.1 A '.7 ; : I - ' ' -- . ::' r --- T"'T """ - .- , ... j f , Carolina Watchman. L:OCAL.. -THURSDAY. DEC. S, The street 'work is going cu but .slaw. Eight new houses tire going up in KuM liisbury. - , blurry on with the instead Auu;ng xr t the boats in -reji'lhsess. - .i troupe of gipsy peddlers struck the ty the tint of the -week. , - irMrs. N. J. Terry hiis given up the St. " tines Hotel and returni-d to Winston. THfe porch attached to the European , lousy was loi u down Tuesday evening. Tht? mountain apple aud chestnut, is fitting mi to our market quite -plentiful w. . - ' ' in. . - . Miss Amanda Fisher," " of Concord, is .4 visiting at he huiiio of Mrs. John 1 toward. Court 'adjourned ut noon latTnc day. Omc cases were laid oyeriuntil the next tam of court, r- - Mr. James II. Ramsay and bride Tf turjied from their bridal trip last Satur day morning. Mr. J. AStikeleather, of Statesviilr , del'ivered a lecture cm prohibition, in the -court house last Tuesday., - - 3Ir. J. S. Eagle, a fireman on the Vt'stern road, i 6 sick with tiie grippe at the home of Mr. f . C. West. ; Dawns, the Charlotte negro burglar who was to be hanged .to-day, has been granted by the governor a respke of fifteen day a. Brother Click, of the Hickory Mercury, galled in and paid us'a pleasant visit last Friday. He U visiting his mother, in Davie county. Cnpt. Albright of the Yadkin road,, -was called, by a "telegram, home TaL Sunday to attend the burial of his grand father, in Virginia. - ' 1 Last week Mr. Alex. Shaver subscribed for the WATCniiAN. This Week- when lie cam.e to town he brought with him tv.o new .subscribers. '4 The rain last Thursday gave the peo ple some idea how the streets will be tihis winter if the' work of improving is not pushed more rapidly. Mr. Robert Felkcr, of Scotch Irish township has accepted the position of mailing clerk the postofliee, Mr. Eu gene Ucan having resigned. t:W. A. Fries jfe Co'', have bought the E.v-h, door and blind fae.tor.y-of J. 15. iiicr. Mr. John W. Davis wil have Charge of the machinery department." J ;Rev. J. A. B. ,Sehearer,' missionary Select" to ."Japan from the Evangelical Lutheran Synod South, will' preach in the Lutheran church here next Sunday Straugro Dcatn. -Mrs. Edmund Ridenhour died last Fri day morning while in a. lethargic slep. She was living in Unity township at tho tim? of her deaTiK Sac went to sleep cn the Siuxl? v before and the ctf;,rt-cf her friends and the doctor fuUed"? tiwake her. - Thv I?ook Hi Cf.'iil ion. This-.gut hcring of literal ure by thp' Y. M-C. A. Ijkst Fi'id:-v lii -lit wsi a fraud success., i'our luvnurea ami sisty-six books" were actually contributed by th good people of Salisbury,' ith several others yet to. hear from wly promise to contribute. All did well; a few did ex ceedingly well. Dr. Si'.nimerell gave twenty-two books and Mr. N. li. McCan less gave eight; others did equally as well. The kind reciprocity ths society mejt llQ ha iklz of the people shows the esteem iu which the association is held by our people. Mr. I. IT. Foust conducted the exer- s cises of the evening. Speeches wtHre de livered by Rrvs. Jones, Rniuple and An derson. Tlie Choral- lniou rendered several nice choruses. Then fallowed a nice lunch by the kind ladies. All par took of the rich feast and were filled. This was the most enj oyable festive occasion-that Salisbury has had this season. Now that this is a free library open to all, we hope that it will ba liberally pat ronized. If at any time you have a tew minutes to spend go up to this hall and attend to the cultivation of Your mind. MIKIKG DEPARTMENT, I "W"A-tTTS iiiaiag Hews Gathered ia This and Other States. . TT? ANTED; Agents. Free rep:ud outfit to 11 entnreticlheu. Several of our salesmen have Mn. (! fnim S!7fi in ft WL-ek for vtirr-. is a safe bud acss It .pursued with the I ..... K ' vrk. linin; same cans anl la iutry as Kiarchan-lisiBsr. bantlntr. I i'J-u or anv ft'.lir i.-rm.Tiiif ft ui-siH. It lfialsoaerator lot soil t wealth, it Is cl.Uffea that tlxe protlt on J ANTLD: All desiring photos must come now utiii bluer m mug:, lace iue tivaovery or gOiO i j tli roach Morgan's Two Stores Full ol New Goods i-ii.si'inTi tV.i 'l:u-!T: PO:L nmoiifiM If over iS i.iiin "n.-f'iiiiiw 'Via Minw nf flir TiiiwtAiTQ 1 VOU W3.nl me"iJ toi- cct exuhanp?: he creates, what l ei Come. iro!u the earth has Instant aa--Iu'. rlnsio value. uew eaia:: j-icttire-, fruaic? or lorc. i, h1- in I h UO.l!Mii.f t!ii unil(tM ll 1 1 Tlse II i cli in 31ineials. Baltimore Manufacturer? Record invited to Utc Dru" Store of K. C. t uthre'l Vi'Iiere you can buy everything in the ilnij- line. tTT" ANTED: Kvervuoilv to tuy Ihtir hcuvv says North Carulina is the State of all If ami fancy groceries from t'lieely & McCul- others for rare minerals. The rveface of Moh. Money is scarce but our prices are ! re low. KLUTTZ & CO KLUTTZaI AT J !17Mm'Mf-AI can aid us. Impi-ovculeiits Neelel. In cur issue two weeks ago we ad vanced an idea that Council street should be. improved. This idea has taken favor able with the people and all are anxious to sec this street improved. The town commissioners or whoever this 'work, is tTepeudeht'tfpon should do it, at once.' It. WITH NEW GOODS! bad enough don't let it ct liiaht. : a,ptain Ihirke wvnt to Th.omasvillo Tuesday lo snperinUnd the taking up- of the re:naij)s of the ..Federal sohlicrs juried there, ajid wiil biin tiicla here. . tV.nd place theni in the National Ci meUry. :,.' 3i!r, Rrtet If. Partridge, a member tin. II S "Coolo'-ical Survey, called at Your -'office Monday. The survey ior ', Nort Carolina is alwut completed, lie . !03 from liere to Florida. - ,Mr: J. irowan Davis, of Mill Bridge, 'accepted a position as salesman with ?Ir. ;fJ. V. Rostian last Friday. Mr. Daxis (has' been in the, mercantile business Ih ?foie and no doubt ilr. Bostian has sti tu k j u bonanza. , 1 ' I.ir. E. 3. Medernach, for a long time " tintype artist at this place, died last Fri- . ' - . . 4- i " . day morning, ills remains were senu u 1 Danville, Va., for interment. lie was a member of the Masonic lodge, winch had ; charge of his burial 11. E. Johnson, the newsboy who was Beriousiy hurt in the Bostian bridge S wreck, on that -fearful ight of August i S2Cth, passed through -here Monday on J his way to Knoxville to accept his pos:- Hon 'again, having recovered from his I injuries. ' -. The cylinder head of a large engVrfe !;.'. in the Forest Hilcotton faetcrry in Con - cord blew out last Saturday morniug. f Four hundred Irands weie thrown cut of employment. The accident stops work I , i i the bag faetcrry alsi, being run by the same engine. is now .worse. Along the line qfimprovetnents which the town lietdsTisa better ei'y liall. The one we now have is perfectly a blot tm the town's prosperity. Many persons actually fullered thq"' night of the ,k.;arn Joncsdeiittel -f. , V.'ith the plastering ail off of the over head ceiling fiiir stoves would he insufli eient to heal up ihe room. This may he tlic best hall that can be afforded' fyt the money, but the money will certainly build a better cue. Some may think that the town may be injured by this denunciation gf this crippled oip hall in, keepii.g first-class plays frora 'coining here. lint this fact i- known to all com panies w-ho cany first-class concerns. We rarely fee anything- hut the lower grade of plays, which ar; more daiua- i l r - I .1; n.g to i ne morals oi t tie town umh other faciur. , If we go at all it is at the sacrifice f otir-hefilth. j Tea clHis if i-f.o. E.WTOK Vatchman: Fiease say in your cojtimns liiat the Ihorticiiltural Di-v'.-ioti of the N. C. Agricultural Experi ment Sta?.ha wiil send n pacicage of tea --eeds-to all who eru hb a ht:inip for pos- JJUllelin 4ot tlie Ulllteu Crates Ijreoieg- TTrNTED: Men in every neighborhood to ical Survey says that since 1881 "a goodly i V get subscribers for the Watchman. u. - I TAN'TED: 909 bald-bended men to come the list" and' that minerals formerly sup- Y and iret their hair cut at T. . Vinson ? I c posel to be rare are uow found abun- j barber shop, on South .dam street. .1- J . : 1 ua,)ll uuu uuvlJ ttojuuci. miuun,ii.mi ANTED: 1.000 new cash subscribers to importance. "For example, in response j W tlie Watchman- before tlie f:rst 'ay of Jan- rt .i inuatrtal ftamnml Vortli CnrnliiiM. I uarv. 1892. If vou will woiii and talk you has supplied zircon and menagite by iht ... . i.t to! ami samaiskito by tne lumureu weight, and the output can be increased almost indeGnitely. The State has also contributed to science several new speci mens as not found elsewhere, and some of these, notably among the verraicicultes, are significant for the light they shed upon other associated minerals." The commercial demand referred to comes from the manufacturers of the Welsback litrht. The invention consists in saturat ing a fine film of silk with a solution of The undersigned have bought out the these minerals, This is placed over the stock of Mr. P. V. BROWN, on Fisher flame of a common Argand lamp, the street, opposite D. It. Julian & Co heat from which destroys the silk but We arc constantly receiving new goods liHii'fla tbi mijioivil npt wnrk inflict. The for the Fall and Winter trade. We nriili.ir mmlitv of thesft minerals is that I have a select stock of they absorb certain of the colored rays, and give a pure, bright, white liiiht, like that of the sun. Since the Welsback lamp has been introduced iu London it has displaced all other illuminators for the use of chemists aud microscopists, for it is moe steady and reliable than any other, bright daylight not excepted. The one trouble thus far has been that the film would not bear transportation, but recently the manufacturers think they have overcome this by incasing it in solidified petroleum. When the film thus protected, is put in position, the dame quickly bui ns away the coating as well as lgilik. Should this prove to he practicablethen the demand for these minerals will draw heavily on North Carolina's great supply. Family WM Diarrka lite Unequalled for the Cure of Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Chol era Morbus,. Summer Com plaint, Pains in the Stomach and Bo'wels, &c. Kespectfully, ' T.F.iaiITTZ&CO. Now ready, the largest and best assorrfSefit of . " DRESS GOODS in all qualities' we have ever offered , and at prices to suit all pockctbeok-.. CA.RPETS. The best aud handsomest line we have ever offered. Trice from .20 cents to $kv. per yard. Big stock of , CLOTHING. .-( -" The best selection we have ever made. Trices to suit buj-ers bbirts, Collars, 1 ies and Underwear a specialty. - SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! From the cheapest to the best hand-sewed, at one price to all, and that prise rock-bottom. . GOOD THINGS TO EAT. The best of all lands, at prices that all cm buy and eat to thefiil, things to eat, nmUiave bought the best and a best ot everyining. us before you buy. i -1 . Look at This ! The L. Colioskv Company, of Wash ington, I). C, says the Morganton Herald, who have been for some time operating an asbestos tni.ic alwut four miles south of that place, on the Laural road, have, it is reported, struck a big deposit of the mineral at a depth of about one hundred Jeet from the ton of a shaft sunk in the .-ide of the mountain. A tunnel has just been completed which drains the shaft ami euro;es mo miners iu huhv ij advantage. Negotiations are mow pend ing for the sale of the property to. an Eno'.ish syndicate. The samples of as- SrcGei les, T3ry Goqs, ClotMtJE, S And everything found in a First Class Dry Goods Store. We mean business and will sell everv- thing at reasonable prices and treat you riffht. i We will pay the highest market prices for Chickens, Suiter, Eggs, Corn, Peas, and all kinds of Country Produce. us before you sell. Respectfully, L. SITGHIE & CO. Salisbury, Nov. 25th, 1S01. See We like p o J, Come and Yours to serve, KLUTTZ & REN-DLEMAN. o o WALLACE'S o o 1 -v I.HMS.TUCKEMCO. Dry Goods Autumn,J91. T.'o li;i- c r.-) in Jt-ro tJi c- nKi-Tinnt.'nificcr.t exhibition ef li'tfrh l;!St Dry (Jy.-ls aii.l km- lixil vure ovor &lnvu untitT etiv roof in N .'. I age. 1 lie; ds s-hoal-i be L-.ited at once- e; ;n s-awyi-i on h anl euverel two c,r thivo inches ana some !'iu e. straw scallered oyer l keep I be soil .from 'freezing. Next suauner .-iiale the 2, ju!il( plants until fiuly de veloped. Nudress, ' " V. F. Masky, llortieultur-st, Kuieigh, N. C. We tire now reccivins the largest and best assorted stock we have ever carried. Read a few of -our prices: Taut goods, 10c. per yard. Brogan Shoes, $1.00. Dress Goods from 8c. to $1.00 q -p-i "sg" per yard. Men's Shoes from $3.00 to $12.0. A full line of men's and hoys Hats. The cheapest line of Groceries j in Salisbury. If vou wish to save monev, do not buy until you get our prices. We mean business. . D. 8. JBL1A3 S CO. f f HP TU T AT if DEPARTMENT, ' if1 -mo CD Tl- PRICES UCED ! stock best os from this nine are a:; ever been seen here. line as has SOUT 1 1 E UN iN'Toi t -ST A TI2 -EXPOSITION, To be holil :it It:ik'ih, Ot t 1 to Dec 1. lsil. Visitors to the ExnoFition are .conliallv in vite! to v'.-it our fil'jr kiinily. jiolitcly ami ati v.iere t.n y wjil ''U i;t:. . o'y .-.ili.il upon. i : A, man by the name of Suther hired a j iiorse from CapU Craw Cord's livery stable last Saturday morning to ride out a mile iu th country.- lie Dad trieu to et a horse from both of the other stables - Imt they .would not' hire. After he y:ot l the horse he rode around rt a back lot and turoed It over to a man named John - (Mine, Cline immediately rode the horse out of town and bus not been heard of sinct Luther was arrested and put in jtfilCourt befng in session, he was tried immediately and found guilty of con spiracy in horse stealing, lie was sen tenced, by Judge Aririfitld, to five years' A Sa'c:i " New fra:n Davie. . Vc miss them tlie turkeys. 'On a Loom the per-iruiucii uddi.nc:. ' (uite a number of ctnr peojde went to i ear Sam .Knit's leeture in 'fusion. i). F. Has-sett has irone south with loai of clay pipes. Mr. and Mrs. rf. J. Kced, of Asheboro, N". (.'., have moved to Far min.uton. Ir. Reed will supervise the-inakiuK ot 'line roller Hour at A. W. Ellis eiCo.s mill. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. .Swaiu are visit ins.-: relatives in ltowan tiis week. "Messrs. G!ennVilliains aud John ltay, of Yadk initi nd ay ed here. E.T."TTomTuT, Sr., will at an early day move with his family to Florida. Mrs. Atkinson, mother of V. J. Atkin son, did recently at a ripe old a-. - Mrs. T. Li Cliugnian has returned from i vUitHinniii.' Relatives uinl triends in . n Texas. " Mr. James Allen, of Fnrgerson, Iowa, formerly of tins cotnity, was a few days ago calfed tolhe bVrds'nle of his mother, who has been-very ill for some time. E. F. Tcague, of the firm of S. A. Jarvis &Co., is in South Carolinarellingtolmcco. As usual, the Methodist Sunday school at Farmiwgton will have a Christians tree on Xmas eve. . Onite a ldcasant event was the recep tion given at theBuhnson House recently ' complimentary' to Miss Ida (.ireen, of Wilkesboro; who was visiting itiss Mat tie IUhnson. Those present declare it second to none of the season. ; The recent heavy wind aud rain storm did much damage in our county. ihe frame of the colored graded school -was blown dou, and houses, sheds, shelters, limber and fences were blown aud scat tered about in a wholesale manner. It is reported that Phillip Ilanes and his mother will move "to Winston in a short tinier We regret very much to see suc4i people leave our community. FranU Swain has moved into his new house, w hich is near enough finished for that purpose. It will be completed at an early day. Into each of the families of E. C. Smith, Mr. I'artriJge, of tlie United State Geoiogic;il Survey, called in to see Ua this week. He says tii survey will be of incalculable va'-uc to the mineral deposits of this State. He says this State is richer :.. ..,-.w.,...lo C,o ..iiv ,hor St!jfn nf the I Or.ler Deiuirt 111 1 H ILWci.l UM ' - i . . . . ... .1 I)i-ls ( wi' j. u ran?. l:oc I a; on. rortn t aronna nas u giem varietv of nrccious mineral?:. VViien thi miii.urni'1'.i c!!"! her u value win ue seen. Imn a n a e ii a 4 u h i in a i I Fresh Garden Seeds at rC" diK'ed prices. , Clover and Grass Seeds at the lowest prices at Enmss' Drug -A- Store. SHOPPING 1,Y .MAIL. To tlioge v:io do net exi-ret ta viU Uaiei.li luring the Ejositsoii or who desire ti inal.t: any preparation before that tin:e. we ure. aide to serve ia t'ae most satisfactory m.iiiier, ly j the means of our thoroughly equij-ped Mail tnient. Htmsel'urnijhir.i; Cool.-, Ilosii-ry, ('or-ets, Gloves, I'liderwc.-ii , OarpeU-. Curtains. i'ce.. &.c. Letters of inquiry promptly answered: snir. ples elieerfiilly sent. When writing for sam ples our patrons will please oe ae'iuite as u till- kind of ptods dc-irt-t. lutelligf atteu-tioa-ean then be civen their orders. - COOT5S OKLI V ERKi VMV.K (lixecpt Furullure and ("roeUerj .1 On all cash of Sa.Ou anjl oyer we wiil deliver tioods free, tou-ia'iirest h. press oltiee or Kauroad station. '-'"I' n Buyers , F. McCUBBINS & CO,, Mon -:- FOR MILL AND EXPORT, Thev always pay highest cash price for Cotton and Seed. Don't fail to see thorn. I have an immense of Winter Clothing which -must . now be sold, and to meet the lfd times I will make pvicea to suit. Beginning with this week I will give you all a chance to buy Winter: Cloth- ino low. Read These Figures ; 3 O W. H. & R. S. THdrer Raleigh, II. C. Mention tliP Watehnnn when you write. T T Vin.:rm. South lain Street, for your ishay'ian ae.'f hair-cutting. First-class work i..t- ',n: 1i:ii-ii razors aUill times. Jfair-dre.-s ins and ahainiooiiiag specialty. Will vait on l.i.'iies and children at their homes. I also sharpen scissor? at from 10 to 15 cents a pr.ir. (Iiv him . call. 3 I S 5.oo Suils-for $ 4.oo 8,oo u 6.75 lo.oo " 8.5o 12 oo " lo.oo 15.oo " 12.5o I8.00 " 15.oo 22.oo " I8.00 i VILA AM 3 READ THIS! SOLE AGENT FOR lie sure laid call for a bottle of 3 Cures. It lias never failed to cure TH'spensia, Indigestion, and Sick Headache. 1 can give irT ,r(AT,r, m rvrT?T7TTTTMfl st-class references in Sal- 1 tlUMrOUIN ) ULU V La 1 1 I Overcoats and pants in proportion. MY SECOND FLOOR is elegantly arranged as a Clothing Department, and we have the choic est selection ever brought to this market. , We promise you all fair treatment and the, value of your money. Truly, i imprisonment in the. penitentiary j --IB" 1 yon fir 'lshury.to prove its merits sale hv CORSETS. WALL ALE For BE IN TIME. D.-pt't wstit till you get sirk to get a uttle of Enniss' Uiarrluvii Specific, but JUST RECEIVED, a fall line of Ladies' A IS fl come ami have it ready. It will saveyui; a rlor-tnr bill mid nrobablv vour life. It is stioeilv cure for Diarrhcea, Flux, Sum mor and Uowel ooinplaints. It never fails to cure ir taken in time. CLOAKS! 10 E er Cent, on New York Cost fclSif Sftia Jones' Ixjctiirt The night was "IkuI,. the crowd small, bat tiaiu'Got There" just the same. It is useless for anyone to try to portray ".what fliis ppeakcr says, lli.s style is in imifable aul for anyone to reproduce his -lectures-ruins the jest of hi.s theme. His -. manner of speech is. slow and distinct. His' audience is continually sway'uig Hrom breathless silence to cpuvui.ions of laUKhter., Hid lccturet "Get There," is a. rare gen of wit. It is full of fooa for the mind. -Sam Jones hds :i magnetic in iluencc oyer an audifnee that, doubtless :'na other speaker in America r.ohl. He .-noes nuL LAND S ;.TK. P.v viri-.i of :i TuortkfAiro Ict 1 mo cxcruictl 1. Brock ar.d C. L. Kimbr juh wus ; llV ;i;arir.irct K. Piirksuul Gilbert I. Turks, of recentlv born a son. ' k?w:i''.Miintv. N'. C. on the 2st lar if Lat Monday th. st-av shots from a I .v.cust. ISXi.'an 1 ill j samu ilulv rct-itert 1 in hunter's quu hit and penetrated the face j tJit- iiepcistcr"? ofikc ot lioivnn chanty, hi lim.k of :ind side of the 14 year old (iauur.ter ot G of tds. i a lt- : . to seuirv the imyinent oi Jo!ia White. The wuliudd'are painful a cei-taia note, which i vv .lue ami unpaitl, but thouirht not serious. Farmingion, N. C, Dec : ma- s-t3- - IliMTIXH. .lS'Jl. . 1 J. H.BNNISS. Second stock of Fall and Winter Dress uoous is just in. A full line of Ladies' and Gents' UNDER W EAR! D( n't. fail to sec my Stock. 1 will sell to li'.c Itiirbest bid Icr for cmi at the C.iiirt llor.fe lioor ia the t nv.i of Sali.-bury, Il.isvaii eo,i!;lv. N. C, on Mon lay. the -1th dny i J:;;nvirv. .'O'i. ihe proirlv c mvi'vpii in s.u ! I Mortvr !;''. 1. t;-vit: One lior.r and lot iu hive town of J : '1 -i Hill a.ljoiidn tlie Uailsofj : H;rv Will'r.'TJj an ! others, containinjr or.t fail to Kcl. in his . s:arcasiiu McDcMaUl Acqtiittod. F A VKTTKVIT.J.E. X . C. Til'C. 1. Il t llC ..r At., n :.i ,,,, ...-,..1 ,,t V.x-..it... I .-. :-iv! '! r,.v.;,iii notes. th- i.rsu-rtv on which vi l.- for thf-ltuttrder or iKv. n hich the i-I Mar-arct i-.. l'ar.,?. an-l . (.tWrt-1. 1 l,fs lct n nendiVi; (or iho A lw celcy. iVrKs u,.w i.v. i .-r .a .. avinr ut all in-rht c;.mo VjU U J"J"; " V' . . , . ;. .,rl;,l th0 , 1 i'liMiji --:it i!ir,.'.irt i i-.. rarhs 1101 m i o. i.vi . wt-st 17 tt'ft 1 iiu-lus !o a itone: theme F-.nUli 212 U'ft to a ouv: tnviwv oait 1 lt inches tra 5tor.?, .Margaret I'M 0,,ru llier.ee with her line to the. uepiiiniii;; t In- iu'rv : 1 1 1 r in liii.i 4i';urnrnjx at u:';.'., and am it! th.' i .i i. - :i v.. .. a..,.i. -,.! " thene court roum render'd a vtinlict of not : gtu'fy. Th0 ver.iit t is said to have been , imm.'i'vmi ivl;h uimi bv the entire com- i tuunity - ; To Children Cry for . Pitcher Castcrh isi'y $ai Pott and inler".t a ad e-:-tpj, This 30th dav uf NovfinbiT, W. ILUATlieenCJAir-nl ii.dJ MSlIiMfjr. 1k tkmms-r-m . i - '- 111 VCD( r otitinuouii isd eucceesftil mJee- FOUNDED IN 18647 tne prwciw exf.'l4J" fouVbnU!Ine-SUiidB anriTalcd in tii v. itK.N i . Decaneo ji uayi. n The time is, at hand when the eld and young must be clothed in raiment of wooi with never-leaking shoes aud boots upon their feet, and a nice hatband overcoat tu . beautify and keep them warm during the cold wintry1, day. Now in order, thkvt every man, hoy and child, rich and poor, should wear one of our rarm;suits and v nice overcoat, with hat and shoe to correspond, we Wrll Eell for the next three months ; : OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF CLOTHING, - llat Silk Hats, Overcoats, Pants. Shoes, Boot, Collar-, Cuffs, Shirts, Ties, Cravat ; Undershirts, Trunks, Valises, Rubber UuaJs, Rubber i?hoes. Umbrellas, ruspendcr8.- -rlandkerchicfs, Underwear, and iu fact everything wo have in stock, at- ! ,10 PER CENT: ON NEW YORK COST. THIS IS NO 1IUMPUG. We ycai; ini-'-'.'- li-.c .U-l. w- mean to huvcjlie tif.oe, ,IUJ GOOD GOODS echool for their cbildren, P AH R c "V". it "-m nme the cheapest in the end n.v rcnnlrn the exoenditure oi a lew aouam njwrc v u.v, - -, infinr r-ni. CH EAP tnition ia rery dejtr. became H"KKKd unto aw fw w i I ,;-Kl r.AfiHnr,il mnr iTrtfal to lt-ttoS ltaTd. Catalogue and particulars mailed on . 'Pauoc. . Address VV. H. SADLER, Freaiden and ro,nd,r ; w F. A. SADLER, S,c .etary BUSINESS COLLEGE, 6,8, 10 & 12 H.Charles St., BALTIMORE. MO. iicutlou tUe Wattliui-au wucajou write. are anv inducements, we mean to sell ! hv' f the Fall nmPWinter Co&U -old' in' Salisbury. Embrace this irohbru oj poi.utuity, and brii.plhe bovs and rirlij' vilh you and make our .store your headqua iters, aud wc will fehow ycu anythjug; vou waut to Kce, "jr Ke.siect fully, ! H. & L. WRIGHT.

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