchman' has 00 percent more circulation than any paper published in fcalis!ury. E itervd as aaoond-cUss mall at Su!isbur . ". C. THUKSDAY, OCT. 22, 1SU1. pur This nr your pi 112 Flain Fact aiul Sharp, IMtliT Sayings froia iteform 1'apers. Fun 11 v hoiv the twin parties sympa- Vuv.i ' with ana consume fac huc. Who would hive-thought three years ago? Alliance Sun. WASHINGTON" LE tTKU. Blaine Endorses McKinley'a Tariff Act The Treasury Department Is snes a Cirenlar Other News. Correspondence of l&c Watchman, Washington, D. C, Oct 19, 1891. Mr. Blaine's letter 'emiorsing the Mc- Those who-are cettins rich out of K; t is tj.e principal sub- the present stare or aua. "Fi V-nV- . , f conversation anion- the few change. Are von getting incur --77. . .... Acokii, Marshall, 111. The Alliance is an organ J SPARE THE LIVING. TTmW the head "Snare the Dead;- the Herald of the lGth proceedsr to lecture the Watchman for referring to a dead man. Lint r.eek the Watchman contained an item about the death of Congress man W, L. Scott, Pennsylvania, who' recently-died worth $20,000,000 -We as!:ed the following question 4iNow what sort of laws do you expect from a congressman who is so rich? 1 We say to the Herald, H Spare he liTnig." We know jt is out of place to refer to any holy after they are dead in an uncomplimentary way,Jjut iye are going to lay down the proposition that 110 u man can-die .Worth S2'),00l),0()0 who has "lived, an honest life.V He niay he honest in the way that is called business,' hut according to the im-atest of all hooks he nets that which belongs to others million .dollars i immense sum. .If made in silver dollars it would weigh one million, two hundred and eighty thousand pounds or six hun dred and forty' to:is. - The amount is politicians left in Washington by the izeJlprotest lte(l Sfc:tte cnnipaigns. It was :i Ue- afike acrainst the tlurtv-foui'stoYy build- cidW surprise to the democrats wno in"' of the city and the sod- house 01 somehow naa got me wen ui.it jai. r ' .'..i. I . . -m r the pnin ie. Illinois Alliance. Blaine yas still opposed to the Jic A "calamity howler" is one who J Kinley-act and to its author. There thinks for himself, and refuses to be j no doubt that at one time Mr lleeced l;v the legal thw ves ana pontr- .B.line WilsWy hitter towards the clans. jecuuisey nmM,,,,. rr.V",v 1.511 nA Ur.U nnt.hnr. It is the peonies movement. It w , ,r r,.Tc;nMV ns;i;VMlv u-resistahle as an avalanche. 1 lie pe- fud aft.r several long conferences pie am not being led. 1 ey u e gm . :n(.ornorale Mr. Bhiine's reciprocity somewhere themselves. lopeka A'11" ide.LS i,ll0 the origin House Tantl auce lrrbunjl'. i-ii. ,.,i L-n()Wtl thut some of the Some Alliancemen are just ginning men who now talk the loudest about All' ? . . .. I .Kiil-.lfl...! ... . i i. . l..l.i I Pni INa W k M ! I t 1 I over lor Alliance puueipies, out 11. 1 reciinocibj wan ivi have a dollar to spend tor a newspaper, rocity amendment to the civiniev thev chuck it 111 to teed the enemy. bill more to placate 3lr. Diaine tiian be Tecumseh Uepublican. cause they really favored the idea The Our fathers trusted in the honor, PuW.caii? all pretend to take i 1 i t 1. i 1 . :i 1 p tua fr Ulaines letrer as a maiuM- m course XnW?U y't: T n ' but t.,ot. few of them it was a yery 7OOU L' ivei n 1111 vjui t. j . . 1 trust in bribery and corruption m u'" n ' , XJ r ,r j 1 t hat Mr. Blame would, as he had done success. La. Alliance farmer. . ' , ; . 1 1 n 1 iih 1 jIjiii t Miiiui rircuiiii. iiL.i 26,000,000 of the American people vca- beeD bjs l,:u,ds off. All a-:ree are homeless and yet oiir government tu.lt tbe letter will help McKinlev, dif- has ilonated dJ,UUU square nines 01 me 1 ferine of course according to - pohtica II 1 . 1.. .Hlt-.H.irilMlG I 1 .1 . 1 fl 1 puoiic uomatu to r.mio.iu preiudice as to the extent or help : w . i: 1 t u'.ii 1 . ww -i now snoeKiag; finance jnu. Presitlent Harrison, it is saai, an Hip fanners will lose n on need to his Cabinet at its last meet , , w s , , M.nn.ihnn thpirrrooof wheat this vearJ in the names ot several men who hac C5" " I . ... ' . " stolen by speculators, to leen selected for important appoint ments. lncludinir the vacancy on the Court of Claims, which meets nex Monday. For once there seems to b no leak, and none of the names have ;ot out, .although the persistency on Oil lid me government warehouses after tne sub treasury plan. Industrial Educator. An Atlanta man want $2,000 for Twenty j slipping up on a bannna jeeling. The Alliance is 1 ne ..a mm v .... g o . t,u .irt of cert;lin rrotuinent republi which a good many ohLmoss-back po - Cm3in pred!i.tingthat Ex-Congressmun incmns are si.ppiug up.ouaiu,-rn i- Th(Mn ((f ()lli0f wi,j K() ()U lluj I i-i n r-u h :i r IIIPI' - I 1 . 1 i-ii i t i '." ,,,"v-v' couit, or Claims, makes it iooic as If vou doubt, dear reader, that the though they had been given a "pointer'' nlutocrat who talks about the silver I by somebody, "it is expected that t hi- ro great that; if his fortune was divided i0l liir being worth only sev.'iity-eight appointment will be annonm ed this anions' all the people of the--u nited ; cents is lying, -jut offer him seventy- week, as it is regarded as important States tluV would have abouLoO cents 'ight cents for a silver dollar and see that'the Court should meet with a fuli each. Now tell us that a man can i.rat his fellow, men ridit and necumu- siivei nave cmivi TOBACCO PAC fOUY. An Account of the Dnrliam Alliance Tobacco Factory The Brands Made, &c. At Favcttevil-le two vearsao the State Alliance recommended that Alliance to bacco factories be established in different rts of the State and urged that they be patronized liberally. This is ri-ihj, for tho people who raise a thing certainly have us much right. to manufacture it as anybody. J hese factories have been established at diflFerent points in the -Slate and all have been a success, the factory at Durham has been in operation for more than twelve months. It hs paid the stockholders and benefitted the buying public. Every one of the stockholders are farmers and members of the Alliance. The stockholders live in four counties The capital is $10,000 and the capacity is 100,000 pounds per annum. I he buiUI ing occupied is of brick, three stories hi"h, heated by steam. 1 he braurts are Sun Cured sweetness," 'r . A. s u. U.," "Half Dime," " Hayseed, " "Tip Top," "Clod Hopper," "Low Tariff," "Alliance Favorite" aud "XicUe Plug." They put it up iiv ten pound caddies and twenty nouud boxes. The Durham Alliance Tobacco factory makes these brands especially for the Alliance trade. They have customers from Virginia to California. Every Sub Alliance will do well to patronize this fartorv. It is vour own restitution and will sell you good, sound tobacco, either tine or common at prices that defy com petition. The Watchman has seen the factory, knows the men in charge of it and c;m cheerfully recommend them to tho brethren everywhere Send for a ten pound caddie or twenty pound box aud be convinced No Slorc Hazing: ut Iavilson , Davidson College. X. C , OcloberaOib, ISOl, The whole body of students at David son College, with only two exceptions have 1 1 cent ly signed a paper in which each one pledges his honor, to abstain from every form of hazing during his connection with the College, and to use all honorable means to prevent any fu ture student liu;a indulging in the prac tice. Ibis annihilates "freshing' at Davidson certainly for several years, possibly for all the future. i if he will trade, Illinois Alliance. - bench nrlRr,rth nlntoerats of Wall The Treasury department has issued oiled the two old parties a pamphlet, copies ot winch may be ventriloquist conducts hud upon appitca mn to the part us mimic old man and T.ni '"K1, :A i'f History, of .. . - ... i as the traveling les, the hated "reiorm papers win .,r,vlJ f I. 'coiithiw to call-black-black ahd wliite ! women, to tickle the senses and collect Coinage Legislation in the United ...i zl. . i ' i:.: ..l 1 n ... . .:.,i.l... p w ...i .. T....i,.. states, which contains all legislation long. asv such men run the!ri';,!l This boets farming: The First Na- and as " affairs of this coujiliy. So far as -wet s'e the refonn papers are the only jn ilnence that is strong enough or-that will be strong enough to save this country from the fate of Rome and France. In accumulating such fortunes busi ness itj carried on systematically. The employes ot tiies millionaires are , , - , , another election comes around. Stick scanty, ana many ot them actually i(1 lierp Mr ilin , Politician.-Ken n rrt i .i.l' . ' snUer. l he popie who ride over their; tucky W itness. on the subject down to the silver act of the last Congress relating to the money metals. Pustmast-er-uener.il Wan? maker i so well pleased with the working of his in tional Bank of New York on a capital of 350,000 has made '0,500,000 clear in eighteen yers, an average annual reCent order mak ing all promotion inhr ,11 iml' I'ullt I llt. 1o Vt'h U t lioi? I i 1 1 1 I I I ! .1 l"""""1 '"r' '"1 . j j tue various graueu cierKsiitos ot tne oppose the Sub-1 reasury plan. Indus- host Qlice department dependent ll lai xviiicator. tsole v on the resu t of eomnehve ex j i . The time has gone by In Kentucky animations of clerks in the next grade 1 ll I I III, 1 I (l,..f In.. .... I,... (, .... .1 VI... ie v.ii M tne peopie can oe sa.iuieu ani wiuvt, uim n-. nnn. iu r.Mtim me ,.e" ridden to polls by politicians, and after S:ime -y-tem to all grades of post office : being voted, be turned out to" grass until employes, including the railway mail sery.ee. The Congressmen who will sell tin government. publications to w hich In is officially entitled, instead of distribu ting them among his constituents, for whose information they are printed at an enormous expense, win bear watch U tt, - 4-.. l 1. iwoi nie ion -irsiK iliici mil, I U.i t., e s u it cniei mi a ctuuei i uu imoiii;ii - , , . . . , . . v, . , 1 1 ocooc mat ?uuic un; i ruien ill e fhe eye of a needle than for a rich manH JTlT. n " 3 il1 tll;lt v st:l11 "", J L ROYAL S8S?il J a mm PiWIll railroitds and burn their coal pay trib- "W'hat will the harvest he?" Well, 1 I fa f "k 4 1 1 i . I V ni'o' AK.tirin rw . ... il,, J, . 4 . . a J. . . 1 it .nc wuiurucitiaiiuij appetite iui . neieaoouis a preiiy goon 'crap, a gold. They , get big fees from corpora- ! rather hard, hot time for the farmer, tioris for ' niisrenrpsenriiKT tho ueii!e a good rate off for the railroad, and a i, a - ' i - i - - to enter the gates of heaven Some he has received a number of letters TM.a mQ.if brw!.- antra 4- U I- r.1, .. 1 1 I f . .. ( . I...: . 1 i 4 1 . 1':... of the editors of the subsidized press . nwt cha- usurv. What a sfpiirming Second Congress telling that they had mu going 10 iiuve a nam, lime to get , .there wi be in he when a t imm wwivw i.wt:. i-.nvk fnfttr. iinrhn national bankers g't there. The sis- n.trties offering to sell ..800 conies of ,sing and hissing of a lot of rattlesnakes tlie agricultural report and 21G espies in a orusn tire w.u be nothing com- ot the special report on Diseases " ot pared to n. .National Citizens Alii- the Horse. The number offered for nice. Uale is ureeiselv- that allottpd to i;udi u Foreign p-anit.al" is Wlirn nnlir BO member of the Fifty-tirst Congress; long as it. is not in this country, when hLen('e the conclusion of the S-cretary oMee it comes here it is imtnediately that it is some man or men who were naturalized - and is at imp liable fn members ot that Uongress whtj are aii the protection afforded by our legal offerin to sel1 wll:lt properly belongs paraphernalia including our police- to their constituents and not to them mens clubs and -gutting guns. Illi ct)ts Alliance through, too. Unit some of them will not" be loaded down with money. U will be u political glory" that will hang like a niilf-sLone about their necks. "Spare the living1' from such legislators and from such editors. ;AN ALLIANCE GOVERNOR. Under the abovejieading the Herald of the 10th, in "-answer to a corres pondent the Watchman, saia that there was no objection to an Alliance povernor provided he is sound on the doctrine? of the democratic party. We have no special desire to see a man governor who belongs to the Alliance at all. We don't know that snrh n 'inan would make any better-governor, nor indeed any other officer. But we will put it just, the reverse from tfce way the Herald has it: We have no objection to a democrat being elected governor provded he is sound on the doctrines and traditions of the Alli ance. But party traditions don't go very far nowadays. If the Herald means a man --who will go around dur jug the campaigu and yell tariff, in ternal revenue, make sectionafspeeehes and then -after he is elected cater to the whims of the rich' of the State 'and 'smile for t kern -alone and neglect the business and agricultural' interests of the State, then we don't" need him, no matter how sound his party doctrine nor how manv Alliances he 'may be a member 'of. North Carolina needs a yrmg, aggressive" ;md progressive' in.in v ho knows nothing but his duty and resj)onsibility as c&ef officer of a great. btate. bom? of the state pipers are repro ducing an article credited to an ex change to the effect that the govern ment does not extend aid to whiskey personal! . Saturday might have been fairly called ''administration day" at the Ecumeuical Conference, as President Harrison, Secretary Foster and Secre tary Noble attended and made short Only $190'-for the J?ojressira Far mer, atchmin and a picture, of all ike officers of the, witiojul MJlance hi cludinj each State President. IngaJJs s.iid to a Georgia audience U't V stalwart repnb'icjm 1 ' "were I wonid be a democrat,"! hen he proceeded to ridicule the People's party. Is he X'Vfiog to nnnV the two old jiirti.-s .LidustriaMItlttCittor. distillers .We suggest that they "read ailbjVct'before the conference for the up . ,M,.e ueio.e ,ney so rumiiy ac- day Iternat ional Arbitration and his cept the statement as "strarglit goods." few remarks were well chosen and Cottage Home. - most happy in their effect, particularly The World's Fair Commission will u'".)n the rore!n delegates, one ot them apply to the government for a- loan of ATV" U : -U''w. ot Scotland .$5,000.00.0 to carry on the proved marking aloud to Bishop Hurst: -We opjp will watch nave ro no away with monarchies Abcclutoly Pure. A cream of tarlar baking powder. Hiyhet of 'vll in b-avennur strength. :itest U. S. GovernmeMt l'ood lleport. W1&R.S.TUCKER&C0. Dw Goods FOR Autumn, '91. AVe liiixo im.w in st ro the most magnificent c.!ii.itnii of liib class Pry (JooiU hihI kin- ilre;l ware? ever shown uiificr u:if roof m . C SOUTHKIIN' IN'tKii-STATj; KXP( ISITIUN", To bo IfeM lit UaleigH, Get. 1 to Dec. 1, 1801. Visitors to the- Eii'ojition arc cordiallr in vited l.i vi-it our store,- where thry will b kbi'lly, p.iiitely mul itttentiVely waitetl uo. SIRiPiMNG BY MAIL. To tlioc who do not expect to visit Ralciyh during the Kx,tosition or who desire to make anv iirepMnvtion b. lore that time, w e are p.ba to serve ia the most satisfactory manner, by tie? r.i-an of our thoroughly equipped Mnil Order Department. Dress Goods, Wrap?. Shoes, Ilousefurnishing Goods. IJoMery. Corsets, Gloves, Underwear, Carpets, Curtains. &c. kc. Letters of in(piiry promptly answered; gam pies cheerfully sent. When writing for sam ples our patrons will please bo definite as to the kind of good? desired. Intelligent atten tion can then be given their orders. after this." It was perh. ips only a coincidence, but immediately fair. The Alliance peoi tin -j.iwiiun iuu wnn liueresr. it is araned bv the onnonents of their nm. qeer coincidence, I nosit inns" that it. i i.nf,,.ui;tuf;nJ after talking to the conference about tho srovernment to loan mnnoc prtf Unternaiionalarbitration Mr. Harri-.on taue Home. paid a visit to the gun lactorv at the v asnington isavy Lam wincn is Since the Fort Worth scab con- turning out heavy steel guns, for the venuontne Alliance ot lexas is a umt avv, which are m the opinion of ex on the UeaU demand. The whole perls not co milled lv either Krunn or body has been purified. Thev have got- Armstrong, the largest gun makers of ten i id ot all t he scabs and tilt h. They are in splendid fightii.g trim. Anil what is true of the Alliance in Texas is practically true: of the Alliance all over the eon ntry, I ndust rial E l ucat or. There are 43 per ceni more home less people in this country now than there were eleven years ago. Under present financial conditions, whether the alien land law be repealed or not, the farmers and business men of Texas cannot pay their delds. And we see no prospect of preseutfondititms beiug changed until the people rise en mass and rescue oiir country from the' grip f 1ritislr-and American shylochism. Will yon help do it? Industrial Educator. tlie world. (.ODDS DELIVERED FREE (K.XL'pt Furniture and Crockery.) On all m;h of $."i.art.and over we will deliver goods free to nearest Express office or Railroad station. O. & B. S. Mer & Co. Raleigh, W.C, Mcn'lon the Watchman wliea,jou write. Fresh Garden Seeds at re duced prices. Clover and Grass Seeds at tlie lowest prices atEnniss' Drug Store. Organ Church Items. Some of our farmers are sowing wheat in dead earnest. r MessrsrSmith & Fisher are yery busy winning cotton. They are doing first rate work and their customers are well pleased with it. Mr. Yost has his new store-house fin ished and is receiving iew goods every week. Sir. Jesse Bargeris putting up a new dwelling house for Mr. Harvey Gracber, of China Grove. VvTe are please ! to learn that Mr. John Clark is improving from his recent se vere illnss. Mr. Ilagan has his second barn of to bacco cured, lie says the crop is ex ceedingly fine. i Yon tra lit m picture of the national officers of the Alliance. Send $1.90 and a few days ago, went to a me let the Proffiessiie Farmer and the Watchman and picture. . READ THIS! Be sure and call for a bottle of 3 Cures. It lias never failed to cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and Sick ihsdache. I can give vou first-class references in Sal isbury to prove its merits. For sale bv BE IN TIME. i't wait till you pet sirk to tret ai of p;uniss'I)iarrluoa Specific, but Don bottle nnnip nnd hne it, readv. It will save you Some trilling scamp, while out hunting j a doctor bill and pVobahly your life. ; It ean. looking j is speedy cure for l)iarrhea, r lux, Mini cabin and knocked if the door knobs. ! mpr Jim! Iiowc-1 roinuhiiMts. Alter this he went to another such ttMnn Cry for Pitcher's f-orfc Ocj,. 12, 1891, It never good for notion' place" and knocked! the door down. The parties are paid to be Irom Cabarrus coUnty4 near Kiun r. a i fans to cure ii taken in time. J. F, .ENNISSj. fe!2lf a CD CD 2 3. o Q fD an O o o 3 CD s. CD O C0 4 Q O O CD h CJ CD in SB fD (fl o 2? "3 c: O S (fl CO CD CD Fd CD CD a- o o a CD 3 CD O (ft O O 5 o o (fi (fJ rD r: -o Q ' j " X You have nevtr been asked to look at sueh furniture as wo can Rhow .Toti and vou have never been asked to look at hgares t hatjire anything tike nMiitwU. erate' as ours. We are making special effort efforts that are-iy bmllit, with purchasers' opportunities. If we cannot surprise voir-with someot ttiem. vou are simply Uewnnt surprisini;. 1 nuun c- ui.i viv.l ny." -" -nuuyu , to take your hreath away, under no circumstances uo .c ;iaiui-c "'is is by no means an ordinary announcement. Jt meairs money in jour pockci every time. There are exceptional reasons why yob should not los6sight of our . P A U LOU S U I T S AND IT A 1 L II A C K S. We have imt them down at the manufacturers' price?. If you want a Tarlor Suit or Hal! ll.uk don't fail to sec- us tins week. 1 ins bargain win not jastnong. ; luspeetfully, 32AMES& EAUNHARDT.i 1 ft LRE, S-TOEE. Direct from the mills ail the latest, i mplicit fait bin low values which-iir patterns in Ingrain t'.irpets two and duccd us to dare the purchase o three ply. This- week ve cut sdtour men's suits at oiu iuUL. It was. the Lowell 3-plv Carpets to SO rents and cheapest bill of goods we ever lionght . the most eleuant In e ot b-i niantowii so that Dy cutting The prices in the all wool 2-plv Carpets to 00 cents. Our New York house enables us to do middle in buying w e could do the prune in selling and force out thistreir.eu- his by buviiM' for us and saving us 1 dous stock. Not a last year's - suit tin he jobber's profits aud shipping us di rect. I hese carpets were never m the hands of the jobl.er to be weighted the lot., every garment made for tliis fall's trade, alL. made by a first daw" 1'altinioie manufacturing company' lown withlhe jobber's prolits. and tlie j and we ;:r- selling the entire., line 25 price tells the siorv. e use our gam per cent, less thmi the .makers -sold jut in buying to hilp us to do the selling. Notji retail houe in all tins nation w-ho can afford to sell you the het 3-pIy Lowell Carpets at SO cents ex empting ours, nor tlie lest all woo. '2-ply made for 00 cents. Ail through wholesale ove r t ly Sout h. - A gl e;it I man.y merchants all over this, country--.!. :;o!vg!it from tins samu line ami (we - will uupneate the t:nce.s they pain-'' at 25 per cent, less money. .This is lie (Ulicieiice in buvir yiag. A I in bst our carpet stock you can find tlie latest ; -very ni.oi who sees the. stock fakes) .a ind Let goods ma-ie and prices away-: -ant or t wo; he never saw hrst-clhs down. We carrv near twice as n;anv carpets as anv iue.ise in the State aim our sales have in v a-ed four-fold in -the last twelve mouth. Kv.M'V piece of :s rep;v--e e i carpet sold is guaranteed ; ami we shall alwe.ys try to sell . y-.iu from the merit we !.;;e i;i the v dues ffi'ied, instead -of riiiiuiug d-iwu s.Kiie other nieicharii's goed.- w L;:o-.v not hiug about . Just as we e:;ju cled tue .!'!. (.'lot liiuir is iuovi!:g th.it great with a rtliil'l, we h.iVe aiw is iie hat prices Would o)oe : I V :.i classes of nieic'.i aiidh-e. It w i i weil in;. ile goods sell so cheap and per I. naps never wdl again. it is once iw iileiiiii", perhaps, that' this thing can If some other merchant had :K ri:c:n) ::S We ( ill 11- WnaKl I. I 1 oe il(.lie. as eiieap a.S on ( ; .e I'd el all t els :uaie a r.'"( :v.!-i' ! ib i ! ! v e are- p r!i v. i i or miii : i' we' e ai di et laii; ii i - i tir ua .-ell as cueap a.-; we no. ive lliuke u!v a sai .11 proh't on it,-biit we fJjh itioH i;r uarm t no; its. -to o.ur ousijit i iy willing to work tliij !i!:ig lo do vext veaf-i u x t ' puT;hc to irs he.ip enough falld. Il: it up, we- can - la't s'omet i.iug 'to do. i : ; . . fu . I i 1 1 J-- l 1 1 e 1 1 . ! ; i U to W. J. & Ef II. DAVIS, l.v- vet : M: ) ii; '.vTfr'l " a .'.Ti'd'. I ii ; E ij j.; r-; , r, li l s ir-H'.'n f i7 r, n z c, a tin 3 ii rU t t-i m t f f'-t i. ' ;? v. f. ?! r vl ttit hi r n 4 HIM urn v. a - we wait mm wire mm wwn i Hrii'r if along; th mm..' the mender. - are nrei)aryl to PaT IIIGIJKR riJI":.S f.-r S X V I n I : : i; 1 : 1 : i ) than any other market. Freights are cheap, a i::en- trilie v. hen increased prices-are taken . into account. Oil I- railroad facilities ale o.-d. -Oeljd your toba-co to () X fold. N. C., TOII jWlll get goad price and qnvk retui--ns. Havers f.or a44 classvs and frodi every pait , ot w-M-!-; are ,!cii!e.l lit v ! ord.- oil wid hud us. ALL LUSINLSS AND XO IMUvJUDICE liunl. Cooper & Co.. Mei dows W arehouse, Bullock cc Miii-'heil; llalliier WandioiiM'. 4 ' . ; gers & Co.. 'eiitr a rehouse, li. V. Minor ic Co., Minor Warehouse. - K. I' . Ivi.ot i. ianager Aliiar.ce a.rehousef J. M. Currin. Ihivcr, W. C. Reed, llntrr. John Meadows, Hover, Willunsou Hros.. Huyt is. Meadows & Yancey. Iuers, I). S. OsLorn. lhin-r, F. 0. Bransfonl, 15uyer, I, it. Cur: in. I over. O. S-.-S:ijort. lhiAer, .J. I). 1 5 1. i lock. Iuer. John Wehli. Uuer, W. A..lhL!,iit, Huyer. C. Y. Kiug-buiv, l)iier, Ij. fiieulh UliVer. Beware of imitations. Buy only Uh) oridnat jrciiuinc fixed wire P. Manufactrred hv ' Modern Tobacco Barn Co., !'-. OXFORD, N.C AGENTS WANTED! .Vci.tloa the Watchman when jou write. rOUNDED II 1364 by tho present execntiTe 27 YEARS of continuous and enccpesfnl .m ' "?'Dtt7Inc,;ed annnaT attendance Now ormpTiDS? four balldlnes Stands w'iv,1:'r "clhtiea for educating YrTfi MEN AND WOMEN for ev.ectta in fife. In dtdd npon school for their children, PAR ENTS Rhou'.d eend them to THK ItEST, becawe it P Slli the expenditnre of a few dollare more at first, bnt it will prove the f hcapHTi th-f' tJHEAP.tnmon is Yery dear, becanse it means cbean teachers, chespanrroundiiig!. aire-'. ;t'r , mea, and offers NO opportunities for eecurins' PdSITIOMSfor its papils anr .Kraa"ore Thislnnitntion, owmgto its HICHtJdardof exrelltnee hiaplaced indeeirable poiit'on0 ypunsr m(-n ani women from Maryland, Vireinia, North Carolina. South Carolina and Georgia, an similar lnsutuliona combined. Catalogue, and particuisirs mailed on application. Address, W. H. SADLZR, President, and Founder; or p. A. SADLER, s"Kl'n BUSINESS COLLEGE, G,C,IO& 12 M.Charles St., BALTimO.lE 0' 1 uuuu uic i .u l uiaa when yi-u wrlu. i l I '!

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