f -: r - " T - t .i ' c t 1.. ' : S, .''li v'f i1- !.' il i 1, it f;4' If if : 1 !-, m m 19 .v ii V i I i : ! i - i i : S m t r". s i s I ALLIANCE DXKECTttltY. f ' i X ritonal AUvtneeL. L.Polk, president, North Carolina; IL II. Clover, vice prcsi , in , Km : J. II. Turner, seerctarj icasurcr, Georgia; J. P. Willrfts, locturer, Kansas. . State yfZ.a-Eli3 Carr, president, Otrl Strur- C. DcLlin-tield, Kccrttaj, lUlclgh. . ' ' - fang rational Pitrkt Lecturer, A : ' Leaz-ir. Movresvillc; president, Col. II. A. For ey, Citnwb.i; V.-Pres ., E. P. Pcnick, Kim wood; Swretary arid Treasurer, J. L. iSamscy, Salisbury. C&WyJM'!o Miller, president, Blue k in er; M. L. IlitcUic, secretary. Saw. Jredell County J 11. Ilolman, president. r.. CW: Spring; 51. E. Kuniscy, secretary, . Mooresvitlc. ' Cabarrus County A. F. Hi lent am, presi dent. Concord; Dr. J. S. Lafferty, secre tary. Concord. llmUhJii CUnty S. Green, president, jimes; W. A. Lindsay, secretary, Thomas 1 ville. Catawba County 9. T. Wilfon?. nrcsi ?'dcnt. Xwtou; J. F. Herman, secretary, Newton. X.C Rcforiu Press Association. Officer JK L. Jiavixey, prmdent; Marion 'Putter , vice-president If. S. Barn, sec- retary. jjj ins. ProjrresHlve Fjanaer, Statorgan, Kurttl Uoiae, -. Carolina Watchman, Farmers Advocate, Moujittln Unme-ournl, Raicitrb, N. c. Clinton, C. Wilson, C. Sallsuuiy, S. C. Tarooro, N. C. AsliiVllle.N. C. OoldsborOrN. Trinity College, N. C. , Hickory. N. C. WliUtukeiu, N C. Ailiaiice "lenuirei Couatrt Lite, .MercurK ltattler, quanted to keep the lint standing on the firtst ; jwi7c and add others, provided they are duty elected. Any puper failing to advocate the Ocala platform will be dropped from the lint promptly. Our people can now see thai papers are publtsfiea tn inetr tnieresi Dying: 'of Cigarette Smoking. Hagerstown. Hd.. Dec. 10. Jacob Mitlpr. driver nfitr eVnr wagon, in dying from excessive cigarette smok ing. His illness has been attended witn peculiar nttacKs. tie wouia ion and tossvfor hours in evident .ai. then would wcimie uncoirscious and suddenly uwaked wild and delirious. i iiii r i it would tnen require iotir strong men to bold him in bf.l. . His attending physicians say he can not recover. His entire system seems impregnated with nicotine, t he hand in which he was accustomed to hold . ine c ran'MRS is iinrnmv uisnoKirfMi n ii. i u i :i l ,i .! i j 4Y i'-Hhorou.clil v sAturatwl with tlip noison. V 1 1 . i . beitiff in bright vellow nenrlv to the wri4. On the day tht Miller went o r bed he had consumed eigltt packages of cigarettes, lie has smoked as many as lzj ciirarettes in a day. lie is -:'' twenty 3 ears old. . - 4 Going- to Texas. An old gentleman seeing a boy, who was traveling with father, mether, sis ters and brothers for liras. crvinir hv . T J O J , th roadside, inquired: "What's the ; oiatter, by son? "Matter, fir and names, stranger: Llou t you see mammy there, shaking with the ager; lilt r t tiaaay s gone a nsning; Jmi s got every cent of money there i;;, playing poker " at the bitautee; Bob Stokes is gone on ahead wit liNance; Sal's 60 corned she don't know that stick of wood from seven dollars and a half! Every one of the horses is leoe! There's no meal in the wagon! The skillet's broke! The baby's in a 'bad fis' and its half a -mile to the creeadt don't care if 1 never see Texas! Jia! a a Ik a!" LEMON ELIXIR. A Pleasant Lemon Drink. For Bilunisness, Constipation and Ma laria, take Lemon Elixir. For Indigestion, Sick and Nervou Headache, take Lemon Elixir, t For Sleeplessness, Nervousness and lleartfailme. take Lemon Elixir. -1 J . v For FeVei-s, Chills and Debility, take ; Lemon Elixir. ; H Iadies, for natural and thorough or- - v ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. . -Tsifr. aioziey's J,einon Elixir will not fail VOU in anv of the nhnvA nnm,l A; easew, all of which-'Yise from a torpid or diseased liveP,stomaoh,kidnevs6r bowels ' Prepared only by Dr. II. Mozley, At lanta, Ga. oOc.imd $1 bottlesalruggist. LESION HOT DROPS Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness. Bore Thro.1t. Hi-rmliW-a 1. i;? ilemorrhage and all throat and lung dis vusca, ; Au elegant aud reliable preparation. 25 cents, at druggists. Prepared onlv by Dr. II. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. ;Mty Green N&rhy dear, I Will not t tell yhu what lm going to give vou ..for. Christmas. Why can't you W ;m -n be eontenfc to wait and be sur- JUrs. ureen Uh, M me now. If you keep your word, Hi be surpmed enough.Puck. Pronounced Hopdeas, Yet Saved. Frora a lettfriwritten by Mrs. Ada E. Ilurd, of Groton S. D., e quote: "wS taken with a bad cold, which settled on my Lungs, cough set in and finally ter minated ra Consumption. Four doctors pave irn9 up, Raying I could live but a short time. Icm mc.ir,.ni. viour, detrinined if I could not stay ..withjny fnend.sonearth.I would my atwent on abve. My hushand was umuu-si nr. King's New Discovery lor Consuinntmn n.i.ia t trial took h. 11 eight ."bottles; it has cured me, and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman " . Trial bottle free at Kluttz & Co.'s druSStore 2 ' . The Mnslclan' Guide. ,Tf?IT. res,ft teacher, Madent or malc lorpr - of over ift.w pieces of xauslc anmuMc bTori bu "graphical skefches or overico composers vith rtortnilta and 01 her l)msrrtlr. iPO a cho'ice se ' lection of new vocal n4 fnpf rutnental music and , uusrrniiraniTr iraiurs. tnen reeipt of eight free, ciy ot The slrians' Guide, so a Siimple Ropr of Bralnard's Mysical World contnlnlnEr $2.00 nunu uDewniuxi.can'iinrei'PFiiPirrcaninjrmatter ilMress, 8. BRA1NAUD S SONS CO., CtiCagJ, IH. ChSdrcn Cry for Pitcher's Castorli (jeneral : Directory. COUNTY GOVERNMENT. Clerk Buperior Court, W J Watson, -fcsheritr, Jus M Monroe . Register of Deeds, II N Woodson. Treasurer, J liim'l McCubbins. Surveyor, li C Arey. - Coroner, D A At well. Commission erii, W L Kluttz, chairman. Dr L W Coleman, Cornelius Kestler, J A Stewart aud I F Patterson. Hup't Public Schools, It Orvizer. Sup't of Health, Dr cuintnerell. m Overseer of Poor. A 1 Browi. TOWN. Mayor, T C Linn Clerk, D li Julian. Treasurer, I II Foust. 4 Police, G H Shaver chic, J F Piice, C W Pool, 11 M Barriiser. t CommissionersNorth ward, C F At- well, D M Miller; South Dli Julian. V li XTP-inla. Pnct vrl T - Cnmrh. nour, J ho Moyle; West wardj li J llol- nies,il;l 1 run l nam. CHURCHES. Methodist Services cerK' Sunday ai 1 1 "jtfin and (5i d m. Pmver meeiint- I ' A. 4 every Welnesday at CJ p m. Kev l)f. W Jt Jjeitn pastor, Sunday schooLcvery Sunday afternoon atg o'clock. J W launey, sup't. Presbyterian Services every Sunday at 11 a m and 8:.T0 p in. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 8:30 pm. Kev J Rumple, D I), paster. Suuday school every Sundry afternoon at 4pm.' J Rumple, sup't. Lotheran Services every Sunday at 11 a in aud 7 p nr. Prayer meeiinj: every Wednesday at 7 p m. iev ('has B King, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at 3 p ra. R G Kizer, sup't. Episcopal Services every Sunday at 11 a m and 6:30 p m and Wednesday at 6:30 p m. Rev F J Murdoch, rector. J Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at 3 p ra. , sup't. Baptist Services every Sunday morn ing and night. Pniyer meeting every Wednesday night. Rev N S Jones, pastor. Sunday school every Suuday at a.m. N S Jones, sup't. J Catholic Services everv third Sunduv ut 10 a m and 7 n in. Kev Fjith'.- Joscnh. nastor. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a m. Y M C A Devotional services at Ifsill evcrv Sundav at 4:30 n m. Biisinss lnpt- ing first Thursday night in every mouth. r r. ti . 1 11 oust, pres t. LODGES. Fulton Lodsre No 99 A F & AM every first "and third Fridav night in each inoiiiu. rj u rseave. w 31. Salisburv Lodce. No 24. K of P. mpefs every Tuesday Highl. A 11 Boyden, C C Salisburv Lodire.'No 7T.",. K of 1 mppts every 1st and 3d Monday- night in each moutn. U l Bernhardt. D ctntnr. Salisburv Council. No 272. Uovr.l Ar- caniim, meets eyery 2d and 4th M01 day mgni, in cacu montn. li a Kizer Regent POST OFFICE. Offlco hours from 7:P.O Money order hours 9 a m to 5 p m. Sundav hours 12:15 a m tn 1 on n m J II Ramsay, P M. Mr. Kanondle And now wouldn't you like nietor a Christmas present? Miss Alert Cortai nly. if vou'll han yourself on the Christmas tree. Puck. F. H lllckey. 12fi8 M:iln strppf.. T.vnihiirr 10 writes: "I was bokf fint. nvrr my hair was tilling out. .rt-r using a few txrttle? of Botanic Blood B;tlni ray lialrquit I i.lliigout aud all tUc sores got well." The "man with the hoe" is making rouble among the weeds in society. Pomcroy Democrat. Is an invaluable remedy for SICK HEADACHE, TORPID UVER, DYSPEPSIA, PILES, MALARIA, C0STIVENES3, AND ALL BILIOUS DISEASES. - Sold Evqrjriylaero- PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. LEE WEIGHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALISBURY, N. C. Will practice in all the t-nnrts nf p,. Adioiiunir comities, i'romnt ntiontl.m ; all matter pertaining to my prutvs'sion. rco. 1:. lam. A.S. H'EILIG. - Attomoy Atliaw, SALISBURY, X. C. Office in Oavia & AVilpv' corner of Main nna Inui?s streets. Will t,r.l(- tice in Courts of Rowan and a.Jjoiuinjr conntle Prompt and careful attVr.tion riven to'nll bu iness entrusted to me. Sm-rii 1 to collections. - JOHN A. RAMSAY, V Attends to Railroad Construction. J3nn..... and Mapping of Real Estate, Estimates'of water rowers, Plans for theErcction of Mill. 571 nT f-ml att0UdS tli? purchase of all kinds of Machinery, BuildlnfSfaTeriaN &c C" " . fe!2 tf Siate of North Carolina, ) x, Rowan County, j Nov- 12, 1SC1. Margaret Pet hel.V , J- , . I Ae!lon for Divorce from George V.Pethelj ) 1h' bonl of Matrimony It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the defendant. Georje V Pethel, is a non resident of this State' and cannot after due diligence be fomi SSr2,ia-nd ih?1 a callse f Mtion exist aainrt him, the pajil George V. Pelhel is hereby re.juired to appear at a Sur nor Court to be held at' the Court Hoffe in fealisbury on the second Monday he fore the first Monday in March is ! "jycr or demur to the comphunT'filed in the above stated action. November 19th, 1S91. - iMMMBe aw 1111 ! ! ,mt rTri-nTiTrB-n-nnnMr : taal Rf-wj &!&3k rv&. f''St'J 2-rJ ffXffiX : ei&eSj fcXv '.t 5 J' P t. -v C -i f-.. ' . - 1... 1 -'n fcj&p 7. X'i -r- Ar P Sole) by T. F. KLC n Z& C. 18 f 1 Fresli Garden Seed's at duced prices. Clover and Grass Seeds at the lowest prices at Enniss' Drug Store. HEAD THIS! Be sure and call for abottlt of o Cures. It has never faile (r to cure Dvsnepsia, In:!iLrc-tion. and Sick Headache. J span irivc you first-Ciass references in Sal isbury to prove its 'merits. Foi sale bv BE IN TIME. Don't wait till you i;et si(k to et a bottle of Enniss' Dianhn-a Specific, bul come and have it ready. It will save vou a doctor atxl piohahiy your life. Jt is speed v eure for Diarrhuvi. Fluv. Sum. jmer and Bowel complaints. It ucvei fails to cure ii taken in time. J. If. ENNISS. fc!2tf Sow For Your Jewelry We arc still at owv old stand on Main street, where we have a select stock of Watches, C locks, Spectacles, and all kinds of fine Jewelry on hand at the lowest prices. Watch repairing a specialty. All work guranteed 12 months. ei.i7- J. & H. EORAH. 'J. F. McCUBBIHS & CO. lotion -: FOR MILL AND EXPORT. They always pay highest cash price fcr Cotton and ,cod. Don't fail to see them. Executors Notice. Having qualified ns Execmtor under the 'a?t will ana test.iment of Enieline Ovcreah de ceased, all persons li.-uing claims against'said estate are herel.v notllied to present them tome 011 or before the 'J 1st dy of Xovember IS9- or tins notke.will be plead tn bar of their re" cov"y., M, L. GOODMAN Lek S. Overhav, Executor. Attornev. . T. I Vinson, Sonth Main Street, for vmir having anj hair-cutting. First-class men and sharp razors at all times. IJair-dres ladies ...id el.ibhca at ti.cir home. I Buyers KLUTTZ & CO. Family 10-Ceit Dlaite Miitnre Unequalled for the Cure of ! -------.J. Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Chol era Morbus, Summer Com plaint, Pains in the Stomach and Bowels, &c. Bespectfully T.E.KLIITTZ&CO. 1. ANDREWS CABBIES THE LAP.GSST STOCE.OF liiiiire, ria aiiu Organs TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. BabyCarriages ETriGycles I Buy in Larper Quantities Di rect from Manufacturers aud "Will Give Low Prices. nr I 1 n 1 GOODS EXCHANGED IF 'NOT SATISFACpCORY. E. M. ANDREWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Mention thp Wathm-n when you write. Look at This ! We are now receiving tin largest and hest assorted stock we have ever carried. Kead a few of our prices: Pant goods, 10c. per yard, Brogan Shoes, $1.00. Dress Goods from 8c. to $1 .00 per yard." Men's Shoes from $3.00 to $12.50. A.fijll lino of men's and boys Hats. The cheapest line of Groceries in Salisbury. If you wish to save money, do not buy until you get our prices! We mean business. D. .B. JULIAN & CO. First national M -OF- R.J. HOLMES, - - President. I. H. FOUST, - - - Cashier. Capital, 850,000. Surplus and Profits, 838,000 General Bankingbusiness trans acted. Deposits solicited. fe!3:ly Furaitiire. Pianos Norfolk Alliance Exchange J 11 and 13 Commerce St., Norfolk, Va, Owned and controlled by AUiancernen for handling produce ' COTTON A SPECIALTY. Don't sell before writing for par ticulars to J J. ROGERS, Mgr. P.O. Box 212. ' W.H.&R.S.TUCKER&CO. Dry Goods w A Pk run Autumn, '91. : Wc Iinvc now in store the most-magnificent exhibition of high t luss Dry Goods and kiu dred wres ever shown tinder one roof in X. U. 1 SOUTHERN IXTEIi-STATE EXPOSITION, To be held at Ridelgb, Oct. 1 to Dvc. 1, 1891. Visitors o the Exposition nrc cordinllv in vited to vi.-Jt our store, where thfy will b kindly, politely and attentively waited upon. SHOPPING BV MAIL. To those who do' not expect to visit n.aleili during the Exposition or who dejit m.ike any prepuraiion oeiore mat utne, are able to serve in the most satUfrtctory Awiinner. ly the mentis of our thoroughly equipped Mail Order ih partnienl. Dress Goods, Wraps, Shoes, Ilotisefurnisliing Goods, Hosiery lery, Corset-s, Oloves, Underwear, Cartet3, Curtains. &c. &c. Letters of inquiry .promptly answered: sam ples cheerfully sent. When writing for sam ples our patrons will please be definite as to the kind of poods desired. Intelligent atten tion cau then be given their orders. GOODS DELIVERED FREE (Execpt Furniture and Crockery.) On all cash of $5.00 and over we will deliver goods free to nearest Express oPUe or Railroad station. W. H. & P. i Ms! & Co., Haleigh, K . C. Mention the Watchman when you write. WITH The tinriersignefl have bought out the stock of Mr. P. W. BROWN, on Fisher street, opposite D. K. Julian & Co. Wc are constantly receiving new goods for the Fall and Winter Undo. We have a sek et slock of GrGCB ies, Try GsorJs, ClotMngi-Slices, And everything found in a First Glass Dry Socds'stcra. Wo mcairhusiness mid will sell " every thing at reasonable prices and treat vou liiiht. Wc will jmy the highest market prices fur Chickens, Butter, Eggs, Corn, Peas, and all kinds of Couutry Produce. See uh before you -cll. Respectfully, L. RITCHIE & CO. Salisbury, Nov. 25th, 1SCH. POUNDED IN 1864 by the FIRM NEW GOODS! miTrinninTih. j r Ano3ia aena tnem to THK BEST, because it pys It BURmpSt nkf f 2tR' nd foxier; or F. A. SADLER, Secretary, BUSINESS COLLEGE, 0,8, 10 A 12 M.Charles St.. BALTIMORE. MD. Mention the Watchman when j ou write. J. a. JOHNS'rmv; JOHNSTON & ELLIOTT, CHARLOTTE, IT. C. 9-. V- ,: 1 --.eN-ry i' . . 3. m. People of Salisbury and vicinity wanting monuments should correspond with us. Estimates furnished gratis. Mention the Watchman when you write. Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horizon- ta of every variety and capacity. VERTICAL PISTON. J m ' tr ,m VSZTtPtt ni mmo. DO YOU SHOW THAT Boyne & Badger CAWtY J THR L AUG EST STOCK OF DIAMONDS OF ANY HOUSE IM NOKTU CAIiOMXA? SELKCTIOX PACKAGES ( SENT ON APPLICATION. WE KEEP j NU IMITATION STONES IN STOCK. KEFEK 10 CHARLOTTE liANKS. BOYNE& BADGER DIAMOND DEALERS, CHARIiOTTEN. C. S2:l y Please mention the V, ATriii!AN when you wiite. W. T. MFAOOu S, J if. MErovs, reas of Durham C o.. Sec'y. or (.rauvillo Co , I j. .v. mtooKs. of Person ."o., 'I'reas. DiRKCToas: Purhntn county, P. it. Masse' ; firan vl'l', J.J Meadows; Prison. J. V. Krixiks; Chat ham, C. It. Scott; Granville, O. K. Murray. Bursal Alliance Toiiacia Mfg. Co., M AN ITFACTITKEKS OF All Grades Chewing Tobacco. Factory owned and controlled hy Alii mermen. Mauufact 'ires lob iCco espcclnlly lr the Alliance trade. Cuslnes-s Agents, A lllance Excli:mtrts ad aiu inci sioivs ,u i Harehou-ps kdoiM a i our i prlje 11(9 and s ujimIcs at oih-e. Noihtu lcilr Mill nlP-a-Cax.e'l Swivtnest,," "K. . I.. V." 1 "'I lysal." 'rir?Tof " "t:io.i io)per," "Alliance i F tv-o. twtnrl ' I'olk's Favoiilc" iir.iii.is I Will bl; pleased to he ir from our bmihrsf fro:n mv point in tiie i:u!l-1 stales in resr.irdtotob.iccu. Will s":hI s uaples free X Chirac. Address Duiham Fanners' Alliance Mfg. Co., Dl'lUIAM, N. C. - Please mention the Watchman. LAND S A.L15. Hv virtue of a niortpage deed tonic executed liv !nrf;iri't V.. Purl; i-ml Cill.ort I -L -a r Rowan county, N. (J., on the 2 1st day' of August, l.SDO, and the .anie duly registered it the Kegister's cilice of Kowan county, in book J of Deeds, page ;(7, to secure the payment of a certain note, inch is now due aiul unpaid, 1 will sell to the highest bidder for cash at tlio Court House door in the town of Salisbury, ikiiii tuuni, .. v.., uii .ioii.uiy, uie 4U1 (lav January, 1 the properly convcytd in said! Mortgage Deed, to-wit: thie house and lot in the town of Gold Hill adjoining the lands of Henry William and other-, containing one : acre and '. square jndr-s. the jiroperty on which : the said Margaret E. Iurk aiui Gilbert I. Prrka now live. Also, one other lot in said town of (iold Hill, fdjoiniug the aforesaid lot, beginajiig,at .Margaret E. Parks' north corner; ir.euce w'm t i.icci - incnes to a stone: thence south 12 'feet to a stone: thence cast IT feet 1 inch'-s to a stone Margaret E. Prl&JjwiK r; thence with S.iflim- to the licgiuninjrVTSTfit isfv said notc"'and jntere.-t and euMs. This .'tiJili day ul" November. I f I . I'. I". II A'i llCOCK. Agent 11. II Mill Mftf. Co. V af-l waving louht trie COW. ill f'ournv (irn. lie Mills.ione yu-irrlcs. Tools. c, of t. I;. I'IiIMIph Jfif I u 1 1 1 ... in ! 1 tt h r . in iniirii'iitm ...lit....,.. rnill-s-'indk-s an.t oriali!e uilPs for rlmP'-ir -or'n ' now neat. 1 orrcspondence soli I. Aiflcsr 3-li' '. T. U YA I'T. Faith. i;owm 0. N. C. Medlon tho Watchman. SUBSCRIBE TO- ITU. IR f n'lrrs r. man ! ADVERTISE IX 1 V 1 T. L. ELLIOTT TEAM At wholesale and retail. Own- j., uisvm titu ceieuiatea TvSOORESVILLE GBANITE r 1 11 a.. 4 .redell countv. A?enrs in iinien coiiiuv. .agents lor Iron Fences, Finals, Crestings, &c. Granite ndffirbleWorks regular xiorisontal Piston. i mm, . il h r wm L 1. Z' ?. 1 dzlfl3'l i-!- The most simple, durable and elTective Pump in the market for Mines, Quarries, Refineries, Breweries, Factories, Artesian wells, Fire duty and general manufacturing purposes. flgfSend for Catalogue. i 1, - I n rt I -ir-r-i-r- . ' " Richm & Wile Railroai Co. w. n. o. divisionj Condensed schedule In effect Nov. u. jsji No. lo. ' No. n. Lv Knoxvlllu, E.TrV.& U- Morrlstown, I.V Paint IvwJ. . & 1. " Hot Springs, " As'ieviite, KwiaU KliO, Marlon, " MorautOD, r; il y, - Ncwjo i " Statcsvllte, A r Sail bur.v, t;reen,boro, " Danvl'lr. Ar Ulcbuioud, Lv ;reensbiro. ArDiirtiaw, r -" lialelgh, " OoldsVioio, I.v Danville. ArLynchuurg, n.&D. " Wahnit;loti. -" B illlmoiv, r. Fenn. PKtla 'eirhla, M New York, lsppm si-.ura popm , s Warn 6oo,.m vmlla 62plO liapuT 2 4oam 4 srian 6 1SCl lolpn coi.ita PoTrm 5lan fcKS.m JoTam tLKjin Sooim loijjm JOSoalil 15 J Siiui Hlojin jj3imi 5 8o,.m Xioum lo oj in loouiu l'-'Sirin to;.,! l 2'pui- i i0;,m ."O.lpm tl3So;.in Vi Zom i :i;aiL 3 0..JIU 5 4U!ll -pm u.'o m H firm i jopin Sooam s 4Tpiu 6 2om 6 sop-. WESTtttfUXU. No. . No. ii, 12 ISam "opTn Sfoam cs;m - 6 45am 9 3t.;in 11 loam .11 iopiu Ospm D2iutn :opm 6ioim aooim 3iioam s 4opm g :.0Ti1 o:'o; m. loi-jnii, -liirpm IS',,11- 6 10pm 3 05ai 7 44j.m r.oi.im oi;pi;i loioain 1-' 5rt:-m t2 45jm 2"4i;.nn : 1 57pni . Po-.'i.ra 37pia z:nw 3ipm a -4.1IU 4 t)8pni f' 17am 4 4Spia.. C 56am R 5pm 8 S6 J 4 pm 9 loam " Soopm loo'-am 9ocpirt .. J1 Roam lo3oj m No. lJTxo.li. Lv New Vtirk Penn " JMiUadflphla, M llal'tmove, Washlnfcton, Ii. Si D. Lynchburg, Ar Danville, Lv Mchmoiia, " DanvlUe, Ar Creensboro, Lv Goiilgborc, " Pa elgli, 41 Durham. Ar Greensboro," Lv (irefnsboto " SallJibur-. " Staiesv.lle, " Newton, - - " lilc'-ory. " Mortr aitoa, " Mailon, " Pnund Knolx Ar Ashcvlile. " Hot Spiii's, P.'lni ho-l.-, ' MorrlMown, E.T.V.& G. " Knoxvlilv, A.&s. h. it. Daily. f 1 v Ash''URc, A. & ff. '. T -.1 1 Sonm 2 ."of eh tsiepui ssrpm l o:-j in j(,7rm l Mp.a 3 36i .m -8 .14pm 5 43nia Hen rroiivttle, " fiat i.oek, " SiltuM, " Tyion, -Ar s,art.inbursr, X O isT U LO U N V." Lv Spartanburg, " T ron. " Saluda. " Flat Kock-, " Hen lersoiivllle, ArAshcvllle, m uTtpin Bit anch! No. 13. " 'o. ii 7 2opm 13-pm S2prn ii-pm 900;lTT 8V8irn 9 2opm 3 4'.pin 9 34pm 3 '4pm tosoom 4 4,nrn No.B5. No 1 Ar wynlsvilte " Pryiscp city,' ! " '''hipvla. . LYlurj-byi' ! Ar Tomotjfl, j Kf'n J". I Ahiliiii'j1' 7 40ii m 9 4oi!ill 12 371 in r, r.ofm 6 lopm eve-pt y t Fun. ) fiooarri II innirr 5 sypra' ( Patty I V Sun. ) - YFS HIiULW TRAIN. N.POf.ND. Tf.3 :U a7. ii rii ,m' " 3 i'. am " 1 :r am " 1 IS am " D I LY. s. "imr.No. Washington, Lv .Mijrtti1 1 la, OharloltfvlUe. 11 to am 1 1 S3 ma f 60 pra J.y.chhurg-,-7 DABiTlle, Oreensboro, t U i 9 s pin S r-(! fzn loiorjs lot' pzi IWopn 1 ioara I 43 am 'j s3nm'Lv :; To.-spm Ar' pftjioyrjr, - SylH-bury, Ar. Ch. rifiitf. i,T sparLtnburg, " (In C'lVllle, 4 13 puii 3 . () p:n 1 0041m " H .0 pm " IMo JU " Houilitd. I Lula, J.d:.-s Uie, Albania, j s SB tm ; 5 room i 7-so am YALKlN K. 1:. I Xbrthb'd. ".N1 pil 3.5i"i pii :t :3 pi 4.1 , It v. Nillsii'iry, Ar iio.ocrm " r. (;r;.r.lt quarry, " , 9 S5 nnr. l ockwHl, 9.07hm ' (;' hi i:i;i. s.n tun " V lser.liAlnv-R Pprlrgs, " ' ' New Louden. , sooum AlbeterrYie, " 7.15 nm NOlWutKl, Lv. 6 3Br.m P. 00 Tin 5 4ip'' ! n pi. - SLEEPIXG.'CAK SERVICE."- " ' No 9 an 1 lo Puilniain Skeptrs between knlelcli G'-ef.nihor ;iTid htmxvUle. N'os. 11 nnd 12 Pullman Sirrprs briwron Kroi vlile and New York, via Ashtvlilc, Snllst urj bDfl Wa-s'-lrtrtni. ' . Non 1'- nn-1 A PuMmr-n Sleeper br-owern ctrir ton ;.r..l clr.cir.11 'ti. via Co uniula, Srartnntnrs. r. lint li. c' . Kn-v'.iiio aud Jelilco. P. 1:. lif'UTr.i i;s., W. A. Tl'lJi, Siipei li.ten 'H nt. A. U, Pass Apt . A'-lievillr-,.- fhar'cttf. N C. W. II. '.i. i-.KN, JAS. T.. TAYI.OI. eu. 'cn.i.'er, t.cn. P;s Act , AH nfi. .a. AUauta.Gn. s. Tim. Myi-, Ari;nt 1, ;a. ! So PROGRESSIVE FARMER Raleigh, Organ of the N. C. Stale Alli ince. E-liletl l,y Cnl. L. L. Polk, assisted hy J. L. Ramsey Tiie p"P'T vv,!' he. kept up to t iieT iisii.il high. sf;uidanl Siil)scriie for it, only 81 per year i il advance. Tiie I'ron sm'vc farmer and the 'Watchman will l,c sent to new .'ulcriliers at $1.75 f-r holli pa pers. Siihscrihe. now. Address, PROGRESSIVE FA Li ME R. . Raleigh K. C. Caveats, end Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Modcratc Fees. Ovn Ornce is Opposite U.S. Patent Orricr aud we can rocare patent la leas tiaw than thoeu reipote frfftn Wahlnijlon. - Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advice. If patentable or not, free of" charge. Our fee rot doe tiil patent 1 secured. A Pamphlet, 41 How to Obtain Patents," with camee of actual clients in your ttc. county, or town, seat free Adiress, Opp. Patent Orricc. Washington. D. d - s ine A iS UAllEtiUii iSTMI POIP T ... -r mil

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