.XXII- THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY, IN; C, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1892. NO. 22. m mm m m for Snfanto aftd rft5trl is 90 ttcH adapted to children tliat f niocunen J it as Buperior ta&vj prescription--! 1 1 1 So, Oxford EL, Brooklyn, Iv. T. vw of 'Caftoria' is sonntcrsal and ts so well known that it scorns a wrk lt;rIt1oa to endorse it. Fe vr the 1 te''e'C riming who 410 uot k?eP Castona jMew lors pastor Vloriphi$ds2a Belormed Church. Tins Ostatts ferliSm Fertilizer offlpany , MAITTJFACTUUBKQ 01? Si (iniile .'AMODiatBi Mlizerl IIIW-, w --- - f ' - . r - " . Main i ... Faeloiics: Office: DURHAM, N. C. Durham, N. C, IUciimoxd, Ya. Th3 fo" in aro . eivoly for tlio Alliance Official Guano;' 'Trnivssive .fchinv' UX 0, Alliance Official" Aciil Phos- TESr i, I'rr'.ni "!r. J. S. Joluiston. uu-nihcr oi tlic ivc- Jknugr Aiji.iiice W-.t.rchoue at Danville, Va. S.'f. Moii'.iAX, yti , Vr.-s't, Hurliain. N. C. Mr-IV;T Sii1: Vours of the 8th just to hnn l. i 'Am HrH tHj'.t I ui l nol.rocoivc your circular j 1 a T. but uiu IiaiiLv to say for . vonr Fcrti.lizor i ti.it I lo not know a single party among the I Mimrryin ptT ):i5f we Jclivpn-d FertTlizer to ' .t.i's at .isijii w ho isjiot perfectly Sati.-lied with the" results. ( Tobacco Has finvl some at the .l.ai'!ii.-lut-thcy ay that is entirely atlrl'puta- bls to tile wet season, I used i-lctcn tons oq ii'y farm and have never used stay feriilizer that has given. inh satisfactory, results. Very truly and respectfully yours,. J. ti. JOHXSTO.V. - I.Ukxi:a, N. C, Aiigf-2D, 1891.' - irha;a Ferfilixed Company: , I must eoiitVss f was a little afraid of your Fertilizer last year, so used (as I had dorie for , JeHrs) hadeaux's Chemicals. I thought, none ouU beibetter. Used half yours and half La- -Kau-j's this year, and am proud to sa yours tobacco- larger and finer on same land. I I was able to give it the recommenda t 'tan it desirves:-- Keep it up to the standard? you-have, and ail of us will use it nest year. Yours, kc., Gko. L. Vu,liamso.v. kndycur orders to W.II.Wcrtli,-State Agt, cr direct to us. ; J. G. BSSHHAEDT, Connty, Ag't" ; e " . ' S AXiISBUITx , IT. C. POAU mkh ! W!?. 17 1C Having greatly increasotl I Hy storing COAL tlio coming reason, I wbuld now again respect- uidy solicit any and all' orders infrusted to me, promising to , rnisi you promptly with what coal you, may want at the lowest Market price. In order to, obtain advantage of the lowest sum pj pnees, you shouid at once send me your orders. Remember . uU.f :uille only the -best grades of screened Coal, including ho he4 Ash, suitable for grates, stoves, heaters, &c. - - . , ' Also kedp oir hand at all times the finest grade of blacksmith : V J. ALLEN BROWN. i in i mist v U' of VFRVOXT MARBLE U arrive in a few d ea i'ery rccp-t a:el tio.d;ive ani(o Xldiiiiiiieii ts Of all V'-'U. C. Js'fy t ' MeaUoa ihz Watc'aaia hc yoa write D J it Uf? TV- ' Children. Contort cures Colic, Const tpfttion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, givtaj sleep, and promotes di gestion, . - Without injurious medication. x. For .aerpral yenrs I hae reeoTnTnn1e1 your Castona, ' 'ami shall always coEtuiue to do so as it inTariaLly produced beneikial results.". '-.' ' - EniK F. Parens. TI. D- -Zho 'WiEtlirop,'" 1:5th Street and 7th AveL, New York City. CoxyAKV, 77 Mrs say Steset, ?w York. cia Plios- Jatenafi. HaiKifactiired gssIh- Alliancs: 1 OSTlA.lL:S: "? Ridvjkvillk,-:;. a,, Aug. it, isoi. ' r-. ..... ! (lent Kind enclosed certificates of Rioce- viile Alliance, No. 784, of Ca?well county, and ii. D. I'urch's. I have made the ertiicat.-s for Ridgeviile Alliap.ce as dirccte 1 by the Alliance. If vou want it made stronger and think of anything I coul 1 put in, let mo know at once. The guano has given satisfaction and the Alli ance has ordered me to let you know it and all others that it may concern. Yours truly, (5ko. If. Rthtox, See y Ridgeviile Alliance Xq. 784, Caswell Co. FoUSYTil COUNTY, 1 Whis on, August, 1891. j The crop outlook where Ollicial Guano was used w'Il ebmpare . favorably with any other Fertilizer in our county. Our people. arc gen erally well satisfied w ith sttid guano. J. F. GRimm. IIickmaS-s, YnM August 26, 1831. I am now an old tobacco grower, and have used a great m.iny Fertilizers since 1 have been growing tobacco, but. have nvcr used any brand that exceeds the Durham. My tobaeco is doing ns well this year as I ever had a croi to do, so Far as the fertilizer is concerned. cheerfully recominerd the the Durham to every farmer who Vt ishes a high grade Fertilizer at low price. - Peteh B. Booth. V MFORTABL my facilities for handling and tl ii- ii W kJ 1 i , ; ."1 . w days We guarantee u ; i t uu'lersu Id. .x f.peei.dtv B. V':3B 8c CO-, PuamiLicu. WORKS 1 TIIlSK I THUXIt A LIE. I used to tiiink when I was young, And my j heart was freo from guile, That tlure was gritf in every tear - And joy in every fmilct That friendship wa3 not at all a cheat And lovie could never die. But thinking now .of what I thunk, I think: ! thunk ft lie. . - - ' ' I used to think about myself. And think that I would be a A governor or a president, f Or a general like Lee. But I have waited long ia vain, ; ' Whilst years roiled slowly by, . . And thinking now .of what I thank,' , I tljiukl thunk. a lie. '. I used to think the ladies wcro All sweetnesses, combined, That they were all God's last and beat Of perfeetuesi refined. ' That the)n were uot hTilf pads and paint But angels from on high, . .. 1 But thinking now of what I thuak I think 'I thuak a lie. i The preachers, too, 1 used to think -Were not like other men. And were uot tempted of the flesh And therefore could not sin. But since I've traveled round a bit I've watched them on the sly, And thinking now of what I thunk, I think I thuak a lie. ' Ths honest tiller of the soil When marketing his erop, Take paina to put the ripe nd best Always upon the top. I ued to think those hone&t men Would never cheat nor try 1 Btit thinking now of what 1 thunk, 1 think I thunk a lie. The editors, a lcrdly set, Who live on milk and honey, They've nothing else, to do But write aid rake in money. Leastwise that way I ned to think, But now it makes me cry,' -To think about the way 1 thunk, And how I thui.k a lie. What noble men the doctors are! . I used to think they came From Heaven or some Heavenly land Anil worked for love or fame. That they could euro all human ills, And never let us die. But thinking now of what I thunk, 1 think I thunk a lie. The lawyers, too, I used to think, Oh.! Go 1. furg-ve the thought, . That their convictions of the right Could not by knaves be bought. That they would not a clh-nt rob Or '-sell" him on the sly, But thinking imw of what 1 thunk I think i thunk a lie. The dry goods men arc honest, too, They swefvr they sell at cost, I used" to think they t dd the truth, And all their profits lost. I thought a yard was full three feet, Don't ask my reasons why, But -t! ' linking iwwoWtti-1 thank, 1 think I thunk a lie. The' hotel clerk, I ue l to think, Would try to be polite, Would answer questions put to hirn, And treat the s-trar.ger riht. Thnt ratix r thau he'd play the ass, Thai he wouldsooner oic. But thinki-g now of what I. thunk, 1 thiink 1 thunk a lie. And then I thought that Harrison, Who took old G rover's shots, Would have the backbone and thcrit To give us all our dues. But t.iritT laws and pension frauds Still make the natio:i sigh, And thinking now ofwhat I thunk, I think i thunk a lie. "I used to think elections were The public jivill to voice, And not a thimble-rigging game To give the clique.? their choice. That patriotism played its part Tho' stills were never dry. But thinking mow of what I thunk, I think I thinilc a lie. I used! to think that public schools Would fill a long-felt need, By teaching all our boys and gitis l'ow to spell and read. But red tape and their rottenness, Is every where the cry, And when I tl i k of what I thuuk, 1 think I thunk a lie. The negroes, too, I used to think, If once they were set free, Would make good, honest citizens Like w hite folks used to be. But they have wandered far from grace . The chickens still roost high, And thinki?'g now of what 1 thunk, 1 think I th unk a lie. I used to think the town police With all his blue and brass Would never sleep upon his post Nor let a criminal pass. That on blind tigers they would keep . An cer watchful eye. Eut thiuking noy of what I thunk, I think I thunk a lie. Dr. 0. T. Doiitr. Separation Was I'aiiiful, The startling cry of "murder'' rang out from a- room on the third floor oi a r, , ., , i 1U u. Fourteenth street hotel the other eva- ning. and catching the ears of several chambfirmaids, says the New York (JommerciaL created lintant consterna- inn W 'l IMWnjI ,f lin O'l inn iDon't kill me bydnches!' were, tlie ag onising cries that followed each other at short intprvnl. It was the voice of a man. Besiiles the ihamlif rnnids, the blood-curdling words alarmed ail the guests on the floor, and in hss time than it takes to tell, a knot of intensely excited people had collected in the corridor, all task- ing, all gesticulating, and -11 afraid to go near the room whence tjie. -cries had come. ' ,' ' "Who ocupi .4 the room Hn- asked a half doZ':i womHitfa iho: im. : One of the chlwui-.jeyrmaids recollected having seO a s:uallnfen. -pale and ema ciated in apj effra nee-' "licet m panic :t by a la l, closely veiled woman, en ti r in the afternoon. . 1 he wniiK.n was snrtly killing her ma'e omiv:ii.ion.' She seemed to 1 e s'sbmitLng hni tj soin e sort f eriie! to ns were dis - t-vtr.r, for. muffled mo t: tinctly hvaid now by rue or two in the crj' -t , . imrdj a c e k came rusaing nt. Ci i from the dlic The intelligence of the murder h;vl been carried noun m breathless haste. He knocked at tho door vio'eirtly, -excitedly. T the name of Hie law open the door,'-he demanded. f After some little delay the door was opened. A woman smiling, hut with a look of astonishment, peeped and sisked what was wanted." VWhats coin" on in here? Who's hiMiiT hnrr.v Ffr a moment the wotmin look- dem- hurrassttl.. Then she broke out into a Ph1 of laughter, which was chwd by the voice of a man wiihin. 'Whar,Vi aboutP'again ttsked ihe clerk angrily. " W hy sir, she stammerml demurely, i I 1 was nulling a porou p.laiter oil my huHbandVbacifr - An Editorial 1,ri- The national editorial association trip to California and annual meeting at San IVancisco, as at present arran-j getl, is for all eastern and southern ! cte e-rnlas to leave npn am fit . . - . J Louis by two routes on the evening of May 0, meeting at Colorado cprmrs on the morning of the 11th, remaining there until the niht of the 12th to tuke trt in the dedication of the IDhiKfvDrcxel "Home for printers wiuch is to occur on the 12th i i nis home for printers. is said to have cost .$150,000, and as a monupjeiit t the gein roMty of the donors, lion. Ames J. Cumuniigs, of New York, will de- iivt'f the di-d:cation aJdrrs Leaving Colorado' Springs the del egates go by special train to Santa Fe, S.m Diego, "Los Angles :md Kiverside, remaining a (lay at each place, also uti.er points of interest, arriving at San F rami -co on Satuniav, the 2tsf. After the Sabbath day's rest tho annual scsi(jn nr in? sisociriiicn vi;i otjrui on ilonday, 23 1. The de'egates will come n 'UK yy tr.e northern rtuite, l ending tiieir iiineracy at Seattle, in I tiniH for republican editors to attend j the Miniieapoiis couviiit.on en route f t-4 on ,J i! ne i. George W. Childs, of the PhiladeU hiii Letl.jcy. and oilier new-paper pub- iisiiers at pi omm 'nee, read p ipers l;efore the annua! con vent ion of editors. A foil list of acceptances of pajes to be ivad, with the sid.'jects of each, is in preparation, which, b,gether,- w.tii dt-seripiive painidllet af-i ! i;, ent' rtaiu- menls and ir-'gramme. .oi"-;tjie turee ua s siv-sion, v ii: b nt to id. all (icie of T . . l.-y t he sec: et;irv, J p.; Jer.'vv.l'e. Hi., as soon as tiii del iS arc fully known. - Wanis a Nv.w Secretary Mush is thinking seriously of establishing a matrimonial bureau in connect i ii with the A'rrieiiftural i.)epart mcnt. Tho l nil M !is ji'Tifcc'rvl a letler j. . . 4 . . ..... .... hf recently reei i-.-d from a miiii out West who experiniMited with 'some of the cui" umber 'seeds M?ut t-:. limi 1)'. the department- at the instance, of his renresentat ivc in coiiiires-. Ii appears t hat that tl'C farmer phanleii tl'.e 'encumber seed and his wife af er- vard died from eating some if tlie cucumbers. Tlie farmer in his letter to Secretary Ru.-k --ai'1. : "Your hi.uue 1 cucumbers robbed me of my wife, so ins'ead of sending me encumber seed send me another wif '. 1 hear t here" are a num ber of iikeiy woman in your d pin mtmt." In reply Secretary Unk said he had no jinpropriat ion from winc'i he could draw money to send a wife to the wid ower, but suggested that the latter. come to Washington and pick oat one fur himself. The Secretary informed the corres potident that he has in the depart ment some beautiful malleus, many sprightly widows aud several well-seasoned old maids. What Your Great ranuaothDr Did. She heteheled the flax and curded the wool, and wove the linen aud spun the tow, and made tlie clothes for her hus band and ten children. She made baiter and eh ease, she dipped tallow candles to linht the house ut niirht, and she cooked all the food for her household by au open fire-place and a brick oven. Yes; ad when bo was fort y years of aye h Wa already an old lady-whose beat rlajb nvnr or hou dors were neat ana ... ; , her hunts enlarged by hard work, and she wore spectacles and a cap. Her great granddau-hter, with an tne im.- CUI I'OIIVOIIICll'.TS iui lummu, aud luxury, may be as ctutnumg an l ;u tractive at fortv-hve a at twenty, v.-. pi eialiy is this true if she preserves her health and beauty by the use Pierce's Favorite Prescrip; ion, ot Dr. w liich wards off all feniu'o aii -neiits and irregu larities, cures them if they already exist, keeps the life current, heitilhiui anu v.-ma nnd enables thu woniesi of middle j a.rC3 to retain the .fn shness of girlhood t upon brow and cheek, the light m ouu. in her eyes, and its elasticity n her s.ep. Sold by all dru cr t I s . Miil matter is sent between Paris and IJmm-. ad:st a :ee of 700 miles, through pneuni;d'.c tuhe. Bacl33 Arnica, SjIvo. The best salve in the world for, Cats, Bruise, Sores. 'Salt Blieutn, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hai:(N, .Chilblains, Corns and all Skin E uotitms, and posi livelv .-iirt-s Piles cr no p;-.y n qmied. Ii ! . guaranteed to trive perfect satisfaeiion 1 r money refunded. Price 25 cents pet j box.or i Ch'ldred Cry fcriicher's Casioria. 1 box. For sale I y 1. . aiuuz a v". PKEE 31 AIL DELIVERY. Some Reasons "Why it Should be Ex tended to Rural Districts. To the EJltor and Headers of the Watchman. Recently, the press throughout the country has occasionally referred to the.desirahility of having a free dtdiv- ery of mail in the rural ditruK nnd rtie -rest Minister General in his hist mcssacra to Ccm r,,ftl,n,L u and states that in small cities where it IMS be-Mi tried, financially,- it has proven a success. During Ihis spssion of congress hills ! have been introdur-ed. in tiaav nf tbn tact that the deneiency, "fn Mhe Tost Office Depart me nt is gnviiig less, to reduce letter postage to a "one cent" basis. As this a ign of the increas-. Higi)usincs? prosperity of our country we heartily welcome it; but as the treasury ot the United States is not, df pending on revenue received from that source, then the question seems rrV lmport:int hmv increase the ' UIL'clic:j service, anu until now, flirt . .M . i I I i.i.jm uv rmejiu m uie service n.ns -Hll been made to the exclusive benelit of our urban population, and is getting more than time that the farmer, the miner, (the bone and sinew of the country,) the real vtorkers, the produ cers who yearly add to their country's wealth, should have some consideration, and should not be o' lig d, is they were a cn ury ago, to p; t emly trot to tl e cros -road post olnc, aft r their mail, no matter what, the .wealt er is,, the stale .f their health, or the pressure of t . If they want to hear from the outside world, from the loved ones away from h ir.", a tramp to the pobt oiHcii is iiecf s-ary. The correspond e:.ce of the agriculttirist or miner may perhaps not he as extensive as that of the city resident, but to the farmer or ... .. .. ..i I iii hi i i i n , ; j n i i contain, and generally does, i::teM - ru i nr r . i i nri iwi mi. fry.,. .... go nee to 1 r . I , x i dotd.it the im jontv of our readers wi'.i i . ".r.. i it- i . i i , i . i- j t; leiids. have iuisseu important ousiness eng -.gemcnts, and hi eons, - on en ce h .ve ; V i-...t,M i 4- (i..;01i:in'l!1 , , ,, - , .. .. , , 1 . J lost, their all, or have laded to receive , werd from t heir beloved ones, during some tatM i.mess, mid v ere not ab e to , , . . , , i , 1 Vn-ii h Ihmn in nun , hid 1 m iwt i H i i . in ill l lullj ' ' 'JIM I I I 111 'I I'.l L farewell or render them- much needed I'll' t ii u iriiuei i in i:i uiucii in tr .cn stance, ov.mg to he fact Uiat-tl,e letter remaned in tm. past (.mce .Qtf.; called lor, or m tne pocKM ... ueighior, wniting for a'Cl:nc.o,' lb hi: forwarded. is it a wonder I 'at i!ie farmer, vriio during the long wiu'er hot;rs 'has so mr.eh leisure for self-improverm nt, f r self-ednc.-t'on, tl'M-s not avail himself Of 1! Is it is re- a -w(n er that In V Ceu-ins" ; f.-rred to I v I. is ' "mess It 1 b; ck. a LTiveuv. a hay iv etl. when as a matbr of f.u-t he n ight be the most ci,li;;h:ened. of any- class of our popu 1 1 ion ? d in? original cx.-en-e of a nowsjtaper, pcrie-dical, or other litera ture is trilling compared with the im me: -e amount of benefit derived from it; often a single hint, a receipt, a stig- 1 '-e-tion. a word ot advice is worm tho mh?ern:i n nnce ot.a itozen nan-rs sot . ft i fi a v. to s;iV n-t tuug ot the. g em ral advantages oi ained 1:1 being v. Opt posle in reirant to he in-rKecs or trie world, and the moral infhiMice a good ,.cm.-o.v lou iv,.v .-i hoesidio!-!. Is it uder that the sons and a wo daughters i' Hie f irmer are aeh:nr for tite time to conii' when they can get aw; iv from the isolation of farm l.fe :fnd speed away t-v t he citi -s, ;iir dv overcrow. led, tiiere to join the throng Hi ,i II i S 1 C Ii M.-illLI lllll o m ' " I 13 it. t'lcv c-uiie, a ired bv the whiter a;ld to eiij lhesnei.il ;al Va tl ta 'es of citv Me. Vv'itli a "tree ce iv. ry sys :;t.iii psr.,un eu to our rural tiis.ru tl.e s-ieial udvaittaues. the eh. met to have commwiiica: i n with e- ch other would increase and there would he no reason why a farmers life could not he the h appi st of all. Even the city people know the in convenience of not being able to hear from their country friend--, and the un certainty of letters arriving at their des tination announcing their visits, accom- n.medhv the rcouest to meet them a 4 ... m k ..... ,k 1 , "at me sia-too, uun. a uiit'dd hard.-lni'S and -.trouh.e. I3ut it is however useless to discuss , . !; . l :. . . ' . c. .t. t, cut .. this any turther. inc miner, me nier, the resident of small cities, and villas, are entitled to and should have "their mail delivered to them, as well as the resident of the lug' cities and now, on the eve of thy gie.it enn ven'ioip, wIimi the 'ealers i i politics are re td to in .ke t'.eir pi'Mn es, is ti e time to ;:sk eongiv-s, that tlrs malt; r receive the attention it is so dn'y en titled to. Now is the time to agitata this all over this grand country. L-t us make one united cUori by the org n izttion of loe d, country, parish, and slate associations, centralizing the same into one gre t in-ij.ial as' c:a tiou s dh '-it we c.-iiriie heird from the Com;. dim to the Mex c.n boroer, rrom r he Au mi :c A I tic o the racilie, v.u.i no i tain voice making it an i-s::e ot !av and one of tne planks to bi u rn ,lac d i.i the pl-tform of o.,-e or the ,: lo r i i" ir;' at pal ii i tt: .it i.-iri ;it tee lie'Xt ...H-.veu-i ui: au-1 ht us not list until V . ' . . 7 I 1 - l . . 1. :. verv rural i.uoa "i. e""-'v li.ili l e ;;cc-ided the s uae ngh's tout , I l it' . 1 :re el joyed b H e Uwel.ers m tne Ct.- ; - I :,di 1--lC li-eu en;oed lv the 5ig li, Hl.iUl . . . i' rni Hnr- : c mnitiuif.es :n r.uroj.e i' i the 1 t-t o. a ;it -r of a century. V c( i: ui v if..!1.. n n iii-s t pi s thr tl-t.Oi-.l t e toa; '. i v to ui I us. we would like to hetr from eTcryone who leels an interestjtn th work, by making suggestions $r sending a pos tal card with .their, mi me, address and business ro Itichard II. I3o:it, Miune apoljs; Minn. ICcgolutions. ,. PnopsT Ali.ia.xce," Uowhu County.-'" Whereas. Ve, the ofBeers Mind niembers f Propst Alliance, Ko. luSS, in session this the 2 1th day of March, 1892, do , Resohe That we go on record ns endorsing our noble leaders, viz: I L. Polk, C. W. Macurif, Ben Terrell, Jerry Simpson, jManon Butler and all other of our patriotic 'sons enlisted-'' in' the-cause .of .truth right . and justice, and tender them otir iese U for their uncompromising fight in behalf of the sons ot; tqi. ' : " i ; 2, That we nnanimbnsly endorse the Oeala phttfDrm and 'esteeially the sub-treasury plank, also the proceed ings of the late St. Louis conference, the platform of which is justly styled "the second declaration of American independence," and that we urge upon our brethren everywhere to wake up and be doing before we are crushed entirely under the iron hel of oppres sion, and we have the coufage (and we hope all our brethren have) to tell our enemies to their teeth that when thev - at taik our leader they. attack us, and what we beiieve io be the best interests of the great majority of the people of this great country. 3, That we will press these demands upon the public servants of this entire nation until we get. entire relief from the oppresiue burdens heapel upon us hy the party bosses and politicians. 4, Thatrwe will not support any (-an- didateot any political party un!e3s he ' endorses and t him yt anils stjunrcly upon j.. tv. , , lf . i 3 ' . lilT V7I ilia I'l-itlWIIlI 5, That tt copv (f these resolutions he sent to ihe u'atciima!? aud Pjoyrcs- sire tanner for H'linbeaf ron, and that, ,, ' , , a everywhere how firm we stand Mid that wenrre everT Alliance tUn fT ... .' , in the Union piiiss something' simitar to let t tie p. r! y bosses and politicians i Ai . ' - i v i know that, the people s eves-tire be ' . 1 . - in; u i'.h'ed; Uhd: t.h.at'r their rule is. fast conr i - j - KEDEKltK A., LWZ-KlxfTZ; , LCTiinf J. IvKTGniE.- ;Cc:j. Pbav Uoy's Letter. CoirepcMeuCC it. I-'ditor: As 1 did not gt into the waste basket last week I will give you a few hems of our neighborhood you so c n. .4 i,..t:., l .1 I i 11 L IHii.l ' Lti- I Mr. Joe Hall moved hack to his rum hist ve; Joo lias the Texas f.-ver b .d, and v-ill start to that great Si nie l y tUe fir.-t (d! sip. Joe is a ::iod fanner aud an. Alliance niaiu We r-'gret'to give jli'nv up lut hop h.e wdl po'rVreturn fu'iy sari-tied that the ohl North St-te is the best. . George Hall lost, another, fine young horse hist Sunday night. The cause is thought to be feeding too much ensi lage. He also !o!fi two sick cows. John Locks is g ring in for a tobacco crop tins year, tie h s got an expe- riruced man from Virginia to assist himv Mr. Pane says John has some hr toi'acco land. M-rr ritausiil is confined to his' bed with la gnpp". lie has had a tough irhe f it. . ; . There is very little corn planted in the u ijzhl'orho' d vd. ij-s Fan i e Davis left Mill t'ridge h St .week tortus r hurv whore stie ac- cep?'ed a position in the mill "aery shop. v" Plow Boy. Ii Should ba in Zvevy Iloucthold. J. B. Wilpon, 371 Clay St., SharpHlmrp, r.i , savs he w ill not be without Dr. Kiie's'New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wtfa who'-was threalened with I'neumouia af ter an attack of La (Jripp, when varinuB other remedies and several -.phyieiati8: had done her no tl'od. Itobert Uarbcr of Cooksport, Pa., churns lir. Kiog's New i Discovery haa done lam more goo i man .,nii1;!.,rlmp'iT !nii for Luut irouulOrr n.l inn, " m 'Jthinu' like it. Try it. Free Trial Bot- tics at Xluttz c ds drug store. Largo' bottles COo. aud $100, ' M:'- ; . t., ,,,r i:.. The Baptist State convOn-Mfti in Winston April 14'h. This rcme IV is so wen khiowii an ine fvj i p ipular as U iKtl no- iHQa fc. 4iiiyn. - . , i l 1 ,.;0';tl4lJi Bill ' AO who i:ae u-i. i liTwif, "Pwr-rrp fii,. c:inf siJiiL' of Tirai-se a purer njeut cine doe imt exist 'and it is Harafrtee to do all that i- claimel. YAW$ t.t Ur.s will euro ill dise:is?s ! M.t ver ana Xidaevs, will remove rinipTep, 'iPviU,' ' tn:ineirt'f-:htfftt)bUnned rrom thfc-use nt. Sv'tTtheum and other ;ilIV-t ions-. eavsl.:r.ttie.iyjCiirtr?ortfr3 fie&tffo&llT ior bv iinr.ii rj blood. Will drive Malaria ' nearly a year, and db not liesitAte to say tt U f-om the -vsteia'and prevent as well i LnraluiWe to yjf ;.!uu ' -. cure all Mala. iaT Fevers. For cure of 1 ' ' X "y f OT-fl ! : lleadaehe, Consumption and Indigestion ' attei.- thin the 1-orrOr? inadeat la tiv I.' P.i::er.s i iitir - s.i'.H .K'llOll ia rauiee 1 or money let'umlettr Piien -(Jls $i per ljttle at Krui'.z us dng More. i - - - - COHSUUPilOK CUiiLL?. - r.d ,,;,v.i,. n. rpOesl from i)!-.cfl(;, n.iv An old i-.y.M..- .n, reU.fsl fi-om pr.crji;, hl -.r- U.e ! ) iiei. i T ,t si!; v.--i.o..e reuu-uy Uei.ii'alus. Ca,..!.!i. .Vvlena iail :.ll Tl-nt an i.a ,a'vU i iKn .1 iK.-,ae :nia i';l iicti C-UV f.,- M'lV I'll !) 'll.V -lil I "!' .NO! . i-i i .ll liil 111. , vt.i' t--".tj';t.s -,u. Ml ;r.loe ;havl-i - it. i..o i ab.is i c s . .n n a iaa tius. to .m i.i- u k.'i.vnto 'alsa-ar-ri ' fe'.l..-. Actu.u.-U hv i his ..i i: v an i .ol NcfV.ciH i o n i;ii:il. m -;t f ui-l .1 l-'M.f ia f.i"' i.ien.iu m. in-, v.i. I v lid tr-t- 'f cil r'MMii.ili who dc M , i iK r,.i t-..,. in ..Hi.ii.i. r'o a.-ii uv K: t-li. u i!.,, fllildl c '; ,V ! ,r". " ' l O'o i!": 'i-'1 S- Svtl1 bxlr' " b-v 1 .1 .1 ' : , si li:l l. Ii.-'.t! :i- I li! i . . i. :u :L ,l.r, N V. Dots Froni-Clcvolnntl. Correspondence of the Wttct2tnan. " Oar community generally is healthy and protjM?roas,nutwithsUii ing king cotton is at such a low ehb. The Alliance" in our scfinn is in. good working order. We ace' bd to our farmers hare found . t hat it H useless, to.' profbio? cotton altogether, Jtnd are raisingMt her "crops which are more essential and in every wyr; more remuui;fativi-. The Allianca clubs Wre receiving -a ! variety of freight daily . here. Among other things thev arV receiving . ial-gelyi of chiver' seed stnd thriving such yery fine soil mh well anapteq in tnegrjiwiu ot clover,; wn t bin k In the near, future';. ibis Vgiloii can 'flirt) ish clovereed f or othencotin- t ies in :t he St a W t hi reb v relieve 1hrH of -jMjing f reight? ircifitimortj-sind' ' " "H'V. IIWI.HICI II tUtii tlCIl. The young folks had a mnsicrd - nt i Mrs. N; B. Graham's on - toe evening of -the. 23J, and it wag n. "yery .enjoy ablfi - . occaision, bi)th instructive and edifying: Some of the ladies' "participating-';. itaj Misses Enuua Graharn,. Gussie Knox, Alice Thompson," Lizzie ; W Ivjte, .. Josie Baker, Cathey Hyde and others. ? Capt. Alex. "Moore and Mc llallod are having a fine tune catching ftsh in Third creek. . ,"-' '' II. M Uosboro & -Col are receiving lots of springs goods." "Pretty plumags makes pretty-birds' ' B. 0. Morris Co. are.rcpleniihing their stock of hardware. ;";"-.-';- Gilbert, Taylor (& :;rC6.e loading cars daily here for northern points aud ' elsewhere. ' --- ; - - .. Capt. yf. L. White is making a great preparation to supply the tobacco men with boxes. "."-- t Lyerly & Bro. aro shipping pess to New Orleans and' com toCnarlotto said Pineville. ' ' Y. Dion on the Iithtcs of tho Coat t- Combine, . The Rev. Thomas Dixont Jr., prefa- . . ced his sermon Sunday rnorning m As sociation Hall with a ten minute talk on the "Ethics otthe Coid Combing He spoke of the recent Tteading, Le high Val ley, Jersey Centr;' 1 hticL .Jmc k- - awanna cimbipe to -cuntrol the afrthyn eiteioutptit, "whudi;haia wateti'dLcitn;-; ltttl-DtbW,WvJ,llUlJihdcnpctf1.tf)" f ' earn &MSMnyjt&C:$ fe?' ' : scribed "the?!ii'c''Avhenthe-,news oftHa r' ileal", was j;iren,' on- tbft&t,ock : E3iclnriigv c(fu t when" "genteel .gamblers KhrtekedHikiji . maniacs" aud "these stocks i we tit ms, $8,000(000 wortb in a few ticks of tliq clock." " ." ' ' - "Thoo who know best," wenf pV llr. Dixon,- "declare that this deal -means an advance of fifty cents a ton in the price of coal. . This means that the m isses of the people. will be robbed of S20.000,(KX) annuallyjn a trxiT their firesides. What is-y.onr "business? V hat has the. law to do with such s com bin at ion ? Nothing now, and th,o ; cord baroirs may raise coaP"$l a ton,' and you maydmy it or not as you pleaef : But there-js a remedy, nnd a day of wrath wid come. Let thegoyernment assume control bf the people's high ways aml-un theni in the. iuterests of the people. The Ivhg oyvnd the tdd h igh way. The King , nmst o u tlie new4iighway or. the new highwaymen will own the King." Ndivi York Her ald. " t XE2ION XLISIH. A Pleasant Lemon Drink, For Biliousrjes, CoiiKlipation and Ha- " lariu, take Lemow Elixir. .For" Indigestion) Sick ;$nd ;Ncrv6tx3 v Headache, take'ejtnon EJixir. , ' For . Sleeplessness,' Nbrvrtufness'tind Heartfailure, takecroouftHifir, rj For Fevers, Chills, aud Debility, tk.o Lemon Elixir. i "vi - ' - Ladies, for- natuknl sod thorough pr--,h:1S ganic lejju'ation, take Leruon Elixir. ' Dr. Mczlj's Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above named dis eases, all of which rise Jrom a torpidr diseased li ver,stbma'cli, kidneys oV bow'efs. Prepared only by Dr. H.."-Mozley. -At- v a",Ga ppe,nnl$l hottlcsatdruggiistw Cures all Coughs, . Cdds, Hoarseness. :Sore Throat, Bronchitis, .: Pneumonia Ifjr.morrhage and all throat and lung dis eases." . . "' " ' .! "'- . ' ' - : Att elegant and. reliable preparation. cetvts atflruggisrs. Prepafed only by Dr. II. ilozley, Atlanta, Ga. A yUn-Vrifo.wh-lost her hnband liyjtwith, ,fejgrphed tho sad tidinpi to her father in rthese succinct wordu; OoarnJohn -died this morning. : Loss dly cxivereil br insurance.'1 ' 1 iu:.-. .1 - ... ? .. , ,'1LMxaGTo5. N. C. ' . ,,-t.nn T, I"',"" . - r-JLOUX-X. irftflGJ -3i tv-J-..;..Tk.X- r n ' 'iff Vti'ni.af- beTfcWor-thoseiw-bo ?ttrfr.frumifTm,v'tiK m .thv in'mr j.f.inioa no maiicine wtitrtTe .theper- - 11,5 "-"--o- t;'- j- ,6" - me relief when evcA thiu? else failed, and I fcl confi ifiit its uscjftil the foundations -for t1c good liealth I noV Djy aftir three year3 of suftVrijngjiicb ns few ia en could et.ind.- , Very truly yours; r ' fAV. RfBEKOa. rr g Thirteen tons of r ; tre ga'd'to haVe. UeOU ft V lastycir. . t jiotage ' Stamps old in New - York" J T, . .- f ! j4aw w Lmc.istor. tla-.vklrl Mi- vw w . in and bo-iitb (oi i-oeiors a !.d ;is ia my mure dill lrfsvUtP, Ofiv,' writes: e ght years. . nve rcit-i uent m-UU- ciiH b tud'derre Uer lo uood. MX bottlca 01 U. B. U. i uii-d her. ' Children Cry for Pitcher's. Castor V ;i'M.. . : . . : V ' " ' ' ' :''''." '.'":-"---jr . ' ' - , -i - - :' .-: ' ' -? " ; . : , j.-..'-'-'-...?...-,. ". v..- .-'-;-'":- . ' ., ' i :

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