Supplement to The Carolina Watchman. v .-ra S. A. L. JOHNSON, S. A. L. JOHNSON, Mammoth Furniture House! -DEALER IN Fresh Meats, Qo. f-O-V i-O-lptcrht. leading- Jezveler - IN PRICES. i . . Watches. Clucks, Chains, Viamand i and Solitaire Hings, etc. Call and see my gcodsind hear prices. - -' - : : ' Oysters and Country Produce. Sec me bcfore sellinjj or buying. limmM Leading Furniture Dealer and Undertaker of Salisbury. Main Siteet. Clodfelter'sfOld Stand, 1 1 " ii i 4k tJs If V j js&al&4ll j II tf83BJ&-rJ A BIG DRIVE Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Wordrobcs, Sideboards. TJockers. Settee Office Desks ana every description of FURNITURE! is always going oh at T. W. EARNHARDT'S, -MAIN STREET. lie sure to come and load yourself up. KERR CRAIGE. L. H. CLEMFNT. CRAIGE & CLEMENT, Attowneysat lAw, Practice in Stiite mid Federal courts. WHITLOCK & WRIGHT, Exclusive Dealers in BOOTS and SHOES for Ladies, Gentlemen, Youths. Misses and Children. Fit, atyle, quality and price always guaranteed. Give us a call. CITY DRUGSTORE ! Pure Drugs, Standard Patent Medicines, StationeryToilet Goods, Tobacco, Cigars. 5 W. BOSTIAN, Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries and General Merchandise. J. T. WYATT, Manul'actur r of- ' Millstones and Portable Mills "for Grinding Corn and Wheat. J Having bmight.thi.' Rowan Ctmnty Mi!!tii), ouarrie.-, and Tools of Ii. K. I'hil- I . lips' estatt. I will cotuinuo t snpp'.v the rieinuticl tor this well-known Cirit. I - For afl kinds .il (iranile Work cali on us at our (ramte Yard, next to telegtaph I office, or ad Iress F. T. & C. C. AW ATT. Lock Box 140. 5 Ji ivk Real Estate BINGH AM & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in - Groceries, Provisi-ns, Confectioneries, 'Ijnot?, Shoes, ' Hardwai.'. Sav ITU s and Hardware., S. C. MILLER, Leading Dealer iii Fancy Groceries, Fine Confectioneries, i able Delicacies, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, And All Kinds of Novelties, J. S. PARABLE City - Meat - Market Fresh Meats, Corned Meats, Sausage-etc, always in season, Salisbury is ihe best place for investment in the Suth. (jo tne -must gooa in Salisbury dirt and property SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA. W. A. KAGLE,. LEADING DEALER IN - 'VrHEHVY'AltD FANCY GROCERIES -, Ccnffeeiicagries, Fruits. Taae MltaelB, t. A first-class Boot and Shoe Shop run in connection with the above business, where Kepairinjj is done promptly and satisfactorily. Fine Gaiters a specialty; y Give a trial. I guarantee satisfaction always. It is situated 111-the most, healthy s-ct. u of oiir'State. The pate of mortality has reached Real estate is reasonably low at all times, but thoi-j is a continuous, steady nnd healthy rise 111 prices at all times. Put your money where- it will. m 1 it-- - 1 ii - i -y ..v, 1 '"ui 11.1 it-.uueu ii .niuinium ooiiiL. laiana an u all u meases resultant froai ooal causes are cvrcntinnal Tmp rlim-iio iB mill and salubrious and affords an elixir iir the dwtasoii .-inrl yffl -t.ri Tho cfi ,,f 1,., t,...,..... ... . , . hw.m luom causesrc excepiionai. 1 ae climate is mud , , i- 1 , : , , , ..v, lv.1 1 1 lui y uiuaioj) lu it Luvvn is ai duic in a nijm state ut cultivation and is art anted to all indnf rrnns fr.r tVi marketing of which Salisbury is the logical and natural poinu As can be seen by the last census reports she stands third in increase ot population during the pit -ten yea?s th incrK tii6?d?cint Salisbury has three railroadsaod a nrnsnect of tivn mnrp in do fnmr-. ;.. -,..u . 1 , . .h lc" years, me increase Deing 02 per cent. y-.. . . f ' . 1. m . w. jiv 10 iu uL.i sii LlJiJiue vvi ul iu .ui L 11 uiuirt, OC1I1ST Hie terminus Ot tne VVPStern nrfh I arn na TtailmA nn n.Vii.V. tV,fnr, tr.m are run daily to Cincinnati via Knoxville. Three tobacco warehouses and five factories in activ Jojration here. She has foiirteen churcie. and a u of hos ot ?h3t ' Shfha one dSv and inree weefclynaperfc all of which are exce lent exponents ot her progress. She has one large cotton mdl and two more in course of erection. Also an exeeHent system of waterworks and a Sod plant. The shipments of cotton goods were turtceu times as large from Salisbury ,n ,8o as they were ,n ,S8h. The Richmond & Danville car shops are located snoke and handle factors and a tnittinor mi 1 To finpet K u n n:tn ; ; 1 . ... . . . .. . "suur) uasanite laciory, rurniture, .---; " - - - "".--u tiajiii-w in mcMirtusLi oie o uanti ties near tne town. ran roan nas nwn hm t tn it tk. ci i t 11 " .r-.-- la?,S?. I' .?.' f b.r land of JlM FiniwbhSV BROKER T AN OS Bought, Sold and Commissi Jtiers. -Xorth ward, C F. At.vell. D.M.Miller; South in all parts of the United States. J. S. McCUBBIXS, ? - Treasurer for Rowan county. uur mineral weaitn is untold Population over 6,000. With all our advantages property can be had at reasonable prices. Salisbury- is a city of homes. About sixty bnildines arc beine erected a t thi time inciuaing two cotton mills, a church, and a number of hne dwellings. Tax TOWN (iO EUNRTFrXT. favni- T r. l inn. T l. Ti;.. tyt,., u CU r 1 '...' i.r t, , . ward. D. R. Julian, N. B. McCaneless; East ward, T. A. Coughenour, Jno. Movie; West ward, R. )" Holmes. II. T. Trantham. v,-in is.v., ri jiemoQisi. services everv Mint ;iv :it 11 m unri a-. i- I'.r- n-.o. i . .. i if ir -., ... ,, t, .. , - mi) inuutv a- .it ... ,o i . m. ncv. . n. l.eiin. pastor. 1'resbvterian Services pvrrv Snndav at ii 4 m and r'aylrnWth " h" Y f ''"V- I-UeranSern . I " diS"": doc ; rc,;- I1"1- every Way at ,,and,r aiurh.U. liev. X. a. lunen. l'.istr. SnmUvrhr, ,1 rvrrv ,n,i,v , V - V. ...... ,. . .... 1 1 apt i.t St.. mc c.s ev e t v -Su n.l a v morning and n.-rit. Prayer mcetinn cU-rv Wednesday J,l!lflOE - i Aji," y ,", , 1 " V -V'; ' V'Vot''lal rvut. .a Mali tvt ;v .Nun.l.-.y at , 3 Hiim:,, mfc!:i,u 1 i At' ,t , " ''' ' meeU every mt and tli.r.l Friday night iu each nr.. nth. K. K .Nc wiisuit v iOUC. AU. 7?;. JV. of . mfcit ir..ri. f- -..., t ,,,-, M. ... 1 . . .. ... V,.,u Ar,i.. ...,;,..".,. .-'..'.-,: , .7 ' ii it; ut in eacn nnnni. v... l.ii ivuiiu .Hunuai nielli iu catu niouiii. is..ii. .vizer, Kcfent. hours trom 7:3o a.m. to p.m. .Money order hours o a m. to c ,.v,. Suiidav hours x ,,. .. , ni-ht mrvery numtli. I. H. Koust, pres'l. . Nc,-V"e-, U M SMisbury Ledge. No. ,4. K. o'f P. meets every Tuesday night .ernhardt. dictator. Salisbury Council, No. 272, Royal Arcanum, meets eve J. II. Ramsay, I'.M. A. H. Bov- ry second and X. B. McCANLESS, .t Mining Enirineer CAcGUBBIHS & MANLESS, SEAL ESTATE AHB INSURANCE. Buy and sell all kinds 6f Real Estate, City Property a specialty. Fire, Life and Accident rlnsurance Next door to Davis & Wiley Bank.-Inniss Street. Real 1 Estate. r - 3 ,-. Next door to Post- A office, upstairs. Will Buy7 Sell or Exchange your Prop- erty and Farm Lands. The SALjSBURY SPECTACLE and EYEGLASS DEPOT . yes, examined tree gpsssj 0K Fifguarintced, In ofchartre bv an i-viW EssftCTfikm VKOTq no case have we failed Optician. faction. it wou d be to vcSur ad tiT f i0 -CUieS in America and h'.inK graduated under one of the'most noted Oculists of the day ioeda I atteitiM rfr tv? Un me ?n CaAe yUr eyc,S are ff,v,n you troui)le- AH corrections made on scientific principles' Special attention given to the proper adjustment of frames and nose glasses.' H If v u have been unahln rn cr,-r c.jtici-mHr.n ..n 1 ..." . - - .aiijiav.iiuij .iotniitit tan ctlltl he No charge for consultation. Respectfully. me. 11. J. HOLMES, President. 1. H. FOUST, Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL J. B, Sheets, IEALEK IX- FAMILY GROCERIES, Notions, Tobacco, Cigars, All Kinds of Farm Produce, Malaga! laaLs Streets, at Old Mansica earner. C. F. RE1S1MER. GRADUATE OPTIOIAH, M El 1 S VP LT T rvfl Eine Goods, Best Workmanship and Perfeet , Fit Guaranteed. J. M. BROWN, di:alp:k in- HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES, -1 Confectioneries, Fruits, Toys, Novelties, &c. MURPHY Dealer inv BANK i i OF SALISBURY, N. C. : Capital, 50,000. Surplus and Profits, 40,000. i Heavy 1 Fancy Groceries ' Confectioneries, Canned Goods, "STOBACGO, CIGARS, SHUFF, ETG.s- J is located four doors from the Public Square, South Inniss Street, and keepsa full line of Groceries, Country Produce, m ctc- He is always glad to see and anxious to please his Ljl customers. He is determined not to he undersold. r m J. H. ENNISS DRtTGSTORE i - Drugs.Iediciiies, Stationeryj.Toilet Goods, TOBACCO, CIGARS, &C. SPECIALTIES -3 Cures, Enniss' Diarrhoea Soecific. ' ' . Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. k Giye me a trial.' t. immi CITY BARBER SHOP. C"ean towels, sharp razor and scisor, plenty of papers, everything comfortable. Give me a trial. THE I1E AVE MUSIC SCHOOL, ;Sury, n.c. . Is a brijjht . distinctive feature in the cusemMr of Salisbury. It has three of the bes modern pianos Grand. Square and pngnt. and a large chapel organ- Piano and organ are taught in connection, as well as solus and orchestral. Voice cnl ture. violin, flute, cornet and slide trombone. All are taught It cidly. attractively and thoroughly m every detail such ai purity and absolute control of tone; fluent, correct and expressive reading of music, at sight: careful and intellijrent cultur ' of physical and moral health, together with full individual self reliance, as indispensable to mental force. Theory comric ' sition and instrumentation are also clearly and acceptably taught. Thus pupils are prepared for tauicg first rank, anywhere with a musical education that is life enduring; a social ornament and power nlwav. and a safe refuge ir-adversify The I nncipal . H . Neavk -avers that for breadth, length and depth, in every essential detail of availability, it is the best music school m America: and that he is ready, able and willing to prove the truth of this statement to any who doubt or openly dispute it. But this school is. and always will be. strictly a local one; no pupils being taken trotn outside exceet 'as have kindred in Salisbury with whom they can domicile. It is not. therefore, in business competition with amy Other schools. But it should incite a spirit ot emulation, in other music schools, auspiciously beneficial to the "coming generation " E. K. JAMES, Peed, Sale and Livery Fronting JMrst National Bauk, on inniss street, near Public oquare. Best Teams for Drummers. The Carolina Watchman, J. L. RAMSEY, Editor and Proprietor Official Member oi;the Reform Press, Ljr Oldest, Best Established and Widest Circulated Paper in Rowan. Subscriptien, $1.50 a year. Advertising rates reasonable. .X'orgai's Mew China Store and Photograph Gallery ! JNewjOoods being receiyed at the .only China Store in Salisbury. Also nice frames for photographs. tt4& 'ftWm Y"1"""4. y 77 aMu uiuuwwuiu iuucn uneaper man eisewnere. Beautiful Glassware 041 my 5c. and 10c. counters. Y f- s Don't buy till you see jJIORGAN. One square from fountain, Main streel -N. B; Come through China Store to reach the Photograph Gallery. C. OI I INN, Dealer in Cotton, Grain and Keed,S

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