if- - fie roil SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1S91. NO. 3 - . TOL.iX'XHI-'npLlBD SERIES. j8l r - eosmanea D, Children Pay? j liin wife, and NessieJoUl. An-nic! v He ( in splendid condition fur the purpose Shivered at the wre idea, - I Til try it." i k''1" ii i P f : LA JutJtAjl 4 - - iiijnn r r " ciin i ill in i n nil l li hlc: ji - . f.-1eaning"on hi hoc, i Already lntd-? wKirt lie culled her j fche tiok her openleUer in hand and , "Just wait till yoirvc lieeu manicl, sm- some ; j1irJie, arid he hud found out that the i went mournful! y iito the room where fitetn-yeurs or so i,lulj ne hejj wnjle assisting his charge luncheon was in' progress of demolition Br askineuch foolish qne.tions. Pay Great -ami pretty,; mat vmc k.u. uppieu , i,ul mat i ue y detected Leonard r rank- eoau! 'Ui course uicy r. .uut ui uiewiiic.nr , ...s,., ......m m.i.-i "i ti iui:u; wiui uuiuteu io.hi upon his jfor infants and Children "CMtorl UoweIl adapted to children tiat I roooinmcnd Jt superior to any prescriptioa tnown to me." II. A. A scan, M- D., 311' to. Oxford Brooklyn, N. T. Th of Cantoria Is so tmlTernal and IU mriU so welt known that it seema a work of wMrarontton to endorse it Tew are the ?nt!l!ient fmllie who do not keep CartorU withiae-yr; D Nw York CHtT. Caatorf a cores Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, JCilU Worm, give sleep, and promote dl- Wltiouifinjurfcrua medloatioa. For nor ral years I hare recommended your Castoria, ' and shall always continue top do no as it has invariably produced boneccial results. - Eowix F. Tamvkm, M. D., xho Wlnthrop," U&h Street and 7th Are, Hew York City. UU Pastor iBloomingdalo getormed Chorch. Tm OwTAca Ookfaxt, 77 MoaaaT Stuit, Nw Yom. " - i !";, -" - -- '"-i'ii'' i'- - rrr u . .nht. .1h, f Hmh low and svret; ;ud that the deep, dark " We go borne tired out at night; the) Ujmd ; , . l.m.N ..,.,tr.a ' 1 eves could flash and llt?lti And when we try to put 'em down they cry for ; sadden, Hi a way that was expressive as oue more squeeze, j it was deiiyhifu . And roar and pitch about us all until, fust j VV; S jif jlt. net ?IUs Annie was IDing we auuw,. . . -.I., siiwulinir fr.r liinl uetorC tile li LiCe O i lancheou was reachi-d. Ajid the lady? I Conirsipi'iciiig her flirtat , with her l0Vr ! I. . . i:..U . i . ..1 .1 Juwini ghines in their jouy eye ; , - i t . . . , Eren when our cars niv de afened there'.? a ! rev. she W(.thd not jttUnit to Iier- music in their cries . - what mnd )"'r niOrWng so pleas- Sweeter thun all the &Wles and planners ever ; lsr.rft was niefe jtnii- made - lilicttiou that lvr plans were woik- Don't you think it's so? -Well, wait and re- M ' H member what I re sum. ! n" "1U '.f , i "T, 1 , taur tor her to mase air. r r.uiKiin smart Oar joints are free from aching and our hearts are in a glow. 'They pay us when their frank young plate and ti vin" to hok as usual she :tppeared, Bessi? cried out: "Annif, wh;U is the matter? You look" as it you have been eivins: vour i The V mulct! r Singer. Vim ol the i'.y Mri. s.n a i: -rt 1 -y KUiy, of r'Jtl :ixgo. iJy subject, hidies and i;eneuien, i -'The Aim of the Amateur Singer." As art is iou ami the time' for achievement is short, I have been in the habit of exonerating unself from any e!lse of obligation toward those who, tUrouh feebleness of purpjse, r ior uthor reasoti-!, iaui-4i) acquiesce mv i-'Lus as to wluit a o pii vvUil i "The man whose children's hearts arc his is the man who is .truly blest; The sijrht at home of hU boys and ga'.s is more to him than rest. . I swow! There wouldn't be half the fools in this weary world to-tny If all men could only understand what big in terest children pay. Yankee Blade. It 1 Tliis fsp-xc helonii's t Watch it. h LOVE OR MONEY. 'FranV, old boy. I'm o crl td i" find you an occupant 'of this hotel, and, ;:s T nnva new arrival, nnd not posted, tell rue wh is here thif sllmme.',, Leonard Franklin 1'crhted ieit'i be spoke and balanced his cb-.ir dex tronsTy on two legs, as he puffed away in the moonlight. H' efrun F!uk Wvcklv-im. smokiitffftnd -.vki' :m prwi,elv the (;t'pe manner, ns thv 't. unon the wulr Terrace of the L rkside Hotel, re plied: : 'Some of last season's parly and some new nit." "That's definite." uMv wife has :i cousin with her tin's year whose name is A-me L;vton. Sbo ; vonn(T hond-o'M" 'n1 :ieoorn- i'or his insolence. Yet ami she stifled a little hih at the thought it vas a pity that this deference, this effort to p!e ise, was a!! assumed, to p;;iii- i'.er money. She recalled wi ids th.it proved her suitor no mere pjippy, but a man who had read uuieh and t houh t deeply. She was certain that ui t one of her nu merous suit ors offered at t en t io i is nu ire del ica t ely or bore himself more gallantly. The s.iminer d ivs p ised swiftly to two the quests at, '.he L ikeside Ilotet, and ne'aiiius' sniihs hovered over the 1 rr- out. v 'You would lork so. tfio. it o.i had niji iil-.iiv ui lu-ar, was me answer with a little sob. "What is it. dear?" and liessie was at her cousin's side, all sympathy. "The Northern Express Bank has failed!-' 'k!y jove" said Frank, "all. your money was in that!' Annie hid her face otTj3esies shoul der and sobbed. . "Uncle George was married last week!' Frank's comment on that was con tinued' with a whistle. "Frank yon ouht to be ashamed of onrself!'1 said Bessie, indignantly. "Never mind, Annie. Come on Lo mv 1 1 - !1 v room, darling. And Annie allowed herself to be led plished. An he"- 5- "What's her fi r en tl io" n ". L-'onard." a "Tandfathfr hr. and i bl v as much who is I It, in the course of my remarks, too much reference is made to thoe not properly belonging to the sphere of amateur, it. will be due to the fact that I find myself unable to devise a special standard for the amateur or to conceive that his views of art should he different from tho-se of ii teacher or the artist. The amateur is s;ijposHi-to be a lover tit' a pursuit for ii n n Sake. Let us limit the meaning of the term ama teur to thie who follow an art as a source of diversou without any view to pecuniary gain, and cl issity tho.-e who engage in similar pa is nits as a mea:K of liveliho ) i or for jiecuuiarv reward us.d 'r i'.e head uf-p-ofessioua!s. As mankind every v here, so far fs known, is divisible into two classes, one comprising thosu who are in -earu- (-t :ini tini 1 1! !,'. tb.i vvhri iire not. it. iway to her counn s room to be petted ; uataraiiv f md comtorted and svmn.dizel with ic dlsi-hi.ivii.g y.iiii" d a; -J vc.i'"ji.ikrf -the !ess:.ii iigiWubti-To thciu and e -tii at they hate a g)i time.' And I reign d i't o:icv'' - - The sun- geiit'ernvrtls iio'-.v a prom- .1 uieur ..teache tt singing in Looiioik ' At .iboat, the same ! was cug4gt a.s v ciil iuitruetor in t J anting "insti tute tor young Lid:e,v w here asimil'i ; tate of tliing.s prevailed and-w!.eii" Hie I. dy prim ij.ahlreniindrtl me that V.. the f ;ti.eis of the young ladici in, my c!a.-Lxp.H;itd.to pcnd a certain ssum on .1 tli. moijt mu:ieai education to: their iv; tivat if ne di-lnoc ,gt' thrt ;"uie other iuti; utioit vvoulul asa. iii ..;-der t.i Iu-pp.ai;e ptnnls- wc mu,t, L rt !.e-strici:-t!,at ive cwlj iioir neji it u tuey would ii d. iearu." My .ts.-jate teacher in ,-iiarge of Ls jHanojoj-ty pupits i:3or4ned iui that alter i lJ;..d had lasjre cxpeniK-'e m' tcacinag would tind nh- tlu;,m,..l enthu ; do iute eilt ha-; intiuef. i ; If I ivo ; no aim .; ghlera' ai a trad'v' '-m upon u... ;s t. i it" as us.-U-r,, to fXjK.'lnl :;' 'yh V':,o luk H , t.u:- t., teach tiiem.'-a Mi II i.s !!1 V t : I ill. 1 eviuui 1. ue nan wilh con- ,al i pi ti e ! il IgniUMKa nvs that th'ue must be ' - p i i r i"""-1" " 11 s.-v.- a srai- t s or a ia ears, a in l sii - .. n.l i .... 4 ,. -i '., ., ; . . . . . . . l" ' wMHiict assaiances ,v,.,., . . ::,n i-anr.o . whI n hpr own V'L'I ;u-'e ''hu 'r.-L.-l -r iue!e. iu-r 'tii .:rdi:i n . leaver this world. "1 there anv.ebanee? L!iev fi'ee :s vet. I believe. sed to bestow mv Leonard. "'e and T shot;1;, be Y: a!i:iiv r; i'ards unou ynu Dnt, nfter all. vot. h:,ve n or as'ou to look out for an heiress with your for- tune. H Sa vour d.ear innoeat lieart. ri ft - a I?, '&nTt la.ai.l.' ., iii'iti ncvpr b-is SO much nut he" wants more, if it only bnn-rht . dressrs and finevv f'i' a future Mr. Fraeklin. I think 1 will try fr ir." ! rd : Fr)k Wvckham and Le-mnr IT! .3 v I, i - H Si - -'e r n i'i A SH - i 6 i f r 5 S Z Ft3 I a S V To bo Found in tlio State, AND - TRYG1CLES. f m- m ' sa d , . i Af .. iJ' i.i;.. ot ti:t- v.i? uers wuen Jir. rr-unviui ai,.i Mi." L M!u"; a-ere nfutined, or v. ja i, .ai !,: -a-ii other's company, i l.t- li iaa'a.n '.v,is carried on briskly. It. was o iiy a ilirta'ioii to punish him for his insolence, .Annie sternly told her heart, when she di.ght herself musing over his words, reeling the expression of his large brownies, thinking how a smile would brigl.teii his face, won dering if all men who had JraveLd was as fascinating ii conversation as this one sighing," in", sometime, ;is she thought of the pleasant summer that was drawing t" a close, and that the time was fasti ' qpro;:chiug when he must dismiss lie- cavalier from her side forever. For and her cheek bwrned then it wi to her money that this winsome court vas p tid, and the auiies of deferent- the attentions to !:,! na-re all for t hti sake of handling ' k a grandfathers lptey. d while Annie ighed, and mused. sj.Mr w -,s bles$iig t!ie luekV hour I that brought him tptliat horel for the I season. Never in iL his trawls had ! he met with a facei; voice, or a mali- ner i h it had toueae.l his heart as it i was now iouclied. U had. forgotten ; his fooiidi speech iDI alt? a!;o at the lieir : ess. and he had givti his heart to the woman, lie saw he- busy with femi nine work in the iioruiug, and his faiicv pictured herfioing embroidery in a home. He. hard her contralto voice in s!)iig. and Ji' thought .of her as makingdhe evenii; fly when a hus band e.one home to dinner. He saw her in 'elaborate evfeiing dress at the t.i!il d' lude, ami! ,e thought how proud and of unchanged love, offers of the home, j ( .1. sorrow ui though it I and a tl musand pleasant wordv from j accordance with the.saui law. les.ie, till fratlK came up and coil-' i i I it 1 II S cl.i s; uieVit able. firmed 'the whole of it, aul a'lded: Jj 1 ' I 1 .1 1 A t I ,i U i I Ol lli-l I l' l Jl MIM't" j i r a a - : O 1 i i viev won vim, mime, ui ine piivaie j (.i;..o i '. ' l if ...... panar. 'vuu .nnie. oeiore you go, wilt yon let m;' s iv a word to vch. a if 1 were vour brother?'1 Certainlv I will."' ' T,;vn :i vd Kr:i li k ! l n !nVr! von T ' " " O . i a a ! I av f L 1 I , I I 1 I 111 su;e oi it ; and i rniuK ne me ins io ien ; ,..;r Vjl,. uf i!!V you oi n. iul nine, ir you no nor , i u-:r1 suon'ior nituiai 11 l I i l reaiiv love nun, win vuu remenioer is FartSier 1 'ilueiif-n might i e con- in a sim- uc.diO'.t oL prutessionals fa.;: th d ' .lii milled mare worthy tnan a ! b:id profess; a;i t!. :u.l that a teatdier i with iiit earn.'stne-is will not tin down ! il! side of the beam vvheu wit 1 1 the nidi!! rent amateur. imlJLM".;-a i SoIitcLu i a a j imbue t;.e j Soilie g' .. nec4'S-ity ! done, the.i i su mTTt 'Oil i- I at eu r and i i . . . a t a i, oii auiateui ) . 1. .. 1 1 io ai l !! y i r i m Tr.d ii mo ihicll! V 1 lie alii M:tply n ai t aiid unworthy u pnehool. If 1 can not i' of ei:i!i.isi,lS:n. if I can !" my jaipils a vinsou of miM-iMi u-e. if I fad to o..i. one of iii.cm with ;i.- a!!i.-e--:i,iou tor, the a.'aag ,rii whatever is tiot..r4f. Ir tIm u l! ' t!;e ,-ae- of the jiru- e (bllelent, the iufeg : taUe. each, an I t i i weighed t lie A n art 'si is lie pro r.ict. u i :ie nig: .1.1 a lung as B es.sie an d I il ive a name, you i . : ; .. l i ' i i are weicoui" as a si-aer, auu as near io both of us?" - "You in. iv be sure I will nev n- fov- CousNj-ien! ly, to . ne arrisf cc u-ded the 1 ie (li :!: i uuauanon- coa j u m-i i-v :i ur - would i ighe.it a eai'iiet e, t i.,-n I and a Ir ai to he' tri.tli. 1 to If b. i t UliiK 1 1 ; i i ami iiO OaC e sitio i ui-t lie ;vio!i T lung get it." said Annie ernes! i v. "But will : ' ...... .1 IT,,,.!,. s as t: Oi th 1'. II' o deorge s let t you please re w hde 1 am g nu-? She found L-'onar 1 waiting in parlor, and pacing the llaor with 't: masculine lmoat leiice. fore she went in. ter t hey iaaa things aa t he o e v to ; S h O ! ! iil avail th ue lei sli- IoOa'CU a handsome 1 con !i:i m little mi - usiderat ion oi' ; e. Hence, in , considering ih "ami of 'the amateur, ' , we, as teu her-;. at once admit the ne cessity o'' coasjdi'nng our own aims, for woui.l m .nilest! v' be as unless to I ho - UeiH peiip.'jiiig to ...mpiv heeai;-i i ii Ui oo H i i ioo. and - I el'e ek' V a 'i mo'iient at th? tall, greevlai c. I i- .,.. . . .f Uguie mi Diio;uii iu.li iii i in f 1 .it ii j n 1 1 j nill the luiudsruue faci now so radiant (. . with hope; ami in her heart tiieve i jlo:1 , , lingered the refrain of a song, "lb; ! j., ra.cu-i dering love-; me, he loves me." i it follow All ihe gladness was banished from .,,,, -tha-e o a rev. a - il oi as to cx'i", her st-e) ami face, however, as sjie t ex'tmnle if 'no lie laws ot eau.-e the amateur to e liis aims unless fho e pro. -ess of pnriiiea :i to him-elf. Heuc", i:.; wavs of the amateur,' the teach-!' b,- that the wa of i !',e :ir:ir. w ko teaches , ...i icepi F'-'.nl:li:i ha.l reen sc'nooimates and college chum?: and now prank was a Benedict ioid Leonard a bachelor, close friendship stjll existed be' weu 'leun. Neither of the young iuen weresare that their conversation had been over heard; but leaning from an upper win dow, and concealed bv the ledge, Annie Layton fistenea to l eir w , , . A, ai ntKjc,r these when the two men at this pouit parted I il( t.-actionsi vcight y as they for a stroll, she drew her head i a , Immari to t he ,irs di.;. 1 1 1 . lit (in. r- - O" "P aeC''lPU jerK. a- . n a- i i .. te oi uer oeauiy f voice or soc.iei v ii ih'i'a f 1 1 ; man might taste, 'when tiff i i ...:i-.. AS, t 1 1 ...Sv 1 t- , , Ti j nirv a-aa esrv unu : i:e.u i. "Upon my word!' she soblomitzed The day came wti his full hear 'lam really much Obliged to Frank! J . U , 30 li s friend will try and win mv IOU,M vp" , , JL.idv l-mf. t.,., :n i-.o xt,.l .. .,ilrtf couple walked in afc..id Line, L'o.i immm V A. A P :': :' Quantities Direct from Factories Vill Give Low Prices. iJa alogue and Prices. Mart if not Satisfactory. in was RL.aT ANDREWS, CH ARLOTTE, N. C. -.moa the ValcJunait when you write. So money winner- h m a.,,,, forth hnlieart's great love me. Don't even ask if I am an angel f"1 I. ,U .,ri,l anA " r.,.,. or a vitch. Thinks he could easily dispose, of my income, and wmld even kindly allow me to buy finery with my own "money. The impudent puppy! I'll make liim pay for this or my name is nnt Annie Layton." Tliere was a spice of coquetry in the heart of the pretty heiress that had W,. crush.1 on . any evc,; ,lf ence or ner peiteu mr. .um , t- , up into a brilliant blaze under the ".'"'. Ration of this overheard conver- n i ; . , woms w.i" in iciiufi. ii, some moments beforiiie answer came, lor Annie had to by te with her 'de sire t put her little .viite hand in his and give him back lu rt for love, lint the answer came coh tiid haughty. 'Mr. lovely edvanced the room io meet her lover. He could wait, for no form ility ! of greeting. Abruntly. passionately, j and earnestly, with Lis whole soul in his eye, lie said : "Annie, vou rebuked me i-evcr. iy to day for mv presump'oas and iusoh-nt I. (-.- r. y, -i;t -till 1 "9 " !." ; 1 . i w : - 1 TV " 1 ii- 1 fl..,f t l.o eii"e i ue-a f veu it .o.u j ; l. money is art gone and vour uncle is married, will you not believe me that the dearest hope of my life, and the dearest wish of my heait, iv is jo wiu your love and make you my wife. ' "You are sure it is I you love? ' she asked ia a very low voice. "Before T had known you a week, I had (juite forgotten you were an heiress darling. I only knew you were the only woman in the world I could ever love that would be precious to my in art. The few foolish thougiitle.- words which I spoke to your cousin con tained , no meaning whatever.. Surely von mav trust. Ill- HOW. He 111V wife, 1 1 I , CU'UliI V I; has i. Western v'r-w routes'-; . mvs at what kind of a inasmavh . one o! gi-u aiaes 'ao l IU view. 1 siigge.s'ed tic or mv : unable i give : at, 'bat delrm in woii'd ii- :i a aey a; -.z ' bv a! is considered 1 ;,.a idly au oi : mi; thai as a ra!- is accOp.ed i)V i iic. t hot to hiu. te iclier. t is vaa :t;n dear ;s lae., good ittlia uicer. ' ' (T !.! Ii's sometime. h a; : I'ui' l iiiv itaiot-ai, lid- i -a a-iice e to ins aK.u tug thn' --" a p. riiiif led '''eji (huie; t -:ua e.vhi dioiaar'l by ' - ci lifiald Va. ' !i;m iiioftj e;haps iv '. heu it T ;s4ut.tu- o I . ' i'.'Hv-r " !-d as -a--r is '; a.'aio e pu- v I'd ha, a preuie; 1 ie bi-st, t;..d Ida; u.t. i a idea. "l'iic n--i. "are iii.ia y ignore.;; I laed'ura! -cicaee." y : 'iiat a sa k hiiiireu- i nu i a en iv, aud i lie ia '.s ! he lueiiiaine tor t ia - ( leu in!;e;d ; the ( i"s! am in art is not a. u.evs and the '"a- i ea ia-itai-e a. a- iioJ---itly." I s; v:.dy t;-.. ai . ! . rrct . " e a aai.aa- 'i'ia. lt. ,1 aqaiaai ' ; . a lUie. u; t r.i .i th. a veu us Ivisr.-m books. loc dmn or houn-. o'V ot antitu te a'aa !,'t'e if I he West c;im . i . e ii . .e ai'i en to i.a to oai" le sa me does, a-eeause luteHigeiice Oneu hi'' a ; Wr' can v.:i-.i ;:,( laeai Uiux.-r t he il.. tile 1; ad vrtarm .ad iiiieii to ihe s ;u tu'is!--; we can eaiulov te.c sanr arti- i ; money, a. -ad.' f pi inciplr. (Yo be il vvoubiu't do.) a KV: the i'r i' 1 a' nie.l aiiux a. .'. .-I-;. ' - a ! , V ' i'e Pc-iu, o n it eaacS ia sa' tla y a.-, : - ue; know iede, .. -4-1 m euros . ' . ia I'o ta !"'.' e , !ar--'a ! h at Vi'r" .'.a: i'. i-..i if-"' ' I c 1 1 r? yi'i:; ... a-, a iai's fa-. - '.a ,: if Ml Wl.rlt le a . l-a . j. i ii i'a- in (bi ".a-;!- on that" lit in our Clio iivors io i aoiea.i.. of the tilnes. we go East occasionally to see what is going on.. o-lv n ;rt ot mv career a r . i l!l Uie e teiU'i.e,. L b.'c.une for ;i short time the a Uistmguisiied maestro in .New ( "auking, and fv,-ry !, , Y,.rra' o," ra tal ! ii in t lie iK-ud. i-, i a . 1 1 . a ire.) hy Dr. :-' ( 'aim i ll Heiiaaha Jaftv -cents. eaid 'iv dru; pU'.Jli Oi m- k v .ie m had not uuile cm tlieaiutei who preC'-'ied i .'in led li 'i' lesson. and so while Wiiitiug hi the ante raoai, the door L'eing open, 1 heard her sing in :T and the ;uiestros commenis Tin C; au oi s r a. t -.Veil' ug-.-re ,i-!s v cry a a e now under :g i lie pre e. inn: i:v g i olr ij gh L iii".r vrs se, ! e cap icit y oi" 43 must b to recall to wnr memory vour 1 tender v I love vou conversation with jm"- Wyckh; thereon. S'ue sang badly, in fact, m ,.x. Franklin, oly answer to you I and every hour shall prove to you how bpeak to nie, f the (piaiities ot go ;d Lin ui 1 Annie, whv d-o van hide your lace: vour iirri- She did not tell i!'.i!i "t was to ,,;i r .ct to he a a ui.er for . -elor, . b.ivi.iej au re ;-laa-. hide her i. "not i ami 1 .1 , 1 l ' 1 -1 PQ EP T 1 it Z :.. r" "l have been trynvJ o prove to you nrm.y reuivru una ""V 1 1....1 .,, as, 1 ...1,:. 1 1 i 00 cod u-o. - 1 1 !..,.- ol. U .,,1.1 til 'it mv linnir inn. uu.uu uwoeuu- win- icini, .mo i-iittii .-' ' her money had a heart she would add , 1 n I will " she slid blushing, but a. c-l i.t nt liar rpfiisiil nf his offer af- . I . ' 1Ul sua. It was well tor heC, :omposu re their meeting his eyes fraiauy and hraveiy. trom iier and "for I believe now vc 1 i"ve me ana 1 Rented by pretty Mrs her handsome cousin he found himself bowin 1 1,., UU..I- cuon SOOoeU Otll IM I on. I ti Mil j i HOC. v or meiKion III v uncles i nan cvci hetM', - , , i . . . ,oi. ,:!, she now com pvehendu that whatever ni'iin v from the b in- rsfake ;uy darling. a not be .1:1 a 1 i ; : t 1 1 . 1 in you w:n give vour trial 1 Ot nei'vs ii 1.. y? ' of jileasa; e yoaug mind, i.uy and v 1 li'ied c . Vtrs. Wvckhaui to "". ' " , " j V in. Annie Xavton, watched bun disappear rom sigh , and Leonard, do iwin' to the "iove- t!le11 hu'iU1 1!lto :i n:,Pw by-patn and hr,t rectify in hehad ever seen, bbed out her pain ii solit ude. For mention my A L i ' IF E L! COMFORTABLE. 1 r ihivmj: -smith increased my facilities for.. handling and storing (70 AL te -coming season, I would now again respect- ' - - a , -1 . I rilCC IIIUI llir; iiiiiuuutiiuii i"v.iv """, 1 1 1 il 1 Zi. 1 fnlUr e.aieit. nnv nriil -Jl nrd'pr pntrn.s'fpd to me. nromisinff to ! j ti h u i.,i-i mu. could she hear the Ueep.niusical voice auill kJVijviu "'M inn.. 1111 . . v. . - - -" 1 1 Cl I ailU HUT lICll I ir lllrtll II" l"liru Willi. 1- 1.1 1 S, , , ' 1 , -i.i. ...... ..J a. nf rl,n r,mft hiSself in his seaside suit, de- sP'lk r .vr see the dark plauatiau and w llUlHSii ()U llUlUlviy Willi Hfiuiruai jvu cnv ctv w t. v.v market price. In order to obtain advantage of the lowest sum mer prices, you should at once-nd me your orders. Remember 'that I handle.sonly the best grnvles oi screened Coal, including 'the Ked Ash, suitable for grates, stoves, heaters, etc. Also keep on hand at all times tin? finest grade of-"blacksmith at ; 1 1 ... when 1 . 1 1 . coal. J. ALLEN BROWN. ICKiUg 111 :rl," I though 1 val every word ot wiim w;is distinctly her smiling hps. mid uer dancing et, said tor her, te ,., . .- "8 I 1 1 1 11 ...11 i.. .1,. !.. . in-iv ...u 1 out sue aiiowea hin o m i . icaii. 1 1.: . 1. : 1 t- - ...a ... ,0 sation. She was scarcely to be ceu- "'V" L. a 1 1 J n n. A T. ' " iner ue ciieu uri'.r. ue, finuiacc. ttwttmvr You will be mv wifa daning! ht 'iwi ! -01 1 w to the sting of her refusal of his offer a- it .t ; t.l DV woi iiain iiiiiKimiin, a '""r- . , . , 1 1 ,.,,,,11 -o . t..h v 1,1 ;. ..,..0 that he turned abrupt! OO Wllfll liWilHln raummi p.r- , , . , , , Sum I W h.i ti, si rout- i.!M.iy ".iv. i i- ue no:t-i. c.ie tive vou v.iio 111 y v. 1 - 1 ie vv Ncunam to . , , , .. , , T - . , , k-.. i.,f ' .. (IO llOt KISS ilie in. i'- -'j , mv mi-t :. I forgot to lJV TT..,.a. i";.oi-drew ad mv lies, sweetest woman he had ever seen, ' j:." , ,,1 1 . '.1 ' i.oTo.v it broke. and he was greeted by her with a grace- " vM"VV- I , ; , 1 "J ,v- " L'-, ' ,i ' ,.!.. ful CordialiMr that was flattering as' nanl I-rankl,n ha.t n,ght m his and now has it in f'. VV. , 0 I wnni nr. he had WO n Jlr heart. S... w h.eiv. A Uo it. w is :i iinstal-.e m --;.- well as delighuui. , , , , , , . .''' ' . , . a . 1 a Wt imply and leart-Stfci tv hull 1 1 ro. nor iow-Ui ivu m-irrie . . U e- It was after breaKtast upon tne rer- ' - - . , t ; , .1 . .1 i. . .1. .u.. . ' alized all she rrad lo. Never sirr-tm 1 have moved vour race mat tne imrouucuou ioo.v , , , , ,, .... , ; ,, . , ,. ;,.i ,v i .., ' . . - ona 1 c 1 uiiiuJi 111 1 nr v r cam r 1 , 1 u.n. Li.a-d..f'.ii . 1 . 1 umim lij.i.iii'f ' 1 1 Vy 'w 1 ' ' ' " j-- 1 - . ? - I 1 I V - . . cided that the heiress was a very fasei- P' - fl ? -; . nro, l,e1' Pn.r ' ' . : ii w ii irr- r v fi agiiui nu i rt ,i t i.tir .i ii ui i. i c ..tm of his strong Inn 1; aftd nv.er again lattr, "what on earth were"You crying see his bright, winning sje. j about?" , ,i'1' r:" As thf tears chusftd nno ..i.nilw... i A m.io ii.imi. t,.1.1 lVut L 'oiiai'd ma te ; ' !, t'.ii iv down her cheeks, one )f the unerring ' some guesses to "her m private t hat .ni ; ul,-. bv ais g:vnig in -instincts of true love cati. IwnL- lo b,.?- w,.id n.dtV.u.. .I..'v nor aihrui. '--i During the .-.uue vr I' IT I ' "lIM II I I II , i VI heart, and she telt deep and keenly Yankee lihvl Miigmg n ?r ,::i'!ll,lti'.'l.'. Ml',): i;UX,AV;;,y .aaUUeil t ;. ui b"a V.i, i n g; oi r .'.a i b 1 a Willi i ii to nea .a i C a ' II..V.I . at de.l 1 ixlla v ' U . v':o. -i -vcr I. li W dso-y-uA Clay street, sharps- Jag . i'a . jii-rs ii. ' noi ;a- .vat liout l.M w is a ! ; i i ii a r i aisaer'. iia-i ici-av ii-ii d ae ,il a. adiuii.- h- d I: nie J tiiiit i iear.l lew to a i.eiert ..re id 1 h ' ic ga. a. a ; ry, not, refrain c-rnhh-vm e 5Ue S lllg Wcl. fr s iid the m .e ; ro. " ere is I r i ' h i .1 w t, jviess Will "s he sisuri! bv ii'er sin ; r a.tn ; s comes I: g ue; ir!'. bat So a gs With lappv irame inaesi ro, ad t- I ' M l i I i i I I -- i f foill S.l lilg. et ihif poor ti v i a - .-a you n.a-: e:- I 'T ( 'ol,',lijiOtHUl, : t ,ai ' c'ai. d (lis wito ,- ,'. '.; a I'l.catiioniii 1' t.a i .'i ;!-, v. h-rtii va air- ;-.Ua m VCi.ll liiVsi-le.-i- !io'ao(,il. ItiibeiT . )l: -ix.:-;. i'.i , claims Dr. ! .'. -i-e-v -.-.-. has doae. Viiiu .aa ai!ait,ia i,c -i-r U.-f-l ., -. :.'.a. a. -- l.i-.t- ,;. Tiy d h ' t 'e at iv ii, .jr. rc o. s d.ar.a- a t f ai- ii -d i. aid it soaie! ones .---S'lU i- expen- lr r i 1 aj..aa i: i ti i i f. - "i: i.UdiJ. itrt ia'. . --'I'tS itli i a- . ui i, tJiU , ; STATESYiLii r iARBLE WORKS 1 Is the Place to Got Monuments, Tombstones, &c A large stock of ViJRMONT ?.LltBLE to arrive in a few days I guarantee satisfaction ia every res-pect and positively, will not be undersold, i Griaiiite Monuments . " Of all a specialty ' C. B. W EBB, t5lr1 " PROPRIETOR. lf)jaUontU Watobman nken you irjlt.: . natinsr little d;imsel. Her dress of clear white muslin was relieved here and tiiere with virid red riblons that well became her rich dark bru nette beauty, for she was something more than merely pretty, with her jetty lashes, and tin heavy masses of dark hair. Ihe crimson ciieeus, and the clear olive complexion, showing to the best advantage under the brim of her straw hat. It was on the programme for the pleasures of that pleasant sunny day. that a party was to wander in shady woods, and there to enjoy a picnic luncheon. So, as the ladies and gen tlemen marshaled fr the procession, it fell out that Misss Annie Lay ton found bv her side Leonard Frank lin's handsome, manly figure. fBefore the morning whs over, Mr. Fninklin wassecietly shins' that be bad net 1mi so frank with Ins old fl'ietm. titii riuuiil IjCii'a.cu mill m i: ;t -rl i'a wall .: natair. i j'le.lds. . . ! . I pa 1 g,Vi for. : i ou are an a. a ii. ill i'' i'. , I Will S I V faUilh'ii ins coiuja w.i at i iso' a a - ,.- ! i I o .. . et 1 a -ag. i t'ai her. ice aciraiiiitaiK e I ihal ma rni l-l ., Ill I 11"-SO Wf' I kilOV. 11 I 1. . l-AIlli-.il i- 1 In '"il ' ".- -!' ia Italy, t on up ,,al W, I il ii -s a ao.le lh N f 4' -UOi'l if tl tine , i l,..t iUa 1 .l-a clia Ii irl ill-... 1 1 1 ' ! i iiuL me iuic fin. 1 ?"u i Leu ami re jected was not the false' ujt of a fort une-hunter, but a trufc .earfc seekin- andso populai- as t- nce.t no spe, mo mea-.; im,: c.iarga oi ...e inn, uepi what is the only sure rUuruntee fr ti,,,- Al! who hd'v x- i ' r i;l a c...s-rvat..ry n wedded hanniliess. f ing the same son-'- r,V:.i':. ... ! citv. M-ef.iig nun mo:i alte.-.-, . . . e , . -iiid 1 1 i.-. . :i:i..i'i . i . ..... Wheat ast wended lip i ,i. t... urn icme ooes noi -' , , rri. inouireu how ue w;is piogt n &r 1 'i Iv t III - 1 4 1 .11 . . '! 11 IKU, 1 the hotel, hiding her jeswui. 1 !i,es of I.:-. el an , , J , ' .11. -. JillltlS Will cure i' ' ... i. r, ;. under her veil and weitt( lt4. ruo,u Kidneys, will ,aauvc I'ur.ples, 4.o..-. ! hearing the voices of kl ;it !unr,H,-HI Salt Kheuma and ,,:iiyr aUeetuiu cau,y. i 1 . . . tiit' 'lll u I ii .o f l 'ill. t. I'.'.T Il" It (jUrStC" -.' 1 a(fiilr..cH l;'." ' a(. ain, ai , . :.-!.s i.i.U ' .i ai .';1 d i . . lull! I,. ill' ... ', It . .: 1 1 if M.lll h, , -. . . a ,t .1 .i v s ft - ' Ol'i -IU It 1'Jf .i i: I 'i.ii.e io - .- a. o i kly . . I .11., IL'VCil , ..." ! il 1 - V - far a aiOM-U . ' . ' ar-. a-'-. r . i.e.. iii AN!) , I'a.a .SiO only a. i . i lie -J only ga a t iire'- aa she went hastily tip i H;r, I'ik.h hv .nipure bloo i. her dressin-T.table ' there ? t, 1 from the system l'rea,mi a, u. a iit-r uimm iD wo r .IV an open , . .. v. ,. jVici's. torcciooi letr. and as she rea -there s ole 'V . . ion ' vd in.bstim. through her brain a i,,ik, lttmintt: IBU Iluii.es, idea. Over her sad face .Vjjea uo;a,(f ;ar,llUd or m -"' rei,.,dedv n. resolution, and m certa.n , . - r,0 -t-ufs and l i'1'1' UUlilC AOU " o. d oruij: iui e. ill' i l . v mm Cl not - !! 1 ; fotiaU 'y ladies HI i l t-Se-. been aee-i-t- an-"! her heart wh-j fietur'd inlh.,. ft r i. li. 110 on id ice, V' Jl V v-s CMdrvi CiyT Pitcher's rtoria. I cyan iioi eo-i had io teach til ... ! 1 . ' I'e e ' to un v discipline whiieVi-i : iuir 1 h i Hoped shortly to institute a b:ter.M ordered things- Alter the third ie--u spoke to the dir. cto1-, d - rug hi-ci-operatiou, but ire -aai: -Vou re.ueiiiber tu.it. thtA';mg i.ide s tome liaau tu t.i'.i.i-e tii.iu cw.-a ioU .ii i.i; i - i --X-- -X' a i'-n it,! . in , I".. . C-. - a a iUliU 2?. orj for r:u::; ! . I.-W !l;44'W ..ia i.t Io." .iiMl'ii..;.: L, i --i i alia a .. ,i ,i i'lliu : ...i,,..ir:l-i, i,- : . . i.(...l.-r I ,- ..... '. M) .il . il . i ' . t Ln t.-s .' . Ti!-.a f a : If. i ins - - . . '. ie. ra L; i.mII U.t" - . i r. V . .. i , N a: i. i, i i J H I 1

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