i XXIH- THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 24,1.892. NO, 21, 9m SOME THINGS WE NEVER for infants arid Children. Cagtorlaissocaa(laPbcdtocIia(lrltafc i . -m.rnl it as superior 10 any pira.uuuu Sra to me." H- A. AncHEa, II. IX, Ill So. Oxford-St., Brooklyn, -& Y. Cantot-I a cnres CWic, Constipation, Sour fcitomhch. Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Wonruj, gives sleep, and promotes df F.estltB, '' Without iajuriousmedicatiott ' ,. 0f 'C.istoia, te eo universal and ' ucn well known that it seems a work lm''ri.rrVtion to endorse it. Few are the S'ofiKuar.HlS bo do not keep Custom ,tbiff ey ''a juktyn, P. P.. New York City. te Ptor toooaangdato Informed Church. jmE CwTAca Cohpawt, 77 Men rat Street, Kw York. " For several years I haro recommenced your Ca&oria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it lias invariably produced beneficial results." " EnwntF. Pardes. M. D "The Winthrop," 16tU Street and 7th Ave., Kew York City. A sheet from the bed of a river, A tongue from the mouth of a stream, A toe from the foot of a mountain, A page fcom a volume ot steam, A wink from the eye of a needle, A nail from the finder of fate. A plume from the wing of an army, And a drink from the bar of a grate. A hair from the head of a hammer, As bite from thee teeth of a saw, A race on the course of study, , And a joint from the limb of the law. A check that is drawn on a sand bank, Some fruit from the jamb of a door. From the King's Jeiter. KUNNIXG COURT. Git's Furnishing Goods, Sc. Together with a nice lino of BOOTS AND SHOES cVlijivo pnivlniscd tho ontii v stock of II. & I j. WRIGHT, P 1 tiU atT)iice an t oxnmin:? our goods anrt Dargans at 1 FETZISil B CLOTHING STORE. fright's old stanjl. opposite Postofib e. il. A. JOHNSTON. ; ' T. L. ELLIOT! JOHNSTON & ELLIOTT, CHARLOTTE, -IT. C. STEAM Granite and Marble Y orks At wholesale and retail. Own- J - ' V in fri'didl rOlllitv Arinr for Iron If-jM -- Fences, Finals, (.'restings, &c. Peopl, ftfSalislnirv and vicinity wanting monuments should wresj)oiKl with us. Estimates furnished gratis. Mention the Waicliin n when Jtu wiite. " f OA On Tlic Di uni Head. We had crossed the river to hnnt. for Lje anrl ive him battle in the wilder ness. Darkness was just Mttipp; down and the advance had halted for the night when a qnad of cavalry brought in a young man from onr front, lie wore ji mixed uniform, a did most of the confederates at. that day, or as did most of those belonging to the partisan com mands. He had on blue t rousrs, a but ternut jacket and his hat Iwlonged to neither side. Thev said he was P.V They said it carelessly en(u;h, mit there was an awful significance in the term at that hour. In camp he would have been searched, interrogrted and impris oned. It might have been weeks be fore his trial ami he would have been allowed every chance for his life. We were on the march. There hnd been fighting. There would be more to-morrow. That meant a drum-head trid for the spy. How specdilv evervtnm'r was ar- ranged! I was at headquarters and saw iL all. Wirhiu half an hour a court-martial was convened grave faced officers who looked into the f ice of the young man at first with interest -r-then with something like admiration. I said Ji voting man. 1 was wron-g. lie was a boy of 17 or 18. He had blue,. eyes, chestnut curls rnd his cheeks were as smooth, as a girl's. He was a handsome lad, and I believe that every man in the tent felt to pity him. l" What's , our name? ' "James Blank." "What regiment ?" No reply. "Are ou a citizen or soldier?"1 No leplv. "Canjyou make any defene to the charge of being a spy?" JNo reply. The otlicei-s looked at each other and nodded, and the president waved bis hand. It didn't seem a minute before a tile of soldiers came. The face of 1 he bov grew white, but he moved like one in a dream. His big bine eves looked upon one after another, as if searching for a f i lend, and my heart yearned tr cry out that he w;is only a boy and ought to be given more time. Tramp! -Tramp! tramp! It was the deta 1 man himr off into the darkness. "Hall! Tie this handkerchief over hi eyes." They had brought a lantern. By its litrht I 's;.w il he big blue" eves for the last time as they looked around in a d..zecTway. 1 wanted to shout to th I boy and warn him th t it was not. ct too late to prove that lie was not what they belit vt d hini to be, but the grimm-ss of tin-scene parched my tongt e "Place Kim there! Fall hack! At- -teution! K ;sd :: m fire!" Ten minute-1 iter t be officer in charge of the firing p rly touched his ca.j and reported: . 'Orders have been Executed sir!'1 "Any further evidence?1' "No, sir, except that she was a young woman-!1" AVr York World. R cliard Knzor, Assisted bj Jnde Bj num, Condncts the Tribnnal .f Jnstice Conrt in a Hogpen. Con-es,ondence or the Wittchmm. i In my last letter I informed the 2.500 subscribers of the Watchman that I was going to help the judge to close up the court docket .tin hi. county. Well it being my first experience as a juryman I had to make some prelimi-) nary out of the regular order, such as scrubbing, combing, perfuming and pas ting myself up a utile on the liise and Fall of the Confederacy, Helper's Im pending Crisis, Sumter, -Uluckstone, Head by 's Historj' of'Napfdeou and his Marshals, Davy Crocket, the Alamo, Scoft's Campaign in Mexico and a few other good books of;thatkind. I then felt that I was ready for anything they could spring, mwL. ou t he f uurieent h day of the month at 11:30 I reported to the high sheriff. Very soon eleven other good looking men all having good char acter were called to the jury box. The couit and bar saw that we were fair to look upon, odered the clerk to admin ister the oath of allegiance to each and all of us. The same old Bible that has been handled and kissed bv every negro in the county was shoved out to us to The Alliance Programme. Col. Harry Skinner, of Nor! h Caro lina, talked unreservedly ti the National Democrat on the political outlook in North Carolina. Col. Skinner is a brother of ex-congressman Skinner, and brother-in-law of ex-Congressman La tham and ex-Governor Jarvi of North 1 I" TT . . . vaiouua. lie is a success! u BETTClt TKACI1KUS. They Are Needed Jfore Than Finer School Houses Compnlsorj Education. Correspondence of the Watchman. Mn. Editor: In a recent issue of the Watchman there-were two arti cles headed "Public Schools' and viuuiiim. is a successi ui lawyer i ....., nun, minn om and farmer, and has seen something of fuhlic Schools of Rowan." While public iife in North Carolina. He is- agn-e with the writers of these !famedtthroughout the State as an ora-I I5?(es ln ren"d to the good school tor and is accepted as a representative ! Cn)01 u'nises, yet it seems to us that of the van il:? Jemocr.iev It. w.i (! the most important consideration was OKmner who nrst suggested in t he pul- ,u Mv .1V reu: " e neea oeuer lie punts the application of the tnb- treasury idea in this country as a means of financial relief to the agricultural interests. It Was subsequent! v adopted ly the Alliance, and apjdi.d to all swear on. to swear that wav and I did not take hold of the Bible, neither did I kiss it. I have been for a great while choice about, my k:ssing; in my young days I would not kiss a girl that used snuff unless it was sweet and she used, it on the inside of her mouth and not on the outside ;:S 1 have seen in my travels. Finally we got through with the kiss ing and swearing act. and settled down to business. 1 noticed the court, bar, planum-, retenttanrs ami all iook a school buildings, it is true, but more so do wc need better teachers. It was said once that all that was needed to make an University was John Hopkins, as teacher, on oiic end agricultural products, and is now the ot.u l0' :ilKl ah ld, as pupil, on the dominatiiij? issoe in ih:f r(rn..i7.i;,..i .other. iSow we do not mean t say Col. Skinner.bas been- on the stump tl k'npd b-.iildings are not necessary . kick.-GWrftfoi AVfrs ! "Mm-! U n f,,.. i parts of a school, but if we must havp ! - - . ! .1.: . I . i 1 i l i "it- 1 vvHAnot'iil K.II .. K A 1 1 anjriimig sorry lei it ie me omiuings, j o is ouckvu up oy not the teachers. A great number of, a liirSe jl,y lawyer, it becomes ur lIth mid Point There'll often true noetic fire i.i r Ueditr's stote. Columbus Post. The dude can't saw wood, htit he' can cut a aweU.Dinghajnton Repub' liraii. To compliment, to court or kiss, A prettjr widow is not a-mJss. Pud. Too many young men empty heir sand boxes on the first grade. Column bus Post. A bare-fared robbery is often conf- mitted by masked men. St. Joseph yetrs. ing made addrer-ses already in twenty or more counties, lie says: "The third party movement will cut hut a small figure in North Carolina. The Alliance democrats will control the State convention, nominate a State ticket and adopt a State platform with the' sub-lrca-ury plank as a prominent feature, und n; me He delegatis to the TheraorBing t the time when mot young men forget their rising ambi tion. hi iKjhamton Republican. Some people imagine that thev am making giant strides every time ther Wre that is mvself refused I "ational democratic convention. The third party business would lo-e us the State, make negro rule a possibility and possibly result in the election of a repub lican prei lent . Thedelegafes to Chi cago will he Uiiinstriicted. but they will be representative Alii nice men tor in stance, such men as iT:i. S. B. Alex ander, now a memberof Congress from the Charlotte district. They will rep resent and emphasize the anti-Cleveland Fentiment in the State, and I men tion that because it is the accepted opin- i I 4 I : i, it long look at our faces. 1 fancied that I 1 1 amoivg ine Ai.iance people mat n.w.U I, ...... r.A T,,noe TiiLn I'l-ri.-... N1 f. C I e ve I a: 1 1 cannot cai rv tie State. Basan. Harris McC 'll, Henderson and ii ii -i ii . i . i uurweu say ir. win not do to put a They will effect, if posible, the nomina tion of .a free silver candidate for pres- . i-i. riiii i case before that croud. I also fancied 1,enr- I lie deinocar.iiie nominee mu.t staiKi .(p.iarely on-1 lie question it lieex- 1 ABLE. The Kichmond & Danville's New Presitleiil. Sir. W. G. Oaktnan, who was re cently lecttil pr sident f the Rich mond & Danville ceiup;:iiy in plac? of Mr. J din H. Iiunan resigned, he is about 45 years of age, and a man of experience in railway management. Alter leaving college he engaged with the Boners Locomotive Works in Market price. In order to ohtain advantage of the lowest sum- Pater-sou. N. J. From there he went ,:v-T prices, A-ou should at once send me your orders. -Remember , 1, no kin B,,se.ftt tl. tii if I I, - ii i .i i i i l- " i i l ii- 1 & Co., where he remained un'il elected hajiulo ronl v the best grades ot screened Coal, iiieludmo; i f..,f f h.tt.. ,i f . Having greath' increasctf my facilities for handling and storing GOAL tnc coming season, I would now again respect Hy solicit ..any and all orders entrusted to me, promising to Ornish vou L)romt)tlv with what coal vou mav want at the lowest r r i , tlii' Ued Ash. suitable for urates, stoves, heaters, etc, i . . .o ' . ' '.. . . . . Also kei'p on hand at alhthnes the. finest grade of blacksmith' ");,,; - . : J. ALLEN BROWN. STAT ESVILLE 'MARBLE' WORKS Is tae Place to Gst Monuments, Tombstones, &r Ak n-sc-stook- of VERMONT MARBLE to arrive in a few days We guarantee K.ly i Jti in every respect and positively wilkuot be undersold. Oram i a Monuments v j i Of all V';''j .specialty. C. B. WEBB & CO., ( ; ' PKOlMUETOn. x MrriUm the W.tclimn ivlicn you write sup the Delaware, Lackawanna and Wes tern railroad. He resigned that posi tion and shortly afterward began hi acquaintance with the Richmond and Danville system its president of the Richmond and Danville construction tcompany, which built the Georgi i Pa cific railroad. He became third, vice- pre i''ent of the Richmond and Dan ville company, afterward was elected second vice-preside.. t, at the time of his withdrawal from the company was first vice-president. . Since . that time he has been vice-president of the Li n tral Railroad Company of New Jeiey. ECHOED I8G4 BHYANTAND STRATTOM- l... . - . . . . . i i ; x.. 4. si .ml I ' : 1 1 , , 1 in .i l 'ui 4or tducating ioUJS'G 3IKN AJiD WOMEN for success in life. The outlook for Is most favorable lor business opportunities. The demand lor cur graduates is unprecedented. No vacation ; pupils can enter at any time with , equal advantage. Never attend a school because tae tuiuon is cneap, ior unbAf very uear; itneans cheap surroundings, inferior facilities, and offers NO opportunities for securing POS I- fcaofil 7" . . ." mm i rTOHS pupils and graduates. This PerUcL''. J. -S1-' Vn.. N. C, S. C. nnd On. than all sirailar institutions combined. Catalogue and -fsmaacd. W.H.SAD LE R , Pres. ,-F. A.SADLER. Sec y, B ltimcre, M r lU Banaana Peel on the Sidewalk. The street ear hal passed, but to uitch il he reckoned, So he ran like a deer, and shouted and l.eckoiu d, - ' j. Till 'he planted bis heel - I On a. smooth hit of peel -Then he saw. half a million stars in a second. . c . lie was in too great a hurry; better have waited for anollier car. Tliere are eases, however, where haste is rleeessary. If von have night-sweats, fe vei Hnie,ss I weak, sore lungs and a hacking cough, do not lose an hour in obtaining a supply 1 of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery. Delay in such eases is dangerou; It may be lata 1. lie fore the disease has made too great progit-ss, the "Golden JVledirjtl Discovery" is a certain cure. In tact, it's guaranHc.t to innHit or cure, Ch'!dren Cry fcr Pitcher's Castoria. or money paid fur it promptly refunded. " "'1 p I could hear the plaintiff-, defendants, and -witnesses say, we are in for the pen if th.-it croud gets a lick at us. The judge opened his book at Gene sis and eonrnenced to call the cases.' as they stood on the book. The first was a railroad case. Captain Bason sod they would eon iinue the", next case; some lawer jumped up and sai l, that c.o is con-, tinned by consent. And the next and next, and so on down the line. Fin ally i b y canle" to a tough eae in whieji Colonel Jones was the piaintiff. He thought we would send the other crowd up, and wauled to try it. He talked ab ait ) i role, and promise, and ro icilia'ioii. v. md r, defend n privi lege, demus, aligation, and cmpl aint an i all them things, and Willis Dowd talked back at him saucy. Kni-iHy the judge ruled that Air. Do.vd could have it his way an 1 he would give Jones a mortgage on the property in (hsj ute; Jones stopped right t here and s i I he would rather have a mortgage on thre- acres of moonshine. I say through whole thing. Colonel Jones knew if he could iM the case up we noold send the other side up for fooling with such stuff: The judge continued on through-the-book to Revelations and we did not I 4 . ! I 111 I ... gee a cae. tx rour ociock tii" J:''.g' gave us a couple of thanks ;iiit dis missed u--. - I think we should have a rising vote of thanks from the county for dispatching busine-s as we did. A word about the court h-m.-e. Very few people ontide of the county have any concept ion of the immensity oi the Mecklenburg court - house. Stran gers visiting the Queen 'City may go through our mammoth hotels, vi.-it the park, the cotton nulls, iron work'V ad mire our tine private reside nets, our city building, tine looking, gentlemanly policemen, stretft cars, large stores, ugly men and pretty women, electric lights, &c, but if they fail to see the court houe theyl fail to take in the oily. At a glance it will remind the traveller of the place de la Concorde. France. The views in all directions from the centre of the square are charming, speaking of it at night. It may be compared to an immense open air theatre in the midst of an en rmou aud brilliantly illuminated garden. To tii" one M-'e is the large, imposing brick structure, occupied bv chief squire oi the county, Col. D. G. Maxwell; in the front is the open court. The front is supported bv two massive columns bear ng allegorical figures made by whittling on the' brick wiih dull knives. In the i ear is the towering city stand pipe. Often it overflows and sprinkles those who may be standing about, cle; ning the dust off without the use of a duster. Oh the other side you have a full view of ail the wood wagons .coming in on Trade street, and being situated on a corner the judge and j'iry have the advantage of all the i.oie made by dravs, street cars, wagons and such lie. the ins'de is jn keeping with theoutsidti It looks! ke it hid l.een under mortgage for a century; it looks ami smells! noi Unlike a deeited rob icco factory.j If I w s convicted of a crime ami my sentence was thirty lavs ,un the chain gang or t hirty da. ill the ei urt hone 1 would give ;i cll!- u.o to get on the chain i-nng. ! Richard Razor. james W L.uicister. nwktnsville. o.-vow: v wife U ..S in ij.id ho.m i l i ' -.u-. niv .ioo'iors and as inunu more aiff.-J-eyt p:e.fi.t rct-.a- quardV pects to carry the electoral vote m North Carolina. I have only to add that it', t he democratic leaders in North Carolina believe as they talk the in xt rfta'e . convention will give them the highest surjrie they have ever h .d.M A' fir York Worhl. ?Iars!ial N-y and His IC.m cut ion. The stahie of Maivh d Ney, erected in Paris on the spot where he was executed, is about to be removed. The propose! new railroad Hirough the Latin Quarter will pass over the ground where the Marshal fell, and the statue will be taken away. Some-of t!i" Paris newspapers are indignant', and some interest ing little -pieetss ('f history are coming to li'iit. Among others there is thi follow iag r.'p 'i t of a secret agent of the government, which was found "When so-called teachers in a model school room would be as appropriate as an uneducated man would be in a profes- Uor's chair iu some of ouriirghest col leges. While we doubtless have a number of '"$9.50 and 3.50 school houses," yet we have a proportional number of S3 50 and $1.23 teachers. 'The fault, Dear lh utu. is not in our star-!, but in ourselves." Our best educational authorities say that a person to be fit for teaching must possess "natural aptness and ac quired ability." Natural aptness is shown by a love of knowledge and governing ability. By acquired abil ity is meant a knowledge of methods of teaching and the laws and princi ples on which they rest, combined of course with general knowledge. The question now arises, How many teachers have we that possess these qualities? Let us s e. Doubtless a majority of teachers possess a love for knowledge, but have lacked either the energy or opportunity of attaining a sufficient amount of knowledge. Con sider that a niaioritv have the 'govern ing ability" which is quite unlikely. But how many lrave a knowledge of methods slid ef principles and laws on which they rest? Some know something of th- methods of leaching, but very few know anything of the science of teaching. A doctor is not allowed by law to practice medicine unless he has a knowledge of the science of medicine. Neither is a lawyer allowed to plead at the bar until he knows the art he pr etices.. but when it conies to training the immortal minds of the i v among the n ational archives: t At II M t .1 1 lie -ten tlie o ulcers cried our. v .ve le roi!' but the woiking people, who com posed the greater portion of the crowd, remai i' d silent. Then 1 lie :rd a few murnvirs. A womin remarkt d, 'That is one more dead man. How very rich we are beeoming on account of that' But the other woman made her keep quiet. The body remained exposed upon the litter for. quarter of an hour. More than five hundred Jvighshnieii cane4 to !o..k at it. 'I heir eu: io-:ty displeased some of the national g-iars, who' asked them, iror.icaily, 'Why didn't oii ome to vee him te i veu ag , gentleman?' An Engiidim in a- pro'ieh'd the body and dipped a white handkerchief in the blood. Then he enveloped t he bloody handkerchief in another nan ikerchief and went away as quietly a he came. During the day many people came to the place of exe cution. They wrote upon t e wad, 'Most du Marechal Ney,' and they picked and enlarged the hob s which t lie bullets' made in the wall. It is widely reported that an E igli h uir-.n rennrked: T he French are acting as if i here wa:y neither history n r pos-tenty. future men and women of our State, the law permits teachers to idfend training schools and places where the science, of training is taught, and al lows, and the State actually employs, anyone to teach who has cheek enough to apply for a certificate and can pass such an examination as any avor age school boy ought to pas. "School By" is right we think, when he says we need ''compulsory ed ucition," but do we need it in order to get to ''cow-hide" the pupils? Is not the teacher who ''cowhides" a pupil a tit, subject for cowhidmg? Pupils, large or small, should be brought to obedience, but we all know the story of how-the wind and the sun tried to remove the traveler's clonk. We m;ed compulsory education and a school term at least, c'ght months long. Our parents ncd to s-e that th "ir .children are in their places in school promptly every morning nd that they are obedient. Our, comni.it mi trees ought to see to the kind of u 1 1 i mat it m . Min nea pol is Journal. The only man who makes-much capital out of what he doesn't know is the expert witness. Elmira Gazette. About all some men do is to spend" all -their time getting ready to do something they never do. 'Atchison Globe. Your friends never defend you when they hear you accused hat! f as s outlv asj.hey claim they do. Atchison Globe. "The tongue is' an unruly jnemher" and there are 3,000 languages iu the world to "sass back" in Chicago In-ter-Orean. j r Traveling Hs exhausting, but the" weary passengers never appreciate be ing "held up" by a train robber! Ismghamton Republican. Ethel (showing her engagement ring) ' Don't you admire his taste?" Maud "Ye-es, as far as the jewelry is concerned." A"ew York Sun. The roll of the spirit-stining dram doesn't stir our spirits half as much as a good fat roll of bills. This isn't poe try but it's so. Truth. He "Will you be mine, please?' She "You will have to apply to a higher court than the 'common please.' Ask papa."- Boston Post. - Oldby "Honesty, my boy, is the best policy !"' Newman "Ah, yes that policy lapsed some time ngo home tune ago, old fellow."; Aew York Ileraltt. . The T'xas border ought to become very clean after the usual amount of scouring it is now receiving from the troops of Uncle Sam. Baltimore American. It shows a disposition toqnibMe. with words when a man kicks another out of a place and then asserts thati he is only trying to give him a lift.- Philadelphia Times. - . Yabsley "Wonder what, is their ilea in making this Schweitzer cheese so full of holes?" Mudge Gues they thought it needed a bttlo frjjsh air. ' Indianapolis Journal. j He "These dramatists have ryci monotonous method of making tlieif lovers propose." JShe "Yes; but they do propose, and that is the nndi thing." Boston Beacon. j There are people who enjoy adinney a great deal more if the restaurant card put before them is headed "jpeiiu" than if it beais the. old fashioned heading, "bill of fare." lnrell Times, Young Mangier (to fair but total stranger) "I believe. I havrp the pkasi- te.cheis they employ, whether he ant memory r-t having met you one. 1 lintr to t..;ieh. Onr i? air St ranger " 1 hen I advise you to teachers should eh vate themselves to make the most-of it." Boston Courye-r. the plane of teaching and then demand Prcnourced and secure bet ter pay for their services. Worthy teachers are not likely to have to tench long in "3.50 scIhh1 houses." The Alliance is pledged for better education, the people want it for their children, the children need to be. edu cated tn the most approved, way, and it is our dutv to our country and our ,.1. .Illl ill 1 1 - - . . , . x T, Uod to see ; i it tney get mis euueauon. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada L. j v rp , l Il Ilurd, of Gruton, S. I)., we quote: "Was j Aiuli' .' taken with a bad cold, which settled on niv Lungs, cough set in and tinally Ler- Associate Justice Davis, of N C. Su minatCMrii'i Coiisninption. Four doctors j prsmi Court, Says: gave me up, saving- I could live hut a ie.r Miss Tim.ix;:i.vst: Yours of the 12th short time. I gave myself up to my Sa- rc.cei v-d, aii'i I clieertully answer by s.-iying that viour, tie ennined it I could not stay with j ,.ivt. j;.t.:! miic!) beoefn tc.l by the use of tlie my friends ou earth, I would meet my Kiet ir ine. I ?ulferutl from a sever and absent ones above. My husband was ad- lmjg-coiitiinieil attaek of the Grippe, followed vised to get Dr. King's ew jnseovery for Conunipiion, (-oughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all, eight bottle-; ft has cured me, and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman' Trial bottles tree at Kluitz & Co.'s drug stoic. Ilegular size bOc. and $1.00. --mZ W" 1 Some of the papers continue to refer lo the 'Alliance Split." Tins - papers had bitter h ok ior leaks and "l't" in other directions. The .Vlianee split ther proiM-rtr, even if there n id Journal. l.- i!i,.i!!ii.,ti-ni i:i tin- neck and Miouiders. 1 coiaim-iiceu the use of the Ele-troiMise in Oc tober ia.-t.. and niv rheumatic pains censed i'.iatelv, and i think- rav health and- Icel- in: have been nn; !i improve" 1 bv its lise. Very truly yours. (Signed) JO.S. J. DAVIri.. on: -L-urg, N. C, Jan. loth, WW be not i- i i .... Jeli a spill. i'e o.' . Goad Lojks. Good looks are more than skin deep, d'o.o- iitxm a healtnv condition or i-l ..the' vi.ai orgat:. II tlie Jjivci i.e in ,clie v.iu hae a Bdheas L ok, it your e ttisoroereu vou uae a i tlepesi CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired lro;a practlt e, hiving h id pi. iced in his ii ouls t an fcla.'l India m:slou .rv tn.- loima! i f i s!:n:le ve,'eiai..e i-iii'iiy tor lh sre iv a:el na oi a. cu; e of :oin-iiin.i ion, i:roac;.!ils. c.itjr.h. sillir.a nu.l all 'I moat iiu i.u i';.!f .vH'ins. aio i .MUve nu I r ttiMi curt t u ' i vim-. O Oi'U V a: I oil NervoU-. oui il.tlfit. a o'er h iviii',' io.u-d its vviel. itil cu.MlPe 'tower hi l.ioiioiUs Ot e.S'S, Ii -s fell It LU (im lofHil-e It kno.vti to his saiTen it,' fellows. Aciu ned hi thh? Ui line aim a !!. re to .eiieve tiiiuiuu s'lTVl injf. "i win vn l free of clurgf, lo.iil who (leMie U. tu.l r.-."l;e, in Oeuaan. Kiv-ic'i oi Ki.it-h. v '.Ui tu.ltll-r- eou.is r.n- p.e i.aiiiji .md usu St nt b nnil b Tid:lres-;i.0r It :i .-lahi. n.iininy .1 ills p i;)'r, W. A She says she hates rat iu lently, Hut I grieve, not in sooth, My foul is full of frUdsotne gh-e, liecause I knovv i'enclope Doesu t alwnvs tell the truth. Puck. "Poor man!"; said the sympathetic young woman. T suppose you are not equal to hard work." "Equal to hard wtrk?" res pom led Mr. IVeary Watkins, T am superior to it." In-, (liamipolts Journal. - Libor Agitator "My friend, are, you not in hivwr of-Uhe eight-hour movement?" Abe Lazy (the tramp) "Movement! Who 'ever' heard of being in favor of any l.d of niove-i men t?" Kale Field s Washington "Did yon get fired down at the works, Jimnue?" "No; only laid off till the fall of '03. But the foreman said, however, if I could get a job any where ese it'i tlie meantime if ne were hte he-JyQtild o it," Indianapolis, Aacsi -" .-J .NOl'li.., . IV'Ve. s !'..o Uo ltester, S. Y. Si o.naelt ofotie Look ant 4Ur.es hacraone her ao goou. tired her." Uitllt'a ot 15. i. a. j l! your iv'.ur.eys or1 r..i... vmi inve a 1'ieenc't Ikick. M'oiro good h'oatth and you win have j.ou I UhjUs. Electric Enters is ihe great aiter native and lonie acts drecl! on these viial organs. Cures Piinp.'e, H.oiehes, ii iis and gives a good oaiph xion. o o ar Kiuitzcc Go's drug store. COc. per b Ule. "hc-ri Hatj W33 silk, vrts pive fcer C&Moria. When s!ie ts a Child, she cried for Ca5torii When she l-camf? Hiss, she clnng to Castoria.; . When .ho had ChllJrca, she ga-1 them Castoria IX 'jou re'tro'tbl.J wltii oa.epsU Stomncl 1)1 oid-!', or i lver anil Kiduy C (neiuiiit. tij I. I' . and you will it-leiceat its la. uical wn injn. l-einalcs .art-iK-cull u. bi tit'litieil I j J. P. V 1C e.MMls dbevis ulix K es hiallhy action to theiy uixitn. . - J Lost raanlinod, Ujs ener , wrctrtss. phrd dt bil l, arc a I un fJ l.v I'. V. V. Hit;, Lew" e; tigy ait-IiiiUmO in ih-tMteii by li e bmiL t r. 1- V. the I cn rtfinitT lt.l If-HM -A 1'iOi 'I'l's .l 1 sjreat o.oo i ttii liter O-it.e age. -. UOiV.-S YOt'.t WIF? . roes she X el a. city nil the st.cr lackeiefl;rvy. ai.a . C t.t ral "i o-i iirui I'd u s tiueriailo:? U a Uadu. MnailafK vri-uhy 'wtm her b!j. liuo i a d eio ? m Oi.iny . j-ui mr. C tuH a wit.leoi 1. 1 . 1. (NicHy"; h.'tVLp hool i.a l'uiHMiup.). the ei iti t. hjjii r gui.'toi and lonl; M. m. 1 leachej- li.e 'WAsUitk i r-jiiule (iuicri ai d taMtly, ard rtoie. .ju.fci.ow It, ;u. .vnie vv'iiibe ... oih r tO!iii.U. - '.rt3?'.-'.. h. kui'i l;it ihi'l bo 1. Kdl C 1". C. 1j in T I ul l.'c lllel iei: i. Our UC L I. )Mi lale II o irf aim r 'iA-AHHittto it. ..nd well coM Uco-d hous o it vV'il! le . U i.i"H!'iai1S..M4aim; 11 liapi.llji fpftt t-le. i Sii. lil.l - Wit h tit. Ill siil- Sruriiiiie lh d.i.111. o alt-rs ot-i j m lf i e--14 j lit Hitldri Cry for Pitcher's -r-tcrfe . A i