V - 1 t X I V r ' t - 1 - ! , .--II i ... - . r- - r . i AL:LIAXCK DIKING ;touy. '- SttioMl litiws-L. L.PoIk.pwsiaent.l ,,lor.t, Dakot J. II. 1 ectnrJr, I i:e,,ur,r, Gvofgia, J- , i . is n a i riinTvn N. "C:;" W- S. U.irnes, secretary, jfciiiriUH. . , . I.ertnror, iv i Mooresvillc. CalHirms County X. V. ITMcman, presi dent, "Concord; Dr. J. S. LAffert-J, scere tary, Concord.. ; " mvi'ln ai.iy-R.S.Orcon, president, Jimes; V. -A Lindsay, fcecrettiry, I ho.nias villc. . CatavU County t. Wilfong, nn-si-rlent, .Newton; J. T. Herman, secretary, Kcvrton. ' - : , - ff '. C Reform Press Association. I Officer J. I- R(3nh prrt'lnl; Marion Jtut'ler, tice-presulenf; S. llarnc, sec retary, ogrclvo Fanner, atc oran, Kalegh N. C Itnral Home. .V 'ls4r "' 'I'arljoro, N. C. lountoin Hoin''-.lourn:il, Asl)"viim, N. C Goh'iiboro, N. ('. Trlnttj t'otlete, N. C. Hickory, N. C. Wlnttakers. N C. AllUn:e :ien'iiiel, (Jountrj LI to, 'Mercuy, ' 3 tattle r. Each of the chore-named papers arc re queued to keep the Hit standing on the firnt pane and dl liters, provided they are duly Uecfrd. A ny per failing to advocate tU Orala platform will be dropped from the Ul prompt lit. Oilr people can -now sec that papers are published in their interest. Tiie If intcMsviIle'McetiH4j. Gorrospondcnco of the Vk.itciiraan. It has been a great pleasure to me . for tlie past two years to write up the quarterly 'ctjuuty Alliance conventions. ' One of the reasons that I will give for .always making a good job , of it was that 1 have always before Ibis occasion 'been a consumer and 'not a producer, but this time I had to become a pro ducer and the other fellow a consumer. I now see very plain howeasy it is for the editors of this State who are the self styled friends of 'Hie. farmers' and Jaborers to sit 'in their office and tell . the Farmers' Alliance that they are a set of sneaks and thai they wovrld live to see the day they would be hissed on the highways. Tell them money "was plenty if they would walk after it and that they .were too lazy and they must stick to their party, stop going about , with third party petitions let m crack -the whip, holler negro in the wood lile, set your back band forward and et your plow in a little deeper. L say ' can see how they can do all this and iave an easy imp, for they are con sumers ana not producers, and not one hi them out of a thousand would know i which end of t,he horse to liitch the fdow is they were sent to the field, and he mass of them have nojn ore sym pathy for the fanner 'thau. they have knowledge of farming. But I have tfot off the tr.ick ar little. Thursday the 14th was he. regulation day fcr the meeting of the county Alliance ,nnd my home w4as the place that had been 'selected. I ot up my flour" and - blackstrap and sit down, folded my arms-and Ffelt that I was ready for them. On Monday before the meeting I -imagined from the movements about the house that the larder: was not full. 1 kept quiet all day Monday, stayed about home and talked ? bmit garden ing and the 'scarcity of money and all about eeonor.iy. Thursday morning Mrs. R. asked me where the beef was To come from. I told her Mr. John-Bin- wuuld'be in with beef. All was (Juiet until 12 o'clock, when I suddenlv picked up my hat and told Mrs. K. I niust go to town. She had me then. She says, yon ought to get up some htove wood, and we are out of sugar, hnd there is no butter and you ought to get 'a cake of star soap. 1 knew she wa looking for company and wanted io take that old kit of lye soap out of the company room. As I was getting out she said you must get some soda -iind you ouglit to get some rice or grits, . Jy this tinre I was hitting the grit in .lohn Gilphi style. Some of the goods I -deliverd and some of them I deliv ered abont the same way that chairman Smith will deliver the vote of North paroliua to Yir. Hill next November. Wednesday night's train brought. a fqujnd of dflgatesV Thursday tnorniDgV i rain brought a conqiany "and by 10 o'clock h bataliion had come in by pri vate, conveyance. Notwithstanding ' the drenching rain that was falling at 10i30, the puty Alliance was calkd ' io order, iti, Iluntersvple high school building, Ivy iVesidcnt Vail, An adL dress of . welcome delivered by Prof. II. X. (jrey. Although not a member of the order he is in full sympathy with the reform movement imd will" le in thprocess.ron ncxt'Novc'mber- 'T-resi-dent Vail, in belialf t)f t he county -t liance, replied 'in a f hqrt, well timed ppeeeh. As Prof. Vinson was expected iit 32 o'clock the large crowd was en tertained until tliett bv random remarks Jroiu Prof. M cElroy II. K. Keid, J S. iJ.azx Mooreviii-: President.- Cl. H- A- hu-leg'ih-s ami visitors were assigned For .ev, Caiawb-i: V.-Pres , E. A t nu'TK' ! hom.-s" for the night. The Alliance Klmwood; Secretary and i rca3urev J. u. if. metl unti, S:30-Frid:iy morning, fliinwer. SHhslniry. . ti . .:., TUraAnv wain n.id fflWI'-a -PP-1- A" -busing ore j3I.icKn,er .u, i . president, the Alliance was transacted by 11 .60. 'Kami ETrcUry After the Wl breaking the delegates " Vivv Cif m A Davidson and others. The 1 o clock fr-iii fnWftA tr deliver Prof -Vinson.: A j pre;l(f nnd' everybc re- waiatled to order, ihe door closed.nnd . , tf) which ftf H delegation answered. The reading of Jho min ntP Kronnrht-iin some unfinished bnsi utes brought'up sonic ununified bnsi Iness which was gone .through with af- . " . . i 1. I.k tnrnAAn Srvinn. At UVe OdOCK uie Tlie business was all transacted in a harmonious business like maimer. A request was made for all who stood firmly on the Ocala and Sr. Louis plat forms to rise to their feet, and they with one accord ros.v If that looks bad for straight democracy we cant help it. Some of the New York He)--aid editors of this county ought to have sent word not to do so.,-.Some smart Alex has said that the Alliance would see the day they would be hissed at on the highways. "The Lord pity the his sing committee. We would rather be a chimnev. sween in a bankrupt town. I think we will have some of the dele gates back before the next county meeting here. I noticed Bros. B .rnejt and Morrow, of Pineviiie, goin off wiping their eyes. It is sau: tnat tuey were heard talking to some of the - sis ters about brother! V love, household d t.ui-lr ntr t ;no t nino the hosiers can note and it is this: Some ot the-.sub-Alliances reported their number just double what it was at the January meeting. - The next county Alliance will meet with Davidson Alliance the second Thursday in July -at 10 o'clock: Davidson Alliance, take due notice and govern yourself accordingly. Richard Razor. News Bri fly Noted. The Massachusetts House of-Representatives has passed a bill fixing ten hours as a day's work for railroad employers. liaron Fava has orders to return to his post at the Italian Legation in Washington. Chief Engineer Chas. E. Devalin, United-States navy, who was placed on the retired list five years ago, died sud denly at his residence in Washington I yesterday morning. The Arkansas River Packet Co.'s steamer Joe Peters, which left Gar etson Landing, Ark., at -noon Friday sank in the river about forty miles south of that city. The vessel with all its cargo is a total loss. A.Washington dispatch says: Ex Gov. Hugh S. Thompson, of. South Carolina, called on the President this morning and formerly tendered his resignation as a member of the Givil LServjco Commission, to take effeetJMay lo. lie has been appointed comptrol ler of the Nework Life Insurance Company. The Question Settled. "Why iloes a man's hair turn gray before his whiskers?" asked a man waiting his turn 'at the barber shoo the other night. "Eecausehis lrair is about 15 years older than his beard,'" responded another customer waiting to be served. Was his answer correct? It is an old question and has puzzled many. The theory that the difference in the age of the hair and beard ac counts for the variation of color ap pears to be a very plausible one. Websters Weekly. ' .'- J90 0?t the move Liver, Stomach, and Bowels, after Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets have done their work. It's a healthy movement, too a itahcrat ono. The organs are not forced ipto activity one day, to sink back into a worse state the next. They're cleansed and fesrulated mild &nd qaki Without wrench ihgsot griping. One tiny, fiugar-c6atcd Pellet is all that's needed as a gentle laxative ; three to four act as a cathar tic. They're tlie smallest, cheapest, the easiest to take. Sick -Headache, Bilious Head ache, Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious; Attacks, and all dc-'rangcrncnts-. of the Liver, Stomach nnd Bowels are promptly relieved and cured. e nfnns S.2, - o ta aati-'baidhs and Rnti-TrsT-i chrnid be r-lthont. thp-ru Thai? wo dumbusme, billons eoUo, andres Q O emodt &ro wondcrfnlln their clTscta rv la LTtzins tlio system ot biliocsrxssO i I J3erllbed brcd.Iem and sistern, de stibiec db dis etenin's discourse unj aba- rice m other wonw, stinginess. I Dars lots ob stiniy ft dies in ebery kjermunity, bnf de wust cae of abarice ebler I lieered of was d:it of a man in Alabama. He tril ter piwn a coat oh W and tedders dat had been presented ivr inm oy ins usigii.uwrs. j Y has hecred oh an udder case dat was moAas bad. A -chile dr.rnk about a riint ob kerosene by mi fake, and his ittnauer. wiio was a tuiguiy ciose ou liian, ran, a wick dovn the chile's froat iind'ijsetl dnt infant for a lairifi. I Yhs. .breddern and sistern, dars a gen Herman ob my erquamtance who .im :tf eared tobny a lead pencil, bekase lie caii t be puuectly shore dat .'Jo lead reach crar fru it. ! Dar's a man hbben in western Tex;is who Paris grcenedNi is tater bugs ter deff, and den he rake up dar cereals rind dried em. out obera s!ow fire in or der ter git de Paris green on ten em ter siell it back ter.de drug stpal ! De tiny man is allers miserable. If he walks around he trimb'es when he remembers dat he am warin out !iis shoes, if he sits down he wears oiit his nants. aad dat makes hiVi wish he was dead. ! Fashionable folks are not all berry extravagant. If yer looks into a ball room yer can" see for yerself dat de wimnien folks cut things down ess asTbf the'people and facliite exchange. low sis possible. Some ob de rich men am as close as de closet. I read in a paper dat a faith ful workman, engaged in some kind ob extra dangerous work, hurt his hand mighty badly.- When the doctor was tendin tor do hand de foreman came in a hurry and says: "Sam, what time was it when yer got hurt? I want ter know when ter dock yer wages." Man ain't de only stingy animal. Hit's true, man will run arter a dollar, but de dog will run arter a scent. Heahl Heah! At de same time I don't berleeve in a man hein too generous, for de horn ob plenty will soon empty unless hit's corked wid ereonemy. Don't be stingv wid- what don't cost yer nufnn, sich as perliteness and good j ad w ice. When you am in do" temple ob c!e Lawd yer should cast aside all stingi iiess. Don't bo like dat feller when he is asked ter sing Ole Hundred churns off Ninety and Nine, bekase he wanted ier make 1 per cent, anyhow dese hard times. Deacon Snodgra?s will please pass de hat. Remember dat de Lawd lubs a cheerful gibber Texas S if Lings. yA. Case for Compromise. ! l"C.h aides, dear," she remarked as she noured his second cup of tea, 'Hell me about the dodo, won't you please?" : "About the what?1' :"The dod." : '-Dodo? dodo? Well, lealiy, I don't know much about it. The 'dodo, I be lieve, was'a species of waterfowi, now extinct, or nearly so." Is that why they are so expensive? "Eh? Urn I don't know about that my dear." "But they are quite costly, aren't they?A "Weil, really I can't say. I don't suppose they can be obtained at ail, or at least not read1. 1 v. "But what do you do wilh them, dear, after vou purchase them ?" - "Eh? What's thatv" "Ilow do vou use iliem?" "For heaven's sae, Nellie, are yoni going crazy. Use what?" "Why, the dodos, to be sure the dodos-that you have been buying lately." "What do you mean?" "See here. This little account book fell out of your coat this morning as I was brushing it. I am not a bit cu- rious, Charles yon know that hut 1 1 just glanced-through this book, and j couldn't help seeing that you've been j buying dodos right along. Look!! 'Drinks and cigars, sixtv cents; dodo,' 82.30; dodo, $1.90; dodo, 3.10.' Now it occurred to me that if you buy so, many of those extinct birds you might at least give me a chance to see one of them.". And thereupon that noble fellow pressed his wife to his bosom, imprinted an 18-carat kiss upon her brow and promised that- he would bring home the-aext dodo he bought, provided she would surrender the account book and agree to keep the matter a profound secret. Chicago Mail. 0 -S LESION ELIXIR i Its "Wonderful Effects on the Liver, Stcms-cli, Eowele unci Kidneys. r For Biliousness, Coustipation j;nd Ma laria, take Lemon Elixir. For Indigestion, Sick and Nervoua Headache, take Lmon Elixir. tor feleeplesaness, Nervousness and Heartfailure take Lemon Elixir. For Fevers, Chill3 and Debility, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and through organic regulation take Lemon Elixir. -Dr. Mozley's Lemou Elixir will not fail you in anv of the above named dis case?; r.ll of which nrie from a torpid or "diseased liver, stomach, kidneys "or bowels. Prcj-ared only by Dr. II. Mozley, At lanta, Oa. 50c. aad $1 bottles at drug gists. - A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great suffering from Indigestion, with great nervous prostra tion, biliousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir and am now a well man. Rev. C. C. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, No. 28 Tatnall St. Atlanta, Ga. A. S HEIL10. Attorney L.t 5Lxcrm SALISBURY, N. C. OiRce in Davia & Wiley'3 bank building comer cT Main and Inniss'streets. Will j)rac tice in Courts pf Rowan and adjoining counties. Prompt and careful attention given to tl bns iness entru?ted to me. Snccial .attention given to collections. "Tlio Conference Platform. The following is a correct copy of the platform adopted at St. Louis by the labor conference: FINANCE. 1. We demand a national currency safe, sound and flexible issued by cue Ken -rat government only; a inn legal tender for all debts, public and private; and without the use o bank ing corporations; a just and equitable means of circulation, at a tax not to exceed two per cent, as set. forth in the sub-treasury plan of the Farmers1 Al liauce, or some better system; also, by payments in the discharge of its obli gations tor public improvements. a. We demand free and unlimited coin aire of silver b. We demand the amount of cir culating medium to be speedily in creased to not less than $130 per capita. c. We demand a graduated income tax. . d. We believe that the money of the treasury should be kept as much as possible in the hands' of the people, and hence we demand all National and State revenues shall be limited to the necessary expenses of government, economically and honstiy administered. e. We demand that Postal Saving banks be established by the govern ment for the safe deposit of earnings LAND. 2. Your sub-committee upon the land plank, beg to submit to your ap. provii the following: The land, in cluding all natural resources of wealth, is the heritage of all people, and should not be monopolized for speculative purposes, ami alien ownership of land should be prohibited All lauds now held by railroads and other conorations in excess'of their actual needs and all lands now owned by aliens should be reclaimed by the Government and treWl lor actual settlers only. TRANSPORTATION. 3. Transportation being a means of defence and public necessity, the Government should own and opejrate roads in the interest of the people. . Thw telegraph and telephone, like the posted system, being a necessity for the transmission' (f news, should be owned ami operated by the government in the interest of the people While some parts of the above ad dress may seem at a mere glance to make partisan political distinctions, yet upon careful study one will clearly se? that it is non-partisan, and further, will be impressed with the truth of its promises, and the ability of the com mittee who framed it. It 'was adopted with only a few dissenting votes! and the platform was adopted unanimously, and received with -great applause. The conference having completed its work as a representative body, aud adjourned sine die. Simple in Construction. . Pcrsnaaent in Duration. 3::isily Applied. Its Skill ful Use Quickly Licarned. p The Elect ropolsc ia ar. instrument for the CUFJF OF DfSFASc WITHOUT iYiEDICIKE. T5ASE1) on new theories or the cause and cure of dleas-c, 1L c'oals v 1th the electrical and magnetic conditions of the bocy and the ascsuriounulng It In tlie atmosphere, contrulllnsr th-HC conditions at will It m vet rl-etrici'y. I'iskask Is simply 1m nalred vlta'.ity. The Klect ro;otse constant ly add t ihe tj! a'.lty and only assists Nature, in Suture's tcajf, to t t;row off Hit; t rouble. A -Si'-p ipe hCKik". decerning treitment and con tas'nln testlmoiduls from all H' Ctlons, and for the cure of all dise.i s, mailed free. Afdress. ATLANTIC EL ECTROPOISE CO.. Washlr.irtoii. O. C. Cbariesion, S. C , Atlanta, Ga ONE come to you with a small atluir that you may need, lii England, the Continent aud mary foreign countries, myself and wares" are well known. Many American families in their re turn, from abroad bring my articles with them, for they know them pretty well, but you may not be one of these. Confidence between man and man is slow of growth, and when found, its rarity makes it raluable. I ask your confidence and make a reference to this Journal to indorse that confidence. I "do not think it will be misplaced. I make the best form of a cure an i p i i -i uusoiuie one tor mnousness ana headache that can be found in this year. The cure is so small in itself, and yet its comfort to you is so great 20 minutes being its limit when relief comes that it has become l)ie marvel of its time. One and a half grains of medicine, coated with sugar, is my remedy, in the shape of one small pill, known to commerce as DR. HAY DOCK'S NEW LTVJEtt PILL. It is old in the markets of Europe, but is new to North America. The price is as low as an honest medicine can be sold at, 25 cents. Send a postal card for a sample vial, to try them, before, you purchase. DR. IIAYD0CK, C3 Fulton St., N. Y. Mention the Watchman when you vriu A Dcsirablo Wife. A voiindriSitGJish traveler, while "in V to urcett 1 mi to marrv her d-.inghter. xue EnglisHmnti replied that he was not riehl enough. The old gypsy woman lau lined and stnu: Y!iktJp''t ricls c4iou'di in tlie land ot guiheat tiy, wiui o iiccom- ale ncia, had heroine deeply attached a vdnnsj ctrsv :;r!; itrQ imn-ncr be a ni iiihjo!(i i i 1 Froffi birth ia'bpy can own property; at s.'ve i, lie is; i; ustelliKenf. an-wer..- ble forici iiUK ; tt foiirteeii he, tf neces- sarv. ebuld choose bis tfnardia:i s.nd could tion tract !!ia:ri;-,e: at fourteen be ! js punishalde , for a f?tTsdeuieanor; at eighteen he is qu:ihked ur m.iitirv serviceis: at twentv-one he mre.v-declare himself ifidependent of his father, and is thenUdd enough to vote; at twenty five hefis t-liiribb- to Ccnure-s; at thirty to the tnited States Senate; at fortv to the presidency: at fort'ive no is exempt from militiirv duiv.r i , 3sv.rr' 4. II: B. Haauolpli.: P.rusv. vritci: -I vr-s under lite c.ife vi rdr.e rtif-VrenT d-x-toi-s, t..f. n..f one fijl i53 the good tU.it iioianic; lilcod Balia ha done !:.." IsTk :i zs'v i rr"! 'Si'rf.'sl i xs. 4-. -- -r?." - : -' - ' h .; -i .-.'p. -J,yt - - -:. .'. ;1 m- y , - . -n z. : -. r ,k t XX -:7 . '. .y 'J - t-f VP vi V. 1.' r.. XA " k---.- a; i s: 1 1 r t r'-: ,. .-V -a -. : ;? I'- .' y y 1'.... ...V-.: ..1 .J -Tiff f "r- t i- -v -r. .... j-v'jc; LTsOsi. sold bj t, r. kut : z .t o. J. A. j0IIXSTON. . .'.ri.-i- Li - -. f - i m-y2 ; !- f &-L: ; s n.;.'--v...v.-. hi Iff i i - r a Bffi Mk isW Fhtefj 4 53 ii D l? ."! ffQrl I v. -:-: s. l!air.I.l- crrrvatt:ro or the S;Mr. ii 14 'H -'-t f'--'-."? I eh.l-.-i eel, i:ip.!oini Ois-aw. and all d. furu.;thr.,-.r W V-j Li .1W A fj.? jj ' j li'-' li.-ri.ts, Ariiis. Lt.rs an 1 iYn, radically cured. fefeli-J. i DISFIGUIIS33IENTS. fcj aV? r-rv:t-'V' v"i ?f- a?J--k1'-M S-:pc:;!-i u-- !i;ir. Wlno MarUs. : d-s. .c . naln- P?.. v'v - Vy-iTw iH e . V. fJ A R K :-.?, M . t-. ' ' N .' lo-rry, riaslivllle. People of S:i lisl ;:ry an viciiwly .wniit-ing lnonmnents should correspond with u?. Est i mates ftirnlshed gnUi?. ! M-r"i'i: t :-.o V."atehmin v;l-r. yo' write. -1 iteam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, "Vertical and Horizon tal of every variety and capacity.- - VERTICAL PIST01 Tte 1 - 'u r . r '-- 1 V-vA "'3 r - 1 .. -'r o- '- - " 7 1 em m Washington Iiifo ins. Co. OF fJEW YORK. -r CGNDilNSHD STATEIIEHT. - January lsrr, 1S02. Asset, : - - - ' -Reserved for pnHc'ie?, N. Y. Standard A er cent., ntW ali .liabilities, - . -Nevr It:?ir:vnee, 1G&1, - Outstr.-dinrt fnsuntiire, '.- $il,459,C2S 78 - 11,032.520 25 u.7r.,o.u ' - .5SO,C22 l,44V.0u0t5 Paid t'oiU-.v-hoidfrs in 3 SI? 1 , -v Paid PoIii-v-hoIJers since or- ganizatiun, - - - 20.G.13.554 rf Income, ISVl - - 2,G84,135 74 Assets Invited is Follows: Loans pecurtu by mortgnres ea l-U-nt F..-tp.t;-, tirn tit tu, ; New York I'ity bomls, ; - Un oklyr. sviucr bunri., - RichiiKinJ. ( V.i.) bonds, Lo.vus tr Pc-lit-v-iiuidtrs on Co.'s Policies, -" - - Co!bti-raI ioans. Real E?ls (."est v:iiK', - C-t?h i-i b;:t:kjUitl tr:ct Cb.'s. bitert-st ;u- raei, promiuiirs dc krrvtl ;oi;l in.irausit. etc., ??,r,41,102 02 '271,812 50 I44r,uea 273,739 34 2 '7,7:S' 11,459W8 78 For agrnek.- x oihr jiartuul:irs, a idrcss .ks, L. AAM:'. iixntc A?t., Durham,. N. C, Planters' Warehouse. Tlio un-liTiignt'tl t:vko pleasnrc in annonn'c inu. to the tobacco fanners of Rowan and ad joiuivp; c(-ii!,tios that thty have o-.encd the i'i.ANitUrf' WAKF.JiofSK, opposite the Court iton.-e. in riMi: f-urv, n vciir ;atroii:-.-'e. '"'r.? it.ioc;ior: ill be sjHu-.d t, u,nke your crop? t r.njr the vt ry Ingacst mark.-t prices. (.t o i Fi.iuics tor hurst.ii ami Rood ruuias vni-r.Thv ii; pniir t'l. receive c:Ul3 frm ail our iiHMt'i anu ine purine jeiicrHUv, we are. Respectfully, f. Ii. HE ALL, JNO. BE A ill). Capf. T. B. Beal! is the pioneer warehouseman of Kowan eounty, aud has a thorough knowl'-dg-af: tuo bubluess. W.31Q, Morfolk Alliance Exchange 11 and 13 Commerce St., . jzorfblk, Va., Owned and controlled bv Alliuiicemcn j for hatnlling produce, COrTOIT A SPJCCIALTY. I on t sell i.H'foro writing for i.ar- ii I ars to T T 1 ( i n V " 11 r V. O. B x 212. n y? v y 7r.jJXX5z:2& who have i. 1 ii i- Uv.i-i ..:..cs, ,c.a .S. N-urai'ta, 'N ik s-"!'.S i-roru-,. and l-vdnfi! Mci.I s. s '1 t; vi ;i s?. ru Hot., I'iS(,ruc'i" and HUpi-;rr- ir V as M t'n- o;,;o and u. t is ur.Tjir-ss l.c'.ioM". i;-ea. i tc . lor V. xs boiK oi- i.iKi:." (se.,1 fr-'' 'vl; 'i p ii i i :iri.-:o !o;,b, t " r J i i : : t (i Kxncrl. n. .livliti !.-i::iriti!-b .ma iiom-st ito.r-is.'nt.:lil:.r..s N . Ca- riy, Nuhvilb-, Tcua. V- TT3 TtT.':y,!,0.-?ft,V,KAK' N K:'v. DEBILI- S$-i tS j'H'ii . i- tril:.-d ai.'ay ti.elr , .ucr . ; g ;;o!Y. MINI) ::d MANiiOOH. f-acs- AiiAA :vr to: ri.-'.- t.-r.d.-s ux.n t I.e vr;:s ' r lif-, n.-a'!a.-h'--, !: t ach-. Un a.. nil F'l'Ca:.- s. :-. :,-. ' f ;,!. -Usui y, rijiph .-. n-on in-; :: fiTccls K.i'lir.r lo co-iv iv O !.! w:,.;.l'..' m ai- I r. sa ::;:..'. m-ii,: ;(..r 1-OvK i J-'.fj:, ( 1 1. .i; :n ' v. 1th p;.ni -ui.irs ol a home cur.-. Ao r-.n,- w ;"!. Oil. PAaKtti, .'M .ttierry "5t . 2ia.Hli- Ttnn. v "V.-'N mea aud wom-n sufTeriit' .;!( r.iriii ( en ixic imsKas;.:'. r.- a v.tj-ii-.hlc tr.-'ailse on their af d) fr; . and learn how thr v -v , !.y v.-rlfl':? !. i'A IJI-'El' C f. i . i C ri 'A N . . ".. i ; .. t, N-.siiv'.i!.', 'r.- :-i.--. !!'; ;- iii.ihy :! .sr' ra :e.r-r us. J'itajse fciate - tojUhh' a:1 I ii.. ! .'?c :: ''il. M. ;;;, I a; ,. ati f.iiii!; v hen vou write wrl' e .joiif . on !-cr T. L. ELLIOTT dvan7 CHAEL0TT3, 17. C. STEAM Graniie and Marble Work Ait AViK'lefcal'.1 aii'1 retail. Own ers of the eelel-i'ited in heueil county. Agents i'or Fences, Finals, Cre: tings, &c. Iron Segular Horizontal Fiston. t. 'y Jt3 f V. - .?'"-- '-- 8 , tj . :, r '5T, ---"N Vi--yr --'-v-i;- r -' f ' . u-'t ; - - - 1 - -i ---" i a The most simple, durable and effective Pump in;.- the" market for Klines, Quarries, IteMneries, Breweries, Factories, Artesian wells, Fire duty and general manufacturing purposes. 22T&-nd for Catalo-ue. A S CAMERON 8TSAM PUMP WOHSS, iooT OF EAT 23d rni-K'r NV.vt VciiK. 3T17 18 Condensed sMsedu'c livx-ir-t Pf h . . . "-1 , sournrotiND. l.v. i!( hraor.i1..J.,.., Hurkt vine ...... Keysvt'.Ie... J Ar."ta.nviil-' j ... recnsiorf)-'. r.. Lv. Go-dsborr..., ... Ar. Ualfiijii Lv. Kali.K'li . : .... IJSimPV. ... i Ar. (iie(nsito ; !.V. WlaS' Oii-Sii.'K'.'U : Lv. Cir-.'nft'HMo k . ... Ar. Sallab'ujr: Ar. StnesviUe.i.. .. Asi!evnic...k;... " liairSprl'igst ... Lt. saiteoyry.. . i. . .. Ar. CJj-iitiorie . i S,!'.rt-t:i!:'.i,rg 'ivt-;iTbel.'... .. " i ....j. ... Lv. v"!i;iriolte Ar. O-iluict.4.1 - ' i '45) i'. ? '. V 1 I A 1.'. M a 1 I' i ... I.1 T'st - 5. -5 ue.ista .. j.'oirnnxrM).' I'. 1 Lv, Au-i-.ta " coairabia Ar. rt! a riot iu Lv. Atho.ta , Ar. cbiu'iotte Lv. olf-iTiotio Ar. Sabsy.try . Lv: i.'.ol su-lrr-s .... " As;K' i b' . . " MfiTi'siMile .; Ar. s i'1s.!.;ry ..... . hv. ai is l. '. Ar. Or'uu..-;ioni Ar. ti!SHt;-S::.'i m. Lv. t. rt t'nsj.r.'j. . . . . Ar. Dur".)rtcir.-. it tariyi, Lv. s-h. Ar. uoutt'-i-oro. . . Lv. Orrci -slx.ro-Av. 1 a iivi . . ... " Kcysbb U'lt kr li'.f " llUCat'iOWi.. . - 0 IS. U ci ' . 4 '.''j 1 in i ;-, 4 'T 4 1 Dai: v. ai . Wa:-!ii!'i ri o;.t s;;ilr-v ; u. nv ' ea :s- ' r n': , lira oi.eiuJ-it I'euvo'.'a I 'm 1 V:,.i;i m. ' r ;t. -i' r. ; r. c. . .w ! a. m., Oit-ens- ro 7.l- a. in , s;).j.i. for 1 cnanocte .4.- pv. ai nv. s . ,-... ; tiiriibiv. !cavr -r ia:.t:i ji ; . . ohl arrives Dan l.ao a. tnTlM. ', V. aat.-'.jt-jv. s. a. u. 'I'hiou New Volk to' . m,v nrloans, .t:- n, t- ton and Menip-ts, !a Ati,u:ta y No. s, leaMi-v "-ioblstr'; v. I". c. ,,i Civ p. m., dat; . makes coi;:.. t Urn :i ! a; i V,"?- ror Oxford ana Kesvblf. 1 ULflaI . No8. 9 and 13 connectjit Kichrconl frcrn tin t West rolnt and Balilmsre Call exctpt snnUi SI.EI- FINGER SIxVI( E. '" On Trains v aad lo, lul:;r..!i .,.,r. !i"t'U Atlai i i Jit. ii Now .ik ; 1, smhI A!tii4tu. ;! d (irci nsL(.io ... Liioxt lltf. i . .11. ua liii!i.l : bi't'M 'n b! '. i . I'ali !r'! aud i.nx risl'or . ar, i : IS l. I'At;. '.:vv (,,-:. 'V. Ma 1 iiiVKb , -aiislinr;, . w . '.- SiCeOflS In I ..' Mil ;,Sl:l tM.:: ... L. HKi.KLI.V . v . ' . fcuitiii'. r'l r.f, a. ( , .nit-, ;. c W. II. tJKti-.V, .1 : . , (til. M:' m r, i i mi ! ;a; S:L I i A AS. : lai. Atgr . Atl.o 'l. ) am "iVi. i "ii N.'C. T. I. Yin h r your -' "rk- u:'-'!rr' i -.it.-.n 1 alio - !":;, : whavintr atTd ' " v , Ven ,uu! t,-r i i'l; and sl:,;ii iivmg and nair-cutti;.;;. i -; - .rp r.c.ors ataj. t.:,. . ipoot:'.!.;; a : j i ( ia1: . I .-id ics an. siiarr-tn 's Give hiiii iiildnri at ii, :: -tii , ;ors at ironi vail. i t ' ! . e. i :.r ! it r 4 , A JL 1. 1 ' - llt'"Ml:!s: :. Oaaill. 'I. i.isr.. .- : i.i. ..' . ;i yc. ,;t.i.::'i1!u:.and ' . : r - ;r. "y i - ' V ! ?j(.r,jr u-,...,.. ! ' ' . I ' t. ilil, i v . A i ;-. 'tUii; O-T" S 3C 2Z2J GrXTXf L 1321. At tends A.o Uailroad Constructi'm, Hur'tfs, n.nd Maj.in ; of Ileftl I'stato, K , ; -et. Wat; r tr.-. T'aMs for the I'rt iiii i.f vvt in- , kv-.; :u; a'.Vvi is to-tiiv ! :if M .d' Mii chinerv. "nTTuirijr M:1' rl.ilvi-.. " h'tf nil kin ir Raleigh, N. 0. O 7 Orjru-t! of the N. C. S! Ivlit et !.v (.VI. L. Itt i ' ' I k J T ' i' a:;;.-:-.. r 1 1 pi ii i Vf!:i lif vrar m -!'; nor, kept iM-s to-1 he usr.:t! Tli- 1 1 O' l l i I hA th-- Wat'-hman wi s. lit to tiew-u.ersbers at i.;'0 f r'1 loth pj lserj vm. -' ril u(r.v., , -!.;v. . PHOGUESSIVK I'AtOlKn. Crv-tt?, -n: T!;v!e.-Mar'.-; or.-.ai! -.-.!. - ..i".-,".:: ret 'a'in.'.iir coyluctr-'l for Mcr .--a-c """3 Ov OFrisc is OeoiTC L'. S. r.'.T-NT.0rf, fti.d e o!iiH.'uif pa:'ni '. -L v re-..:, f.-o:r. W.-ishfi:!;feu. . . , . -fc-;.-d r.iod'.-l. ('rawhiT (-r j ""'1-. " L',"rr't tioir. Vv'e advi, if it..!.!.-,!,!.: r t - t. j Che.---'. Our fee n rt due t;1 ! " " c' r -.'u A I'tw ph let, "How tat'f ! I ra:.. -s i-f i. tn:;l cli -nt.i iu y" -V . '-'-'J tOtou, cr-.t,-fre. Addro.,, Or-r. patent OFncr, '.vaeh UBvf5 Pi OH UT'y'7' i ,!,f-' - A- -AfSr ' f ii-. - , -I'm 'iya iff v y if"' i ! i ii-5' 9". is it ii-: n . -si r- . 1. k t"J 1 - i mm k V r? ;n t 1 I 1.- f v i

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