SALISBURY, N. C., THURSDAY,! MARCH 17, 1892. II- THIRD SERIES- NO720f mwi&m-m m M nil?;- m , WiV-H f VP-V. a 1 . 1A "Viy ?! IP - 4V f TnC FAULT OF THE AGE. The fault of the age i mad" endeavor r;.( rj.s1 . mv mmn larger. "To to height'? that were made toeliml; J . . ft . i- i BStof "stU or a thought .thut is jtinnk . I Jut the new.sMtes which , clever"" i - lam presenting to the people ars r Wc plan to outwit and forestall-Time We scorn to wait for the lldrg worth having; I We want high noon at the Way's dim dawn; I We find no pleasure in toiling and saving s our forefathers: tad m the goou umts gone. Bis JU ( I ' ?fHfarjv a prescript 3w Brooklyn, -N. TT;- Catof?a e-ares Colfc, Constipation. Fovr Lit.---.ncch, Diarrteca. Lxuctatxon, lags V.'ontaJ, ivea Bleep, and promotes di - - .. gestion, . - WItUoill injurious mecicauon. fO . 1 ' i- ri' i so un'reral 8T ,-! v .vt it eeema a vfr.; Vr.d-nw it. JFew art'.e ba Co uut Keep fiswii-i liev York City, i I ... ..l,Aila Ecformed Cliurea- The Cstlv. For Efvral resn r hare recomwndi yo!ir ' Castona, 1 and shall aUays a (.. it Las iuvarSaUy prodacstd teaeScwi result' - 11io Vrlnthrop," litli Stroet a:d 7th Arc, j;ewYorkCtty. rxpivsetl wlien TaHprl with Uio rrpub t'na'.j pify hnve uiiilornne any matc- rii-.-.v.LV-' l hsive trrnwn larger, i not tiikfii hold of hv the U.'pnhlicaa j arty. If they were, I snould be there yet. "Sfune reforms ure absolutely neces sary. We must have more mouey and we must li:ive n jood deal more tnJ it mut ie gotten to tis cheaper IIAZOK'3 LKTTKU. illchard Razor Writes Up I:e Char- lolle Merchants in a lhn:i'irou3 Stjle ai!d Closer With Advice to Far mers. i . .Correspondence of the Watchman. j I took another stroll over tb Queen City this week, first euliin; at the shoe istm-e of Giirth & 0. Their stock of We force onr rose, hefore their season -To bloom nnrt hloj.-om that we may voar i And then wc.ffoni-r iand hsU tic reason -Why perfect huils are so f-w and rare. We crave the g tin hut d3i;3e the gettinz; We want wealth, nut ai reward, hut dower: And the; strength that is wasted in useless fretting - Would fell a forest or huil J a tower. To covet the prize, yet to shrink 'from the winning; To thirst for glory; yet fVr.r the fight Why, what can it lead to at last hut sinning, 'To mental languor and moral blight? 'Belter the old slow way ofstriving And counting small gains when the year L? done, Than .to. use our forces a'.l in contriving -And to gras;ifor plcafures we have not won. Ella Wk.ilr Wilcox. liaf lccn in formed by the city rdder men." - When p'atan, from his Ihmne, rend the news from Charlotte. N. C, to lire effect thut the graded schools had t !rmt up because the bar looms had heen' closed, and-that unless the bar rooms were opened again there would be no more schools in that patriotic city which gave to the comity the ftrst Declaration of Independence, v.e Ufl aprine there was such a shout in tbi infernal regions had not been hear.fcd tiiere fince tne' hour thr.t the hews I have a -'reason able tariff -Jjtw and we!s().iv first class roods are kett ingifwik.-' reached that dark abode that Jesus lutve- better control or tne rau-iiTj'tfv not onlv carrv a liejfrv stock of k had l.-en crncifit-d. tian ever before, so that our people .'shoes is complete; thev have ail sizes can afford to pay.. the interest upon it. from the haUi Oxford No. 1 to mens' These things we must have. We must i.broans No. 12, an-l mi up to mv ize. . avs in the v. Did Lincoln Write Ii? C'inccrni.Mg the oft quoted prophecy altiilusted. U Mr. L neoln ns having lxen written to a frieii'l. a weil devel- i !. knoAS wht-thei!ne-.'. of my i and.ctrmineiice to. paint the town red, u-ker may be. That lSthek husi-j nud you will find Dick or he will find loped denial has b. eii going the rounds J of the r-ress. c!iallfci!Ldn the reform ish t!:e. truth or falsity Following is the disu- press to establish the .-truth of the same ft H To 'cIIut with a nice lne of B( tu i a A.1M it. I) Ci Til r ted .cjiiotation: Lincoln's prediction. Pivsidcnt Lincoln, in answer" to. a friend in I'linois, used the following lamua.iie; "Yes, we may congratul te ourselves that, this cruerwar :s n-.-ariug its clo?e. It has cost a amount of treason the o!d parties are paving no attention to. Th people must do it themselves. I "1 expert to persuade men of all parties to operate with men 5 in order that I may obtain something for the people than I represent, I shall not .i i i i i i2f.-k care to kjioa, wmt tne poinicr. ol co-w ne-'S ::ot nn e To another correspondent the Sena-j tor wrote, in a siiuilnr vein : j "I leeeived an invitation from the; defuoerecy of. Illinois to attend the ra-ifieation meeting upon the elect of Palmer to the Senate, but the invi-l tatioji reached me a d;iy or two after; the time for the inciting. If it ht-v been received before the day of the met ting I certainly should have an-, swemd it politely, suggesting to my) democratic friends in Illinois that my onlv intMVt in them is of a personal charsieter. not political. I have not tak'Mi interest in the democratic party for a jr"at many years and have not iveenHy changed my mind in ref soect. j i. i i . .. .. ... : i i, i '. , ... i J ' ' .A 'O !,IV vnii! wiim lilt: n.-iu'Jii v a hejfvv stock or t uui,-.i sues. Dir a ntm ol or criin cs. onn - - - i- i The children can't be ed::c:i!ed uu- saek?, &c, and everything at rock hot- ! less whiskey is sola ! What an r.dmis od toiii nrices. You will miss that g looking clerk that was formerly with them. I nvan Did: Mason. lut jnt go around and g-t a pint of pro hibition eralicator under vcur shirt ca:iS I In'ive not said so to anyoooy; 1 !K' ('lit 1 i . C.- L. WEIGHT, I'll' so iuout at cosi,: . i ivl ex-imin) our and B;tr ns at. s X r-r-vr -T V "Tl T " i L 1 f 5 V ,L ? -v- V 1- 4 liVV?LtV old sl-id, opposite i rv-b A.JOolT'.. ifU ! 'e y S. U wi-ii- 3 M w -' ; r -rrr A ra-s r"t rr- 5 , ; A H t J r;. EliJUlOTT- ll . A " -- Tf ' - '4 s -2 -,s ' r t: i. . - - K r"..;- . 5 & Y iti-lredvll county Agents for V-. -. " ;V-, Fences, Finals, OiVstings, &c. Graiiitfi aMMarbls Works At wholesale and retail: Own- Iron 1 i g-monuments rIiouU Mr nLlou the Wafcian ai v. hen uuHif. V(pU'.o Sdli'sVmrv and vieiiiity vantminoi: e!uiid'wiUt us. 'Estiimite funiislied gratis. and bioud. The best blood of( the llorter tr American youth has bei-u freely offered upon our country s alt-si that the country might live. It h s been indeed a trying hour for the re public; but I fee in the near future ; risis arising that unirrvis mo and causes me to tremble for the safety cf 'nv country As a result of war er- pwratiorrs have been enthrotn d, as?d an far of corruption in high places will foi-lotr, ai:dxthe niotioy jiower will V. deavor to eoutif.ue its sway by apjie;d to the prejudices of tire people, until all wealth is agt: roga.-d in a few hands, and the, republic, destroy .l. i feel more anxiety for the safety of niy eouutry than ever before, even in th e.jiast of the war. God grant, that my 'fears may prove ground:ei3.'" 1'h? same dispute arose some years ago and was quickly e-jdoded". We I wrote to Cidonel llarjMT. who was at T. L. ELLIOTT at one time law partner witn Mr. Lin coln, and lie semis us a circular con taining part.eidars relative Lo this ques tion. So five;-' lent were the inquiries at on? 'time, before. thaX he prepared' a circular to answer their, all. From it we are informed that the letter which quotation was takeirwavtvr'tK-a to. ami received by Hon. V. K. K"!i-. a native ot Indiana, and a well known politician. It is not ncces-ary to !"pen(i upr n any historian or hio-rnqhy for dal:; nf this nature. A man i ke- Lincob: was h'-id ihoWsrvd. of fru'nds to whom he -addressed fri-u iiy let-'ers withoni the atterd-.nt insignia of a private sec retary or copy press. Whv do not some of these h.ilarious have nor an? nor:;:et any p-rson e'se i ;v so, ruid it is wliolly untrue, i do not exp--ct to sit alone among the w.'-mber of the Senate, with a chip oiouio-r sut'e-tiuv;-! ua- i jmji holier than thou" to every man I h f nrn to see. but I do expect t l.-e ajt aet'v earnest, woi kin'g meniber oi that be-dv, proposing as many meas urss ;s no-siide along t he iine of re i'er iK wlrch v advocate, and ohtanj iiv all the he'n that is nossilde. I dp not expect to pay any attention, to the noli'-ics (f mv fellow members. What 1 M'ian l:v thr.t is.ihat- I do not expC'.-i to do anything from the standpoint of a p.aTtis to, cilber a.i a-r-'pubucat'! or as a democrat. 1 h--ve grown bigger than tae narl v harness. I am 'on the out- th t -it i tin you. i promised them l wouia can ami get a new pair of shoes as soon as I papt for m 3r old ones. They gave me credit on my account for the promise. I called in at the one price store of Ja. Harrison & Co. 1 thought 1 w( u!d take a peep at the white mouse. Bridge's informed me that he had taken it to his den. ile left two or three customers to talk to me about iris lonely way of living and his inability to baiter his condition, lie said that neither his riches1 or good looks seemed to be any advantage to him in the way of marrying. The only information I could get about business was that the other clerks were at work and that they had a good sjoek. I never liked to talk to a man abouthis troubles when I er.n't help hi in and I too!: my self out.. I dropped into Pi':"!!-'- & Long's phce. Weil there is where I found out why so maiiv poor white foilrs li d- old cloth-:;, they have all the good clothes in there. Their store room is about a fo'ir-h'r-e farm potato t1 e. s'"1 of natch and it. '3 ft ol -)-ds. John Fharr met tuo -and asked meab'ut t he Alliance. S id he w es taking on ad vice aiul nract iein 0 ' onom :. Ib' had hunto-i' up all his Onfoderite money and soal it to a relic hunter an1 li?.d dropped the proceeds into the contn buttou box and did not . draw on the store la-!. S niday at -all. Hfi carried me thro-.igh and showed me all si.s. 1 col "s of salts from a live si h's am useful I li 0fe. 1 d- ' ' .1 V4Vx i ; llttvitvrveatlv i'ncreas,Hl Uiv facilities for handling and K, COAL" tho cning season, I -would now; again respect- sk-it 'anyHnd" all orders ont-ru.sted to me, promising to intislifyou promptly with what cbsal you may want at thedowest urkit prh,.. In order to obtain advantage-of the lowest sum i'r p;; you ."should at once send me your orders, liemembcr :ljt .huiidlo onlv the best grades- or screened Coal, including fe'f'iI Ash. suitable for urates, stoves, heaters, vkc. ;Ak).kcvi. uti hand at ad times the finest grafe of blaeksmit.i . -..J. ALLEN BROWN. ? . i. .... 0 'r: tier, ami e:-:p'Ci io tiuuim ere." AmcriaDi XoxcouforiKfst. Tho Kh'd of a Wife Ton W r.ijt. -Tho following advice to yoor-g min contemplating life's most nn.msjn tuns step is tendered by" Bob Burdetrc: J "You say von demand a domestic. woman as vour wife.. Ii ih.o so, marry Nora Mulhg'a" , y-w. laundress1 daughter. She weais copv- hide rho-'S is -uiltb ss of e-os-t., neyer a sic -v lay in ii r !it. takes jtn washing, goes o:;i hoos-ele-nM::. lin-i i-:u Tor a faniiiy of cl;i-lren, he; mother ant three see;i"ii men 'Ajiio board with her. I dot. t. tlrnk -she would m irry-you, i-ecaus--(n Ib-agpn, t'ie track-walker, is her style of ncn Let ua ex'uniue into t r qu !l;!ie;i!io:is an a motUd huslr.nd after your own matrimonial idea-, my boy. Can y e sheuhh-r a barrel of hour : nd carry i dovn cellar? Can von saw and split mar i-o say more ryes will a right fifty i. dollar unless sir I 1 L U I I I ' ii J 1 .Ml nan t ie ordmar Irish p' I! I I; " -o O- !o vou v.'Hi nversee upiiii i oi ia;.. stoik of good? in a half day. hr. d 'n-o:g says he does all his trading at that iinu--e. I vwmt over Jo L. J. Walker & Co.'h nianiiuotii grocery store. I always haven good time over there. They have an ext-ai-ive country trade and dames is a pretty good AlFaneeman a ;hcv is whee iis trade comes from. And i hen 1 am allowed a great many i i MV cs ai iii-' lions-'. l uey neei rie to sit down and he .only sion ! It simply means this that in order to get money to educate the children of the present da)' we must sell to the devil and eternal damnation the boys, some of them at leat, who were educated a few years ago. It means that the father must see his grown-up and educated son made a drunkard in ordrr that his younger hoy may be educated. It means that a thousand young men inNorth Car olina must he sent to lie 1 1 drunk every year to educate another thousand who are to be emt to hell a tew hours later, ft menus that we fathers, for the sake of a little rr venue, nie willing to sell our sons to the devil by the wholesale. Sjiirit cf the Ayr. - - - up r-' 'i ii An Incident f:i the Fairly Life of Kx-.'Joveritor Iloideti, ( The. death of ex-Governor lloldei recalls an inrident connected with his early life that is very intere-tir.g and calculated to inspire the hopes and ambition ot K' boys, (joac nor no!a!i related ttie mcaie-::. to me on me occa-ion witii his, accustomed mod sty. Whm lie was the oflice bov (pointers nevii a's ttiey are so:r.:tims called) in the UeWikr oillce at- II di:-- boro one of his duties v. as to deliver the Recortlsr to lbs town .-e.bscnbc-rs cn each publication day. One cold crispy morning young lloidep. started out to deliver his papers, ill clnd and bare footed. At the piUba! home of a vry promise:-, t un.n breakfast had,t h-ien a n a n e I. 1 he good lad led the shivering 1 .U into tlie dining ro-.uu and told him lositd.own tty tho tire and warm. At the table sat a tall, handsome youth, freph fro?nf laurels won at p Chr.pel Hill comiueneeiuwnt, at. which he had recently trraduated. 'T h okel Manning Letter. corrcsjptidf see cf the W tclirD m. - Ldito3 Watch if an: As it 1as Leeft; some time since, I hare written any- thing! for your valuable psrV, FiFaf j tempt to write you a few lins and tell your how ourAlbance h getting along. We are coming along in the middle of the road. We haven't as many nieinlr.5-rs some (if the others, but we are solid and ftrni! on the Ocala de-f mands. We erdereT tn h:irrpl .f rish pota'or, two liarrels of sneahnmr-i keg of soda and one sack of rice". That Jocks iike Salem' Alliance is on a . boom backward, as the write? of the? Best Milk items in-the Heraid of reorunrv 221. shrm-d "M. S." I hink he has missed his mr rk. cr hz& been sleeping a long time and has fust- one up to iiuu nwn?eit ic.:r rzzrs bc ind. He doesn'-tr k.rp anvtliinsr- about Salem Allrm. f, except what .., i f "auiiiruRiii iiefis irom some arono creeping along behind and not know- -ing himself whether he-belongs to the Alliance or not.. He said the heif h-- borhoouVyvas troubled with pill agents, and wanted to know what sort would next. We will say that the nxt will be a cigar agent, if the writer is not misinformed. - So will leave him: maybe he'will wjtke up .and put spurs to his muL and get in sight of the profession in 'Noveailr, 1 The furmej-3 are getting IHong splendid: most of theiu are "through breaking lank for corn and are'.bu-sy-:raking eompxist for their cotton, f'here wiil be -les- cotton planted thu year than has been ia a long-tiuuT i lie farmers are not ordering any.fcr- .ers i nis spring, wnicti is a good at. tllO'.lL'h;. ilOW said tt;e governor, 'and h'nnv I would be if 1 had his opportunities and then I thought. wh?.t. a gulf there is between us and how uneven are cur chances m But I determined then and there ace with hi in in liffi m v i n i-eas. one ton -e. three-h-vT'ed C'hail If it is occupied when i.e-ni-'kes the tetiow g t c -,k fin t -i" iarn e.-'fle ol a it. Jan: f. I!!, e an.'.i in tin) go in get n r 'PC: ?i! ,d t.dks io nr 1 i . . i i i i uc (MVS m"1 10 P-.C: 1 i . -i 1 i IP l i )S 'i-n-,..! -ii!,! hi:;; lit hrokeil carrtv al O'li tiie counter':" When he thinks I have Ssen in long Alviu Jadin cigar, an enough he g vc S U1C a: id I t ike it. as a jTcn'rv whoso readihy dispute the on- j t-ui conla oi hickory rood in the fall gin of the p.nphecy, dispute as well ! g0 ns to itavo ready fuel all vvintlr ; heTulhilmeii! thereof? W by do y,..u j ('n!, y,j:! S;, t ii; n hair a--re of gr.uinu not dispute, the j-tatemcnt a- trioutefi io j Salmon V. t?iia-e. to the enact tnat ction of the national banking t,; 1 1 an to'- a gii will take ? Do vou know the lane t-istf out 1 tern, ami can you y iicli tin -f the e;;-i-.ttle leak He never fails to adc no savs u!lO to 2 to call again. Mr. Johnsing h,i !:o trouble in gelt ing sixteen onnc :ti the pi u:;d t here, an prices. ' b r. ruck uottom act was the greatest, mistake of lus'btV. j ;,, t j!.e kii.chen rooi? Can you bri: 'en at- :n tu go the tired and .larted I white r i rou t drug stor. Why not dispute the hu"l c rcutar , mnu a pane of pa.- rii-r or ; f i? . !iy:iih rr iceei.-s a l.ilti line ,s a full Ciai line . 1,1 r When a- no :vsp oe tiivd li' gives i hr di ug.- f' r every bo! v - - r new jiaprr nr n. 'lit-! i UlleS ill I r -e nose or j n . i-i 1. 1 iiver eaica ur.-g, r and nrcoc luugre sii.rc: tji; t give us immediate relief. t , i i .1 . hat I r;ou!d keep i . ife's strn When he went to leave the good "Wait, Hil IK and get a and t hen add re -i-ing her adv Said :nt,' m.ji vounr, handsome visitor he sai 'Tommic, butter a biscuit, rnd baud it to Bi'd:?." The voting n an re.rli y co:i)hed and as the ragged news b -v .falked oil' eadng hi? l i t ml wit li .much i t i : . .. . 1 .... .i . .. . n-iin r-p rp':" a i -- mho; . m : u,. I'hittv years later the bey that. i-:av - the biscuit waa defrat d tor g v :arc .f North ('ar.dina by the -a:uo l.t'h i.a-efoitel lad to w::e.n:t v,-.;.; .;pfi. - t U. Avi'uhi! in :! ('hr-.ui. !.: mM-1 -T :r -- . - - A Pleasant Lra:n Urinlu For ri!ioii-nc-s. -i'.iustii -at ton ate! Ma- For I ndict siitU;, !: . ! i illiiH take Lctnca: I- .. . a i .i i I t ! '.- tl l 1 " i ill . i ;. riionu it would he a goo 1 ide4 for the farmers to abandon the use of fertili. ;-s altogether. Tiw-y liavo ., ruined ninny farmers. - "" Last Tiinr.-day this place had a run away scnepe. lit, I horsed tl.u time. -dnhii C.tub'e weiil: to I.I. Bo.-st's home when the old folks were away. He' found Ids intended engaged at thq wash tub, and told her thai then was a good time to have the knot tied. Sho began to gather together her personal property and ,Joh:i went for a hack md returned in a feiv minutes and then lad whip, for th parsonage ot St. I'sul's church. When they arrived Bro. Croiik was not at home atid could not b found. They then drove to Mill Bridge, and had the knot t'ed. They then returned horae happy, leaving ' che old to.K.s at noma soniownat dis appointed to find her gone. We wish, them- a happy future. 1 see" much in the old party psporii ' bout the Alliance going into lh third party, and throwing slander at the leaders. H by is it? Is it because they have a hatred against the in an who compose the order or are they trying to scare the Aiiiancemen into the-rapport of the 'old bosses. Now, readers of tho Watchman, I would warn you to keep our eyes open, for the party bosses are at their QaT game trying to "find ouu who i1 the fljrougest man in aneigh :erhood so ttiey cm get hi in to work f rtb ir mini, and jtromise, to help nominate bro tor some office if he will do all he e-:n -for t lie party. If Kuch a man cjup-s around give hici to under sii d vou have your owrtdnisinoss .oi d are rb!" to attend toit yaurself. W ir) is to blame fr the third party X.a ' ne hut the lenders of the demo- J.-iaMc auo repubiic.-.n p-rties 11' i'.OI For. r-La Ileal leailur Far Fevt i-i N I." I and Neiver v..e--fc.s r.n i;oouity, tal:c Thev I'im Ladies for natun.l sosd thon-u-i a, ijc'pvi, lake L-anm: Kuxir or- -1 mnm n V7t t t ti via s Tani If U 1 S tl -4 . 1 r-u '-. rS' isi. WA ii M V. Why not dispute the calamity howls i p,,tt.v apd repair damages in tlie jsit of Webster, '-I'hillip.". Stewart, Joie s, ! sin -1; ,;otit wmdiov. ? Can yon hang Plumb, Governor Mariin of Kau. a-., ! s()i;;f, rl:eap pajer on the kitc'p t; ? and. others, all in the same tenor .iss the , Yil., Hx the trout g ib so it, W;'d above-' Gentleman, il don't go. .T'ue ! 'swag? Can vou d-. a'"' evideucs are th.'t Mv. L'rcoln wrcte ul)0Ut the house tnat Con 1 eagan can i y , , talkin" about the mcr- :hase wordsand that the exact fuihli- y dear boy you see that No; a .an 1H cl;i:lts jJi;t .f(),e j co-e I will say a men.t is the iiiglitui l" that disturb.i wnnts a higher type of true man-1 , -:irniP1-: fn taking tiie I find tint. 2.U75 Inrrds ot have been brought to !:. :.!f.z!cv 's h"na)ii fail vou in any of the ah'-v e - :!! ot' v!ii'-ii i as tnun di-ea-vd !iver.-t::acO,kl'hK' sor e;oe. not (lis- d oi .K our repose. j ood. 1 IT' I 11 1 11 1. l't.l. are giau io oe ao e io puooa : ; ui t,e niU! Senator. 1MT r's pasition a d. fried by himself. v Tlie long-bearded Senator ;t to hire nr n to; do . .... - , . (,jn, s work :i )- l me now , but vou want your wi a woman Call uo . I ... 11 J..-...-...i.ll-l.-. rom iVaus s is a man oi sucn e.M ei-, ii-au ve up', my mij.i-.mimiuh .v.,. .... hmce of nu rai character and faithful-' 0f the gir's who play ihe p-ano a ,d aess to the peojee t hat he is always en-1 jp.r so eharmieyjv, whom yo in v,,ur limiied knowl age set a :w:i n I ' ti.l .. 1. a 'Hi- i -s ot taS.iio:i. : re 'aT. v i o, u, rrif.u potatoes have been hrougur fe todoanytliiug.(,h r!J)(.c l!js s)nr n1:,king 8.9 . . . . I ., ' bnsiuds at a cost of SuVaS'.h&i. 'J' tsl.cis a i. a cos i of them have bo n in os titled to a hear ug ALr. iVh'. r baa been quoted as saving: "Whv shouiit i rejoice over tne ele: rigli! t h -s vear Out al i.u re a a p- e li ted for i-e than you use f ill;' a i farmers to n'g . bis fall ! a:,,, -h: .nr. btl- ,(dl o Use . w lb ;t is a!! r. J ni:ig sa i- f:in.if.S forty and only - w his ootato ser-d one year. Fa.vir wi tor: b,o - f i' i i . ( I'n pau o only l y Dr. 11. aloU-y. .a iaat:' U". ";0e. a ad CI lot: lesat oru'gi.-a.s. Lsrxc.:-J ncr Dr.o?5 s- C::rcs a!l t oughs, -(.'obis, lioarnoss, Sore Throat, lin.nehili-s irneueiuiiia, He-:iorr!:.'ge and all throat and lung dis eases. An elegant and reliable, preparation. 2o cents at druggists. Prep-tcd only bv Dr. IS. ifoiey. Atlanta, (ia. When vou have 1-isure, ail c; !!cr to the eitv-ediior, "l wo-. hi n-;f can i -e -ave o:;r pot a!o st--. it Na next f to spe ilc lo you. kA !l right f c up a-.d date in the in'ercst of the few and. against the pinny. I would esy to evr ry laloiiii, vote for no man a.'fur? v ou know iam to be for refenn. Brot her laborer,', whatever you do, ma5e no promin. to vote for this man. or that man. Kicp sacrci riht: lor von to erercue. - I will close fi;r tids time, wisliing on and yoar valuable paper stacrss. if this d ies no! reach t!;u wa.ste baslfc on. New Try W. H. an: oeaU. Ciiichi.t tfi I'-jst. I ' "h tio piicj to Got Hoavmcats.'TomMoaes, ;.'. -V.larsff took"of'VFrdbX.TrAnrE to arrive in a few days We guarantee '"faetbn ia evnii- i-o. .a .n.a ,iiivelv- will but be undersold. Gi-arii to Monxrinerits : . - OTaTi V !'"' . specialty - C. B. WEBB & CO-, , - Pkopiuktor. i Mo-e,ra'ti" W aaunui -Vaen voa wv'r.c tion of Palmer? I have no part or 1JI,band. li" you want to nioijy a i tllat o;ie of money at ho.u -. parcel in this democratic triumph. 1 sit-cla'-s cok -and expen need Je'ti e i . . 0(;. CtUlt. d, suppose we t;v ..... ii'!-,'iv liill II '.oil 'i 1 ,i."f ti-:.: n.v no-aiion inisiind.ostooi i L..,.rt.- d, vour (lurtiug ill tiie 1'ip ia p(diTc-l'y. I shaii represent t ue far mers1 on the cpust ions ff( C :'ng their immediate inteicst-, but on :a y r- . as. , . " SWT ANCT'STRATTOfe pive ! F!iufs- I i-nur I. UK'S f.- ..,:.. i.-4ifVi-. IT i" XJ 1VII 0 IS3A bv the rresent secutiTC Occupies founballding Lnnvaliea m iucii edLcaY ioWSuaf Al WOMEN for success in life. The out took, lot Is most favorable for business opportunities, i iiu demandlor our eraduates is unprecedented. No. vBcatlon ; pupils can cntor at any time with onual aovaiitasc. NeTcr attend a fcliool the tuition Is cheap, tor CHEAP I ry dear; 1 i. means cheap -snrronndinps, inferior timies, rr7 r.fier? NO opportunities for securing: POS I - L'. t !i fVTtt rt,v(.ar orexceil.-tu'e has placed in business more -yonnemen and v.-Vh--'-v v4? b4 V r' ia v,an fll 'imilrtf institutions com bind. Xtatojriand - strictly party qu stio i I shall vote al- ays Wil li i oe : epubiicai s." '1 his declaration occasa mod so much ad.'erse CtmiiUieiit that SiVerd Utters a ere ent to Mr. Peff ta g ; g him ' uore tid' v xpl an his posaniji. To one of hi- coup poudents he nrd, : 1 T i I it' "1 liave ohs. rveu til" C-MUilteiil j ,. m. ,i,;IU:dl ut eo.uumeu thi jiress iiii ihe line of Ihe c.iipp:mrs i jr h:t. tir-d-rV'e)i:ig:int'gfitm Kibiey .i, f di, iwt !.. f. n ri! ... ,1 1 i,-,M- 'fii'ia- Three hollies euic l it l rj in , i i i w ,.: - i linn - . 1 , . , J l . a : : . :.. a .i . o r ! ; 1 l-.v-, , a . S'ne : duni . iiai la-lnllg. ,1'!T !,II 1 Hill" III lll'IIMI 1 I II ; I. V o J Oil lilt. J ' " ' ' ... . , i in ory the girl vou love, with aoupiea hau ls a: d a lace bke V e suu-ii AS. ...,d P..,-iov,. will h ach i er iM tla-.-e things, mv hov. long hefore you 1 le.a-ued one-half of oiir own lesroj jllf.-SIl Cases i it .dl around. Save our potato see l ami all our garden seed just a- .we save cur co'ton sied and cun. What ao you s..y to it ? Kn llAUP UaZ P.S. -I have been employed to h-lp Judg- iMUlum and some thei ineii r-ihlhe court this week Mid 1 will tell .e.. ...a. a,- !., vt ui-ek how we got along. were pu:ic :vid came d ovn l h Clifford, paanu-?r of Idaviiie, . hub, wrilo: "Kb-, tile bitleis dm nu.-'c j vPPi.r." lb- Kansas Fanner.' 1 u i i 1 Dh, had a in imug ... . ... - . ,.;.r'.,i I. ii. ! :l!i.l::g. ;-e on IPs leg o are ah article fir i', wl.i .-h v-iii p- jiear in next week's iss'e. In t.e me intim;.' you m y s ;y bnc-tiy 1 c!gi!l e i i Fscd .1 11! I C ool- laaiii ties o l-Peciae i.uv -- - .a Hi;. -k ifn'.- A: id smiv.f! and well. John riuaiKe: , v-aiaw 1 hir. U:i o y .ave rep-a'edlv skid pabH- !y on Mr-, had live large fever sores on u -p'atbHm a-ialaa t he rapr, ihat n la n leg.ab:cPrs said !ic w,s Xi I h'f. tile rifU.-ia-a:i p:ry 1 brn ;l. i; 1 , i i c. And -a r'Mlve c-.tre 1 hua time. , It was ft-.-.i k na r matlc-r of ' ' ' ' u'v 'ai'iz Co., druggist.-iea-u'e. nip a deno'rn e, wca c -n-'.-a- J W 'ilsat 3It!e I. u. Devil find the todo a a i ag tie rou no ,.ri'"Se an! w mil. r lu-er :g c paragi atdi it her-' eit. a. er -d F.-panitiba. i 1 time s id that anv of ! .-vc not at any opiiivali- Chii-ircn Cry for Filer's Ccstcr.a. 1 e) for ihi Ir-o.M . ' a' .. . haf.. v .. 1 i - ei ?i sa on- ahich ptid into the city treasury tlb.-j (KH) a Y''u". The money derived frum'j th-.'-usp wa- u?-d to p tv the expeme-l a tao ; re i'oi ais Cur-OlJ Fiilc Conpny. "That was a gay old co'.ap.iay that we bcior.ue-I lo. Jie,away haeU in 'O'. wlu-n you arid I 4raa v.a.ii ihe machine.' Do u rcmemhiii th.,i tag lire in lie tei Uow, hue freezing ni,tit w heu titicen peoph.-. d out of tin."..- e.iii-.nng rooms in- ladder in I i.or n'.giit- ht lies;-and !i)v i.ei; dreiaiu iruiini dawn two 'ki ! ' at oace arms, the other shuig to his i . i .... - i ,. .. ,i i- c . ; . i i ii .1-. . 1 1 1 . i . - - ! .f. .1....... from souoirii .;r .-aire. ami .-i.uei co il live e: :n ;v. Vi'e il ought o ma- he wa.-' going i ' coie ue.j :; li, s.lif. i' ll. ...... i-i .a Di :" '-c's t'atanli J. am ay. ;.!id : t o i :-.( ill ii ' i li - I i-.a -.- vt 1 it- '"'d a I a a. i .-.has c. er '- : od ho. It wiil cost you nothing r.nd will surety du you good, if you have a Cough, Cold, or any truuh'e with Throat, Chest or Lungs, Dr. King's Now Diaeovcry for CoiiMinipiioa, Coughs and Coldn iff guar anteed to give relief, or money will bo paid hack, riiil'ereri fiom La Giippe touml it just ihe Ihii.g and umltr its mwo iiadaspicdy and j rl'cct jvcovcry. Try a sauiide hoi tie at our expense and loam far yoiii't II ju.-.t how a thing it . i l ia., hollies dree at Kluttz & Cn.'d drug . otoi. L.oge oo.. und $1.00. m 3.-js .. - A or woman wath a kind heart, level head .a; ! ordinary perception sel ij;a docs a nolo thing. .1 zzcclalc Justice nvig, of II C Sut prca.; Court, Cays: Pi: Mi .-:':;.!A-T. Yours of ttc " 1 2tU rc'-'dv'.:. ami I clui-ifiihy answer bv .ayiiig tlmt ! ti t- Ua:i lauc'a bi-aitiUt-.i hv tiie ue 0 tUo o: e 1.1 els aek? Poor !:'ao:ua Vafcp' -i-ei- 1 . i!4. r i! l'roui a evr him iii'-eo..-!iata':; :u in j, lV lllCliltl s.'dia.-.i-aa: -u at .ii:-r i.i-i. ana l : . i i : . ii loin d i iid- u cured birn I tell yen, Joe. a gi eal ion -. It ami a- h: a c a to a. - Ph.r.'" ! ,. i re us.U I Ihe (a; VTben Eatj wis sick, r n jrue ner caiiorsa. When she was a Chii.l , she criM for Canioria t, t VLen sh lra-re Mb'clf -clung to Castoria. Wfccc the lud Caa-i al-i- -l--Ca;::aa i e the scho d.s . . .. . - i i .. i .. i. oi iae n,p, l ijvuj io i.eck ;;:ai riiuulJci. I i-e of tier Klcftru'ioise ia Oc- t. a ii.l iuv rli' l.iaaOc pans reuMtl aiiK iiii'i-ly. ami i t Ion's my lieahfi au-r k-l-; hint a.a.Ii ti!i;.rnvi.-l by tt ii.-e. "."; v t:idv!-. (Sigia-dj JOS. J.'paVl.S. hVa; bar. N. C., .J.t.i.atii, ltaj - P . -i i ;pain . n I -l.'le H yielrl ic-a.llly iu 1. JV '. '.'i ' .. -i.-.i, 1'tte . ut"iili I I'ut-SMi'iili.J h i a :( s.r.-., t .:rs a. id ali-sM:i mp- -i a,.- i. il j i' P. . ii;v 0k-Uji. b.ou ijurtuer J .J iiit-.i,--. . Aii lO'lll i iao I. i i i rn. uiai ut. wi i -, ...nil; ,-.' ttt-ry. arts lie hi'U i Ll UUi..l-i.' IU 1 U e n veils, ostfti lien.-H Unntlf to ..u .. i . tc -! w.tK:.. U -s pll tui Uiie'!is;ne i.i i i.i.a 1.- x, , s. iaa- bo atw, ue ;a .ilnt-l.jHi.a Ui -,ilt u.-.-jul.i. i.l-i Uu 'altl I.-i..v',aait I-a- IthV t iV .vision at ile- u ht J oi. re a-u.a give Lim 10 ..'i-:. o:uibk( iii tc lie t-iov I', r. miVrKL't-Ci i ,., .; - i. -rtiii b ;i..w i-f li n sn. Ills pain ;V- .. . i..i in :..n a.v v.aou nil day. ti0 .. ..... .3 .. ; . ... . i , j'- "o woiK'ap. j ..i . .. a. - A f i a - j a -

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