j. r f Carolina - Watchman. -L O C' A L . THURSDAY, DEC. 17, 1S91. M.S. Colly in'quite sick with gfip. - j Mr. J. P. Wolcr lost a goosl horsei?uii- f day night. . , j The street Itanda are putting Gtoire o-u InnUs strcetthis wctit. Mfa. J. D Gaskill is .spendius a iW days with fricinid at Wiusion. jLC-TIptenf editor .of the Shelly Re view, vriv in the city last Saudny. Lexington tarries tho vote fur sub scription to the JNauoke &' Southern 4 road by a thaiority. of sixty. '. .- ! I . Tvvo emigrant cark. kurded with .-negroes, were hitched to' tUo north gem train Wednesday morning. , ' -( I More people were in town hint Sufur du?y than hare been ...any other lay out ;&i'leof ciretM day, in a iong time. Mis Minnie Jones, Vvho lirtt been the Kuestxf Mrs. Chus. j'lice forYso!rif time, returned to her -home in- Raleigh Tasl Monday , - - . . . Rev. IiSj1io!J, Secretary .f the "M-U- i giona'ry Board of the Luthnmu1 Mu-eh -n- I "America, lectured iii tiie Lutheran : 'church last night. " : j Jf you have Morgan to make yon -a ; dozen calinet7i)hotugraph.s al the rVguluc 4 price he. will make you a present of a I crayon portrait 16x'il. ' . On the outijide will be seen a -not ice of the action taken by the llaiiroad Coiiv- t mission as regards dclayeL trains. The 5 tJIh;e here has complied, and all trains "'duly bulletined.-' X Captain Ilambky, -at-, TloeicweU, or- tiered' another Jersey x-alf from New York. It passed here Wednesday and is very fine. iL.sible.y is stocking Iiis f fana with good cji lie. - ' . I t- - , I The clever fellow, C. Fv K'rsig, who holds down 'the Charlotte, eiid id the At- ; lanta Journal gave u.s a pleasant call i Monday, and so'ieited ourVnid to write 1 hU Christmas story for that jauraal. 1 i --,'''! I' Mr. Charlie Reisner, in company with t several of hi3 lady. friends, took a drive but to Zeb Tuesday evening and engaged fn a lively possum hunt. They did't Lag iiny game, but speak of repeating the iihnt soon. - ". Chariot to is jroiiv' to he a dry town in I the future. The county commissioners I refused to grant license to the barrooms.. I There are two strung wings in Iho affair. Meanwhile the State is taking an object f lessou. If the ruTing of the oorainission- l crs works here likely it will be tried in other places, j - l . 'Salisbury to Have a New Depot Among the earning improvements for t i Falisbury is a lufw passenger depot. Mr. I WVbb teils us that it will be built soon. e It'will contain all tlse modeni i.mprove p luents and will je u mark of pride the I II. & i). holds i u' their property. ..How I ?ou it' will be tegun is not known, but f wo are pret' sure that it will not be Jong before Svc can mark with pi i lo to L this heeded auxiliary. I . . i . 4 t , .1 , I I -A Oohl Robbery. I We had hoped that "the many burglar- les being deprecated throughout tiie i fetate would not le practiced here. But I -. -. . -i .. ' " . . . &ujJLUey nave come. JXionuay luglit Ihey Wrtt-red the house of Mr. V. Wal lace, and stole two. watches, . one u gold one, the other silvcl3jevehy and some ' money. The deed was boldly done. They entered through the parlor and went into the rooms in vhjeh they were jsleeping, carried their-4Jsli4 -into the juirlor and there rafilutl them.. Several ?yardrobes vverc searched also. No one in the house awoke, and the deed w-a not discovered untiT morniisy. " School JLJook 1 rouble. Many of the teachers of t!ie public schools teli lis that they are finding it , impossible to'supply theii fcdlioold with Buituable books, 'j'liis is irmatter for our Board of Education to take no- One Jhulfdf the terms Of the wintvr. 'schools tire gone and many are not yet able to get books. Some arrangement should be i iiuide, jitul that at oticp, to see that the books ure in reach of the people. It is -true there is not much "money in selling '.'.school books, but surely 'some oae has deep enough interest in our public-schools lo keep the 'book on hand. Little enough' can be learned at our public Bchoois any way. but it is simply too bad .that books that are needed, and were needed a month u-,o, .";..;;' te jmd-? This is a case for 'some one to take1 in hand. Public money ii being ppent. ? A Sad D Our town was shocked very , severely at tho sudden death of 3Ir. W'ilFiams jllrown, the tinner of 4,1m place, last Men dayV Mr. Brown, was in his usual good lliealth about eleven o'clock,, wheii, h& left his shop and went to the potoHice. .On his return, back he stopped at M. S, JJrown's clotliiiig store and bought some ooda. lie p:tid forheta am) while he Kvpa getting his change Isaick suddenly threw up his hands on I113 forehead and vxlaimedohi my he:idl ' He t?,tied. to fall but WAs cWght and led to a sofa. .Three doctors were at onceTehlled in, but ;they all pronp-nueciJ Jus-ease cue of apo splex, and beyond their control.- Mr. Ourown lived bmt a snort while. lie was iixty-six ycar3of age and .was a highly lespccted citizen. He leaves -.a widow and an adapted daughter to mourn their preat loss. ThisqKgiurn. of life puses many people to extend iheir deep and heartfelt yiiipathytoHho beieft faihily. ' .SESVEUAIj QUESTIONS. A Gnncanl Man, Supposed to be JIra Cook, - ''Wants to KnowJSereral Things. Monday we recti ved ii large envelope postmarked -Coucord N. C, which is a little village situated about, two miles from the railroad, bet wee rr this city and Charlotte. ' It coiitahed a 3ype-vrittei letter signed "Jim. ' . ""' The writer states tn at he is a very old baclielorcontemplating matrimony, lie wants to know how he. should broach the subject to hiijady love. - :l . Well, James, you Should put on your best - look, pompadour your, hair and shine it with u blacking brush provided it is getting slightly" gray. Brush up your three-year-old .clothes so they will look decent." You must then shorten the distance between yourself and-tho self sacrificing yotinglady whom you are going to ask to commit suicide We mean mat rimony' (Jet within ypcafcing distance of her, James. Don't be too sudden about it. Work the sympathy racket. Tell her how -lonely, you are. Remark 'incident ly that you are expecting a large fortune from sume" rich relatives soon. Tell he that the census . reports show "that-4lrere ure ut ariyO.OOO more females in the United States tlmn males. She will-see the Importance of accepting a reiisonahje oli'er before somebody "else gets a vvhaek at you. If you follow tiiese h-ul.es veu will be Hkelv tosuccei'd. Again he asks: "Did Patrick Henry dijff-oyer America in 1 10'J or loU2? One ,f nsy friends says that it was Jefferson ik-;.; - ...I. A : ... I V ' Ans. t'ot. t;hris!opher Columbus dis covered A.tneVif-a in 1102. ie traded some niliber ballooiFs, si box of fire cracktrs and a pint of rum for all of the country east of tlie Mis.-issippi river. A few millionaires huve since come into pdssessiou by working upon the preju dices of the people. -I am trmibled with sleeplcssaes. 1 have not s!ept--afull nightin six mouths. Can you suggest a remedy?" 'Doubtless your efforts to mairy has caused your trouble. If successful in yonrni'itrimonial ventures no doubt the trouble will be overT In the meantime avoid eating indigestible grub, such as peanuts, hard loiied eggs and bologny s.iu.-;ice. Bathe frequently and don't "economize in the use of soap. "During the past few week3 I have been troubled wifh a dimness of vision and light ht-ad. I feel that lam going to fall'-when walking about. What will I do for it?'' No doubt that is the result of sucking your toes when yon were a kid. Keep ing your lu'ud down so much caused your, jhraiito form oil one side, This is in curable, bat can l e helpo ' some. Wear heavy clothing in winter, tell the truth, pay your debts -and stop reading tile Durham Globe. Write again, James. Are You Honest? Almost everybody has to credit his neighbors some at times. A good ma,ny of our snitse; ibers have been indulged. We have been patient with you. We believed you were honest. Now you have a chance to prove it No honest man vvilf. rea 1 a paper several months or a year and then neglect to pay for it. We think our ' patrons are all honest. They are nmong the best people both in town and country; Money is scarce, but those who have received the paper should recollect that-it takes money" to run a pape r, and a g od deal of it. We hope this reminder wiH be ail tluU is necessary. A Negro Under His BcmI. Tuesday night about 10 o'clock as Mr. Ed Ileilig, a young man employed in the railroad ?!iops, aim living with his father in Brooklyn, .was preparing to get in I fed he thought of his money in his pocket Toes. lay Tieing pay day and went to tlie bureau and put it in a, drawer. -iVhilestooping down he spied ar.eg.ro under his l)ed. Being unarmed, he rpi out of the room to the one in wdiieh his father was sleeping. The negro, then being eeti, tried to make his escape through the lront door, nut it was loeked. He ran to the back door aud tiicre escaped before he could lie caught". The negro r.-tn up toward the main part of town. .Several pursued, but he was not caught. 1 le evidently intended to get. lleilig?s monev after he had gone to sleep. This burglary busiuess is getting tooyalarmingly frequent. ' Texas oil Wheels." .. -These cars arrived in the city Tuesday morniugJliajiy persons visited the dis pigy of the Lone St-ar State. It is fine: Many thousands of dollars were spent in tie get up of thi3 display. We can't de vote space lo-enumerate the names of all the tine articles. Perhaps some despoiui ent man or woman over the short crops of this State, felt a desire swelling in their jjearts to go to this vastly rich country. But if there was such an one, did, he think what a display our own State could-get up if Wo had the money and the enterprise to expend on it? But few things were there that we could not put a black eye on. In d iffereut woods we have a much greater variety than was exhibited in those cars. In minerals w-e are far ahead of them. Ia. cotton, ol course they can raise more, but v have about 'enough here this year. In grain, fruit grasses and vegetables we are -far ahead yfthem. We admir the artistic manner in-firdrthe exiiibir w;U gotten up and expect it will do much for "T xas; Xoiih Carolina needs sameth'tug on the advertising plau. 1st the ast few days, we have received inquiries from partic both North and West -"desiring iufonna tiou as regards health, agriculture, etc-., in thii State. " t . . CKMren Cry for Pitcher's Castcriai MINING - DSPAItTLtEiT. Hinins ITews Gathered id This n.6. " Other States. . , ".Mining is Ps.fs busiaasif nursuccr Willi th sainf care an.1 in-lustry as nierchau Jula?, bantlDr, vi-auj vMjer leuiuuKiie pursuit. - it isaisORcreatot or wealia. It is claimed thai the prout du srq!'3 fiud sliver raining, since tti tUscovery of crti latetf Oil tlir Prtt ttlj cn.iit; fistoaats m over :t fiwrenut. per ana&ox. vae iatur-nf -tle precious met iUs ticks ao exoUaoge; lie creates. Wbat i.e takes f romtue eai til lias instant a a ; ioi rfasle value; Tiie 3ol urr lie: brincrs to ise &arf eels atjottier -oitar tiuieu 10 iiie wean-n or tae wo: ia " NORTH pAKOIJNA 5IINKUALS. Oar StatjrExhibit at the Exposition trom las liuRetliiv North CroHmnnade a very fine dis play at thef Exposition as follows: , MINI?IiAL3 .AND GEM STONE3. A part of the collection of Mr. W. S. Primrose Was shown as follows: Large cluster of smoky quartz, wish modi tied planes, Alexander county. Several "specimens- of polished Jasper from Madison county. : , A number of quo-rii crystals of rare beauty ami several tiiits, Iroui various localities in "t his Btate. A magnrticeait cluster of Ametheisf, of good coloVj from Folk county. A crystal of emerald -green beryl, about 1 inches in length, and several small ones, from Alexander county. Three, remarkably pure beryls, cut, fromAtexander county. ' One natural crystal -of hiddenite, spo dumenene, from Alexander county.:. A collection of tinted corundum, from Macon county. A cube of limpid quartz, cut, from Orange county. Itutilated quartz "arrows of love" .stone from U.trke county. Several .crystals ;f Tourmaline from Burke county. "rtialactilie, cerussitc, green quartz. stauroHlc,: tale, &e. The following was shown from the col lection of Mr. T. K. Brunei-: A collection of inodiikd quartz from Alexander cosiutv, ranging ia color from f almost black to limpid w'hite, several of these poiisp.e;!. A few atnethists from Iredell county. . Quartz crystals, with encrosures of ru tile, abestos and liquid. A line cabinet specimen of rutised quartz o rich golden red and brownish color, Iredell county. Moon stone, Iredell county. Sun stone, cut, Iredell county. Calcedony, cut specimens, Mnccn county. Ten dark garnets, crifJBurke county. cOXCLUDED NKXT WEEK. BUI The following letter from Bill Nyo ex plains itself ami is worthy of emulation RrcK SitOAi,. N. C, Dec, 14. Editor Watchman: Eaciosed had 1.50, for which: please continue the WATCH MAN to mv address for one vear. If I move before the year is out, will let you ktiow. When I Hrst; '.subscribed for your paper it Was qr.ite a task for tiie to read it, lut a person can getxu-ed to any t hiiig. Now I el that I eatl't do without it. I don't always agree with your editorial views, out think you are sincere. Hill Yaiuler bilt likes the paper splendid, but I am going to quit lending him mine. He speaks f subscribing himself and prom ises to raises club. is doing quite well with his brickmaking at Asheville, and I think he will become a respected citizen of our -community when he re torms, wltivh he is going to attempt. ileping to see yon soon, 1 remain, Fraleihaliy, William. IScJ'iany Acntlcissy Mes-rs. Boggs, Kesllerand Khitlz en tered the Academy la-l week. Mr. I'.ox ii Sa.ttn's hands went to work in rru- count v last Mondav. One of a I.; Mr. .Paul Darrin-er. who is a l u : was a' hor;:i The in-; e i nnblic road ' dition. ! 1L c i). ruaa eau-ed some of our lo a very had ion -Rev. C T. Heller will preach hi fare- well . sermon iiext .Sunuay," instead ol a former one as was reported. . Mr. Ci 11 .Morgan, an cnlerprVirg merchant of ( d ihil, liaisiied up his house and store last week. Elm drove Sumpy school will have a Christmas tree on next Thars.I ij St. Petcr'rf will have o k- on Xm.is day. Tlie patrons of B t; - cr .-ehool district have tiei;r new s-!u : hou.so nearly com pleted. It will be painted at ait early day. An election was held at Gold Hill last Tuesday to vote a .subscription of live thousand; dollars to the stock of the lioa noke and Southern railroad. Owing to a general increase in trans port at ion, a heavier engine has been put onlhe Yadkin road, capable of doing more work than the one heretofore. More timn 2,o00 cords of hickory wood have been shipped from Gold Ildf and Rockwell stations this year. Mr. Smith says that the entire lot is a good as any he has ever bought, and he has been .in the business nine years. Elk ye. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria; YT ANTED. A boy to learn the priting trade. 11 Call at this office. W" -ANTEDr-through 3 All desiriug photos raiut conic Morgan's new china store. Do yoif want a jueiare Come, frames or engravings? WANTED: Twenty thousand people are invited to the Drug Store of E. C. Cuthre'.i where jou can buy everything in the drug line". ' ' ' 1 1 "' A - WANTED: Everybody to buy their heavy and faney grroeeries from Cheely 5c McC'ul- loa. Moiiey is scarce but our jnce3 are low. ANTED: Men in everv neiprhborhood . to get subscrllura for the Watcmmax. Vf ANTED: 901) baU-iteadeti men to come i arid .ret their hair cut at T. I. Viason's barber' shop, on fcouth Main street. lf ANTED: l.OOu new ca?.!i subscribers to tee VT0iiMN before the 6rst da ir of J: li u.iry, t':. yau a'.i lt vou -v iii work and Ui!k -,ou mANTEi . A svhrxd. nb ul'Serii , i. to hf-t'i'i ev time fiiur ' st. nv time ii i'tt r 'take charge an miadc-sv y "- god open iuUffr Ilave hreiT teaeiiii, a .: 1 j.ri,'f tighi years. Siiill gUd tj --n references For , farther biformattoiv- ui :re.-s J."7lli..vii . ruARi Harmry, N. C V Vf AN i ED: P. il. .Tlio-mpso 4wr a large b f.ot in e shingle3at his foundry which lo wishes sell.; )cS)t casli'he will seil4 Hiein at ?:."; 73 per in. . . " . ;; ,,- ,, ', ,,,, I,,,, ,; : I'm,,,, " - : -V : miHii iMiini'ii, hi, ' - ' " E. I."MDRE1S mrafllS CAP-SIES TEE LARGEST sto:k 0? .' . . . nriiitar TO BE FOUbTD IN THE STATE. BabyCarriagk ETricycles I Buy in Larfce Quantities Di rect from Manufacturers and Will Give Low Prices. Mriis fer Oalalffls audi Prices. GOODS EXCKAHGED IF NOT SATISFACTORY. E. M. ANDREWS, CHAELOTTE, H. 0. Mention th? Watrliman when you -n-rltn. T 1 M e ij mi ri1 I n IVI I I Mill A. WITH The undersigned have nought out the stock of Mr. T. W, BROWN on ITslier street, opposite D. II. Julian & Co. We arc constantly receiving new goods for the Fail and Winter trade. We have a select stock of OOuS, tr And everything fouud in a First Class Dry Gec&s Storo. We mean he.siness and will sell every thing at reasonable prices and treat yt u riirht. We will pay the highest market prices tor fhipi'pno iiillnr fr.rn U.iluKGltCj Uulu-ij L.;'J Villi', l UUOJ ium all kinds of Country Produce, us before you .-ell. llespcctlully. Se. GO. rv. Nov. 20th. 18DI. il m m - 1 1 3 n n n is" K V i Ml s II 6 liMxiH Ami 'Fresh Garden Seeds at je- dueed prices. Clover and Grass Seeds at Pianos t m km 1 tllO lowest prietS at Eniliss' Drilgi Visitors to the Exposition nre cordially in o ... , ' vtc.t to vi-'it our store, where tliev v. iil b READ THIS! Be sure -and call for a bottle of SiCures. it has never failed to cure Pvs(K-si.i, Jii'Iigesliop, and tSirk ilea(i;: he. I egrnive von fir.st-clasH ref'Teiues in Sal isbury to prove its merits. For sale b d ? IN TIME.. Don't wait till yon pet fb-k to get a hot tie of Enniss' Diarrhoea Speeitk', but come and have it ready. It-will save yru a doctor bill -a-m! probably your life. It is speeily eurr f r Dial rl'.u o, flux, Sum mer an:! Dowvl. .eoniplaiiits. It never fails to' cure ir taken in time. J. 11 ENNISS. LAND8A,L IC. By virtue of a.-Jnoi tsijre dee 1 to me execute 1 bv Marpm-t E. lu ks and Gilbert' I. Parks, of in wan" county. N. C, on-'the I'lst day of August. 180, and the same duly registered in the Register's office d Uowan county, in book of Deeds, page '-'Al. to secure the puyment of i certain note, which ii n v,- due and unpaid, will sell to the highest bidder for oah at the Court House door in the town "of Salisbury, ttov.'an county.. N. C-, on Monday, the 4th day Januarv. the property conveyed in Paid Mortgage Deed, to -v. it: One house and lot in ihe. town of Gold Hill adjoining tho lands' of Henry Williams and others, containing one acrennd 9 square poles, tho property oa which the said Margaret E. Parks and Gilbert I. Pirks nvr live. Also, one other lot in Bftid town of Gold Hill, Adjoitiinu the aforesaid lot, beginning at Margaret E. Parks' north corner; thence west IT feet 4 inches to a stone: thence -south 212 feet to a s tore: thence oust i feet -i inches "to a stone. .Murg ret E. Parks' corner; thence with her iine to the beginning. To sat isfy Siiid note and iptercst and cots. This LiOtli dav of November, It-JI. ' C. F. il .VfHCCCK. A cent Hall Mill Ml. Co. reseat iecntiTe attendance Now MEN AND echool for thrc!pidreD. PARENTS honld CHEAP tuition ia very dear, becaaes it means chean teaehers. cheap surroandin, inferior facil iTici, and offers 0 opportnnitiss for escnrinij POSITOM3for Its papiis and graduated. ",h:itititnfir.ri Asimrtn it irf I r U standard of pirellfnce.: has olaced in desirable oositioES more riav reanire tbe eipenaiture ol a lew aonara yansr me n and woicet from Marviaad, Virginia, North Carolina, fconib. Carolina ana ail eimiiajr institutious corabiued. Cataiogac and particulars mailed on application Addresa, V. t!. CADLERf President, and Poander; or F. A. SADLER, Becrctary,' BUSINESS COLLEGE, 6,8, IO& 12 N. Charles St., BALTIMORE, MO. . Mention Uu- Wat'tjMjaa wUenjjm wiHe. x KLUTTZ&CO. lfl-Ciat Diarrlicsa liiliire Unequalled for the Cure qf Dysentery; Diarrhoea, Chol era Morbus, Summer Com- plaint, Pains in the Stomach and Bowels, &c. Respectfully, T.F. KLUTTZ&CO. t This ! We arc now receiving the large t .ami best assorted stock o ever carried. wo liav Read a few of our prices: Pajit goods, 10c. per yard Brogan Slices $1.00. Dress Goods from 8c. td 1 .00 per yard. Men's Shoes from 3.00 to $12.50. A full lvno of men's and boys Hats. The cheapest line of Groceries in Salisbury. If you wish to save money, do not ou until vou get Oil) prices. - We mean busfWs C E. JULIAN k CO. ttMiTUCKEMCO. IDry Goods FOR Autumn, 5 91. We iuivc now in store the- most magnificent cxhi"itiou of high ehi? lry (Joo'.s mm kin dred vaiH ever shown muler one root in X. C Stl'TriKHX 1XTKH-STATC IMPOSITION, To he held at R.ilcish, Oct. I to Dec. 1, 1891. ; . siiorri.NO itv mail. - To tlinse who do not expect to visit R;ilei;h during the Ex;iositio;i or w ho do -ire to nuikc any prejiaratia hetorc that ti lae, we nre aide to serve i:i the niot satisfactory to miner. Ly ttiC' nir:i:is of oar thoroughly equi)ped Mail Order Department. Dress Goods, W raps, Shoes, IIouseAirMiihing Goods, Hosiery, Corsets, Gloves, Underwear, Carpet. Curtains, &e.. tte. LettTsI of nuniiry promptly answered; sam ples cheeruily sent. When writing for sani- les our patrons wi!. please be definite to t!u i:;d ot troo d. Intelligent fitter. tioa can then tie triven their orders. HOODS lKFd Vl'.RE!) Fit UK ; j.sjt'pt Furniture atul Crockery.) On a'l cash of ".0( a nd n rr w e will d liver goo is lre;c station. O !1 c;) 1 est Ex'.-rcs- ojl'a-c or iv .ilroai it. i.. it. Haleigh, I1 . C. MonSton tn? Wot 'li w!;t n jf.u writ 1 J,F, McCUBBIHS u Buyers FOR MILL AMD EXPORT. They always )ay.high st cf tA price ior tton and toed. . Don't fail to" seo th;.i , CS-O O' T. I. Vjnson, South Street, for yrnr shaving and liair-cutt'ng. irst-class woik men ami; sharp razors at ail times. Hah--dress in;t and $hampoouing soecialty. Will wait or. ladies assd childretr at their homes. 1 also j-harpen iseissors at fiom !' to l cents n jair. Give biro a ca.ll. 27 YEARS of eontiaaous and enecess'iil manage- opjin2 fanr building &tnda unrivaled in WOMEN for success in life. In deciding npon a send them to THE BEST, because it payB. It more at nret, dhiiiwui prove ne cueapesx m ir.e cdu ltioES more Georgia, iian Family IjOllOiI Two Stores Foil; of New Goods , - Now rady, the largest aud best assortment of DRESS in all qualities wo have ever offered, and CARPETS. The best and handsomest line we have per yard. Big stock of CLOTHING. The best selection we have ever made and Uuderwcar a specialty. SHOES ! SHOES! From. the cheapest to the best hand-sewed, at one price to all, and tbatjprie. Tv-ek-botlom-. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. - Tho best cf all lands, at prices that all cm things to eat, and have bought the best us btiorc you buy. c O O 58 14 SECQIsTD 0B P IJ V MMJK I PRICES I have an ira m eh se stock of Winter Clothing which must now be sold, and hard times I -will to suit. week I 11 Will chance to ouy low. 1 11 S 5 00 Suits for $ Loo 8.00 u ' 0 lo oo u 8.5o 12 00 u lo.oo 15.00 14 12.5o I8.00 " " . W.00 22.00 18.o.a Overcoats and pants in proportion. MY SECOND FLOOR is elegantly arranged as a Clothing Department; and we have the elioio est selection ever brought to this market.; We premise you value uf vour monev. BOOTS SHOE ING GOODS, &c. iTRICTLY i -OF-- ?, HATS . . " The entire slock of II. .& Lj WRIGHT is now ofi'ercd at cost. The goods mast be sold. Come while the rush is on and bo. in time. : Times are hard and wearing apparel , is cheail. Let evervbodv get him -Ai " - - ' '"L" GOODS ' ' " at priceC to suit all pockelbooTcis ever offered. Price from 20 cents to $1.10 Prices 60 suit buyers. Shirty Collars, Tic SHOES 1 ' buy and Cat to their fill. We Hke go4l and a host of everything. Come and see Yours to serve, . .-. KLUTTZ & RENDLEMAN. o o ' w 1 UCED1 to aeet the make i) rices 1 esrinriintr with -this zrve you all a all at . T ho .iii WALLACE. 9 O ' FURNISH- a suit. " Figures : COST. , LEE S. OVERMAN, L. II. CLEMENT, Assignees.. 1 i

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