T ' -' - i " -" -"-'-A - '-- a. i ' ;" ; . e "p.-a eg' aA--; a.e a a; -a- eg'1' - a "-ee r'A'"-aV-: i; a-;a: Av- a: 'e: " .' -A '"'V ' - a ' y - ear ""g .;-":.- .va -. :.a- ,a:r'; - g. . ; - a, -:;-4'C--vX;:'--:-v'.''; -: a-."" o h " .a , - . : a--? -.a : p- a?. :'- - - aa- -" - , . - - . - . -:a, a - r- - ' -A '- " i V AF-A pAAe. -. ;:",.-A. -F ' . . - - , ; : a ' , - -? , - - O '-":1-'vv;:3';y iVrrKV:V-.- -; a " . if---y . v . a - : '"-sU4 ' ' -F - - -.- a.-. ' - - - -T,v : . :-r -p.-: j - ; - , - C. .v , - . : y ' ' rlv " ft ''If "f 'ffl! ITS ' ' WW Ifl Tlfl tf ' - : ' " . - : -' - '' 1 y I i ' 1 " " " ' r 1 !:.. ' XJh. XXU I- THIRD BE HIES. SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1892. NO. 23, 1 - . - . - '- For t'jf Wat-cuma: fot Enfantc end Qhlldren. ii. a. -Asc3o, ::. d., Ml Oxford Ct., DrocUjD, 17. Y.- Cn-'tnrj-- rrrr Colic, 0cnrf5pcJ.!on. fpco-"l JtossupcrKsrto-tj rcnaja -xuls Wortad, give fckep, and promotes & rcstion, VTithout injurious mccicatsoa. ,of rftncf fimil v,lio iio keep Castcri I Kev ii-k (."tr.- for several yein I harj rooTrnnrcle! yrvir Castria, ' anl shall lilwr.ys ropt!tua to d sn as it bai iuvarialy produced beaeiicil tcria i raailts.' " "TJz? WfcaSiropilUi Strott an4 T:h Ave, York City. Not ffir the; filter of pol Xcr for the silvers shce:!: ".r yi-r frrthe l.-roa'i d'pmesnc-; Tnt for tl-e hiprhtrlif ', An4 for the tchc fir.! jravr, Ail for the rw i will j-T tsnii-t'ii to m::i; We'll strive till v.c reach the grave! Not f.r tlio j;nwr to crush Vik'$ tVHow creature luv!i, X.t for the v.c:il!h '.von ric! in Tunc: Nr lor the v. orhl s chenp tinsel crown: I??'.t for the clisirce to.-niise l'ocr mortsiiS from tho rust: To jtovc the i:a of Co l in man We'll slruglc, an l rayaii I tni?t! Not for th? wealth which holu3 A nation hx tlie throat; , "or for the .Stygian life that Icvcs O'er other's woes to gloat; VjtXt tliwl eltf'u' vl'erflV:.n:t T'SitC ' ' ' M:y cat-!i a brigl'-tyr ray (i5y euueatio!!' growing light) We'ii .-truL'gh: usid win soni - tiny. - " dur-n if. h r lov rnnn-nt nil orih, I:H ihtTo m-u isc mare or !c'S in t1;,.cia:n-ditv : v I'icli "he impress is ra,i'. ' hire i-. t o value in !.!);! y, sn -e "dhw l;e in iljt? oi:niii:ouity out of whic'.i tlo rnxl- i;tf. ts nijuie l line rece'.vrs tno stnu-j) cl i!Aijv vali.;:y. rha.CIaiNjon Sunt of slu Yatlk'n- Co:triy f 01 U d '.ys U ho is I hero in ail onr Banth! i-nl uvt'vnntcnf !:-cn''. As an pxampie oi j ih.t !;a nvdr hin:-. (i th" i'-..v(v,:--'Hal- lii'ini y'1 r.ml 4ts funtticn. it is j spv Va,!;iy,, .f the Y::lhi:i luv : :!;;thov:z:'(i by law, vu is ui; (Ic n'tulv 'i hi nmoj n i (h:; u. ir; .u..,-. til I . Y If- 1 A tvt w-:C i:0tl ; v ifo:n in Iho w at:i- j " LcUor frcra .TayIoisviIIc . TAN oi i vvo,-k aX'. I 1L1 not ! Ccrrrs -onJ-nco of t?c v.atevn.-n i ;1 ;?:tv, t.!u tho irtih on liichniond,A ;v: Senator Hi!! left Inn. t. c : y,i iv.fi : a o o x i.-rate VZashington Sumlnv inortiin's on hir ou o !:k;Ui:Mii.i iii.iKaHu:!o when ho speech makiiig tour," When heiu-M : I I t ill :.v.,.v ;;ve ii !l ti'.ii''i! Si'llt nt I tfA 1mn. ha f.n.ri k.l l-ft, C. i - I "v "-,'v t"uim ii, u 1'clli ilia VI ; a" V'.::i-.r.::ifii " .'lM-ir- i s;;tw ' when conbiinifnt hw .virfnllv nmis-l , ; , ,, , , , , : , 7 .,.1 net,. .:rv in , xehanue for laW or its Fcl- ve 1 ccome hmo Jihr i 'i .rnu - i ! T"" " Am-j trtn:, wa, t-bye l a half hoar fora u-,. it ;,t from hand to hand in ! or gm- or 1;ai i V.or - r-t Pie.; ' -"t l messcnp-r to irtnrn- anil worn ihtr Hi varois tn:n,,;tio:;S of. hsin.s,. ollunwe-t! co.iPtrv ovn- The' ' " " '"i- lw ,hof,r ' It ha, h,e:t.a,c,Ha?n,,l that hj In cerv ;nt::ne- uhero it- is a fr.t tor hi-ren. er i hir thi d-en s chihir,,, u.X '1 M v f T?1' I T "'I f fL" 1" t i I --nt icnl sperche it is re.ieen.ed, and at last re che, ih, ' n tno'er jacnv. hJo 'iC T'" t" "I i1"? i-! ,n tho f;' lev eon v.nnnent treasury in poym.:t oi kePt iho name mp.I thx ancient' asseei-' uTi ! 'V !P. ' -t 1 J" ;Ui:i'1 mSf15 Prc?m. lu;on ,0, t;,xes, here it is r.eeiv,,! or denied :.tio:s fn Sh nd u,,,. in oslur ' fre ,Ciirf!y eJuboratcf i ,1,, ,,h,Wa t vo:,.. .vl.,. ' . c ' are. and t.iat that silver men should havd Auaii!, it ocs. out on its arranil of dis- .lhe u;vrilaU,n V atiey.'.v.::? noletl hlv ,,.'t' i..u ; .,,-. ... t' it tiij;itio;iTj:nd aai i; relumed to 'even in i he old Colonial mus Mi.l in. t-, iw. ,u .i Z V. u'k'. ' i.io! i iicv ;-i'M ionarv era. u:i? (.t i- Fiat Jvi-oner. it. to t reasuvv.. i his is "''nut n:o:ie I and its discharge of the functiop.s- r ! ih ld L -vn,lu ion rv to Gc, j vhich it wasere.-ited. it. va red-"i'iu"d vr.. Lenoir.:, or n Jiijrnc:f t iamiiv. i in every liarts'n. cv ry fa!e, evr-ry j i-.v c t tie nil at:d l;--iii'-jr::::."d ti-;.ns:!( tio'i oi ev vy Una m wh-ch ir.j ;v. r t ne b:--iit!i a Viruihi.-i I imh- ;i a factor, ii pays KANUFACTTJH3BS OF 1 H pi firs nun AiamoEiatgfl FeriiHscr, Aeiii Plios- Corrcprone-crico ot the VutcLmas. Wehster defines the word 'fiat" : s ur. command to do something; a decisive or i lietivc command; ;i decr . " Hence, according to the definition, "fiat money11 is sinjply and oulv mtule raoi:y or decreed money- With this point established, the next important qnesticu i, Under what decree or hy whose commani is tms naf money ere- T s in tS::?t 1 v,.:- .d . y ilvba;! A n i have the sl'eeu oi free coinag; 1 ii!, the anli-silfer men- f;ii -fjiti-coin t hill and .the, Hon. D. IV lull h ilL have the pridency, X Th is-shows vhat mean little business ii-.ey will ffi., down to evr to imitating . r LMdi.-iii'a-c- u u it is i:i fnilthe derit. The icool hmk. 8113 s. th s::sr tk.': ';':t ';,r u:; ! is sin-nil- j devil takjttlint un into nn exceed .; r to the actor, and 1:1 wi,;eh it slci.d . man, fetrl'-t jit, the outji t ot c;v,u- ,;, 0!;fT ;, ij., t.., tho npresentativo (f t he j.-owcr and ' iv.tn-n -tn.rdii'm the front:..: ; i:er . He ! 'r,.'!i' i-'v'iUv'C., M.'ioTrliv a-nlionty or the gov.-rument -wlio e ' -' h y-vc a .a ssors heft protcrim- - :it v.- v.iil -vt ilic-.a ti ur in ' i-:t' it was, wails ot ha-'e oaken h;:s 0:1 a bean- v. -....!., .. L 11 :t it .a, 1 .i:;.-ui ua'e oa;eu 0:1 a Uean- i wiil treat of irredeemable motiey j tit'i.l raiiu i?ce (.vt rlookiiijL; ( J;0 Va!- 111 n:y m-xt. IS. A. Dux xino. ! b y -i the rtpniin river for m'.Pes. Washington, D. C, 'March 0, IS02. Tlse South nt trie World's Fair. It its -issue of week the Mnnii- 'ihey ealkd (he Syoi -Fort Deilanee." From it? secure ramparts the early settlers defied the daring savages who had their hunting grounds ai:d rnaize- Ihc fields both tibove a ated? Did this command emanate frmn fcturers hrcord. of Htutimore, msrir-s 1 same valley was t.ie heme trad car-y j t ike fs inach All ia Tee corn to lo my o:n!ip tence? Did the Creator oi: ho! Cuts urg-nt a;.eai to fie Sonth to pre- l n;i::.s'rorn.i f ran:c! Ho uh ihoivcs a it dous o'f iiis bonrhon dwarf universe ever de ere what shon'd m- ! ; p:".v tar t'ne -V oria s (yo!;'u::a:i J-jxp wilat shotl'd Hot be "iiat "lorrv? IT I !.:.ilO ;!':; t- s 1 . . -a a. 1 n j 1 a i i i If so, what is Us subsh nee and w.lsrd j " oisoiay or 1 lc : h: :-:v. ..ua in 1 o O i.V a ' i t ' ! ., ina.c n a ,, 1- .1 T T are its d-Mom n-.ti.--ns? Ah wh.- :y ; r'1;1 ''' ''' n' vr i s 1 o.era!--. m - j i!-ii "Slat monev" of IKdtv i'wtfd. It: d j K::; o ivhn Hint is bein- nvmire.-tid in : '-5i ' i-a . .vlutt are its pirtien'.ar en -.r e'ars'i:-sy ! -vei-al s -c! ion; of the is ;,th is gently Vf': aacla i" p:a' i 'tii p'isn fov.va.id in hitjh nrmntaiu and showeth hinV all the kingdoms obthe world and the ?;!ory of them and sayeih unto him, aTHhese things will I ojve thre if thou will fall down and worship me. And vet he didn't have one inch oHt. Tiie same paper ays that the demo crats of Kansas are proposing. to unite with the third party to defr.t the re" publican party in that Statef he' upon it is stated that the reptBlicans" propose to retaliate." by re-orgaJsainK the republican party in the South ail affecting a union with the Farmers' Af- Aii'l as for 1 li tnoe to defeat, the detv.ocrsifs in this - a i r.-a i-ever t-is- J section. It' is also st ited that President bal v.- - wi'.j in,(-.;e fn-Vdk, of the Alliance,. i1n favor of ,ove:;i'-'v.r. l. wsns o.- no witis. and don't you iorget.it. An-1 he said that . Ii. s i.iViie would be in the slable dream: u'oi' lhe corn he ought to have when he wa3 attending Alliance meet ings and discussing third party politics. I have no mule, and :uv horses are look- ;ng as well as his . miiie. It does not ;V i!::v snp- Main Office: DUIllT AM, NT C. Factories: Durham, C.ihciiMpND, Ya: ;Th3"f-.):bvi3i3 !Bnnr!3 a?o naiiTifactra-od czciu ' . 1 cvk?t7 for ill i -iriiTin: 4 W. J - ' ' - l'X C. Alliance Official (Jinaim' 'Trop;rcssive 'Far'uv, r U.N. 0. "Alliance,. (.)fiicial Acid-Phos- jiliatc.'' . . . ... i ri-wh iu is or was its existe.-ce reve.u. .', :- f 1 l lnt.en'el. In the r.s nee ' l t jvi-n-o ; pp. i.( ...U-v hf,m or t!.r(.f.--b v. bom a- if ; fo-.sf ;t ntoonnl ob hides, the ivf 'fal d' t ' 0 'an!.;;; slreaia u.. ,i; fn!,.',,! :.m. f!o ,.h'.l,:vi.:i nu en v. - '. aa S.-ntheni leeislaturo to" lia':e !;)- If fi.d al es ieallv 'mike 1 1 1- ill era! at )) rein; ton fo r bta'e r p rosea ;s A!-. :;:.s i .v. r :-o-;.a'.ie i 'r.' v- ia ii .' t J'ae t -hiit u wi o --m I U-d on a1-: v i a : . ( ' " -at thraa;; the !1 co-;- ; oa. !ep in ! L ps tins movement. It -is superfluous to of th--' i to .v th d if un-v'such plTiirt is reallv i . t . i . w s : : ; v j i- .a v i he r:-a:(. i to ';. :od eiaton. : i :!: e ,i.Ul i as some of our statesmen and wri-rs 1 1 ::ion at Cideago is false (conoaty ,? '-atiivs iu-.r o: eav. t: o ancient or j na miiV..niv:ih :n'i he aikiu- claim, wh nv in the .u'eat lahor .torv of ! the nu st couV-p-cPons kind. Ne.u'eet 1;!'1 -ar-b-rii; nahan id .e va-0aj-o:u r ! arouad v. t1: ids it '.id bunti dowp, tiatutv is the process'c trricd on? " To ! t- make ample -provision for thi p.reat t--p a-i: e. the me uia ; of uhh-ii is t,( , ,.a f,n .an, ;,i.t. ini, and charov such efforts to Deity is sacrilege , I event is a snort sighted policy hint is myy si;n, 1 a mat U r ot p aua :ancy. ; ashamed of the pait . to whi-h he lv- ro: ueaii-, ;i uina:.-l enrs ; .); "-;. ,,..,., ..,.i ...,a,..- ( 1 .a.,.,,.1 and tends t essen our resp -i t a nd rev- i sure r reaci in mi mjur.op.s manmr , , "" V; ;l '-' "' i t.-ug--. ami -a :n ;. I iv'i 1 had h.ved ence for the attrduibs of oninit v. upon t r.e wnoie urm. n. nc oat, r in- '.. ; ai,!. , ie ; ... jj!:;:u .,. v, i n5. je avs he fac. is that Providence cros!e i t:-e ius-ial stc.i:ns of the North are in ik. o neil an 1 oeerab.. by nolde f-milte--. !,.- h- c:pi sar.-'v sav tl-.iit not one in a ranpv i-a ' i n-.r i; ii.- a n a. ;.-, or i ar , plaS'r I M ONI AL S : Un:;;:r:i.i.K. X. C, A us. 17, ISO I. frn'-i Ur .1. S. J ,h!it ) i. r of t!sc !v- .. .. .. . .. vn: l l)ir':;'tn I-( i t i! iz.-r ( ' !ii : :i :i v "'tit! V -.' 1 ' ! Mtlll ! ! 'CO .-N . - i-M-l-i- .VM. C .Ul'l M.iii,i-i"-r ,!i.i;!,.-("'. nv !!'ia-e"::t ina vat.-, - 'I '.'.(!(( lii:l-'C 1 TS! Ili' :A-(11 ClillTllv. :1Ii1 Plll-il.-.lll. N. L. !..,'. . , . ', , : i!i p-in !!: Alii mcj :ss tarccte i l;v ta: AIh:it c'.'. Mv i-.;r Sir: i our' ot the Sto y.:-t to aa :..!. . " . ... . . , It vai w.;at it in i c stronger and t'aak oi . ..i . ... i i .... ' i. : -1 . . .i v t . . . - . . . : ... .... . . ,i ' - .. ,. ctnvlhk-ir I i-ohI i 'ait i i, let ai' know at oiioc. Ia: r. iii:t mi inaav to stv tir vmir . i i... .t v 1 ' ' '!'!.. ' . . .:.r. .... I..!... iiif m:.i.i a. i. it':i .v:uM;aun.i nut- mi; .viu- (o;:tr: laa 1 e:;el5ea cfi'.itieatcf of iii.'ua--- ei I ,.,f..,-to! n f ,vi,; K , w ri . I m r lu-er d ? r- o -n turns tor re!re.-:enta- r pr. a ail a Ini imm r.vsde the Pioeev its.lsa ' ! ' i a i !l i h W. rld's F.dr, a ul ti'.e Wiat ea: i.a i. r.i ic-- " As at; example, (b.d ;;t do tlie :u de- ; i:; pr; vi a ig for the oec s Mt h a A m.-r:can m-ipo rac r i i:e n Fa! out f which tiie :te.;m u-ine i word-rfiJ dipiay of p-Fal !y. ' .d -a i iiied, y t. t m de, bt;t the l.hor -f uiyit built t!e-K. ey appropnaicd for t pu;-po-e open houe ;u:d hum! i.;e )io-li;i'(; Tln -en -doe fo'-tber v. ita d ;s not til bcale ex! ru valance in -pv ee.'tieii cott u ol,;Vani Ha-;.- gn a v k. pa j wa d; !ni 1.1 .aa : ai a ng or i ,.;. r. !; i water and lir- m v l) iren'rcit tody.w j rsp.-ef, bur the in InTer, nt poke- (thar h.come i ianr giK.t. j a won:, a were v- win p;-.,v. it h b.h.i th ;!uMa segreoa'hfiam 'oiai iopa. ' F:, F-an t.dop'ed by a few. ,f th- h-L-,..or:Lda:p,-s o, w,t. gr. '-a aMt ; p,;) v p, t; 4i-h great fo.ahtv. i nt, n'is the -;:a" .ates m.st k- Je-ardel as ..u:y. i.a" latae.ats F-i me y.;!. j Xovr for t'-e conv.r.tioa lhe comm. ill of the roiroai oilieiaks, ' tier pa-ia.b:.y or -..failure to appra- '; g-'.t-greed; : t F'v aaa v yj. S. aad lb" Ai!:-i.cn.e ,h.a ,l.a,..-;i, n.c eh.et n,t;., cialetiieini! Oitaiue of the oi-portnmrv. - 1 o!.l sinuey tm.t t lav n,r:kt !:va!;,.- xoi w iieFp-r la- i ran A! lull HI .Wlll.ll o "in 'in I' I ' ; ii ., . . -' I 'l sh.ll be-active or dorma' t. Just sol " i here is iv-t, lo onr kmwie o.-e, r-ny , gM: ro-.isly at h m a ;ad sei a t leer . by praeipk- ir ja4 by nana ? with money. Coihdn materials, so.p.c- ! c hch a reana!.fe ap.pro- ' ' st i le to dtrnt eniy. rata-s o! j -V' y i, y thkn yot; will ti f:;i,,w ' ,...;,, .,.! ' ori .tien ei.uhl. be devoted ui h better i;,ps -'te. v. ;a a I the r oroa..l ;ier. ! vote i' r a;;-, e-.-.eHdtde u ho ii act 1 !.iw :t ' M ii Ii ti'i !;t' IdUt d, Ii;i;e' (:1 i m.ide it v.i I piean the death of the'-AI- lismce in the Sontii. No intelligent Mui!nrn firmer would ever counte nance sm-h eoaHtio i, for khey a!l know that r.egro domination is ;t worse exil iliati ;tiiy other the-y ccutld ssibly s,uf- fcr i'ro,-!?. ' rs- . If l:;tr- hure tlveir portion assig-rieiT to beil these men will certainly Iw en." titled to their share. We don't Want jiegro rule, neither do we want to bo ruled like the nero. lly corporations, tr':ji--, syndicate--, and combines which had their tir-t heiiningdn hell. Wo , Mi ia saving I can we'i afford to rik negro rule by voting- sentimeiil Uekets and not harty frauds. j. L. LEFLBi, Tayl.n Aille, N. C. ELIXIR. its WonlorFil SiTjst oa to-Eivcr, Sto:aici?, Bowels and K,-lncy. 'ui.' r oi .iicm .v tiaac t : . t ; . , aa-O -F ;tre. a- . , , , . i 1 1... a . a I'LL' I i r. i a ie i o'-v e; cp aa-nee: ana to ny of en;-, mk eti igs and ! it t i !:':.: that we do t'.i.a'I i' :ait k i, si;: ji uty aiaou j tie' J h'ii v : ;a .1 iyatili'u r to : i a.- '...ii; v, a.i ".'.ii -w- .rt .y !.! . ae 1 naio . t''c r.-.-oil-. -T i.'o.u-e h: , iif: l aai , t the J i :iac' h;? or !-ru i me to let vou Icr.ow it na l all 'It; mi. 'y.t tla.'v- aiy ih.it is.eKta-t ' y a i ti ilo:?.;- '. Ii'?. tiiv t -L-.iS'i-i. I it sc. I i i-. v ea t .a.s oil ; i 1 . -i:...i ii;iv i-iy,'e m5i ! -li.fi-...-.i -h ..; .t:!.'.ctofv r.'sui: a' , -v "Wry ta.'v ,:a ii'5j;eci;u.Iy y.-.-i:v, , .J. o. Jira.:"ro'. Piiilaiai ni'U,', -; ('iiiiia:oo-: i -1 1 in ii -1 rmiiVss I was :i li t ttc-"a frai I of vour i 'Ti-rtiliziT hist n-tr. so ure.l (as J h.el dooe f r : .Ws) Udeau nV (Jhcinicalf. 1 ttaaslit none i"u!L!.e hrttvr. ' tVe-l h.ilf your.-- aaii !iah La 'wux's tlii.s yo:.r. aui am ioat to ?ay yours a'nw Ujmy., r ajul finer oa. s;iim?"hue5 Iwi.li I V;n. ;;l)le t give it the lccoirtuieinla ItniiTt .i(fi-is.- Keep-it up to the .aunihu-l. a3 u.ii h.avt- aiai all of u'-w ill uso it i.ext vrnr. others tiett "it :.i:v coae -ro. Vta.irs truly, -" (o: ). M. I5"UTax. lSl-c y lii.'-L-viila AUiauee Xo. TS , Uuswcll Co. ? U-.r -T-LP;,n:vv, 1 AYinVoa. Ateu-t. Irlil. f Th-.- crop outlook wlir? OHicial CJ a.ino was ii-c 1 will (.Mui pare favorably with any other Fertiit:v.T ia our etataty. Oar people arc gea- erai'y well satijilca with sai ! guano. J. F. (iiorriT:;. i i i fi .r.. ,. i i... I 1 1 a ... ie aie ta-:a in t':e -ovtsio or a sn hv'b berioto v aiousforms uiti cana'n bl- xlii'oit oi the ysaimes ; n 1 in- p' ' oth; r ch n-cten-ties to designate t it. ar dns! i -ie of an'y Sotdhera St il-e i.i th use. Yhnndnd. of oil r. at. subs :l-,ees ; i-'-; cxpa)M'.mn.. .Ad.vertismg is tbt ho v.. i-.,.'ii o..-:.!e irss f in tb.M 2 r. tr.r ki nidn-.rv ill tee ..... ... . - - i - .- 'ea! ! sow I or an 's o 'I io l.:c , ; . iiat ta w : p. V 5, : n t ;hisp:upo.c.):.f er which itbcrmitoin S. ties tSmt des re to attr. cl jFe;U2 n as in the past, or what is ie m d i p.v. ml 1 romop. uevei pnn nt niu :t s in prese nt, deth.res ilrm to be "Si X , w.-il enehise t heir b.aA ,- v. u h a i.:.-h ,noll,v;' - fe'.iee as to :k g'ei t any. go... I- oppuj-r-.- ; ' a.-! ne j r inces t i s y :!' tin 1" i . i O .-: line I j ;; ni..: k M. i ' : .- r . .) -a d ea til t t act ! tad's wkitt a.'V tdi iart Alliance 1 i-cv . t la lu!: tl.eir h- i a t As raw material Ibrv are m i moaav, ni ere o-.T-senh at 1 n:1'':ea;- A!,i,.pct' p.;- et n; j ;;ml t bererore it I ,. I It r en sav. at w o; ! i i., ;.' oi' F. ... ' .'. .... i'' . i. ,'i c itimeriTal IV. til:, rs, n r of p -v-d'y i . a a ' a - i i - a a ; i h a i ve . s. a i : o ! , . . . . P ... .... . .f .. t - ' ii.-i lUli'M i u;. ii For P.iliousnesy Constipation ami Ma laria, take Lemon Elixir. - -. Vor . Indigestion, .Sick afol Nervou Headache, take Lemon Eijir. For Sleeplessness, Nervwisness a'nd ' I ieavtfaihire take Lctnoa JJIixir. For Feyei-s, Chills and Icbility, take Leraon Clixir. lol lies, for natural and through oranib rcyilatio!!, fake L'.iP.on Kiixir. . . Dr. Me -.ley's Lemon Jypxbr will .-not -fail vou in anv ot the above named dis-,. ii. . 1 1 . . L'-.l't. I. . ILII i.ll.i; tMl .1 I H ill I.I i . t , ,...... .... ... .,,v ... (... ' . . . 'V l.i.l i. Ii I.- il'' :l t ,a., ... ., ,1 1 tl,,.n,.i , iim.o I I Uho oa. fa- s to a mil row ii Id. ami this iai: i j i a. i i a t !' .! i r t CiE.). Ij. Wnaa.A vt; ...yp II:c:;x.x.s, Va., August 2tJ. ! 8 a 1 . t aee.) i:ov an ohl tohacto grower ami have u.-cil a peat ia ny rrtili.ers since I have been jiTowiiiir tobacco, but have never use.1 ar.y iaami that exceeds tiie Purham. Mv 'tobacco thttv are o dv tt:e- products -pt natmv. j to ik.e woil k ' .Ti e baskie, A" f c'ii n;i hv I I . i r ti- v-'cr.-. eol ' do j yt aaVeltlSe c llh-a; money, but, he:i ctistoe.i i r kpv !.-- , ' .., rj tii-a 1 1 -v -a. ., 1 1 . ! '.( v ' r )f m-irev, then, aid i:ot i ti.o. .1. -,(- The orid.s Co'um'-i ot lv: ... , thev st.. ft oal on tlaar n;F,io:i asMnh. ' V: - :l nope ; dver: t-ttrg , tUcr- ( J '-'F! p- Taei ea of a natpr.-l mon.v, ir a'i-'. tin i hosa u!p d . n d p -r i ip ,r- me j o p r,.-.-. some particular ki?:U of n..turtd j)ro,b ; u $t up! re.. 1 t he Cai-.U.; in an ua 1 or; u- t..u,g I I I L . t . I ' . . . V. I . -'. m a Per .' ' il i : aop v ci is s a ' ,oe a ! i , as ai m ib i e ; ; '- rr ia: t , .: . v -a ro ia.u a ; -i v i . " a ,o Ir-'-F - i at onr l--t im- 1- ( n P si ' '. . .a-;: A'ia;;-;' ;-l . n i -;.r or t lhe i ' I .A . I ! i '.' aa t v. a (; ii: ' F h-' will fo;ne i . : ' . e ( nets vf ere ;n s gaeil aa tne beg:na:t!g t o l:e ust'd e.s money, is adsolure tie : :o:i 1 i lii re is a eeini.-ir m e ssi o; t i p U V -a o e-'o r ;:s kea;;s, tia , tkanh to ati i.e t is j.portiitp.U to !l ' i s.a e i. 'i i. ... cx;e!ii. I Here Is rib .and unworihv the ai:e ia whicli wc live, 'that ail moacv is aitirh id, and. ' t'nih-t. po therefore ibe resaito f a 'dial" mu ftu ut people in toe Tin. m be nnpan nt -to ad who would give t!:e the i est. in Aew L-.gFod :aid a.-r-.s tna tcr n momeni's careful .t hought. ! F"' r.cean who have invt sted ,ay.-e.y ;,n The f. ct that ad mom.y is l'ikt, ' w..s v ons enterpriser r r re.i.ne.vi ? -ae davelo:. meats ot t :e rO'tsin. iMne o:u k:v ai itu! c s'e-s an y. a: iaa.l a A' e ts araaii I Fad...-; ai ! ii. :. e- a; u m- .. x y, ;.nd ;da , v- ' a at ever b '.--i ami ! i-e., a-!, b . a. ti' ar ;) r, ' - : i . a a - a a . i v is.cloln- as well this ver as I ever had a croa Hrndy estab'Fed by ihe sppreme com. t . ! veiopmeats or toe ri ao n. .iM.:e o.u ;p V; '" to lie, ?. Far as the fertilizer U concerned. I of the United Sates in its - drcisimr "I very ten of sucn inves-ors p.;l e .i cheerfully rceoaane. i the-the Purham to every relative to the legal temler act. Tied V ' 1 :ti: ;Vil 1 f.Vt l" .g, . j tarnursho wishrs a hicli era.le Ft-niliair at a ! dfeisioil Amb.dmed ill Fw the rettson- , 1 I hat : section ot tec conn, i v. Hug ' 'p f. . . . : -a - a ; a i l;o . i u -. . s i i. ' .(' - ae mek sktii or sok ; nr -as -. j at o 1 p Pim.iI e. oa He') O -'if. : ' d f -. o Fat m r ;i i -i ; ; s on : ha i.ia.d.e ;m i rir a ta low price. i'KTia: l. Booth. m y:ur orders to W JLWcrtli, State Agt, or direct to us. - J. G.-BSSHEABT, cnnty, Ag't, 1 BAIilSBXJBlT, N. G. Li ai -) - zm Z&H TF V if Elk r A. 3 1 AMPAOT ADrP itl.tuc. : X liv nun i mi-- mym. - t. , i .. , , c .i r -i o a.ao-. ' ? i used in derision Mid ridicr.'e by the ! nire. sot that section. Ihovare.aMv u ; - ' money oAMie.s' implies some connection : tdied m such an expee-alion. aud -h - J -with what they are pleased to designate , t!ie rc-sp,ins;biit!y ler tiihi.mei.t ivs.s - - ;. p - ;; as -ifredecmile money' The ab- j w:th the bouth-vyith oacn btate as f- urditv of this assertion is only equaled wen as woo iirao-.a-.. .y th ignorance which pmmpts it. "We earnestly hope that ml c . Having greatly increased my facilities for handling and goring CO AL t110 coming season, I would now again j-espect- "aJly "lifiajiy and all orders jjntrutcd to mo, promising to fy'hish yod pmmptly with wliat coal you may want at the lowest privet price. In order to ohlain advantage of the lowest sum- hlei eiepvs VOU sllOnbl :i t. nneo on.l ti-- iv.!o.nrd-.ra P..a...' .1 ... ' . .. v-wi iia ULii UMlCi?. AVeniClllllCI - p Fiionly tlui host grades of screened Coal, including 110 h-d Ash, suitahlo for grates, stoves, heaters, etc. tso Keep on haiul at all times-the finest ;rade of hlacl'smith ' , J- ALLEN- BROWN. I M A uulu WADFOi h tliBhcD to-Got lloaumsiits, Tcmlstonss, :' :nlryEllJ r,!.Bitorrivc.hi a few days - Weguarantce ju ta every respect and poaitively wijl uuehe uadcmold. -in i to M oi u u rie n ts Ofull siecially C. B. WEBB 8c CO., Meatlia t'ao .V..tchui.i:r hen j ou write PXTllTtffiVTT'i ; .i stole and intelligent conclusion th ave re, d ;tnd he ed intteh of t!;e .wo; oo i; ,- Piieta : I oai ; i pes. : ar t : i.i ; i e i . i i . ie.s m: .'y. a n--t ( F. !) t i . i V : a 1 : ; ; 'g ::'! a.a i or IP i )','- i! .a ' -a j.- . be will .i:-ipiii' .ii;a:n eaian. v a ; i : ': s'eaP.d intvc i : -:.'t a-a-, navi r h.ad iiny .. - i i a . . . - a" a ! the He:-',!., ja c a! o-e. r:-:kt b Most u ' "! V a : a! Podv s.svs. a ? -1 : r:y Fit nt f-iiice :.:!! )a.', : e Fng epiee k i a; -e. 1 k, -w v.. at are - . : -i ii: v !:i own a: i if vri i pad. po;d oat. i . A . ia a i1 1 a, a c.t. eet -: -a ia". k'P ;l piaaas Were" , a ai. a. ioi t tli'-ivi'ore s' in vo-jr ita-ni Vee appeals to evc rv one vri o h. s stm i.-.l '-f'd resources of. i he aout a, its r..p- - k 'V the qnestio.,; th.it it is the. impress -f iy gr.-wtn.g ludurTs, its mip.c, iai- ; 1 ' ; - g,verunient decree that earrii-s with it e.-ts, m ils aad furnaces, and w!a n Fay - p" : the functions of money, and not the ; g Fkteago next y--ar Jaw vvdlai- m - ,pp; ,,, i,.,.;j , ...I.;,.!, . tiroilv evpeet. to see si b-mihetm ( .xipeet i,,-'.v '!,', m.iterial upon which suea i injure s is 'l made. !The tt nil "fiat money1' sis now , wyor ;o .e. a r;i era a pa e o at i", Wo;; i : ' alio: a . a a, . - la-.-a ii aat- that lee.' b Ii it ka ibak- a-1 iiauers of s-.-me of a':i. W a w no you o-aai a i -.rear ov V a i ui o to t no woai m an :o:-. t. P O! ae 'Ma t e ' i i 1 . in a . a . -1 1 hi Lit . t s 1 Dv ttw ignorance The "fiat" which gives iho money ts distributing and debt-paying functions, is in no manner near or remote con nected with either irredeemability or f iu1imi"ii ii-1 1 1 r '"Wi-it m .-!! n v ( a "Pidl 1. Ul II.U.'IIH l 1. tru- llliyi...J . ., . . ( . , 1....1 iA!.v' t0 ,,v!,., fi ,vi:., ,,,. !, he-s -r mclitiati-m, ont or necca t tfausaction in which tt isfa. to-. T. ke U' cesstty that, is imprr-ii ive. i la-re he no deb v. no out' ience ei a ceer, i-aw- ' a; ia r f r a ayt !.p.g eb-e-. j Pi a e ;i h pr- - at, bat !a ' pre en '-a- ha.-.-ivTnM i -..a,; ! aa;:i to td.y iiis a. t titne. ( he ku. ltn v Wat. ii paper of Ho wan. You T,t- t, V . :; v er ro inrr r n a . consid-' m:Rp ITI trvtonenafew lines for J1 Viwj on the Allnuce f ultin pcnnnia? wi 11 1m set ! ....'....bi t.c.t. pnnciple. n5dp in this matter. Knd that all tho " T..cr xvneV, rait.s Imv. ffroatlv hia- Mirauun, Marc. 1 2 IbdZ friends because Allhu W. U. Southern States will act in unison ri t;t.re(i trJ farmers from their farm """T""?" providing for a li!rratadisrIay at Chi- u.,.ri- Wheat is looking well wlere ' A Littlo GirTa ?rc e;pg'. It is t;or a insilier of willing- m.,u::rvs and fertilizers were u--e!. 0a- j hc-s ( r hiciiiPit i m, hut of neccad-t -- ,.-,..! .p..; L-a I i ; ill ? i-P:.: r tki '; T-Tr. aa 1 Mr a faa.-a t ence ia a Liglit T - : F i Tie-, n'f fire lroert h.)W'ds 1'rep-ared only hy Dr. TI. Mozrley, At- -lant-A, Vi i. oOc. and 1 botUj.es at drug- A i?rcirilAent IJiniator Writes. After tea years of great snaring from, a Inditres'ion, v. ii 1; 'jyv.vil Kervotls prostra- ' .vai. hilie'.isness, disorTteretFJiidiieyH anil - -consi ipntion, I have been cured by Dr, ?.I oil cy's Lemon Klixir. and nia now wc!l man. . Ih v. C. C. Davis, -KM. M. Church South, -8 Tittnall St. Atlanta, Ga,. qg0-X' To answer the enquiry whether tp$ Confederate govt rpnu nt ever coined any gold tlie Charleston Xew& and C'lurrrr n Fa r. 1 t be question to Hon. FiPirh s ( ,. .Joins, dr., of August;!, Oil, who replied: ''The Confederate Stales, as I now reiiii mb'-rycoined' and issuetl it ) g-dd,. A few experimental halfk do'iars ia stiver Were struck, but r they did not. pass into ciriihition." . i is ai' t Pi er- for i x.iinple lhe greeub-'.ck p ) -r ntopev .; 1 -riiaz 'PS I ' e , 't o 'x . r: Without.) be exception on lack it I optu'cn sis to peausx but le . aa te p0 :l is absolute "ii .t men v." it w ,s -,1, d here a nutted pr,t tlelerm.tM.' I u Aiaiaet.;: -j- as "liat mopevp' was circtdat, d- f. i ''it to place t ue hoaUt on a, iqa.o, Te - a. 1 cla-. o thirty e rs as -fiat mom v." and re- ih the entire uaia.t pi a p, - p p. na ; maiifs the same tedav. ltsdws vs was Wo, ht s Coinms.up. xpo-.t.on. .pUi,, .i. t,..;Iy, i.-. i o . raa'i'. - and is sit t lie present d ne "a re lc: in -r.hle"' as t ke itim g cs, which, h'.ov-evi-r, hi; nothing- wha'ever to do witii its being 4'ii;tL ' I want -to stsite at itay FnormiiKK. I his point hsit there 'tn vi r v; as -a si:'.-n , . . . ..... , ; pan i y L- . : , . .iv- iliive no lietaiea , ...i-iiei -' - M.-eo.ar.-. tie on ? Pi aa i billon ana'it from its bearai ' upon i be So- I i. hut we iuiiv appre-jt.t e 1 1." - ,., i -..t:s aa l a ; .- Strength and Health. If Von. ate not h cling strong and heal thy, try Ivectrie Ihtters. If "La Grippe" has !cP. you v. ca.k and weary, use EJec trie Fatu. This remedy nets directly oa Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, gently A aidicg lho.e organs to perform theiir functions. If you are nfllicted with Sick Headache, you will thai speedj and per manent relie f hy taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince you that this ia the remedy you nccd7 Largo bottles only 60c. at Kluttz & Co.'s drug store y First Boy (contemptuously) -Huh ) Your ma takes in washing. Second Boy Of course; you didn't s'pose she'dt leave it hanging out over nignt unless i P ' eg 0,t are troop- ; .V;W ;n p, -? ; j.ja'h jii.-e at .Mini j - 1 " . . ,i j ... . . ,. a u,. sjnailiH. srcreu., Ul-l Polsan anil Rheumatlsrn -x' - ' '.' .. ' ' .'A A ! ; r-. i.r-Pi v e. 1'. P. o'r crly'.WU, I'oke Hoot ai4 a WP 1 .'id.: e a top'.'"' l j rotav,i.ni.). v Va i aa.l -.ne ,.a ialo a i u - o i (cl vvr-.t'- ;iAi 1 1jo.11 v f aike P. P. P. aad you "' .-:.. .....oa ;,od ..t Ie: re it will r.ari -ur -p--:i ;ihi5!-tfiMii'th. . a ok ... .. vo--e i P-r Jc-.uj'irmtl-a i. H U irf i anl SjqihUis, P. P-P. -ir,. i ' 'rl-klv A-'-.U, !')';.. l-.o ii Aa-1 P-jt..i.-Uuiii) la tlie besi - n- v, -i ui.-.e ' p,;-"';' P.Prur:. Iv. he. i t:ti-d r. ivm,s ... f , a -,. . . f Tndl2esn0n . v aaal : Per ia - a.-a jif (t I ar.'l is..vU. vay 1. 1'. P. it is the best a., t aip-.-u-.v careo. i Sail nt: M '.la.'iiir Iu tut- v-crM. importance or t he oeca.-iop, ami war.i aerr l.l.a.e the lhe South not to Ft such tin opporiun- : ;xu 0pir 0;; I, le dollar ain gold he'd as reserve na-1 : saiy sict of congress to redeem ti c e greenbiks. Ti e idea of cresifing something oui ef ik thing,' or of making v. b e by act of ; congrt ss, is siho'.b.er iling ; t "hat tiUMiev,'' which is sis abr-urd its ii is-mi4e;iding. Tho' government cre a'es no ab:e iti 'li -t mone ;"' neil In r dors pretend to; it simply drctces ;i i!y pass uniieule k 1 i 1 ktik o f.dks : wort a a ing tilem With rail 1 . o aaruay ;a ;ai i ta'ev bad a iraad ti:ne having a speiiing - 1 1 " T - - - rn ; .-. a i .c i n? co ei y is :a iroai, vet you may -ca i .- 1 I .1 ! .-X., P..f .1.1 .!!.. IT ,u! I 1 . -r i;,... ,'a : i:i 1 " " .' " a - - . i iilOtC.'H'S. psill oe, ni ..w , , , . t w It vP. at o-eek .li.oatchcs. iso lliligaPd UioT il... vt. .u. 1.. nn'" i i ' i . 1 , a i ,. i w. il. Wtai r. ra e. Vv t Alrtnuy Oa.,- says he hfs, -!Pferril c U 1: H'jeu:i:.-iil:-m lor ntc-n yt, fitd t i i.-iarUini- tic-1 rl-l ill tlie so-callei snecltics tus . '.. .11 ....l .n ... ... n An I h 11 . .,.' it" "' iii K .; i i 1" l O. S i U'i I ''!- . i ; . .v.i .i- i:, .io uii i. 6. .i, r lirmi. ;,:no '01 nun ;i iji ti ui r. r. i . t ee n a: tr n ai: P: i I'. P. P. stiov.e t ltn rcraarJtnblei err -, i -. un I after cstn .1 sYirt -tlaie- the rheuma-xy.-a ds i; rtjired, oil tie writes he feels like a new. 1.11Q. "rl u'r- i i"'tsure in recommending It tq Uliiiifiu-ti'' hiiJer. -ra - ! v piia a is i y arbor days, ..kdV. 1 A ori! 1 Fa an 1 M sv f;h, to aecontma- r; a. :.v; in Use i- l!ivcs away i.oipient lunea-s, teae,ur aliU ta- i .y o,e t- . .p i. , p , , , , , a,v;,,-; -.rv Sh.te Clears the itoal oi jioioonotts h.uiaor.-; j,.-. snti-d vviia a nu-epouuo c-o e on-ua ; ' . p ( , . , , ,.-a i Aiiing one, whoeA t: you he,' ' ant of corn me ii, cotton, cation eh vt ' l' lv ' ' 1 ' " " Try the worth of 'J. M !.- . ' , uhy. yp,,,. --- --: vlpc'a is the "rcat Gul.den Mcihciil ,!.:- ... -, , ii. p..' .p ,a ie a. ;. . .. a - a a, . . : i v..,., , u.Cii uip v.. ,a..rr.,l toiie1 M,-srs M .r an 1 11 1 le..ra. o! ,-rpa- u- ; nr...-- a si o-m. a '-na. i.ut n f sri;irer;f-n s.i..v i:,.,... v,, ,1. :r: - - e. .....1 . ..fii'.nii!' i. 1. ,. 1 re'nedv tor eoasump' ian, JFs. llenrv L p'f medium of exchange, wnieh is m uh- F: stutee r.i reinw , T t,l 'd ik A -' -F ,' , , f. ,: i- 1 1 1 . . . -, I .-i.nidii i ej iF -and huij trou ).c-, gu..i - , I ,.. !.. t .. 1 corr.-s:.) onujot ot lue , ,, . - n.. , , t - 1 nd spei,sd!et;nd.r pres. nt civil z m in. j ; "-A iu" l.oHt or cate, if taken ia . Vw J.,,l,,;h4t (,t ,r' kaai , : ChiiurCH GfV for Pitches CaSl&f j there is no vame in the ' impress Uuic, 01 u:oney refunded. Wl.cu Eby ras ckk, -n-e frare hor CascorU. When she -was a Child, she cried for Castoria Vhen she became she e.lung to Castoria. Wcq Eha had Cliil'Jrea, she ga"3thexn .RSji -1 fi I "?

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