Watchman. LOCAL. SDAY. OCT.-22, 1S91. -- 7- lull be eiosecl this even- ,nV ci rt us-uu .1 it his crowd i -i! eourt i in sc.Hiun :it 'if? Wcdrtiiiff Bells. As v;is announced hy cards, Jlr. .John V. While, of Charlotte, and Miss 'Anna Holme, of ibis i-ity, were married Tues day 't nightfall. The ceremony was performed hy IU-v, Cha. King, her pastor. Only a lew -relatives were pres ent at the marriage. In the quietness of the. li'mitt they boarded the vestibule train andrare now taking their honey moon in ' New York and Washington cities. They have tha hearty congra'tu- aXions of many people, who join the Watchman iij life. . wnli lfruvviv, of Washington, N, sii-os in the catv. i .f fwnnlft -T:i here ,v if. PCI I" 1 I , . i ,1 il.n T'.-viumitioii. . , ;i :,n al the new advertise- H n ' .- t! Wright hi this issue. ", ri, ..rtjhe Conowrd Standard, ''i:tuV:J.i:idy' li attend theeireiu. i,;r,l hunters from the orth vplSvu U' Yadkin . ,: .t-prriur , .i .,.rh iin- -i:v Tin " . ,v- lu the- . 't,iti;1. runs from Hahsbury to the . - rrWUlllUS ;r - .. ..... . r .. hi; with'" their medicines i-fscd entirely iu red. . .xxA I. HU1, of New York, dav iiiorn- At- TUI3 PIEDMONT FAIR. wishing them a happy I'M' h-facrr'y fv' fruit, broke a "; .,! vf Mr. J.T'Vy JrUrs stoce ht rJ"iit AU-Ulo"- all UiG appic.sanu t 1 . . , Tr Tmii s West, f Greensboro, has ;r'akt,i.lhioc ih Jii-s 'llyiugMcimy.". lA Ik- i.-i- struck a W.j.ianz i, too, Jin' the pti:'":odie isetting.-,-: Monday evKiii-ng alter tW circus was "... W(. h.i.l a nice shower of hail. The r,i tiA-omidetely covered in places. were the of a large pea. Th" Uiree daiihicr of Mr. Itsites to AJautsv I'x position. For the above occasion the 'Richmond & Danville railroad will sell round -trip tickets to Atlanta,' Ga., and return oua basis of three and one-half cents per mile one way for the round trip, plus seventy five cents for one admission to the Expo sition grounds and lransfer from Atlanta, to Exposition grounds, Tickets ou sale at all coupon stations in North Carolina and Virginia ou Tuesdays and Wednes days from October L'Oih to November 4th, limited returning November Otlu Special day tickets will be on sale Tuesdays aiul Thursdays from October 20th to November oth. limited five days,: including day of sale, at rate of one cent per mile traveled, plus seventy-five cents for one admission to Exposition and transfer from Atlanta to the: Exposition grounds, frm all stations on Asheville & rpju tanburg railroad iu North Caro lina, including Asheville, all stations ou A. & C Air Line, including Charlotte, and all station on Chester & Leuoir nar-row-guagc, Gastonia to Lincolutou in cluive.. For JnforlnTilion call ou uciviest trcket agent. ' The Messrs. Tucker a! Ralcili HaTe Won the Prize A Dry Goods Palace An A coon nt of this Immense Success The Men Who Made It What It Is. Notice to Vetera us. i A number of veterans are speaking of going to the Exposition at Raleigh en masse. Arrangements have leen made and if you wish to go, register with Mr. W. Lawson Kluttz. The rail road fare will be $2.60; the time, about. Nov. 10th. "mui;i t'rvi,'T nffV GOODS EST A 15- L,IS1131ENT SOUTH The Fair Opens WUU Good Weather Proceedings Up t the Time of Going to Press. The Fair opened Tuesday at 11 o'clock. The Pi 'grim Covuet Band, headed by the marshals ami tv hack montaining Presi- President Meloi- j . tt . t R ,.t,i f PAimri-ua oespmhlfHl on Alain For vears ine una oi t . .i -r.-i. i.:n:... ,.!.. T,i,.irr . Cn. has been a household s.veei, mio aiicr giviK . .- " ot music, marcnea mine airecuou oi tc -- ---- - - - p - . Fairgrounds. 1 since won an enviame repuiuuon u - - -. w wijij aswers ir M AlPvnndpr was exnected merchants and their customers are now Have opened a Fashionable Mtlllaery store, and i I... ., ..ii. I renn?.t tliar. tha tniaa rt a..nnv... - - i.j y ojiiwui) vim uuu see tfielr stock. TUey will pire the latest styles and lowest prices, store over J. w. Dostlan'a. Mln St Two Stores Full of New Goods AT KLUTTZ &RENDLEM AN'S New Millinery Store.1 The Circus. Sumhty It was cemetery Monday t ' ,r;., (i .L- (i n v I . i . - -'- n-.r'U V. Miller and llenhcu Holme J- iire speiidisig the week at home. Mr. filler to attend the . Raleigh Exposition ' . .i... i'..:.. ..,,.1 l.'ii to .-ittiul llie 3:nl i iie i .i" mm -v .v, tanrriao of his sister. j There uiM Je comrmuiton services :vt t t r 1 .... 1 1 ii . I .i " I ij'- tnucr 2-nh, 'i'repliral'jj y services m 5?at iul.iV "tL'e. 'J"lh at 2 p..m. The roliectiou w.Tfie forbe'::elldarv e;luej,tioi:.. ' - , Two wri's oeeurred on the W. N. ii. . 1 ... 14..,. X"..!.-. lin. :r at A'exandi-ia. Tu'ej.ty lieiiti .,rr '.vi re (lean) i-licd. No o.n'e was hurl ;n the train collided -from 1 chrml. Two Ilaljau organ grinders struck, the i . i 'iMi i . . i . i. .......... i t , it l.iL r'aluiTiay. i ue nan me wmuh :j.Miikt-v dre.'r.f in bov'.s' eloihiug. The John Rtjbiusoirs circus tram pulled into tiiis place Sunday morning at sun rie- Thev unloaded their entire train before the average hoy was out ot bed They erected their tents ou 'Sunday a tiling we can't com mend besides doing i. nu ll other work, not consecrating the holy day. . The country peojile came into town in wagon loads Sunday evening about sun svt . 'Monday morning they still con tinned to, come until the town was on the morning train, but for some rea- found almost all over the teoulli son he did not come, therefore we were One secret of it all is that they know lea without a sneaker the first day. how to buy, what to buy and how to Very few people, owing to the circus seu. They have always treated their yesterday, we suppose, were in attend- 1 customers houestly. They sell no shoddy ance Tuesday.! The day was takeu up goods aud have no fancy prices. Rich in preparation rathtr thaivamusement. and poor, higb and low, all get the same Two runawavs within the Fair grounds treatment at that house. Another secret added some to the amusemeut of those of their success is that they keep up with within. A horse hitched to a wagon ran the times. There is nothing old fash off with it and rau past the floral hall, iohed about this firm ; iu fact, they keep Stroner men ran behind trees, dodged in hf.nd of the times. Still another secret o -- 1 - - , houses and otherwise took care of them Gf their success is the fact that they ad selves, while a plucky lady" off to o c vertise liberally. They have done this at sidft said: "Look at those cowards: nn immense exnensc. lint the increase I wish I tvas there to catch that horse." Qf business' and widespread reputation A running horse, while training, trip- has more than paid back every dollar ped, fell and threw the rider about expended for printers' mlc, and to-day twenty-five feet. The horse ran all over j the firm fears no competition North or the grounds without doing much damage. South. 1 he display was very goou in an ue- the store inspected ri-n.ifiiii inforuar la ennvvti m I I A i . .1 . f. r foniraonttitivn nt T MP The exhibit of hand work is grand and Watchman went through this coital our ladies . .re certainly to be praised, establishment. W e are always ready to ,, , j i V m. C. . nil,. SaV a UOOU Ulllli: lOI ii vuuvci ii iw.i The mhroidered OUllts are finm IhC "uu b . ... ball is full and to know and appreciate what is exhibited, it must be seen. Quite a number of the cages are filled with poultry. The poultry display is as fine as has been on exhibition at any time. Thos. Johuson is the right man in the right place. The'entries of live stock is quite large fur sneh an earlv dav. aud the stock mm Now ready, the largest and best assortment of DRESS GOODS ... t in all qualities we have ever offered, and at prices to suit all pock el books. CAEPETS. The best and handsomest line we have ever offered. per yard. Big stock of Price from 0 cents to $1.50 , ctoTHING. I The best selection we have ever mado. and Underwear a specialty. Prices to suit buyer--. Shitt, Collars, Ties KLUTTZ & CO SHOES ! SHOES ! SHOES! one price to all, Family 10-Cent Diarrka Miitnre From the cheapest to the best hand-sewed, at rock-bottom. GOOD THINGS TO KAT. The best of all lands, at prices that all can buy and cat to their fill. things to eat, and have bought the best and a host ofever thin;;. us before you buy. l ours to serve, ami that pric We like good Come and sco KLUTTZ & REisDLEMAN. Unequalled for the Cure of au honest business, and especially one that is liberal with its customers. About Hi first thincr vou see ou entering the - " ' t , store is a good looking, cleau shaved .young man, who is always busy. Ho is watching every chance to accommodate rry .... , , f a customer, mis young man mi. John Womble, manager of the dress iroods department. All about the front O . Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Choi- a mm RALLY era Morbus, Summer Com plaint, Fains in the Stomach and Bowels, sc. 10 Per Cent. on New York-Cost. it i i : i. . . ; -v , ,h:i. you will see young latues iiunjiugw . j anu iro waning ou iasniouauii'! .:u3iuuici?. WtlBlwiscu. , . , i:.l.,u ,t ri i.;.,ni.fnJvff.a ,rnnd but At WOU1U oe Strange u 3u HH.. StlUUawj, wiiiij 3 , .TT...I Uni, at this time the. winner cannot be learned. Jas- " " " ... n Kio hiw two cvps wide The boy bye tie race was uiucii enjoy eu byaJl. This ended the first day of the v V ' J . on customers promptly. Pretty soon you lair Respectfully, T.P.KLUTTZ&CO. The time is at hand when the old and young must be clothed in raiment of wool, with never-leaking shoes and boots upon their feet, and a nh-e hat and overcoat to beautify and keep them warm during the cold wintry day-;. Now i:i ord.i that j every man, boy and child, rich and poor, should w ear one of our warm uiu and 'a nice overcoat, with hat and slices to correspond, we will sll f .r the next three months ,. j; .... ... .ii ..mi -i 1'rin.i. ' i...v to tluir nickel .no liu-y ;;ic gone we i' making ci'ieiue L.ioviiu vv here. loie jieopte Were crowded i n the -three ,Vars n iiie li ca-uie up. the Yadkin road .Monday than Wai ever nocii in that num bef ore. Tiie ears were full the plat forms were lull, the .bairaire car was full.: tin; ea-i iu; and tender was full, and :t - i .'.brce heads were out of each w indow. The usual rowdv crowd was here at the tirctis. Loss(of bleep aud corn li'.juoi vvbulJ cause liie-iii to slip from gi-aee. nini seviral 'went home wjth hrni?-ed .heads. The .clleeUs could he seen yet on Tttesdav I'vciiiiiL'- llit; di oot. A counle r o - I - . yf-uieu behaved so unbecouiingly as t rile the i.laeid nature of the ticket agent, and only by the interference of frieiub "Was he k opt from doing aJiarsh' act. He wiirprolect the cao? ot ladv passengers if -sihle. ' Rates to llie V's!ch'i N rl.h Car oliiiu -Ji-sociui t i o it . i For the-ahove occasion the Richmond rDauvi lie "Tail road will eell reduced foletound tiip tickets from all stations on the We,-tern North Carolina Division to - Brysoii City, N. C, and return at lutes nanord below from fo! lowinsr points. ..Salisbury, $:S; Hickory, C'f.oO; Ashe- ' . t. 111.. 1 - f .11 . "S , " l'. me, ;'.ai; aynesviiic, ioo; jriuies- villo, $ls.-,; Morgan ton, . $U.'J; Hot ''sKiSs,$iMr,; ' . Kates from intermediate points iu same crowded. The st i cot took place "at 10 ! v'-,)(M:k and was witnessed by an im? mense throng. None of the cages were o:en and but few animals followed in nil 1 '. . ....... --wi iue proces-iou. l ne cie)iiunj.s uuu mui paraded. " " . The performance was good. The lady rhicrs were expert, in fact the riding was all very good. John Lolow, Rohin m.iu's famous clown, quit the ring more than a vear ago, but is .now equestrian iirerf.or. A committee, by request of he ladies of Salisbury, waited on hitn iskin ' him to appear in tne ring as own. lie came forward and announced that, hy such a request ho would act the 1'ooUit night. He said it would probably e the last lime tUat he would ever enter the ring as clown. After the day wis oyer a baliooii - ascension was' announced. A huge balloon with a parachute attached ami attached to that liStrapcze, was.sent -I r m . . - m' i c- . t 1 J . 4 .... em swinging ov ins nanas ou mo uain: and while going up he performed daring fjats by changing his position at differ- ent tinies and once swung himselt head' downwards suspended by his feet only, and at last when he looked not larger than a small boy he. cut his parachute loose aud descended to the ground safe. He lauded near town creek. Oiver thing commendable, there- was jittle gambling going on, a thing so com inoii ou circus days. t WEDNESDAY This day opened under more favorable auspices. The large crowd on the street showed signs of aJbright day for the di rectors. The veterans did not loose sight of their day and came out en mass Two hundred and seventy veterans were inside the grounds with their badges. Hon. Charles Price had been selected to address them, but circumstances were such as to detain him in Statesville. The committee then was on the lookout for another one. They hit upon Hon. J. S. Henderson, the right man in the right ice. ue maue mem sucn u uuk ue is always expected to make and such as would suit the ears of his listeners. His unppcli wsis annreeiated bv all. After . j. ii- his speech was ended the old-time sol diersfell in line and marched in the di rectioli of the table which was spread by the good ladies of the town and country Manv empty sleeves and wooden legs showed the sign of the veteran in truth. And now to the Fair. Tuesday was only a shadow of what yesterday was FuiJv 1.500 were within the The News in Davie. Our farmers are busy sowing wheat. i Xlitf fMttie Rahtisolt is atiendiug the exposition at Raleigh. Tdr. and Mrs. V. E. Swain are visiting relatives in State.sviile this week Tlw now roller mills at Faimington started iu Tuesdav and are doing good t woriv grounds. There were representatives from all the adjoining counties. The displays in all the departments were mueh larger than on Tuesday, and they still continued to come in up to 6 o'clock yesterday even in?. whea the entry books wero closed. Dl To the untiring energy of the president Capt. John Beard, much of the success is to he credited. The Fair is a success so faT as a fine exhibit is concerned. We have heard it whispered by those who have visited both places that the display of exhibits is as good, if not better, than the one at Raleigh. The fiell crop department has already entered 167 articles, aud they are a credit to any farming country. Mrs. J. C. Linirlei in pantry and dairy supplies, has a beautiful eojJection of good things to satisfy me cravings oi ii hungry man. Iu tins department there are 15'J entries. The disidav of orchard products is very good. Department of household fabrics i ec anv otner one ueuaiimeut . Frank Flemming made a, trip to the j , v everv premium in this depart Atlantic coast last week. lie will len,ve. t i t-fite.i for There are 135 soon for the Pacific The Davie Medical Society meeting iu Mocksvitle Tueslay laiit hu.iuess was transacted. On the 3d inst., A. W. Ellis, exhibits. Department h,., mules and held a horses, is verv larse. There is a large Impor-j number ot cattle on the grounds. linok' Tvu"Viiiiiullc have undertaken to furnish our readers with two verv valuable book "Ladftrf ami Capital" is the title of one, the other is 'Troiitab'.e Farming in the outh."-. These books ought to be in the - bauds of every farmer in North-Carolina.' The hooks can .be seen at the WATCil- . a"' at liny ;time. The. price of v'hahor. and Capital' is cloth thidiii"; ''Pruiitalde Farming" is ,ot, 'Ioth. -Call and -see -theju and give-"us Jeur Older. - ' - - t'lAvniiir.d. ui.-hed that it was a ably like, boy. Dellieny Academy CorrestywiAence of tbc Wateliman. Tm name will probably be Sarah. The. directors ot tne Acauemy nave t . - , . i . .1.:., , . ni v .l,t. ean learn and from the numoerea ine ... t. M- t J t A - . in, He ition of the times we think tnere flatherinir com and sowing wheat is the order of the day with the farmers in iliis sectiou Mr. A. A. Trexler has at last went to cd n ni n r cotton. He ginned more than . - ' . . . .. i r-i o " . Lemnenical Couler- r...... hundred bales last year, but he wil hardly reach that number this year, lor the cropi-s not near so good. Mr. Robert Smith, the hicdory woon on customers promptly. Pretty soon y ou will see another quiet, care-worn man. Thi is Mr. William lioylan, another member of the firm. He is quiet, but it is on the same principle that still water runs deep. Go into the office and you will find another quiet but activo man who is too full of business to bo very sociable. This is MivDobbin, one ot the firm, and one who has done much to make the great, business what it is. Here you will also find a handsome man wearing gold spectacles. He is the best nnkino- man in the house. This is Mr. Joo Ferrall, chief bookkeeper and con fidential clerk. For nine years much of the responsibility of the bouse has rested upou his shoulders. You arc very apt to stumble. over Jim Thompson. He is another pillar of the concern. If you hear a plain looking, rapid talking man making a noise, don't get alarmed. This i-Burrell Pierce, one of the confi dential clerks. Next you will see a good looking young man about eight feet high. This is Frank Fcrguesoa. He is one of the best shoe salesmen in America. And the fact that the linn carries a $23,000 stock of shoes goes to show that the shoe salesmen don't have much time to play. All around you will see fine goods of every description and dozens of busy clerks. None but good salesmen are employed. The building is three stories and is packed full of goods from collar to dome. It is supplied with a cash railway, an elevator and is lighted by electricity. Go up stairs and yon will see tho fine ine of furniture, chinaware, bricabrac and carpets ever exhibited in tho South. No other furniture dealer in our State las such tine furniture. They also have a large stock of Japanese ware, and many other things both useful and orna- j tviAntnl "ft llJVtlt'll. f his firm does a big business by mail They will send samples of dress goods by mail and deal with theircustomers as honestly in that way as if you visited the store in person. We are proud to know that North Car olina has such business talent and glad that many other firms iu the State are showing enterprise that is so commenda ble. Truly old North Carolina is coming to the front. All we now need is reform in various lines, for certainly our far mers, mechanics, business and , profes sional men are doing their part to build up the State. Look at This! our entire stock of clothing, TT CMl- U.,a Ornwrt-ils P-l n 1 3 S hftlS lioots. t O aVS. 1 11 -. I 1" uai?, .nn. i' ii i. ...... i ,.- Undershirts, Trunks, Valises, Rubber Coats. Rubber S;iue, I i.iM.-i Handkerchiefs, Underwear, and in tact everytiuug we nave in m- . . . Tt-;. Cravats, as S:i-pciider.s. We are now receiving the largest and best assorted stock we have ever carried. Read a few of our prices: Rant Koods, 10c. per yard. ft: Brogan Shoes, 1.00. Dress" Goods from 8c. to $1 .00 per yard. Men's -Shoes from 3.00 to 12.50. A full line of men's and boys Hats. The cheapest line of Groceries in Salisbury. If you wish to save money, do not buy until vou eet our prices. We mean business. 10 PER CENT. ON NEW YORK COST. , We mean to sell' the goods, wo mean I have the rade THIS IS NO HUMBUG and if GOOD GOODS AND L077 7" r- j rvjpr are any inducements, we mean to sell two-third of the- Fall a sold in Salisbury. Embrace this golden oj, portu . ami b in with you and make our store your neauquai lei , un-i you want to see. U l! .1 w inter Goo & i h" buys and eir's ' - anylb .g Respect fully, H. & L. WRIGHT. - ! A Good "OliVr. At the low price of the Watchman wo . -can ' t allord to pay agents a commission, -W we .propose to srive all our .friends a the us Malice. To the person --c-ndinir . -rgest- list of paid ujsub.-eribers bedVu e Hie 'lii.sU)f Jair.ciry-ue.xt, we wi'.f make Prcsetit of $10 in gold; second largest list $.j in ,,,.4 third lar-est list ?2 o0 in Isold, f .nri I. t. ....... ,t 1 i .1 cilt or B;-vs."nnrd .!b young and ohb herais your chance, .e every .-opportunity to pick up a new subscriber. Somebody will get these liand will be a wedding near Farmiugton soon. Rev. and Mrs. P. L. Grooms have re turnel from- Washington city, .where liiev attended the ei ice. t ..'ict s;ii,..l iv n'ulit a'nirtv of men J.OT.' . V . ...... . - . . Ill . 1. .......... ..F ill innllll. llll Weill- io some uuusc vi j the occupants put and thoroughly cow hided them. Capt. B. F. Limn, while driving a young hoTse 01 his way from church, wx.i.ii-oil ti:iinfiil wound on the wrist bv the horse kicking lum. Geo- W. Bahnson has purchased an inieies't in the Cedar Cove Nurseries nt li.,r. X C. The stvle of the new firm is Craft & Bahuson. -We hope their trees will bear. A member of the legal profession while attempting to cross Yadkin ; river iu a hn-.xt .lost his balance and fell into Tk u,.iov foremost. He told things I uv, - - just as they happened. w-.ui- Itt-irtlrix is nursing ugly wouiids on account of runaway. He was driving a wagon loaded wit h tobacco o.,. n ix... ,, of them fell on the horses t..--. -- . 1T i. f ,.. nmn. tlirowini; iieu- lii.ini: ... ' " , 'il.f. ton-jue. lhey then and kicking, ana urham T?A.ililirAD f r Mil u -A- any Office: DURHAM, N. G. D. I JULIAN & CO. low for Your Jewelry Factories: DURHAM, 11. C, and BKHSOHD, 171 111. This is a Home Company, maniiliicluriHg Fer tilizer expressly for the Farmers. Every pound Best Lost: On last Friday my large red and .white spotted fat beef cow. llad large horns. Any one knowing anything of her whereabouts will notify me at once at Salisbury cotton mills. J. YV . VV . V 1SI1EK. drix Marted out running ran one on each side of a tree, jamming the wagon up against it and s-topped. Mr lloudrix. was unconscious of his in- -.!,.,. X' -- '. -. ,. ....i i vaii h . . . iiiincs mini aat-i n:u jju. Ihui rtght now. Lvery name J .. .. fjAi . , (r,mmi in a helpless t .jou send will lve. placed to you r credit. ' j ., He is improving. . Oct. 2'J, ISrfl. n he con- f Jinomi.(-r the price of t he. paper is ; ;'U! if you Hend us manv as ten they wilt 'f 'letint ..ii .a..!. Cfi (u v.. ! NW lei's Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria: man, has hands still at work in this vi- . T t 1 4- ... cinity. tic nas snippeti more man tu thousand cords from Rockwell aim uoiu Hill duriug the past year. Mr. E. B.'C. Hamblv has purchased three morehead of the famous blooded stock froui Mr. B. J. Upchureh, of Ral eigh. Mr. John V. Fisher bought a good hor last week for $12o. Horses are scarce and good ones are finding ready sales. We are pleased to see Mr. W. M. Lin ker in our midst again. Messrs. Adolnhus Miller and John Goodman caught a catamount one night last. week. C'apt. Eauies is building a stamp mill at Gobi Hill, near the Barnhardt shaft. Part of the machinery has been moved already. He is a hustler and is going to do some big thiugs about Gold Hill in the future. The enterprising men of Gold Hill, we learn, have raised more than twelve thousand dollars for the cotton factory at that nlace. and thev will without iloubt siet the balance necessary to begin building. Speed the day when Gold Hill will have a cotton factory running at full b'ast. The train ou the Yadkin road has three coaches attached thi week for the accommodation of tjiose attending ihVi.-. KLKVi-L prices. Watch repairing a specialty All work gurantced 12 months J.&H.H0RAH. feis.iy Wlien Baby was sick, we gave her Caatoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Cantoris , Vhen she became Miss, she clung to Castaria. When she had Children, she gaa them Castoria We am still at out old stand on Main street, where we have fr snnot.des. and all kinds of fine of goods guaranteed the Highest. Grade. I ' .... 1 .. jcwclrv on hand at the lowest Materials. Farmers will always get vaiuc it-; ceived when buying goods with these brands Qn them. Don't buy any goods until you examine carefully what they arc offering, and then get tlioir nriccs. Exclusive mamifacturers for the 1 North Carolina Farmers' Alliance. The following is a list of our brands : North Carolina Farmers' Alliance Official Guano, Durham Bull with Peruvian- Guano, Durham Bull Ammoniateo Guano, Peruvian' "Biihstituto They always ,,ay highest cash Guano, Great Cotton and Com Grower Guano, J, F, McCUBBINS & CO., Cotton-:- Buyers FOR MILL AND EXPORT. price for Cotton and Seed Don't fail to see them. JOHN W IAN CALL ON BOST AND SEK HIS NEW LINE OK UNDERWEAR, CORSETS, HOSIERY, & FINE SHOES. ALSO A LARGE LINE OF Ladies' and Children's Rubbers and Gossamers, AT COST. Progressive Farmer, and N. C.'K A. Add Phosphate. Official PARKERS' ALLIANCE GUAHO HEAED ?H0H. M rt I-1. 11 to CoLKIMDCi:. N.- (.'-, ' W. 1L Worth, S. B. J., Dkau But: As mueh has heen said m reizai ' Ui;,w... rinnnn I wish to Ftalf iiiers .viiiiwit. .mn.iitt - - . Durham Fertilizer Company, and othns, that it atisntetion here on all crops. 1 fiA- it on v.---from a lot .vhere I sowed 12?. huh-U .( .sn-.i 1 bushels of good wheat, or 25 b;ish-ls lroiu one. to the acre. I The Alliance is solid here. Mfulluu l .e 'ATVl!M N wh' : wil -Aril" IO X. ( Far, you and llu; i;-t full, ami l l 1 I ' , . I 1 V V ' ba- usnl (.ne I., F.31a on. I e who will win the gold.

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