J : ill 4 :. t 1 3; Pi: 21; .1 i ? ' ri .! Jt 41 if my'- .V " 1 i I: k V m ! : I i ll 4 :1 1 ! ? lit f. ALLIANCE DIKKCTOKV. Ui.uvnat Atlikee--UJ J&l k,'jprei lcn t, i t Jvunsi: J. H-'TiirBer, sccretary-r--8Qrer, Georgia; J.F. Wllletts, : lecturer, SiafA Alltiits-Zn r Carr, president, fJM-SpaJ-ta; EH;. BoMijifiW, "cretarj, Jtaleitth. . HCyresrional District--Lecturer, A f j!-r. Moorcsville; I'res'uUmt, Col. .II. A. V.-.r -ey, Ctwba; V.-Pr-, K. !. Pcinck, V.Uiiwoml; Secretary ann 1 rrasiixci , v. iU:iUcyrSariitury. ;.-Jf lt County Jesse Miller, president, IJUckincr; M. L. ttitchie, secretary. Saw. IreidX bounty J. Ii- Holinan, presj.k-nt. Spring; M. E. Kamsey, secretary, jlu.-.'C9viUe. (jAtrrut County A. F. Hileman, presi ItnU Concord; Dr. J. S. Laii'erty, becrc ary, Coucord. ' Dal'uhon County Tl. S. Grc:n, president, Junes; W. A. Lindsay, secretary, TUoiuak viile. . CdtaxchaJJounty S. T. Wiironjr, prcf dent, Newton; J. t Ikrmn, secretary, Ktwton. W. C. Reform Press Afsociation. Officer J.-L. Iiainscy, president ; arion .flutter vice-president; W.'S. Harnea, sec- pi P ESS. D-r-icr. 4i-J- farmer, sat'e Organ, Raleigh, N. C Kuraiiil'jme. v,'jBon.N..C. ir .,:i: m Watchman, --fi.Ulsbuty, N. c. yrrapr.V Advocate TariMiro, . t,. iT.r.-nUln H0me-J0urn.1l, Astifyine. N. C. vr . r.irjSPtttlnel, , Goldsboro, N. C. C -- !rj Life, Trlnliy (h,1H-p,N. C. y arrv - Hickory, N. C. ..jULlloiv , WltUUkeri.N.C. uicA of the ahove-fvimed papers are re quoted ta keep the.lLt standing on the first jtage and add other, provided they greduly elected. - Any paper failing to advocate the Oeala platform will be dropped from the lint promptly. Our people can now gee that papers are published in their interest. kT1 EntaBgrllng: a Witness, A case was Wing tried in a country court. A horso had been stolen from a.pature, and the evidence all pointed ferCce'rtain doubtful character of the neighborhood as the culprit. Though i'is gilt seemed clear, he Tiad found a iwyer to undertake his defence. At lie trial the defendant's attorney ex ionded bis energy in trying to confuse andirigbteo the oppressing witnesses, specially a certain farmer whose tev limony was particularly damaging. -The Jawyer kept up ftJirQof questions, ftafrii many foolish ones' and repeat ing himself ajjain and again, in the hope of decoying the witness into a contradiction.' - "You say" t he hlwyer went on, "that you cart swear to having sven tmx man drive a horse past your larui htt thj day in question. ' - 1 can, " replied 'the witness, wearily, for he had aire uly answered the ques tion a dozen times. "What time, was this?" 4il lold-ygtfTSliGoiit the middle f the forenoon." "But I don't wan't any 'a bo tits' or any 'middles.' I waijt you to tell the jury exactly the time." "Why," said the farmer, UI don't rilwa.ys carry a gold watch with ioe ''llv.i you have a clock in the house, - ..ivrtit your - - , . 11 - 1 o.s. - "Well, whai time W;is it by that?" ''Why, by that clock it wa just iiinef:(en minutes past 10." "You were in the field all the morn iiigr''1 went on the lawyer, smiling sug 'stiyejy. H Ilow far from the hou-i5 the field?"- "About half a mile." ' 'You swear, d ywr, that by the clock in your house it was exactly nineteen minutes past 10?" "I do." The lawyer paused and looked tri limphantiyat the jury; at last ho had entrapped the witness into a contra dictory statement that would greatly weaken his testimony. 4hink that vi i I do," he said , with a wave of his )imi1,uI am twite through with yon.1 The former leisurely picked np his hat and started to leave the witness stand. .Then turning slowly about he added: UI ought, perhaps to say that to raiich reliance should not be placed upon that clock, as it got out of gear about six months ago, and it's been -nineteen minutes past 10 ever since." PhJfculeiphia Times.: Bo Sincere. . Don't mistake rudeness for sinceritv, and try to administer lessoia, like the minister ia.the following story, unless von, are, a .minister, or at any rate, have some right to correct others. The lesson, however, is a capital one and might be applied to many foolish and insincere . little forms of speech nowadays. , A. Rhode Island clergyman, noted lor his frnrilrnua mwi pnee cured h female parishoner of this ptraoxioas hait. Sister B had invited hiro to tea. Her table was bountifully, inreadi bnt th fnnKa, j woman, u the asheredjier pastor into e iww. remirKM snat she had Preallr nothintr fit to eat" Without a wbrd. th hw hat and' walked tq the house of u neighboring parishioner. There he asked to be permitted to sup with the family, saying: 4.4l had intended to take tea with Sister U , but there was nothing fit tp eat; so I've come over here." Of course this strange speech took wings and (stirred up the parish. As 'JSiste'r B- , mortified ind offended, nary conduct, lieciilmly replivd: "Why, aister Brtr, you said yqu had nothing fit to eat: and since I always took Ton for a woman of truth, and since, more over. I had a marvelous good appetite, was I not constrained to seek a supper Ci?ewnerer . . Sister B was "never af forwards known to sjeak deprecatingly of herf pwn iaii. -yffecfM: Home Talk for Women. The Southern liou5ekeepers have al ways been noted for the excellence and tdriety of their bread, served at each m.!- Th following are selected . from the recipes of some of tlio most famous housekeepers of v lrginia and Kentucky: . .LIGHT MUFFINS. Sift three pints of flour; beat six egg, leaving out -the whites of two; stir fn as much flour as can be mixed in the eggs, add milk to thin, then the remainder of the flour and fiv table spoonsful of yeast; leat ten minutes, and pour in two ounces of melted nut ter. Have the batter stiff; set in a warm place fifteen minutes. Pour in mufiin rings and bake in a very hot oven. DELICIOUS CRKAM MUFFINS. "Beat the whites and yolks of three eggs separately. Mix in a half pint of cream and an ounce of butter. Add slowly one pint of flour, pour in muf fin rings and bake very quickly. JtTVKin.V WA8H1XOTOK WAFFLES. This is a icctpe from Mrs. Washing ton's kitchen: Beat six eggs very light, sift in a quart of -flour, add ft teaspoofifnl of s;ilt, a pint and a half of new milk and three tablespoonf uls of yeast. Beat well and set to rise over night, stir with a large spoon and Lake in well greased waffle irons. OLD VIIiaiXIA WAFFLES. Mix a quart of milk and six table- spoonfuls of sifted cor:: roeai; add a teaspoonful of salt and a tablespoonf ul of melted butter. Lastly.;, ada three eKgs, beaten very light. Bake imme diately m well greased wailie irons. SALLT-LUNN. f Mix a quart of florcrwRh , a tea spoonful of salt and a tablespoonf ul of sugar, in which rub a tablespoonf ul of butter and an Irish potato mashed fine; add half a teacup of yeast and three well beaten eggs, with warm water to make a eoft dongh. Knead half an hour. Let rise, handle lightly, put is a cake mould and bake in a hot ven. . FIUGBANT POUTHERJT BUSKS. Sift a quai t of flour, in the centre of it put two enps of sngnr, on of lard Rnd butter each, two beaten eggs, two cups of milk, a pint of yeast and one grated nutmeg. Mix all together, work well and set to rise. When lilit make in rolls, worovexwHhr 4nilter and sngrr, lit rise again and bake. Jjadics Home Journal. IIct His Match. A ladyjooking into a ahow window on Wfiodward avenue was approached by a poorly dressed Loy who solicited alms. "Pler.se, misstis, givd me a little money to get something to eat." The lady looked at him and her heart was touched. "Poor boy, come with me," she said, and took him to a pancake shop where she' ordered a dozen griddle cakes for him to begin with. But it struck her at the first mouth ful he took that the youth's hunger was a sham and a pretence. However, she insisted on his eating a second in stallment of the cakes, which she paid for, -parting. .with 'the boy at the door. An hour later as she stood at the crossing the same boy approached her with the same formula: lPie; ise, missus, give me a little money to get something to eat He had evideutlv forgotten her, rnd without betraying hersslf, she led him to the same restaurant for pancakes. The boy had tumbled to the situa tion, but he daredinot refuse. He ate, and ate until it was irnpos s b e to swallow another mouthful. Again the lady paid the bill and left him. Another hour passed and the good woman stood waiting for a car. Feel ing a touch upon, her shoulder, she turned and Beheld the vuth whom she had lately feed.- His jaw fell. "io, yon don t! he exclaimed, "not another, slapjack. Ijn: nearly busted uowl" and he ran oft as if fiends nur- 8ied him. Detroit Free Press. . . Taken away -tck neaachc bilious headache, dizziness, constipation, indigestion, bilious attacks, aad all derangc nenta of the liver, stomach and bowel It's a Urge contract, hn fj natQcrt Ikiap i?n tS vcf14 do gr VtsWPh PWtee't VUvuai trorls la Hgh atv TVy cleaase and renorate tho eyrteta thoronghlybut they do it raildlv and gently. You feel tho good they do but yoji don't feel thera doing it. As a Liver Pill, they'ro nnequaled. Sugar-coated, easy to take, and put up in vials, and hermetically scaled, and thus always fresh and reliable. A, per fect vest-pocket remedy, in email vials, and only ona necessary for a laxative or Uiree for a cathartic. Tbeyro tho chetpest hH yen can W, beeatise they're guaranteed to pre satiaf actioa, or tout doner k returned. ' You pnly pay- for the good you That's the peculiar plan all Dr. l icrcos medicines . aro ppld on, through druggists ' V ' i 1 General :; Directory. z COUNTY 'GOVERNMENT. i Clerk Superior Court, W G Watson. JSherifT, Jaa M Monroe Register of Deeds, II N Woodson. Treasurer, J Sam'l McCubbins. Surveyor, 13 C Arcy. Coroner, 1) A Atwell. Commissioners, W L Kluttz, chairjnan Dr L W CoTenir.n, CornelHis Kestler A Stewart aud I V Patterson. J Su)?t Public Schools, R G Kizer. Sup't of Health, Dr J J Suiuuierell. Overseer of Poor. A M Brown. TOWN. Mayor, T C Linn Clerk, D R Julian. Treasurer, I II Foust. Police, G 11 Shaver chief, J F race, C W Pool, R M Barrinper. CoufrBTSsioners North ward, C F At well, D M Miller; South ward, DR Julian, N B McCanless; East ward, T A Cough enour, .Too ltyle; West ward, R J llol mes, H T Trautham. CHURCHES. Methodist Services every Sunday at II a in and 6 p in. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at p m. Rev Dr. W l Leith paster, Sunday school every Sunday afternoon atg o'clock. J W Mauncy, sup't. Presbyterian Services every Sunday at 11 a in and 8:30 p m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 8:30 p m. Rev J Rumple, P P, pastor. Sunday school every Sundr.y afternoon at 4 p m. J Rumple, sup't. Lutheran Services every Sunday at 11 ft m and 7 p rn. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 7 p m. Rev Chas B King, pastor. Sunday school every Sundaj7 afternoon at 3 p m, R G Kizer, sup't. Episcopal Services every Sunday at 11 a m and :30 p m and Wednesday at G:30 p m. Rev F J Murdoch, rector. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at 3 p ra. , sup't. Baptistr Services every Sunday morn ing and night. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night. Rev N S Jones, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday at 9J a.m. N -8 Jones, sup't. Catholic Services every third Sunday at loj a m and 7J p m. Rev Father Joseph, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a m. Y M C A Devotional services at Hall every Sunday at 4:30 p m. Business meet inaf iirst Thursday night In every month. I II Foust, pres't. LODGES. Tulton Lode If o 09 A F h AM, meet every first and-third Friday night in each month. C B Ncave, W M. Salisbury Lodge, No 24, K of P, meets every Tuesday night. A H Boyd en, C C Salisbury Lodge, No 775, K of H, meets eyery 1st and 3d Monday night in each month. C T Bernhardt, 'Dictator. Salisbury Council, No 272, Royal Ar canum, meets eyery 2d and 4th Monday night in each month.- R G Kizer Regent POST OFFICE. Ofilce hours from 7:30 a m to 6.30 p m. Money order hours 9am to 5 p m. Sunday hours 12:15 a nito 1:00 p m J H Ramsay, P 31. ir tn mm Wonnd IJy tho Sun. A clock is to be seen at Brussels which comes as near to be a perpetual motion machine as is likely to be in vented, for the sun does the winding. The method by which it works is de scribed in the "Optician. A shaft exposed to the solar rays causes' an up draft of air, which sets a fan in motion. The fan acts upon a mechanism which raises the weight of the clock until it reaches the top, and then puts a break on the fan till tin weight had gone down a little, when the f an is again liberated, and proceeds to act as before. As long as the sun shines frequently enough, and the niachinery dos..no"t wear out, the clock will keep going. Exchange. k-CVVti- 3 c A Household Bsmsdy FOR ALL I a' D8SEASE3 rr - r .,.m V Mm If CttwA SCROFULA, ULCERS fc wmiJ RHEUM. ECZEMA; u,r form of malignant SKIN EPLFTiCN. be sides being efficacious ir torirc up the system and restoring the ccrititutior, when Impaired from ary cause. Itj almost supernatural healing propertie? Justify us In guaranteeing a cure, it directions are followed. ocn i rncc "Book r v,;n.wr.." BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta. Ra. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. LEE WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALISBURY, N. C. Will practice in nil the courts of Rowan and adjoining counties. Prompt Mtentioa giveu to ll matter pertaining to my profession. Feb. 12, 1891. At 8. HEILIG. Attorney Atljaw. 8-MJSBURY, N. C. Office in Davis St Wilev'a hnnt K,,n,.. corner of XtAin una Innisa streets. Will nrc tice in Courts of Rowan and adjoining counties Prompt and careful attention given to all bus mess entrusted to me. Social attention eiven to collections. JOHN A. RAMSAY, 333rC3rI2r R i : . Attends to Railroad Construction, Surveys and Mapping of Real Estate, Estimates of JJ liter Powers, Plans for the Erection of Mill. Uwe hngs &c; and attends to the purchase- of all kinds of VnA ..... i: . r. . . - . i uuuing iMaierinis, &c, fel2 tf GR A N IT R i,uvln,? ?nt the lVlllsfoncQua ,Kr,t,nol'M TT ill,, i. - " Killed by a Panther. Miss McCoy and -two girl friends, Mary Fly and Myra Jahti3, lel't their homes ner Milan, Tcnn., on a black berry hunt. They proceeded to the woods about six miles away, where the fruit was found in abundance. The vines arnl foliage were very thick, and, in a lonely pla-e near Obion river, Miss McCoy wandered olf from the others some hundred yards to a place where the fruit. grew in profusion. SiLddvrtlywiid scream, ldobdcunl ling m its kerniness, rang out. The irls were terrified beyond measure, not knowing whut kind of a wild animal was in the vicinity. Again the terri fying shrink ountled iiud the two girls together auk down ' behind some bushes. Miss McCoy started toward them at a rapid walk, when a panther appennd directly behind her. The frightened girl screamed and started to run, but she could not escape. The beast seized her amT she was torn to pieces.- In many places the flesh was literally stripped from the bones. The other girls, seeing the animal iittnek their fri-nd, ran screaming from the scene, never stopping until they reached home, when a party of nu n organized, and armed wilh shot gun hurriedly went to t lie scene of the attack. The panths-r was still at the body and was shot by the hunters. Tho beast measured veven feet seven inches from tip to tip. It had escaped from a circus. The Czar of Russia has no fixed in come, but he is pretty well fixed, and manages to get along comfortably on the 12,500,000 a year winch his lands and mines bring him in. SAVES Onbox of thy pills will ive rar dollar in doctor's bills. TJaoy specially prepar4 as Family Medioino, 41 supplies wastlopff feltTbsy rs aav nnticst thy eramnUI tons fr-a Uls b4r, rttbeas naas'e or errlptar. Omptei to Tus and old. I'rlco, 3 BOLX EVI2afVlJLEKE. Waisox & BmTOJT, A ttorneys at Taw, t WiJfSTos. N. c, Scp't 16, isai. f Jas. II. Wctb, Sec'y, Washington, D. C. : Dear Bib I have Jbeca vising ono of yonr Eeetropoises for four years, upon a llttlolu valld eon, who has been afflicted with a pul rnonary trouble and a dropsical tendency. I have found great relief for him in the use of the Clectropiriso, wheu the doctors had failed to cive him any permanent relief, and I am eatisfled that but for its use we should havo lost him. I have never Been it fail to reduce hia fever, or to brlnj? Bound sweet Bleep. I would mjt be without it for many times ita cost. Yours truly, J. C. liUXTON. ' Mr. Buxton ia also Prerfdcnt of First Na- Jional Bank, Winston, N. CM aad is ono of tho oremoet men of the boutk. ' For all information address v ATLANTIC ELECTROPOISE CO., Do. 1403 NewYorkAv., Washington, D. on 22a Kino St., Charleston 8. C.' ' W. T. MEVo S, J II. MKAOOWS, of UmiivIHc Co , l ron.3 of Durham Co., Si-c'y. ,T. V. DIfOOKS. ; of V'.msod ' o., 'I'reas. Dikkctor!": -Hiirliam county, I'.M.Vmsc ;Or;m-v1!l'-. J J Me:irifjvs; 1'i-rsoii. J. W. Ki-oKi; Cluit tiaui. C U. Scull; Ciranvllle, u. i;. V,uir;iy. Dtrlaa Alliance ToMcco iff. Co., M A N IT F A ( TV li KKS O V All Grades Chewing.Tobacco. F ictory owned and controlltM by Alll.incemen. Miinuf.ictMie-i too tcco fspecl illy for the Alll:uu- trade. Huslncss Agents, a UUik e Kxrliantfes a'.d" Mlli'ice Stores Mi l H'.irchimst's slionid tft t our rlje lists un I sirn !es :it o;u-i. N01 litng belter ttiia our "S n-i:i!n'i SweetMsM," F. . I. r " .il.iysi".." -ri!) To-t." -ciodti op:'r," "Alliance .ivoritc,'' tul lolk's F.tvtrlte" liraniSs Will pSenn l t i ho ir from our bnthfrs from my p l lit In the I'nlted st itesln reerd loUib.icco -v Ul s-t 1 samples free of ehurt;. Address Durham Farmers' Alliance Mf?. Co.. IL KI1A.M. N. o. . a ' rieaae mention the Watehman. rO YOU ENOW THAT ope Badger CAIiRY THE LA IN J EST STOCK OF DTAMOXDS OF ANY HOUSE IN NORTH CAROLINA? SELECTION PACKAGES SEtfT ON APPLICATION. WE KEEP NO IMITATION STONES IN STOCK. REFER TO CHARLOTTE BANKS. BOYNE &BADGER DIAMOND DEALERS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. 82:1 y Please mention the Watcuman when you write. Norfolk Alliance Exchange 11 and 13 Commerce St., jSToi-folk, Va., Owned and controlled by Allianceracn for handling produce, COTTON A SPECIALTY. Don't sell before writing for par ticulars to J J. ROGERS, Mgr. P. O. Box 212. PROGRESSIVE FARMER Raleigh, N. Organ of tho N. C. Slate Allisinre Edited by Col. L. L. Polk, assisted J. L. Ramspy. The paper wtil I y i l)e kept up to t lie usual high standard Subscrilie for it, only $1 jwrvear in advance. The Progressive Farmer and lh V atchman will be sent to new subscribers ut 1.75 for both pa- pers. i Subscribe now. Address, PROGRESSIVE FARMER-, MONEY. --' 4" M . - -1. 'el i : ' i .' ' -A 'yH .: - - ' SV-? zy MmW ;'- : i - : iis?'i i'.'- t--''. -.'i.'vf'sfi Sold by T. P. Kl.imzt C. Jewelry For flat it is fcrll. 'If we :ui't ni Ki T'oi-i Jewelry we d i; 1 sell." ro ;o loo per rejt. on Io you know th it li.ls has ln been.nnS stir Is, a custom with 1 curly :U1 Jcf!i-rs? if they ear.': double their inu!i,' ii is c.'.-i i ied "sonici hing awful " Av v. ;h ..ivh .,'it ty ! leis. 1 believe In 1 in' "que. a .le.- . n in ill profit." s stem of iln; Im.Mi.i'ss, .4 ! h h ,n a,WH s .-tl.-k to iuumi Mire t-t.e yoodsM.U piu1' s iU';ti';l below with' those of i.ih.ii '.Mk4s ji! 1 s e for yourself. Ih'vej:iM r ct i . .I .in eii iraiii iln'"1 or t lit cele brated ii("IMK: V i iij.s tj 0,,(ii ladies' and f" tits' s!'-s. p::.s. i:v.r ami nlelc-l. iSlreet in.m tho f ief - i.l c . 1 1 1 : i . u in. W.. do yuu lliluk of a t ..... v i-iur.a .,: s..;id l Ik l:'.di".';old-wat-h at $.".' f .'Ui.ir ;! I of v, liii-li lsf.." 1 I'uve theia. l.s-i ou;n:''.!"iMiii- m ladb .s' yohl watehr.s from ?-' to loo Vi i.i 1 ir,r asoi linen tof ni-nts' ;;uul, lllled and silver Wate;rt it prices that Will '.stor.lsh you Yie Du. ber silverlne Waicli. key wimUujr. with i;i -in, Walt ham, Ua-mudcn or Illi nois rnov.-m iits , i i ', usually si lls tor fs. Same va'cli wltii so in-" I nd forf-,, regular price f9 and Th; I ca:i s. ll a 1'ui her i k j,'ol,l tilled watch, war rauted fur I '.venti i- e:;rs. wliit a full Jeweled Kljrii.. Wailli-ni ur ;.-i ." erlcan tixivt lueut 1 sire.l of similar yr di feir J; t, p'U'ualr $ m wateh. I have an wateh ou want an.t an o.i . e you -'.' per cent, on It. Lartfe line of (: ts' ell lN's in vvln-is stiles, qu i lilies :.nd pi1---s. ( Inrins. - l'ln-, Sieno and Plain Cel. l i Irrjs. and all i.-i,ils of first i-liss pin !s, lift i'.U! l-'ris. nii.ir : .: .was. Xe... &r. A i li e line .f LOCKS fr.tr !' c. nts no. iu ir- anteed f r li months. ill m li tiiem lu weoMy lliStallliH'iils. All I sk is a eli'ineo. 1 have r rent wr clerks bylfeand c.ir. jjlvejuy eusi onu rs the benefit of ITi per cent Th inkles you for past favors. 1 rvr5aln. yours re spectfully, S. A. L. JOHNSON. lialn S'treet, oi poslte rontoT.ee. suKscRiiiE to rn1Q ADVERTISI; IX 1 lit) a! J. A. .JOHNSTON. JOHNSTON & ELLIOTT, CHARLOTTE, IT. C. People of Salisbury and vicinity wanting monuments should correspond with us. Estimates furnished gratis." Mention the Watchman when you. write. Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horizon- j n j -. Da oi every varieuy ana VERTICAL PISTOil. 'Tho f oremoet of our pdrlodlcais.' C03T5CA1TI3ES-O IE VEST GSEAT THOUGHT ASD ACTION TEE W02LD. ttluttrated proipec tut vrHI b ttd for 2fi cnt9. co. wiluam b. xessaxx. Twk Trsttif ts the moat faytrHCtfvf , wQBt timely. tb hryft and tho bajwtaoroest of th rpk-c. The three trrent erou.is of subpi ts of the comlne i ear will be Impartially auo lusirueilvely discussed -by the atji-st writers: rrt'iLiTiOAL sccjkcts growing out of the prresl dentlaiCi.m.i'alr. II KisAiOTAX,J)irfTOKBi ncks here and abroad. III. TiiEoi.iHiiciirNKKST witn all the social qucsilons sti'pesteii uj' these groups of great topics." There is no other ;n wlH;r-by nn may get the npest lo'ormai ion ab ut Hie jfivytpri'tenis ot iie time within so narnw u cimnavi Vitso smalHi Rum short studies of great sunj Ls by more,, than a lnindretl of lh foreiuost men and women of-1 lift world; hteauso there is only one Anierlcan pe.rh-dl-eal lor which r.ll the great ic-d-rs of onlnlon and of thoup!it vv rite; and fh-it Is '7i! Fortm. . The Decemlwr number, for example, contains: 'Oegr.id.it Ion by Pensions The Protest , of I-ovai Vo'unt eers," by I.teutenant AllcarRFoot e, founder "Bf the society ot Loval Volunteers: 33TUe Meaning of the Democrat!. Vle.tcry 4n IasSaeTiusetjs.w by (Jov. Wm. E. Russell; "FrencU Feeling Towards Germany Another coiiUlct about Alsai e-l.orrutne Inevitable, " by tamllle I'ellet m. Menitier of the French Chamber of Deputies; "should the silver i.a.w of l9i be Itepcaled?" by 4acob II. SchltT, one or the most successful and lniluentlal ban-era In N'ew York; "Is Modern Kduc moh a Kauure.7" tiy Frederic Harrison, the -reat Fr.gllsii essayist; "Un regulated Competition se-desi ni'.tive," bv Aldace F. Walker. Chairman of the Western Traffic Asso elatiou; "Woinaa's Clubs The Volume and the V al te f their Work," by All II Rhine; "A Hay w ith Iird Tennyson," by Sir Edwin Arnold. And tlve other articles. There are now in progress of discussions of "Our Pension System;" "Prison M 'nii-remcnt:" "Tho Tral'ilncr or Preachers," "The Louisiana Lottery;" . h,m xoxt stt) In the Tariff Agitation;" "Arc Modern Educational Methods a Failure?" 50 etf . a copy. $5 a year. THE FOIiUM, I'mos Sqi arr, New York. First National Bank -OF- alisDury, N. C. It. J. HOLMES, I. II. FOUST, - - President. - Cashier. Capital, 850,000, Surplus and Profits, S-38,000 , General Iuikinoii sinews trans acted. Deposits soik-itt 1. fei::lv Comraissionei's Sals ofiani In pursuance of a judgment o the Su : perior Court ot" Rowan county, we will , .sell fit the Court JIouso door in iho town ' of Salitliury. on Muiulny, the 7th day of hocoinlK-r, ISLIl. sit public auction. t tiie holiest bidikr, tlie l'ol!cvii!g vu!u;il)H real esiatc : A tract of hind situate in Lock" tnn ship, on both sides of 1 he I.U .... road, adjoining the lands' o! Ju.ne- ii. Meivonzie. llenr.Y Bost, T. C ;a& John S. Watson and Robert ltatrcy, con taining one hundre-d and ninety-seven (IU7) ncies. subject, lo the widow's dower, eovei itii; sixiy-tivc acres, which has been assigned her. j Terms cash, i Dated October 31st. 1891. ' .1. II. McTvEXZIE, O. L. WATSON. Adiu is of W. F. Watson, Com'r. T. L. ELLIOTT TEAM - Granite and Marble Works At wholesale and retail. Own - fX ers of the celebrated M00RESV2LLE G HALITE in Iredell county. Agents for Iron Fences, Finals, Crestings, &c. fgjjl Jttegular Horizontal Piston. The most simple, durable and effective Pump in tho market for Mines, Quarrier., Refineries, Breweries, Factories, Artesian wells, Tire duty and general manufacturing purposes. OSrSend for Catalogue f Tie A S CAMERON STEAM PUMP WORKS fPPT Y E:fT 2.3d Hjhwkt Kkw York. ' Mml & Danvills Ratlroaa Co." W. N. O. MVISIOII. Condensed scht?dule la effect Jfov. is. i89i K AST hoc.3 U. Z-r- Lt Knoxvllle, E.T.V.A. .Morrisrowu, l.v Taint hock, U & D. i-ot-in J' K1 ta 4 iSpia 5 S3pia 6 H;tn 7 !pia Pelprn -i.iia I5.im S3 fit)! 4oa ia oouiu "Thj,, . iiiiiui !i fliu s team ii ioim 3 4Tpia No. ir Hot spriniiS. AsneTllte, l:ound liuob, Marion, Morgaiiion, " Hickory, - ' suteMille, Ar'Sali&bury, t;reeusbro, " Dnnvi'le, Ar Kichmoiid, Lv iireensboro. Ar Ourham. " Kalelgh. ." (ifildstioro, Lv Djiivtll-. Ar Lynvhbuig, V. " Washington, " llilH t ore. Penn. " PMni' i ! hi ; " Xe.v.Ybrk, VVESTUOI NU 5 t2pm i louin 3 &5am 4 s-iiiia i lsiitn. e o'liim -lam T o;Hin s foaui jo ioaia li lopm to oim 4X 32. IU 1 i'Sptri ,".'j)in lv o m 4-ipm 3 no. mi 6o:-Ul No. 9," Lv New York, PeiiD. 12 15am " 1'Mladelphla, 3foain HaPimore, 6 45am Washington, K. &;P.-i ll ;oam Lynchburg, M'lpm Ar Danville, S ropm Lv Klchmond, 3m m -" Danville, siopm Ar (IreenslKvro, lutein Lv Co'risSriri', 1'Jl in U ei;li, r -!'piii " Durham, i -ui m Ar (Jreen-boro, lo i.'j in l.v Or'eusboro 4 , in " Salisbury. . 1.' 50: n " statesv lie, t f2;.iii Newton, 21o;,in " Hlckiirv. - S(i;i;m " v.onr ;ii;u,i, 3 -iT.im Mai ion, . 3 :-4.iia " Hou.al Knb, - t lTiuu Ar Ashviis.-'. c Main " Hot Springs, 8 56:1 m " Paint Hock. 9 limm 'orrtsiwn, E.T.V.& G. looSara " Knoxvlllc, ll3oain 4 ' opm 6 5 9 Soji 11 Uiplii fi r;il:) s l.i-ia 'f'-'it:i ..? -. '. " 'T.-.nv S 1-ain i,!:'o:un la -ispm wFlu J f'"pm 2 37pm 3 in, , o--'pm 4 4?;.,a 5f:u I :l"u " o;)iii s '"pin lo3opm. N. 14. nv . ie .s .iic v i.n , A. . ; " Hendersonvlllc, " Flatdiock, " Saluda, " Tyron, ArSparUnburg, xo TTtju bbr ndT Lv Spartanburg, ! TjTin, Saluda. ' " FlatKoclr. -' Hehdersonvllle, Ar Ashe vl'.le, i 3wim li :cpiu 12 pia -1 :piu' 5i pm 3 I4;m Siopm . rfpu 3 -i-ai 4 OTpn 3 3f!nra 5-43j)ia No. l3-No. li. " Sopni l 3.pra" s Jfipin J .pp, 9oo,un 3 vspra 9 2opm 3 r,pm 9 34pm s Uv i 10 2opni 4 414: ni "Mt'KPin HftANCH. No.5. No (4 Jr4om r 9 4ojiin 12?' i m s riam lopm 8oom dS'dM 11 lewn 49pm 5 s?fra Lv Ashevtlle. Ar Waynesvllle, Bryscn City, " Tomotla. " Murphy, Lv Murphy, Ar Tomotla, " Bryson ltv, " Waynesvllie, Ashevllle, ( Dally ) -xe pt ( un. j ( Dally except ( Run. ) VKS'I HiULE TKAJN. N. HOUND. DAILY. S. BOl'.MI. 6 r3 am C 35 am S 25 am t 35 am I 16 am t 45 pea P 13 ' no Ar. Washington. Alexandria, Charlottesville, Lcchburg, Devin. . GrrSnnboro, S!lPlmry, SAllsbury, Ch riolt-, Spartanburg, IT ervvlllc, Liiia,- AtiiiMa. " YADKIN li. ll. Lv.i.i ie em' ' in 8 m S 6o m Itim !o!e fm tOVfM 1 1 4d pat l So am s C3-pm ; f o.i pin , i ir, ::rai r; : . pm t 1 OO ( 111 12 ;o fiin 11 'i am Lv. Ar Ar. " , 2 4.1 iu- " ' r fm 5 roam " T'.cidu Northb'tf. Ar '(Vi r.nTii " ? r.r. i,m " 1 i.c:ri " ; -.4. m SimltibM. :i.oo pir a.i't pn :i.r.3 pi- 4-15 i b T.;o Til! K 4.r. pn 6 .30 pm '.v. Salisbury. r. Granite Quarry, Pockwell, i id Hill. Vlsenln ImersSprl: gs, 4 vv 1 oieliui. ' Albi'niarle. Norwood, s.r.c am 7 T Kill 6 3. a la Lv. SLKEPINTM'AR SEIiVICKr Nos. 9 and lo Pullman Sleepers between liaklth, firi'f nsbor' mid l li".vv llle. No. ll and 12 I'uDimui S,ef p u b,n-eon Kdli vlde arai N'civ York, via Ashevlllc, Salisbury anil V.'Khliisfton . - Nos l aivt l Pullman Sh epe.r tfl'V-fn 1kt,i' ton and Clrtel't -it I. via ( i inubia, Snai ti'.bbuig, I'alnl UoC. Kni-vrHe and .'"V.ko. It. i.. ItMliliKH-. v . A. Tf K, fcupejit iifri'ii-rit. Aslv vll'- . N C W. II. 'I !f FKN. I'M. V;-.!i t 1 r, . . -;.'-. . C ' . . ;. Pass Act-, ( iiar'one. N !. T Yl.OK. en P;;SS A jrf f AtUbta. ('?.. i' t-rrn.Wf3C5 WITH LATEST I M P ROVEiVt ENT3 E" We curry s'ock fct various South'-m noinrs W J o 'W' us' En WAtsUK Pnt on tril Fro I'uIIt narran !. 3ToaS35.W.' Hi'T S! l':, "rliinnipiv l.'.w V. til I'.aimi n. Kr,,ith..n ATI. A NT V f A . DALLAS. TFViS. Mention t ne WntcLmn. ' Caveats, and Traie-Mark obtained, and all lat ent business condactud for Mootnuc Fees. Out Office t Opmsitc U. 8. Patckt Ornct aud can secure patent lu lesa time than Uioaa remote froai Wanhlugton. Send model, drawing or photo., with deicrip tion. W advise, if patentable, or not. fiwot charge. Our fee not doe till patent ts secured. 4 A Pamphlet. "How to Obtain Patents," with names of actual cnw in your btatc, -county, or town, ecnt free, address, C.A.SfOW&CO. PP. PATCNT"OrriC, Wasminqton. D, C, iovV capacity. VtRTlCfiL PMI?iRl " C. IWeigl, N. 0. t fT-- .: a

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