-- fi v - - r """ X3 i tie (SFOllI bXi. XXIIl-TIlilU) SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1892. NO. 10, ii W'11 J " ."iJ' i ins lit f r ffi hittt few llillt, LI THE OLD YEAR. for Infants and Children. Oastofl is st weTTadaptodto children that I reoemmead It aa superior to any prescription twQ to ma." H- A. Ascheb, II. D., r 111 Se. Oxford St., Brooklyn, II: T. Castor. enreg CoTfe, Corjtipatkm, Sour Stomach, DiarrbcBO. Eructation, KIT 3 Worms, gives Bleep, and proaxntes J- eestion, WiUkiut tnjorii Th ns of Castoria ts ro unlversaPend tta loorlta so well known that It seem? work if reroeation to endorse it- Tew are the tntltfamllles who do not kep Castona - - New York City. At Pastor IHoominsdale BetorBded Church. Tbts Cswrirm iotts medication. For several years I have reewnraended your Castoria, ' and shall always cootiniie to do so as It has invariably produced be patina I results. ' , EdWTK F. PlJtDEB, M. D., Tbo "vSTnthrop," 125th Street and 7th Ave., Iiw York City, OttrAirr, 77 MtmaAT Strdst, Kkw Yoax. If all the old year's days could speak, I wonder what they'd say The snowy days, the blowy days, The flowery days of May ? The summer days when shady ways Were made for children's feet: Yacation days, when for tliuir la3 The country was so ?wee? If all the oM years' dis eonM speak Just think of it awhik-! Would their report bring bitter lear?, Or the sunshine of a smile? Ah, could they speak from week to week Of honest work well done. Of well used powers in study hours, Of fairness in the fun? Of thankful thought for kindness wrought Where homes are rich and glad; Of tender care to give or share Where horae3 are poor and srA; Of pleasant ways in dark, dull daj3; , Of little gentle deeds ; Of earnest hours among heart's flowers In plucking hurtful wecd3? Can the year speak of patience meek Where grief has stopped a while: Of courage liold: for the weak and old A loving word or smile ? Methinks the year must pecm most dear If thus its speech can be; O'erful of joy for girls and boys A year of jubilee. -yContfregationaliit. Ill- Under dire; LddiVs :i-g on and when he returned he was smiling blandly, and his lips were moving as if talking to himself. He didn't say a word to hip. If he had I r.ould not have repljed to him, as L was com pletely knocked out. vAfter that day 1 noticed a marked change in Brown. He seamed to thaw out to take more interest in life; and I caught on to the fact that he was writing private letters to some one. One ihiy he added to my astonishment by galling me -into hi; private room and inquiring if it wouldn't be a good things torus to pick up a silver mine out in Nevada, providing wo got a low figure and a sure thing. "The next astonishing circumstance happened n, week later. 1 was out on the street at lluJO, an hour when every low suit, having a wife already, ljut he man of the firm was iuvaria' !y closeted flushed up and looked confused, and with hims-df, when I suddenly caught seemed about to declnre that he wm sight of Jone going into a hotel. Be- going to elope, but caught himself and liering myself to be the victim of an : g topped short. optical delusion, I soon followed, and Ten flays had elapsed, and answers to names of parties to write tcjind it was agreed that if reports were favorable the deal should b'-Jr-iosed. the first tii-ie learned of t!: thv mine. I hnd not only site and k-uew the ip.'nv: t; less, but had friends ailet the f.ut. firm, I wrote to the rt a Mrs. Aemple. Acti"g on my judgment 1 also wrote to disinterested parties. While waiting for answers to th?c T!ic Colonial Tlaiiters i nation : ..itst n l'd atiimals, the occa The following picture of our Colo- j wonal inarch ta.heip thettltrs f the ; !niul forefathers, as faithful as it is - L i ' - - ; , A TRIANGULAR MIX. f - ' SOLE AGENT FOK THOMPSON'S GWE-HITTING CORSETS. JU5T EHEIvTD, a 'full lino of Ladies1 c L OAKS ! Second stock of Fall .and Winter Dross Goods is just in. A -full line of Ladies' and Gents' U N1DE R WEAR ! - T)m H Aiil to sec my Stock. T. L. ELLIOTT A. JOHNSTON. JOHNSTON- & ELLIOTT, CHAEL0TT3, IT. C. TEAM Graijite and Marble Works 4 People of Salisbury and vicinity wantn corfosDond with us. Estimates furnished At wholesale and retail. Own- tyj&ipzL ers of the celebrated rlUUtdVILLt unAril 1 1 Keuees. t ina . Lrestinsrs, sc. should letters Hrown suddenly asked the two! other members to congratulate him, as he had decided to get married. They had hardly done so when Jones an nounced that he had also determined on the same step. Smith couldn't fol- I now for " "i VlTHi, in I he ; j it; ifitrii ftr tlii month. : i nart nf :in :iiticle bv l)i. Kt'lUP x v I Hittle. Prof'-s-or uf Mhnrv i UnivprsitT. ci: iii:-i now invcit:.i; hi our Statv ?.rn i--. men nt the U)iY historical It .j- ? V 1 1 1 ,-:": I Yr': - ' Let Us our historv rrritten by som? is in full symrwtthy with our ...chryacter .' (i:fg !.':- nt hope th;;i truthiuily who ,aan a )lttJ! Ill as I looked about the office the clerk beckoned to-me and said: "Room 44 Mrs. Temple silver mine; She had been to the office to call on nv letters were expected every day, when I was ent to a town a hundred miles awiiy on business which detained :ne two days. Returning at 10 e'clock on the morning of the third, I caught mm anting monuments gratis. Mention the Watchman when you write. f i - .4. POAL! tuOALI r COMFORTABLE. S Haying greatly increased my facilities for handling and storing CO A L the wming season, I would now again respect fully solicit any and all orders entrusted to me,-promising to 'furnish you promptly with vhat coal you may want at the lowest martcrl prtco. in ortiler to obtain aa vantage 01 me ioreoi eam f finer nrices yon should nt once send me your orders. Remember Uhat I handle onlv the best grades of screened Coal, including itho Red Ash, suitable for grates, stoves, heaters, ivc ' I Also keep on hand at all times the finest grade of black sin 'coal. . r J.ALLEN SHOWN it. - . . y 'STATESViLL E MARBLE WORKS Ii tlL& Placa to Got Honunents, Tomtstoaos, be A.Urj tVH arVfTRWOT MARBIJS to Rrrlro lis ferr oys I guaranty BAtWactiou lrr every respect and positively will not be undersold. Granite Monuments ' ' Of all kij a specialty C. B. WEBB, . J i'KOIUETOR. r Mention the Watchman whea'rin wrttv i aH0O n tm HP tiwmtrvt 17 YEAaJ f laefltUM tat vcXta TOim Kim A5D yfoHwl for wnixxmjm mx& aarlvalfi la f. la AecMtaa: apon a eixl for rbetr eMIAtm, PARENTS tW14 Bn4 tann THE BUST, fceeaase it PT. It snsr reglr tso erpeAnr e?afw dollars nore at frst, but It will preva tho cheapest ln the i end. CH HAP nltlm is verr dear, becamM it saeans ehesp teachers, chesp erirreaBdings, Inferior facil hies, and offers KO pporttraitles for scaring POSITIONS tar its papUs and graduaus. This Institution, owinrto its HIGH stsadardc? exeelleaee,haspjseed ia desirable posiuons more younjr men and womea from JiarrTaad. Virglaia, Kortk Carolina. Boat Carolina and Georgia, than all similar insUtatioas combiacd. Cstslo; se aad psrtlcalars maUed em spplicaUon. Address, W. H. SADLER, President, and Foaader; er F. A. SADLER, Becretary,' DUSIfJESQ COLLEGE, 6,8, Q& 1 2 W. Charles SL, BALTIMORE. LiD. Ueatioa ifca Wau.tuia whtm y0 vrfte. T am a vouncr lawver, and had the reputation of being shrewd, and I do honestly believe that had I remained at the bar l might have been fairly suc cessful, t had no idea of leaving it until Hrown, of the;.firm of Hrown, Smith & Jones, came to me and said: "As you know, old Fos, our confi dential man, is dead. We think it. better to fill his place with a young man, and 1 have to offer it to you." JThe firm had a private bank and dp!t in stacks. It also did consider able caret irrsuTAnc, placed loan, bought mortgage, shared notes, and made .monev in other dignified and ctabla ways. It had been doing i . i . i msmetf lor r.veniv vears, auu wtt rated conservative and sound. Th onlv curious tiling about the firm was the trio com posi it. Hrown was an old hach"i.o of nit v. lie was tall, angular and homely, and the only woman he i-.ould ct)dure was his land lady. Smith was live yeais older and married, but had no childreu. Ho was short, fat and. taciturn, m ver speaking to anybody when ho could help it. His wifa never went into society and Smith never entered a church. Jones wks a little man, almost small enough to be called a dvrarf, but with an awful dignity about him. He was over forty, a "single man, but was gen erally supposed to be "looking around There were rumors that some one nnr.fi pilled him "the Napoleon of toe West," and if he had any particular weakness, it was that of attending Thursday evening prayer meeting. No business matter, no matter how important, cojild prevent his regular attendance, although he took no active part in the exercises, and was never known to contribute a dollar to the church. Having accepted the post I found my duties to be almost numberless. I opened the mail, sorted the letters and attended to the correspondence. I "checked" on the cashier, verified all the balances, investigated all risks, hunted up the standing of all would be borrowers, and to a great extent ha ! charge of the entire business. In less than a week I found that each one of the firm had his peculiarity as follower Brown would never open the mail. Smith would never answer a letter. Jo'ies would never sign a check. It took mo a-eouple of years to fall into the ways of these strange men, but in unite of their eccentricities ihey were very good to me, and trusted me J- . 1 . T7 It'll almost without limit, tiveryining naa run along very smoothly, and nothing whatever had happened to break the routine, when something dropped from a clear skv. Our private offices were arranged so that l occupieu me nrsr, which was also a consulting room. Then each of the firm had a private office back of that, and each retired to it when not otherwise engaged. One forenoon, about 11 o clock, while 1 was alone in the front office, a lady entered. It was rarely that a woman had any business with us beyond the tellers window, and I was considerably sur prised at the presence of this one. She was about twentv-tive ve irs oia, nanu- some as a picture, and I soon had rea-; son to declare to tnvself that her man-j ners were fascinating. She took my bret-h awny by inquiring if Hrown vras in. So far at the legend of the effic went, he ; had never vt been interviewed by a woman, and I hesi tated to. reply" to her direct question. "1 have business of importance with him," she continued, "and desire to 'see him in his private office. It is the first one on the left. I believe. Pray don't trouble yourself to announce me." She went to the door ai.d rapped. Hrown opened it, and when he saw her standing there he turned pale and stag gered back. She entered and closed the door behind her, and was closeted with him a full hour. If I was dumb founded at this action, I was almost paralyied at his conduct as they came out. He was actually bowing and smirking and trying to be gallant he the man who insisted that his landlady should never employ a female servant unle?s she was hunchback or cross eyed! He followed her through the room nd out to the door xf the bnnk, Hrown and now she had probably sent sight of Mrs. Temple entering the Sec word to Jones tcfcall on her. I would ond NationalJHank, where our surplus have bet a hundred to one that Jones i was on deposit, and on which all checks wouldn't have gone, even to close a ' c OVer Sl.OtXTwere drawn. It struck deal in which thpre was a sure profit of : me that the letters written in the $10,000, but there he was, sure enough, I name of the firm had arrived and the and I began to feel annoyed arid tm- deal had been closed during my ab easy. I vras at the office when Jones sence. I followed her in, and myjfcars returned, two hours later. He not -were realized. Indeed, Jonesjcame in onlv had a grin on his face, but he ; after me to identify her. It was make i i .i . j. i ii or nrcasc, arm as sue presented tne check I said to Jones: "Let her wait until I can run over to our bank-'itiid return. IMr. Haspeth felt so good that he actually whistled a bar or two of a popular air. If anything further was needed to convince me that things were at sixes an i sevens in the house of Hrown, (the teller), please-delay payment until Smith & Jmes, the conduct of Brown ; a trifling irregularity can be arranged." furnished it. On a certain Wednes- j Jones called to meand ran after me, minnte lat. A3 if this were not rivinir at our bank I found three letters enough he crne in looking flustrated I addressed to me from parties in Nevada, and excited. An hour later, a boy J took time to read only four or five brought a note which I carriea to n'.s hues of eaeh, and then, calling on room.- It was addressed in a woman's Smith and Brown to follow, hastened hand, and within twenty minutes after ' (0 th" other bank. We had a lively receiving it he left the bank, evidently row I can assure you.QThe letters ad to k-eo an appointment.- He had dressed to the bank made the mine out hardiv gone when Jones came out to to be a big thing, butl those from my me and began to discuss busmen mat- friends stamped it as a fraud. It was tors. This had never happened before, finally agreed that the check should be and I was reganling turn with surprise returned until turther investigation and astonishment when he ooserved: could be made, and that evening the "If we could pick up a silver mine adventuress skipped, to be heard of'no known bv insiders to be worth a mil- more lion dollars, and 130.000, it might be cut, eli get it for about j I do not know how the partners et a good invet- tied it among themselves, but I know they had a private meeting, lasting over two hours. Perhaps each oue of them caudidlv admitted that he ha matte an ass of himself, and promised better things in future. All I know is 'that when the meeting broke up affairs in the bank of Brown, Smith & Jones I mumbled something in reply, and - - . lie took three or four turns across the room and disappeared into his private office. At 1 o'clock Smith came ill. He had forgotten his u-ual dignity of entrance, and w;; so absent-minded that he hung up his coat un the wrong resumed their old-time routine, and the hook. He fidgeted and then observed:" only allusion to the affair was made by "I have bait a:i oil?r of mining Jones, who said: "ilr. Whitbeck, property which promises greit things. am instructed to inform you that your D-d vou ever hear of the Queen Anne industry and attention to business has mine af Nevada? ' not escaped our observation, and your I renlied that I never had, and after salary for the next fiscal year will be sitting in a deep study for a while he $2.500." New York Sun. -dso retired. He had evidently been . ' L .t. to see Mrs. Temple, also. Mrs. lem ple, then, was a woman who had a silver mine to dispose of. Of all th men in the world whom I should have hesi tated to approach were the three com prising our hrm. Ot all the penpi- Panic to succeed iui mem I "iMu-iii would h: the very last. I .couldn't make it out. It seemed to me that the natural order of things had been reversed. Before the week was out Jones es corted Mrs. Temple to the theatre. Brown had taken her out for a drive, and there were well-founded rumors that Smith had sent her'a boquet. I then eet to find who Mrs. Temple was. No one could give me any information Cyrus XV. Field's Troubles. m . . SI I' I ' 1 he ingratitude of children otten brings the gray hairs of parents in sor row to the grave. The boys they have watched over from earliest infancy with tenderest solicitude, instead of being a joy and solace to their declin ing years, overshadows their lives with deepest troubles and sorrows. Such is the sad experience ofCvrus W. Field, . I ! it. , T.l 1. W.IO 13 known the world over as the Atlautic ca famous originator of the ble. He is now nearly seventy-two years old, with a reputation thnt is not con fined to one country, honored and re spected by his fellov-men and until . . 1 1 I. ........ . . 1 t Sh... fa I rt VAIil. beyond the fact that she was the widow rMiuj ii.m ... ' . . 1.1.1 fii.n A fw weeks aire lie had con- th siderable wealth, but it is now all gone, of a Nevada mine owner, and that she naa come east iur me i.u.jjw ., , f:r.ue u; nos.ngo some mining Pjy. . H wife, who had been his devoted had char s and maps and diagrams of )anion'for ra(,re than fity vears, lands and mines a"d to be we u, the posted as to the business m hand. It . d afii lion progtraUd was however, the general impression'"1" , . , . v .i l a e w k sher or ventures,, the old man, an.l m a short to, the will, a man behind her somewhere, and announcement bm Uom ,i ru ,a ili Rrr.-,. his son, the head of tvhat was supposed it was turthsr told .me that urown, , ., . 1 1 c tl 1 u SmiSh Jn, mdividnally and col- to be a hr.v.ns banking 1 irm. thrt h . ... r t i j i i reo uireu a large sum or money to save lectiveiy, were iniatuateu uu uer. , ... It i rnorted I always wondered why she did ; that the loving father gave him the attempt to secure mv "y k y to his safe-deposit box and told him project, out, sat PiontuiY riuic. i" in t-Wfi the needed securities. It is trusted that I suspected her or sne Rnn fnnk an the securities and and civilizition. How Yankee trickster and politician iiKe Henry Cabot Lodge do us justice? We bid Dr. Battle God-speed in his work. The eastern planters or colonuw aj-s were a race of striking virtues. ait with many delects botn as to character and conduct. They were ligh spirited, brave, r.nd truthful. hev yvere loyal to the rmglith cro'-vn; but they understood their rights and were always ready to defend theni. As heir plantations supplied them with nearly all the necessaries of life and hey had a surplus sufficient -to fur nish the guns and powder and shot, he tea and coffee and sugar, the rib bons, the laces, and other nicknacks which the fair sex of all ages and under every clime must have to gild the re- fined gold of their natural charms, they were in heart and habit indepen dent. Trie country mansions were the the theatres of generous hospitality and kindness. There was not much traveling when thirty-five or forty miles a day over rough roads and dan gerous ferries was the rule, but the people were free from the feverish rest- essaess engendered by our railroads and steamboats. Visits to relatives and friends on occasions of weddings, natal days. Christmas holidays, and to the great world at Norfolk or Itich- mond, or the capnai vv miarojourg, were productive of more thrilling pleasures than the frequent and stale modern excursions to soaside or to mountain. These trips to the town gave glimpses into the world of fash ion. Theatrical companies aped the acting of London and Paris, aud the balls brought out powdered wigs, bespangled coats, magnitudinous hoops and gorgeous silks and nifties, which would have passed muster in the cir cles beyond the Atlantic. The colonial planters were devoted to horses, and boasted justly that they owned scions of the best racers of hug- land. They had frequent races, and botlT sexes thought it no harm to bt on them, the men hcavilv, often to the impairment of their fortunes, the ladies seldom venturing beyond a pair of irloves. Foxes abounded so as to threaten the existence of lambs and nonltrv: orrcat hunts yvere not only a sport but a necessity. These yvere rounded off with bountiful feasts and drinking frolics, thereby causing the name of fox-hunting to be synony mous yvith reckless dissipation. . Cock fighting and gambling at cards were considered respectable in these "goofi h i davs. Urand halls assembled tue young and the old for the stately mm net and the lively Virginia reel, ,im weddings wero celebrated with f'Ht;vi ties which lasted for man v day. Thy were a gay and fun-loving people. The young men learned th? art o horsemanship not only in fox chase but by constant habit of visiting and traveling oji horseback. So deep rooted was this fashion that a traveler of that day avers that he has often 8-en men walk live miles to catch a horse in order to ride one. The use of fire-arms war learned by practice in hunting bears and deer, wild turkeys and squirrels, and other game so num erous as to seriously threaten the exis tence of food crops. Shooting matches, too, were common, the victor not only winning the stake but receiving the plaudits of admiring neighborhoods. There was little or wnat we can eo- a m SI ucation. A few boys received colheo training at William and Mary. Still fewer were spnt to the great col- dians, the rough, sports on hoise afi:l on foot ail these, joined yvith watchfiil criticism ami discussion of -their righwT by charter i:d by inheritance, made a e-u-dv. self-reliant, independent, proud iiid daring people. Thev were as a rule respectful to 4hos in authority, friendly and courteous to their equals kind and considerate to their inferiors, but equally ready when angered by encroachment upon their rights to re sit fiercely, to avenge insults, to crush insubordination even with cruelty. ..1 Not So Here Rarely if ever before in the history of the country, has there been a iirne when the proceeds of one day's labor, or the production of one farmed acre would purchase so-large an amount of those tilings that enter into the living of the niHSsea of the people. rPres dent's Message. The President in his mesange to ! Congress discusses the tariff law and the effects of the McKinley bill, and reaches the conclusion which we print rom the message above. But tho laboring classes can hardly" see it as President Harrison has put it. f they do, why is there so much com- . plaint from so many thousands of sources about hard times? Why do. he day laborers all over this land bat in eamestnes that they can scarcelj ive and are really unaoie tppay tueir taxes? V hv do thev-sav that-thev are compelled to live harder and harder every year in order to spake their hard earned wages pay for the scanty meAlaL. hey give their poony clad lamuitir These constant complaints do not in dicate that the "proceeda of one daV abor will purchase any fair supply ot 'those things fcbai enter iota the lift ing of the raasees of the people. Then, vrhv do farmers of tevefr grade throughout the land say that hey are compelled tojcurtarl expenses- and reduce hoswe luxuries, even wrier their lands produce most abundantly r Why does the large land owner sar hat he will he compelled to lessen hi force and let purt of hi land grow upr or rent it otnr ny noes vne iraau. farmer who does mcut of his work himself say that he will have toaell his stock and enter tnto some other business? Why does the renter atf that he must not rent anr mom, bat give up his stock and tools and work for monthly wages? 1 hese things do not look tike "the product of the one farmed acre' would purchase such an abundant supply of "those things that enter into the living of the mass" of thp people." Surely -tho resident has not heard the cry of hard times that has hAn so common amongst all classes of laborers and farmers for some two r three years, or loi.g-r; and if he haa heard it, to be sure he has attributed it to the wrong cause. Walk out among the people in a disguise,- Mr. President, and try the world as a common laborer or horny- fhanded farmer a few weeks, and we think you will modify your statement. Scotland AVcA: Democrat. thought she could yvork her cards without my assistance. While each of the three partners knew that each of the others had been appreacbed on the same subject that of buying the mine neither of thm knew that the other had been done for by her fascinating ways. J nave mesuun-H i;iuu:im for" stating three separate and distinct beliefs: First -that Jones expected to marry her. Second that Brown expected to marry her. Third That Smith had become go infatuated that he would have run awav with her, leaving wife, business ; them mY feeL auu an. Well the proposition to buy her silver mine came up at the business meeting one morning. There was nothing in the looks or words of either party to lead one to mistrust that he had ever met her or talked it over before. It would have been proper to send some "Xpert out to the mine to investigate and rejKrt, but she hud given them tl)e " Bucklon's Arnica Sal-re. Tlio best salvo in tho world for Cute, Bruises, Sores. t?all Kheura, Fever Sorea, letter. Chapped rlands. Chilblains. Coras and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures riles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 rent per box. For sale y T. V. KKtttz & Co. The Editor's Delight, Some inventive genius ha devised l - a new game, wntcn cannot oe too near- tilv recommended. -It is very appro priately called "The Editor's Delight,' and is played in this manners Take an ordinary sliPet of writing paper, fold carefully and enclose a bank note! sufficiently large to pay up all arrears and one year in advance. Thdii, and this adds very considerable to the in terest of the gamer-send along a new CI Tirirr orim imp tinu vni i i 1 1 i leges or universities of England, but pu,J ul ? "h-'; "J flTa ritpr nart were content w th CHSn- AWP an ee on me emior, niui MV iSk i - - ' . . 9 1 flit "it if a smile adorns hw face, the trick has been well played, and found to hava worked like a charm. Weekly Jour nalist. lost them in' Wall street speculation The. son, who has ruined his aged father, is now an inmate of a mad house. His physiciaae say the father look forward to death as a release from his troubles. Young Field has ruined himself and probably brought death to his devoted, but now broken-hearted father. This sad history should be a warn ing to all young men. It teaches les sons that cannot fail to make deep and lasting impressions upon all thought ful persons who read it. The wise will ; heed them, the foolish I wiil trample reading and writing and a little arith metic. The writing was invariably legible but much liberty in spelling " a si lit was allowable. Shakespeare spelled U . ,. .ri nQv.iA in fniir ii : tformi t. witve nnn hundred and tlllV years beiore. I yveakncs. Nnrvousne, IndlirfsUon. Rheums,tt8m IUU mill. ic .u.l) yiuiuiiv nt v r- irw auu r. - erful V. P. P., una then recommend it to joar neli'libors. &ni yoa will know yoa bate Con goopdrl. - ' 80-CALLBD CAJiCXXU LVUBTOH, 64. ... t m 1 i and his examme of indepeuaencv was followel in colonial times. If Wash ington and his geuerals had not fought better than they spelled, Clinton and Cornwallii would nave shaken hands over asubiucaUd country. In General Sumner's will the country of "Isle 'of Wight is spelled "llewhite." The gal lant Murfree writes ot "legenary coorsM (legionary corps). Uniform spelling came in with Webster's blue back spelling luok. The colonial gen tleman was likewise, too. proud to be willing to-submit hiniself to the strict grammatical rules of the solemn pe dant who pos"d aa the predecessor of Lindley Murray. But while there was little education from book', there was a most valuable When Baby was sick, sre gave her Castorts. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria tVhen she became Miss, she eking to Castoria. Wbn she had Children, aho gave then Castoria nOW I WAS CUKKD 07 Dsa Sir: This is to certify that I was a tnffertr . wlta a plac on xay undtr )lp tor leorteen f sara. ana was utiaf r (reameni 01 atnsrsas twiKtww, bat they done me no good. I bad lost hop of b In? cared br medical traatraent. t then w eat t a, doctor living ia-Fionaa, woo irenvea ura oy arm. After going to, hlni it got well, apparently, lr awhile, but returned as bad as ever. 1 then coa cludwl to try p. v.v. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root ant Potassium), anp Alter Uklr.g Qve bottle (pint fluey was currd. I atsw and It a good nvdtctn to give trrxuX antM tlte. and to irlve oroDer dleeUon. lours, ruosi iruiy. ... j. ai BittiLAnu. 1?rphli!fv Rhcumatlfim, Old Sores and UVers, Scrottita ind oat'arrli nre exactly the discs that . aro cured by that powerful medlGlne, P. P. r. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, hsvise bud placed In his bands by an Kat-t India mlatiloB ary the tormula of a etrapte vegetable rcinedj tor the speedy ana permanent cure or (nmsumpuon. training from the exigencies ox lite in I Lung AHecUons, also a potdUye and radical enre n.,rr full nf natnl rpsonrerm I tor. Nervous UebtUty and aU Nervona Complain, a country tun or natural resources, l -rtpr nv,nc.,,?tpanB wondermi curative nowsm but reouinng for their development j in thousands of case, has reit it ms dty t . ' 7 7 i , i , -J1obl I It known to uls Hullertng fellows. ActuatM by UUa incessant watchfulness and incessant moUse and a desire to relieve human snfrerluc, I TIip r-irrviiiT tha chain and thp will send fi'sj or ch4rge. wall who desire ir.tnu toil. lhecarrynig uiacu.illic.ua tne fpcpe.mnennan. French or English, with fall aw com Pass through thickets almost llll- rwt tons tor pterin nmlusln;;. SentbymUby V ii i l adrtretii.i,' with Rtamp, naming llUpsrr, W. A, , . . . L ik I M tr 1 1 c r . Miner w n'la. . . T . x . . v . r peiiciiaute auu, awneiiio iiu"-v iaio- i oYissi, S20 rowers liioct, ivvnter, . i, .fr aablet the felling of forests, the de- ;---7-r feuceirom Uootls, the war of externii-J WVWfCn KiT ,W rWtST5 VWia . i