r VOL. XXXII THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1891. NO. ,0. PI IP UH1W.BL Ugg 1-f I; m I; f 'I i'-' ;- ! . I " .1 :- i , ", ..... ," -. I- - SI" for Infants tmd t mooramcnd it aa auperlor to any prescription : koown to tne." n. A. Ancnsi, II. D., ''. So. OxTord t, Brooklyn, hYY. "Tna tea of Castoria Is & untt and Jte merits eo well known that it seems work u.iiLrk f,TfMfu who do notkeeo Ctona f within easy reach ' I ; , Carlo MawwU. g late Pastor ploonIorci6dHCiiL-au. Taa CnsTAtm IW II I II II MP I I 4- This space belong.s-to W. if.- C-,r..V teW; mim 1 ' . . ':. .', SOLE A'CICN :" r :: ' THOPSON'S JGLOYE-FITTING JUST RECEIVED, a fall lihe Second- stock of Fail A a:: JS just ill. t -j: Dcrt. Having greatly increased o c , j . storinc r.O A T ;"the cominc Mly solicit any and all orors furnish you promptly witli vhat PQAL! wALI ; market-price. In order to obtain advantage ofohc.lowest sum mor prices; yori should atonco that 1 handlo only the best the lied Ash, suitable For; emtes, -,- ."Also keep on hand at alltiiaos -the -finest trrade of blaclcsmith wai. - . Qf F J I Is tliePlacs to Got 'Monuments, , Tomtstcnes, ; --Alarge stock-.of VERifONT $ A RULE to arrive in a few days I guarantee satisfaction in every respect and positively will not be undersold. i. sr-': , ' :n ,Srra n i iioriu menfs , Of all a . epdcialtv - : i' " "' ; -6:B. WEBB, -. . ' J3.1t:. - ' ' Fl'.OrRlUTOR. . ..-'i.-r " - Mcatioi) t!c Wataroac . Uvrou vrrttc, . -' r; - . I Children. OJtorta ceres Coils: ConMpation. Bo-ir StomMii, D.ru-rhcwx.' Eriiciatio, Kills VoinuJ, gives-sleep, and promote 1I- Ttituout injurious medication. Tor eevrral ven I hat- recornrararlM roar ' Oastoria, ' and shall always oontiuue to results. - . y . Epwin F. Tarditi. II. D., Tho Wtottrop," lC5th Eiroofc ar.d T:h Ave., - Ke- York City. Ookpast, T7 Hurra. Sthut, New" Yobs. O a 11. Roister. Watch it. CORSETS? V - of Larlic' WilUer Dress Goods full ; 1 and Gents' E EWE A-R ! fail -o sc 3 my Siock. rrn r fv - IfoMF-'BTABLE' my facilities for - handling and j - . n season, I would now again respect- entWtol to mci pn.mising to coal you may waiit at the lowest send mo your orders. Reraemhor praties oi npreencrt Loal. lncludincr stoves, licatcrs, Arc J. ALLEN BROWN. ")3 -s Ti r" t fI?AT7A ,. -; A FAILURE. ! More years apro than I rame ! I sought to win a pood wife's lame 1 1 knew not how bnt all the same 1 I made a shirt. I cnt, I rtitclie.d. with many a tear; Hollowed it out, both front and rear; I carved tliv nrmtiol wide for fear Thoy wouldn't fit. John's nek.I mMnrcd ta be trnf, The 'Viand mat fit that much I knew, Ed heard so oft. All c!?e I drew And puckered in. At last 'twas done. A work of art, Complete,' I hoped, in every part. ' Come. John," I c.He 1, with quaking heart, 'Try on year shirt." I must confess it lulled somewhat In plru-es whore I thought 'twould not, Hut John, the h-nite. jelled out. -(ireat Seott!" Is this a tent?"' And such behavior langnnpe. well! Tie y tterefFthings I'll never tell. I may forjret them when I dwrll In Libber spheres. Oh. woman cf the present rbir, To ynyr's inscribed this tiny lay; You litlle'know the man you pay Your homng-c to. If his vitrne inwardness'' you'd know, Have hjni your i'.lols cvf rlhrow And sentiment to 'our windy blow. Make him a shirt. Frnn Figaro. rriTT-rr C!T!nTV"nTP A PTflTTTDT? Tt is p.io;U, 10 o'clock P. M., ine hmr wn lifaiii its latest and most fri--voloivs form is on p r:.do in the unpr psrt of tli city's great artory ci traf fic Broadway. Mitdison Squaro is brilliant ith a thousand lijnts:-tbc great hotels arc throrif-od with -idleprocps. while up Hjid down the sidewalks continues tho tdy stncanv of foot passon prr which will not1 diminish much before mid night. The crowd upon the pxve menfs and in the hotels is frequently Smted for a few moments .by pr-r-on leaving tV.o theatres in the vicinity daring the entr'acte for an airing, ve- mien's or cigars. The erpwd on piomenane is n mote.y ) if, piiiih'd for tho tno.tt iart .of Lrpte rel!-de?se,d men and wonte'. and-fr.v;: . I th' animated tnes nd ger " ore--. th?: gav jesrs ?:d light daughter, distin- guishaee above the st.pady tr;:nrt) o fpl. the rattling of cab whrels ae.d th - jingling of co'rVlK ono nrg'it, think Inst e-re rested ligntly on th . 1 1 ofHheTnot: w!'o r he-e. Among the crowd of busy talker, thoughtless id'ers and d--vo?ees at a ieurelv pace anil tv Oh o t . O I 'r 1 1 1 ess rtjf. fO:!!'S f . ... . , , . i n in wh nose g'-n'U nas e. -us man. his iv.'. mo a l'Uis-ho d Wjord in miHV and. It-is Ger-v V;rl. th- artist. The handom:', scholar! v t with its .delicate while complexion, its large. oft.. black ores and sweeping, blacK mustach4 which fringes his sensitive mouth, bis graceful carnage and the plein but faultless styl okii'tiro. stamp him easily as a mn of suiierior tvna even to t horse wh do not recog- mz m the ione liia-vo oou Hie wen known figure of metropol'tan life. Above the largon ol souuas in me 0 - r. 1 streets rise occasion. illy trom a siuj street, the io:u s of a piono-organ ac companied by Mie v7ice of a person singing some Italian songs. 'J. he artist pauses for a moment to listen ti J l e pathetic ring -of tins voice;. ana a? he approaches is struck by the appear ance of the singer. It is a young girl. o Ur.ii i- ci-tAnn vp.im of ae. with a 'I' "Ml W k. ' I ' 1 1 ' A. t Madonna-like face touched a look ot . i -i a...i exquisne soriow. is u pow-jim; h-m. the conrse-loo'xinn-Italian vonder can -4have nri' eonnectior, with th.i"- lovely 1? It is not of th's that tins. arhst thinks as ho lincers, throwing coins vo :;' . i . . - :, it is o" ' w h- 1 v 'v r : o'k .on - a-tv.: i ? 1 f.es his .-.rde- gaze, and her eves drop to tne g;o inc. while a e-vlor I lr the first olUSil or sunrise mantles her cheek. The artist is vet more charmed, although lie dt verts his gazi. still folloiving the coup from street to street. Finally ih? organ is closed up ar.d tho two performers preparp-to go home Geofaiev Vail approaches the Italian s he is about to go home and touches him on the shoulder. "Is it your daughter?" he ask s point r' , i- . i I lhe man nods his head. IV I l! I "I am an artist and would like to 1" bli..n- I proval. - l "7; ,1" i will pay you lu'rnllj." "now mucn ? asked I he man. grnnl v. '"One hue.dred dollars." answered the artist, afi"r a inoment's hesitaiion. "She will earn more than Giat with tlie o'gau." "Tlven we v.-'1? sev two !ee The Ul 'U S '.V'd W.,-! eouse'! ' I- ! 1'e '! i" e " "When .;: "T---morrow, if ii -u- '.. artist. cry weM.r auswer.d. tye ti. r.n Geoffrey haieod him his card. Geoffrey turned homeward, pleaded with his discovery. For along time Iiqu meditated painting serie; of pic tore '.-nros rpreseiit-iiig'the ydvions. 4;Here is ntv 'Anod of borrow ideal i'.e"d already." he said to himself as luiiToieil T.: ' t iUi f ...... . . ni i.iv iiuoii'!ii i;ie oi wav inrougii tne stul ffrny crowded ihorougl.farc home. Thfee?.t Italian 'found Geoffrey Vnil in his studio awaiting her visit on the following day. The strong light in the studio, where the curtnins were purposely drawn back, revealed to the "artist that he had not been deceived with regard to her appearance. The face was delicate, refined and indescribably sad. She had evidently put on her best clothes a dress of some" soft black stuff and a shal of the same sable 'hue wrapped .troufeddter head and shoulders. l'You have posed as a model before?" asked Geoffrey, noting the artistic efr fect of t b i sini)l costume. "N'-V1" said the girl, "npver before?" "What is your name?" asked ths artist. "Con?uelo" '"Consuelo," repeated the artist, "and yon look iuconsolalle." . "The girl did not understand hi re mark, but her large, d-irk eyes were turned upon him wonderingly. "Well, Coastrcdo. we must make the best of our time," ?aid the artist. ''Come, I " arrange you a' wish, you to sit," and he placed a .chair. for her. arranging with some care heratti- i tude and drapery. "i on do not feel timid, do you? asked Geoffrey, kind! v. "Oh no," answered t!i girl, looking at " hun with wonder again. It was in conceivable to her that j-he should feci timid in his presence. The grave, gentle look of -.the artist had v.-on her confidence comp'efclv. Accustomed to rough io -ki ami 'Some times t.low?, the child seemed hi xh' atnosphpre of this elegant studio t-j hn'atlu rite air of paradise. But the look of sorrow did not leave hfr face: it was too deeply impressed there. G'-oUrey was soon busy with his pencil. A n artist, his soul was in his art. To him the animate beauty was ouly a steppiag-stone-to the inani mate, everything IotpIv created that it might be copied on the canvas and immortalized. ConHoN sitting was not a long one, lie thought it best not to tiretantSv. her too much the first d v. and t tue'j ''IVrdou ir:e.' said he. m,t-o eei, tMil-or i'M" tliird iuair ro e fiorw his ::kie. lie (ti-missea i:er til V I row " 1 Oij ,vi:l on on as: (1 'Je-:ffrev. The g;ri ? bi'ik answered liim. For the run.1 t hat she could re iO r, . nt. A her miser-1 a ! i ' e ) i f ; r ! b O s;' mov vista uau be Jll't !o I ..me i : v i euug-nr a w rld, with whic'u gi'.mps'.' or Hii-a nw i: sue s -e'-l.i i t i?i r I SfMUg' I. inthir. IIovT gi dlv se ties gUh'd by Win e 1 1 :i(-l oi f K l,o ; - i i j i , , ui'.ii ai an -I h;-l he eive.! 0! e.f t! e ar' ;s Up U i) J nev. gi ew u'i'ei t sitli rg came ih- eai. V." vrlist. . 7 i i ilt i mode! were to cart. Ge:;iIre-. who bn i rro-.vn I'.:'..1. ii al ius u,l- witn thrichiid, toi.'k h icift r.i own uiu'Li ho iia.le iter adieu. denlv C'nu:e!o b::rst into tears. The artist himself felt unexpectedly and str.ing-dy move L Even to him the parting seemed painful.' Why? Blind egotism! tinlcnewn to hims-dt' he had le.i: Uvd to love. Ouly at t his en- sis em i iie '.ruin o;m?v uawn u')o him. But ml wiiv tliese t fai s ot jts r 1.1 0 st run go infatuation! Ti.es the child must love him abo. She tm ned awav to ween. "Ooiisul-Io, ' he said grayely, "conn here." Coa-uieio came at his bidding. "Look me straight in the face." "I C'lnnot,"1 she sobbed. "'J uiMir-lo, v.'hyllo you weej-i?" 1 lie f't..-e Conie, :-e dnubi no except iiy i he blind. J. "Lo'i.-ueio. would vou lne to : here atvVitVS -IO I ("' Wllr'.' i.e i-.ither iier;'oa-lv, halt frightened ln.n 3e'f. - 1 lie !o mal girl looked at him a: a; 1 ve. seem scire' hien re Witkdr iwiiiir her hand friai hi-, kIic w !ed tier eyes. y. other word or ;. "She is fright. o tnr-n wo iiOiit an- i ;..f d froliLi :-e s iuiio. 'd, but 1 must follow T T 'r, id tlv !rti ilow soo:i sue ml otv ome iefiuuelv precious !o him! ne 'u.so'i.! a o of Con-oielo e.o ii.i i i i T Ue ioil". hill . -i r . el oe seen. . , e p.iU-e;, Ill iiej1 I to re-tec.. .'i ' o o kuow ereii !.?r aU- S ri ! 1 1 I fliV.".s. for ho her? Cause' i !;e irai, i u o- v - d liat , d- e:il!ed If r.v : r-i e 'e d-.Kl',! im?a! ie find had her to turn am! tiv so suddfiil v ? dieabh-. .e m u-t tin ;ev to i h.f mvs'ery. Ho-.- a- r1 Wo- i,! die n-t return to her old avocation. accompanying th. organ r he searched tne s.reeis ior a lew ne would soon find her again. lost dars,. weeks roul months rolled by. ami ro trace of Consnelo or the i ' . 't t i . . .. i- .1 1 . . Italian rewarded his anxious S'-arch So his pissiim died away imo v:ce did he.oeie-s regret No! bing roil in i i . :o ue.i i '-r ie emu ': :-. ". o 'reams .n - ' d h uisetf '' . v o r i ' : ; we i e as not iii.llC v -r s.-e It . his ; v :: i . (..... coul ! not uiy u. s 0 II ratio . - e m m 4 and map.v .. . .1 1 1. lie row fni f.-ee, t . V'tlllW ill i.-una I in i ra - ' tion for it. Ge'effry Vaii received man)r visitors - ' at i:is rfudio. V.VrtHhy patrons, and be ; personal friends broug'it olh.err. often ' to we lac grjat arst s worn'. o;i?n n- terrupting him when lie wished to Vie ' silone, bnt always courteously nveived. Five years 4i ad gene by since his brief love dream haiLits sudden birth j and tragic riuale. His gentle face had grow n gentler, and perhaps a tinge of j sadness had crept in between the hand some lines; but he had little to com plain iof so far. as success was concerned. tie is busy jn ui3 stuaio when some? callers are announced. .1 uey ura for-; proved the eSicacv of the gold treat eigners, evidently, from ih. ir names, j Ijle:it in this tate and attracted the at Geoftrey glanced carelessly at the card, jteution of the people and the p'ess. ami, , iccoguiiig me ii'iiucs, is j abonUo excuse himself, but suddenly ; chanjjres his mind lib visitors are shown into his studio. A gentleman, refined and distinguished in appearance, and the lady some years his jiluior. A veil partly secludes the lady'; face. Geoffrey bows politely and advances to meet , them, as they ure announced. ic artist s favorite picture. leasts :ier eompfliiioii towards it. Af corn.-wiiioti towards .r. At ter viewing it lor soiuh minut,-, and exchang.ng remarks or admiration m th.eir own tongne the mth'man, turning to GeoStrey, asks if the picture can be pur chased. ".On no consideration," rr plied the artist. "It i; rerred at a prii'e whi:!i even , the most extravagant would never carv to go." ' h.ioh. means thai you do not care to set) it," r'dicd Llie visitor. The ar' i bo'wul u: aeutiicsenco. -And (Oil vou ever see a i ; ;f which suggested such beauty?' asked the visitor, ;ddiug, "Pard-n tne, but I have a purpose in inquiring." "1 have seen one, replied the arttst, "witli which this creation- of mine could hut feebly compare." As he said this his eye caught the face of the lady, who had recnoved her veil. "Consnelo!" cried the artist, forget ting his visitors for a moment. But they were smiling at him pleas- rome ran cied resembbtm.-o compelled me to utter ! u:t ll:on.. V au;:-;)a( i cmrT.iber ) o i u then, she sam SoUiV. Ti-e art'st looked pe.z:-led and per-jd.ex.-'d. "Surely it i-; Consuelo; but pardon me, yon have hanged vour IliOU". : ;i-t i, . .,1 ,.!. ,,. 1 re-! riguiheajit i v i 1 i f. . Il'll.lt'll!l more the "Angel vif c-orruw': yo now j o-e ihe 'Aug''! ;s Joy Coasuelo s- u-e-l t enjoy au vou are no u utigiit i i:s ner--t .... ,.. . piexlty. "Aroi m-. Ut do :t !si ; ! ycu not ioui.d she ask-Hl laogh-! !" a . v. The :.r; ist :: y -V,. thiis lb: i nraiiog l- le-r h;s hand to u: i snr-;e. " 'et are vo ir.e -!! , ' saai t.,o n:s ; id sadlv. said Ceusuelo.; I!, WtU) oneteu v.ith a pleasant aierinir wtuu, it a : ;iu !o, also smnuig, "ieit U a. li s rig uorv; nana, will Ip on win.-. 1 :!:: ;t some st suiio, arid if vim e.etures '' 'S a tJ u-ound. iiie re ne,v. the oe-,i;;on von ask ;1 t.a O ! ioug ;ig', wisudi I never answered, re peat. it to hi nr. The story was briefly told. Consiudo had been hdd aa.pp'-'l from her home in rtuly and shipped to New Yor.k After many years .-he had been tr-icod nd reiuri.ed to her parents. re;o ii-.u ne j iiom vecores p.t-r:u e ,i ! l.! J r ' r ..... , , , . , becan-.e ashamed of her lr.mtdo orrgoi and parentage, believing t!:e padrone ! o be. her larh.e n-.l It ait oee:i ivscucm immed'ately alter. . S.u.-!, a storv ciuild have bur one ee - ! oeei a nanny man I . 1, ,,.-.t.,Mn.r.i It ivi! . i . " ' ' "' :red' a ppv ovne, and senn r.liei Geoilrev eomm having found fO-i-M 1 t.viii pad ure 'i bis Udoved -. i f'e : suit-aiee S'i! .jeer t' -r n;s cueora-.e. arti.-ti- creation. "The Angel of .loy.' . igB msig 1 A Chi! dices Hrr.c. li.ive every luxury i 1 1 . 0' ie i ' .i ' . but there is one i 1 1 ; a n laeKia; are i'oa.'t of e .1. llieo ' .Mm :-. c. 1 a irea, lut no li'.lle vwiees ir.:t ? 'o. ao iiti Ie loci jattter m their tseau i..,:-. !, ; i ins.: .1 j :r, , .. -I I won!! ,e;ve ten years of could have one hcallliy, !iv fiiv nan " Smiii! -often savs II.":.... ;i-T:eI:itJ o! mv own. to hiniMi f.No woraau can oe the avtireroi Mei-it !iv o:it,i intr unless snc is lit'eu in o;' i J ; ie seitei lrofn female I vauunes-s, ener.u ue.u.iv, "co c-uuwii ; Mains . and I'uncia.ua! dei augeraeuts, ncr ; nl-V-leal cm-iition is -e.eh that she cannot I ij.,po to have boa hey children. Jir. Pii-ree's Favorite Prescript ion. .is a sov- t 1 - . - 1 .. ,1 .. r ... nil ei'Cl r:i and uariiM ieeo iji thesT' aibiients. St-e guarantee printed on i'uttie-v.rappcr. . i-S.-J A southern genius is credited with the discovery that a very fine article of Migar can be made or distilled f rooi the a i jo?ur ueMU-a d cotton sem The ro- j dec'- i ; '"dami'M to l iiies the jsfcaue strengi h stri-io't.i f'l HIl e uai ; i i i o o the d' o:i.tr ' rom Gaarrt ocil Cur i 1 "Vc authorise oar a to - sell a . iV..i; Ivertis ni:;i t -'W , .'. ' v ltotr, Tltrcat Cile-t troutue. a:i nal v. Mi ll.is re men v as oiixeieti, ;;iin it a fair triui, and ex perience no benefit, you may return the bottle and hr.ve your uiar.ev refunded. ,,a cone ii. eo :.ihk- iiii-; o.ier u;o we. ni r.nu- !,e relied on. ft aev r di - annomts. T iai bottles Tree at Kb.ittz cc t'o.'.s dn store. Large .size oOe and t'i.'W. - - t I maiji- mmm m mm Ch-idftir, Cry for rttcher's Castoria" ine gentleman, spe.:i;;ng m renen, ; drder to be restored to that lost es apo.ogrz. s for th -r intrusion, and nskstf.eai ,'n vhich they wre once held pernitssitm to look atsomeof thearlisl s, amonj, lhe fair ai:d christian, work and tne lauy, wno had observed ; s(Ci;;l and business cindt s. t TlIK N. C. KEELEY IN.STITUTU. is Work Is Cro-wned WIt!u5iess (Jreensboro Now the Best Ihuua far the Druakard. The Keeley Institute of North Caro lina has only Been in operation since b! f Or.fr.bci. ...vi drnrl,. i-jq strongest opposition to it coiner f rom .i,j.it class of men who from an erroneous; opinion of themselves do not wish their weakness "exposed" by taking the course of treatment which Jit prescribes and who never dream that their daily and periodical sprees ex pose them to much worse ridicule. Thev fail to consider that the cure of the drink habit is the first s'en to take The institute at Gre-iiiihoro contains room fr one hundred fatient The hx.fi roota, are ptoiiv and comfortably furnished, am! Mrs. Eller provides a plain and palatable kitchen fare for the patients at a reasonable figure. A club and reading room is maintained' where the patients spgnd nisny happy hours in reading, talking and innocent amusements, hen'Trot w.-dking or riding. : -j : Mr. Ell-r, the mattRe-Hfisita all day trains to meet any person desiring to be conducted to the Institute, and there is no happier resort in North Carolina. Of the work done there the State Ciroti'c'e of a recent date s:ys: After going through a cour?e of treatment and getting your entire sys tem thoroughly cleansed, you don't want nor have any desire to renew your acquaintance with your old en emy. '1 he sight or scent of him ""be comes obnoxious to you. Now why do I say this? Why, becane parties who have takes this treatment and are at the Institute told me so, and they "nave given rue the liberty to use their names, air. oeoti tnnT.:. a icrmer 'note! clerk at Hah rans-Uu a id other places. cf.n:o here November VUh. lie s:.v e fer ? like a new man and believes he is enlhely cured, atjd never again expects to want whiskey. Mr. J. G. I i is ley. of YYilkeboro, toll me :hat;when he came hero !ie was'Tlritik- hi" a much as a cm art of com 1 w uus- key per day. that now he frels l.ke new man and don't want anything intoxicating. Mr. J. i'. Hamsenr, from Liuc-'iutoe, N. C. savsJie df.ii't i want a.nvjuore of the. si nut-' hi adtii- , i,)U j0 t he abtwe I have before m r:;ht :j()W stroug letters from Dr. I. j N. Garr, or larhoro, and L-ol. 1 hatt Stodeni-irt. from Weivervdie. N. 0. I5 tjlCjr , thesn geiillomeu give f,,!! ,,..nm;.:mn tr. e-, iv i:.!: I hoc mv lor the beneht of tne public, in l;r. ("air's letter of Xovnber lOth.TS'Jl.to ir. l'.ilmer ho -av-: 1 have talked VY;th ,neri 0 wight, 111., who have ;oea cured. 10 years, bv Dr. Kecler, j :i!id f roui' that- d'y to this they assure ! ,,; )!)! tiiuv Inr.r novor l.nil t! 1 J irli est desire or appetite for anything toxica! mg, ami iiner hearmg tnem 1 asked oid 'residents of the l::va. who have watehed these men as my friends naturally watch me now. a?:d to a man thev tell my that their statement? are f I m pi it 1 1 1 !i I r i .ni.f en f-ti" : ilrii-l iiin; is couc-jrned: some of those !.i ui were t t t t i comnioii (1 run partis rr.i I ti.'.ti been for far year? The doc-tor also says lit is -more wiliiriir to acknowledge thaH j ,aVe been to I) wight fur cure than tiuit I ever stoed at :i b-,r as a pfofes- !?ing Christian and too!: a drink. In hi. 1 ! l , f l -1 .. 'I "... 1.11... i r ! ! ir I' . I t I. 1!' 1 ( )! S 1 .- 1 II hi? wisli i.s that there-will soon be one nunarod graduates in. iNoriir '.arolina and I say "God grant it and more too." ("id. Tii id Coleman-, in his letter of November (5th. 1811, Elates his per .s;'ial experietice in full while taking a i- i ? t ;" 'i I t rl f t ne iv t ' eiey j li st iruJe, eutirulv satisfactory to hini- self and ch es by baying that 'the m:tr jruy (,t j'aticiiis mat i ooservcu were, men in the vigor of iiealtli and prime of youth or manhood, 'stut or hviuced ijy. friends to come, or brought by J. heir wivri in rare instances.1' 'Ll e.ire of tiitrse seem magical, end from such evidence a-; I have, it is my belief that I few over-turn for or need any after ireainien;.. i toum go o;i an gire fni'iher testimonv, but think this is s-efiijient bevond anv reasonable doubt to fultil my promise, m tie beginning of this letter, mid I unhesitatingly. Kay I believe the Keely cure to he every thing claimed snd taka pleasure in giv ing the public tb.e benetit of my inves tigation, and I iurther want it nndr stood tbt ray-main object in writing this letter is to give publicity to what I look ut!()u a? one of the grandest i ri - ... - - lit? i- , st:tu:;oua :n .onn Carolina.- ami one that i.-5 detin-i to fill a long felt va- -eaney 0" ,-h 9 ate. Mr. ItObert U or re 11 who had, trud - l-nro-n ro r nnd f iiUd nod wno'' "et Knot.n cure ana l.uifa, ana wno . '.vsi?. Dr. Palmer's first patieut.au I who i his rnrnM ni .atr.enr.inn ire.m ti; or ! f ". n?ar Ureensljoro, under date of November lSth the L'erorti sat s: At the' solicitation of; numerous friend.5, and fcr the henetit of these who indulge in ardent spirits, and de sire to be cured of the snrac, I write - ! t hese lines in commendation of the 1 Keiiev Institute f Green.vboto, N. C. 1 have been taking the treatment tin , : l..i- n F'-il 'vrr if ttirt Tt-cfilT-'n fff HVI XJ J . If'l.i.,. w.. ...V. . W.. III'..,.. '.Mif. ill viv-L-.' ;i"d ?! li'it tbii v WH 1 I . I . ' - f, - , ...... ... .-til., period have learned to abhor even the smell of1 that deadly poiscn called liquor, i I have been- bound, by tho iron fetters and galling chains of in temperance for a number of years, and -have tried every pretended ciire heard of, and yet to no'effect until I. found a specific in theTvecley remedy. I fully endorse ; this treatment, and heart ily recommend it to the drinking public. It cured me "Go thou and do likc- wisdr ' i. K. G. Gorkell." Greensboro, Jvov. 18, 1S91. - .The institute now has six patients and a larjje number of irjqu.iris now" iudiQAteltjiat it will hate us many as twenty or more by January first. Wc say let tlie good work go on until ;U . are cured atl the victims pi liq-uor aro all reclaimed. - ; - SUPIKSC. o Suppose the "grain crops of the Uuited i States next year should bu sniaifeY'" :' "' - i ' ' - And it Is hardly probable "that the enormous yields cf this year" will ' bo followed by another year of as great a'tundnnce. Suji'iee Europe iioiild alr.0 hava small crC'ls. S-1 pi lose either tiie United States or Europe should have -.short crops, .and it is not probath that both will bavo large croj is. ' ' . : Under aiiy-of these conditions prices for grain would continue high, as tho world will have very short stocks car ried over into the crop vear of 1S02. If both E urope and America should have small crops, which is a possibility, it is tiiftieult to say whera prices would g0 " " r " , " V;iOs..'A Undsr these circumstances, h. rarS Southprn farmers going to do? Ara j they going to raise another v cot- ton crop and sell it at k loss, r.r J buy their corn, wheat an" 'provision, or are they going toTais thtir omt food stuffs of ail kiad, as they can reAdil do, and be indspet dent of the prico of ' HVesteru corn and bacon, und then - nave a siuajisr cotton crop at 'higher r pri e.-: as- a surplus. ' - . ;i : The prese-jt, lew price of cotton will prove a blessing if it drives .Southern I armors to raising. their own foodstuff,. CK4V LEIJOSr ELIXIR, i A ricasaat Lemon DrinTs. For IiilsousncFs," Uoiisti iatioriarid MW For indigestion .-SieU jrNervona fleadaeiio, take Letnon Elixir. ,'. . -For H-ceplcrfsnesp. Ncrvauness arid Heart failure, take Lemon lilixir. - - . . For Fevers, Chills. and Debility, tako L-etncui KHxir.' . Ladles, for natural and thorougk or gatiic regulation, taJce IiCrnon Elixir. . Dr.. Jlozlc-y's Jemon "Elixir -yyJlF nor fail you ia any, of the above imraed ills, eases, all of which rise horn , a torpid or diseased 1 i vei',?tpiTHeh,kM neys or- bowel?. Prepared onhUiy J)r. II. jloztey, At lanta, Ga, Ak and $1 botticsat druggists. -LEBIONHOT CROrS " Cures all Coughs, Cohls, Ifearscur, Sore Tli roa t ,r .4 ronchilis, " Pneumonia,. Hemorrhage and all throat and J ting dis eases. " - '-" ' An elegant, ami reliable preparation. 'Jo coats at druggists..- Preoarcd onlv 1... t if .i . r . . i iv ir. ji. .iozicy, viiania, ua. "The Mind Crop should bo planted early end cultivated with irioro care than cotton or tobacci). Branson. , ''Xzvpj Iloosiers. V, rm. Tia2rnou4,-postiaa5ter of Idarrlle, Ind., writes: "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined, for that bad feeling arising from Kidney cad Liver .trouble," John Leslie, farmer and stoeknian, of same place, says: "Find Electric Hitters to bo the best Kidney and Liver medicine, in ado me feel like a now' man." J. W, Gardner, hardware merchant, same tows eays: Electric Bitters is just the thiuj; for a man wtiods all ruu down and don't caro wiiethcr he livej or die?; ho found e w st nrv It-good annelite ami felt-lust like 'u a new base jti lifo. Only e. a bottle, aFKdnttz & C6:s drug storo. j To gt the lay of the lnd ono must I ptocure a copy oXjI.f national air. Irrnmi!ntory niieumsmm iHcurr-(t by IV P. P. (!'. ... lV.ce ito-t I'uiutmii.) I'UjtA. 1 1 -'S ii vi br0! cyaAi-lted, ar.d t :io f urtif se. A3 :i .i.-.t ifMin pilibut if-kes P. !. P. ar.;l get: wlt. ;:-:..sej i;'rtific!tey tc 'tbls rffect art !a jAsrfesloii il- ' -p iuat af acturera, "Sna will tc niic'n va appttr civi;:). ' - - -v MI L, IiKALTii ASit fnHbSi.TA. - ..PAiAcaicoi.A, Vla., Feb. IT, IMS. . I, 'i -iuj an H;io., i-AVASMH: - ' ---- , u. Ait srliH--1 will write r jf ij to inronn yea ttiat ol wjtli HiO(4Ll:-case. i irjcd ouo tt . ! I and tt g&vo me nt, rc!;rf. i y ns iQ ' t .A e:i :: .nths; 1 trteJ p.'OKar.ent pliys-lliat . j r -Ai tot Co we my oo0. -ann?ijour "iM ijr.it; . i of p P.-J. tu. the AtnQbaia -' ; J ought I would tiy It. Tlie-bt itie 1 ji'.x to-ntjit r,.Aktseven or eight, awljtih. Lost ...lit rt. I have been tip vf-r stride ana at ray i.:si'if.s,-fiu:i lr 1npecior. - You .iazp. fufctitli t if yoit ;es.re, 1 reive iLforastHl raj'trloiids Uit . . . . i' Lii.K. health and strettfia".- - X. p . no L P EX. P.P. P. la iae greatwt.1 blood purtlier of tae a?e, the boat ot humor rernedlfs. cure eTey Ctsafi4 and humor cf ito Bltln, scalp acd bloctl, yrtn-itcf iti-hlcs. burning, Bealr piniplft, wrcluli or fcK fiitary, vrha nil other r;nell3Xan. CONSUMPTION CTJUEIj. An ol4 physlclin, retrrcd fro.n practice, hrTingr had placed la atsliAndsby an Iist Jneia rni3?l'u. ary tiic fsnauia CI a'BimjjJe-vejreittbie reiaeuy for tiie speedy ar.l.rM?rni-aui-nt curelJI Cfaatuaiptlon. -Luo-Airecnoiis, -aLs-a.- ndiitve nd mitt-al eur urirjciiius. iruiariD. ajh:tp;i ana u i rroat fttia I'r -"-"t'10 -Oel.i.'Uy aiei all Nervous eoinjUalnts, ait er h .diaz tmea rt. wei.-aiifut ' curat i e wi-ri i r.CB orcasf'lrcs teitit bin Gaty ie rnaf; to Ists satTt ring feiiows. Actuated ty liil 4 a Ueslre to icUeve tiumauSnffenrir. I will senrt free of cli.ii,e, to ail wtio Uestre It. t!i! recipe, in uenr.an, Freucii or Kngllf-rli. with lull eu, reetlons iforfMf jwrtsg and using, sent byiawil by aajreshuiK w in suunp, tasna i.ai3 papr,. w. -A, r-Wfeett JU)j vrza ticit, wc puro her Caatoria. VhpdL pho we c CilJ, ata crfeSffor-Castorta Hen she bfr.e !eha cbing t j Casti ia, Xtxn (lie fiaJ Cr.i'.uiea, she gari tactii Ca3tor. i - l ! V

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