i ' f :v :-:y y- :-y " ' : -" 7' ' :' - - ' ' - ':' " - - : '- " V:: - -L-, y4: 4 a V ' -: -"r-" "''''-" . Va. i v--i-:'L ' 7;" ';-. '- y '. a.- ' ' r" "-i y ' : V v ' -' . v - V '.;; -i - '-,.;- -..1,: '; '. a---L ;V"." ' j a; -'.. v ';---,- .' -'.;- ; - . ' ' - '.--: ' ; . -v.;; .; ' .; :-.. . . -. . - -y V'rui-fd yy ... .v., : ' y : l. , ; -.r . ;,. --yyy ..-..-,'. -r-1"-: '. ' ' a - : -!-.: --i'::-.. -.vr W-V- v-.: -V'v .V:V 'U V-V - : .;- ;- v. ' : - i--'- . . - . . .--';..'. :-- - v - :,. . . ' "- -.r. a;a - .-a'-- . - - v' : a- yy -y -.;..--a a. - l:.-; a .. U a-: -, ..---.- i . : I fnimM Kfifias mvv ALLIANCE WSK15CTOKY. v:1f,i i..,r.,l;i,i: !l- I-i,""-Ki vue ,,r,lt w'rj7 VLHoUS,lc.W, K lltK. . -.. . . . . '-. I,,-, -M.vm.. P.Mtlcr, pr.-sKl.-nt. ii iicbi", :- . . . . : a ft ijliirj - - , lSw'.ls S-:.-nraryaiul Treasurer, J. L. "VIm nrc 'the 15cst X-oil Tlie neW8pav.rs hnve much to sav iibout 'uur best ejJe," whi.-h leuu one to usk, "who nnioRg the n i thousantls are of the to-st jK-opie? In this tVtticcralic touuriy .of ours t ire geu-r.iilv .if:re. -I v.ith the Ir.sh man.ivho th:Jtik d Irol that (me un.n as 'as god'as auoth.-r in A :iier:ea ali i better too Tive bvst pple do not he long to any one class they are iound everywlu-re and in every condition. Th best people irre. they who know iUm,cy,bauH .. c95cnt, the mot and do the hesi in their owh ;'r Z"iV "Phere-. - The beat servants, the hot '- r j ?' n , -! M !i larks, nresiuem. i uuciui, n:c j--, - 0 rf u K -'linsey,1 secretary, UeaeTier, the lt business man, u:id, i ! I III SltOM, Hie 0'"i m.i;i in on; mi- i City or Country? 0:ie of the fuls that vx come to stay rit : ro nl vantage to live in the. i. that of the eych.ph-r. it '.va: first .r.X.a.le. .M the ,v,U.r IV.vh.- ..A ..;....L:n:.ir'! The th hls are lover of the tairm -unt biptist eatifclu anu i,.r 7,a.rraved s're-ts, and the .great now frequently ,ue i in marriage j-er-rki of and elmsnre more poetic vices. .It is cov, red jMih plus.i or line levies and chmmeys. In UrejUu:, or i or.n en holier ,id has a Oil- are 1i r There ' concave cud, i.i v. a ea isi-.'.u ii .i: I..-.,,... .UUH;ll -- I . i J TV Utl!ta' tiie i lain - e " ' - j '. , ' , C Iri s Lut'in the city you are only an atom of an -aggregation. ' ! iloiiKKT G. Ingkhsoli i.r'st man eome .npiainh-d. with the stars and jennies the cydophor, laiid,. The constellation ;.re your j hwr.ieo. and without surre,.de, .ng the Hiiil i j hour-glas hk thr.;g p -.ss.--s st to tin- : There'v.n are an nggwition of pastor, who takes the ring-from lis rest- "l A o til In 4 r;w,WVwA-A. lv HiU-man. presi- 1lction js jally (i "our only best peo ilcut ( oili er. i; lr. j o. '.V- pie. j.nuiuuiiiict tarv'cn :ord. , , ' discharge of duty, the mo4 honorable 77rr7rV'v--;r',',n'I',,c"t- and rprigljt citiz-Mi, without regard f: Jiui. s; W. A. I.utiyv rciar- l hm.mv the (.joh ol ,,is j;lCc or 4he- circle he ,ville. 7 . nioves in, belongs to the he-t aristoc- -C.,ihf Crt. T. Witlimcr. ;n- t,Mt t!le worij jlas prod . mi. dent. NO.!.,,; J. 1-Vlb riaan, secrclai). fancy that because his fa- Newton. t her U rich, or that he has leceudel ' v r v r,l ll V7' 3ciation. from a listinguisl;el ancestry, that he .C. Iwf..., .us,.. -.; ; i.s ..nli-ed to be regarded a.i the fore- (.;,,.;. ni0.t in his chY or town. Pat your ):1j.r, r;c-, .:i'; ' . own shou Ider to t he wheel ami do soine .rtturs. H,;nrr ni:il-t f lip world better for luiV- Raleigh, '.c. ing hved in it, and then and not .' ninion! n.c. Until then, will yon be entitled to high s-iiYsK: n! c: consideration. Waiting for dead menV I'Arr.irs.- ifni: Org. in 1!nrl.,.,.,,.",v".. Ulio:s. and ban hi im on the renntati. i: f;oi! hero, x. c. or ancestry, -entitles no one t the y toVi'.:N:& places and the best ei.n .te of your Tri-nl: - ; rncjreJvc'K.iaii'.-s.at'.- c:au asi.ui. Uurai lli an i'. Cn-o'l'i'' w "'l't;' n . " Fa'-iK'is' A-'A'.. y't utt. iiu !-:!! eiro.ii, A II ni Si-:i!lii 1. . t'p:ur, , vv.Viri iW. rs. N C. V :i. uTT. ..f o" , llaiilt-r. i own couiiijuiiibjr . ujini'n 'n j"i - j . ii:i.-t the, above-named palmare re- vvjmt tfcjjs n 0lVr run in this great i quested to top l-, country of ours. - lifted:' Arvrvwrr fail in? to advocate the ' Onnla nhitform will he drnppeil-Jrom tne About CuiinbIi"S'. lUvmpth;. (fur people can now Sje that pnjtJ-i-ure pvblLJud in their interest. 4'yas -ruined hy Gambling, .wu? the big headline in a daily paper re- ' L.I.. TLinl,.,n ..-..o 1 f Will A I!..ir,.r..l eeiIU. illCOtlMY ww.j. 'T .( I C) l Tl'l l ' inmm I r ii 1 U II ;i. I uonej , ti Kill'" ii - i".- ' The folMwirigMs a correct copy oi wlionr Ins iriends truste l aud the the platl'orai ado,tpd at St. Louis by world esteemed, was in a prison cell foi . .'the labor tuMifcivjice:' -: robbing his employers of over Sl,0t)0. - j. NTE ' All of whiclrsuggests the observation :: - ' '-' - that of all the bad things in this had r -1. We demand a national currency WOrld the -very worst is gambling. ' " Mife, souml and liexible -issued by whct this passion aside are as .the -gen-ral government only; a full jronest as the days are long, h.ave W(T. leg d tender for ail le'o(s, public and -110Wl, to appropriate trust funds ii. ' private; and without the use of bank- ,nejrjlantl.s to gamble on. TheyAex- UA cbrpor.iticms; a j-ist audi equitable jted to win, of course and maybe - means id' t irt uUtt I n, at a tax not to 'K win for a wliile; but after a exce.1 two per cent, as-set forth in the jittle time they lost the money (hey sub-treascirvVphiii of the Farmers AI- h;l(j tlXpPcl(Kj 0 replace and the" brand liauce, or some brdtw system; also, by the thiefvvas put upon them. Doti'i ' payments in the discharge of its obli- tlo wron at all, bovs, but above all ligations for public improvements. . Jon gy You cease to be re- r a. We demand free and unlimited Sp0njbje wjien you become a ganbr ' -coinage of silver. . . and are ho longer to be, 'trusted, b. We demand the amount ot c lr- stalesville Landmark. ' dilating meuium , to be speeuuy in prPMd to no! less than 850 per capita I' r We demand a graduated income "One day," writes Dr. J. It. Miller i i';i3f, . "I suddenly opened the door of m , c7. We believe that the money of the mother's room and saw her on her treasnrv shmiid 1e kept asmu4i a knees leside her chair and heard her possible in Hie hands of the people, speaking my name in -prayer. I , and liPiice we ilemand all National and quickly and quietly withdrew with ii State reve;;nes sha.il. be limited to thf feeling ot awe), and reverence in my necessary exj-nses of government, heart. Soon I "went away from home . economically and honestly administered, to school, then' to college, then into - e. We demand that 1'ostaT Saving life's sterner duties, lint I never for- t banks be estabrished. by the govern-1 jrot that one glimpse of my mother al l ' lneTiTTIoFdtTi'Tfe tlepaisit or earnings- prayer,- nor the one word my own of the people and laciiite exchange. - nam" which I heard her utter. - Wcl': ' lnd ' " did Ilmow that what I had seen and heard was going on every daw and the j 2. Your siib-comniittee upon the c.onScioiisness strengthened me a thpu land plank, beg to submit to your .ap. san(J times in duty, danger, struggle, r proval the following: The land, in- When death came" at last and sealei eluding all natmai resonreos of wealth, i.l,os sainted lips, the sorest s n-e of is the heritage of all ieople, and shordd joss j feit the knowledge that no . not "be nfcsfopidized.-for speculative more would my mother pray for me. pulses, and alrn ownership of land jn the seventeent h'ciiapter of John we ; shoulkl be prohibited $ lands now hear Christ praying for us just once, held by railroads and )ther coporatmns a few senjeiiccs but we know that in excess of their actual needs and all jg 01y ;1 S;,mple 0f the intercession I lauds now owivd by aliens should be that goes-on forevVr. Nothing shall reclaimefl by theGovernment and held interrupt this plead'ing, for, 4Ie ever i for actual seiilers on-ry. , liveth to intercede.' " - - i ! -i .- TIIAN'Sl'OUTATION. i 2. TrahsnortaHon being a means of defetiee an ! hblie necessity, the ; Govrniment should own and operate roads in the iitf rest, of the lieople. . . a. I'ne telegraph and -telephone, I - like Hie po tal svtem, being a necessity ! for the trajisiiiision of news, should be : owned ar.d operiib d by the government in the interest ot tli people. While some parts -3f the above- ad-! dress mav seem at a mere glance to make partisan -political distinctions. yet upon careful study one will clearly see that it is n'on-pariisan, and further, will le impressed with the. truth of its THE OTHER SIDE. Tiiis is all very Ivnuhfui. Colonek butf'how did you like it on the "'d home stea I, Avh.cre'ytei h.a 1 to run the hand sa".v through the hickory logs, nn,, tiie cows a;id ch.ie t In, hogs out of the potato patch? The fields" are beautiful. particularly when you have to -spend e;i or-1 wefve hours' a day in running a pi Iw tiii-ough a miniature flurry oi' bowlders. The rain on the rof is u". iightful, but how about it when you are under the grand old tree?, liv-.; r ten m'.l.-s from tlie kitchen .-toye? While voii were looking up at the constellations did vour neigao rs ouii terrier ever interrupt your astronom ical studies'? 1 prefer rxs in nrL. Manhattan. .: . .3.-i3-j' - : The national banks of the country arc' making about 40 per cent, profit while all other business is losing. No, there is no special legislation! Why jibw could there be? The national bank act is a crime that must be washed out before labor is squeezed into the poor house. Colorado Workman. y in i ii i ni.cf ' Backten's Arnica Salve. ! The best salve in the world llr Cuts, ilb-uises, JSorcs. Salt Itheum, Fever Soros, l etter. Chapped J lands, cininiawis, Ciii iw'.uhI nil siL-i'i T"! i-ii iif inns and liosi-t lively cures Files or no pay required, l! is guaranteed to cive jievleet al i-lacl ioa or r.ionov refunded. 1 ice 2" ca-ids per box. For sale by T. F. Xluttz & Co. The latest advices f r; m Washington ffre to the tdtert thaHh.e free codiuige bill v. ill nor again? come up. Wall street is too string for the poliiu-ians. KemiMiiher, voters, the money rower I' try rets ire Farmer. . II. T5. K m:'.nlM!i. It u .i. lv. C... wril".:: -I v,-;... Under I lie e n-e ef lilne iiaTen-nt d envs. Mr. n i lir.i? .1M in.- t'ae grind I U UOtanic llleO'l liallfJ lias ddise in;'.'" y n. m tare n 0 ViU - isviiii uj place -and gives :i 10 me i"u. This aVi-ids the fuspbling or drePping of tlie ring and cons.-q ;cr.t ..r.ib;.rrass- ment and adds a preuv iittSe oy-play to the ceremony. It is proposed spun, to manufacture cv.-opl:ers I'd tlie market. Tho-c now in use were mae.e by pastors or the-.r frLnids. WasliMon :Lite Ins. Ha. Cr UZYJ YOFIIC. vhiie making -s: evi'e last wee'-: s u;i excave.: 10:1 in workmen un earthed d'iie stu'o of a locust post for mer, v used as a whip, -lug post. Capt. y: E. Carter saw i-f." and he also saw h,last m in whippe: before the whip ping po t wa- abo!: 1 -J iivJ ti5 m& m:m mem m Is- ' I BLOOD '.SfBig m --.'3 m0 iss ia Eofanlo Bissd Balm P Currtz SCHOF'JLA. ULCERS, SALT tt, U! toO RHEtTJ, ECZEMA, cvrrv C tlizs being eScaclous in tor.hr? u? iha A systoJ -t" -.1 rciicring tha tcrr.t:ijibn, Khan imprarcdfrcn p.r.v caase. IU 0 ti.TiDSi 5rrnsturr.$ hailing properties u nzlUf us in osjvntesirg a curs, it A clrecticr.s ara fl:o'.v:S. K Qpyy nnr ti i.tsttiatfd OlLHl t IjUt" "Cool- of ViKc:4r. W BLG0D CALM CO., "Harla. Ga. 0 fHEj JVNUAKY IfcT, 1SC2. Assets, - - - - $1 !,459.C3S 78 Kc's-rvetTTor poli' ics. X. Y. Standnr.i 4 icr ec-v.t., aiel all liabilitii?, - - 1 1 .0L2,:.20 2:. :.,ov tn?urauce, 1SP1, - - ll.7e.;.t,:l Oiit?-tuniirx buuniace. - O.rSj.022 I'aid Po'.ic-v-ivoldc rs in 1S91, - 1.447,000 -ta Pai I IV.iev-hol.lers .-iiiccMir- srauizat.eu, - - 20.fl.".5,534 9i Income. 18!1 - - - 2:cy;,4;'.j 74 Assets Invested as Fellows: . Loan? socirc! I v ranrtjr:ipc on Ileal K.-t;te. iirst 'i-as, - $a.r41. 192 t2 - 271.sr.2 5U 144CO laiaoo : -7'4 ,1 , Xcw York City bonds, !lr!5yn act r loais, -::'h lnnv!i 1. : Va. ) l.i i d. Loaas t.. i'olicy-liol U on Co Policies. -Collateral ioaps. - -ileal Kst.de. rust value. -l':i.-h in b.oik aii.'r ti atr.i.'5. Interest accrued, premiuM, de- 11 r red una m traasit, etc., j ,:-r: svd r77. ivi ks Vfi,'.v.!.?':r,'V-:! .:-'J I I 270.7.:0:i a'!l.;qs -j L t ! , ( ..s 41H.nii7 77 Coadi nsod ltint.i in i-r.-rvX F ? $1 1 ;,;:?? 7S For p.gtMKrifS Arcl nlhcr ivi rticiilars," addrtvs '. !j, AlCt.MS. StaU- .A .., 1 aili.na. N. C, T) j .-s 7r s" ,0711' lJr. "w -lfi A :- :-' 7 A77:-,i ht Si t . j . V r-. ! t-? f,4 t:- '-l 'A Ti.e uadcr.aaed take jdia?r.re ia atmounc ir.tr to the teh.icco fanaers of Rowan and ad jdiisinr cetndik" faat they have oaencd the 1'i.an 1 Kits' W a!:k:i' rsK, opposite the Coiirt House, iii Sa!;l!uy, and solicit your jal na:aire. asuri;a'you that !;oetrort will le;arei! to i;;ake your crojts l.r'.n the very Siiherl Market ja-ices. (iood stahles l.r horses :n;d gocU ioo.'as for yourselves. Hoping to receive calls from fill cur old friends and the public generally, we nre, Kctpectfully, T. B. I1KALL, J.MI. Ol.AIiU. Cat t. T. It. Iteall 1 the planer rMi la. use-man of laiw.in ci-naty, and h.as a lUcrorgb kiiou 'K i: o tlie Kidacsi). JS.ija, - fc.vu ru '.ocxi.":- t.v. Ki:iKthcL..'-.. ........ liar; v I il-. . .. ..... Ivi ysvir.e.. ...... ...... AT. OaRVTil:.. ... ;re 'i,'ii.'t''ro ' .......... t.v. cio'd.-lcrvujT;... A r 1 .-ilrlgU Lv. i;.c:;i y . .......... : ;-lVirU:--m Ar. Orecnttjoro L...,. Lv. vtisnir-atn . i.v. ,r e:s!M!!0 .r. S.'.i batx Ar. st.ii'-.ivtiie j;.v..v A.v.;eir:e-.... .. llotSpdr.gs j.V..:..:, i.v. sallsi-urv.. . . . ..... Ar. Ci'ari'JVU. ......i.. Sjurtii-.tHdj. creer.vilit.... " Alta'at.i ...;... Lvi Ct.ir;aftt;.....i r. Cv'iua:).i ......i...... Ar. Auaita . .. ..j...... NoinuiuoiNiv l.V, .Vil'.'Us! I, Ar. l ua'U Uo ......!...,.. Lv. Aiiaal... ST. ii:' riOs ! V L . ( iC.lt lOlte . Ar. r-.i'ilf?'.Riy .1.... i .1 i Ff'!;i:ig.s... ...... ..- " ASaeM lc " st a iiic ....... Ar. sa 'i.-ta.f ' ...- Lv. s.v.1r-!.i;: Af. tire, iisitn-o-. ....... Ar. W :.5 ( n-sai.-u l.v.,ianiid oro. at. Par air.. - l'a! ua.... I.v la d- i f ... .... Ar. c;c5.!.-iM :o I.v. CjU'.atXJro .. Ar. Pauyill' Ke Lie P i) fe. vie.e . . " Liehiaand 4 V H ' i ii p a . a- r m 5' u,a 1 -Ac "a, is e- a l A M . . i i . im A M .:a s 5 ?., ; -- -ia 2' aPl: 1 4 I: y t--. a 4 ti, ' 'j a :i ft L' . it ., i' .1- 'J fj) ti 1 " Sit " -: - 1 to . v '! : - il T. H : - - -t'-- : rtis -V -J2tl" 2.' 1 "I; ii: : i r it 4 .. . . 1; Kd'fry T -1 11. i - .4!',- ; ii 3o " i 4 i . - - ; v. t Pal yr ( j,t Sunday. .. 1 1 Ly. lOHoiKAiiianeeMeMBge II and 13 Ccmmcrcs St., IS orfolk, Ya., Owned and controlled I'V Allianceinen for handling produce, COTTOI'T A SPECIALiTlT. Don't sell before writing for jiar ticulars to r':r.. . -lc. I: . '.. V;-T- r ' 1; C. J t3 t;:y : .carr -a. t The n.;-"r:.K -( i-; -1!. l .;.ti'::.vr.i I- v t iie c. " " " c T r?!n r .s. t! ' ,.:. : m r '.- :.rr: .-'.a ! 1 V-;'.' ! S.i.d I V T. F. Kl.l'T'l Z & CO. '9 9 e 9 WaHldnuHai ;o!l fsoi.di wU;rn'A'i! ; ladi-ti i"' It 1 0, 'er.il' d ii.'S .veea AV.isldaUiU and Aji dally. :cax h W,asjiir-g:cn ll.w . m., :a.vi ) a. ia.. or( t itj-.lf!io!;.li' a. tii., Sa.LUaiv u J c lairlo, ir . ir, u. rii-arrlws A4U.ta t". -, ' -,,, tnrr.tnir, leave Atlanta L2.. p ia.. t hsratte'V-o p" in., SaiiCunry lV.vt p. ra., x.d;;..'o n u v ft : rrtves l)anti:t-.io x. ta.. IljndtlHjr V a' WahttlnkM'oii s.iS :t. ri. Threagh rmiiaausirMf New York to New orlear.s. alw bt-nvvt u w&Rhiiie-' ton and .MempUts, via Atlanta and Linatr idiLo. . No. y. hMttng do'a;si ero 2.irr., in., ardifde-h CAk p. in., dally, makes cons-i cUan at Lurnunisiih No. 4.1 leatig at T.Mt p. .tu.. daily exta-itt ULtf lr 10!' Oxf'J d ata! KeyKx ii'.e. ' , :, ... Nos. y ..r.d lv toiirA'flXt Ulclur.cial. 'frtsi-ato ia' Wi tt Point ziv LaUiU:fc. e dail v Cacs.;! SulIuj' '-yjxEPiNG-CAU r.uvici:. 7 v-j On TrattthV and lo. I'uilhiati' la If-1 Niitpt In I t', . Mi At .: :a a ta. Nca leak; Li o i :. 1 . i.m; ,. and Aaft-a-a a. aiai Oia.ci:tCcio AfX.iun)'uii Lit vlac, i . 1 1 n " da 1! ana b Iween Lk-hiiici.fl a-;(l ItetMl... iae.t i:-ra ana oo i ut-Otkr- , uuu 1 -uia.-wn f vt'ci ,t i I s. ' a ( cc a N W c.i!:, ;a :ai:'.(oa uiid liiidni. l.i L.njVi.li', SuilMa;f,iMai Al.i. iUe. i a.UTuu..a Sli C. ic l-Kiueea v aMiirgieii and -Vi: ijia. L. UL. Ki.l.V. V,. A. '11 ,11, ' SCi. diaendont. - a. o. i a-,-: At .hcvtilc, N.C. i l.ai I t:.,i c. W. II. (;;:! i-N," JAS. L, 'i .iVl.nl;, ... :;a!;ai:!r, - . i..CH. f.s. Ay.T Alt ac.ii, oa. Atiiaa Gi. SOL 11 AS. 1 tal. gi:., AUat.l.i, . i ; ; . J J. IJOGKIiS, d;rr. P. O. Box 212. 1 I come to von with a small afTtiir V, :i ! V." i ! - . .1 ! . nvcaa-i. :'. Ls i : i!l ' '-' ' '" ' . .. ir.a . l-.e:.;. . : ta ;,.e:'.' : :-:t'i, ' i ',: : . At'-a - : - ' . t : a.l - ' - " Vf r.I : . c.-.: ..'i-i ! i oi- in - .v. - n ; : ii i : - -.ii;.-. sd;1 a:is ,. - i- j r i ...;:s' ). 'y -.; : a ' u e i.-i V - 1 il.CI t .li d C'-U - i ; I - . a '. tor 1 i; S r. I. ) ' l I ... - f :i lb ii iiOi J5MIM To licre ifonv jyriuiiji l done (If. (".' tli'(tClirC SclatiiHi:- ,;!, Isir-ad.-ns. :ri. iia.iti :d L V- 1, a , : . , , , I'adi! D; ',-:0- ;in 1 i;u:l .' i-;a ! hais ;,r UUt IlllC 1 Cl'Vn I tOIl KltC I U o-.o st-.-r-ist-r. v,r -e., -a.-ss A.arc-.sc.W.FA.;KEfi 7 y M.li., ,',4'J N . C ,11!! . .-. ,!MI'i ill". Ll'i.li. :qi! tore jor 11 "77 Jy IUI3Z"ZJ vvl.-o have S h S iii-.i-.ac. 1.-, i..;ci. . ,.1 s. ..iiir.iiula. Ni ti H . i Si"!:lv, I'tdrii-e ana 1'air.r.ii :.e .- T. I. Viia-ou, South .Main mtyftr'.Uur. fhavbig and iuiir-cuttitig. lif l--!.i i- 'ni.. miai-siiid .--ti.-.rp r:'.soc :cl al i aat-s. iLar-utof soil (ion, Lwi;i'i-is an i 1 )U,-.:a e-au;r ;oia lianipooi.in5 a .-j.tciady V id .nVvtA ii.;m ids of tie- v.d;.ii, 1,0 s.-.v.u.ii or-; i.,,,ivs an : cl.ildieii al tl.ctr iiiTna's."- i bjni o a .ejii.css, ; .' iii1' in ; -.ca i, etc , 1 , s'lOuia serai lor cm an ivok or j jki;, (seal a) fi'"!' H t li liirti'-i;? its h.' h.a:c 1 '.lit- .V-,.-!.T -,;, tv. lliat von mav need. In ingi and, the!,-....-.,, ',;.: "t :..;;:--. c , : - . . j Continent and inary loreign countries,'. myself and wares are well known. Uj j- Q p? q. PTTTf prL; f j?j f A .Many American families in their re- i Li idivi. v-v-i any urn from abroad bring my articles j 1 with them, for they know them pretty well, but you may not be one f these. Con fi h nee between man and man s slow of growth, and w hen found, its v. rarity makes it valuable. I ask your coftiMence and make a reference this Journal to mdorse that con'idence. I do not think it will be misplace;'!. I make the best form of a curean absolute one for biliousness and headache that can he found in this l1 fc ii v H f? S . 1 , n ' r-. o. rM f 7 Of ;9:0 year. Th a:s 1 Iff r.?Z, yj f'.7 70 eltttrije any nere for our work, hut guar an he Hie Jhu sl irorix.' dune in it -. (f I . , . , .. ..7. 4iLisui! rtf, (( ltd as j'tie u ariv in our hue, tts can be done auu irhere. Our nioflo ia : i Call on look at our scui !e$. Itvttr our j;rieex, and convinced ifat :c!;ut tee sat ia (rue. W rnlruh;, ! ; Walcliiiidii Job Olilt'r, il. A-. TAAFFE. Manager 9 ? ? n rrn r.T'-'-'i-ore-e v,-f k,n i-::;vors. !;:r: i.i- bi B A Ps TATKO. V.h'oL, fu! v a ad i "!:- ai.n li.'fl H fd !l v" "i-'i d 'vay 1 :..-?r M.eor cf 1 I Ji l 'O..Y. VIM) and V. N:.0 0. .;:)-LtiLi.:- '1 .--c tcoL.ie ..rains c; :: tla- v.;k; ef i;f'-. IL a"a !-. Hue ache. I -rc.-oea D: ea a s. N'.'e.i k ii' -. 1 i .vo :a i , . J ): a ; i s u. ; ! Fi'i. .iid ill ilii' i' -v:s audi1:; i" aiiv ii-:-:v. ('.ir.Mjir;,-! Jolt r;r li.Sa ? V , - l.d L r ';.':; :C i.iC!:. ,; . led,' ir. e 'a'n i; p -rd ai .rs oi .1 Inane cure. A rf ;.!;. Da. HAn KEt, " 1" il. Cm fry Si . N. ha- Lie, 'IV:. n. .racit M-!;-.--.r. id iia-ia lutu la " cents' i vvs. (L-ve liiia a call. ' . riv 1 i V VII ; - "Liitir.s 1 ; 'i.i-C lb 17 I . Ji A. I ... How.; 11 ! aiJ.O ir.-t DSFQKEZITZES ! Cp-.-s fv s o.i '-'rp. a 1: v a'.'iVf of ih Spine C at, Tei ! , i , I ;i .!! i, J a.-i -a.-". and all d I a :al i ;e - of ibc iiaii i.-i, Anns, Lc;.'- a 11 1 Kcer, r t'djaLy -ur..-a: DISFIGURZrJENTS. Supor!;; .us u-ti.-. vn M.irl.s. Moi s; ,Vc ., p::ln 1 1 -s 1 y a "i ! 1 pcrtec: ly re;ai,".a' l. Scud far ValU iLle 1 n ai is o.m 1 he .b 've A : i i . .. C.vv PA1K5R.M o .:U'''.. iaai , Nav'.Li ,'l'e:ni ST-h-n? IN loWViii'Mi a-v! ; j J ; ." :. ,4;;o!i! ':'' tit ! i M 2 c ' e s enr-' v la s.-i.' ' : il! it n is !;: fo--. and Fh'H" Ihi ; )W N- Tli"Ti ,1'! vr,:;ni .-.ff ;-ln.- !.o:, 1 i;s .am-.. - a: i-i ON Li' V ,:- 1 ni '.. a i ln-y ear. ur i al la-ai'-, ay u r: : a r OK. I' A ;:K V". ,v 11.. N ( 'ti-iT.. v ; ; ! . ssik vll'e, T-:!. ir-. Se. w i!ie t -d i. -ile!,; . - ;. ant'."'!- a- r;i':iM' s:.i'.e ioiii 1 1 1 ap i!1- a ! ! ii-. .v I. !'!- 1 llilet t-d. Meaii.-a I In1 L'ai.-'.:...i:i '.' her, vrai -vrLe. liittr.K t-t'i-U-1 lie Mli.s'Ora- ,'...: I a as, 'u, 1 1 .. id L. !.- 1-Sti e,-iaie. 1 v. 1:4 . oaonuc 10 niauHta-icu-i mLisath. C.l:.-alaiu!'a S li.h t iH;tl)!f t- 1L -ier lh.Ut;l; aad v. L -ul. i O! i i -'OiaieiKa' ;aii. ins. ...viid.tis, i,, ij 4. T. V Y V 1 i . - L.l: j Ci, .ia t a. .X.-L Mel 'I'1!? lite Vi atel laaU : " r ; .- O 1 J li i t ii iiiliaaSk J j .Vttmd.- I 1 Kailroad Cvnstructiuis, t'lirvfj,. na l Mapai:: - of llesl Jbrte, Kstmotrt d Wat a- iY rrr-.T!ai:s I t the Kr-. n of Slix I v. e 1 i ; i-its. .Vc.: and a it'euds to.dii.e' j.JirclM .tt' s cl Macliinerv, IJjil.Iing M Li; U all kinds of .Machinery, i'uilding AiaSertais tC, k:. 1 iijn.muLin 1 riiiiiaiii e cure is so small 111 r.sei Pa L.-sSih Lu-iacs?:. ve de- and yet its comfort to you is so jreat ..'v 20 minutes beinor its limit when relief 1 Ml 1:1 ''' ' " .-.. comes that it .has become the marvel pi:r...'(.7::rv ( ;('-:.- aed Kiudrci v,'..re. thai. -fits time. One and a half "rains of N'e !o;ve ar,:-i!y d -a : ov.r i.oa- .a of i tr:' - " 77? hand of time deals lightly with a woman in perfect health. But all func tional derangements and dls- r-m-eilv, hi the sliapc ef one' ir.uli i 1 1 1 , i i---' -'n:,i' i - L 1 t I ....- t i .. t : i I ; i ; i ii i . t w , . . , - i at -: :-!! a an v l'.;-a-e ia - a. ! aea. KINDEUiJ WAEKS.j i.A..K!iNsTnx. CHARLOTTE, U. C . C "p TT , - T ' ; kj 1 il x-1 5., - hMteaMlarMeYiOiil i i . i j- nr'otr.vatiLr. : for t!i is seasoi' : 1 . a si ii.'i.'i u e i ! rtail . !- a. a i More va r icu Sil', Or-an of the N. C. Sial'e-Aii Kdiied bv rul. L. L. i'oik.-.assia it I J-. L.. KV.msev. The 'jv,ar...w'll w keo'ti:, to the usual Liuh sia::hri - iv.tosenbe for it, only Si per xrf:S 'v i r." i t 1 1 i'i"i' ! i L' ; 1 1 ; i i 'lie III -, -. lidtlff i . i.. 1. 1. li1 it - .... r i'.7v, ...oscribei-s at i'l.'.'d tar JiWr i i S-i iiM-i-ibd HOW. 'a ivs..i pTTiTTTl ;! ;-;! V K VAullE !. I'.nwti fn (-iti'iiai'iT-a :is; )l? l?A-;, - ' ' iH1;.:-Ko;EV LIVKR PILL. It is-il.ads7u.7 iiid iii th'd markets of Europe, hut is p "l "' 4 A corn pa te new to A orl h America, i. ne price is j ?7 T or.TR ;is low as an bom st medicine can be a- aa r aL read. I .- . . 1. -t ai, : I !e' gn. a P.'d t lo1 ; arai.L-ea as. low p i f a V- i fi.-"--. '- ! - -.ivkVi . --; ... c y ....-. - - 4- - 1 r . -.Tj- t i '. ' ' ft-.:. i ;4 Or X. f -. . . I, promises, itnd the ability -of the com- orders peculiar to women mittee who. framed it. It was adopted leave their mark. You needn't with only a few dissenting votes, and " havQ them. Dr. Pierced Fa- the platform w as adopted unanimously, rorito Prescription comes to nad received with great applause. The conference having completed its work your rescue as no other medi cine can. It cures them. For nine dii as a repn cental h e Ajody, and adjourned periodical pains, prolapsus and other - displacements, bcanng down sensations, and all " fc- - i he Old Doininion." male complaints " and weak- Evrr since von can remember von nCSSCS, it IS a positive remedy. joid ;it, 25 cents. Semi a po-dal card tor :i s.dirple vial, to try them, before yon purchase. DM. EAYDOCK, G3 Fulton St., N. Y. Mention the Watchman when you write-. MONEY CAN BI5 MADE BY AGENTS SELLING THE Farmers' Alliance History And Agricultural 'Digest, BY N. A. DUNNIXG. 1 I I t A i J- '- 1. nave iieniu , ine oiaie m irgnna called is a powerful, restorative ;thekk0id '-Doininion." Do yon know tonic and nervine, impaftms: twhvii. is so ca.!-u Darin- the pro- strcno-lh to thtS-hn1 cV?rr lonv of Yir'iiia iefnsed to acknowledge his nuthoriry, and declared itself inde- pendvnt. bhbrtly alter, when Crom- m general, and to the uterine organs and appendages in par ticular, it keeps years lrom well threatened to send a fleet, and your face and feure but adds -ife years to your life.: It's UUlin.nin sc. i. .1 ius.s.iu lir Vyfciai leS ' j J . r " . II, who was then an exile in Fhu,dersr antccd to - Slve satisfaction in 7 inciting him to return hi theship witlr evciT Cas? dCSn't, the nie-sener and be King of Vir-jiva.' "y?ur rnoncy is returned. Cliarles accepted the invitation . and " ' i " yias onlthe eve of .departing -for the fi U'V Ail Vil WJk-K2: do rron guSqt lie was iafetv sent"d on the throne, out! frox-? !xPa ipd SicTi-nocho, (f i i ii i ii.. ..r 17. :.. . . : . ' 'I gratotiue l Hie loaiiv oi vxi-iuta,l rtmeuy u at ycur tana T he caused her coat of arms to be:.quar er?d7vith those of Eng'and. Ireland la fit m ps il;;.i r liiia ;.. p' .La; ai. a:e ..n I Lr;.e;. n ) Oil all ca m: .'l ': 1 '.!- ov.r v. e will del i v T ifof.ils.fice to !...-;- .-. . : . . . tiiee or Lail.-oa: station. k ;";p' 7 i.n .i.iUl Li wti.j hL..;i: wl.on ai wilie. a. mm. AttoviT r-.y t- Ti.a vv. - SAI.lsLUKY. X. C. ' (;T'-e ia I'avis W ';'.. " 's Lank Luildii g At whoiop.h- r.nd iv-ail. hvn-i t-rs of ll;c coloL--'itvd ' f in Iredell count v. A ire i its for Iron ... i- '.A -T- - .: 7 i. -- - s- .W T'. f F j i,ivi-a i i.' iv. i . .. j ;. . . '.- . Jjg&jT i ences, c ii:;i,s, v.i esuns, eve. IYomL of Salisbury and vicinity wanting ttiorjiiindiits sliould . (dinx-sdioiul with -us. 'Estimate's furnished gratis. . 1 i '.B iflvi l1vBJ Ca-ca'.-s "-d Tia-M.nrk- v ud:. -s? er.t !ai n,.,, caa ::a" -: ! : " J-tfiAT Vf:f Ou' Orpine I "5 Cr-'s-i--. 3. pT??''Tr ai:-i vc c.vi -.-oar - t-at.-ft ; - --- o-- j -rc.i'.o!; trorri. W a -:d : .'' a. j.jf Jv-nd -ni'jdfl, dr.iv.-ia or j-fc-.t'., ni.. - fir n". - . lion. We ad Lc, if . aa " ensrc. Our no! da--- n -. . a--' ..CT-- Mentior. 1 lio Wntcltinr.TrwWc n -r. v;tl!o. A PAMPHLET." " H v.- :'V-'.i-;a;i5V ,mw of a'scvii c; Oils n j..-..r - . low a, c-'Ut-Irce. A J Ire-.-, :. "C?p. Pate.nt orr:c. VLvshiic;'- i p.il .-.Hi i.l i !i i: to tdi tie . i l ni ss u.iii, ;ei i 'j cornet ot .. a ii nr. it 1:00 .- tiee in ('01.; i- o- Lev. . a'; ; a Atitiior ot "TUP PbUoscpLy cf rrlco."' 'Lltory of I pr,.!M- t ar. 1 ear th1; I'aitc I st ucs Oa'.l i, " ,ei ! as-) 1 ;i itlit t j-.' .,.. ' ot l he A -fiowd I-.rittit, c flict.d cn,'an of the Nation d Farmers' ALiaucC a;ai La- to Co.. clu trial Union. j Tli nook contains s' ni'pe. ." Plrtrr.nr rLrtr- ei; r ivtr.irs. It. vonialns- tt iti-tseai Liforaiaihai tjnr t TT iL..t alivai'J 'oc in t'r.e possi'sj,,!! 1 f every Mil n.-e 1 f-A XJ s - u inber.. It as a eoi reel njLfi'or, an-.l nOtets tie! A 11 trut- progr:-s thai iUc AlUaa-:c lus maUc lrom Us t -rtw em.n-i. trcootloii HP ! Oaie. ... aeie:i:.,:a ITk-e, cio- n, ?2...: 11.1 lai-sia, 53 -0. sena tor tciiiio to axeuss at once. ALLIANCE TLIiT IS'MVf; ( O.. i-c'J North cjineol sueei. WasUin'tcn, D. C. YVi'i-j-rai-eiiil.t: c; ivalics. Steam, Air and Yacuum Pumps,, Vertical ''and Hcrizcfl; tal of every variety and capacicy. VERTlCaL P18TCB. ')T VSBTSDAtPW. : ecial allcation pi. en FR7E ! or I ae I'A.VILV. JC-tTXAL 1 l.ii .''!' Oi-t.-.i-. 14-e i.eViia-i low For Your Jewelry lion Ot !m1? -,v.,er. ' ' -is .aae in 1 a.o.' ina" a lai ' I ;"a r a n la-: : e v-iii said ,-l,-.:,:nt, v tlie o.-i' I11..U1I i1 1 ; i' v i si,.' " " to " en nerson lAMliil lUtlV j)nt)A ,",i.a- 7s 1:. c-i.tb tor tlx iia-nf lis' s i;.--i l! r n 10 Hie ,(..,,; Jour 1, i-1. I liis V ei'!; :.i 1 K is - jit aa aeii six iaot.ln bnes ii'.. er.ro a v. L : i a .1-' oiaosi mvdi.tiTti' ! cull-aar. rcit;c.ia La- lia. o '-i inf? ev.eu- ia-, a iu i-,..,:, ,.(!-; s v.e.l a ia . fe.MlV.tO tliC illCXpC- ? t w I - -" '--. K-LJ 'y v '5. - -'".'- - "ri..1 11 Iv ;.nd Scotland as an indep- ndent niem- Ier nf the Empire a distinct portion of;thestl0!d Dominion.", Coinsf Vir ginia were iucd late as the reign 1 f Ger'e III. which lwre on oiie -side the eoatdtf alttis of Lnglann, Irelailtl, Memt C.--2c3DlnrlcFlirs".y.Y. b'eolhmd and Virinia.-?a'w. O.G OQOO0QQO tTlllToeUIiyrra-Totill tli!3 tiowbla, cnablayoutoeatandcUrctt your food. preveni heavaclio tad Impart oa enjoyment of llfot 5 Tvhicn you hxvof neon a utranrcr. r-:i rennft. Irido. 'si? We arc still at our old tand on Main street, where we have a select stock of Watches, Clocks, Spectacles, raid all kinds of fine Jewelry on hand at the lowest pricps. Watch repairing a specialty. All work guranteed l!2 months. J. & H. HORAH. -e tile " e a leal a : alO a.i int'l- i i a.i cil. L i all ui ia r CO i; i; o j '.a . a -1 1 . ...v Oeli i; a 1 el;..; e- j ii :lt..-vi .v..iu--.ii ''.!. 1 ; (.):..;! -ca rt.-t.VH s san eu to iaais! .MV' s I .1 iiati-i . 1,(1' i 0. In r j li a Lreei;. sloi ita-a-i-!1. UMaL.croxv.ile- nr. -ivi'ii x . f , : ,-. '.:, !- a e.j a n : uia u e.'n! j ... (,;'.:!-. ;'o r-i:..:te.i ! Ue- -sl C- l'-lv(e ' - uu.i--.cuik .0.0 caMt.A l te-iv .a tne pu-rrt da . Willi Hit? Ll.'a.i' r-.:,ii I.:-:jh as a (UC. In. ll'-Urevat'1 l;e.-.l V. -Oj ii' - "O ylX'' I'C tiiC r.i'M aUUIotno-isof hei.-i irt.-'a; rj a si". L men Cer v.e s(-n.UaislMf,e :ii .-..'...' V. : e i o t . r s;. li.r.r.llis Miyt-rlbti- to , e ;v;;: ... J -1 .... 'i fis i- no cheap b ink Ii run as as la,;. i ; s. i.: a ; o nai i u n h 'Ve1 1 lie Fa i .i I y J mu ii r. i V.;7:7IiL tamlly pa er n-a c. tu l'- t-a c.Lrral cnta n O'tr In c .i-'nctieii v.iii: eh a: i. i a- :, s i.no la lee leei.'i 'a e. r-ta s f l i .- .ma? ;i "I'.cu.-c l o l st-.ii - "T'-'. 1 ,sii'o: s " " ! ia i:.-!Kct:oUl I oi ior," ae.i r,utra-itUM.'t!.a-r-n: i ts , i con.t so Lae'-i p,! , ,ji.n f.'Ue . i ;. v iii i no' n v. riii r iieife vad iisi'-' l.-V i e. ii"- ot. :- leaiu' ni l ;u -s-air-doi! is.Tl- TCo. !rl emaitr &fia cr m a m; c;, t-,o- v c: !:'. v 1 ".- Lc-ek. Si lid a 5 cu ts In postal no i Vor 1 cent si -r !- 'o : Tin- ii. i tfiUiJ' 1 L ' 1L a i i.th i'i.o; :a-. .-.st- r-.v' !. H. '1'ii 4 3 ,4 i1r:'iWJ - .'r"" '! - ;4 .-1.1--,-!-!. X.-? V--,-:-iv.f : 1. ,5 1 i:5-vCf -; --V. s? -' '----.: w.. -vL- ."S-" ' --- v& 4-. ..--v.: ?-- frf.?-.', The most simple, durable and effective Pump in the market for Alines, Quarried Refineries, Breweries, Factories, Artesian wells, Fire duty and general manufactiu ing purposes. 2SF"'n fr Catalogue. 1- .1 ,L H f i f 5 1; z h. a - (-;.! ! a i' I 9 fry-: til-f-ik''!-'..--,:n if -. li. .f ' n i. - i iu FoO' K E.tT iUiD S. 1 u Y;;i;k 2 i fi

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