1- U 2 ! , - - f ' ir iANCE piKncTonir. ; .i.Vf jmv L.L-Prtlt.-pretident. N't r'-.-na; !C H. (.;,mvct, vice presi ,1 .vT -.a; .t.-H. Tdwer. seerrtnrv-"t'ft-JtvMiforcii': J. F. W'iUwts Jtctarer, JV'"-'-'-. ' - -, ;'' f.i A?rl,n"e-V ' Carr. preside! t, rVWtfiiart. E. C. JMin-fteM, secretary. ,4 :-J 7 ..(!'.: 'r? '-vi'H ;i- I1 A-:'nc men of fitter 'part? follow the -Uk'i lVer. 1 Ltrinr d practice cf the U.fttn- v. I,- 1 vTilfe re'a- (junior;. N. C.- WiitiOi., N. C 'j art"ro, N. C. --") Ills loro, . C. frtrlty (v.li've, N. C. Vh:tT.r.l:' 15, N C. f".--:r. . V .i 'voi-"! , -iiO'.urt '.In HoriV-.Toifrri ... s. .;aT. ' Sc a-)?'-a;;w-.I papers arc re- fZ kefp th UH tt'audiv'i on the first .? t,I 2J ;,Wr.s. ro? t'M are duly elect' - Any sr failing to advocate tne (Mda nlaifonx will ?c dropped from the :'" wroniufhs; 0r ran new we Aai ?aji?r tiffpvMizhedr their interttt. , Cotton F&ctc And Fijjares. A writer m BrndstrcH's ?ajs: "ETery year in February and March farmer." 'go to themerchaiita to get supplies to start thir crops, ard the first question , put to then is,- hovr many acres haye yoa ard hew many do yuu intend putting- in cotton ? -Should the farmer say hsfnterits cultivating fifty acres, and "contemplates-, putting- twenty-fire in ttnn and the Lahincs in ccrn, potatoes nr.d other vftr-hlt?, the merchant wilt' fiay, 'I am sorry, but I cannot do any thing unless you "cultivate forty acres vith'cotto.,' The farmers arB-there-'forj Compelled to change their tactic? to meet te viefrs of those from whom :tbey week assistance. The results are pla.n and tic planter is forced to suc-rific-yerythJng to cotton. Holders nf large traeta rent their lands out at 15 an acre to vrhite and colored farmers in preference t' dividiup; theui into 100 acre farms and improving them, and then elling out or leasing the-same .to good farmer., who vroufd iiuprore them. The ir.oitHie system has keen the ruination of the farmers of the South, and Wit alone is an overproduction of cotton La reason's and this sea son's large crops have caused the low prices' of cot ton, and have demonstrated to frrmer.i the;r mistake in. sacrificing every thm4t?v cotton." Col Tro. P.. Branch, of Augusta, -fi'jys th cotton factors and bunks art nuch to hhi'mefor theoytrproductio-n M cotf'03 r-3 the-farriers. He says thut tlip phiw'er j-icurs at the outlet too jrr.at a. debt in pitching' his crop s&d thf.t. he is too ofiil"onccur.i2:ed to iui-di-rtab-e an outiay which raoi pri:zbTy- C2:i.':-;'irie J.crora star ca-r. ad vanc.es' to-h i l hased ot tne mtaev raurkf-r. Decrui:- Jthe farmers, the fuctrs ad the hanks Jiavs put- ail IiK-ir vi'i in"- one basket. "In my enin' -,-.ys Col. Hranch, ".t i nseit?3sdo attempt to lessnn the prow ' dnction o? cottoa by reflations of "pl?.uie r-rT" A Uiasces or cotton, exchanges. The thing or tuch. actor in the city of Augusta to do i.- to determine for himself ..that -be will not advance for f be year 18j)2 to iiny planter more than one half whtt he did in 1891. Thati t nca co-upls thet planter to - i;'fq his labor anJ mules for other crops or for other purposes. That will turn loose one halt this money that would have been tied v.p ia advances to plant .ew and make it available to other indut'.trie5? and enterprises. "In "short instead of the cotton exchn-Jsra trvin to temedy the present system of false j farming, they should upply themselves r cornet the f lse svstem of cottcn fKctorsge.jand in that way the product o cotton fill be lessened and profitable enterprises he fostered and multiplied." Te Alliance Dispatch (Windfall, UA.) says: The eiectiona this year . havA g-Ten us one useful lesson, they have clearly demons trated beyond ihe possibility of doubt that Whatever the leaders and press of the old parties may cay- m regard to the farmer. -and laborers- moYements, however thev riiay tryo flatter ng by the osie-tioii tunt our demands are mostly hist; that : they are our friends, and if vre will just be patient and wait, they will bring us the relief, we ask, tL?y pre and wdl be cur persistent and impl cah.e enemies, and will do all in their Power to defeats and to rrpvAnk tho rnttctment of ciir demands into law': X.' 3y: v.'!vit logic can you be. led to'-de- pena upon tho iavors of either the Ue puhhc;in cr Democratic parties after it is known that they joined themselves fngethcr -IkhKIj in two grtat States for the csr-ress and , 4 r.vo5a.;. . cr(i(M icQ of (,jti,in inN .y; 27Th,v.K?iHuI, oren- into In; ; -;,JL.,.... ;;5':Kf'S:t;''; Av,r- JPCW said in his farctrellit-enti: , IV-T -'': " ' ESfj ""'" Y':ile ticinng th natiorail: ln j870 we flS.70 P-r ras .ia;j i, hc r? o': Sfep VS :? v.:UM. ?iTr.cil th power ot j r.t;:, pr:C. 0f cotton i.i K... Y., 2 -rorc ;-r.:r -1:;:.; -i.'.;v.i $ t v 'Lw.aVvtreiary.'Thc-M- regn'Ut-infr thf cuircDCj ; lbronjf1oj;t U-nf,, j in t.e .ar t-m-m Ijoiing fe ,j -jS cre.p .:-ottoii and o.-t ypw any ...cher ' i : : -' 1 : f"," ' "-,u AU11"' r:'.v.. f w ',.rf);.r .v:id ...t .r,,v." ' Tl,-- .,..ut .t- 1, r. "r-JcYi-arin.wiiicli unnerves me una i-' -. ' L. s ' !......,,- i,,'Mi) y.j.croA i. T coHutrv. As a resu t ct war, cor- . , , , j . is a-.AHu "im i to '-I.-' ! ... ,j-ce jriirb to-1-iv r-;-'''iit-' nn th f T.va f.i fi'-r 'l-o v',! -i,rv,A i por.Trtou. uarvj teen ea throned, and an . ' '- j ' i. ip.uK'i? aaa umi u.s ousn?esi 1 . A. " .. , . , , ' -,, ji'-reeta? would i uecr;-a-e in tun t;rf r.i.'iaiuiciw.i-uyjio twi 11:3 s,ri- ... --c-- 1 - Wne.inn rl rnitfm nir si irn eir.ur.n' it-at.m& the farmers' mc.v?merd? Awav W - - u u v 'yifl' suh -fz-iii v -' f T .v Ane cigarette business w a big on?; J ' i tW! fTt T,'VR-Tn control it are . becoming C''ft,0 f' "3cv rich; and the muidea ' , - ' f'v:en"" '-oa. ri lo the -tine mnL ot the carih. orr.bv ftl the funinLatdUt;n:T !'m :st " should act as regularly. if v:p-vy,;f thddp,rtr " i X r lu0 mKr-1 1 ?J ?m;? I they do not, use a key,' ,.n Uy for PdcRffr's fester?, v. Reasarrt Wtets. Oe s dose. TIio Two Parties. Almost erery day we read of some body faying he is a "Jeffe.rsooian Dem ciat,' or a "Lhicolnian ilepublican." If you ar- tho same o either of these statesmen in principle and practice you are all riIi.t as a citizen and , us , partisan. But how many of the ! o-.-.- ntc'i of div , ??o:je br? .vtnHc snppoae that r jeleron cr litn- ; i i JM! Lrntdtftes. In otner vrttrA, ill ln ihTI rre :ii mr im: sramirig r 'f5- i-n--r? are a na i l r;5NV ai-ertd tnd u;:dopptfdiy- posted Har?ravs t-:e; ct c-gUou th N. i Z'OWr -o:s, e-.cn r: the powf r to "'itfake mgutj p'enty orcen;3 scurce at it pleasure." 4 J In 1872 we htd JIO O. K Morton: "There is gathered rtVCr.iR5 price of cotton ?.ruun1 the capita o? tms nation a Anc of pirates .who thundered !succea.--l itiiiy m the duors until tney nave driven this'goyernmeiit into tfie most; preposterous acts of bad fuitli and leg a'iad robbery that ever oppressed a frse nation since the dawn of history." Thc-Ttu3 JefTefson: 4T sincerely be Ileye with you that banks are more dangerous thau.gtAiiding urmiffl Put down the banks, and if this country c'if.uorbe carried through" th longest war against her most powerful enercfy without loading us with perpetual debt, I know notjhing of my country men." Salmon P. Chass: "My agency in procuring the passage of tho national banking act-was the greatest financial mistake of my life. It has built up a mouopoly that effects every interest in the country. ' It should be repealed. But before this can be accomplished, the people wiil be arrajed on one side and the banks on the other in a contest such a wo have never seen in this country." Abraham Lincoln: "Honarchy is sometimes hinted at as a psscibie ref uge from the powers of the people. It ould be pcarcely justified were I to omit exercising a warning voice again -d returning to despotism. It is tha ef-fort-tc place capital above Ubcr in the structure of the government, I bid the U boring people beware of surren dfcring a power which they now pof-scs-, and when surrendered thtir lil.erty will be lost." John C. Calhoun: l;Place the money power in the hands of a combination of a few irdi?idiial3 and Vbey by ex panding or con tract ing the currency may. raise or" sink prices at pleasure, and by-purchasing when at the great est depression and selling when at the greatest elevation, may command the whole property and industry of Hit whole community. The banking sys tem concentrates .and. places this power in the hunds-of these who control it. Sever an -engine invented better treasure ana -b!o ;i. -T tie b est btood o-t tue il jt r of American vocth nas j f!,.t-5, calculated to place the destinies of the f 7 Va j T ,re T5;rp"t- nchu5?' rneumv,ni, muy in the hnnds of the few." da-v tl;e "f ',rm;rs tlPlr lorrng nd nit thro! ad Int.K lu- - r 1 t t . 1 icflr eoo for feel the eastern fjrers were e c-s. Abr.ui,iu Lincoln said m 1865: . f T d Aa elrnt ..nd rrdUV.e ?'er;:,r.. ;e,, we can ail contuhtte ournelves V "Jr -il C5 r,,rcd only .hfct this cruel war is druwini? to a aiuiier Mr,Vers. -r sur.n.i, by Jr. II. Mozlt-y. Ai!ntA, a. do-. It hs cost a vast anunt of ot;n ,a e,e,n the,C05t ,Ci, ,rt Hi;: liui:wu il.ii.ii, i , , c-. Ill' . i i . . P . . I AiMOOi r.v I v.l:!:li I' . ...... . . ... ...... , ., 4?. , . oii.w, tne ir.onev rowr of vni country iit e?:d'avGr to proiorur it? reijjrij by working upon the prejudice". of the people until kII. wealth is agi;rc K'ited iu ji few hands aud the re public is.dest roved. I feel at this time more anxious for tne safety of my country than ever before eveu in -the midst, cf war. God j grant that my feara may prove groundlass." If those men were living to-day they would be in the; Alliance move ment and they vfodldn't advihe the people to vrait till judgment day be fore they do something. Editor. Cone to Srriolro. "Seven hundred million cigarettes were made at Durham lt year by the Dukes. That's the statement m it is circula ted to the world. Seven hundred million what? Lit tle papers filled with tobacco, that when put into service amounts to fre at ore end and a misguided persoa at thecther. They are gone to smoke row they are associated -with the vapors, the air, the nothing. Were they placed end to end they would form jjplian 27,621 miles long, or re-ich aroAnd tha wbrld with 2,621 mile left. - tMotiey dimensiens represent some thing preat. The retail price repre sents $3,500,000, far more than the value of Concord and Cabarrus coun ty' property. Tney j represent,, "in addition, sore tongues, y el I ovr 'fingers, sore throats, cancer of the tongue, insanity nnd other maladies. $3,500,000 for pigarettesj More than is contributed to the suppoit cf the schools, churches and religious and benevolent organisatioas of the State. The Whole Trouble. The ifollowine table, compiled by Bro. N. A..Dnhning,futhor of 'Philosophy of Price," shows the real cause of low price and suggests that the only wise course to be pursued by any party is one trmt trill remedy thi at once: j In ISSrV wc bad'?52.0l per capita; average price of cotton in N. Y., 73 rent's. r In 1SG7 vre had ?37.51fer capita: averse price of cotton in i Y. i2rp.ini m - ntr ... jn w 1l ??1..17 e.witrtK - i 110 14 ' ner capita; ! r-ffo once oi cotton m Ji-. j ., it j i 1873 wo had $15.45 'per capita: cells In 1370 we h&d $13 40 per capita; average price ot cotton in i. l ., 1.-2 cents. In 1877 we had 32.28 per capita; average price of cotton in N. YM VI cents. In 1S73 we-had SU.23 per capita: 23 per in N. average price of cotton Y; 11 cents. In 1870 (date of resumption) we had $10.65 per rapita; average price of cot ton in N. Y., II cents. The volume of money bus been gradually decreasing ever since, until to-day we have le?9 than five dollars per capita with cottcn exiling at 7 cents pef pound. Iow mark the contrast! When this policy of contraction set in, we hud 52 collars for every n:an, woman aEu child in the United Str.tes, with cctton selling at 73 cents; to-day we have fire dollars with cotton selling ;ateven cents. Orerproductlou It is net overproduction that ails our country. It is underconsumption. There is much more difference in these terms that one is liable to recognize on Srst sight. O reproduction means that the producing people have supplied all the consumers and have, a surplus cn hand. They say the American farmer has produced more cotton, wheat and corn than consumption demanded. Thi3 is far from the truth. The Ameri can farmer west has had left on his hands wh?.t near-sighted politicians declared to he a surplus cf corn and wheat, and the fr.rmer south had a L. . . taUr niid rn?. '14-ton bit cnsu -I'r.ion i::;thi:ity to purchase, retched r'ondiJion !,a r - IV .-,,1.1 '1-.- . t . " i ne npn ther h.;.?. ? ' -no. ft would throw tho'i'-iimf out of emp--ytunt and cinse thtm to jo:i th? raks of th hungry tramp-, 't h?n is it net iime tht;e guardifius .f our country's wel fare iere presenting a plan f. r relief which viil bear inspection? The oniy thin tv4 need is a stimulant for our ability. to purchase, Give those poor starving creatures the ability to pur chase and vr will have no "over production." Put more money into circulation and it stimulates all trade, making consumers of thosa who other wise could not consume. Nashville Toiler.- Thors bclieTC tht Dr. Sage's Cctrrrii RcincdT Trill care them are mors lic'olc to ct: "vvell than thocs who If you happen to be cno C4f those who dor.'t btslicve, there's a matter cf $5co to help yen; fait:. It's for yon if tho mak ers of Dr. Gxge'a remedy cant cure you, no matter how bad or of how long standing year catarrh in ths hand maj be. . The makers ara ths World's ijiipensary Medical Associa tion of Buffalo, N.Y. They're known to every newspaper publisher and every druggist in the) land, and yoa can eas ily ascertain that their v7ord'c S cod as their bond. Begin right. The first stage is to purify the system. You don't wadt to build on a tvron foundation, when you're build ing for health. And don't shock the stomach with harsh ,ti4atment. Us the milder means. Ycu wind vour watch once a cav. 1 our aver rhi. jvv.cii avera;nr:ce el cettou m iN. i ., 17 center ct tne tnn;e. teiirj v. ;;r t. fiiJm& q - cents: -bank" or !h. outsider h,-s th, ? ff B B 2 V : in 1874 -we had 21151 per capita:! njoney. Generally th "bnk" wi: f 0 average price ofcottoa in N. Y., 1& h:-re thoui.-dn loose the:r mil-j f MB 1 cents. ' ln5s, and mnBy are the .vul suicd'S In 1375 we had $14.04 per capita; caused by their wreek in this w! iri- average prica of cotton in N. Y., 15 piol of Mammon ana rum. And here SjmM0m No Place L.ike Ilorar. Rev. R. G. Pearson writes a long letter to the Asheville Citizen, from Burdighera, Italy, under dute of De cember 3, and winds up by quoting a few line about "Homo, Sweet HorE." He viihsl Monte Carlo, the fumous gambling- place. LIr. Pearson says: The place, as FieM says, 'has been mud likrt a garden; und it is a piiv that thers should h? u . p:tr;-f.:c; iere ! I. . t i . nc cue;, r; j some tertv-iijc w.rr?r. . r al tiiy ru put- uorn trrji: ": -'' M,-r jr':nirer on vi;.cn ike!, tne question arises, jsnos vvau sr;e"?r , . If' tl t gambling ns deraoralizmjr to Ameriea as iionre uano to Europe r is not our Louisiana lottery as much '! disgr ace to th stat?; r.nd national government as is this Monte Carlo to the principality of Monaco? Truly these are all a strain upon the civilization of Europe arid Amcricfi. But now my thoughts turn homeward, for the cholera is ' still raging in Damascus, so that it is not safe to enter the Holy Land; and those on the ground who are posted in such matters zy it would be hazardous to do ro even nert spring, and thus I am going home goeuer than I otherwise would r.ave done 8nrTass?s Ashevifls, K. C. 7 xj::sou r,Lis;m. A S'-o&a&rt L-ersca Driiii:. For Lillousness, Constipation nn1 M larirt, take Lemon Elizir. For ludiKestion, ySck ua I. ervous fail yort iu Any cf the above named dia ee.sef, all of which rire frosn . torpid or (licensed liver ,t-oroich,kH!aeys or bowel v I'reprtved on'y by L-r. 11. ifoz'.ry, At- hint a, Oa. oCre, and ,1 bottles r.t druggists. lewqi? hot drop Cures a!t Cou!-?, Cohjn iUr,rv., Post OtHe Mf t Orrtt'r. ;tp "rti i ' ' i ; nftt,'f? j '.he r:hi'r ov ficnr rnhr th-,?k v 1 in th United If tut e-" He in" i-ou: v pomth pjotmf-;r rf p-4--d i'? '0 -. 1 1 . p-.;i.-dree to -.yr-,.?p, h' j embivcrs only K.'.;42 ptifc!t' oit'-.---. : i i,re ;iirs tr:t ffcrrs j. iv pro- rect lr:it he m.oiM-v 'y ir i)-is--it-s ..! ! r e nni t pa prcar, ; Vv :. ' :j ill tlie In-tiir. It w-i'f it art-?-; ;n bC5 I s-dh fiti M.-proprtioL- bv C'-n;ir-3 : ;- t- i .-1 f--.rv - r i . . . . t . . i Ciifli.uuTi, u:ii t. months there -was h io of nsorc th 2 7,U;0. -s thf svtem gn.-w it be.:,.u..e ml- , more reuiiitiVi-cir.iye to the gOTwrnmsat, until ;t of-gitn to shww m.trgn. ci .ii?! ubiut t'm ypjtrs asro. For t iu: last three years, howt!V?r, there has ben a loss ou it, mainly lcaur-e th averafi" Sism sent by order, h.ss diminishei. The average cost to the govera mnt of w money order, -whether m:!l or lunre amount, 23 a trifle over 10 rentg, while the average fef paid i3 now crly a Irrie tion mere than C cents. However, iiu bS3 en domeatic money orders is m.ide np to some extent by a profit on int-r-Mrttiona! money orders. During the lust fiscal year the Post OSic Depart ment cleared f 189,WX) cn the purchase cf billa of exchase to settle balances with foreign countries cn account ot rocnev ortVs issued. A lAifn Glrl'm Exporicacc ia Islit kecso. Sir. and T.Irs. Ijoren Trescc-tt .nro Vrep era of the Gov. lighthouse at Sand Beach, Mich., and Rr bleesed vrith a daughter tour jer3 o.d. Jast April f?he wan taken down with Ileasles, followed by a dreud ful Congh and tnroirrr into a Fevr, doc tors st kome ad at Df troit treated ber, bnt in vnin, Vr.jgrew vorse rstphtiy, until ehe was a merK"b?tndfal of -bones. Tbpn she tried Dr. Hing'a levr Discovery nnd after the use ef two and a half bot tles, was completely enred. They s-y Dr King's New Discovery 13 vrGrth its weight ifi jr'6 yet you may get a trii bottle fre at Kluttz & Co.'3 drug store. Mr. Gotham (nUrtled by the ex-Jo aiona of ijnirrl Dryer: farths's rvm mtikinrr bombs, hirjh in the air): "Y' stars! " WhHt's that?" Western real estate acnf : "T': t1: the town 'boom fin . Let me ;i lot." Xeic Ycrk 'WffhJy. v a J 4 - - i " , i:-",-: e. . i i f j j- r - - - J v - ' :: til! ior.iiio.icy rer.inded. i'r;ct rcui- -vi How I long to see dear old -dO v tTJ comne: aiki truiy j cru pay inat,asro v f-,t--.-7 -r : ; rf; & beautiful scenery, deiightfrl climate and a pleasant place to lire, I have seen .: . '' s'yg ff J $i no place in Europe or the orient that . "-.- : ' . V Headache, tnke Lemon Tiiir. j hV iti tS C9 if s VI ?H For Sleeplernt-, NervousnedS and b V2ra1 13 S W f3 t'l 'Sl Ileartfrilcre. tf.ke Lemon Fiis-r. 4i--.C For Fevera, Chilis aud Debility, take Lcrion Elixir. I SfrVll Li.fbr natrsrel and thoronga or- fe Vii Rani, rtlrttion, t.vke Lemon Elixir. ' fi Dr. Mosley-a rl.xor. Elixir "wiil not! lMtXVi 1 ? It is estfmatrd that 3,500,000 steel pens are cousumed daily. It is iuter estir.i? to think nhat they do. For itistar.ee thfy tsake lore, write grshing pottry, ?cr.',pe out the briefs in a breach of promi?e s'lit. cut and thrust at rep utation, scratch out realistic norels and political editorials, chronicle sensations, p jS tliii s:i:d helittle that, and, in short, m.r& To rr.alre ?.nd break, ave nd de stroy, to civilize aftd degrade the human r-c? tnn anyi-hinsr e!?e xmhr the stn. t&J f & &i -A vr. s 7 .i -' i: S3 SOiQ y T. F. LLLITTZ CO. SI8KA0SS r. r-. t"'"'-''1.- ?.c:r., ja;t j.. i.itS. bv. s-rrs ?.. :: a r .r- tet t-jj tn . (-;'.,.-s rrstr.e!tn, 5 .'-- 'r-pj'fsd t-tfi ." t'ti. U$ !r-l t-rirr:sUr.l is'!r3 f rpril. , ;rrr: '1 psri'ifc-.i' j e ce?, If V 'rv-cU f.r. rs!554. i "f. j i 71 xJ c e? n .'j -.v ii -TS "1.. S. f-. T P I4 .li it Vfej PeTsr end Aue, Wiud Tsiy prtdiD vx'-t, -fz svm, s s f, ; i vr 'si ; i T'.rt vtkil tiO.LU KVi-iVi. " 4i "i-. vmk csra eM er mm rf4 c rxtl Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horison- tal of eve!ry variety and papacity. VTiCU PJ3TCB. j, WIS rr;r -A 1 1 r? --'.- w re-. Dtjlb Era I Lto bon qsItik oo cf jota tlectropctiM for four yw. ryon a KtUA bw Taiid eon, who been Cllctd with a saoQTT trouble nd dropslci tendency. I fcare fonnd great rIfef for him rn the to ci xo sjectropoue, wbea ina doctors aa ruca "his fsver, pr to brlas pound irwert iroaaoA ncilcLucK. be. wltbcul it for many isa- Sfr. Baittm also Prwtdeat cf First Nu tkmal Biuik, Wit ton, N. On ad i cao cf the foremost tarn of the SoxitK. For all lnfcrmatkm addrrsa ' ' ATLANTIC CLKCTROPOtSS CO. . ca is. Kim Or., CMAnuvroa 3. - PRGFKSSJOXAL CARDS. R. LEE WRIGHT, ATTORN SALI.'SBUIiY, N. C. T;il "-rs'-tiro ;n ..!! thf ronrts c? Hovrfvp. and .jr.-;r.ng .onr.tips. Pron:-t aU.-r.tioa gi-en t-o rr.;:'i'cr3 poruin'njr to rjr profession. j&.ttoi3C3.o3r -A-t Xjcwc. .-AI.Irr.UP.Y. C. Ofiicr-in PftTi & WiioT'a hauX buihiing corner of Maid nl Inn??? streets. TV'jil prac tice in Co-ur'scf Kownn J r.f'.Joiiiip.g eu::ut'es. Prninj-t and -careful -attention pit-en to all bus ;ne?3 entrusted to roe. tSrcc.l attintio'.! given to C(i!ltCti0Ii3. JOHN A. RAMSAY ? Attends to r!fti!rofid Construction, Survey?, snd Mspptog of Ilea! Estate, iist'.rnates ot Water I'ovrers, l'3ansT:r t!;'e Krectioa of Mills, Dweilkifrs, ttCL; and attend? tj ttio purchase' oi all kinds of Maeh inert, Uuilding Materials, Ac, ' . f?12 If W. T. MEAP'OWS, - J H. Mli MH W-, ot uraiivlliw Co., 'i re?a. f t T)cirLam Co., Sec'y. j. w-rFUOOj;s, Of ?lt.ih .'o., Ttv.aS. T)in2cron:-!i!!-ham efnnty, P. !T.M.ik:.?j; Oran vlllc.j.j MeeVnv'ivrson. J. V. l:r(.vs; Chat tiani, C. K.iwtt; Uriuvtu. o. S. ;.(v.rrar. i Bite MiiiiS8'i!3 EiXi, i All Grades Chewing Tobacco. F-e.etrorr r.r-.' r v" e3r:r--!l--a by Artarcmcn. Miinufaetnres u "ai.-o t-rpeei-l! for tn AU'r.ner trade. . I;::H!nt-f4.n A's' A i r-o;j U-eiarnrew to give Wm any perxnaoeni resei, ana l am palfEaed that bat for its cee t hoaia have Wt Mm. I hare mtw omn It xaa n price lists i.fl Bj;tip:-. at ?.-.'. ::.-f i:!n:r Utttr i 1 iopaij tli-m our "SMn-cur. -.i f ;; "f," "T. a. .1.. li." i.l...f?rr4' AJllaaee st;: Favorite.-' at!'l -fe'K ra'-srt'.e" l-iunit s--aj,lifcj Will b-jple.iied.to S.eii fro.. o--r V-i.-tUers fro-n g.op- nny point la tj i n;--. t 1 -s : n r? -vM.-d to tooaec;i. n W!li r-ud s .niples froo charge. Afidrcs'. Vr.:; i.n Durham Parmerc' Alliance C?., di:kiiam, n. c. ricR?-" mention tu NVatcliraarc. T. T. Vincr, S; ?hrv'irjr an! i; air Maui Street, f-r Tscn'r F'ir; men W-t'l ?' ; r:1 id all time?. IIr'r-drsi j ir tr ku.l su.f.nvoouir'ij a reeinify. n ill wait ou ladies and children 'at t. r-ir a;ncs.' I alio Khar pen scissors at ':nni 1) to 15 centd a pair, (ii-.e Lis) cull. i .i uuiitl o ItiibiLt?. !rd f. 1 EiiCBior under the last will snd t?tan:ei:t of .Kraeliuc Dvercasfa. d:- eeiscu. nil :i.-r-rr.s ?:Avsnfr ti:ns.-J Cjraiust raid estate ars L-'!f-l.-v si till Med to frcseut tbes) to in ou or In f.ir tli 21t of N'orev-jbtr. If-"2. or this n.ot"..e Ill .e i ' a i In l.r.r of .thir r eover j. ". M L. ( tO 1 1 1 M A N", A 1 1 r. i r r r . " " ij. Ramsey. The psrr w'i. :' Itate of Xorth Carolina, I N l2 k-pt up tr ih r?r ,V hih rt:WJ Koak,ount,, r Subscribe fr.ril, onlv ei W-' J Margaret . etuti, .ciien Ar Divorcrjrom ?:dva?u-e. Th ujft c.vrH.- H.;: George V-'lVthc'. t-i-' bc-.tti Ualrinwny, f? t!n Wat-TaJ? will t'1 It r-r-l'rir to ;hr-. .-?.tisfaclion of the ccuvt tiiut ir. dt -f'.-iulunt, (.'.e-'iro Vi , rthel, is o rou rosidcyt of thin btaft, ) and f-at:i!-t v dun ihlioucc Le tou u ii therein, ar.-.i ,h:tt & c.-iu-.r: of feotuni exist) 2ir.x;i.-;t. h:ui, fiio i-r.iii ooorge v . re t.t ; is ia.rchy ryuuircl io i.p;.er.r at a Suie j ricr Couj't to be hch: :ii :iia Court House j ir- Sniisii ury ou tho second.. .Monday. Le i "ore li e t.rt Mcvnday ia March, -l"Bl;2t and I a r.svvcr or demur t.o, the compiaiut filed ! ir. tho cbovo siuied iction: j November lC'h, IS-Jl. W. G. WATSON. C.S.C. It. hss U'bigtiy, Au'y for Vl&tntilT. IV !Uisl:.-:- y-iiirn.-s. Tools, . . ct R. K. I'litM r!'- I -.vr.K'jiuij.u." ' iaur.ut'j'.cturr r.UJistc-r.r-5 -i:4m-t5;.-irntlps ar.i ortabir' l- 1'.;.-. for vrrlrulirw: roii ,:,; vrhc-at; C'.-rresr,-or.t!:-ae!i soil'-it--d . A-ilr.-i-:y J . T. VVYA i-T. FrvltL. !-'r-vr52 r K. C' M-rlcn is V.'.MotiisSir. - CC Ecg ular ixovi contal JPistoa . The most simple, durable and effective Pump in tlic market lor MincsQuam'efir Roiinorics. Breweries, Factories, Arteman wells, Fire duty and general mannfacturiuq purposes. KSend for CatrJcguo. A S CAMOiiETM PUiP WOSP, ixsr rw East 2Cr firnrp: N'w-i- y, - mm la a BanTiile Umu w. n. c. DIVXaioi-T. AfTUOUil. Lv KnoxvlU?, H.T.V.AO. ftlonlstoiTB, LV rjsu-t itock. K. a D, Hot.scn.-3gB, Hcal Eno, w.rloa, Hictcry, ArSaiifcjC'iry. Oanviuc, Ar Rlcnarnnfl, ?' 'aieiph, " f4l!(lHl,.rV) ArLynr hrjurc, K. P. Wiiwin'.'iMi, I" uiiyif:'ff. " r.v. ''.rMUKirii-.Ma,- ' ew York, - )r i:';M a Sc44- ."lew 4UiJt.-van. I PMiadclpaia, HalUmore, " Washington, R, D. Lrvchbufg, Ari.aaiue, Lv KicBnioad, BAi.vtiip, A r (irc-er.sDcm, Lt Ciold'ffccr', - Kaietfe-h, " I;uruan. Ar i.;rTnaDTrs J.r t:reen80vro " fiaiiLitury, " statesv:iia, " TTewton, " PlclicrT. " :tov--rito"V " Marlon, Kno&, Ar ABtievlUe. ' Jkh Springs. " ''ri hock, MrrrLncwi, 8.7.V,t O. KroxT!Ue, 4f -in ' v'ra :C:! , -;-i'W (. 4tf.-fa - 1 -t, : x .':-''' i. ' -.; 6 -an i:r- A. a ti. Ji. K. JUll.Y. I as.lffVJll', .4g. l!eiidr.oiivU!e, "! Kirr K cfc, Ar np-rranbargr. i 13:1 j-vU 5f : i or r?OKTH'lM. I.v s-xu-.anuv, ":iiu(Ta. " riat lio, " ?Teiflpr-icnvnie, ArAtihcTtiic. 10 S-jpm j-, I t Asr-.elU., " UiVsC ! I :tv. f lai'y T tic. p.v " lOiUOil".. .1 ArTonvllf, tr--'1 Uiyv n itv. (JrJa:i7 ) " A h v!!'.., ( Snt:.t) V-KSTI BULK THAiy. N. HOUjIO. JiviLT. Alexaaurta, oi.ririotr'2'.;-;e, tyne'jbnr Tfti.ili. S'J.-'.bi:rf Otirrir.lH", rpartasburg, - OreeuviLip l.r.U. OawjeTtlle, Atlinla. 1 S ftB-S " i 7 05 1 . r 4 ;-.,! ! Co fv . 1 0 :iu VAI.":; K. t.v. ha.:;:-t,;;rr, Ar. (ru:.!te oarry. " f 1 n;:', :t-eM.e'.arc-rs:i-r'- ?tevr Ixii-iov.. ' ' AlFvuarle, " Porvfood, ,t. 4 1 .. n ;.rwr'E G.T'1'!U SLEEPING-CAR SVL Ki ' : - s'ii-jl1'. -'"u .rti KllOk. lli-a. .?Ni. ii I ftul li P::l:rnan Sl.svpu Jv vme niift jncw orK, ti AUic, Kcvt. 15 nn1 ! Pcllnrp.n &f&: t ' 8-WvC.ti s ton u.r.d inr-lcr, mi, n' CW: .ill ; ,irtu;j K. - UHiKiKlt, At Tl'H;',- suviiiiteEia. a. v. i-.vss i .'.ri. Villi. N. '-. w. (.;ti.i:N. ja5. l. r - v. L Oil. .v.-;riii.-r, . . y."- - A ,'...'tit. ' '. .' i 1 SO!; II .-s. Tl.-f. JWKf-, Atlfint". 1-1 PROGRESSIVE FM1 - Raleigh'; N. C. Orgati of the y. Q. A. VAiU-d i.y Ool. L. I.. lVir-, V ; per-. ' hulivcrihe 1 orr A.-m. ' - 1?-. -f: Con Orrict OpajTf .S. rriurC -4 wri ?ar t-atcct la u t roAcl. t4wfag cr ptMo.. wSS i1? t'oo. T7 s4tU, If Efctpa!.: rr p -trf. Onr fee not tin (vsr-t "'. rwtiott Crura Wjwtiin Firm. .o.A.siaow&e r;r.i it : - r i. '.Pi. " -' 1 - orr. Patewt flrrte.!, VvAOsfiaaTaf. mjLS Offer ; 4mm wit . - r , - I ' .: ' r - . yr:V;fI-w"r"r.J' Vv t' ' - 4 : " -. ; -I k; V - - -. " mmm ' . - - -' .. ' . V , . - ' - V . . . . , ' -

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