vi. 4., u A. XrtvUl AUutnrt-b. L.Polk, president, Tl.rth tWoHna; H. L. Loucks, rice pxes Went, Drl-Ul; . II. Turner v serrcVwt ircarer, ergi; J. B.; W i I Utts, lecturer, VfnwWwianBatlerreyiacnt, Clinion, Jl. C; S. garnet, crctwy, .-IUIicViH' ' - . ' . t;r. Voorfirilln: lreident, Co II. A. - Vaf,ej.GUrV.-rrev, B. P. IWW, tiawoo.grttjrj nd Treasurer, J. 1. VmfJ,Blisrar7. ;2nMi (7oty-.TcsK Xmer, present, numefi M.'U H'tchis McreUrx, Saw. r SutMTilldi U. E. Rmej, eeeretarj, , 'fefffrti Ccvntf A. F. nilemna, prl dct, Concord Dr.. S. Laffcrty, secre tary, ConcQf1. ; -(JK. 3- Orcon,priJcnt, JimM-. W.A.iiwJt iacrctary, Thomai- j-nk M.wtftui J. F. Urmnt secretary. Kcwton. y .f.C R.onn Tress Assoclatl Tcrrj, Jlutln't vicprrndenti W. & Borne "e KtAtA ami. Riletzti, "S. C. i r.ijjriF" - fllnton Wilson. N. C. Salisbury, . t . t l.itn. T i pin Tarbor.. . c. MO'i'ln Hoino-Journtl. ; (Jonrifrj Llfd,' Goldsboro, J. C. HlcK-ory, C. WhlttAkers. N C. TV-- A-r'-t(infvZ ryaripTS are re Ai-qilctfo kecpthm OundinthflJrBt pap an i aM otnert, proinaea iney aroumy elected. Any paper .fatunn to atfcoww OcolalWorm ta ZsZZ Z ;JLSJr.Mtto- ' - WharfAii!q'r;ii? - - - . - . . i - . ' hie, iA-laUr v . I Fouf-mcn ran it through a threshing ! if MR. lFi. SJ?? itP11uiachrne,a-Wthe rate of about two acres andn he tnea.loMina out is w mis- as- , what c&used, our. sick njd then . preserves me remeay. triM to snow wnac wm- inc. qnaso m (mr nardfrtimw ami (nirween t wmi try tr prescribe some remedios. nut gome will Jar if God w leading na out i wo hajre riotning, to do in thc matter. Jitit my brother there is where ycu an mistaken. Gol doe1 not help a man who will not help himself. We must do. our part and God will do hjn. There w3 two thingf the Israeli ten had to do before .the? cor.ld Be delivered. irey. rum ui.w ter3 Da.;o tnem go, anu ney nau to prepare themselves for the journey. if the Israelite'? had tried to deliver lliemsolvea by force of arms they ... i ' t "i i 4. L would have made a failure,, but they qmetly .ubnntted until-Pharao. bade them go.. Now we : have amed our political releaae (through the All,- anco demands) andjf they are refused. wJiich they no doubt will lie' time and again, Rome will be rew;?y to demand " them at tha point of the bayonet But that will lie the greatest mistake of 'our life. VWo must wait-Che alow pro- Cew of tlltf law amLcontinue knocking nntil cur -'demands are heard. But whilst I heliove that it would help nslm. . . . - t nh.Tn tho-ndflmandaerriM nnt Snl whilst I beiievo it will b, done, yet if ui oiif wheels almost to the hub und we annoigetOuUintil we take off some aronr load and swap off some of our he n4 V.rn" off m.r dri .nd Vnmmt tfcA.m.MU mnU arIw,u een; that about scveiity-nve then not trr o null buara out for foar we brake a wheel,. bnradually come ii u v-. f v,- ij ' " -M I lWkfiSS!Sif na Sfc r I 111 X ; I - IV. 1 ties td'ehow hew hear it:ii in th atate as it can be itoneJj a more able pen, bitt will just say4 tiiat about ser- enteen ar eighteen kundred pounds of overy ton is dirt and it is heavy whan vrtf paj twenty-five or thirty -dollars a v toa? ?for.; iW V.VV hea everytfarrn has plenty of places on it that cannot be i cultitated, it can be utilized and a " ibotter fertilizer made, at home, at a nominal cost. But hcrw are we to get it off? -Well that ia a questidfr- that '. is agitating tbensind'of m'an.'pf our farmers toayT Well, I andvtth that jtistiJJye; tl whiskey . I vljt lievc in; probibiilngit,by legislation, from being ' . sold, ffer ftit is sold at all yp6.cannot keep some men from .using it, fand I think if we had that load off we could j;. get along;, better, and;' then swap off some of or white hmse'ii cotton) and disnrlstf our driver (the'-merchaht) for lie has ieen running us too long,'nd then we can get out by the help; of ij- GocJ "and proper dnviug. But' some j will .tyT we are 'ia- vdebt and cannot i quit cotton? -Mf yent were to swallow poison, a sensible, physician would not ' )t Plvc )'mi poison :as-an antidote,, and ; , " ' it jwhh cottfijyu!jj)oisoiied us, and we ' . . mrist get-BMifrtalse as an antidof p nt sotrvi e,s's.oUr merchants are furnished the brainV and the monev perS;ti iiP";re C in the head, irother. All Jj&tVv.S them ln any form er Stage, we'll pay run tlieir butrssand we run ours; ' you 5 "r your trouble in iitaskthenri ftuv'i making the trial." v Iwen 'lttnftriitr "I'hV past:- J'T-hv -have. -1- " An arlv rtismo- and ; we do . air the worki They furnish us r- with the brick -oid . . mortar, but still we make . the brick and mortar. But one s iys we tbwe " . th merchant and must raise cotton to pay with,; as that is our only money projn:; Iluiit itif you raise it as a f surplus. ?.,Ve Yho are so fortunate-;d to live- irt the Piedmout of North i tiirolinav .between theliadkin and Ca tiWba rivers, have the advantage of a i I l-i .7" i.i .. 1 iuiHi lun'i niiu as . eiiiai a ci'mare as : the sun shfnes iipon. It is a climate jind'soilv.iiit .will grow almost any thing that mmf r beast can eat, but -i f ve .wrre. rp raise ohe crop to. the ex i elusion pf all others we would make a - HfailiUjV.hut if tbere is one thing Ilia" v wilUrfbvgVow fo." perfection Ifre thai t hing is ctfoh, and yet we made it7r p.'(jt, lienco Hhe necessity of guaii' . Now -.V8 liavo not nM'Ia our nnr climate, bat it -was made by One i who cannot err, and we have tried to con- ... . . t i ' t vert it to 4ther uses than tor uruicn n itmadp, and jre hayo made, n sift nal failure,.aud the sooner wtf gc jjet bnefc 'to vhnt God intended Us U fcrow the sooner we will get out of the clutches of trie monev icms. u we would raiw 6ir own meat whtil would it affrct us if they make n cor ner on meat. ' If we we wouul raise sufficient arnoaut of flour for home consu motion what would we care for those grain thieves of the North, and after we bad planted enough of all the grains for ourown use,4t we would pUuf that of our fajids that are tuoit suitable for cotton that jve could work well and put in our spare time making manures and improving our farms iup stead of meeting at the country store and complaining of hard times uod would see that we were willing to g6 and he would cause our lords to ?u Now, Mr. Editor, this is no fancy picture, but only what i being done bv a fev and can be doe by us all when we erer get out of this old - rut of credit, get out of debt which we must do before we can be free, and then hare thi3 home.stea Uiw repealed and do away with the mortgage busi ness, the morning of ur. deliverance will begin to dawn. t Je33y CTseent UuntersvilIc,Ji. C, Feb! 8, 1S92. m i i ii ii ii Better Tliat ilaskius:. j A corngrower-of Tom pi: in a county. i. I ., announccs-tnat tie is entirely f done wjth thfl tedious process of husk ing corn, and several neighbors will prooably follow Ins cram,le. lie had I V 'vll OvitS VI V" n 111.11 VUL land well cured, he hauled to the barn hoar. The shelled grain was thrown 0p the barn floor,shovelfcd over a few times diiriug two or three week.-?, and Mthen put in bins: The machine carrier -movod; the shredded stalk. Arn , n.,u , Iropped on the, floor and were pitched into a mow.' both horses rnd cattle now prefer this nicely prepared fodder to the be3t .bar.-. Apparently, there can be but one possible tiifirculty in the way of thu.3 treating shock corn every vear. i here might ne a wet iall, whfr it would not euro well, and the shred ded fodder be-apt to mould, lint this could be obviated, for at fkreshin" time bams are usuallv emptv and the f0ader could be spread about in s.varal pl and b ,)lj(sj(Jj 1 1 p,,t in i - J,,t to save nandling so-much, two . 1 ,.:n r .' x. fieH nd . fa h f th . A j . - d ()f tfa o f , . , . npro . . . im , ni. oti . x ' ; , 1 " ",m , One man and team will cut with a. reaper and throw in gavels leir acres a day, and four men will set it up in -shocks. Three men and two teams will draw the ten acres in a half day, and I will allow RirA .VtJhVt (a lUAali -If C A V. - 1. ' A" . "r' "i"0 .w"rKJ? wut Ior . " ftcro- 017 compare, this with the llSl - i?"?" - u ji- x.8 aaa- nu,KT V' . i g. n -na many times and at last inning th.?.fiar9 tbrongh a hand-shcller, and it Per ca? of the ,ab.or is nvcd- lfc iaJ f ur ewme mat tnis cannot be Idoiro with so little labor: but the an- k-. . A. L I XI I "f- f "son, in New York Trib '. ' tvicnrnona & uanville Company ?Te comnrftrniseil Uieir case with Mrs. Little, of Hickory, whow husband, .It v. - ' Little was killed in the Narro'.y kua2Q rHl!road wreclc "er this place one year ago. They pay Mrs. Little tl CM30 daoiflges. The case -of Mrs. Bessie Srnyre of Newton, .whose husband. engineer John Smvre, was killed on oaiuaa mountain two years ago has also been compromised for $3,500. In these cases Judge McCorkle, and Son, George' "McCorkle. anneari-d - for tliP .plaintiffs and Judge Schenck fr the rai I roait. i ewton h n terp rise. What i3 lacking h truth ttnd confidence.. If thero were absolute truth . on the one hand and absolute confidence on the - other, it wouldn't be necessary for the makers.! of Lr. Sage s Catarrh Remedy to back up a plain statement of fact by a $500 . guarantee. They say "If we can't cure ym (make it personal, Funny, isn't jt, how some people prefer sickness to health when the remedy is positive and tha guarantee absolute.. AVise men dont put money back of "fakes." - And " faking" doesn't pay.. .Magical little granules -those tiny, sugar-coated Pellets-of Dr. Pierce scarcely larger than mustard seeds yet powerful to cure active ;Yet mild in operation. The best Liver Pill ever invented. Cure sick headache, dizziness, constipation. One. a dose. sav. The liver-Prevent Question. ; What it? It is. I "Shall e ever join the Alliance?" Of course you can if you want to, but suppose we don .want tor1 lhen what is the use o quarrelling or quibhlingrfnvthing abou it? The Alliance is ai nohle organiza tion. It is composed of fair-minded men: men of intelligence, wliose hon estv and determination cannot be sue cessfully disputed; mn who have thf welfare of the farmer nt heart and are determined to fight for him, though the air be so full of the scandal-monger's bullets as to hterallv obscure the sun prosperity. Men who; arc not seeking public plaudits or priviat- preferment men who have" the welfare of -the whole agricultural fraternity at heart, anc who are in the order for' higher motive tn an tne mere eratJlcaUou or some personal ambition. say this is tl; class of men who conti'tut the great mass or Alliance memoers as weti a the F. M. B. A. These have not beei lacerating the caudal! appendages o their underwear because ihe Allianct and the F. M. B. A. do not unite, anu it is difficult to see why persons win niav have little or no connection with either organization should leeonie s suddenly solicitous about the matriino iial union of these organizations. Besides, this' is no time to raise such a ruens about the matter. The publi cation of windy imaginations can onh cause the prejudices of men and tend to drive them farther apart 1 he Allianc and F. M. Bl' A. are already co-oper ating with each ot heron essenliiil bases in many parts of the country, until vou can hardly tell "tother from .which and what ia the ue of making such a fuss about nothing. ' - I he public is not award that Pres Gause and Pres. Polk Jare lacerating each other's spinal columns in their enorts to get into each; others arms Neither do wo hear of any great stir the two national secretaries are making 011 the subject. As to Indiana, both of these innocent youths, becretanes Prigij and CI ay pool,'- are "as .loving an. two ring doves, and it is not generally believed hat Bro. I'orceand myself are playing om-cat 011 the. back fencio and scratch ing each other's eves out over the sub- ect. C. A. Bvbinson. j What Fanners Succeed. The farmer will succeed who make up his mind that the whole secret of success is in himself; that is it the man and not the business that tells. le will succeed if he sticks close to his farm as the mechanic does to his shop. ind not expect to work three or four months and then take his ease the rest of the year. That farmer will succeed who takes the paper and digests what he reads, and is not afraid of new meth ods of industry. He will succeed if it is his intention that whatever he sends to market shall be the very best, and so made and put up that yhm seen it will be captivating for its freshness, cleanlincs and purity, and will be un hesitatingly taken on account of ' hi well known character for honesty of weight, measure and count. Those who hare farms may think themselves fortunate, for although tliey will not thereby find sudden roads to wealth, they will certainly prove that persistent farm labor will bring a sure reward. It is worthy of notice, that th ad venturer and speculator, with blasted hopes and shattered health and fortune, have in the end to come bsck to the farm for bsalth and safety. Agricul ture is th3 basis of national strength and weal tli, and a most certain and 1M eral support to all who follow it intelli gently. Bulletin. Strength and Health. If you are not feeling strong arad healthy, try Electric Bitters. If la grip has left you weak aul weary, use Elec tric Bitters. This remedy acts directly on liver, . stomach and kidaeys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. If you are alliicted with Kick headache, you will find speedy and per manent relief Ly taking Electric Bitters. Ono trial will convince you that this is th remedy you need. Largo bottles only SOc at Khittz&Co.'s drug storo. ' f a 1 . ulJi i ; France, Italy and Sweden have been selected ai arbitrators-in 1 the dispute between the United States and Great Britain, growing out of trie Behring seal fisheries. ; i CAPT J. U. JOH NSTON. To aw. whom it may ctxks4i t.ako trrvai pleasure in test If - lntr to ih; -nu- uAis cjuahtVs of the popular rcmcuy for envptUittai q the skin, known a P. P. i I suSm-ii for Several e.irs vrlth aa unsightly and riisaprrouWc eruption on my face, ami tried various remedies to rc-move It. none of which accornpllslied t lie objivt un.i!! this Talu.-tble preparation wais resorted tit. After tai- injr three bouirs in accordance sWa dlrocMlons 1 am now entirely cured. J. D. JMi.nston. Of the tirm of Johr.stou fc Ovmlrv's. - SavannVa, (ia. V. V?'. SAVES I .IF ft. A proiuiuout S.-ivnnnuhUn. fonmrir sunerl?;ten- SATt WII.l. 1.1 V E KffKKYKKj lent of a railroad. s.i: "I h um crippled In my feci ami arms so tbst I could not w.tlk without crutches, nor eat. without having a servant tq fcotl me. 1 trlfd phasic!. ins everyv-.-'oero, but to no purpose, aedttaauy went to New York, w here iTy doctors at oiw time decided to ampuUnt riy ana, i-ut tmni that coue 1m raclfi-able.. on account of a wound I had rtvelve.t diulaj?' the war. l r;i timed to Savannah a complete wreck, anci my case seem ingly hopeless. As a forlorn hope 1 began to take P. P. P., and am rejoiced to u.y thai after usinv: three beetles, my limbs bszL to straighten out, my appetite and healtn soon returned, and 1 now teel like a new man; really, as it 1 hacj been made over again, and as if I could live Jortsv r so ions: as I cau et p p. V." ' Tills jfeutlSmau will not j'.ve h'., nr.rhe f-r puoll catlOD. but authorizes us 10 refer raiyl-edv to itiin for a Tfrtitc it ion of tlicse faet. wl; will appiv to US. VeXytni!3-, LIPP.M AN MHKOS., " ' . VVlifiit sale I;rui;gl?t! s, ' -' . ; Prorrieierjjot l. P. V. ' Sijvann.i h, Gi.. CONSUMPTION CU11ED. An old physician, retired from pnulica having had placed in Ids hands by an East India mission ary tue form a! a cf a simp!? vr-yet abl remedy fo: tho speedy and pernianeni. cure of (Wusampilon, Hronejd.tis, Catarrlu -stiima stud a'.j 'ihrnnt aim Luag A Sect Ions, also a po:'i: ?vc and. radical care for Nirvu DebitiTy an-'? all Xcrvousi i :omplal rt. afior luyiiisr tested its wonderful euratt" powers in thousands of cases, luis felt it ids tui v to mat e It known to his sulTerlncr fellow?. Actual ed by tlds motive and a desire toilet e humiiliisnfferinjr. I will snd free of chari, to all w ho d-irc ir. this reclpej in tierman, French or English.; wit!', full di rections for pieoariuv- and usins. Scfifi bv mall b addressing with si amp, naming liiis piaper, V, A. ,vovs., svu I'ov.trs J:X'k, ItocLester. si V. ls.iy VThea Baby was sick, re care her Oistorla-. When she was a Child, sha cilcd for"tjastorla VJen she Watne Miss, she cluns to Cantoris. Wbien sho bad Cl ildrea, she gn- j thekJi C.istoria I the United States. at Cairo, tells asEorv related to him by Arnbi Pasha, of n Moslem priest who once asked all tljoB ot hu cengregalion who loved God find feared thfir wives to stand Up. 4Un stantly, says the narrator, "the whole gathering rose save one. When the priest observed this, he approached jtb solitary exception and said: 'I see tha you re ruaiu seated. Is it because yod d- not love UHt., '2s o,' - answered jthr man; 'I love God.' Then is it because you do not fear your wife?' 40u tin contrary,' was the' reply, kl was unajble to n?e because my vvife gave me such a beating this morning that I rui almjoat helpless.1 'Now there,' concluded the Arabi, 'was a man in the vurv position ot iuypt to-day, with Her back stil sore from the stripes laid upon her ;bv the nations which are bidding her ire- joice. - The end of human life is not plejis ure but duty. . He who sets out wltl the fixed determination to have ": good lime" is sure to be disappointed God h as so arranged matters that sel- l! ,.l J J? i 'if ' t'i . U u.sii.'iess ueieats itseir. ine,most mis erable creature on earth is the one that is perpetually trraspi njr after his own advantages, and neglecting or tramjp- ling under toot the claims that othejrs have upon hint. It is more blessed to give than to receive. The purest joy is that which Hows from a benevoleilt deed. The easiest way afterall . though its ilillicultifs sometimes appall us, the way ot duty faithfully- performqd toward God and our fellow-men.4- Xashville Advocate The English Parliament was opened with the reading of Queen Victorials speech. The Queen referred to the agreement concluded with the United btates denning the mode by which the isputes regarding the seal fisheries in Behring Sea. Much grain has already reached the famine-stricken . provinces of Russia." and it is the general opinion in St. Pe4 tersburg that the distressed districts will now be enabled to hold out unlil spring. - LEMON ELIXIIi. A Pleasant Leaion Driak.' For Biliousness, Constipation nnd Ma aiia, take Lemon Elixir. For Indigestion, Sick and Nervous Headache, take Lemon Elixir. ror SIceplessiK'ss, Nervousness and Heartfailure, take Lemon Elixir. For levers, Chills and Jobilitv. take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of t he. above named dis eases, nil of whieh rise, from a torpid or useaseu n ver.sloniat.i, kidneys or bowels. 1'repareU only hv Dr. II. Mrzlev, At- anta, Ga. 50e, and $1 hottlesat druuidsts. . LEKON HO? DROPS Cures all Coughs. Colds, J lonrscnes.s. ?Nre liiroat, lironclutis. I'neumoni:i. Hemorrhage and all throat and lung dis eases. An elegant and reliable preparation. 25 cents at dru-rmsts. Prepared cnlv by Dr. H. MozUy, Atlanta, Ga. The of this country have made up their minds to reform th government constitutional! v. Beth r et them do it while they an in the constitutional mm d. Tribune. Julia H. TohnMorrrSinrorrs P O.. S. C, wrlti; tlmv-j connnr-i to mi hert. T-.f lmhi Uh;e. M j S' -r.-lp-la.w gni ;ae ono-h;Uf ioz."n boi tles of notanli? Jlloeil Balra. which cntlrflr cured me. r.n I ukr you le publish this for the benefit of liners xuncnr.g m like manner." Direct txes are heavy burdens. -upon the people; but they are a mole hill to a mountain, compared witifindirect axes m the shape of interest and pro fits. Iowa Tribune. remnnn t! trria'if M i'ffw sr ttf ToenroconhtipatJon piirglnar ih low- lfchclrt bo aToidcl; It Trcaken.ntN.-lr I power or motion. A Kontle n-rtnt KT fWec.! oily rrqtifrr l. TnU'a Tiai t,ncrnMiiRro preprtrcl -rlth Ppeciai riews to tho permaneHt uro "( Cut cr a inn urt! p; rs io tlio pert CCSTfVEWESS and KEA3A.CHE. yrhoyaro ?nild anr! romuia In th T-6I ten until thry art on the llvor, caau a natural flow of bilo and t!seir touin proportiealmrart jiowerU tlia bo.T-fc3 U to rcsnora wnhcalthr accunarli. rosalt from the use of there littles nil:. PROFESSION A L CA1WS. R. LEE WRIGHT, . ATTORNEY AX LAW, SALISBl'ltY,.X. C. Will practice in all the -'ourta.of Rowan and adjoining counties'. -Prompt atte'nltoi: '.;ivcu to all matter; pertain iiif to my professroh Feb. 12, 1 si I . A. S. HEIU8, Attovivoy J.t 21i.-cr, SALLSJiUUY. X. (.. OiTice'ih Darts' k V.'iley corirer of Main aud InnX ; fiiaiik buil4u!i2 Vis. Will iira.:- tie'e in Coarts.of Rowan a'ii'if aijoi!tivpr co 1'rornpt an4 earef n attcntio-ii jr'ne! to ; iii frf-. me. entrusted to colli et ions. to rrtrc. - Special attciit'a tiven Fonpth Sale cflriilsr LfLfe ;. Pursuant- to a i.i-cree . id" ii'ian Court. I will sell at tin.- (..'ouit lio'.isc in lienor d'oor i;i JSali.-bury en Monday the 14th day of March. 1892, the following vaiuabie lanu- of C ( '. Kri-ic"- (lectasc'l, situate at.and near M. 'ernon. iScotcIi -Iri.-sh towtisliiii. Kowan county: No. 1. Cont.iini!!jr 4V acre-, more- or U;j. inclui'.in the Krider Ikcne.-tcad, Flouring Mills, Saw .Y1U1?. Cotton ;ia "honr e;c. Solen- water power. lii ls to opeii ;.t l.o.'o. ..No. Adioinini;- No. .' 11;; acres, more or le-s, on wit IS SforC hoUic. small dwelling. ;v lvinsr betwi-i u W'llk .-oro . lioad. buckey's Li?-, and'-Fnurth Creek. Ti;:;ms: One thkfl caj-ir. t,a!anc: in eonul installments at b', ami 1 i . i . i ! i 1 1 s . Ii.tcVi-.-j at per cent, on dofi-rred p-tvni.-t.E-. Title rr. served till, pureliase money ;s all j:.rd. Piat. and descriptions may In- sven at the office ol on att.c. ncv. Tlie'o. F. Kbit:,,. F. ::ifd is;t-j. S Snuon Wolfe. ex-Consul-General ol v. General :: -Directory. i COUSTY GOVERNMENT. Clerk Superior Court, V G Wntsoia. Sberiirj Jas M Monroe Register of Deeds, II N Woodson. Treasurer, J Sauvl McCubbius. Surveyor, B C Arey. Coroner, D A Atwell. 1 Coramissioners, V L Kluttz, chairman, Dr L V (t'oleinan, Cornelius Kcstler, J A Stewart aud I F Patterson. Sup?t Public Schools, R G Kizer. .Sup't of Health, Dr J J Summerell. Overseer of Poor, A M Brown. . f TOWN. ' . . Mayer, T CLinn Clerk, D RJnlian. Treasurer, I H Fo'ust. Police, ti II Shaver chief, J F Pace, C W pool, il M Barringcr. Commissioners North ward, C F At well, D MjMill-er; South wait1., 1 It Julian, N tt McCiuress; East ward, T A'Co'ush enour, Jne Movie; West ward, K J Hol mes, H TiTraulham. j CIIUnCHES. Mothpdttt Services every Bunday nt 11 a ni and 0 p m. Prayer Hteeting every Wednestlay at p in. Rev Dr. W II Leith ptvsto'r, Sunday Bctiool every Sunday afternoon at o'clock. J W Mau ney-, sup't. Presbyterian Services every Sunday at 11 a m and S:o0 p ni. Prayer meeting every Wild nest! ay at 8:30 p ui. Itev J Utnnple, li I), pastor. Sunday fpclioo! every Sunday afternoon at 4 p in. . J Kurnple,sup't. I Lutheran Services every Snndav-atll ;i m and 7 p.m. Pravt-r ' mectitiir cverv AVcdtiesday at 7 pm. Ilev Chas 15 King, pastor. i Sunday school every Sunday afternoon atopni. H G Kizer, sup't. Episcopal Services every Sunday at 11 & m ami 6:150 p m and Wednesday at G:aO p m. Uuv P J Murdoch, rector. Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at 3 p iu. sup't. Baptist Services every Sunday morn ing and night. Prayer meeting every Wednesday; night. Kev N S Juues, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday at Q a.m. X S Jones, sittt't. Catholic Services every third Sunday it 10 a i.i and 7V p in. liev Father Josenh, nastor. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a ni. Y M C A--Iievotional services at Hail every Mtmlay at -l;o0 p in. Business meet- in r tir.-t i hurst av niL'ht in i rv wm.tli , JI Foast, pres't. ' : - j LODGES. Fulton Lodgo No 99 A F & AM, meets ! ever',' Jit st :it(l thu d 1 nd-iv nirhl. i futh I noniii. yj ii iNeave, W M. Salisbury Lodge, No 24. K of P. meets e very Tuesday night. A 11 Boyden, C L' paiisbury J0(lge, ,o 75, K of II. meets every 1st nn 3d Monday night in each monm. C 1 Jiernhnrdt. J!clator. Saliahury Council, No 272, Koval Ar- cantun, meets eyerv i'd and -1th Monday niglit in erx-ii mo:uh. 11 G Kizer veueut POST OFFICE. OiTjcs hours frora 7:W a m Lo f).r0 p m. Money order liours 9 a m to 5 p tn. Sunday 12:15 a in to 1:00 n ra J H Iiamsuy, P M. Buclclen's Arnica Salve. Tho best salve in tho world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Salt Khcum, Fever Sores Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2.r cents ibox. For sale by T. F. Kluttz & Co. For th first nine months of last year the total number of emigrants from Italy was 220,00U, nu increase of ril.OOO over the preceding year, Of Mi is number 125,000 were permanent i?mirants. s: - Bs&n li Citr&d SCROFULA. ULCERS, SALT IL VUtga RKEUK, ECZjEMA. every foifitof niijHonant SKIN E5JUPT10N, be sides being etfceclous iri tdr.tng up the ,8)itenTand: restoring tha constitution, when impaired frem any cause, its almost supernatural healing properties justify us in guaranteeing a cure, if directions are followed. OLn ! rflCC "Book of Wonder. BL003 BALM CO , -Atlanta. Ga. W i -V .l P" T. TT'LTl' . 7 ' X r. . . . . FOR ALL " K t BLOOD and ski ni i DISEASES I II 13S ! SW .T; 'u Steam, Air and 'V'aciiiiin 'i tal of VERTICAL PISTCfl.; ... .Or : c - 1 t'V";-: The Pump lU'iiiif purpose Tie A I o 1 .1 V &m v .V feiJr ft. r. . - -. .. - .-. . - --v ; 3 f ' - .." - --- :.f.tinf.iiir.a 1'. Ki l l 1 i cr. mm VMM timpls ia Construction. Pci uiaasnt in Deration Easily Applied. Its Skill- tul Lte Ouichl 7 Learned. The El -rm:.i e I::, an t-istrnnem for tiio CURE OF OlSEASc WITHOUT I;ASK! on ic v.- theories ur tbo cause and rare of 01- .i r. ti .a-.i.." v itti the f-lectrleal ;ua n:airni tie t' f the o--a.' tiie KascHsttrronnb."-ii !n (fie aiiuosp'a-re. ntnuiia, Vi i e oni!LiUi.s".it ld . not el'rtrieity. :-skask Is .iiuplv j;". 'lred v:ta!ty. TLp i-;if-T-tro;-ols'' ''o.-staie ad. i.i t' t.ln- v liaittj arid "ni;. a--,:.-,ts Naoire in '('.(' t-.-nj'. (( tniow .-ff t',- troable. a l'f l-ook. dsc.rtbUa; trtmrpf an! cna tatida troru ali seethe s, nrni ro-- lUc cur of all .UseuseS.-iaallct! free. 'dress ATLANTIC LECTOPC!SE CO. a.nir.ion, o. u. Citui lesion, . C , Atlaata.Ga ITT'?.! H r' xrc vv hAk -N EI-: vol's. bKuru- Ii S'. n , i"iii i-L;r 01 h t S vj l-Oln. MINI) and MAMiOOU. e:m.u lrr.r! drains u-non t ir ii..iiv i f Tr. lite- nj-a.i.-he. Uae aciie, reaonu brrari'?., Mnkntv r.f Mt-tj"ry. I'lmpbs i-pra iti Faee, nnd all the rfTw.-fs ; fading t.o drly tiprav ijuri; umpt! n or Insanity, s.-nd Jjook OFLIFF (seared) tree with parti, tdars of a home cure So cure rc -,my. D R . PA RK3, :ci0 N . Cherry St . Nash ville, Tenn. I U i ! A ' , J--a--! XXi Tnn nave a 1 y.B . I iea-taei . i....-K..c-i.fs 'Mifik-i.. k S E U i ft sl 1,1 'u"n' l:-"nl. is ami disp'a.-e- v-A.r,,entsof ihe Vor.ib and Sexual tr- . , , .ir-.s, Harrennes.n. I.r-ucorrlxt'a, etc, - SI)"liid Send f", - (,;ia ;, Hik.kofLiKF " "-ea"' free with pari-nlars for i.oi.lceUre V'.ruV-'m'.iW . S-eienilf,,; (i; ..iir.eali-n-.S, TnUmbcd Evpei ;-i. , l-ai-etul IM.u-ms.- i Honest !Cepr.i-v1t 't'ons-re vr"'N'1' '(.'.'s:'-'-' A.;0ressC.W- PARKER. M.,).. 40 ,N. t h'-rry, N.tsi ill-, T. r.n. '"'"pSrORMITlES! f'ros kyes. II Ur Mp, urvaiiire oMiifr-pifc .X na. -., Hip .Joint ins :isi'. and nil dcrorinjUcs(if the I Ian-Is. Aims: k'sani l;'eev radi.-.alH-CiKt-sl. ; DISFiGUKEMENTS. : t sup.-i ;;n.vs. NaV.'VJrit;.X!arl.s. Moles.' ,Vi? pnj u-l'-s-,)v an, ,K r: , !Iy remov.-'f:- trid.tor valuable i re.-ul.v '-.ii i i.f i!m',i:,. AddrehS. .' J CV. pa fi K ER.-M. p., ?'.- N.Vlnfrry, Nafehvllto, Ten a. every variety! and ! 5 I (mpnKeN'WN'ntcn and w.ip sun-rtr 9 ' ' fraSfv K ILr lltcuoa - vald i -cc. and Ir;tn, how thev can S SV H&J . " ' ! -v sil.r'''. 'slivnic, '.I'enn. H'tler vrrti? t'TZ m feS ls4 lJ I ii-aiar norisontal;,Pistoa. . I'-,....--"--' ; : ' " r 'vti -. . . . rrrt Wi t ' ,, vv T "l2.-';9! 5Sf-'- - most'm)Ie, di-ralilt- and cflbctive in tlio markc-t for Mini', Qtmrvicf - rie JVoavorics, Faet ,vr.'( s. Artesian and -t: 1 1 (j l-al intui u fa el r? rvrm tor (.atalnrruc. S ClIIEON STEAM PWfOM Umhm nil 0. Tifniiil . iafe-i ,.v. incinnond....... BurKC?lll6 " Keysvlllc. ...... Ar. Itar.vnie.... .... LlGrccnstDoro . . .,. Lt. Goldf hero Ar. Knlclgh Lt. Hainan IQrh.Am Ar. Oreensboro Lv. WinatOH-SalenT, Lt. Oreensboro ..... Ar. Salisbury.., i So ru 1 ISri is,; l! 4vStaie8TtUe...; v, ABrrevine , 44 Jlot fprlI!ga..... Lv. Salisbury,... Ar. Charlotte sparanltTr?.... reeiivHle....... AMnta- Lv. Charlotte. -.. Ar. Columbia . :. Ar. Augusta ... . 8 .'.8 4 J - In !00 K - J'l. e it soil-: la; j LV, A ULTIMA . " t'olumbla ... . Sr. Chut lot to io 5 Trlli Lv. Atlanta Ar. Charlotte ...... Lv. charlottes Ar. MlibOur.T ..... . Lv. Hot !rnnga.... ' Asf;'vl!lc fsUrtcsvllW Ar. Sa"4sbur.r Lv. Salisbury Ar. Greensboro Ar. Vjnswn-Sidem Lv. Greensboro.'..'. Ar. iXirliam.... " ltalcih Lv. Kalt-igb . Ar. GoJdsT-oro. ,T. ., Lv. OreenSboro Ar. Danville " Kevsville 'V i!;rkevlile; " -Wehraonij:....: t qo ; 3 iy, t Ijil- IS 2(i , ?'4' .. - ' uu. ; I::;1- p-iii'!!-' - .-ISO 1'5' t 'j: .! "0 . -"K y k l' 1 i ! 5 2ft i 'an t Dalty except Sunday. i. asm net on and sominres.i-r. v. . ':.r Rd; -operated'. between Wash's; !n;; h'Ui illy, leaves WashVirgton i ca V" 2,,,5lfe. a. m.. lireensbfiro a. m s .i.-u.wi ?aT-tU Charleete 0.4S a. in., arrives AilaB-'. i. turn: n- leave Atlanta. 1.2' p n,; i'JJ, m- t- rrrlvrsprinvnifl t. a. m . I.variiw, i. u asbiiiKton s-,33 a. m. TJiroiu. i, v. V-' a New York to Nrtf Orleans, a Is" ije-u'!!! Ilinnn,! Mi ;?: rl...'i.i ,' . " n S5! Nu. 9. LeavluK f jr. r, ' ,Jf '''ai 5.40 p. tn.. rtally, tMakcs eomiccil. u at hurt for Oxford and Ke svl'ie. ' ppt 1 'Os. 3and ."Jconneel at It-.-e.nie wt r- West Point and llal'.inw daily vswdis 1 - SLFEPING-CAH SKI 'VICE; -"Ta Trains 9 anil lo. Itdbnaa !tMTa:sliM twen Atlanta anr: -New .-tk ; b.nvf,.n n J ind AupUila. and Crecnsb-.i'j tv:a si,,t!,rJ Lmixvitic. Tc.r.n.- "trtiir- on u and vi b'-tween Ri.-h,;;,.!: naU-h-h atid tireensbo:-., nun I til'-nnnn-rcrfv ers lntveen'ew Voik. W ash1 ii'trtit nii-l via' laiiv l ;-lc, Sallsbm v , aait A-tu- l(-f' pc rs be t ArifluW asi ; i : 4 1 : . iT; i i.e.1uKi-u!.a:s, "s tia. Su'p'-rl:itrhleut, a tJii",; ' ' -. CbitrliiUe.sVl A'-. L. TAVl.nti.''.-' V . II. GUKfCN. I".;:. Manager, -1 T. I. Viusiisi, iti-it'i Main, s-,. sba imipnii.t'ii: i iri-!ii'F-i:rtu men aim i: ; rav-oi-s at id'i tiih.- s. ing and ladies ! J- ampOvMihVg a speci:U?v. ') ni e!::;dre!i at their- 1 & stiu.-jH-ii scissors (ii i e him a i-il at IVotu 1 0 -to-15 (-eiit.s a !jnj, Gil A NT TK. ip' vino ULt Kov .n Coinitv Cf... iic .Mdistotie q'.;ti r'.es. Tools. . -., nf K K. 'l'h'iit-t -vi-ltU I ..III .......l-M.n , :...,.. ' ... '" nll-si'in-ilr-s -oriablc v.-lhs for .criiidliiif ro-r ail'l .nwai. I :i H.-jl!!f!-ilcr MHH'liW. Al(lrt iy " . ..i. t. wvvrt, ' Faltli. oi an o. S f Wi'l'it' thf . Waiebinari JOHN A. RAMSAY, civile orcr t:x:n. .'Attends to Railroad "ConstruV'tSoii, NiNft, i Jind .V n of . Heal lUtc, Ct!tnik-i al Wrtter Powers, I'lans for ttie K'rftlionef IJIilti Dwelling and attends to the j tirvU r all kinds of Machinery, liuilding Mxteria,lr, -c. - i: . ' - fe!2 If PMEilKlffil KaIcigh, N. C. Oran of the N. C: ; Stare Althw. Edited by Coi: h.h. Po!k, a.vit.,f J. h. iiarnsey. The .paper will 1 I keiit up' to- (Ii.i usual hidi ' -'standard Snl)i(;rie for it, only pr vetir in fidvanre. r I'l-on ssivp i-Farnifr i TiiTi tbo Watchman will he .sent tn ne" ...ns'.rifers al .Sl.i'0'fjr f.!i !- pers. seriro nowv -MWiii'. ... C;';- uhtnzh K.c. Out Orri'cc rs:0riS4TZ u. a. p ATErOefiC . tr.d v.- cau p,-c-,ir pajonl la to tfuiLaoM ' remote from Wahinsiia, ?cnd motlcl, crawing orpf:v)fn.,'w:h dcacrip- i tlrrVL We; aivis-fif .(atcvcibie or ft . tt vu, s efiv f rei.v Adto. capacity;. " m'i '-' .''.' ; M. .. ' - -- VERTICAL PLUKGl I i;!: i i5i, - J - - - u ri j i q i ' ' A PkkHiMti, ? ll.-)j.t01.dH Tsfwt,"-? "if '.afrpie of .cinal tlT'. firrfin yu Suit. rjzxsii 'PW&GQj rte--i! :.--.-.-5?'- i,ird'r . , ' ' .V i .-..-" . r-.i

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