- ,- . -a . -- 5w?.-..,. ,vc . . -ym--e-' . ; - - .- . --m. '-. y a ,300-, a'-- : . . : aa - - - - , . "-mm ; e.m - ?-, - a v-. v m A I A f ' 1 ' '- a, I-, SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1891. NO.r : XXIIITIIIRD SEU.IES. r Tho Fair at Salisbury. The Fair of Rovran was noble inJcvl. i t-v i i - , i r i t--fif fii jTv for Infants and Children. to :ik -the fierce liitle man: ""Why : tlip fierce littb .ropriek r of tie ivs-; Country iiii"- in is :i ichuroiittvranuas nome.n... t L ,,;,lJ,r, .....til, HI .. 1 I : lrt the Mrillin.r Uns ,,;,, . The kind tle Farmers' Alliance in J neea, llieii, uercer ino.ii nn. ia m.ir,HUM; rl, bil .vj., uu j imu m-. i,c.u ...... r(.11;ll in; ii)itiim.c , - . , . , i ;i jvirr iH To show their fine cattle, hogs, burses ant sueep, non't . lmther-r-nnv more: nm m j Miumufrs rappcaivi us iih! iiu;c Wl- ! interest ami o comiMei I " i roivv.rv much Tout An h cuu.Ip of crois thev lartreJv do ' reap. ...,.,. j-f ..ii. .-nl- ' 4n.l h 1 lift W v iTf i :-v hpi r i il:iv Di-r- : i ... 1 .. 1 1... urM I in OL t"H iniu.iv. . CitilSKrl ; will. ti'...n I -...; Ur " 1 " r.ui-i t 1 1 1 1- . ...... .v j ....... . . . tvMitiw. i." i 'iv .. i , ' 1 ' i "it .ii im i:ttt 1 slammwl n bilok ui mnrWe slab , mjJT its course he, with niv e'Jic:cnt nil, U,HrVavs u rural ditncu. i vu-.ijvitiv i-. (; R-hnnt . 4 j and moveil away fro uT hts ' iitll win- j enH (at four d .liars a week and 0f"jie V-ountry roadi Ihronghout ine j U;i M uch Jltli;ii4, we uuv at Kin dow to r;et. rid of me, n-t paid in advance) three aduili:'i;il . UiiitelStat, as a whole, j. far wiow j st0.i mid thei,,--e uo,r N.-wDi.ni... W I "CaBtorl a la aTre3 adapted to cbMren that I reoommend it as superior to ary prescription . xapw to me." - . IL A, Archer, II. D., Ill So. Oxford Ct, Brooklyn, N. Y. - Tho uao of 'CaBtorUa' is bo universal and t merits so well known that it seems a work f etrpererogation to endorse t. Few are the Inteliisent famUkwlio4oii0tkep Castor within easy reach." Jew York City. Late Pastor Blooningdila Betoraied Church. Caxtoria cores Colic, Ckwwtfpation. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills 'Wornw, givea Bleep, and promotes dJ- restion. Without in juriou3 medication. F0r sevrral vears I hare recommended your ' Castoria, and shall -3UnJ?l'i lo m as it has Invariably produced beneficial ' ' " EDtTIN F. PARDB.H. D., Tho Wlnthrop," 125th Street and 7th Ave., Kew York City. Tna CrirrAnit Compaq 77 Mrnut Stbkzt, Kew York. even in that moment of disappoint- ; i'-r his restaur Hit ; hy demonstrating to torment. -Ju4 as a great ni.m ' ; 1 f j u 1 ' i n .in. ,! pl;u.e Moy.10: h, ment and vexation, to appreciate that j the public that he dil some 'busiues., ! :,re Jeeply in teres ed in' I lie salvation at M. i;,.n Ku,.a., s.irt.,1 t(-r tj1R he would not have credited the state- 1 1 liopd to attract it and do more. su,e far .v,- SuMtlien, and, wio suiter v.;:.. oi' iypiuiu 1" ;.. to..ih? h-s-ment. Ti en I outraged by. his ' Ilf had Opened th place j it a . week ilf wh -and worthy pooi at -their -j. pa ; -a jlicn:!.!, ;t!1. nm;lsf.s assumption tli.ih I miuf. ha : trlntfrtn : before I came, and had Hifht the wed-. Li . t. ;vo .n:l lii in utter neglect, so : t;.; 4 1 c:t7i f.rl. 1:-1 Iwm.u 1 Thev here did combine to make a eoo;l sliow That they by their fruits the people may know; j t,. si.m- iir.it- Rnuvin cn'riclilv can shine I u un TepiHH.g .. 1 reileeted that it might have heen 1 gins, who jomel me lji Ihe arduous what it would Ik wciy ?-uie t-v.-j-- " b;irk to ivHistotr ,"-,-.it haniw Hid mm vvoH fur ma f ! 1 ilil I i'lll Tthl V I11H11 1 :iss!'!l!-it 1!iJ ' I.!-- ..r..4':.r. -.f I 'lTPrif V Wasted 111 all'l f fO'.il I !!,;,. Vii,l l !....-. I To show ithe fine things they have at their j not t.slt at all, but I was bright enough, ! It wa.s his plan to obtain cuslomers uij,er directions exerted for tlieir. uej- tae:!c t.. On;, KkjT. and was jn ihe- mr.ie. . 1 Their cakes, their jellies and the fruit in their jars,i An I thei'r fine, fancy buscuits did shiue with the stars. The young-ladies., too, had something to 5ho-.v. As well as wect laces all mortals do know. The greatest attraction, we think, was their faco And the many fine tliiugs their persons to grace. Here .came the old soldier3 who foujrht in the war,' ' Who to his stern duty did stick like a tar. A very good dinner we happy did share, We had eleuty to eat of the finest of fare. To the Fanners' Alliance we thankful should he Fur such : ;rood dinner and a fair ticket free. May success attend them in their efforts to bless And crush down the power that would them oppress. simply becatise of mv claim to temper- ; he afterward- informed me, in de- ! f.ners' organs and farmers speecn- w.rs ai..i:.: ir..r.i th- -..vu-.y v . 1 1 ; 1 Tt!x an'ce and niodorstii.tii in o.tin.r Am- . votiii'jr the contents of his litil h;iil i ... .t-.... . ,n-., -U vi-,.iAh lunir power : t. : u! S j,n. , - l ..... . ....... , , , Lll.il. .... n - 111 I IVv.l -l ' H' " " " ' , .1 . . , I ' - i' II It g -their oppre.io-as uv tue, i.i.in ii; t.-in W Inehoter. Sp tsses and other evils, wukh I lem:,eS- ui. i( :: .,,-MV ,.f sj(ji gered bv this and bv bis u ureas liable , to the e;l.iboratio!i of a )!an to po-so-s rebuffs, knowing he -would hear m be- himelf of the only thing in the restau- hind his gau ly partition, I sai l while rant custom. moving toward the meanness'. If 1 h: vut ith - lile u in U;scu-in; i:i H5t-H.l el . .. ,,-.h lc froiirlv felt than tl - ' ---- , ; i.iu HMivil ' r-. , fill 1. e (I.)Or: "VV Hi; iwur wiui anuui: ui, eauuil. !.,.. .,f v, m:h T;1V SVSieiu, i ,. " u nou i UM!!.r IVi v :!. n. Out... id opportunity 1 a:iu oui out.. ue n ia a lrienu aiiujL,,.,, both ubroa1 auaiiVtHHur, m m oi rewruuy, iM) j, I v;i . ' t I i, 1 ? I 1 I 1 I t would eat ynu out of a house and conhdant a couple of blocks away, with ho: ne. whom he left an assortment of hats 11 mhi ' -4. ... his space belongs to W. II. Rcisftcr. Watch it. t . ,' ,. i i;..f .s t!vat;on, and Ua tanner iieeu .c.. fr..ni ndi.its evt-r fol lllof oppfe S Oil "Uev? What's 'a! ?" he veiled, as ami wrap-. We wnt lliere ami f , . ,iyA ja.vn o;1 him ; the heaviest bur he bounced buck into his little window ehuuue-l our appearance betweeti j (;,.,,s i!:iWever sluuld n )t be the last to and. stuck his (ierce little head through ; "eats." He en fo reed this routine: It j ,e .N.iidered. it at me. 4-What's at? 'vt hot'sse ; was eiit, gojmt, change costume, come j (fortunate! v, remarks the Oliio Some verv fine speakers we had there on hand and home? H -v? Hey? He looked ! 'b ''-d, go out all day and evening. yny Manufacluier, there IS 110 lo!l- 1 . .... I - .. .. '. . .'1 V. 4 "lt.i. 1 I'.J" a . r. 1 - .1. so alarnmioly j,.j-ce that, in fear thai. - l :) oumnni c:u-ue oi .uine.ae ; :c , t, o-;estl;:i oL-gooa roau-, lie milit eat me, mv progress ' to the e aceutio u and ot mas.enu! execution. ;l'ne f:inniJiear.s nothing at all upon door and out-was very 'much accel- ; f;,r - f11''1 ,,r pnrposc. tj,.. t-lv.ri of greatest importance to eratel. j i'he lu:rilT c!se! us tin in four weeks, j 'r;l0 rhcapeuing of '"trail sporta- Ilut before I knew it he was at my; I did as I pieced, pretty mueli, while tiol, fro:il h,s fiinn to the rail road u the arm and 1 was sevnrnl erpf tired 2 To a Uress the ood lariaers who now till the hind; A u'O'id time is coming they plainly can ?e Vhen our country from trusts and tyrai will be free. Here many fine things each day we did view, In. every department we saw somtUiing new; In every ai rangi-ment much beauty we find, That demonstrates clearly the beauties of mind. From Davidson came the fine Pilgrim Hand. And played all the pieces that sounded quite .'i.itid: Li-ke a baud of g'Jod angels despoiled of their wings Had come to the fair to see its fine things. To sum up the fair, it was a success. And the views ot the many we know we express. To officers, patrons and good people all. Mav vfmr grand ehTbitiaa be grealer next " fall. S. L. Dixon-. side, on he, adjoining sidewalk. He seized tny hand, and half pulled, half coaxed me back again: '"Come girl! PLsise, girl come in come back it lasted; only he stipid ited that I Lfthei .would be. i n ii n itel V -uiore val- should allow no love making on I he ,,..i i . f() i,;m put of the waiters. And I never did. rpiie lorn haul from this inland sta- by tl,e c.c-i! nc.r lVursbtifgtnd was p:e ise, gu In no iime, before 1 cn'jJd tl.ihk or ; ' prevent it. he had me dae!c into his;0"1 Hid he made love to me, and I allowed aj0., to the important centers of the tliil: for. in spite of hi- tbiven-vs, lui ,-,.;ljn trade is ofiim-s verv expensive, . . I. I - I ,...... i I . . ' i .11 . : - l oe;u , -oi i-ueai O'O t! i le ieiion . v. no j . .1 i. ...I I I m,i l.ij lining ff iiM l ie s. ! a1 iiain iiuiii iii.i "'J'"" w lednd favored mc in all i a-ked (u, r,;i-,.ti i ; , Hnitely more costly to place, and (dosed the door and had l '"m- ' him. In addition Co" 7 cheapening the planted himself against it. And th it is hnw I it leas! helpet, , eo,t ..t t ranjnrt..tion,. good raids to ...,,1 lm,.n.n -al -vnn- i eat a man out o 1 1 , ise a n l Home 1 I''. 'C ,10IU I i ' ' ( U V r . ! .11.1, I i -4 TV 1 eat some or.e out ot f Jul von r " r I o II .. ,1 ill'?'.. Uiiin i. you.- iiey." u:yr ii.sucrce nes.s seemed transformed to a trium phant intensity as he sjioke and guarded the door agiinst my escape. When J could gather a suiliciencv of my scattered wits together to do it, I replied defi tut ! : '"I would! I said I would if yon employed un-! fl Carries tlis Largest Stock of Fiiriiite, Pianos and Organs To ba Eouid ia tlie State. - ;aiir i-.flswass -OT tey.sioles. i i 3 ieJ a w-w.---- - . I Buy in Largo. Quantities Direct from Factories ated and Will Give Low Prices. uCan von eat- axicl Prices. Wantel A Good Eater. Xhe advertisement read: 11 Wanted Four young ladies. Must be tine look ing and of engaging mauiii rs.'1 went. The establishment was an eat ing saloon. Over its door glaring fat letters of "old informed me and all passers by that it was a "lies! aur an: tor J idles and Gennemeu. vcrv-thiug-iu it was brand new and (j nt tasteless gaudy. A shiny, veneered partition to one side had another gold lettered sign glued to it, "Cash Dcpar.U menr." Under this sign was a little' window set upon a marble slab, and in the little win low the fare and shoul ders of a man. The face was very reo. verv. wrinkl -d and very fierce. Tlie head to waic.il the lace i t euig'-d w . very small, with scanty i df ia..ek bait ui'e'id all over it. lite snouMer.- 1 '. Il. n-.-i fof ll-i.l ! ITIOll WniCU me ne.ui u.- 11 -. I rdirn breasted truoK between t hem and were very narrow and very siopir-.j. As I came in the man put Ins little head out of his little window and looked eagerly and bercely at me. i walked up to' his , window and told him why I had came. He could see but the upper-part of me. Sr-anrl back,' he said. I d.d so au-i he looked me over. lkI want, girls," he said; "but can J0"" ,. i m ...o His cpiestion surprise;! me. .ui "iris can. I could. Jost tiuui l wa- verv hungry. I was em'arr.isseu, no. by mv abilitv to eat, but by his cpies- J. C. L v a i : ; l e I'ittsourg ijunetm. A ritii'.il A;ea! Far !ic!:. The Xew York World received the oilowiug communication a few days "Hey? He ? You would? You A LOST Clllld). 1 am trying to liud my father. I am tolil that his name' is James K. i , ' . i him from nis presmt de- cai'M ,! , '.,;,,( b .,.',( !llfi W;1S jpt " 11 .! oi .i.n.e, i ecu i left fo, a...... . v , Ao-,. i oif.-n uonuir btnr manvc. of the".V,.h U.-gime-.u. are ti!l a'ive 'and gOIllg tiuo I l' . . th- 1: n't t:i..'S s f, a-U. 'e .; ; t h i-'...-t wt. had hard times during iin.'v,,;-. i,ul now .1 will ask the o: i if 1 .:. can't see that, was ju.-t the h-'.'.mnii.g f hard thues. And if we soldiers (-oi.l 1 have setuT thm, as we c now. iipai. roguery and' theft was the i .it ntl .1 i n of the whole war; then. we po r soldiers of the South said to ;u" N-u ; h. von have doihe- ia.d U;e North i i. audi would re to ii i; n )thi hud said : L : , have gone , doing i- i ,v. ; fewer miii-.en , in mv thoasiiii v. oa! 1 i re ne!i i"nc ' on sea n, and enable him to would !nv e t ... i - - oe,i.;l;lv and easily transport won in 13 iih-w 1 have no recollection of inm. meni'.er that I ever looked Mv i .. .. a., i - T II T. 1 I' t .. 1. II M I I I 1 " 1 Cf . 1 WOUa , I W0U U xVUgiilVl , .. , , , V ' , -, -, " ' apt. i tha lac; o. a r-n ;t;v, and .letian.lv l sa:d ir. . ni lher die 1 fifteen veai- ag in Do .ne l ueu he darted toward me: I ;,.,,,,, a, n ' ,V-i. u:i;v u v,,tr '.o- yon! l (im re engaged: 1 ' e M i .,' I I . II O.i ! . clear i lev 1 1; : us pi,- dm.-ts to tne ;u irket ot v. lial. ver nine ins judgment tol I hiai was the .mod favorahle to sell. As tti liters now sK'm.l. the farmer is inudj e to reach his market at the m -t favorable sea sons and has t'. bnv h;s produce at a liui:' w!:e:i snm -b dy else hus it fo ho! 1 il for a rf in t'ie juice, ami it oiaen h.appens that the buVer reips more proht on iiis investment, than due.; the far.n. a t'or his ardmm.s tiTri in wountu ; '. . contract i ' . : incre.ree v. . f. vat ion oti I ; ,;; Now, to mv h:i that you can s. fought you four wit-hyoii, ";: ". our goo 1 i - : togei l:eXjn '. e wendeuce oar i . n and tl: :u err. Iwiiteli. I was perpxed---sluefi-'il. In ihy consternation I m ide a feeble effort to growing t he crop. The-tariue.'s iu.c hdig looked upon '. ., p , i i ,i i ; l'u'.s dep .udence on i ii . s -asons as "t h - ;UllL I tavor 1 :3.iur:,y alter mdhers l,id. 1 v.a .-. , 1 . .,., , T y,t to i n, "... hu,. 1 . . . ! . f ! M ... ., i.: "i i -..ft-. . i in. .... i i w. e a . e. u e. I o v a n--i.i i o a u o.u i iu i t . ; a. nanus as we . -a.!'! liave been ;. a I t ramps, and : s i v . u. it' i - .r araiy. thev a-. '.aeeu'u irk to ' ; UvUIOre!! ? I ) or--' i; aid and star rer s a i'er-. I hop.' ' t : a.-- oi t hr-we e ii - a a.i i .we" are t ..a ! u !, it is for . a i it v. e tiuli '. ! 'eg in: i lie Hldfr : i :: 1 i iigitt for, ! .: free p"ou;.- olica i- :' ! .a1 . ili.ini e eal, . ic C'Uuamls all t!nn. or reason, oiu. o f th i e n 1 was ahout eight years old we remove i to Nebraska. d at t hi tone iiovv mv Vicious prmmse to eat u.mout , f ) j ( , o2 n of hone and horn.-could .l-nermnie tn-j , u..ih,Yt lUi lt ,nii,;lVore,l ;.-ni 'u tl ect. mv eag igcui'mt. but t uj. ; , , , , .... i i.. ., : . , , i r.ai me, oai v.. is u.i.-. ! eed. o . .1", i .liort was vain. In my derang-d eon- i , ,, i, m v. M.-'-t- ! i, I aeeom i-i i -imd t "Goo.l! (Joo liiion I could onlv nod w.th mv bead. hat. ! Ail right! You're engaged! Hut. sav. you lied; said yaefiv a small eahr. You did lie did you? -didn't yon? In-". ? hey?" "Oh," 1 auwered. when 1 eouht'eatch p.uav, to our. v i i , i a i - e n it t lie ..z'M'g u ; i v to 1U- l had m r n c i innr-jVi no: mv naren s. I am p racing m mv breath, -that w 3 'Joke? jSo J dving m business, linsiuess is busuiev-. ' "Yes sir." 1 saul.'th it is a maxim 1 have heard b-'foiv, somewhere; and 1 shall mi' eg -in forget it.' Then in a d-Mibtt'cl voice, a m ready on ihe in s ---.rit to recall it, for 1 was by means t ,iu thit I UU !e!-st.ooi him, I added, will e.o all vou want me fo.". -You wil!?-' (V.)od: good! All 1 want he v ? hey?" k,I will," I ansr.'crcd placidly, for 1 was reassured. !av am !ig strangers. t hey AY'! noinnig to me; I am noiuiug t ) t hem. Tlci thought makes m- ho:ue?ic': and lom-i v and s ub 1 oeip-ve my own dear father is iivnig somewhere in tliis wide, wale world, and, it lie h 1 mean to tiud him. You c tn asi-t m a if yon will; hat 1 can o!T--r ymi no rowar-l at present except my gratitude ana my bhsdug. . If you are uua'de to give ni" auv :u-f.ii-m oh.M ioe;ud:i " mv fi.tlu r. please heln me to nun! 1 1 . . i im conui. cm or i ne i oau.s i L ' . 1 . I" tlw. U. meets WIl.l JU iiorieuc.! noai i u u.n.-.- in wlmm beueiit such improvement would result. The considerable, sums of money now spent on the country roads is 'almo t al ways expended under l he direction of na n w ho aihsolntely ignorant d" th-- tii'st .riuc.plcs of sci.uitilic road had ling. The result is :Si it very i'utle that ii of -.permanent value is accomplished ami thus it goes from ve.tr to year. Hoard bnild.ng s ' ' i. :. . .a i , i . an al l w ue.ai iai in -oi vo.n.ni-.-w lie re tinu'e are cmel ro.als called for t'.ie emn'ovumTlt oi the best t.tlentl in- j ygur.self j.ist deel. the reputations of sum of tin most di.stiugdi.die.l engineer-, have been Idaeto th-".r -success in the cons.ruc- .t'T ;;:ii. I3i ih mia. ; . i' It will cost ic: do you good, i : or any trou'oi. -., Lungs. IV, . Ceiisuniption ( a an teed lo give r.i paid hack. b-'ic. lull ad it just t!; ' ii ad :i speedy ami a sauiolc bottle ..' : a i . i i . . i i aii oou u's iree Large. ue o) cent and c ; re- this notice and o'dig a yours. u oi p in t 'lei; i logo way dot. a know tg. now t. No hhi aads i now (j t'ge gen nail am ng en- gm eers but we ai. eertai n. ; i mm per- c;:i.' neece, tnat HiITA IIaii.ky. and Vrite for Gat aloo-ui M 1" H. MDEBWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. much?" Very fierce. indeed, did he look as he repeated and amended his question. "Ami to eat here, sir? 1 ask-ed tremblingly. "Eat? Or course! said n Now 1 did hot understand whether he wanted me to scrub thetiaors, wash the dishes, take the money or what, but I did understand, I thought, that he was speculating (wit i a view to rem 1mo:!' co 'd! i 'e engaged i f Ttieu m iking amther dart at in ;r. s r his hands deeply into h s ramming San Heruavitiao. C.J. ( i'apc. s ldease c pV. ) soual o'oserv.d :oa a:: lr has not taken p.:- .-iau of the ordi- . i : . ... i Ii.. v ' . ' . p lailll: pockets, he continued, "How much a he. ? hev? Ho v much? '' After saving which ue withdrew Iris hands with nothireg in them. "Now what, oe-t !es eating. Co you desire that I shoul 1 ' -")o? it !N othing else. Kit a: r and deiui into the nigu!. ruay i No waiting on the table-, no dish a t u.ius.'.u-t b xy wa.hia- no cleaiMa ' or sci ul) : em -rg.-ucy. Tlie Tat and tne Vox. The cat and tlie fox were taking a social stroll together in ihe forest nV ,1 .ho-nine th,. tratlic in domot ic furs, the y 1 1 'orge 1. ( . ! ' I I i'.-.in -i no-i-ibie s. ci o utua-1 !, Ml r 1 .s.,e. iii... j-- i ! when the f.'X mi .!: dav Ion: p i!i;C a.s pieuiCie. a pos thee f . I am a! pip. Ml. i . i , i- i . . pi'ooulClitV t -a iiaauci.u urnus ct c. LaL wia,'oir right. I've got i s, wlio squan der ll. taxes aunu ihy v. 't Ii -t be least advantage to the iii;r a vays. Of course inanv of tlceta have abalitv and intel ligence, and woidd learn how to bjad.il a '-nod road if they Were to see one e o :.. a: will surely i : :.h. fold,. o f a- t 'ni-t Or : - e .. I M -cuvery for .a,;; ;.d ( ..Ids, is jiiiur ; -. . i .. y will he i ;';a ai l.a Crippo . :, i unui r ils u-e :;'. ; --.e. .a v.- Try i a . i- :. -e a i.d leiu ai gu.-t a I hii.g it is.;. ' u.att's.i.iaig Store. () idilma .d si may a. len t ge u 'i a .'. a'a oi o -uavior U; : e o !:e t .ley are its mispe ' 1'he man of !: a-hamed i;i them, . effect to be distiu"' (...'I t'e.'V i bleiiiisJies." : . ;s v.'i 1 be -i v, ml ue vei .v t IllMll. Tiie'people at the Wor'ei's I ;.e!isary (.-f it - ii .la, N. Y., 'j . a , c-takiag uine once a a ra . .i , a ' u i hi a tiny do? i-'jua ft , : . : ' o!' li.ati'aa that have been retin i - i ;'.m '.ae-a aiel women who sav that i7. l'n : ci-'s ioldeii made; hut we - may ne sure tnat no one Mcdieai Discove-. ..i u . :'. i v i avor wili ilo it until lie has learned how, ic L'.ii-Hpiioij icidu'i d .v. !.a! t i. ..' said oii..i- 1..- nviuo-ieaee or f rom examnhi. : it wonttl do. e' ' -'i l --- riotiihcrn f uh ivator. Imi'.t eniny: ttie So'.it lieru iog I And how many do va: iliu.K t iiey have 1 to fount? Oac in tm, - -Yv ow i, lire i ;.,,,.muo a a tiie " r trs- ks away lor a in . . i i . !!o .-s intended f-r slaughter snonh I,. I liui: are two rem.e I "(toldeu Medical Disc-.i.-K ting and invigoratm" t!e 1 ver and puri- , f i r..'g&ni-v ri It . M . i .... eil.lliiC ! w- im. .a'.ni !U)V OC jeiei ' . '. I ' . j : . i i, cc,,. i ' .a .... ,!.,. I,..,. of ' ' ; wiakly womanhood; ih.-, ' U cn sual hy Mention Hie Watehiiian wP.en you write. POAL! SBAI taa kO VI FOR TABLE "Won't d!" said he 4-Sir?" said I. "Won't do! D.mT suit!" I was sorely disappointed. Tears fiimn tn mv eves. Mvevewds and my line inn h-p 111 bled. irttving greatly increascfl my facilities for handling and "bon'teiy-hi here!" he said fiercely. storing CO AL11"' eoihing Wam, 1 would now agai.ergspeot- ""i'r', hZr Tally solicit any and all orders entru.teu to me, promising to mVappearenc not. what you ie- fiirnisli you promptly with, what coal you may want at the lowest 'Y market price. In order to obtain advntae ot tne lowest sum-uonTCuii t engage you 1 ' V - -. I .-. .. IT . W"'" ' " V "o- 1 N Hot peop e for I ae cat puaed o:.: a -UJ ''' - '' omv) upon mv ability and inclination ';,.,,, Itliw.!,- ,,i(ieo !,..,- t-eth w,tii ii : then j !n ev'sir " "-ii v si rut 1 1 riii :-7 rf1 z hrhj-r- ;-,-i i iir;; J.?.'.'-.?"1 v;:;;.. ai.-r':;::1a:,iav :;;;e ;v..;Vr.!v::l;:,;;c-r..l-, .10- "rir...... ...u ... iit. r. You're en,-.. Ail.' II"V h-y? sWd tli rtfr ..-. , . uvg .1, I'; ea ought t" be re my io t ' 1 i by t ;m mid ft ol th io! . o . oveui r. lor i ue i.n eu''ci' is our bet h .; i i.e mo i n in o tt ,(-; .sohi .aO'' .Tii a we it leu' now i Are vou ?' favor ihl ' for .1 -veioniug fat. (i ..-o.a'ec. and not, one iu !'..- iaaaln-d eaa say: "It was not t i. l-eda-iia- tn- why S ivrv tin' vou. said 1 1.0 Now 1 bewail to hive ;i g'immming ; would' really like to teacn yon on n- imimrtance. So animated. I i . .vo of mme, but every one 4o- mm 1 .-i . - i . .... 1 ....... ' i - i . an.' aiki ts these a: -v l -on ' . , " 1 v.m should' be. tlie o,,, ' ' Aa-i up m! urn! bracing enough to g.ve , , . ! . . . , , , i , i I "'s..i . w ..-, ii.ii ui) mi a-y ...((..1,1 ii,, c:,:i I'lliill" I O !l I Kl' : .i i . ..ii i - j appe . i.ii'i .. .. v -Tr, j tii'c if iionttiMj: . l i i t I I I . ' : 1 I 1 I ' : I I I 1 1 1 1 I 11 I I I I n ,.l 1 liCei-s-,,11 li." iii- ........ j 1""X: l , ..t ,.r o.. c. .,.,1 mi a 1 ii ge pe; i : n .i'? ' i 1 1 s i oo.i to . j. j . i i . . i. ' s uu'iUl it Uetl aseeiour iii-i i u The New .York Tunes e -verv of asked: .Slow noaai do you pry, sir. 'Pay vou? Mind, you're tii:vz': pay you' four dollars per wteic. You :n'i I'o-i-aovd. are vou . seit now. o.i Know Just at that m mien i .. . . . . . , : , . - .. i i ll... .,...r;,f ,!, ..;..'. !.'... I . f oK.ti ini-M-.-: I'lllVI'V I' i ! ., 1 .. i .l 1 1 I I l L ' II I I 1 I 1 .1'- .... , - . - . a a' c ; UlVis.o I I : 1! I I I t . V!(l "ii 1'' JO property, cam - up m a full ray. iu - , . . o . .... - . i i i . . i is u we. it h .'. n.vct po atoes. i,o.i-. g: o ind I O t . . I . t-y f , a a n g. -,,d ... I t. Va a; ias . c in.. as nun ' , ; i.e given I o "the hogs i r.'ciy to., I and var.ei in '-' g-m :n suo a t llo.v t ,.., : at -s .mounts to more ;gcs that, uvdibv 1' a'.- l :" " oi;t) - ''i' more- tl'.ali ' e umuiifaetu: ing er prices, 'vou shoilld at onccsend me'vourVders. Remcml)cr Although I was somewhat doubtful K , , , , i r, i i i of mv rank as a beautv. I Knew mv- iat X handle only the best grades of screened Coal, including self f0 1h. ;l p:issihiv R(;,d looking girl, io lied Ash, sditu.ble for grates, stoves, heaters, .im I readily forgave him his exagger- ;mer that the Also keep on hand at all times the finest grade of blacksmith coal. ' J? iiiLitiN hhh LmUxDh Is tie ?h:j to GetMonuments, Tonbstonos, " 11 Tl-l 1 J . i i Htion; especially as i uio not. iiimers;auo A , Srcc.:--'23a ascs. - .,, . ! .-r, ?.:;. my beauty to be a bar to my engage- V IX i S. 11. CbUbrd, New lus-.-h XV ; jya, ;n ? . ; . , ; Mv manners, sir,M said, "are good --niingbJmloasn-a u;e of ibis r-Z Stomm-h' was di-u;d. ,-e.I. Us ; that no vera! nte lercan g-t j -en-i-dn-. If vou could see gam, my caution, o. wmd, I a Uvcr ;(i!Vf:cl ?-'. aa :: :.iix;d .MM.tt -an I an mmndanc; of eu..,, , .I, wi'tUableavforonedav, if tlu.t -''''!;, prompted m" to add, -if pa d appetite fill away. ' ' il.' W " co is what you want help for"-- - ' ami in any . nee . - KA 1) - ' , V ' n - ... : , .ii a-, 1,.,1-j , light. t; re en- noi.t n. ,,, . .i;,.pia but tne :l .-.r ot us meat v-.!. Ano.ur-- "Wait at table nothing! Go' ...yam... ah lwuen Eihvmd .-hcpaeid. Lm r,;a g ': -i .ma , i s .... ' waiters-lots! Don't snit-wonT do!" . ... - , a rUll , oa his ,, : .aaa ; '' ' at..un a-y o, "You doubt my ability to please? ''And woen, sn, u you pleae, am lr - v. - iArVv " ani'engaged to vou. sir." I com- j cat made u-h ci h a- mu gie ' ,;!' , .K.;i.. pimmote . d;ge:-i em. .it. : nh'centlv r udied, "if you will urake it 1 ran up a tr-. c quick " t..a;i a A ;"""!-- ; y ua, now, -re I tlitroni niix-d ' ( :'" "is " x j calctiiator con! I ii. up a coinmn n; , . , t(;:1.j;i;! jv Within r-.-.c. h ; bar'-. " 'm ....1. Cn't tU i Tr.-.,,,. M I fhriK-.-s- but. ihe t- X. h-.' d !!:g u ,cn - .,,,,:.. , . , i.,-,- - f ,,,., : 5 ' 11 ' !:"' I OO 111 t IC 11- v ii. i out , . . I O, i'ii ..:o:.: u .... ; , . . , ,. . , . , . r .. , , u ... . , . j. ,, Ut hlS l,t,! a t!'le:.S lie ;UO,ai '. ; s ?.,!,.,,. ,,AVll ;tr 1UI. ;'V d-. Witt 'u'O foal - Ca: mile-a , ., WHS overtaken an i a ua.-.tu -a'4- ! M, ,te heatih,iud o wal a 'teaspomulut j atii..m , o-i :,i,n.Tag u,rhi U: I had moved towaiu ine uopr. lie boa ii-led to it, and again put his bick against it. . "3'or! stop!" he cried: "blamed hard. All right. -Uake l ox. 1 ir. , 1 rept.e.l, . ' . . f . "i. - 1 ' - T . S 'Cores UI V M'lvl-".'-. i ' ear KCiUg lin i n - :x ooilars a w t -a. S .lVA'N.V!l, (i.x . ; !.-.. . ' ! " i.-s.: ., ,;, , !rH 1 -a I -! l y . 1 I n; effects imme.ii.nei.. uf t argentine to u.,., s-i!ki.. to tne LA. 'mo-i ; . ,, . . i ...-.i. pi - r .ii, i - ' - ' - WATC'!IMA-V. ts--cl"a2 2n Casc3. t.o.e to eaf-iC i.r' ''iven oceasiouallv mix rt w.th sis too I. bt,p- riis and turpeiiti. 1 ", , . f- !: . . I a;e l Ioi' ii auijii u-. v.-rv lint to i, .. ea m v. V. u..i ,.'ia i i. a n e U ta.tor.t- e.-ej u i id y : a ' i .i i. i .. i. : .- .-n' if,- 'U- n..rvi. -.n .. VOrm V, Wiilcll i f I' I . v -1 C.e'i i -niU-ii."cUr.: i ei ,ii ua e.iLar. ii :.i 11 ta in. K. U. 1 ' : K '.!. WC li'Cornweil 1 ' ' -or 'llv'av;, ciCiitlttoa-:: ma--- - STATESVI WORKS a a ,t C. l.T. ! I V I I I -!,.. .J v . IL I M.-. , ;i 1 - -,"t..- ifi .;ira-.f 4 a--a e t a T. la i. (lua ain,; You iudge of mv usefulness or mv -.,.' i ii 'Alarstodc'Fin-MOXT JirAJlBr.E to arrive in a- few days I guarantee manners without having had oppor ysfacUonlueve1ris;c:t' and positively will not be undersold. I ; Grrapite Morinments ! - Of all l-1'1" specialty : i , V. . C. B. WEBB, -ny.i ... - - Pkoprietob. j " - ' leouon the Wawhmaa. hc'n yon wrjte: tundv "No, ne, no! Lmners ebarming: But yon don't suit won't d !" Queer, I thought. You're a beauty! Manuel's charming! D m't suit .-me wont iK Wry? Wherefore? Cu riosiv, us well as wan!, stimulated uie Arnica ;4.o v. .um is i,. V i to ier-auu e'. ui i..-. . -i Now! Sit here- ilds window I'll l ar. Waiter comes. ui order. Here's a bill of fare. You tat. Go on C dk -around a block. Comeju. Order. Kat again. Go out come in. K.it keep it up." ' He toot-hed a iell, wa.tel' aj.peaVed, I jidcr 1 iiic.liinj ai.4 4te it. He- O'.l let a o 1, .1 5 1 -1 j a j A m i s a, Salvo. wel). Joha ,iker...at:iwu.,, , , .e. five largo Fcv-u- sm-es n; leg. .aidhewasiucurahh- .;e t - --..ic-trie liitiersand on- ..on Imcic.ci. niea Salve cured him i Klutt. & Co , druz-isi Mdren Cry for Pitcher': Ccrld. i . in. w Ti -uises. orcs. nii liueuui, i over sores 'i'e'.te.a L'liapried Hands Chilblain., Corns aeal all Skin E.utpt ions, and posi lively cues i'.les or no pty reipjirc 1. I is guarantee' I to give peri eel sini-fxet iot. ..r money rehia let Priea g." ceni per b.,x. Far a e ty T. V. K.uir. Co, :. l IV co:?u?xpiio:j cunrr. i ;i hi A si. il-'.lr -t, : a:. reUi'fu I: cm Dia'-i t. i -it -. !j mi i. o-l in-ii . u!-i';?1: civ i: . : ;sa-..i i i a oiif oi Coii.r- ii"1 , .11 , . .- ., ! i.r",... .i .... . i,..u ,a:-i i.u-.iic AtT : : . j'i.-,Hlvo iind raei -.a '',ir" r iv ' i il tii'J ml N ,-i veils "H. oeits. itOTiiiVri ,- o- 1 -ll-Ui ..fliiUiflll i.)if.Hih 'ia'-S The best salve in the world for Cut, I um ao-w,is. -.t --.s'tH m i-u ii-nis dui. t k : i :j i ; i r : - - . o am.avi. Aetu.ooi ' e uu? L .ai. lv .1 rirl ,i v..-!!-,- a, L-.ievc .iii:n.i. .i:TfUiiiJ, Mil SI-0'1 If ' '! til t;f-. Ill .ill V III! (Ifj: ' ' . 1 !s r'i-l.)f, in ,j! "-'r-ouli 01 Kim t-li. il i. I'ii'1,11" r i-..i..a.s in.- . iiur aim iir.jr. s-tt i). rr-H ' 1 :r-s-.i'jj? v. ,-a.'i'e, ..-i-.pi-. if..:i' ; U i.s. ,, u i)i(.is'i'.ii.. tCtn-t'it slf I. N.'V. t 'i Children Cry for Pitcher's Castona.