I , r.r,. - i i fi -J 4 I s 4 a n l r ' if 1 li 10 I U 'i A t i V ft 1 '-' it r Carolina Watchman. LOCAL THURSDAY, NOV: 12, lSbl. Prplianag-S Burned. - Just as we go to press we learn that thowphuuuge at l'urrium Springs was burnetl yewtvrihi.y- (Thursday) evening. This home was vneI and rjin by the Presbyterian cliuioli. We kam that no lives were lost aiul ih;.t very nearly all " Ilave yoii got your fi&ej ? Aiaerebaftt in Calaa .Grove wants n ambits. . The trees on the business part of Main street are gone.. - A car wa3 41rfown off the track out near the cotton factory Monday. - Mji Cora Monroe,- lauv;hter .ofthe sheriff i very sickrwith puyum juia. The street iiujjrovHigjfrgpin steadily on , llock luis taetf Turtvvr oua so, ua re. M r. . T. Wyat t sbi pped naot her mill etone, to LatUmore, X. C: fur grinding Corn. " The police i going to Ical q'uutera to eouifbody for bursting- n'reo. ackers at jiisht. : . , ' Sorac one feroke the stoxo of J. V. JC.igle. and .s(.lc "ha-lf bu,hv'h vf app'Us. aud some other tfcing. - Mr. J.- IV MaHah of I'p.vie flinty, I. Ai moveU to. our city :md is .speaking ol pjaing a lobaeca factory, sKiv D: L;ith will bS4 with the good Methodist brethren litre another year. The Dr. is pleasant and like 1 by Mr. Joseph A. Wiley and Mi.-.- K.i Jv. Ilaitnian. both'of this eouiity, were in u r- Hed yesterday morning hyiiey. C. Aj liusc. - r - ' M , Ou account of the delay of getting our - paper, we do not get ut on lime-this week. It took six days for paper to cuuie I'ro in Raleigh to this oiJice. Some of or subscribers are coming forward and paying up promptly. This is what we wouid like to see done by. more of those who owe us " i The court house uow presents a new siiid ' attractive appearance since the work of repairing has been done. It has 44 uejyjnre quite nicely built. ' The Fisher, Ritchie and Shupig tpuu ryiiig company have just received an order to'ihip 70,(00 'pounds of granite to "Charlotte to be used in the foundation of the gingham riYil.'. ' Rev. C. ' Ii. lfeHeiv ofIIeilis Mill; Ilev. Or. Peter Trexler, of Concord, and Rev. J. M. L. -Lye'rly, of Faith, went up to Xewtou to attend a meeting of the .i Jerinan Rifonncd synod. ' Laft'Tuesday evening Black Mountain was struck w it Ira show r of snow. The mountain as covered, v.itli t!ie white stuff, seen by a pass'nger on the western train. This accounts for the cool pcil.- i(?Soanjngorvthe man who was arrested for wrecking the train at Rostiaus bridge and lodged in jail at StateMvi'le, was last week ""released, by the grand jury net linding evidence efioK.r!j to !;iing a true 'hi 1. . 3loun Kyel. liaby Miller oT the Salisbury WArcii MAX, wears a coon skin cap, Concord &ankird. - - Col. Jim Cok, who wrote the above paragraph, is the same man who tried to get water oitt of a gas jet to bathe; the same who d'offed his hat. to a marble statue of a iady, laying that sJic was the prwltiest woman Vie ever saw; aird a few nights Stro Walked up to tlurpenny scales. at the depot and warmed Ins feet and body at thc.n, saying that it was mighty kind for the railroad company to put up parlor stoves for the public. He should apply.for a pension on account of con trad, rd eys:ght while serving In the Revoluticrorv war. ANOTHER WUEtlC. Nearer Hume this Time One Man . Killed, Another Woaud.d. Last Sunday. night about the time the eclipse bad uily passed over the moon asafhrough freight train was Hearing ihe dtnnf y.h& tm i u illj :i e'T!'i.- p W'id:i, the property WHsigotlen out fore the , just a sllorWistit11te llortk of Mr. budding was burned. 1 if,i..r.. The train was "long and lieavily loaded, and evidently was rnnning t too Mgb' a rate of speed to be so near "the station. "All of a stuldeft there was a ciash-4 a sudden jar and the engineerhad reversed liis engine and applied his air To him it was a rastery to know wht .vas the matter, lie leaves his engine ja charge of his fireman aud runs swiftly back to sec what has happ?ned. Fourteen eats back he. finds the cause of his alarm. lie sees thenars piled up to the height of the telegraph poles or three cars high. The alarm of a wreck i given to the town people. The material train was stoV.uing ort the side track at this very vert spot, and the debris of the wreck had piled partly up on their sleeping car and knocked several hoJes in it. The hands, terrified, piled out of their shauty in every helter skelter manner. The first question was is there anyone in the shattered mass. The train crew all showed tip one brakeman was -reared near to death, though. He lacked ouly one car being in the wreck, but he did his duty and wound up fhat brake. He sai.l to the conductor when he came up: "Captain yon '-m get another man when you get baek to Danville. I'm donu railroading.5" By this time that much abused and hated tribe of man, the tramp, came limping up. lie told how he and two District A ppomt meats. The "Wesfcrn X. C. Conference of the M. F. church. Sou tli, -'"which met Jn .AsbeviHe, November llth, closed an un usually p'easant rrsion on Monday niirht last. The fidhrwmir nVe the appointments for PiTMury dit net. , - .1. T. lonn. Piesi.liiMr F.lder; Salisbury -i'.!', n,'V. 11. Leifb: Salishury, Chestnut Hill, A. L. Coburn. Salisbury circuit, li v. liryaiu; oooieat eireuir. v . i. l)aw on; Mfieksvllle eircTiit, J. S. Neb?on Farmingtoii cirenit, L. K. Stacy', Mt. Zion station, M. A. Smith; Faioehvirh? circuit, J. D. Rule; Concord, Central church. H. W. Riys; Concord. Forest IT. M. Bbvir: Concord circuit, L. M. Brower; Mt. Pleasant circuit, T. T. Sal ver; Salem circuit, V. V. TToneycutt; Norwood cirenit, Z. Paris; Albemarle circuit. R. M. Taylor; Gold Hill circuit, Z. Rudi. Lot The O.mmI Work Go On. N7)w that the town commissioners have ordered thnt all the unsightly tr?es be cut down, andall the sheds fronting: i t!ie stores on the leading streets mut go; keep the ball rolling while it is started. Since the town is l)rginninLC now to pay some attention to the beautiful, let these old unsightly, wooden buildings on Main street be toru away and" substan tial briclc buildings le erected in their stead. They msst g,o. They are not in keeping of the fast improvements that Salisbury ,is making-. Brick buildings would; pav their owners nnsch better. These poor builcHngs must go aud we lojrt"' conn. other men w ere in one of the cars whith were, demolished. They were lying in an empty car when they discovered something wi-onjt, and they all made for the door. He leaped oui from the run ning train which already ba-1 piled r-p to a preat height. .' lie was caught in t ;i te!egr4ph wires and hit tliegrtaind ';; : brui-ed and stunned but with no other serious hurts. One of the three was. -a negro.. He was fotft.d weighted down with a car door. One of his arm:? was broken and Ins snouloer Jisoeni-u. iai the third could not be found, II,' muM hj pTiraed down in the sn:ah 'l i e car in wliich tb?y were in was pointed out by the tramp and the men set io work to find him. In some short while her was 'found, but too late his life w;s gjftie. lat;i cf Ids. legs were broken a ai bi.f body ter.-ibly nij.iag1ed. His body was carried to the freight depot. From ouc ofj.be train s we learn that the one which -was killed Kvas a h-.y .ily :v1ioim 10 years o'd, and that ho said iii !k.H' i was somewhere in Tennessee. He ha; NEW FIRMS. Men Who Bar and Sell Potatoes, Slre.agtheR Ynr Tyes and Make Anewfirmwl i h will go under the nafle of L Ritchie & Co.,, commented opperatwi this wf k r.t the old stand of D Ii. Julian. Ti.-y bought the slock originally owned I'.v P. Brown. MV. AillCtiie, wio s iu;ma!;?r oi ; the coiK'eru is IVora Cabarrus county near Jit. PJeasant. and his partner. Mi Dry, rs yf the s'juh- section. 2dr. Ritchie isWie of Cabarrus" best raeai and he will no doubt prosper veil in his new home. We are always gkid to welcome snch men. TROTT 5 HUFFMAN. This firm has boi'bt the stand of Mr. E ' nun 1 rtggs aivi will deal extensively i.i country ' proI h e and such thipgS l nev are ootn vouii- oui nave uau ex perience. John ha- but one eye but that i is a good one and he will try to please you. It wouldn't le advisable for John : to buy hogs. SCIENTIFIC ornriAX. j Mr. C. F. Reisncr, who has just com- j pleted a rigid course under Dr. W. S. j Fowler, Chief Surgeon of Eye and Ear l ln!irmatoryr of Chic: Fib, is located in j this city. j Charles is a smart boy and will now I take yon into bis r 001:5 and lit yon with- j out you opening y rar mouth. This is i the only true and snlo v.ay to save the eyes. Besides this la' lias t;kcn a course ! in engraving and is prepared todo ail kinds of fancy work. His office is in the j jewelry store of his b'.' lhcr, W. H. Reis-1 lie!'. He te-ts your ey s by means f :ir- j tifieial b. 'iit. You need not leave home ' home to consult an occuli". Stop iu and see what he has t'" say. j AKT fit.-";.'.. ; This fancy iiouse is :.-;-en one door be- j low o-ir office, atteti-b d by the jovial. ... ... I (xnisoii M-.rgan we ) w:ii. taKC you a nice rboto.-rraoh if von be ''tnr.lv." In "" ;! ' : .!! you will hi've- a nice chuee : ! r;ir stvne nice thi'vs for Cisrist mas, i eoPiM-ifing of anything :!iat is kept in an art stire. He will i!Vit.i von a .picture; ikluttz&co. Fsiij IS-fat Diairh! MSlii! Unequalled for the Cure cf Dysentery, Diarrhcea, Chol era Morbus, Summer Com plaint, Pains in the Stomach and Bowels, &c. Hespsctfuily, T.F.KLUTTZ&CO. Look at This ! To Stores Full cf; Ne? Goods - - i -. - ' -. - . at ' " -7 KLUTTZ & RE ND EE M ATsf'S Now ready, the largest and host assortment of DRESS GOODS y in all qualities we have ever offered, aud at prices to suit all pocketbook?. CABPETS. The best and handsomest line we have erer offered. Price from 20 cents to $l.0 per yard. Dig stock of CLOTTIITSTG. The best selection we have ever made. Prices to suit buyers Shirts, Collars, T and I'udei weat a specialty. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! . . - - From the cheapest to the-best hand-sewed, at one price to all, and that prke rock-bottom. GOOD THINGS TO EAT, The best: of all lands, at prices that all cjn buy and eat to their fill, things to eat, am! have bought the best and a host (,r everything, us be tore you buy. 1 ours to serve,- - We like gu 1 Couiu and km Wo aro uov,- n'ivinir the- ami sell vou a frame rr:.i-.rkab:v eb hi y eiiiiiawaii V. to sec him. If you want to buy any other fine Ktuff eal i always at homo. .1,;. or He ; lariTi'st and lu-.-t 1 ' wo Lave t-vor cavrir-l. K al a iV'W of our rices: Pant goods, 10:. per vard. KLUTTZ & HENDJjEJIA'N. '11 A f I F! 10 Per C ent. on NewYorktosi I'oLran i r v r. TTT -r rr Ol 1 ';-'s ( A 1: ): Hiaiflg1 Ile7?s Gathered ia This Other Silt's. Mini:.,' t.- n s-.f.' l.r.M 1 p w li Ue- ; ai:t- cart- ;n i i u nsstry .-'s ia r- .n nv.ni'. tMasln-.'. ; .r .tny oih'-r ii-t:t'.i::'t- pur-ue t: lsrit-a-rf.it";- ! .if s iii 1 vi';Uih. II U i-liti,''! 1 tin! theuroea : i il'!::l vat and Mod's SI : .t A full lino of nu'iiV to ; 1 .00 toes from S'i.OO to t'tDl lo Anotbcr thing that ought to be done j bgrn for oysters during tbi. iSht along in line with the street im- fiUiumcr in Baltimore and that now u 1 ; n i""-"""" ir 'l ,a,"c MireijXVJls on Ws XV!IV lo piona.a to pick leading from the depot upjo the main j Hc vvore good clothes and had part of tow. 1 f there ss'one street that j should be made better than the others! ! 1 his is Cat; one. Strancrejs eoming from I t'.d .uifl M'.ver luinlu, -lat-i-ia on tie l'.iiii..-' ociil. per . n 'i' a-iniaa. Tin- ry if jf'jai iiii-iaO ia ,' , f i.-,J I. . The eopp ii 1 : 1 T !' tlf 1' vrl i ' a' Wa il lei . 1 1 1.:' riosl- v.t'iev J is. mother V.L.u Hat- Tho ohoa!ost-lin; of Jrooorio: n a!i.airv The lime is at hand w hen the old and young must be clothed in raiment of Wo will) never-leaking shoes ami boots upon their feet, and a nice hat and overcoat beautify and keep them warm during the cold wintry"' days. New in order ti every man, boy and child, rich and poor, should wear one of on: warm suits a nice overcoat, with hat and shoes to correspond, we will sell f,,r the nextjtl:,. months OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF CLOTHING Hats, Silk Hats. Overcoats Pants SI oe. Boots. Collars, CaitR Shirts, Tics, Crnv Undershirts. Trunks, Valises, Unbbei Coats. Rubhcr Shoes, Fiuiuv'.las, Suspiuh . Handkerchiefs, Underwear, and in fact everytinng we have in ook, al 10 PER CENT. ON NEW YORK-COST. THIS IS NO lll'JII'.l'ti. We mean to sell the goods, we tea:i to have' their;. ' and if . GOOD GOODS AND LOW PRICES The mf.nrhers of the fire rirra Danies -1 a new-pair of shoes on his feet. The hands now set to work to remojje . u .1 : . t . . e. .... 3 . 1 . . . : t ri ':i ii wa.-. 1; ir 1 ai .' s hotpot up town are very ture to form j , d a.-molishcl. three loaded and an improssion of the place by the first j , ) The oues loaded eontainid dg'at of i t 1 1 that be true the impres- . . . 1 I . ! . . . . Swifa- irbdi tt set theiu selves utdlbrmsr nru" ,,uv ccria.nii,oi ue wnat n Tliey are siiu-iting tlc towa, for sub-jfcriptioi-s. The sen." ice they Jiave ren dered the town should merit handsome tails for the. boys. The book reception is now before the j ieop!e to act. Five hundred circular detters have been scat-out, and if you net ' one it is hoped that ytm will kindfy give at a reading and a serious thought. Just one book for each letter would le live iiun.dred, vLat .a-uicc little collection. should, ilty fathers you are doing well and may on. laybold of this piece also t will the ap)roval of u;any a iid v lo ver- r. r 1.1 town. .An' entirely new schedule i' w n: operation for all roads eondn'g into Sa bury, Yadkin train trcts in now at '.8:3.0, making connections with the noi it bound passenger, also one "from- t'te west does the same. The Yadkin leaves at PJ.30, and the north bound train at niht leaves two hours later than heretofore. When wanting your picture, taken ' don't go up stairs, but go in Jto'au's China and Art Store, "wh nbeaut rf ul Ch i n a, Piel u re J Lijind Willowware. Don't near Christinas but get yiur photos t:.'-. j now as I will be too busy a week of Christmas. re you can ?ev Picture Frames delay till rich' to hub ' One of Salisbury's young men while out ehattirg his girl very late one night last week, was attacked by a w ild ani mal near the iresideaee of I)r. Ivaniss. ."lie gave ; it a hand to hand tight and came- off. victor. Iltf carried Ids pi-he home and discovered in the- morning that he had, killed a musk r.0. A II ijrh Honor. Prof. V. H. Neave, of flits olace, who is known all over the country as a musi cian and fine w riter of musical literature, last week. was" honored by being notified that he was duly elected a Fellow of the Society of Science, Letters aud Art, of r Loudon. There are but few members ol this society in America," only the finest ! theologians and best musicians ara ad- t mitted. We are glad to know that Sal isbury has.'the honor -of possessing such a : member, aud we are sure, too, that the honor is bestowed on a worthy man. A Happy Mm ringo. More than five hundred people ns.-crn-b'ed at the Methodist church last night to see the marriage lite performed upon Mr. James H. Uunay, the ue.it post- ma tor. Salisbury ever ua;i that, a young man who sp O-l, M.--s .M.;ry I.- Mi.ie.', one of Saiisiiiiry's handsoinot belles, a nalivti of Columbia, S, ('., but l'-r more than a year a resident ol' S.disbun , in which 'circle of society slie .;n i u e.-1 i ma b!e laeuira-r. S;oJ a brilliant wedding fruit trees and plants, and wrought iroL Ft- 1 -It pipes. 1 ne wood w as poeu out anu e ar.' 1 a I'd . . . ; '. i. i-.; is. mense b(.d of ore. I VI n; bb-n ix-nca: li I f you wili to save not ,,!.a:v ii'Uil vu liloipy, Ui-t oil! are any inducements, we mean to sell two-thirds of the Fall soid iii i SalisbuTT. Fnibrace this golden opportunity, and biii r.d Winder ; the bovs and i. with you ami make oar htoie your nt-auipuartcrs, ami we wuj si:..w yo,; jnyti v-ou want to sec. Faspcct fully, ie ruo:in o; i tr.nio v.a-i.nu, en.v an mslt.t fo tell of ti:i !c;'ti!;iy ami iiu jini alili; value. Kamhdph l:.is be.-n i' r years noted -as a manuia' aud wiil eje long, ie w.- tn-. ing -'!i a ' , i a- one i- t Wo moan Imsinf'ss -urpnr-ed by many in ni'.e t.d-. A mine has lately been partialiy opein d near Cedar Fal's which D. l J la: & 0. H. & L. WRIGHT. FATA more than hiif!il v r. ere ver known, and a i . ...... - o tJ. t liic.M , l.ao-i. lo burned and the wreck, cleared up sj that trains p used ovv. b- k t two o'clock. 13 )t!i .id- c.'c. e torn up and a teiegra.-:.- e i: n. Tiio wreck is supp. -4cd to have oc curred on ace-Hint of a broken axle. . A Seo:id Wrrcl.'i Wednesday morning at o o'clock five iniie.': south of Chii.a ti rove at ihe coal -.in- to heci'iue uie of the rii het in this- - vet ion ai' eoun- I Iry. litis liiine is ki'0'.a as I . 1 1 : 1 r. iold mine. The other d iv I was shown vune cry fine specin ens of eld by Mi V. V. W.H.& R.S. TUCKER & CO. -rv tine speeurena .. geld by Mr. i "ps T1 4 lieddiug, of liamil.-nian, o'ne Vsl-J. VJTC)0(..LS FOR Autumn, 5 91. Wiiieii Wv-1 siiied nn.e. ea J i i.nv weijiiits almost pure gold, :ti:d lie i,;..! a nnailter of otlu-rs not so large, but tiil very lir.e. ihe geological structure 1 ; n 1; chute lie :io train W-- lerriblv m; b.'-.-ken :.i lie e.irs were !,il I- ! 1 .'f le.- : no .0 :dei No one brakeman, Allen ai: not .--erioas. style on b- was. hurt but i Walls. Ill ! The i. & IK n a negro t i . i -1 : i - d :.)) in i ii t 'f : he rend. i.xac.iy a m..ea wa- 1 'a e. ne 1 nii on me nandsouie Cll'lUeii o'i-j,au wililo M v-.-MV. 1 beo. I). lirdwu, ,J. u. it cii :"e, D. L. Ga.-kill and K. C. -Whceier, gruomsiuen, marched aisie and tOik positions in - b: iiaid luck. 1 r .ii iv: rs .f r-srv.gl its of siren 'iii were dowti tiie i. wiii 01 uie aiiar, wnen 1 diow mg came ! travea-i" -ir. i;am-e uv:ii:i on uie' arm ol Waal Some daz.diiLr f performed 0:1 our streets last Tuesday by a troup of four meu claiming to be a part of a Herculean Troup which has been in the South. (Uie of them e rocks aval general appearance ad inc. a.-::! iu:nt-ra!s. erppn:;s an' good ucneraUy. 1 a wit h tit -vi The am sa TRADE. EfflPORIUI t; i-lieo. li tnis real iunen: mine will oon cauanee Use value e-iati- in tliis whole seelioi. ei' i- ::'rv. -Si ate "'.jronielc. Tio-ri- i- a rid; silver ni':a- at Ki:i:: s .a. 1 ::,:e in. I; was known '., 'i.t- Ii.ii i; ad i: cfjbi . "t lie f ai:.d by t'ae wfiite iio-n. A i' w day s ago a miui-ur tumiled -n the mine. It is in a cave. Inside are f lie tools used by the aborigines. Some aft be ore was sent to the Cha.i Jolte mint , and it contained I pure silver ami i.g-oid.-The di.-coyery will ii"t i-e i.jiaicd unli! :i'e r-'.-iMicr; v can lie bmi gbt. ia;e'iu selecte b ,) v.- ji'ji:: S .our -: iy .v.. I SUOITi in- : 1 u ; 1 . l swung a d.iao bei: m eaeli band iar besL man, Mr. Vv . O. Lindsay; last but j above his head, that weighed 7G poitm.s ever heard. At S:10 Dr. fTejth pro siounced Uie words 'biian aud wife'' and ISiirii Burned. j On last Friday night the birn of Mr. .Peter Glass was-burned. . lie-, lives five miles down the road &outh of China ' Grove. r:." The barns were full T roioghing. A large oneaud a small one were-consume l t four horses wers roasted t death. Tne ; . flamc3 were not discovered n ti:ne to save anything bjt a new. mowing ma chine, - His cattle broke out fiowever, - and were saved. It was supposed to bd .the work of tramps having loose matches I will sell at public auclion-ou Main; str'ei, Snhiray 2r!i ini;nit, one good . a their pocKets or from the spark of an jolu.s buggy. Terms strifHv ca.h. ) not least eanie li e cnaxmiiig bfide le(lTy each. And with his middle finger he Miss Mollio Murphy, of Walnut Cove, picked up another that weighed 114 N. C. At the altar she joined the arm ! pounds and held it out at arm's length, of the groom and the audience listened With them, be performed several othir t i oi.e of the most impressive cereuiories feats. Hal the most hazardous feat was per formed by one having a stone broke oil the noble act was ended; the curtain fell. his head tlial weighed loo pounds, with a Th.w took the-vestibule train last ; sledge hammer. He first took a block night -and will spend a few days in Wash-! of 'iron that weighed 111 pounds aid ington, New York and Philadelphia, ''placed it on his head, then he toook the i'hey will be gone ten days when they j rG;;k, which v;;s about a cubic foot, and will return and take up life's responsi- ! hud it on top of this and then the man bilities. who hand led the bells took a hanin.er Tne W.VTCHMAX with scores of other i that weighed six pounds ami struck the friends is eager to wish them many, j rock some eight or ten times whet: it many joy's. was broken ia two pieces thr m the - i 7" B5 m .7 - j middle. He apparently sustained no P. I. Vir.si.n. Smiih !.iin .'" -having an i 'attbig. i'i hi-a m. 'I sharp r a.'.or.-: t a' ! tine in 2 ai.d !i .;au)fi!-,i v,g a s ;. iab lei;. e!l i ' :;ri-'l :.l tin ?C 1 ai i t :.:. a: '. r yoav a - -a ir!; H i r-;ir( 'Vib V.a.it a. I ai-j -t-; a ):'.:. hdillg t'.e K'm;-.; : a; j.r.-ivir.di.u: . to i a il.e tin' niv'a'i.5 ut' our M A i ! cr. to i b-.ii r i)i- uir SALE. 1 , !b'3 Vi.-t. ; I i r o a n -' ia .1 i.i'i rk'oa . n:i ten :-u h. : :' li!' . tVem tin- ' , ec-r a iiui:'!r'"t iu-i iron: nri i--!; Iiui! !r 1 feet, ii'iji aning the i.;: ,. .Mowers .ml lie- Mi.-e a ui st rec ie i 1 ' 0 1 A Good Olf r. injury. He claims to be a light weight ':U - jay t ) 1: iir-.' i')d . rr.ee. I . itv ot W. ; :-. 1 i ea r' i i a: - bi.'-b-r i at. IS' (b.ai;-. W. b)M I-. , JbiMei . ( "arj'e'. (.' i.rtai i: . LetL.-l.-i l' iiiij-;:: I'!'-- I ales i i-i 1 s, ;a i'le- o:o- atro!i v. Us? ! in ..i if paai ; taTfi rati tin be ' COOl'iS I (Te. j,t 1 e: 0'- :dl ea-h of -' live i,) n, ( . . My la rye and well J tock of Fall and Winter Goo is now ready and complete, an EnHil cordially invite your'attehtic to my different departments. inaiuur. In l.j.rj ,i .: i I ! '.! I.l-iiillr I I I ear. alK') i" lal I'i'e, P TT 0 m lr H. G it. a : i ; to ;-.fii- will . i vor, P. Pa ivaleig-Ii, li . C. :'i.'fii tiip W n : :t p. J 0 H N 3 ST I AN At the low price of the 'W.vrcmta x w'e i ehaaipiou w restler can't al'onl to tav acrents a commissitm. t but we propose to give ail our friends aj 'iwc Valuable Hook. chance." To the person sending us the We have "'-'dcrtaken to furnb-h our largest list of paid up subscribers before i meaner.- w an two very valuable hooks tbo the I gold, fourth largest, 1 in silver. Boy 1 liaiKls 01 every tanner in ISortii t anoina. I men. voumr and old. here is vnur ebai.'ee' ! The Miks can be. seen at the Watch- m a a onice ai anv nine. i ie iiiue o largest list ot paid up subscribers before 1 ,La 4C1 - u" lu" uull'lli,B the lirst of Januariext, we will make j "IjJ,,n,: a:ul Capital"' is the title of ( a present of 10 in gold; second, largesti,he ot!ler ' "1loi't:1'! Farming in t list $5'in gold, third largest list i'J Q in !ulh-'' Tilic books ought to be in t Capital.1' is (Id clotl s-eize every oppth-t unify to pick up a t.ew , onice ai -ubserilKO". Soip.chcalv will oir 1 1.. i ".Taaor and handsoiiie New Years presents, w by not ! ''dndiiiL ; "Profitable Fant-itit:" i ."0. you.; Dejiin .-right now. Every uainef ilu!iu -a!l 5,11,1 s' v' ;'u'-' give u- vou Send w ill be placed To your credi-t. ' .vo,5r 'der. Remember the price of she paper is $1 o0. I rr. butdfyou send a many ys ten they will j be put on at club rates, $1.00 Now let's ' see w;ho will win the gold: (-'ALL 0T W. B( and ms xi;vv UXDKRWEAK, CORSETS, HOSIERY. & FINE SHOE ALSO A LARGE LIKE OF Ladies' and Gliildren's Rulers find Gossamers, COST. s I I T X. 7. , ' -TTI ! MY FIRST FLOOR, as usual, consists of a cor: plfite line of Dry floods,. Notions, Blank S.iuwis, etc., which will pay vou to cxamin- MY SECOND FLOOR is now arranged for Clo; . ing, Hats, Hoots and m-s. But in this partnicnt I make a specialty -of CLOTIIIva i and will not be underso M bv anv one. I h;r a pretty line of fine Worsted, Cassiinere a Cheviot Suits for men, boys and children. OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! Li"-ht medium and hoavv weights. He;; quarters in tliis line. MY THIRD FLOOR consists of Wood ami V lowrVVarer L 1 ssware, Trur.ks, Valises, etc. V MY TWO LARGE WAREHOUSES is in tlie i of the store, and is filled with the largest sL a of groceries in the citv. FOUNDED IN 1864 bytbe present eTH ttrnt Increased Annnal atteadanri- When B.bj- was sti-fe. w 5uvt- ut-r t -r'.-ruv Vp"bn tat- was a Clxl'.d. she cried for 'tscor:a iiVheri she lt-a.;i-? ?Ii, sue ehsn to Ca-tona. Wbt n slie u&d Ciiiircn, i-iie ga - rh:;j Cukri facilities for educating YOl'G ME .vJP ocrapyin' school for their children. PARENTS .CD W-HEJ idS5Lye-27 YEARS of Tlnd ri? lS(i THV.J?- OccnDvinT f;.-t..rMine-Stand unrivaled .n miy reqmre r U f- nil 1 I U ' " , . i - , r.s.n rt eirchildren. PAffEWTS .1 WOMEN for stirred in li. in-aeciaiug -f- CHEAP tnitionis very dear, becne ort at first, bntit will prove therheagest m tt'e.ciT Hies an offers opportanitiee, for ch-ap teacher" cheap surround ing.. Thi9lnstirntion.owinstoiUHICHRunn? POSITICttJ tJr iM pupr. aadg.radua-.-roans inen and womenfrora aHryi "Ty dwirable pos.tjo more ail similar institutions combine Ciu,,iu,' North Carolina juth Carolinaantf Georgia, au Addrwa, W. H. SADLER, i5SmiCtt,w countrv Merchants will d well to 'and exninine my lines before purchasing (1 ; K-tll stock. Call. on V. WALLAC 4 - 4 eugfH?; Ji C. l Jacobs. If V t

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