i 1J ! ! 1 : - i ! - ! (- 1 1 ii ,1 It '4 Ai it If i I ' ' k t ' 4 I" 4Ijjaxci2Iikkotoi:y.. - j.fi' AU-nn-U. president", orili Carolina i H. H. Clover, vice prew- ' ? IJ l-ill,.ttu . mMMir K mete. ' 1 State Alliance YJ'i irr, president, Old ,S'KirU.;. EC. UcMinticIil, secretary, llil. il'. . J i. i'V AInri:viiU.-. l'n-sident. (;!. II. A. l or ev, Catawba; J'.-!'"-. E. If. Intrk, y.lniwoocl; Secretary and Treasurer, J. U. kamsev, Salisbury. uvi County Jesse -Mill,' prcsi.lcnt, J'.lackiMcr ; M. L. 'Kitchie, secretary, Siny. Count- J. M. ybnai, prcsiirent. Tool Spring; M. E. Uniysey, swrdtiyy, Jlonresville. CaUrnis County k. F. Hiln:n, presi rlcnt, Couconl; Dr. J. S. Lallerty, bccic-f-jiry. Concord. h.ttUUm CVy-S. Green, president. Jiines; V. 4-- Lindsay, Secretary, Tl.omas- iile. - adn'rla Crty9.. T. Wil Pornr, prcsi dent. Newton; J. F. Herman, certary, Kuv.'lou. C Kc-forro Vress Association. O fficer J. L. Ramsey, president j Marion 'Butler, vice-president; W. ISdrncs, sec retary. PAPERS. rrrcivc Farmer, State Orp tn, ra'i asl.in. Kural Home. i I'Aioilna Wutchmn, ! V inners' -Advocate, M luutitn Jloiac-Jouru il, - KjU','1i, N. C. 'Colon, X. C. Wilson, N. C. Salisbury, X. c. Turboto, N. ('. AslnUIIe. N. C. Colrjrtboro. X. '. t-;"'inri-j Lite, racily rollene, X. c. Hickory, N. C. Wliuiakcis, X C mercury, U ii i li-r. K.tch of the. abtve-nmncd pnprrn are re ijuexted to keep the Hat tlundiny on tliefrxt pate anil add, others, .provided they are duly fleeted. A n ij paper fai'lny to advocate th? 4 tenia pl'jtfuriiK will be dropped from iht 7x promptly. Our people ea i vow nee Jitpuu'.iaripiWiih'-:l in thev interest. , -x i For the Watchman. Js the Farmers Alliance a Kins Some people, who know nolUii;: -about the Alliance, afiirni that it is i "; f ' ! ers,' wbo know very littl. "nil" 'about-it, think it is, while tl:oe win. k;iow all about it are positive that it i.- iot. Ibit.bjcfore we can logically di- uss such a matter we must decid upon a defi;iti()ti at what is g))erall understood by a "ring" as common!) -applied to .our dnisiuess. system. J wou'hl define a ring as' being-- "A com t biliatidu of persons plttlged.to act in -oiicort and by meaiis of money to ob tain and maintain control of M'.mepir ticular national iiecesity, with tin iiltiinde idea of .putting theuiselve Jipyond the reach ( comjetition and J hereby . eijabliiJg t hemsel ves to mal e mi reasonable profits out of the peopl at large," N')y )et us Wnnine tin I'arniers' Alliance by-'this definition Void see if it jcii!ly is a ring or not. l 'irt, Is it a .combii;.it ion of .. person pledge! act- ui concert ? ye n Second, Is nuney the means: of the Al- fiance? No, indeed! It fs'aimost'de? titute of what the world calls wealth, t'.ish cannot be one of its levers, for if. H.de p wer lies in its persistent solidity, its siaibbonr attitude and the righteou?--tjipss of itsc uise. ' Third, . Is it aiming fo ohiainand niaiafain control of souk .'particular national necessity? Ves i: , .is, if wise ami jut dayv.f are a national --necessity. Yes, the Alli.tnce is tryit: - bard to control the laws and lai inaker, -and U) maintain tin equit f the government of this great conn try as all true citizens should. The farmer already - possesses the food ol the country, he obtained it' from tin Hil, noh by means of money but In the expenditure 'of thought, time am; inuscle. 4. ring obtains its neces.sitie from others '"jytiQ" prod need them. Vhe?eas, the farinr produces them 1 Tiiii self and is fherefore justified iii .wishing to control what is his tivvn. Fourth, ' 1 J as the furtuer any desire to dace himself out of the reach of com petition? Emphatically no If he iiadit would be a senseless notion, foi . be knows eaoulr to knovv that tin world is.widti and tljat food will always be abundant, taking the world as a whole, which we must nowadays. Listlv, Does the Alliance seek "t(.. in ike unreasonable profits out of tin ..people? Why,; no; all the farmer ; wish to do is to get fairly paid-foi tlni.- produce, buf they are aware thai this cannot be while they have adverse laws to contend with ahuVa,u iminen-e jinny of, 'middle men to support in comparable cuke, Nowiau readih be. ascertained what it cosfs (on i:n . I verage throughout the country) to ) rodu.ee a bushel of wheat or corn, 'bale of 'cotton or a pound of pork, & This being the casethe farmers righth s.ppeal to obtain a reasonable profit on b iclr cost, jast like any other men ol business. Iut what are the facts? 'jMie tantj 'r piies wheat) at a cost ci ITi eeuts a Lushel aii I sells it at tents. The middle niea take sav three bushekef wheat at GO 'cents (l.Sp) and turn them into a suck, of tin finest 11 air. which sd!s for No v who makes the profit? for. the producer and 1.45 fur the : inanipuUtor! Is it not evident to all -. that the farmer is poqr and uUo whv 'I be is por? "Vfhe Alliance is using its greatest energy to Wqr profits, not to I increase them, and to a; iaure our bus iiuess' system that, sq far as . jsible, ijlw p.-ofit sh ill go to the light men. .There is, mark you; not one murmur against the distributors of -produce. They are, Ave know, absolutely indls-p.Misab!e,- but all reusunuble "persons niu.st admit that whefe ijfty or iUort. er C3iit. leaks out- between pr:diu er jtnd consumer some part of cur dis . .tributjve scheni'es wii.t be terribly out t.t shape. The Alliance then 'is no ; ring, for it s.-eks to huiL j;o or.e, but 1. it ler to benefit all, Mih.roncIusioii. I H'ould Refine the J'arinpr's Alliance as a combination of len pledged tt? "act in unity, and by ...Means of peis-veiiiiice, pluck and tin It iliot, to place Christian, patriotic men J 1 jiovver, with the ulterior design ol 1 lising the majority of tue people m menca -bevoin fhc reach.o tlie money MixU, and ew'lvz tliem to enjoy' life, p(ssess liberty siinl have ine leisure and tlie means to pursue liap- Owen H. 1HSH0P. piuess. this nmiHins srory Commodore Yefblnr i- Ieii) cireWlatel ver he Zt.t WIiHp .i vourii? man, twicinn? school, he had occasion to punish u nu.flii(Hoiis irul. smd ns was lrsuai in tbat dav and loralitv. was about, to ip sort fo the ferule. ' To the offndin maiden be said; -"Mi-s civp me vfur hand. Uie (jtropppo ikt nemi lind blushed. "Miss .f-sny give me vnur hand." Slowlv liftinsr her pvs she lvmarkel: "Mr. "Voider, this is em'barrassinj; for imp. Yon should noi mak-pneb nronosals in public, llow- ever yon must ask my paja first Sllf I wonder why the Creator made man first. fie lie was forced to do it by ne cessity. . "Why. how vou talk. Top Creator cmldn't be forced to do anvthin'."" "A 1! the same. Hp was in f hi- case." 'How do yoi make that ont?M "Si u; pie eiT()Ujh. If the woman had leen" created first, sh wouldn't havp her mind made up yet what kind of a man would suit her." On about 750 trees in twenfy acres of an orchard in Ghent, (ilumbia county N. Y., George T. Powell raises fourteen varieties of apples, and the most of the prodfict goes to Europe. He estimates bis crop this year at 1.500 barrels. Last year he only had 400 barrels. your ko:;ey, on ieun life i - Tins quGFtiou 13 a "pert" one, but "wo mean it. Will you sacrifice a few paltry dollars, and save your life? or will you Cllow your blocd to become tainted, and your systeia run-down, until, finally, you ere laid away in the grave? Better be in time, and "hold up" your hands for Dr. Pierre's Golden Medical Discovery, a' guaranteed remedy for all scrofulor.3 and other blood-taints, from whatever cause arising.. It cures all Skin and Scalp- Diseases, Ulcers,-Sores Swellings and kindred ailments. It U power fully tonic as well cs alterative, or blood-c'. causing, in its effects, hence it strengthen the system and restores vitality, thereby dispelling nil those languid, 1" tired feelings" experienced by the debilitated. Especially has it manifested Ks potency in curing Tetter, Salt-rheum, Eczema, Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Mak ers, 2x0. CC3 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y' A Hnucohnlrl Romodu BLOODandSKSI DISEASES 0 Botanic Blood Balm U Cttriti SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT l VUrC& RHEUM, ECZEMA, every form of malignant SKIN ERUPTION, be sides being efficacious In toning up the system and restoring the constitution, hen impaired from any cause. Its almost supernatural healing properties Justify us in guaranteeing a cure. If directions are followed. SENT FREE "Book of Wonder." d ' BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta. Ga. 6 W. T, MEADOW H, J H. MEADOWS, of iranville Co., 'i teas,- of Durham cc Sec'v J.W. B!!OOKS cf I'erson ''o , 'I're s. Oikectok?: Durham county, p. n.Maw ; Oran-viil-, J.J Mealywi; i'ersen. J. W. Bro.ks; Chat ham, C. U. ScoU; Ufonille, o. 1.. Murruy. Difta Alliance Toirico Elfi. Co., MANUFACTritHltS OF All Grides Chswing Tobacco. Factory, ov-nM anl cint roup,! hv aiiutacttire! tobacco esfK-cttllv for the Alli;Thce tra ie. Bustiies Age nts. niance Krhan,res ai d Vlliance Stores and Waichoues should t our price lists and simples ai mire Noihimf belter than our "Sun-rureii Sweetness," y i i "tl iyseed." -Hp Tp" -eiod iopper,,; "Alliance -aujue, !nu -i -oiks v ivoine brands. Will be Ole (SCd 1 I l-eir fehm rmr l.miliara , anjlju 'n ' lie l ulied states la regard to tobacco. iniusmus m.i.es iree oi c.iarge. Auuress J)urlia!n Farmers' Alliance Mf ' Co JflMlAM. X. i'.' d r lease mention the Watchman. DO TpU KNOW THAT oyiie S Badger CAIMJY THE LAUGESTV STOCK OF DIAMONDS AO ANY lUrt:sK L NORTH CAIIOl-IXAt -ELECTION PACKAGES r ON At?l'I.IOATION. WE KEE1 XO IMITATION STONES IX "STOCK. KEFEU 10 CIIAPLOTTE BANKS. BO YNE& BADGER IHAMOXD DEALE1IS, " CHARLOTTE, IT, C. - C2:iv ricase .nenlloi: ihe W.TCjxy wL.-n ; fi write. Pit Sa Ss' Ss Small. Son Dot suit fit dot man awful tight. ' , DealerIt vas a uight vit, meih son. fVy did you zellit zosheap?" hi Vas a v raid I couldu"t p;et it off mitout tearing it." Gool KeA3- iSenator Haranoff estimates that no fewer than 32-,0O0,00O of- iesajjts in ItiUsia now destitute must be roykjtid tor for the next ten month. It vi!l require 32,000,0000 pounds of gi'n to feed them. - The Alliance has not jizune poli tics half so much as a irod ;uticUi of polities has soiie into the Alliance. Greenfield, Mo., Pointers. The sun never sets on tlwi soil of the United States. When it is 6 o'clock at Attoo Nlaud. Alaska, it is 9:3G o'clock a. in. the next day on the eastern coast of Maine. The , Constitution of the United States has been published in the He brew language, with explanatory notes in Hebrew. The cultivation of the giant, sun flower for oil making purpo.s is mak ing great strides in southern Uussia. In the 'vear 1633 a tulip bulb was sold in Holland lor 2,200; it weighed but 200 grains. ;Tberp are 208,740 railroad bridges in the United States, spanning 3,213 miles. ABBOTT'S EAST IXDHN COKN FAINT eradi entes Corns, "unlous ahd Waru where all oilier reiaeuies talL ; - A DISFIGUuEO COl".Vrfc:XAN,CE. M inv pi Ojde who would, scarcely Uee an arm less or" legless man will instantly detect ana re mark on any blemish of the hum m jfate, and die talo all sorts of speculations is 10 lis cause and at tendant clrcumstan. es. If you doubt this inser tion become posessed of a discolored optm and note how much mieiiiioii It win Invite. A black eye is generally oldable. but biotehes, pimples and other scrofulous and eruptive marks steal upon us without warning, and are freiuen.ly ihe 11 rl inti inailoii or the fact thai our ban-d is going wrony. prompt and svstematic use of l. P. I. (1'rickly Ash. Poke hoot and I'olasslun.). Ul punfy 1 lie i)lciod. cleanse the sl n and give back to the faie naure's familiar, xu.tdj si;us of heaUU. Ciel it cf your druygisu A sore le?, the llesh a mass of (llsetise. yet P. P. P. i (enciav Asa, P i -boot, and Pot tssiuai) ichleved Aond- rtui results, thell'-sh was purlibd aid the bene got .soun I, and my dealt it was est ib lshed, savs Mr. James .Masters, of Savannah, Ga. J. W Yates, Tulltlni. i, Teun.. writes: ' I!d )s :na g iod to praise 15 itaulc llo d Halm. I' tared iivi of -an abscess ou Ihe iuus and ;utlna.i that ;rou 'ledine two years and taat other rcrucdus t .iieu to benellt "" General :-: Directory. COUNTY GOVERNMENT. Clerk Superior Court, Vv G Watson. Sheriif, Jas M Monroe, ; - Kegister of Deeils, H X Woodson. Treasurer, J Sam"l MeCubbins. Surveyor, B U Arey. Coroner, 1) A Atweli. - Coinniissiuners, W L Kluttz, chairman, Dr L W Coleman. Cornelius KtstJer, J A Stewart and I F Patterson. Sup"t Public Schools, T C Linn. Sup't of Health, Dr J .1 Siuiinieiell. Overseer of Poor. A M Brown. rows. Mayor, T C Linn ';' Clerk, D It Julian. Treasurer, I II Poust. .Police, (J II Shaver chief, J F Pace, C W.'Pool, It M-Barrin-er. Coinmissioiiers North ward, J A Pen dleman, 1) M Miller; South ward, D B Julian, J A Barrett; Fast ward, J B (lor don, T A Cougheiiour; West ward, 11 J Holmes, J W Mauncy. CHURCHES. Slethodist Services every Sunday at 11 a in and (U p in. Prayer nieeling every Wednesday at Gi m. Bev Dr. W II Leith pastor. Sunday school every bundav afternoon atg o'clock. J W Mauney, sup't. - Presbyterian Services every Sunday it 11 a in and S:.'0 p in. Piayee ntretiii" every Wednesday at S:30 p m. liev J iiumple, D 1, pastor. Suiulav school every Sundr.y afternoon at 4 p in. J lluinple, sup't. Lutheran Srvices,evei y Sunday at 11 i m and 7 p in. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 7 p in. Itcv Chas B King-, pastor. Sunday school every Sundaj' afternoon at 3 p m. Ii Ls Kizer, sup't. Episcopal Services every Sunday at 11 a m and G:liO p m and Wednesday at 0:00 p in. Bev F J Murdoch, rector. Sunday school every Suinfay afternoon at3pia. ,sup't. Baptist Services every Sunday morn ing and night. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night. Bev IS" S, Jones, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday at a.m. Thos L Swink, sup-'t. Catholic Services every second Sun day at 10 a m and 7 p m. Bev Father Gerard, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday at 10a m. Y M C A Devotional services at Hall every Sunday at 4:o0 p in. Business meet ing first Thursday night in every month. I II Foust, pres't. LODGES, "Fulton Lodge No 99 A F & AM, meets every first and third Fridav nighriii each month. E B Xeave, W M. Salisbury Lodge, Xo 24. K of P, meets every Tuestjay night. A I r Po dei., C C Salisbury Lodge, Xo 77o, K of II, meets every 1st nnd Sd Mmuiav night in each month. C T Bernhardt, Dictator. ' Salisbury Council, Xo", Boval Ar canum, meets eyery 2d ami 4th Monday night in eaeh month. 11 Q Kizer Uegent POST OFFICE. O.Ticc hours from 7:30 a in to QMQ p m. Money order hours 9 a m to 6 p m. Sunday hours 12:15 a m to 1:00 pm I II Itamsay, P M. I 1 , HHi'M-JWUllihUM. ISalaria, J)amb Chills, Fever and Ague, Wind Colis, Eilious Attacks. Thcr produee regular, natural evae t:1ioii. never gripe r interfere wild cil buine4i. AsafaiUy uiedieiue. L.vy sUould be iu every LuiuOioU. Ti i 1 n l i ti an s r 4- Safe Iavc3tment. A safe invesiineiit U one which is guaranteed to brinj; you satisfactory im?- suits, or in ease of failure a return of 3 purehase price- On this .afe j)lan yon can buy from our adveitised druisls a bottle of Dr. Kind's New pi.seovery for Consumption, CohsiIis and Colds, ft is guaranteed -to hrinj relief in every ease, when used for any affection of the Thro-.it, Luns or Chest, such as Con sumption, InflamtvtiOH of Lmuj;-1, Bron chitis, Asthma, Whooping Couj;li, Croup, etc It is pleasant and ajiit-'eable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon." Trial bottles free yt J luttz Co'is drugstore. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old ph.vslel.in, retired now praetlee, knvlng had placed In lus hands b.v an katt India mts-Uon- y the rorujula ci a simple vegeMbie reafedy for itie sjedy and" pmn iim ui. cure i Ounisuinptloii, UroneiiiUs. Catariti. Asthma'SnJ :ll Throat and l.M.r Affvctlon-s, alno u posiiive -al radical cure fir Nenrom Dtrhtiliy and all Nervous i cyn lafnts. alier U tvinir tested its wonderful curative nou t-r.-in thousands of cases, h,'S ft It it his duty to tun e It, known to hi suffering fellows. Aetuao d hy-thl? ui;tie and a df-siie to ielieve human siifff rii!r. 1 will send free of elvtre, to all who desire it. tbiS recipe. In (iennan. French or F.n:l-ih. wltii full dl rcilons for pie ailii and usintr. Sent b.v m ijl by ddrt-s.--inir w 14-h stamp, nanilnsf I his parT, W. A. Noyes. 8-6 Poffws lllo. Koehest-er. N. Y. - IS. ly -J , J ft -V : r v v.. ' t : - - 'V V.?.':, .rx-l. " S.-M bvT. V KL iv e otc3 r-TT Crn v.; hit r ici Vi -.v.- h I T - 1 .... TTT . t "If weean't iaik ftc-m co to Jew cli ) we ili'ii t si il " (o per ce.:t. oi Do o'.i itaw ih.tt 1 1. is has Icnjr l. ep.r.nr ttll 1-, a CU-lom wn !i ! e.i! 1 ail .Jew t li iV? Il lhe .vir.'l (inii'iie t ii' ir i.:iiiic it in o. -i l- i e i ?, i ei 1, i nv awful." A llh sncii oi.-i l.),'.v I ica. I hejexe liiiue ''iu-K siica;M r i i .1 1 i'."Tii s-;c:,. i, Coin IniMr.ess, a tii I sii al a!w a: s -t ii k to it . i nni- J ire i he at xls i til jn lc. noted he low ilh lliu.se Cf ol har lie i lei s aid see for yeiii self . Iliaej-ii I' eel . ed in e!eu;.i nt line of theccle biaied iT!-;;;iv,; w t hi s i , b,nii i.im iind gents' si., s gold, -h-!r ai;.l nick' !. din el I rem the factoty d : 'anion. )' V. Ii it do vou I lslrik ot a b- aniiail'.y en.rr.i v d soiid UU ladi".-' eo:d wnfh at f J2.."', ti izn.r iv.'lee of v. hieh Is .N.-.' I have llieni. A so a c.-!iii;ileO' line of 1 lilies' .Vr,ld W.ltehc-i flTIUI $!o to $!-!. Vi'ry large. assort nietit of jfents' to'd. Illleii a, id siner Wa'rlns at pilres that wi.l astonish o'i. 'I'l.e Dueher silvei ine Watch. 1 ey wliiding, with i:i :m. S all haul. Ilatnnden or Ilil nois nioN ei;n ids it s sn i'!y sel's u,r ;s. - San e wa'c): with so n:-w:itd rot r-ular price $a ar-d I e in s -II i ; nelier 1 k U'oid lldrd Wateli, nr ranted for I veat '. -five year-, wiiii'a lull j 'u eled Elglli. Wall i: hi ,r a v A ei ic-m n-o ( tueiit do. sired of siioiiai y v .veforf i;. rt-jrua'.r $ i wat eh. I have iim watch ui want ;um can s i . e yt a ..: er cent . o; it . L tigi' line of ; ts" CH UN'S in va-ious s: i les. qudlHes . n I nric s. t'h : ;.s. se.;it Tin-. Stone an l Plain -old i;m,', and al! ot her kino of ti est class roo Is, cnfT r.ttM ois. ( oda r 1: ut tons. &c &e. A ntee line of ( I.O( Ks f en, 'J ceni s u .. Guar anteed If li hiaiths. W Ul fdltheia ia weeMy Installment s. All I ask is a e'.i lire. 1 Ii tve no rent norelrk to pay and c in give my eusioiin rs the benetlt. of '25 per cent Th inking you lor past f ivers, I resale. yours rc spectfullv, S. A. L. JUIIXSOX. Mnin.Slrccf, oro.-lte Pestoliiee. Norfolk Alliance Exchange 11 and 13 Ccmmerce St., aSTorfolk, Va,, Owned ;Tnd controlled by Allianceiiicn for handling prodtic-e, COTT ON A SPECIALTY. Don't sell before writing for par- lictihtrs to J J. K0GERS, Mirr. r. O. Box 1M2. PROGRESSIVE FARMER Ralcidi. N. 0. Orfin of the N. C. Slate Alliaiu c. ' Edited l y Co!. L. L. l,k, assit-d y J. L. . Kiiiusey. Ti,e paper will Le j kejtt up to ill-' usual iii'li stalid;:rd j Subseri'ie for it, only b'l per ye.:r in j advance. The Progressive l'a.i n:ei j Ulld liie WAK UMAX will !)0 sent to i new .snljserileis at v'i.Tu for I'oth a pers. Siili-erilje now. Address. PROGRESSIVE FARMER. Pt7lei-a X. C 3rO 2?0 i T. 1. Vitifon. Scr.tli Main StrtU. fr your j shavinjr an-1 liair-ciittinjr. Fir-t-cl.i- v.t.ik- incii ioi.I llarl iaur t all time.-. ll.i:i-'!r s- j injr an -i sliatii;ooiiiiia; a s iictalty. Wii! wait on j laiiii-s ami cliielrcti lit ii;cir tafttic.-. I also j sh-ai-;icn scissors at iro:.: 10 to Io cents a l-air. Civc l.ijn a call. mt'b rr Xv:Vnyl'i-''iWj' 1 v t: . ' ' ' . - - -.-.'' . . V- - : V-hhjh -"- : " ir.--v V' ;. : ;::. PROFESSIONS L ' CA IUMJ. i E. LEE WEIGHT, ATTORNEY AT SALISBUIIY. N. C. Will practice in all the court of Tipwnn wl 4 a!jiiuii!r couulies. Prompt atteiitie.i gnscii to all iWHtters jK-rUiiising to my profcsion. Ftb. 12, ItftM. A. SHEIUG. Attorney J.X Xjw. SAlSBVRY. N. C. . Office in lavis & Wilev s bat.k Mnhhirg tice in Court? of ll4)wan and adjoi iin; comities, Prompt and Varefal auction ghen to all Imjs iuess entrusted to me. Sjiecial a:t-ntioti given "' ; ; . JOHM A. RAMSAY, Attends t Raibiuul t'om-truciica, Stirvev. i and Mapjtiu of IT ;al Kstate, KrUuuitc ol Water Powers. Plans for. the Erection . i' Mills. Du ellings. Ac: an-1 nMen ls in the ri;rt ha. -e oi an muus oi .waciniH rv , liHding .ii:tteri;! .Vc . 1 1 I. - 1 . i- , f , - t . . . - - , , Dr. H. L. Raisay j SURGEG.X ' tJ:.XTJST, SJmithdeal's llw. Office, No. I, OFFICE HOUR'S FROM 9 TO 5. SsalishukY. X. (J. 1 Id dAV a One 2(lHre-pov,-M' Erie ( :itv ; . , " i hllgnie and 2- ll-. lOllcr. i-. -r- , , , : UlH' (U-S;lV- :ill llikle :- toil ("Jill will. fetMW :iu fan.! (k'llPCT. Also, 'an 7ijnk!vl Press. One Lidd.-IL Sav Mill and Platform Scales. Tliis machinery is all in i:oo order, and can. U- houIit to aether or ssjui "ate.ly uit pur chaser, "u! l)e .old cheap a tin reasouablt- h-rms. t,'a!i i-: or advlres?. 1). C. TiliADSHAW, i'usseiL Jtowan Co., X. ( GK Vmt ?;.- ; i -iv 1 1 1 r ' i v . '. 1 r.i Kl.W. II (V-ll i iie y.i list one tuan i. Tools. .. of K. i:. ! I,:, :i - e-tlfe. I t I eon! in';e io loatlMftld tife llii ! lM .ti.". 1 1 -; i ! t li'.lh s aii'l an ; . Die i ii tor .r:i:(!i::g m n .uat-v.li..-iii. orK-spo!.a nee mU lie :. . tin .:.'. 1 V A. i v'V ;"i . K;.lli. I i w.-.ux o. N r. M""l"t' 'lie W-Ufciuuali. J. A. Jd3NST(!X. JOHNSTON - z: .1 - v V rti S ,( i - - . Machinpy S IVonle of Salisbury and vie'iritv wantiriir ';!:ir;me:it.s eorr -'spontl with us. K -Innate ; ion l lo Wooifon's Patent Wire Tohaseo Hangers CAN BE USED IN ANY BARN. Wires are movable. Tobacco can 1 propeTly Sy.ftew a Stk-k ami iJuItt-d Down on the Wires when cured. Simplest, Cuea-i :;iid Pest in the .Market. 1'ItIC'IvS, when asti Acvnnipanioi the Order: 100 Stlclcs Complete (7 "Wire to Slh k) P3.00 1,000 Wires ( Sticks) , 4.00 PRICKS O.V TIJIU : 100 Sticks Complete 3.50 1,000 Wires (IMo Micks) -I. SO Baskets, per Dozea 4.00 Sample Stick and Wire Tor 5 Cents. t37 Treatise on Tobacco Culture ami Caring FEES. AGENTS WANTED- TOBACCO HANGER M'F'G CO., Houston, Halifax Co., Va. Steam, Air and VacuiimTumps, Vertical and Horizon t a of .every variety and capacity. i VERTICAL PfSTCH. -.' - K gel f1- .-" ' 'J': t 4- Pump wells, k r) fii's! risftiiisl MN?S5r. -or S?lskry,lC. J ) T T lTOT "5f i tV J 1 ' T. JI. FiJUm,. - - Cashier; ! j V&pital, SurplllSi Tlllfl Profits. S50,ooo;. 835,0 f - j GoilOnil iUltvilPj; MllnivS trailS 1 - i nctc4;:-n?jx)ts lk-itil. I Land Sale. 111 reliant t ' p. ee of llowat: .'fsspe I . .-, . r -- - : . I . . i . . ... j viof Colli I. 1 W11-! Mil at lie COUl't JioUe Saturday, the 24th day of October, 189L thej aluable lands of C. C. K rider, dec'!; situate at and near Ml. crnou; ScotcJi- Irish township, Eow.in eoiinly. Th? j lands have be en divided into three tracts, f a follows : Xo. 1. Containing 40 wtv.s, more or Tes, including the K rider noniestal. Flouiing Miil, Saw Mill, Cot I on iiu 1 Jaousc, lie. Splendid water power. X'o. 2. Adjoining Xo. 1, containing 41 00 acre--, more -or less. Xo impr-ove- f Ui'ti!s. -j ; Xo. Adjoiiiiiig Xo. T, eonlai-nsng acres; more or !es, on w hieh is stoix' f r.ine, small dwelling ing between I A ii keshoro road, Luckcx's lino anil -Foi,''l -'eek. Also, at same time and p'are, 1 Wm- ship (lO-saw cotton gin, 1 Cotton pres. Tk:;ms: One third cah,' balance in , o1al in.-tallnu-v.ts al ,12and lSmoiiths. liite.estat S yvv cent, on dHVnel pay- menu. Title lvservecl till juirchaM? money is all paid. Ilnt-an rdescnpl ions mrv be 'seen at the o'aYe of my -Kltoruey, ' Tl eo. F. XI ut I". September 37, 1S:'T7 S. 11. WIL1CA, Ad ; : " r a n d -CoKfr. : " i LATuHT iM?P.CVEMENT r ? '('' ; S3 ? .r'j"" . pr-f. n i . v,.r : j BSiit':.;'!5-i'itJ ! '.1 A 't X. ' t " i " 1 o . ' ' . . '"'S "! '''"I l'i'' .-'' i :".i i'ttil H'arrar:-(, ';"',-s-i ?- " '- - '- "r- ' , , i -.I.-, v l...iv ij.v.:ii:inv;i.(-i i: t.i-.-r at:.ai a. i. i i .',..s - Y'-'x' -.s. I . t. r.LJ.'TT uiLiil tu UiiU iutii fiiu ii 'Jl iiu iD rm retail, ehr.-ili'd e I i ! ill ei;!-;! (;:! Ai.'':iifs io i.. ; j eDces. Pi: 1 ii Turn!: 3 M! ill V ied Lfrati. Eegular Horisontal Piston. i. 4fcg i :--ffiaicia! ; (A) 1 .jj"--'.it,. erCO'KTT' iv 1 Us - 1 f. , ,-..e I f-5r--. :- tr'a'- "r i 'AW. c'r:'- i5 The ni'.'t shri :!.?, dp ruble and in tlie market l,.r M Refineries, Preweiies, Fact.-rifs, rire nut v am: -mu'ImJ mamilael uniH' purposes. l.cf :;cnd lr C'jdalop;-. xku 11. 0. UH-lUJif biiL.I fUi-li h'.ltA: FoT i.F Last Uiri;:- i- i ; u- VoUK. 1 W. II. C. DIVISION. . AS fi4Lli. Xo. J., I Lv CueiunjJi,.'. 4 c. II t I mi 1 1 UT il . - I jr- V 1.'. L -Kuu.wlllf, t.'i V ,iG. President, j " S.".?."a'., , f - Ashemie,. KOUtia Ku'jll, Ji-a no 'i, : " fant-CTav, ' H.itkoi y, , . ; ' Xew i Statcs'.iu'r-,, -ArfKa:t;lHln,. t.i-e asb'M-Ov " I'aovvLv Ai: lUclHiioia!",' Lv .iceiibJio. At- Durham, - r " I(a:t4h, . - " (;oldboioi Lv DatlMUe. , Ai Lyibltyu.; K. & I). Waliiii;ioii, 1! iliimore. Peniu " l'liil e.eit lia. " New ViHa. l-,r ... ' 't'lft . . iiii 411 jui ; -ipm ! ' - "1111 ; UTii 04 )2 lu 1JMH J 1- iiC : Ul "am 1 a piu : ir I'M Tl',,,,, '.''Ha i;oUlll WKsllWVND. I.v Xfv lorl;, Peiin. P, ll:HiMKiui, " Haloiiior-, " Washitiiri'i, U i IX ' l.vtii-htMii - . ArlM!Wi!le. Lv KU hinoiai, " Dainl i:', Ariiiwrfini, I.V (lOKlsb-dT, l-ia eigh, ,; Diii lt .in, ; i ef iisliO'O Lv Sailshury. staiesv l!e, " Newt !i, ole!.ory. " Morjraujn', Marion. " Koithil Uvilv. - x AfAsheMPr. " Hot S;,Jj -v J'alnl l vi:n. v irns' ii . IL T. r. Jt ft " KijnxvrM;. sot'Ti41?ySo lv Aslirv!!. A. j " He'Ktcrf !! .Vile Flat -t.f,;,-, " S.iltldi. " T ion. " s. ;i rt.i nv c Nolv'iVl V SO. I.v snat-t.sTii ii-,;, - Tv r n. - M!!l. ' I-':,! l:e,':. No. y ll V .in 3 -f-ittii r, - n. 1 iOiUii 'i;,ni 11 K "11 1 'mill,. h I'lll S-', s;,.11:i J '! HI Hi i.-.n;, 'T 111 s-M, ut "1"H1 l.X-1,1,, iii .v-iin in- 1" -" 'in 1 1 4;ap.i m 1"1mh. - -''!! 1 Hum I loam ji 2 "'ain 3 : r, 5"::aro :.MM'v- s."ut!i r,:-iM -'ft M S ' h'ilBt 1 (H.,, iii SofiVimi 7 Kpiu i ::ouui . :1,1,ia $. U. N. it 'T-lHaru Jo,,,),, . ,P2 r4i'ii V .v.pr.i - i'.' :IFI1 " ( I: 7 Ti i poi 4 iiiiii .VoiH 5-.':(ji!ii N. 1. No. )y ; lrpui 5 11, , -IV H!i 3 :fi,jn ! 1 1 pm a rjiin 1 "l:Uiui 4 2vinu- J.i'm r. i;ni,, , N. 'i. N" Tl 'if i III '"?'-"i'in ."'am t ,r As:r-j?u' . MPHPlli Ml JNVll. I.v Ashevif,-.-. Daily A v ayrionlTe. -' .'vc-pi - Pt ys (i (-Ay , in. . " Toniotf i,. " Muspfir, I.v Mnr-i'Jtr, 4 "(1 ii, ll'l 1 Ve;ln 5 ""I'l.t 4o . r , i A r I on toll a , ' I'.ryHon i it ,', a Iriiil.v i Waviie.ii;; - N I'fva !- ' A k he h!... ( Sal). Vli-.'i-UlFLV. 11 A IX . x ran ' i .. " " " i , i T. s. ran mi. . Te i m " U :::: o w V.'."lii " 1 T in ? -'." I la " .ro'"i ' '"'."IM 9r.;t(i;. mi 1.-. Ml 1..J III " ' '' .ilil .a V i:i la '-..I'l " :.: n ' 1 v itl.t,-,'.. r ' H-oo. ! ; I i ' t'.i'T . .- --i.' ltd '.,1: , I . I, ::i ..I f c, a in ; i . c :.: iii!i'"-:- 2-'. :'l:i. k 1 ;f) " 1 r am " ; r. pin- '- !". in " :: pin I.v. - p;n A; ; :.: oi.i , -; . u p'i i - - I ' eiii ? j ,n ,i.n e lo :'!:l Si II' '.';i. , Ill, ' , :..!' it ' -. ... 1 , 1 .. 4 r...-oy,j r i i , ; -!" :t ' i',! V .1- 'Ht.?-! t.,1, '!!,! 1m yfj Ja i I r.ri.. l.;t ' fr.ri e,.:i. -t ,t'r ' xry, s 'i:iry, Mi r:-.-.V - .'.:!. i. i .:r-, eniiie, I si i . ;..i.eM i;--, ai ;. r 'sk i;. ti, S: . 'Cl.t . ' - ; - j 'i t('i 151-r. f i-. : A "it. 5' ' I .-a. f rJ" Jr, ' i, l ( ( ii llalelgl .'i ,- i -ff 1 r i rn KL..e .( f i li :t list Gl it . VrS ).!.. ,:t- V ''"' ,-f-r V-.-nv r; 'lii,',e i ll:irh ;l. .K..-.lt;btir;' -h-! ifj! 1. "X. V 1 ' r., i'ass .Aur' .. I'iiar .'Mi . .. C ."AS. L.-T vi .ol:. in n. P:.s sri . i A',!;:U... :.i PCI :-nl .!'' St ; i . il ..... ro a a r. ii ----s - -. . - . - ... iv,;s i . ! D -Ms;-!. - ohtaiM. end aU-Tal--!-f j,.r !.iTCrsTt Fr ci. ij 3 pt-iit Orricc h. Uxt: tL2U UiD-t3 M btl-iu-'. C- 'a Cy orr.-.-rr ' O' a-ij i' i,:i . '-lt remote iro::i W:. -!ii:i;--r.. SeiiU r:e,:.l. lta v. ey p! oo., with om rip tion. V'... a.lviij, ir--v3VTiTii io or : !.. fa-c of., Chirac. i? fit: : a intent i svciretl. A PAVfr-vittr. -'U ,t MOi.fliM j,atc::t.i,"itlLJ ratn.K of jt tua.; u'a-at in j,.t:r fc'tic, count, or .- t i .Vil, tviic f.-'. e. A-i .rc.--', Of?. Patent tistcc. Vashingtcm. ?a C. Ailmmistrator's Notice. I.lavia , i; 'ia.iIifL.-i! a A.f ?iiii:r u;.rn tli c-taio i iv. i:. 1'. !,. L,-- i -. -a-iH .. nil j. r-S"'ti- '". -hfj c!a',!i;- -., iht.i saitl sLit ar. iii I t i.v iiiiVilivl to . ,r--fcii a tin Ui to THf tor I'aj i ici.l on ivr I- ! ,!-, iIm -;. (- IV .rf 1 1. t,i!i -. s:'j. or tlii- no lice , i., i.- '. .ii in !,ar . the. r covcrv. .: i.tU , t; ..i-.;-M.ne ar--i. ia ailil'l In laa.i- ii..!f,.-r.a'.c .-ct'.ivfuciit. K Totw-r l-t. 1 s.; I.KK. lc i.l!i!.' s. At: 1 A U V t,i; 1 IM-, X il VEmOALPiailGi I I If fr- wkT.J r.-j--. . ir cfn. - ctive. (uarrii.- ' - a y...; -'i - 'v j Artesian jLi I ' I'lll :o

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