JL. 1 H. -:tl Oh. XXIIHTIIIRD SERIES. SALISBURY. N. C, .THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1892 1: NO. 2G. V TI7;:- : if . W 3 - - - M JLJ.ViW W VI Li i M . A M for infants and Children. . ,f5 a tc ?n veil adipted tochfldrfin tliat I ; i v su;KTior U any presenjauta l7fZ'v rt IT. A. AKXtvxi 21. IX, . . tS6f " 111 : Cr.'ord St., Erooklyn, It. Y. t.v Twt Ka' is so universal ard -T . '' i v-.l -Tioyv-n that it fiw-ra a woTjC I '" - .. ... . - .or 1859 J. 2 1 q mm sr. 1 .1 III i .a ... im i M it Fonisii liierials. Main, TWloific's: "X. O. AlHanco t arnicr 1 TESTIS ONILS : F: ::: Mr. .1. s . :.,giT Aili.iiic- Dc-i-.r ir:- nn-iabcr of the "Ex- ! 0. :t Pauvii. ., 1'r. ,-'t. I'urha::!,':;. C. Y'.ursuflhe fill jet to liaiel. 1i-l not re-a-ive yo.tir circutar ;,-,v siiy-iar yovi'r FertUizcr 'i :::a :Vo r.iiita-.iv; J'hpIo ,.;'. rt.v- anions the crjus -p,:rso:fs ' wf tlv-rod d'ertiHser to 10 1: l)t rtVct'.v ' siit'tsficrt with ru!t. T,.i. i m. .:: tl.t v y 'a lias fired sovjic at the y that is entirely attributing !. I u-;' 1 vtlevon tii:s on i vt-r H'.?eilany.fyrtiizcr that i'.uaorv. results. -ct-) the wtt sou.-; 'try t; uii-l ri-faoc-tftilly yciurs, " -. J. H. Jo arcs to:;. m n k i: , X. C, Aug. 2D, 1SD1. C.;a:.;-.nv: Hcau',,. -..,. -ft ijtt;e afraid of vour j','terl.ul en.) ?0 useii (.a3 I had done for p) Ladeam'g Chcmicala. I thought none i:'VbD;u,r- Tsed half yours and half La yftu year, and am proud, to say yours and finer on same land. tv gi- it the rceunimenda p to l!;c standard, ''.i of us will u.?e it next year. Gy. L. Williamson. Tt,!:rs, Ac your orders to W.H.Worth IV'IR 8 ni I I.I K MIS wm I.I N' f k v - i i i f t ' j l,.-lBr?Acnij .t . r- - 4'- I ,wi'aii Uili positively win not te undersold. Meatt.m the Watchman whayau write 3: i n J Cast orl a ceres Colic, C3on5Tt!palI'n, Sour Stomach, tiarrfcoaa. Eructation, -Klila Worms, gives Eloep and promotes Ci- n Ration, - TTitiiout injurious medication. For several rears I bave recommenced yenr Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial Carlos iiiKTZx, V. E " Tho Trinthrop," lEStreet aad 7th Ave., y KewTorkCity. Tim Csrrxua CoxrAyT, 77 Mubhay Stkset, Na-ar Yokx. THE 1892 te, Georgia Home Insurance Co. J CUljUJtllfUO, IxJl lfU d COAET, 2CBETABY. Home Company, seeking: Home Patronage. Insures all classes el iusks ai lowest adequate rates. ; Losses adjusted and paid promptly. tLLEN BROWN, Agfc. ' jViANUFACTUKESS OF ijillkUMbli i ul tilifiyl , mm jlinn lliln" Office : DURHA M, N. C. Durham, N. C, Richmond, Va. ' 4 i i Some time since appeared a very put m Vance county-, instead, oi una- ce,umg in.v, a& we .-ee u. eaib u.ai rai3.dS ale ManiliaCnired eSCiU- alowu advertisement of a book ei- limn, Gaston in Gaston count)', and J tue whole uiseussion or the day and of fnr t ')a A HinTjpp a cluively lor foung, unmarried people; -auisun m uau:soo couuiv m-vwu , .wo ... ......... ,.r. .. .. T ootn gentleman ana ladies, the pnee ot , i-l-"-v"o.uii. ... - x , 1 : . - which was 5 For the 5 a very I , There mav be other cis-. s of appar- J he bub-lreasury and government Official GlianO," "PrOirrCSSive cheap edition of the Bible' was sent. : nt misfit, but the.e are enough. So ownership f railroads. .- All the other 11 11' fY' 1 , 1 T I I 11. lUin.'tvtJl'OCI . V, M l,Ut!l,UI t ""v " - - i , , , . . . ' . - . A i: 1 ii,,. w hPi vm rlo-.-e . m ptler he sore to "out issuer .ee;a 10 oe oe.ssoi'' xioui isui, Kj. -llltlUGU V711lv;ictl rVClU JL IIOJS Kidrkvillp: V O A 1 1 icm .l!!-i-i-p. ii, .1 l'ur.'iruu fcrtuiz- ft . -. uorapanv. Gents: Fin;l enclosed certificates of Ridge viEe Alliance, o. 78-1, pf Caswell county, and G. P. Burch's. I have made thc.certificates for Uidgeville Alliance as directed by the Alliance. If you want it made stronger and think of anything 1 Could put in, lefiais know at once. The guano has given satisfaction and the Alli ance hacrdcrcd ine to let you know it and at! others that it may concern. r Yours truly, Geo. M. Burton, See'jj- Kidgeville Alliance No. 73-1, Caswell Co. Fousyth Coustv, inalnn A'nr.ncf 1 SOI 1 Winston, August, 1891 ' ,was ,ther . pio crop outlook where Official Guano used will compare favorably '.with any other Fertilizer in our county. Our people are ge orally well satisfied with said guano. : J. F. GairriTH IIiC-MASS, Va., August 26, 1891.: am now an old tobaceff grower, and have I 6 ' I ncpn a. cTfArmr.v IrQpfili.A.. BinM T h... V..n I J uv... i growing tobacco, but hare never' used anv I " 6 ' " ' I brand that ecccd3 the Durham. My tobacco I . , . , . ' I is uoir.e a3 weu ius year a3 l ever naa a cron l enonrfn v rfti-nir.miiiiH ill. 41,a nn-UAH. . .-. 1 vuviiiuoj v v nix. -va tut ! U i . 1 1 111 V I Jf farmer who wishes a Ingh grade Fertilizer at a ered a question of labor, remuuera-- tound it just tbetlnngand underits a.se low pnee Pktee B. Booth. tior otherwise, cannot possibly pay, speedy and p V"V ,4rn ii , - r a sampje bottle at our expense ami leatn CT-fA AfTT "fvprinrPrTTMie ly Fe u ways eitoer nines or tweu- for vo,ir,olf jnst how .00d a thingot is. , w tdbU ii-&V, Ui UirtiC t iu USi ties, and to makeme must require pret- Trial bottles' free at Kluttz & Cc.'s drug J. G, BSEHEAEBT, County, Agt, i ' - : sAiisBUKir, n. c. is j?!? ta Get Monuments, ' Tomfcstonesf&c fttf" ;.: N OI v iKiuiN r MARBLE to arrive m a few days We guarantee Grariito Monuments Of all V'wcji. specialty C. B. WEBB & CO., - - ' - r V rKOPiillvTOR. WILL IT PAY? ; Ont from tbc hesrtbstone the cMMren go, Y&ir as the sunshine, pure, as snov'W A licensed vtrohg on the crowded street Waits the coming of the guileless feet Chili of the rich, and child of the poor , t Pass to their wreck through the dram shop's door. ' Ob, say, will they ever come back as they go Fair as the sunshine, pure si3 tne snow; - Out from tli8 hearthstone, the children futr, I'as3 from the treath of a mother s prayer. Shall a father's vote on the" crowded "street; Consent to the snare forihoughtless feet? Ah! fath'irs.lyour finest cold grows dim Black with the rust of such nameless sin! cl. ;! " And light your -ways with the price of shr.me,- i But say,, will your dearest come back a3 they go, i a-ir as the sunshine, pure -as the snowf -Sirs. Mary 1; Lalhrop. The 1 t frauds attempted through the i -i f- it he mails are almost innumerable. - consist of schemes concocted use of th nev con to humbug the unsuspecting publi i and it.. seems.' the. greater the fraud ! the creater the n turns to the swiu-i -dler. Nearlv all nf these sekomos make i . . i use of advertisements published in I "ewspap spacers and of circulars distributed i through the mails. Without these ' means the public could not be reached, and for this reason the law maifsfnrfmnilpnf.nnrnr, Rnf. it is to bs borne in mind that unless complaints are made to the post-ofilce department these Irauds are carried on without the knowledge of their exist- ence and no investigation can be had. I To give a few instances of these frauds. A few years ago an advertise-! would see Pittsboro not in Pitt county Now, if we understand thconstitu ment appeared in the papers statin" ' at H ''"t UJ Chatham. Beaufort 4-tion of the .Alliance a member1 doesn't me nt appeared in the papers stating!511' ,,ut nainaiu. ueaiiiorr, that for the sum of 1 a receipt would i i'ght to bo in Beaufort county instead be given for the permanent cure for j Carte rt-t, while Washington, in stammeriu j'. When the dollar was": Beaufort county should be in Wash- sent the receipt was returned, which simply "read: "Keep your mo nth ediut.'' i Another instance of the same kind- was where an advertisement recited that for fifty cents a receipt would be given for catching all the fish in any given body nf w:itor WIipti thp fifiv i-pnk ivi:' of water. When the fifty f o if il- tii.ifili I ji ril 1 1 tn rl 1 1 1 ' ..: L-.. ,T .11 il.. ... A - iiiiK me viciim to u:p au use water out and then piciv up the nh. Another ftrm ot fraud is rerpidra- D)' means of adv ull-'iU tnc psihiic. ing them think tin; crtisements as to Persons an-wer- tt for twenty-five i cents thev are to have, a -watch u soin ! other valuable article when, in iact ; ... . . thv merely cret some illustrated cata- I . " .'-' . . . I A i f 1 logue. au exrensive rranci lias re cently been carried on by certain per sons claiming to be commission nier- M1t,nfa r nr.l,io rl-.lr u.-Jir out-their circulors' or pslee' lists olfer- j iho- nrii-ps lower than the ntarket. when i . . . u fact, thev have no commission house, and probably onlv desk room in some ! shop or saloon, and the goods sliioixnl to -them are received and sold at anv : price obtainable, no returns whatever ; hpiiirT made watch, would be -advertised for; 1 mi , i i . i i I he Sf nner wnn m nee.enr, a waten in return, but he would t a sun dial. ' ..I Great frauds have been carried 0:1 bv the proposed publication of handsome ' illustrated books, for which ' photo- j araphs of prominent men were solic, ited. , It was added that to have tne j necessary copper plates engraved woll " cost 816.75. A surprisingly large ; number responded with photographs : and money, but no books of course, ' were published. A Hard Tilan to Catch. -The most remarkable counterfeiter v i-lwCm, uv uiv, w .1 i-.a.iuui um reporter was-informed, hs been keep- ing the United Stages secret service in i f. p , p such a condition of evasperation for a mug time past tnat no trouble or ex Pl,se would be considered exce-sive for t,ie accomplishment of his capture. And this, although he produces, on au long time past that no trouble or ex- average net more than two bogus notes : n-i i. i.i., , ,i : loi..iu. iiiemaihi.uieniu.iyu!a, thee mutations are that ihcy are ex- pinimi anf.iro r vit.li n rn I nna m it i i s - iu l i. i i i i i i. .',1 , wnrL- nnoit thftm r.nrna nnnr tho Irons- . ... . Hft tA I nt Hievncr nf I hfl rmxrnrrt i i i ment dttPf.tiTf whrs utmost fffnrt. j- i i j. eaiiiioi) uiscoyer so luuen as u eiew 10 r n mi is. - t n inatrpr i tlo.i. ft p uortr nt nmrinein or I i . . - ty constant toil for quite half a year. TheTast one, which was received a few days ago, was a double X. Funny enough they rome each time from a different city, and the supposi tion is'that the forger leaves town for another locality immediately upon pas sing one. He gets rid of the note he has just completed, which may remain circulation for some lime before reach ing a bank, and departs long before the police agents have a chance to arrive upon the scene. The most plausible theory seems to be that he is- a mono maniac of means, who gratifies a mor bid taste in Jhts astonishing' way. His imitation bills are so perfectly done that no one short of a professional ex pert would hesitate to take them for good money. From th,e vignettes to the signatures the worik is perlormed 1,-ti IJIIl.- ill Llll l,l.IIU)M. Iilt-iIV LUIIMU- ll.tlll IHUIV. I. with an p.ccnracj Writ' leurs scrutiny within powerful ruughifying glass In all likt'lihoofl the rou3a why .the notes are not made of Jarr denominations is that fhev would ie TTronnrti!naff!v more dimt-nlt to pass,1 . One can ima.""- nie that this ecfeentric.counferfeiter in dulges in the epiploymeut simply for. the gratification of h in vanity. It is not itnprob th!o that he himself has been shown the frame at the treasury' binding in .-which" two specimens of his handhvorU an? shown by polite nttend- ary saiuples of forgeries-in tl ie goyeru- mtuib collyctioth" Anvway lie iioes on turning out, the buss at regular inter vals of six monthSjfthus occasioning periodical sr4sms j exiigperation in the secret-service hiirsvHi. III 1 1 III II III II imA . , . . " home 5!iiit Iames of Places-, I . stranger from another State ; Wt'!e to look over a map. of North Carolina he would find some perplex- n cases where the names of certain l . i i -1 towns seem to De a nnsht is regards the names ot their repective couuties. ihl ln:ky sometimes account for mail- matter going wrong or jailing to reach the 3erson addressed within a reason able time. For example, he would -expect to find both Asheville and Ashboro in Ashe county, but instead of that arrange ment he liads the former in Buncombe and tho latter in Randolph county. He won ui naturally look tor lireens- '- tm-en-ville in lueen county, msteau or uuiirord anu i itt, wi:iie lie ington. Ltoort5.ville i!i Iredell county j siiould w m jjloore county, ami Jones- j boeo, in Moore conntv, would seem be-t suited to Jones county. Haywood ! in Chathiim, ought to be in Haywood 'county, winlethe capualoi tnat county ! would iust sii it Wavno. ! hy was not Je.clcson put m tlie teatnre we see being the Union soldier county of that name instead of North- ' plank. Our people have been taxed amnion, and Franklin, as well" as ; near enough to death to pension tli'tn Fr:inkiii:ton. in Franklin county? j (for nearly all of them are being pen--Then there is M;:con in Warren county, sioned ) without- repaying them. Hun in. stead of Macon, and Hertford in i dreds of them are being pensioned that lrqutmai;3 ms:ead or Uemord county, J aucvvnte m lasweil county, lie . i : . t:(UI S s - !ls wen -a aucey county, won id put in ' a?1(i n-ocMngham he i . i . :.. i ..... . i.. ..i e !:... I 1VOCM u:na louiav, iufi.e.ia ui a.t::i mend. Columbus is in Polk county, and J Polkton is in Anson cotui tv . w liiie i Columbus has not even Columbia. ! DaVlSOU Oollege is not in Davidson i ' -.1 ,i II r l t county, no is laoitu college in l au- v.. county.- Neither Aiexandei-s nor ; Mexandnaiia is in Alexanaer county, j trranam would seem oest in uranam i county, and Lenoir jnt suits Lenoir , .county, v anccooro ungnr. nav.' oeeu county on v'e sug-j-'st that these towns be Ii I I . . 1. I . .. I'. l niovea to wnere uie) oe.oag. r otlrn Gil't Hors-e HIo!!(h. lit t!so A man in Le-eds, England, looked at a lu,rs in i!1(Hth the other day with profitable results. The keeper of a skating rink had advertised "a reat tancy cosiume carnum, and ov -i way of stimulating the invention of his patrons he promi.-ed that'tlve wearer of the most original costume chonld lie awarded with a watch to the ; v.,inp (.f c-a) The i:m who won the watch took it to v. lewetef, who satu tj.ne ji'jce TKi i-i'ii-.T U . 1 n u 1 1 iC 1 , II. was worth onlv c0. Uieret'oiv ; m. -, d-es-- The appnet 1 to the skating rinlc pro-rietor defemled himself with the : )t tUit tu, y 0f the prize was ; pnriv a voiuntary act, and the recip- ; ient s"noaia not .take the giver's esti- . p..0-rictor defemled him with the t t literally. The judge, how . . . , took a diilerent view, and save judgment for the plaintiff of S70.- Now Try This. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, if you have a Cough, Cold or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Colds and Coughs is guar anteed to irive relief, or money will be rafferciis from La tnppe ; store. Large size 50e.. and fl. "Doing anything now. Bill?" "Oh, ves, I'm kept -busall the time." "Ah, 'glad to hear i't. What are you doing?" 'Looking for a job." Texas jS'f- 41JS. Wilson-. X. C, June.20. 1600. Last October I suffered indescribable pains with what the -doctors. ?aid was prartl. A3 oon A3 I could get an Elctrepoise I applied it every night two week?, and am happy to state have had no recurrence of p.un and lrom present anpearanees never jvill. W hea you hear of one louderi- the praiae of Uie Electro noic than myself. s?nd me bis photograph. EDM. PACE, lute of Danville, a . Children Cry for Pitcher's Otoria. ALLIANCE BUEAKEKS. Tilings as Seen fey One Who Is Striv ins to KnowXho liight. .. Corresnoiiencc ot tLe '.Vatchman. Hejp.g one who reads all sides of the political questions of the day and a man who is a member of the Alliance, and who loves its aims ! and principles, we desire to jive a few thoughts on some of the breakers ;thead of the Al liance Jhrough your valuable paper, also offering a few suggestions, not that we consider onrselve wise or or thodox on the situation of the davT but VOU knOW it is S:ilil fh:K S avII man can learn of a fool, so remember-! '.ngtmswesum up courage to act at this time and hora.?, ' th hmLn thou irii U mav not find lh iT J ----- ... "IWUH to th waste Uiskct but will be pub-1 i- i,i 1 - i ' hshed, and pcrhi'ps some one mav see ' something in them that will be of ben- fit. The demands as set forth by the Al liance and in the Oeala platform arc pure, and if carried out no doubt would bring about great good to our people. But what we are afraid of is that the best pare of them are being lost sight of and our order is going into a party that is not in sympathy with them. This, of course, is the People Vparty, for the whole drift is in that direction. We have read and watched with inter est the movements of that party, and find some admirable traits in it and some not so commendable. We will notice a few of these before ""we are thro;ig!i. -puoii oi me finance a lucmoer doesi j have to vote with any pn-iicnlar pol ! ic-al party aid can yet he a true Al anceman. So if we are right we w lit- Alli- tZht we wit! not have to voe with the People s parry, even it it does take the m an bodv of principles held by the Alliance Are we rijjfht? We have read very carefully the platform adopted at bt. Louis, and I 1 1: i u )c i t yrood i r, t he main, the worst siiould not le, tor they are as al)le, and a great deal more so, to work tor their support as nunureus or men ana women who are taxed to pay off their pension i i i t a i m B esides there are hundreds of men in the South who were as loyal to t lie Union as those who receive pen- sion and who had to hdit ftgainst their own vfill. They should W pen si-mei I Weil Bi it as there 11 ! !.. 1 Tl l wou.u oe m gooa way oi miaing ui- J'.st who they are it rentiers tne gov- einnLeut nnauie to pension tr.em. t?o wu ta.uui n yun i umi au i..u-, lot s let it atone. - i onnu my ,u,uivmiu - uu, va- ana we tnucii leav viien it meets in its next convention the vital points and the main demands will be left out, and our order, blinded by enthusiasm, may be led into it, and will thus be foiled bv them in their uttemot for vi.dit lie readii: r doselv we are lead to f ear lat there is an k'acens in the camp anyway Some one will into it iust for oiliee. We h.ve spoken of the platform vf the People's party as we see it; have critic is; one lilank in it and commend , t ho (.'iners. nut .1 ! - L now we v.;s!i to note one great mistake the it i iii convention made. And not on.y loan 'convention, but we 'fear our order, as i b-dv, is making the same mistake..' X .,1. no f .. mi-n of i!s miMM-" aressmen eieciea in iauas uy um . 1... it... ple-'s j.'arty were .elected through the influence of the leading good women of that State, and that these ladies with other prominent temperance men and women' were in the convention, and when they begged for some kind r.f o f.mrwr innf. nbink or resolution in KJk. n,u;jv'"v I " " - the platform and were downed at tne birldinrr nf the honor men. wno were there for the purpose of capturing tha thing as they did do, we say that con vention made a mistake. Now some one may call us a crank, but that is all ri'ht. We are iust showing the thing np seen by us and if any m m doesift-j want to acquiesce, tney nave tue puvi-h-o-,. to differ. In onr opinion no re form movement that ignores the liquor trartic is equal to tne cmergency-oi u.e . . . . i More money r involved in it than in anv other business on. the iacej . . A 1 of the earth, dust think ot it con trolling a billion of dollars in the UuitedSiates and then say tat it's a side issue. We talk cf monopolies but never speak of this the greatest monop oly on the face of Gods earth. Had that convention pnt into its platform some kind, of a temperance plank the whole prohibition-element of the coun try would have flocked to it and given it great strength. Had they said they would repeal the internal revenue they, in our opinion, would have receivul that element. But no, it is yelled down, and no;v the temperance cle ment is going to stand Fqnare on their own principles and let the new pnrt tak - care of itself. The temreranc . ..... ... - - ; u-rs of Dr. SaKvs remedy can t cure you, read 0!it of the part r because. lie favors are iii sympathv . J. !iat v.c -,0 matu, ho, h d or of how long .rand- .e p;irtv favors? We think are aoout to speaK. M hen ue ,nu - h catarrn m the bjnd inay h, hlU and enter. our ber-Hiatqmte a number of the con- n.a raakers are JVo . l).S.a- S.ich a . element is in favor of everything in the People's party phttferm and just one more prohibition of the liquor JraSie. . vVe loiovv cf a ntjnher of Ah liancemen vhoy.ant to support the People's parry hut can't do it on ac count of i(s silenee on' the liquor ques tion. MayGoJ opn the eyes or our people ! " On the 2pUi of Mav Senator Hi!! is t speak in Charlotte, and thou sands of people wiir-hear "him. His sole! object 13 to crueh votes, and helnis no more at heart the interest of the laboring chvs or tho Alliance than if ' he had no heart. And if there'"' is m:m uho Lait'd bfates ;vho 53 the B!i"tu chimh ui ifui itTiiMtT lies me one. And yet he'll catch a lot of our 'Ahiiuicemf a - and temperance neorde. r. ...a i j ' 1 ' I it - I ' 1 'iV?' Ie,"s. kee?, ?.,:ir ev Pe- Niishri" th a rmw cmpposj " l-in-' Alliance sia.ress "l0 -VOi,riLl the hi;Vtor rt,hin- we J. HenS.y Thari. Turnersburg, N. C, April 2002. Scalp lieeeption. Correspor.il erve ct the Vatclan:-a. Last, Friday was the oeeosion of a pleasant social gathering at the hall of Lentz Alliance. The- members, to gether with friends of the neighbor hood, met early in the afternoon to count the scalps gathered in tho scalp hunt, which was organized sometime ago, against all kind of vermin. The sum total of the count was as follows: Rrtbbihv 175; crows, 170; hawks, 11; minks, 22; besides a number of smaller animals. Everything passed off with the best of older, victor and vanquished hurrahed al i k 3 and alike shared in a splendid treat which had been prepared by the captains, P. R. -Cress and 0. Beaver. It was a day to be remem bered b all present for the god jokes and kindly humor which filled out the occaion. Alter the exerciss were con cluded at th hall the cnowd repaired to an adjoining lot and wound ont the-l evening with a game of base ball. At ier arranging to renew the hunt the'fail the party separated.. Lentz Alttauce is o.n a ste idy 20 just now. iiie members, inougii say ing little, are doing a great dt-al of thinking. We keep p.osted on the principal events as to the brotherhood and mean to stand or fall .with our "faces to the enemy." Besides taking reform papers we also see the other side of the matter and enjoy such sickly efforts as the Herald's account oi the Statesviile delscussiou. But we will not speak of that, for to one who heard it the matter seemed quite dif ferent. But 1 will close for fear of the waste ba ket. II. E. G. Cor. Sec. lihtstcr. r.londay I'ienie. Corrospoa lcnce of the Watchman. The picnic, which took place at Tur. Julius Hoishonser's, on the Gold .Hill road, seven miles .-odh of Salisbury, Easter Monday, was successfully car ried out. A very large crowd was pres ent we are not sure of the number, but suppose about two hundred and every one seemed to enjoy it in the highest degree. A number of young and middle aged men enjoyed them selves awhile in-the morning by plaj--ing a few games or baseball, while the " f II 1 1 t ! ; ' 1 ladies and rjost of the young gentlemen lnu; !gei m u; anv interest- uiiT crames ot auiercnt anius. ; ft !.-; After this the crowd enjoyed a Mire dinner ... r " wiiiea was iron tint out by tne good women of the neiL'h.boihond. All were invited. In tire .afternoon, as in the forenoon, ail took an interest in the games which were played, and all had a good time in general. F. L. II. .- .. , Thoe who believe taat J). Sage's Ca- tarrh Kemedv '.vi cure t::ein are more liable to uet well than the-se who don't If you happen to be one of those who; lm't believe, there s a mait r oi 5000 o ul mini. x i - Y. They are known to every newspaper publisher and every druggi.it in die land, : w - Confidential. A lawyer's clerk ran off with 00,000 francs of his employer's money. A few days afterward" the lawyer received Idie following letter from' the delin - ' ' - oncn "Honored Sir: As there is no one in whom i have such confidence as yourself, I venture to inquire if in case I am apprehended vou would consent to undertake nsv defer.se? ours r"- sped fully, A. Zangcrl. Slnur Kol- cntar. BacWou's irnica Salvo. The best s:lve in the world for Cut.; Bruise"; Sores. Salt Itheuin, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hand.-, ChiUdains. Corns and all Skin L: aiplions, and posi tively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price o cents per box. For sale by T. F. Xluttz & Co. When Ba'oy was dek, to gT2 ber Cartorli. When siie was a Child, so cried f cr Castoria CVhen she became Hiss, the clung to Castoria Wben Bhe bad Cildrea,iic gavo tLem Castori and vou can easoya.-ccrtain tab tncir )J(?lieve in equal lights to all and epe woru is asjiooa.iici. j ciaj privileges to none, and will cog You wind your waleh op.cc ft day. ! fo ,hat l(J the our liver and bowels should act as re- Tx , nDAnCTT.w igularhv If they do act, use a key. p a lir iqo9 Tho key is-Dr. Pierce'- Pleasant Pel- Itusell, N. C, April 15, 1&92. Tho Vol f off List for tli a AjwilA of the Ocata Demands, Cirespoeceotthe Wate-taan. ' Believing as I do in the freedom ct speech ami tbe Hberty Vf the press, and that every man ha an imalenabi right to vote according to the nictated -ot his own conscience. And whereas4 their seenis to he a dispositbn on the; part of certain. party leaders to pasat set of rules and restrictions, governing? township, primary, conntv ,itnd- State- . ' conventions. And believing as I do, that such a course, if persisted in, would be highly detrimental and injurious t the success of the demo?ratic party Therefore, I as one ot the .Executive' -Committee of Ivnvan county, being caW -led upon to know if 1 would endorse and stand by same rules and the, action o same conventions, etc., declined to do so. Thereupon I was very . politely" : asked to resign, which J did then an5 there in a meeting assembled April Oth; -1802; it was the only course left me, as I could not conscientiously and consist ently be a party to any such proceed ings. As lt believed all those who had been democrats-hertoforeTiad a right T to ajvpice in the primaries and conven tions, without applying any. test to them whatsver. Such a test LconsM-T" ered an insult, kTtho time honored de- x mocracy of the county and Statt and one vrhich if persistea in, would mult only in driving men from the party, and thereby cause defeat. There seems to be a disposition on -i he part of some party leaders and thn- -democratic press of the State to wholly ' ignore, and exclude from the primaries-; and conventions all Alliance men who' endorse the Ocala platform of-demancls, ' when they have leen concluded by many able democrats and politicians to bo. . democratic 'measures. i ' I would ask, how do yon expect to? controi the Alliance, or succeed if you have nothing to do with it? There is not a conservative democrat or deuK oeratic paper in North Carolina that does not recognize thatthe Alliance vote is necessary to the success of tho f" democratic -party. And there is no' political wisdom in .abusing the order, and the democrats who associate with them. 1 venture the assertion that if this course is continuously and gener ally persued by the democratic leaders and the press, that North Carolina will " be given over to the republicans and those who do these things will here sponsible for it -There is much being sail about who shall go iiito the dem- -oeratic primaries. VVe believe that' if v the test that some propose is adhered to that there will inevitably be a third party, which would be the saddest thing .' that lias: befallen North Carolina, and especially the democratic party, smco reconstruction day. If you drive men out of your primaries, how on earth can you expect them to support vour nominees Democracy is a rule of - the people, for the people, and by tho people. The sentiment of the prima- ries is the sentiment of democracy, and when you crush or crump this you crush, and-crump the democratic party. We want ta sec harmony 'between ! the press, the politicians and the peo ple, so that the democratic banner may continue to proudly wave overour be loved State, even though it may not over the nation. The democrat ic party Call and sbould occupy a favorable po sition towards-the Alliance. The con- . servative leaders of the demociatic party recognize -the justness of thede- . ! mauds made bv the farmers. It was 1 for years made similar demands and" ! insisted that they be heeded. And with , the strictest consistency the democratic j at.d Alliance elements can actnd vote together because in every essential par- ! ;,.,,l;,r the same ir.-ineiides underlv and i . . - 1 . i give vitality to both. I ip ii i " . i . i r -,,ocVti1. v.v toe junu? . !! r3 Ui 1 I" , --, V -' " ' course can only result in disaster ana ! defeat- to the democratic party. We. Spccimcn Cases -B.II. Clifford, New Cassel, 71s., troubled with Keuralgia and Rhcuiatr tism, his Stomach was disordered, his j Liver was afTccted toan alarmi ! appetite fell away, and he w: i reduced in -flesh and strepg alarm i ng d egree, was terribly gth. Three lint ties of T'!Uetrifi TJittpra cured him. j -5..1, ..,1 V.V,.,1 irn.m'DKni.y Til had a running sore, on - his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottle? of Kiectiic Bitters and seven boxes of JiaCkleu's Arnica. Salve; and his leg is soun-d and well. John Speaker. Catawba. Ohio, had five large Fever sored on his leg, doctors sail he was incurable. One liottle Electrio Bitters and one box Bucklea's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by Theo. F. Kluttz & Co., drug- A SI'IJKJ ..MEliTCINE. :oUilr-g ko otno.'-clou3 as P. I, f. for a err eg rn '-)Si:K at Hits wa. oi, and tor lonlug up, l&lgt r:itir!f, and us a stroiisftheia r and aypttlzer take 1'. 1". C. Ii ill tr.row elf MalJila, d put jou In j,'o .1 .vindlUoTi. P. P P. i3lm bjtt snrtng nielT ctni-in tuo Dri l for the different aUiDtntii the f loi-a Is ll;i.blo to In the spring. l"or o'.d sores, Sla Eruptions. Picrles. Ulcers .' an ! syput'ls. use only P. P. I anJgtt welt and wj.iy i!w b us: only Co ie ncrtved rrom tbevo ci P. r. (Prtekiy Asa, Poke lkt andPttasslu to,; . A t-:e .t sprtrj: rr.etlictne Is P. K Ptbe greatea t b'.'t t i purliierlu tfic ivorM, ns aosta of people-la this city wiiere it is ni.iuutacturel can testify. Children Cry for Pitcher's Ca$tori ;.. ".. ''"-;