A " ; A 40 ' V SALISBURY.-N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1802 NO. 25.' .3 . V 1 ft i B .- J ' s Jig 6 T llClL i JL JL -' 7 . - rot- L l-.-ow . a va 7 V. V X D -V tid : h So fori t., Srooklyn, S. T. ' fPr Infants r.rvj Children? C-ntorla cures Colic, Const Spat lw. o-rfc imnacii, Diarrfa'X-a. Eructation, lllilr, Worms, givss sltx-p, aud promotes dl Vlthout injurious inedicat.on. - s I hare recommended " ' . . . I "For several veir V,f T torpi,' W sounnfrv- j - .-(- .rnai: 1 shnll always cominue i .'ibiu ea? f-ttl-lV'tniA5i IlAnTYK. T. T ., ' 1 t Tbn WinUiop.,, iil Street and T:b e., NV York City.- 1 ... . ,1n11?f. .raifld Church- :or Ij'Q0"1'" Kew York City. 77 SIcreTy Sthekt, KktYouk. ' ,., ill i ' -"' ''" 'f-' ?--;t .'-' Mir. -- - - '"' ' .,1859 fetem, HIE TAiTTEU OF THE SHINGLE. When the angry passions gathering in my mother's face I sc, 1 And she IenU me to the roonvand gently lays i me on h( r knee, ' : Then I know that I will catch it and my flesh ' i hmcv iiches. I As I listen for the putter of the shingle oa my breeches. y Eiery tinkle of the shingle has an echo and a sling, ... 'And ft-thousand burning fancies . into active . being spring, And a thousand bees aud hornets neath my coattail seem to swarm, . As I listen to the patter of the shingle, oh, so warm. In a su llen intermission, which appears my onlv chance, 1 say, strike gently', mother, or you'll split my Sunday pants; - '' She stops a mouicut, draws her breath, the I shintrle hclds aloft, j And says, I had not thought of that, my son, juiit take your breeches off? "Holy Moses and the Angels" cast thy pitying glances down, ' ! And thou, JO family doctor, put a good sott j poultice Oit; i And may 1 with fools and dunces everlastingly co'uniitigle, If I ever say a worJ again, when mother holds the shingle. and Ilony at The Fai r. man, niv the nintlrr.giit into'' court. One. of the mh rt'tainej A. J Pop piston sni;l the other J. M. WooJ worth, hoth cf Omaha and now two of the hiest lawyers -in Nehraska.' Each clieiit instnieied his lawyer to rake the other party to the suit over't tie coals in the liveljest manner pos-ihle. Nuck olls in lfllini tlie story- r;.il: isfs ana iioncy Conespon lence of tlii Wate: man. . Ml'.. EditOe: I : ask space in your p;tper to'say to t;ne commit tee who are, anaiiiii tire pteraiums for o(.r next f ir that 1 thini; it wo'.il-l h!p to make Hie fair a success to put prein'mm o;: tiie btst modern hie hive, on the l's! aiiu :ivt heantifni beeV and on the When mv iaw)er got . up I setth-d j finest honfc,v it np j,, the " km THE 1892 Gsoigia- Home -Insurance Co., -COLV.VBUS, C.'l. t fto T'K0WHE, WM. U. OOAttT, S1-.C.00.000. "If Yon Love Her Tell Her So." There is an old poem I am sorry I have no com of it which insists in mot decidrd language, A t.. n-,.- --vin? Hone P; mH? liVi i rii cl; cfEuks at lowest fer . aJciat. rates. Losses adjusted . - , r- t-id pid promptly. - li ft ?i "11 til MM i hp i ft d t4 , . T V , y k i A R h r. A o: If von love her tell her so. The an! hor-'ot tha.t poem hid mastered the entire d- y ii i i ..r u;est c I'looii ir , ai.u a gouu j an. w. the oiiil . pro Idem, too. The daily life of many a man and ,woiiian i1 made wretchedly barren and unat- itrenage. .a-,l rl- ,f r.noi-eria- tion. It is not that we re dly do not appreciate those who hlp m;ik" our homes, hut we are very busy, and wr Iiave to think about our work, nd there is the, iirst of the month to meet, and in short, our loved ones ought to k'iow that wei'ive them without being perr-eiuatly tola so. , No wonder there is such a lovely icse co'-or over t be days (f eourtshij , and no wonder it fades into very pi. .in .lid commonplace gray so-soon after marriage. Tim lover is continually leiling liis sweetheart how de.ir vhe i to him, how he i- hiippy only when in tier presence, and ;s.w retched when sue U 'one. rihe has her little tint terin.u i eoinfortablv back .in my seat ready to enjoy mysHlf thoroughly. As the -lawyer vanned to his work, he gave my opponent Mich a tongue-lashing th.'t he seemed to fiay him alive When Ll-e lawyer at down i thought it was proven to the satisfaction of everybody that, the other fellow vn the ui.ne-S skunk that ever infested the earth'. When the opposing lawyer got up I i wondered what he could have: to say. I didn't have long to wait, tie Sa led into me and pelted me a:1 over th-r earth. Before liegt halt way through he pictured me as the meanest, scoun drel this sale of Jericho, ami I sncikcd j ,.)r, out or i he court-room until the storm was over. After he was through speak ing, I came in again a:.d sat dorn be side my lawyer. I took it for granted that the lawyers had as much personal feeling in the matter as their e!ient had. I was therefore very much sur prisexl to see I'opplcton ha'nd a note across the table to Wool worth, who read it and then simply, smiled back. This note he twi-ied u and threw under the" table. I had the greatest curiosity in the world to.dind out what was in it, and afjer court ad journed remained behind. the note ing a? can be found among the moun tains of the .western part of the State, and the water from our springs, a iezen or more in number, is as clear a crystal and ashe.tith, giving as that of Cleveland or Barium. ' Boat ri ling on a are pend, in five j etahle shape. 1 a-k tint premiums le put on ;d I three of the above. There is no re. sou w i;y farmers sh'onhl not produce their own honey. With the Italian bee and' the modern bee hive and jin ou'lav tf a few dollars our far mers can have honey 'on their bibles of t heir own production. Thousands of pounds of honey go to Waste every year ju-t bee ui-e our iarmers do not keep b.-es or if they d they have them in-old box hives where t'riey ear. not mumi'ge them in a way tii;;tthey wilt be profitable. We would i i i t ii 1 i iiUe to snow wii.it ca t and is oeing e with the Itidian bees in Howuu county. 1 wish to say to all who 'have bees and take a delight in hee culture, that if premiums are offered I will contest for the prises by trying to exhibit the b.st modern bee hive for comb honey, the most beautiful ltalian bees and the j best honey put up in the nicest marl:- et.ible s:i:ox. Aowltu-Ms fair notice". all who are interested o to work INiiimlliug. 1 Colonel Carterr What do yon regard the "great life saving device oLlhe age? Judge Gillem Insanity. Fri nd Lo you permit rctir w;e cT h?ive her ow h way? fnijiutes walk.of the hotels is a favorite L ""''l'1 lPtireiyot sir.- aftfr; pjisttitne. J hasjt without my pfrmission. Lmroil ' Mint ildrb-.usts of two .mercantile Free Press. ' estabiishmen's. a wooil and iron work- Browii's Bow My fabler licked & iug establil m nt, the Hi.e.st equipped out ton -jin in lie county, corn mill, s;iw miil. nlaninir machiuerv, the old- 1 cop las' night. ' Black's B.v Booh, vou ncesln't put on airs, Tcmmy Brown. My fader: est church, Phihdelphia, in the State was? de first prisoner -to occupy a cell ill and a high school. The school huihl- i".g is ;i-twe-s ory brick structure, with reading room, recitation room and chap d. The name, B dn Academy, was given it in honor oi its fiundfr, Mr. John B tin. All are invited to attend the com mencement exerci-es t !ii v. r. 1! v. Ed ii tk, oi" Uhailoite, will preach the iacca!aure;de sermon on May 2-d. Mo;id;iv si nd Tuesday nights " id be devote I to society i-xer. ics. edlK'S. i day. the chving day, Brof. C. A. Smith, of Davidson Cuilege, ui.l tlehver an r.nure-.- Mint Hill all who come may -ox pec t ;i hearty welcome aud hospitable treatment. Moue Anon. the new jail. Yankee Bla 'c. Sunday School Teacher Can you tell me which orte of the disciples" toltl u lie? .Johnny Ye-, raa'am ! Judas. I' S. S. T. Can von tell me why he did it? Johnny (doubtfully) "Canse he was a fisherman. A good many men get the reputa tion ob being "eccentric," de;ih bred-' dern, who if dey got dere deserts', would be fiili:rjcells in some big luna tic asvUtm. where de doctors would hab ill is proud of her school and la chance ob treating dem fo' de prop'er come mav -expect a hearty disease. icr: PUnk Plunk. .. of our next fan ord lti,l2. ills, par ' doiiN i). A. Fisin:i;, - . i i . i t " i contained tnese words: u tt ln we ( barge the-e two damned fools?1 '"I was mail. I took th note jui i hunted up mv friend, the eiiemv, and ! pluut - . 1 - - . .... . ' ,1 -. ! ami tuaiie success. ood-dde. X. C. Vi-i in II vai Aca.li'iny. ace I t lev :ie.-!.:u.a. An Appeal to the Humane. The .Nor: h Carolina society for the prevention of cruelty to io-inrds ap- i i - i to a for t: Mi: 'i-t humane ntpport and l tt;0- ! Ue ra'e This Norih Carolina Women Vit the World's Fair. ! was ( ru; .ii .'. o Conv-vo:i. ?")on.e (u oai too l.;r.::ers are tnrougl ni'iler a v i I d ive C:l.. bowed ii to linn. no 1 uen he was 1 J5 and we bath went to the court-! inn -.Hle ir. V. A. Hart nan is building to bis hoii.-e. Kowan Academv Alliance isslt.l on large ei had the suit withdrawn, settbd the Knwau Aca-lemy AUiance issti.i on costs, removed air broken friendship. U boom. e stand sipiaiviv on tin and beat the two Omaha lawyers out Oc;!a piatfoim aud tlie genera! pnm i- I honty ";o st de'i-h and ; e tn-anches it anv I'laa.' or jd ices withm the boun dari es of tie- St ite." Xt the time of its org iiii i! ion it reielve.l a donation r ii 1 J . ' l .1 M . .. . . di ne nnnnieii wooais 10111 .1 io..i- l.-ut r Uii.aJ r: j i r - l. - I - i - : - - s i m s : : . -. .1 wliiMiiT. too. hue .loves hlin so, alio Just 10 thinly 01 1 r 1 V h!5v-s:ue, t 14 iaie so happy 1 He. ff. 1i lllg alWe.VS ne;ir f' 1111, sue is speirling nmg years u ni ii 1 4 Main Factories : Office: DURHAM, N. C. DuUlLUIX. C, IUciimond, Ya. shall gr-w oiil togesiier, and perhaps 'hey will be allowed (oh, bliss su i nrat-'l to -o down to tiie dark river together, and cross over to the other side, hand in hand! It is the sober alterthought that takes ali the romance out of Hie. ca-e. A bus aaud coming home ;it nighi. grim and taciturn, with no eyes fur anything !ut Ins paper, and no t noughts for jinyihiiig but his business ail'ans why that's ibilerent, you see; jast ;:s the irritable little woenau in the soiled of bi g fee." Cii('ij)tt' 'Lrmtcr. Ttie Kvpubiieaus in i:a!eig!s. 1, iki-tt 1 T' t A special rr.un kileig t to.tue tiu n mond I)'.j)ucJi s;i: ' i 0 Bepublicin eonvemioii for the Four'h !..-! net met Mo.t of tiie . 5:'.eg ii s s l elected J dm Nichols - Li O t ' -'J iO ..n--u;!. til it i;r he here to-diy were colored aud Vj. A. s ot tue A .liaiiee, aid will meet an i o 01 ci o . o i in u .. v oi' uiir ni'oin ; r. -ir. doe' ors said belnr- v.oaid vote. With 'the Alliance lu. would vote for the repuh.ieali -party. V) e . . . 1 . . ... 1 u . . PC Sol i V to iv :O v II. .1.. 'e II .1 ".. ivoo.lv e!-e m our eniniMi;1 v of the 1 1 who has rece nil v. :L an tln r donation of with an expression of iiltv dollars, gratification at the successful work of the society 1 1. u for. Th:s work has hitiu rto :iiu:osi wh I v been csudined to Ashevdle am .O O tor son iv ;",i-war .s f; HI 1;,.- d to t It J who iiei.eves in party atel not pnucip.e. ! e I it- w or, !oh en m e , 1 iiiMiiui i John IS. Wit 1 ., of tin' liegro organ, tic (iiZt!r. Waa ;i cai-d.d ate for rlelegite ai d u,n le a b;!- tei sit 1 a-, k on the rev.nl tie ring, w hieh he declared had defeate I him hiuguaue w'as Very plain, ana he it see wis to 111" i ell it 1- al i i I . 1 ! . S C I a e,- .,!.. uilu's nie p!'i sot rie.is ev .-ale are icii. s vh .quite a st ir. The d d "il.irris.in men. 4 Delegates to the Keprn Con vent ion which metis sit no morrow , p ;nr in on every a Verv la: ge portion ;iiv oe ! I a 1 ; -; 1 I lliVil' i We a r ni- ,i!ll t5Ja noon i no', -oio wenty live year. " 1 . 1 rchie . to niae when ill far- j TV. hiiig else is i ve it . e nave ' .'. ' enough. I 1 1 ll" nut auoer iin- lutein to have li. V.Ug and eh eanery Cult is being d iu this ulorio.is land of ours coming. to i It ! ) 1 ; "cs :iat t il l on gh niiy, luit tiie inning look- d tin; v. hen it co-dd ex r !no aghont the State ac- in'ovisions of its ch.irtcr. ! hat a systematic ffort to 1 I T no v to re mane. l o m d.e the eti n :si.o f d it is I h. : !. d by 1 00 p ir; a s a; ;: d-'l-i HI litig jasi ic r o Goi Vv' e e a U"v t hat every i rieial ot the ca i-e -In aid lend .tie society a , , .... 1 i- -i . -1 nog li ami; -ir-t uv financial s.ippon lutelv hei a t o- , s. t red lii.it no 01 1 n. eke smv d.-celtt man I '''' ' '7 , r e t e 1 1 s ; 11 ! ,; no v iv;iV we can -get reaej ' . 1 1 s.- ' . 1 .. t, : in, mag - rs tntongu-me -mumii . - , j v,! vour 1 . 1 , , TV-rlc. TroTTfqpni'efi PXelll- wrapper is dilrercnt from the radiant lHj iilciub ia.JU KsjlII Kirt;.ho llsCll u, come down and mce! cxyelY for tllO HilclHeO 2 rnhi in the. most chiirming dre'sess thai a'o- lie.d. Tiie vd on ; '.;e lo-t n iV metin 'Troa'rcssiv.e : liX; C.JA!!i:ince Ciuciai Guano; Fanner' UN.. C. Ailiaiioe Ofiicial Acid Thos- 1 - T 'it S ' I1 1 M Q X I A. T, S -: -. Fmiu Mr. J.-S. .Ca:ih rrtitivc C:ijai"un-e N. ' the- Ki- A i li-oii-c MiiiHgw Alliance W .arc house at ilk. a.: - i- S-Ti Mojas, i . -Prcs't. ; ; : Pmlauii, N. 0. ' . Mv Ocdf Sir: Virtirs of Uic Stlr just ta han't, i ever e.ant.nreii he heait o mall. 1 lie fact is, you couldn't expect her to re main radiant long. She has worn her self out planning little household econ omies, and yen read your paper while hti tried to" tell you about them. She has racked her brain devising dainty dishes and setting an alluring table, and ou did not care enough to notice what she had' done. She ins worn out health and spirits in the care of your u-i:t,:-i-'iu-l (aa-le.L-.l cit t ificiitcs of Rigc- ft ill i Id ren , ami vou have done your p-.n ;tlc A!ico:cc No. Ts4. ofCaswcU county, aa.l by sending them to aHot her room when .each I. sert ii am! ve corresliomieiit is a-sui 1 icket will be put in t lie L oii'd u-ans are leaning hi 1 Thirdi party. The con;. -o wi.t as to waio are lieiegai.-s 10 ,.,e co,,,, t) ,r u.y in t v. f;i!ll:i t;on. 1 here are use emue-is, .in-; , t 1 lin.r .oie t'rrni "fei-- k !e: i bli i'j'v: U : 1 1 V . ! 1 between the Brady ami tiie Own! mi factions. Itch! r t her"' ;s i;y ma.' il ow to psani I com. S:a:i'S by the pr.ncipies of tue ! Aid -.:see nod we haVe s-,r:i-' hope; de- wi'l oe the tool ot pm- have in the throwing up i". a- i o v to u-i to' the extent of the cost of an annual mehii-ership, wi i h is at pres- ' ent. onlv om dollar, -and -eeono, by ac- ,s,,;i! t W. 1 AVI 11 1 in' piuu . . , t 1 i r j'ieoh-a hy til.' iKjant OI Ali de-ired infonnation 'urnished upon a, be ation to th" Secretary aud xreas- ,r' r, Waiter S. (hislimaii. of Asheville deoh es should aUo be simt to lor one. leel as we 1 .1. 'inhere another con i 1 t ne cuan ni.iiiSiiio 1 at and sl.ouTii nil we are -going to have better Pie Ihaar.viLi.K. X. (.'., Aug., 17, 1801. haa F-rti!i.-r (.'om;av, ' it. P. hureh's i-'cviiic AlnaiH-e as .Jirctloi 1 UlaKe . I I . II. .. I have m ele the certihcates tor VOU come Home OeC.lUse iney ,.r o.,i i,v thp l!i:on-f 1 , on nnrvoiis. CnnrtshlO. indeed! No w;o.t iu ma.'.e stroa-cr an. 1 think of wonder the little j' wouL-n looks baca , ! . ..Ml 1 ! nt Ci lei nil- know nt. nm-o nvi'i' llierswee t. trivial nothings of that rw. i'aV.i h:M.;-v r. .av f.-r vour I-Vrtihcr j' " ir P:Ui .tUrliim :U1(1 thc AUi- ,.,ppV time, and wonder Abet her there utl.loWkn.nv-a silrly sua...:- UnU: ()r to u.t vm UlJOW it Anil M. is such il thing US loVC, af.Ct all, and 1 v.ai m M)rr.Mli:it I alii mil n-eavc. 101a iun...i-j .. I . ,, ... s 1 .1 1 lilt uuiik-ruis lrrsnns wi this season, n I10 j- not m-rlVcti v t:it rc.-mis. T Viltiiin. I, h-!:tir-.l l-crlil;2cr to hliol v.it'a iuicrat the 1 it l thev v ) iac-s t!r' I sonic i'i"";h is ererrul v atti Vt-o to tlM- ua t M-asoa. 1 ucl lvvi-a tiar on iiy ftirm;a:i'! -iiava- ne.vcr uc l any ki tili.. r that it giwii such satisfactory rcsnl'-. Vi-ry truly ":i mi riSj Unjly y. urs, " . ' ; J. jVJoilNSTxS. ' ' . r 1 Sc.- v ...1 1 :i : 1:1... icaM-s thai it mav coiuarn. j w uat il- is mm.-. vHii:i tn,iy; v,k). M. Ih nxox, Y kMy wife ought to know th lt d love .iari--;iic Aiiiaiax-No. Tsr, Caswell Co. her without being always ,oll ot it, retorts the ''man, proud maiu urcssu in a little brief authorilV." How 1- iH.SVTll OI XTV. I insioa. August, 1S01. f 1.- ,v!,f.r.. I I, r Will b. hip of the psiriy. 1 in ;.eiso ;d feeling between .Jo'nu b Haves, the present chairman, and J. d ldtt ev-ehairman. i so mgn 1 1i.1t me ; latter declares lie and his irieuds wi not coiis nt to see Hives continue 1 I he ro-.tion. Atoll savs he (h es n: w ish to ie che.irm 01. 1 hat. a new man v il there is a powerful p. if Haves insist.-, Mo" t Hubert Patterson, of Cherokee eoun'y. j .i-v 1 . 1 I il V OKI 1 ; in i ti il'S. . .... !.....!.... 1 wi. ' mi v loi mv sau'e . , O . " I l I 1 I . I . . . w w. . - - - j but to! -!dod sake," w.ien you coun to the ballot box Vote for the love of 1, ics ami co 1 1: 1 rv. o . 1 . our Lau 1 1 1 .... .....I. ' nun anu v. m oeuio jic k ;io u l u ;t-o. Uv order of tin lioa. d of Ai uiager A. M. 1 5 a hhAltn, President. Vv'ALTIoi S. Cl . liMAN, S"c"v and 'fleas. Asheville, N. C. April is.isy.. Ailhiaee Uesolat ions. Whkuha.-, Man has been so consti tuted as to nee I ( lie d'tV Ml SjeVcil for md moral improvement; The Lady-Managers appointed to, collect specimens of work of the woV tm-n ef North-Carolina, for exhibition' at the Columbian Exhibition, to be held in Chicsigo, desire to be placet! in ;tlf., iMiumuuication witu experts irr alii ;,,. ; lines of woman s-work, both usual and unu-ual.- . . They invite correspondence- and sug gestions on sill subjects pietiiining to the work they have in hand. - For the letter pro.-eeution of the details of this work, tl.ey'have arranged it into the following divisions. The. name and addressed; the Lady-Manager " in charge is given w ith each division, so correspondence-011 the various sub jects can be address, dto the lady in charge of that division, and thus txpc- - unite the work: . Division A. Colonial display, curio-, ancient and modern. Mrs. Geo. W. Kidder, Wilmington. Division lb Drawing, paintings etchings, crayon wrk, -pottery and home decora'ions, wood carving, ?culp- -lure. Sc. Mrs. 'has. Price, Salisbury. Division C.r-Needier woik, taxider niv. feather-, work, leal In r work, fish scale work, &e. Bii -s Stella. Divine Wilmingtoi.. " - Division D. Press work, literature, inventors and inventions', s'atistics, &C Airs. Robert lh Cot t em psdkland. e Tdie competition at Chicsigo will bo- Il a: 1 .... 1 C n ...... I I n r 1 join nauouai aiei uai-uiiuiyiu", ni'k he stamhirdof excellence is necessarily 1 1 i .0.. T,J verv nign. 1 onsi qeeniiv uie uiiu Managers urge upon the wonienl of' the State to endeavor on this occasion. to excel anv former etlorts in their lines of work. The chairman of tlie committee, Mrs. Robert U. Cotton, will t;uke pleas-; ore iinrepiying to inouiries on any sub ject not mentioned in, the above classi-- ... ..... , tication, which relate to the subject.. abso- lnelitlOliCU is proininen chairm uiship. Another matter to be cons ivb,t b.T the conventio-- sli d! liomiuate tlionsaiids of the m; virl i.a.l v com the we-rk V iicii: s. Tie re is no ma es ity for :.'..! .... 1... o - Uel. A oi . I 1! I e 1 o : e 11; 11. ', !r .. 1 ;. Tlud we, the mrmucrs o! Oak Ibd ;e. Abialice. No. r7. ot 1 nc c ' IIamntr. N. C.,.Ai:-r. 2: 1801. Pnrhara Fertilizer Cotutkoiv: .1 nnict confess I was a little afraid of your .fertil'.r bst yoarsa used (as I lui.l ijone for Jr-'-rs 1 hi.u-:iu's Chc-aiieals. I 'tin ''carat, imre '"Mild luj iit-Uer. I'sed lialf vrtnr- ami halt Ln h ' i" - oifaux s i!i yc:ir. an,-! ani in-ou ! ' s:sy yc.r.r- jrriw tniHicca hir-gCr. -oi l t i:i-r en saire- hua!. 1 !i' 1 was al. ""K it j'U-jicr.vc.. la -ive it tli - leciaiaiu iCco it ua fa ae st:i n.lar 1 vou Wve. ami ah of us whl use it iee.t v:v tarb iio.,.' (ti:o. I '. Wiui.iaV.skx. would she know it, pray? Ion have h,,.,.i l-i,u n fn .. iv..w niiir luirsp fre- (M'aeial Cuano was " """" " " I ,..,,,a I .. .,..n ,-.nr U.xr never pomes ..I. . I llll ' I I . .l(Ml 11" v - . - ' lisea v.'.n csimaare nuoraoiv iiui 1111 unn'i 1 . . . t aoouc you witnout rccciMiig ,u iuviu l- i-rtihzi-r m our coiTiitv. Our ntonlc arc gi-n- I " . " , J Vwi . . 0 , 4 wru or tin au-'cuuiiiue p.o. ou Krt.'wl Vat tin. hu-irl rif a Inviii!' Wo- man, and that woman your wne, is wounded and sore under your long two electors. Four dehg:i'es to ...tn nealio is w 1 e one of t lic-c and v wh e hos'oi. v ongre.-sm ' tTal'v well satisfied with snid jruano. Llf you love her ted hick-mans, u.. A.ug.1,1 , ; n 1 1 iflere 11 ce. I nin hoAv an olh tooaeeo grower, and have I 1 a jrieat ia uiy l erul..ers nce 1 have been 'Jcre is a lime to tel those things, growuur ti'.huceo, hut have-never ufcI any . f 1 nn, ..u uh,.n, it .ra-M-l that exceeds the Durham.- .My tobacco t, iilu flai l,pm. 'VU? Eldest i:ig as well this.year as I ever had a crop thitr about bending over a tired face, ... . 1.11 about to be shut awav under a colhn iS li . .- . ,- - i t o Co. so tar as tue itrini.er is concern- hcei luilv r.co:ameial the the Purhamrh c -iry 1 . . .. 1 ! ! s.CIli I I-' 11 i 1 Dots Fimni C'U'veSnni!. laud 'I ...... n.n w .1.. -. .a. W'ir.HiiAs. Man I ! v on.'s;nc: u-ii.v ..-i i . 1 1 1 ' . 1 1 ,- . i.l, ... TTtr i- .-. nr.. as rai ro.n . . , 1 . j t" 1 1 ........ 1 , - :- , 1 1 ." a , 11 t. is proo.Une. ;. -I'va-e-- at ,;iris;. come:. ,n j , . , ... fo . , ....... ...' 1. ,,..! .a. w,-:.o,t .v. ),- 1 aod t- e-.'l.p a cp ...to 1 oe otiMMi. as , o( ,a i.e-a., -o. ',; " , , o,,.;',,! ;() u, k eVcl'V .l,V in ess mv for this, hiuiilcch.oi aiisonry. A le.u teas, to : i - - ' , : . I' i- ' . . . ! Oi I will :'ght htm. i iieu to -m h a wio. lo.p-ua h 1- iiii' ,!v. O U v;c'"s ai I II- !' es- . . 1 ' I - I .. . I lor tin- ! church a'.M) x iev. .ar. tn-.u-ntu, 01 Icdaaha. ' , .... i.nre.i is M r. lr.-i 00 is i eo.oe. ... .... - ! . . , . v r ,-l !nbv am :11,nlld ins icsi -e.ne on .bun Mr,, j ' in -- l' ,ost "!!':'"" Wi; 1. .' . ! tdie l'n J. ! r'r .ti s t" petition (,'ongrcss i"i5'- !:":-Y.;;'h'v'l'viih:i-!; - 'a ' l--' ;:r. .: ' ' : 'l! f.eh ht. mail and passenger rrmu r.-aoa u. i'i ni'- ...v....: .... ; . 11... iw .r . -. 1 t i- 1 ,. ,:,,,, ' e,-i t"i Map;! 10. es 1 1 0111 in- ii'. - '-lan; ,,,'" .cn,s;, i ;v n-hrht until 12 m. Sun- amei his Iiisu !a:a:o;s to try am. m . . , . 1 si 111 in. . th-m. . , ,. ! 's-ohi- ! Th at t h-e j-cs! nt .:011s -i',,,,,,!,;",,,-;,!.,! ... , a.- hodLk. si.il,- ,,, -ii h1 a ,..i.t ...'I T... .. ; v,-,Tr:,:,.A,-.;v,,,.m,w Farmer .",.. m.. WO lUIlored V.eie pHOlH -' t.- .... .v.,. ;.. ...,.1 r....,w.-J tne t't-':'nr:ael:;;;i:(;; ;:U reform, political and religious jMpers Udnuedudmirah! . 1 n t i a. nrt to co)y ,. niriiiii- address l Iii 110110., 1 1 - I these resolutions. Tinner who wisaes-a mir .uv jaice. ' h jrraHf. Kerti'.izer'al a Petk:: li. lkiOTH. JK G, BEHHE AEBT, County , Ag't, . SxVL.ISBTJE,Y, rl. C. lid, is tint the ears are closed, and would, rot hear our agonized pro! e i a ions' of love, though we shouted .11 ll.i-.x lo lui.ii-ti ITow v li ft . . . , tiiu uui iimiiitu me uwui ' S&dycur orders to W.H.Wortli, Etato Agt, or direct tons, hug we are t kiss the pa'iid iiPS the iuarbteloreh?nil,l)uttr.ey tnriii no nmie b neath our touch! What a pity we did not think so and kiss them otieuer when the warm blood throlmed beneath hem!' There will always be plenty ot inn for love, we thought, tmd then we were so I usv! 15ur, ah, there was not plenty of time! Jalia Tr.it Ht Bishop in Austin htaiexuian. uosbon art 1' wave Piiii.iiDKliiiii-. Miiililiiij WftHKR Client ham wi V. K.diius and id. A. U iiiie.Ooin iw-j 1 :.em. we a enne coilectois, may be elected aoo-jCd. 1 though the Sec ret-1 ry of the iiea-eirv has given them notice that. Presin'.it Tlariison does not wish auy ol'iee holders as delegates. The Beauty Sta-ndcrd. The standanl of feinale loveliness varies ,.,..,ii v ftittVrent countries sunt with iii.Hviilnal tastes. Some prefer tlie p ami buxom tvpe; ami some admiie tue .ylph-likc, and some the tall and .p.tcenly inaiden. Peat among a!! people ul tue Caucasian race, one point of tu auty .is a. was admired a p-are, clear and r-poUess couspicxiou whether Uie icmale he o. the biomle, hruneue o: ii;.x.-a.. ni vv.: . e....-f ,.i-.w!o i-rnnisite t; F loveliness cati he a-surett only oy a pure s-.; te ni the blood, active liver, good appetite ate. digestion, ul! of which are secured by Ue ne of Dr. Piece's Uohhai Mode;. I)ts covcrv. It is guaranteed to aecoeipn-U all ihlit is claimed for it, or money re funded. If you would have a dear, luvelv complexion, free trom cruniu n-, moth' patclics. - pots ami hn un-.n s, u-t the "Gulden Medical Discovery. - S L! "Wrhv do they have so many jine oil paintings in saloons nowa days? "Probablv because water colors would be inappropriate." 'I ruth. .iavor Wi lb Hum. presents were be .:o;vel hv Mr. Ed. A. Ihirber. Jwm-s 1. Kiucahi ami MeW - ool i and cauia . 1 liompson eivc 1 medals Kiim-ld & Ilro. are of st .ves to makhig A W. Coi:on Secretary. iW Oi 1 am s hliUU-'l n:oud and ibi'.t imore. ( i!e a naU'b-'r ! . ... -! .,t..i.. t he Mvea .iilg j'-oni m-a: i( , . . , 1 1 . i- nvni' ie--vaU r.vitnru i -oei o ' o- g O i 1 1 I i-l p 1 1 , 1 O' Ui Its Wc:i'i;J-faI BZaots on t'10 Liver, I Ci jTdioumess 1 ' , L 1 ' 1 . il-l-l J.l'lil-'.l J. :... i'-'.r Iauigcifin, Si;k am' Headache, take L-iiioil Kiixir. v. -.r si.-fiies--.ifss ai-rvnu nstipation and Ma ilt ; 1 1 e - 1' Xc iv otis ness and ;..!. d int over the h ie !a:as m 1 eitiiy o I hat of iVes.ihnt tu Is tUs Phco to Gatiloiiuneiits, Tcntstoaes, Alartre oek ofVKttMOXT rdARBLE to rrrive in n few days "section in every respect and positively will not he undersold. G rani t e Monviments Of all 5',c a'spt ei.il'y 1 We guarantee C.-B. WEBB & CO-, 3.1y Pkopuietob. Menlljathi WatfiliTii i lies. a.-u write The JLawyers L.ist Tlie'ir Fes. Speaking of lawyer's court-room (inanels ami the friendliness which they siltecwards disp'ay outside or the court-room, I i m atways reminded oi the experience of S. F. Nuckolls, a gnx eiyman here m the early days and i he first delegsite to congress from the lerritepy. Thre existed a very bitter feud between Nuckolls iud anothel ', espe- jr. Lemoii iC'.ixi roni 33:nt Hilt j.Wneo of toe V.'.Uvl.m ia. to-hans a few dots from this part ot dhca-ed liver, sioaiata, 1 . .i- ... !....,. I- - . I ur ilf 1 ' L I . ' " - .on-e.eioi). ; p- ot fail ure t..l 1 I-or I L-monlmxii. u .- La. lies f.r natural and Cirongh organic rcutatioii. take I -"in n EIiaII. i T)r. Mozley's Immn K'ixir uiil i-ot fail von in ai.v oft lie above named dis nase's a'.! of w hich siri-e from a torpid or kidneys or -vers, LiiiiiS and i'e.n.n. tae Happy Iloosiers. , Win. Tiinmiviios, post mister of Idavillov In l., writes: "Electric Bitters has done more for rnc than all other medicines combined, for that tire4 feeling arising from Kidney mid Liver trouble." John Le.-lie, fanner and slocdrinan, oTfcamo nhicesays: "Find Electric lJitter3 to Ikj tlie bt-t lC'nUuy and Liver metlicine, made me feel like a new man." J. AV ' (iardncr, hardware merchant, same towu -ays. "Eiectrie Bitters, is just the thinp; for a man who is all run down and don'f. care wheilu r lie lives or dies; lie ioiinu - new trennth. irood sinpelite and felt just like ie hud a new lease on life." Only o0r. a bottle, at Ivlirttzto.'surugsiore. Mrs. P se Hart wickThorpe who, wrote 'Curfew Jyrill Not 1 Ririg To--night." is living itii California, and; U bilsv on a history of Oregon. -She is a m 11 at! v e . o Pl 1 i an v and abo.it forty-two.. years of age. I Gh rcn.tced Cure, We auihoriio our advertised "'dragg1 to sell Dr. King's Nc-' Discovery lor . Consumption, Coughs and Colds, upoo this conditio: If you are afflicted with a Coii"h,Cdd or any. Lung, Throat or Client trouble, and will use ..this-rcmcay. sis directed, giving it a fair trial, and exv perienec no benefit, you mayreturn the bottle and lmvc jour money refunded. We could net makelhis oirec did we not Lnroc thai Dr. King's New : , Discovery c.nihl be rel'u d on. -H-never disappoint. Trial bottles free nt KlnUz & Co.'s drug store. Large size oOc. and $1.00. , ' Drcfis.naker: 1 lo w would you like ydpr costume made, madam? ;- Mrs, -Clowiureh: "Spose you make it with on of tlui.;r ve.iriiule trains that I ve he-rn talked of larely.-Ic;ii Bul letin. sl'ICUi Vo.oK 1S1-. NoOilr.-fin'-nl.vcl'.iisos P. l'- ' " " .b-r, -"linii t-onindon. V. f IM,1 .. ..I io in I hr ll'l i si stem Is liaue 10 mJUiesa".- I'lrf r.- r . ... 1 . ihTUs u-c lV una t vveii ,r.a Ats.rlrg.nl.l.Msr.rR,; lec :.eo cm g a. o...., v t o si e.ne d' i he many WaT'IIIM AN". read- rs f il !C V hv I),-. U. Moz'ev, At- .Vjc.Tiiid $1 bottles at dnrg- ililit Hiil is a'hriving little yiihige dtimted twelve mih-s ea.-t of Charlotte -' Al;i!t ii'V.'S. f wc mav presume locmi it amUsix un.es mu.ireasi o. i'h,. tewi Mich.Ha-cepylng an e.cvaled pniiion m ,i'i- , l.:, ii 'it ii. .is awav iioiu ii.-. Mid m.use o ..-v he. i's- to it. is e ... favorite stimumr resort at no u (1 iv. of- the raM-rVi, l'i dined lo h-conn .nt Children Cry for Pitcher's P-na. I air licre is as pun and as lif.K J'n-p lanta, ja gi.-t -. A Proiacnt Iliaister Writes. After ten years of yreat sUifering from "In'diges? ion, with great nervous prostra ti .i-rhiiionsnes--. di-ordered kidneys and ...M-iunate.m I hnve hecn cured- tiy Dr. Mo-'b y's Leinoii Elixir and :un now wJi man. He v. C. L Davis, Eid. E Ci.nrch Smith, ' :o. -S t atnall iii. Atlanta, Oa. Children Cry fop Pitcher's Castqrii a lhianto-o. N, C., Jine 25. I hrvc u.-cl the Ktfctro'ioie-.in rny ' family for over a ycir arn-1 am conviBceJ.it i 1 he-for-, ct cure foi-THiv dhease tliut i curable, an J H. s better fur v.oum-u tnari anjumiji it tor t'verv aiu:n-hi anu it relief at once I cau rccommenJ it t' anyoftn d,al is ivk. - Very respecmuiy . Mks. 3 Oil y Kllih b a.Mi. ao", : When Baby was Kick, ire G&ve bcr Casioria. When she was a eailJ, she cried for Castoria (Vhcu phe tK'came Miss, she clung to Castoria. -KT;n she had Claldren, Biie ga-jthem Cejriq,