- St 1 Y .. .1 QL. XlII-TntRD SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 14,1892. NO. 11. i 1 f iivPwf rl 1 b-m if aP SS SOXGS THAT MOTHER STJXG, a, "V for Infants and Children. t rccoittmJ U miperior to ftcysreecrlpUas fcrsown to K. A. AacHrs.lI. r tit So. Oxrf4 Bt Brooklyn, X. Y. Th of ' CMrtra-:!' te( 3 tin?TerxJ ana V- 1 known h It Barm a roclt 27 l;,r,ira-7n oni5rrs it. Terr are t3 wnlet tamilion wbo OArc beep OMtonA J . Viun easy rcacj Ouriorkt ceres OriSa, CnE.i?r3ttVn. P-hst SVroach, Piarrboe. EriKtation, tCXi VT jirca Bisp, and proioctcs ci' Outline 1 5 fWfr S1oohi!8 Wv York OJtT. 1 Beoral Cburch. pir Caetori, ' and shill altars continue to lo to m it tnTariaWy rr&Jacsod btesfxctol -A Edutk T. Pardee, M. Dn " T5B "Wtetbrop," IXtj QtreeC and Tih Avo., ffrr York CSty. 1 :t-BS5ffi3a!SSaS?3EK53SS Tsa Oajn-xxrm Oswpmtt, 7T Ktkut prasrr. Kit jYoES. wwwlw-lL"WJA'LFJ f f II Qn firg the songs tcu cherish well, Eftch ode and simple Inj; Go ch'onl thcnctes till boom3 swjdII V ith strains tht defl'.y play. All. al! are yours to sacred keep Yor.r choirest trcftfarc? 'monsr. Bat leave for m?, till meia"ries s!e?p, The songs that rao;bcr ?ur.g. When life's dark p?"nn?, plaintive riuni, Fall 'cross the wearv wayj; To brinsj in sonphinpr, mournful sound The dirj;c of dismalTjav, Then sofllT-back Inst rtrains -will steal. From" cradle anther runir, To droTvn'thevroes taat sorrows ftel In tonfj3 that mother Euug. I When mirth and sadness as they will Recall those ti:ncsi&gone, To wake ihz rr;em'r.es linprering Ftnl '.Iid life's bring niornight daw n : Then, dreaming vivid !1kv the wt, As when our, childhood clung, VTc lie n?K'i iisfvn, on her breast,. To song that mother sung. And when the ebb of eventide, Afar across the strand-. Sets out t whore the bif;Iow ride, Beyond life's shifting sand ; In lost refrain, fttiove the roar Of mad, mad waters flung, 0, back, bring back to me once' mere The songs that mother sung. Chieijo Inter-Ocean. plicnt'on to his labors V.9 finally saved pnongh,t.o justify liini to carry out his cherished dream. Dottie's letlor Ivul been less. cheerful of lair; and spoke of nor ill hcnlrh. He deeided to go buck. ti-11 her of his prortssHud he did nut dov.ht for an instant his ability to hrintr the rows b;ck' to her check?!. How slow the . train seen: el Lo travel ! that Snndav morninc ho thcusrlit. in n-s ea?v coniitig conrg the ennreh n; i:ert';-ca. Lin ov.e. kcc ANOtHER PUOCL.AMATIOK dices prevent ther from inrctigting and learning? T it rrHsib!e that Ton Ijelone to the Rct. Oelesiby Thinks That President i elass trho belire that money hna 1- ' . Ml Ik Harrison Oicrlooked Some Impor tant Hatters in His Thitiiks grlTin Pro?laraation and ?o Writes Him an Op2n Lstter. From Viq Chicago Express. it nhviivs will? I ruled, therpforp Don't yon p.!e the di2.rent stato of so- ciet v novF to that of former r.ge?? There is too much light, in onr conn i try now, to sdmit of anrfdrm of slnr IcrY beinr: practiced. Kot a county. I "Sfr Pifii(ni' nnr nrri'ifimfitifin . ; - - - , ii.i i,i r.k- - !itJCjvAf!on to get to r. cHns; on the neople ta oct in tbeir S scarcely a lownsnip, icj-i umn uvu rp-.ir-e-- sxe ronlrt to see h:ni j ;10-e.s of vrorshis nuhlieW ac- 1 furnish a f rodent ana cabinet e?.p- np .r.th toihehon.te. 1v ' knowledge their oblili to " God, j able of running this gre tt KO'crnment itvm was mr corning out oi rrn r.hnTi:: to -sor . a , pss-! as wen, ana in many cas - lr nized hnn; his od playmates staged nt I .n:it:.n .ts tiutelr c.rA appropriut I lie in y i ii iiiiii n j ji , j come in thir eyt-!?. iid not make i Me v " t himself knovn to t-h-'f'i't .' tt I '.:r: iCil'.v lit V.S .'V Y;'0;j the neccr: v 'i J J..t . 1. : jiuutu Uftctni Jim:. i!!.ic;v nt- ; h-Te :,e;;-n SpiMet u .:0 r-iT j walked through the ma'-ii street nn;-l ; jonce comparative v.vu ne came to ner iiouw. a sn.-in: r,ltinn our country .rud no a r. ;o. ness pervaded the plac, r.nd the Tiigo : nas disturbed onr "burderi. ii er:-doct-or's gig stood in tront of the door, j nent?j prCpfr that we sho-.;ld Iv thank As he went anxiottsly np th.e steps of j fu express oar gratitude in a most the hcn5e Dottie's mother opened ti;e ' nni,ij r,qrnpr are i , ' i i -l . 1 - li o ,'4- bo Vin, frr lY-.iy r-.n.h f.rn so nouniiiuMT ce.-tov'i on iue . iri ,u "- t . - . - j ty-hve years, me way it i? i no Mr. President, meana KiTcry rr-r the maiss for all inn-to co?:i". For.r ' mm. the "bi f.v' .-nr.trMv'thp t'rseat - - r j a ;-vj-l providence jiven hi. enousrt! to-'inpiv DcfiUis in 1301. Below is a list of distinpirsked . per, Jens Vrho died last Tear. The age snd place of death is "jnven: Judge Charles DeTens, January in Boston aged ssrentj-bne. Eminent as jurist, orator and soldier. ' Georg Brorcroft, Jnnuary 17, in Wiishiugton, rUjed ninetyveara. -Uele bratrd American historian. . - William Windom, January 29, in 1st tr York, aed sixty-four. tfetrt-tArv of the Tieasary in President Barrioh'V Cshinct. Chailra llra-lUngh, January: 30, ip. London, jsed fif ty-cight. Noted rfp Ihi.uktr, orator ku member of pHrlli ment from Northamptrh' - - James KtPttls Febrairy 10. in -Nfv York, K'!jir?ut door. Her eyes y?cre red with woepiriR, But, Mr. President, ho -.7 bar Und in s, trembling voice she said: .these intimabh! blessln'H? thank (jtod, yon have come. w then told him that Dottle had had a j hemorrhfe during the previou? night JOHN EDWAUDS1R0MAN0E , ;&?fJ?ro, 6nii& j . . j e,j ?)AQ j,, her ,CP as white as the t Tf nn. n A on.l "t.ipm" nirrbf 1 shpxf. A f RiTV him shp KTrild. ) i fiv5 r Will nitll t-iui ill i IIIE.IH1 111!' - - J " ' ...... in January. The winds which howled i heid her hands toward htm mi ea.d: iulrea ihoi;,-.,uid rTomoiiB.S whirled the i "Come nearer. He took her thin ! KP.owllakes from the pavements almost ' hands in. hi and 1 1 What returns h;tvo we maile to the srreut an t nor ot inern Service to huma!)ity i serrice to God. He is no res pee tor of persons. How is it. with n as ft nation? Are n-ot onr laws, many of them, yea, most of them partial? Do vch not know, Mr. President, I rhf,t. onr government is not in harmony ksMt b??iue tho bed. with t.!i- divine srorernment? Do Irish Nationalist. ioxnaliit : andle' j !'.-.-r, r?.;; rsiX hoof c-r.'horn and tUrer. ' . ':'f-T ' : r.-?oi ru,i ia markf t.-, Is not! General Wilharn T.-Saer3uV;--.h--: .; '.::v.":y? j nmr? 14, in New York, ued :fSS7rtr- Ourt -m haM '"-:1!er3-c-ir conntry.j0rie-jfjir,. -with debts amount in;j to Ihirly thon ( Luwrenc Barrett. 3Tufch 120, in Nev io) i known A morirsn actor. i Gcnersl Joseph E. Joiintcn, iu.trc!: 21; in W adhingtonaged-eiKhty'Xonr. Phineas T. Bwrmirj, April 7, at Bridgeportonn., aged eyeuty. Great American showman. . year, lne muit Melius nuere-i is Daniel G. .fcowle, April 7, in iiaurgn. not pairl m money, ?ut tn ysc aeois can't ba less th to each f.innly or coun-.'ny lr- itimaiei ior rn?' . t . . . ami idiot3 w SOLE AGENT FOR THOMPSON as fast they fell, neaped the w up m'.iL iiimp wag m Ins tnroat. ne til- j-yoR not know that the government, is j doorways and dashed tlu-m inf the ; tempted to spenk, bitt the words re-; vlg vrith th.e runt traffic? Do i faces or pedestrian?, hurrying along, i fused to come, The invalid said: ! y(!n int Unow that th.e satoou exercises ooir s rasrs : JL'ear .;on:i, uun leci ?j o:i;i. it ; the l)a! nt'-J1 oi msr.r.e as v turns. invalids fact a on; Tast raiority "of tno timufs m country don't" make Si 50 aii told each year. The result is, this i raes : shelter from '. God's holy will f -I REOBTVSDj a ftU line of Ladies' rv I I i.trr n.jPli .1 1 A Ml , uiiij iti; '-'i.vuc iu'i. seal? V7 o Jti oy.,.lohn, ' cni-s As it hu.t word enrtea m sigh, her heau fell ; tbf,' bearts of mill ion of mothers, ir howled it seemed to be mocking his bac eu the pillow, and her soul de-. v;ye, anj sisters, blls th-j hop and The unfortunate parted. The next 'tew days wptc tike a wrocks' the lives of million of men f t r GT-.0VE-FITTING CORSETS. I ' K ffl j the,F,torm in a rlonrtvny and bierr tne I Qiotbr. t'rry ior me. ' v?ooa iv i-dd snow in agaiust;the"poor1w-etch"s good by: I am going home. blue fiesh, making kun shiver t seemed t ar.d miserv I-being was gating at the warm lights j drsam to him. He came bscii t ' ? which shouetfrom the wiudown- of as city and worked harder th.tn' I h&nnsomfl.. residence on tna opposite, hoping to forget his gnet. -duc n de oil the'slreet. He envinl its owner ' could not; lie never would forget. . ! tho prosperity and comfort which the) As he looked into the lire he aw j exterior denoted. I himself standing with Dottie's brother, ; InsioV the mansion eat John E.I-1 William, in a dep wool. They could , - , TV, , t n ; wards, the millionaire banker, whose i he.r the eoft strum rf a ninsieal iw (VA( KtOCK" OI Jrj all ana VVinieX JL?lUb UOOvi fomrwasweil known on "TheStrt. ' at rumen t. As h ftood thus, wonder- i is just in; A full line of Ladies7 power in ov.r eiection"? This great which destroys the peace and J :' I hanpiness of million of homes, enrsea CLOAKS! and Gents' and boys, yet our government footers it, protects it, license, it and encour ages it; even looks out for foreign markets for it, thus spreading its blighting rnfUience to foreign hnds; cn this le pleasing to God, jir. Presi- r i 5 Do yt-u not know, Mr. President, that our government i?nd lawrs are the J r,d whose word v.'a a p'wr in finfcn- in; w here tr.ey wre, t:-e skt secmu to ; r.SSonce of partiality; that it is run in ciai circle.. He not, -.s ho v,-s 'open, a p-weyful light shone "P0" the interest of wealth instead of hu j generally thought to be doing, clipping them, ind they s-w ipprHchfng j manity? Do you not know that it is coupons but was sitting in lar:, :"e end John':; mother. Thy c;ra? to' administered in the interest of capital arm-chair in his library. IT is fct, in-, in-m. and taking there by t!ie hands ; s0 c?.o-A. or wealth? Do yon not X5Wi DERfE A R leased in Clippers, rested on a stood be ! fora tlie erate fire. The room show-!'. sr erred to he cajrvmg th.cm Mrt::k. 1 1 i :r0 s-eeemti Doit fail to sec mv btocK. T. Jj. ELLIOT l JOHHSfON & ELLIOTT, :-. , CHARLOTTE, 17. C. upward. klluvr that our system of excrunu;e3 or commer''e m a system oi trujHiinc r;n- bcry? Do you not know that the toilers Who produce all the wealth hare .the '-east, iVA-X the onei that produce the ieast or nothing ha?e th most ? Do you not know, Mr. President, t!i it. urvdT r 1 1 i - svstepi which "takes thoughts woie as far from t!; at as from, saw his ir, us e sitting he had left fro,n li:n th.t. has nothing and gives r : the storm which rajicl without nd him th niht l.'eftsr.'. i'iie fire mi the th- ha mnch." or from the th? poor creature wh still looked wist- grate had burned out. ?-id th:- ga was p.-or ana g-.ves to the rich has enabled I fully through the windows. making n. rickly attempt to oror.-e a few mn. o mere handful (31,000), of our country, like ths famous maei strom, swallow up the property of the I people. Hence the farms are going into this sms-hoie ny tne tnousanus year by year. Running on in these old ruts, slavery is our certain doom. Telling th people that. high tariff or low tariff will be a remedy, is giving them a stone for bread. And the dumb people will find it out by and b7. It is not safe, Mr. President, to bank on the ignorance of the psople much ioncrer. For ages labor has ben the under dog because of ignorance, but now the laborer is getting his blind eyes open to see his rights and dsmand them. Mr. President, don't be deceived by the siliy Ulk" that this People's Party movement, this "craze," this "calamity howl," is spasmodic, ephemeral, and will soon pass. You may as well dismiss that idea at once and. forever. It,would be a easy to make the Mississippi River run toward the North Pole as to stop this "howl' until the people get justice. No government can couac on tho every evidence of taste and wealth, hut i The ro-m hnd ceasea tho next morn lacked that charm of arrangement ing. and the wintry sun whs shining whieh ran oniv be imnarted bv the t-nron-rh the windows. John Edwards' f room in !cl mv.i it- hands' of a woman who loves her home, y-ilet hud gone tr. his m.' The banker was iu deep thought, but awaken him, hot found ; not of the money marKot. Ills tr.rbfd. Ha wii r- Mbrar l STEAM & IH ft&2 "tTfer Pr-QT) lf fltn MQPhlfl WApVQ hokcd- -ito the fire there rose before ' his way to y ndived, f "nd i gtel fe iArS- tUdlll 18 aliU Bldl 1)18 U Ui Kb ; his mind pictures of his old heme in po.rly dree 1, frozen to dcat ' . . J ' , 1 SHf . "i JiWm Jredell county. " Agents for ;? --Wa Fences, Finals, tW.ings,icc. In his hand ivas a packet of letters, the sunlight. As lie kni::n:u n.- m- t.., f.-.-pcre hrsif the v?aith of the conn addressed U himself in a round school- ployerbe Bryant dicovfre-i tliat tie. ; rv p ;-,'0w, Mr. President, if 31,000 I girlish hsid. It was of the times was dead. John rA wards i:;e ; n,,.n or !.irJlie-NCn in thirty years ac- wbdeh these old letters brought back to gone out with th.e firo, pad now he was ; t1;re -ast thA wealth of tn r? public, I him that he was thinking. At he with Dot tie. OntKide a policeman, on ; j,-v.r h.njr it take thera to gobble ?n!i, T, 11? Under tins sy?tem of cora m a icr'.o three m-lt'cn? of oar citir.n, arts At Wholesale and retail, 1 ft ,v o fill Ov,n- 1 Arlinetown. He saw his motherland- .ng in th.e doorway of the, lit! New Entrlaud village ot d-aorray. sutiects of and saorrlel by cUtfrit- 1 wo :sas later msny rir.n nrcian?, . p;,, s ytni of nnj'it exehnges hiis j s wed f . numerous po ;r p.;.iie winmi . 0,,r v vi'.r mn who tramp the the mtii;o,.aire had beiv! !i'!e-S i ' li country hut;r.;i worh. An advertine h;s r?r;i t: heir ''!:! ;r"-( ; r i U-' j. 1 t(1ent tor lw:i!y-!-ve mn to labor will That same day, up ou Hart's -'.T.:'e'. Hjrmg live h-ncr-'d ia tweaty-tonr two comets weiv jd ici"..T m 1- aAonrs in anv la;-- city. Ojr pen, tcu- rwiiLiii ir:ee x wuiou oo;-e me i.u;. . ,.tnes- are crowded to ovcvnowiog. u s luuue. her xace illnminate-.i '. v wh.i; h made it, look aniri People of Salisbury anl vicinity wantin I "cdnresponul -with -us' EMtirntite? furnished;? , ... . Mertlon tLc Watchman wbor. wr Iron grtett-d him coming up th? road irom I. school.' He sighed as be thought of I her and breathed e, silent prayer to her Governor of North Carolina. General Francis B. Spinoin, April 15, in Washington,-ngcd sTnly. Member of Congress nd well kno-.vn.. Democrat. - ' ; . - Sir John A. Macdonold, June G, at Ottawa, Ontario, igcd. seventy-six. Premier of Canada. . Hannibal Hamlin, July 4, t Ban gor, Maine, aged etghty-two., Ei-Vice President. . 1 Jaraes Russell Lowlh- Aug..,12, in Boston, iged seven tr-tw. - ' "George Jones,"Angust 12, at Poland Springs, Maine, agtfd- ign(y. Editor New York Times. ' i ' ; Mrs. Jams K. Polk. Ang. 14, at Nu?hyille. Tn., jigj3egbty-tdght. Widow of Presidf nt Poll-.. S.G. Pomeroy, Aug. 27, Wrrceler, Mass., aged wTnf-eix..- -Ex-United.- Jules Grcry, Srt. 0, in Paris, : nged seventy-eight. Ex-Prpaidnt ofT'rance. General Bsulanger, at ru5c!s, Sint. 30. William. Ilfinry Smith, October G, inXondoR. Govemmntdcdr in tho' House of (k)mmons s great God upholding them in ppres-j- Charles Stewurt Parnell, October 7, sion and injustice. We tried to enlist j jt L,mdon, aged" fortv-fiv. Gre;t Him in our system of chattel slavery, lri,h Parliamsntsry leadr. butit did net work. We satd, aad Don Piatt, NoveVbr 12, at M;ic-o-made millions believe the be. that it Che, aged Sfveniy-three. ' Author and was a divine institution. But tno j journalist, ' j Lord said no. Wo art now sayiug by, QQTt Alvin P. Iloyey, f Indiana, our laws and practice, that usury is j v. 23, KtTndinnpnJis. Aged sixtv right. Oat of this ha comt utoldeight. . . . : miiiiona of debts. From it comes Lord Lytlon, Nov. 2t, in Puis gt d trusts, combines, monopolies, tho con- sjxlr Celebrated poat and dirdomat.' ' , centration of- wealth and slavery. Mr. Tj!rTJ pcdro Dec 4r in Pris, g.-(l President, you occupy a very ropns5-)8ijtT.5rl; Exilcl 'Emperor of Brszil bla position. j linifed State Senator Prfatoa- V,7 Scarcely any president of tha re- pumK cf 1 Kh:':3. Dec. 20. in Wah-: UWil'w., At i ri. U'Uv 'om, aw...- ... alnors critical-time. Industrial Biisv ery must go. This war between cpi tii and labor will nd in the emenci pation of labor, it lurs vary much in vonr power to uecia yrnetfr it enus 7 - S.. - ITil- pe.weiully tr m v.OiOuee. ivouung svonld he more Koprorsri'de norr, than for yon as chief nine srat? to. appoint mton. ( narfes P. Kimball, M.srch 20, in New Tork, agd sixty-five years, Notvd enrriage inuker nd ex-Counsel to Stuttgart. '.,''- "'.':":-'- a national fist day, and call on Stroagtit nnd &Jllh.. If you if feel ipK t roil nn'-l . 1 'l,w ! I"! -mlt 7t ru If W ; V IUJJIU UU, , Vl, tl,' tlllli It.i'lJ. people tc aswn:blo in their convenes, Electrle Bitters.". -T lits-- femwly- e bo , , , Hl'Jl HUM i;,rBimu t.."w.c 'i v" 1 i ' ' --r - - i , . i .t . .t. . .1;... ,. t , t t ' - f r ' 1 - ..T-' gmonnmeS silOUitl to guar:i hi7iu Then Jsnotl:er fae, ber 17,202 seneded o., its try j fllil. , dem,mi for larger ta- na , n.ip Tatis- - appeared f.mid the hot coals and seemed "Wri-U hap5eiied to mm. mil, i won- .... arvlnms. W hat does h oieac? a-'i v,,,U!'' ""v .K'"'"t. tnm-tioiei' If vou ? fmes-d Uh ' toVmileathim. It was that of a giri der?" asked one. . . r ; More ex.culions bv lynch law ih u, by I Nai Sius ,re rn i- 1. 1 .. , A l k n r", .,irr ii'-.r nr. i M.,: .-n,... rnhi,- ? cltii!iitr uuivss icjn-tju , '-'' s , tt. r-i.-Ai . : ' V . o4 imlde-i hir him" in ripnh-s about ' !-ea"r,M replied the other, forcing the .ttl:Zi;e,M:its. all kinds oJ criu.e .on irued away fr-m. Our ncUon cs ; Ur. 0ne ttiil wilt eoavinee 5ou tbnt r A lKf fvO ' h'er sboulden and aVred lik tiaio bm into its pl.ee. ! the i ncre.se. Wuut d it .w, Mr. i H no except: m , pmistf d ,ti thi is hf remedy jm, need. :,.e hot- ALl M ro.md her head." fie large blue eyes In the morgue, among the doibiog . m,,. . hohlmg a Po-r w... pe n lynnage ties only 4K)e at IUhU, -C ,cr ore. BOli?IlR I aHLK Cr'i; ! idrre and rgs worn by tho bar. In U. " b,,iifc up nd isn.w budding gre.t rit- -i.shed, hut wuld h-r Fn'Wrf , : MyME.UO I ! " f iWddhnt racket of tlie .out was found a tattered i P,;,ve rsiudlv than nV country Now h.,r m in .h.ck.lcs.boi.nd hand yon s-ndElntl -ch.bad?me1. ' r .. , ,.iii'i ' . . . . ., j ,.v v .u v.,... 'Mitt nt 1 is. nfffpx snn 11 wrspfPf . or- r.,r Londlinc I'v same look of confidence v.hich years erd wtncn bore tbese worus: ",u- ever did m anv Rgc ih ciu in ; . " l'4 7 ' a 7 I "i'h.rll Bll -riht " ?h'W--A the Cf lor JitiiHiiiiik '!, , , ,,, , . . , ... . i: T..r., : .. .1 c i i his vour ucb ftiSea and littluence in I inata an --rigut. .?,.. c.s u.e - " nun nf. hi; twnn I r tie 0 nor. Ills nist n :u A'i'- nuiuCMiit, t ie r-vss 01 i Uf? imuum o-- Ti.:i i - tht shiekiies remove! , Having greatly Increased my Taciliti .storing CO AL coming' ccaFon, I would now. again resr )ocr : k I ; mm only iove, jn optl 7iih" what ced ycra mr.v yrr. nt at the lowest ' shei--d and left him naught ' but the n rer to obtdn f4vaigof tho lowest .um-1 'l dcff. Remember ; tn'e thought that she watt :fuUolrcit.Gtl7M,l all cnicw. entnt.te) mo. promising 10 1 cW furnish you prcrrv t taarketprira I ; incr orict. ron hcnild et oner) send me yentr on r f konillA rtnlt tho hrvf crrr..dns. nf stroonod Coal. Tneluainc: from heaven. His mer.iovv v -ut o tw. 4 tV A. I.UI1I .XV'" ' til ? flV' v ....vL .- . tlie R.djAyh; suitable for grates, ovee, Heaters, iie. . i " ' uu,.. ..,.. r : Als.Lp on hand. at ail time, the inest grade of Wksmith;;- roal. ; - J. ALLEN BROWJN. jbke knight .?otd; of com hushinp , x , ... , i- 1 and the dances thv Attended; of the walks home in the moonlight, v!mu; hr hH arm. Poor i'he beggar was Dottie's brother. i the p'ride o2 the lutmn. Hut lo the 'vsl;K peece- blr ? Will you ifesueaucthflr minci- Mrs. D'Atpoo sent nn - W.afli b;,abUr' W i!t yu issueoanoinflr minci- j 'storm centers. ly tno md moral rej .ou. hju oi un.3, Mr. D'Avnoo (looking at the card) j b!lli (';;! llCoi. Georx? Washington Ie." 1 i m 11 blind n am. mn-worshipper. moRpy centers. thev are ' evcrv r'k3 and letting the oppressed u.a ii.TT ,m I ro free." Tn so doinc teu will have wtett and the flowers fad?. Wnn we gt married I. :cV tte diamonds back. London Tid Hit. , Srrla,? raedle'.n 1T.ow wj', for If ru su-i oniof cortVtnd f-el ha:r. r, r. e ! tt. rtmcXf. to wne a ad Ret stroc? q4 tuTin r4, - THAT 'fTiaEO 1 iiiiiiiDiiliijEi in hum toid her aain r.na ag;o.n jus love . .1. . . .. . 1 m..4 .1,1 !, 1 T..-. I'll " - ( j Ti;"n he sr.' his mothe" die ami him- Is lis Place toBst Honninents, femtstonosc- !f left to fight ,tne battle, of - . ; alone. That Ust ruy ?cut m the o$t - ' . . - i . i r I II. i li i ... rfcrga rt-df'YRItlxfT.MAUBLB :r arrive in a few .ya" I guarantee town came oetore inm. a; 1 " r i: m1. ifoii.n 1 RvAr TMmnii ml nnxliVi-U' n. lino !. n;i''i;'M'i!''.. . .iTi Hi ll'.e VIK o: rei i. '- - - Of all V? a speeialtv " - C B. WEBB & CO,, t'l'OPKLl.T' s Mnii-n Hia Wiisaiaatj wti'n yu wine rrr-..y ?Trf ,,V f ...i, i ! C- tc-, of viee, crime, pevertf, wretch- j the orcninoUut God to heln c.arrj it rM: i tu3 nsve not had the lienor of n,-nling V1 c , , ' ' ; throuh-f!r no attribute of His takei wiayvr tiwt-nrw fii"MaMsf.ffce& r . , . r. hf , nt b a veotle- ' edness atid misery, types of the pit be- tnronfco-ior i.o r.u-? ui " c- 0f Q the roedtci avert.irxnt;' ta -oaua-ni Con-Tin Lee, but must be a b-y - ; . Th-v fr- uWrs on the "bodv pc- i ' with th rgn of the mnrtey- itbtneme.itketfemai it r,.n r"n cf wme importance. Hare him w- 1,Krv Rtv ""-trs cn oua-Tu n-- in ot-r wulfr-nor lhi world ot wi.mr t witty vrsuptx.m zm soimw .:f: .u v i t.t;e -n:' Kiu!ex cf corruption, ; powe. in our couin.ry nor iae woria. . un WOne wao,.bf. of wrk. ei anrf..r shown nn. ! . , ' ';'. ' . ' ,,v i 11 D. WLSBT. otthtUwtot &eft)ui, nvnupa coa-ii'ica r,,,,; rM.9r.v Hjd ren i 'nks of nnquily stanuing oyer ramo- .. u..wui. ba.rtnff oalnrt!,,mr,. w,'lwta) rj"U o.is..trr is- r,iai ,;'!;1VT if tu4, crit Father Richview, III. t w.tTM-vi ol m ot -Pivta . wont- tst didn't k-er. "e waitmir, f-ih, 'oanso I j bug vo ce.ioc... It ,Jrt , h pile on tbtm, s frl.nO juuifious use f ' ' . ' ' i - r , -i 'V r, p. "iiw. Rbove should f.ee f.t to withhold only mom. A utreDytniaff twif'rn-h ts l,e .J. (Prickly ji ftotfer hnstlc c: I ca;l n. d) ce fiacre J,s ll- 'u . p,,,.- .tl p.; pot.W ftr.4 rot-!a). u Rrtr. 6.4 piV. r'.. unb.vraent OL-eut ir.. I'm one crop as He nas in h i. a tins year KiHiolntion . n !r.VJ:t0L won d strike our creat civies nee a . 112 ...L lr,..,k:n tor auVatioo 15 c?chmun,rah. Mr. IT Aruoo lib ? Vour card said Mrvo VvashiniT-'ii he. C-o-J. hnii ;o(Kel on hrr h'tad on his r,h n; i.!-!' i , ?.iii!ds for cu!luh ch. (?oc .ts rrho Pairnt rae5iei;ies cMffer 8 nr.s rwi .... j unnther -kss mi. One has t:id ten ie U ,: .1 Ll i K . . Yoi k. :;.:.e re r ui-t i 1 1 ? grea: eoy exacctlv f 7 YEASS f cofctiscoos oai toeeeaiJl Bitneg-s V. iag feu billar-tuict8 BnTaie1 in t for wecn u or, u sua;i:s upuc FOUNDED hi 1M y wtewt extcctlv 7 YEAS r ttent iary4 himI tittcdjaif Kow rcrapyis Nrtlltlulsr jMlrTnfnl T TVT ivn W(itl ehrxil ftir thatr UUr. OAnVM-TC i tkB T1IK HKST. bCVUS it PITS. It CHEAP sitii vfy ar, WcasM It hhu ck Vf chert, ch? rurroTiiidicps, leferior fucil- 1tie. .!iiJ effm HO vriult1i . fu- ururiu OnftlTlflMS lor IU DOOllI AaU STTtvCVi tlf S -l ni JMiuvuea, inlo tUK.CH etaad&rt of exoeiiri TnnTii 1,1 r ii ..a amg rrnm v trt and virnnu nnrrn I rn :tnjL cianLM v iuiiiim uu - aij fttmiiM jKumiaci couHmowL CMsiosrue aaa prucir mane ippucniuu. exceileBCkMpitc deirab! positior. more Nortb Carolina, front CarolinndGsorgia,-.lifti Addrwe. VY. H. SAriLEJ?- PretHdeat. ftnd Pomndec: cr F. A. SADLER. Secretary DUCJMEC3 CCLLECE,e,8, IO& !2M.Criai1ea St., BALTUVJCRE, F.IO. to:U m New :td sUi't a !)n::''i' h.t( k ' i l i O '.". 1' O'.VU ':i-,,,0J In 0 ' ': f- o..;.d I wri!e to oev r . 1 ' " " j do til; K;une. . i- ' ; glorious- rifr: ir . . - mtnibeivd r : l itV. lit" d;:Vs l ' - , for aofk tt u t i 1 - smn'd. or;c ua::. . ; "'- tunes, were not. to..: e . would hav .riven op ;; the cncourgeme'it Do;... brought bin. For live ytv.'- . his el, hiid by perns' out uiid steady ap- - V not. Oar; hs 1 vniei-.. 4 i ----- - esidideeoo, born of success, another hft oe'.y hotvs. !)-,u-t.'.i.k'. it for 2rr.n:e-. that all ,-...!?: .' n-p 1 i o. Tnev lire nijt. L-t i'ie yprrs of nnirterriipted n::?M .. ... ri,;u. nfi!:n'i.-Mrts oi' eared add h o-ov .n"i .''-d woiaen. i;hceDr. ricrce ?; , .idd;,, Medici Deov-y snd 1 ri, reeV Favor. te rreeriptuM; or. tne do f be. i-: ;-iM-:-on lo wlv.eh they h?lo.i.f. . . . u--.'- n ptte or tsrvtorv, r) r-n 1 . !'C n i c d.se-.)vcrv and' it cvclcnc. And if our greiit ca3 are J psed by Alpha Aliianca, K(.1423. to he the nrir.e of ganildars, can we ox- j , t rr mathW rr.reb'nz. Dec. necfc tha cre-t Knler of the wond win ! innf imtp n 1 UlCtJ, lit n pcfc tha great Kuler of the wond wn. I ' continue to put up the sUkes to be , io"A ambled for r1 Won't He get tired of j WhbmaS. Tn jpartiMii trpHltfi, ftnl tfcas rRw'!a M her that i.'alt: rftftUty oe Innt. p. P. r, 'or nbwo! 5lsca.-( a eticfc rtfuiaftUTO. fttrVU'CTOt., hrcfi. nM ,11 ilcfrous tfffctirr.9, en TanquliMfp Vuvn n.f 1-- vncfteiy ftneoij or nja, ay-'f7i. Au.urijjfiMi. tell It. - - - ' - St-refxla nxrfrl fv.n laliinw. fnbs ly P 1. iing forei-d into partnership relatione large profniinn m mem at ie, con- TOiVit p.Tfc"" w;.i, l,,liir.i,l nf rVTa n,cn a.,d ruiu ! tinne t abate sad misrepresent Cot. , ., ltmtl gl, ; Tur L. L. Polk, us presidjnti of the National COITSUSHTIOrf CUKIID. s:,I , , Vt ji , -r Allw crd whereas w believa ll An obraeun, rntrM from Hractn-r, xz hit doas He say on this qneftion? , Ah.ance, ena wncre m '' ' p1fte4 ia wrb wis by n Jt3 inmrunsm. bo now ye nm men. wet uu , i,,. tn epay n,t.rninr.fnUfBci'rc.mf'.imiTi.i.. hun-I" Why? Becan!3 the "cry of : ne, be it tntretore Broncluts. Cfttttitt: Aaifcm ar.l mi 'ii-rcai -ri A i' ... ; u. ,,u. i.m I wlty.4, Tkat we deaounce all snch W!,tS - - i..-. f-- :d - -: i ve :nen ai.M "" " ; ' ! ' ;.;i'.;i'i'V lx'e-iUr'e '.-i ' : ! i.-ir li-er-. '1'i-ink ot th!- i" hoiui. ',."k:i'' And ' : o.- . -.!:.i-d lo make t!e !r:-! . ; :'nrd te take the.rhd: moucy bjiek, as ibev d;, ii beuclit or cure you. Cp liiiO the e.l.f. oi rne Jjorn, who 1 m tbnatftfifit of ene. felt it! .aiy rr.t !i.to ! i.ti kent, bark bv fraud. oecommR in wa I it known M Ms imjrerinif fellows. .AiuM:v t t.M Who will bf? tho "calamity howlers'1 lecomine in caid rrss. R'sofrfi. That we. as n Alliance, .mfiieftn't.ft. dewre tcieiiete iiatiwiwitrwity. f n V j i i 1 IwlU ea4-fW Of CtiwettJiftllw1iOi1Mre.U!ls will utand byJiirn as long as lie con- rdr Ofrraan. f raeh or t;f.rU"!i;a nni u- P,-at.do you hear the? err 1 ines to sli firly on the Ocala of thetoii.r ol fho.oiL the lrjne::s demands f - yovis. Powfr a.f r.. v.. ia.iy j 'ri;K oi it f) '.rU ether you i' riu? .n:tker- ; i ive your liiov do not ... nt of tii- horny-haiotea me-' jvi, "' .. -.-..oi r.rd ..rj -vr.- ' strnctei to sed a enny of thw reaftlu- : , in hon to the Pro-irfX&tr! Farmer, S'hs-1 vVier": Q- V'-J Sl'-r :il?'ii er.j;: iwi ----- - - - t . , .... y . .u.f f. i.4;..f.i D T,- think tbt burv WATCHifAXsndrttatfivd eto?f tC -nva! od !' a dio.:erested sp-cta- R tst to pnbh.b. oti. saiaii l . tor? ;rr..Pres:dent. social 'ir- now do von knorv wh.nt r.tgitig m"ans? Or WJia Baby u iok. w ft fer Ccctorl. Vhn sli wms a iU, ah cried for Catrm Wbi h had CkSirao, be gva Hesa Qa-tIz are v.ei of the blind ones whu-e r-roj- ri,idria''Cryr Pitcher's HcwaJ . 1

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