VOl XXIII- THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1802 N0.28 for . Infanta ancChildren. 'Ct'J 5s F0 rt to children thtt r recoTn-nmrtTt as superior to any prescription w A- Abcdeh, M. D., lll-.So. OiTofd t, Drookljn, N. T. . -Ttip'vso r.f 'Castoria is so universal anl sf) welLknown that it seems a work IfTS to -ndor.se it Few are th filM famines who Co not keep Citstoria lien l. v j . Cambria enres Colic, Ooa?if5pat!na, Sour Stomach, Diarrboxv. Eructation, Kills Worms, yives sleep,- Bjni promotes 3i pestion. Without injurious medication. For several yeirs I hare recommpnde'l yo irJCastoria, ' and shall always continue to do so em it lias in variably produced beneficial results." Ei-wf F. PiRDE,il. D.. Tbe "Winthrop," l-5tu Street and 7th Are., New York City. lite ras-or EiooEungiialo Iiefonned Church. . "Tro Orr-ira CoifPiirr, 77 Murray Street, Jsktt Yoek. 3 tetany Fwtili w fidmrifiTtv v - KANUFACTUEESS OF 1 sraiimeiM Mw, Asia Flos- Fertilizing Iras. THE MODERN CASABIANICA. The dii'e stool t-ri the burning deck - Whence a!! but him ba1 fled, He calmly rolled a rigrett2 And stuck it in his head. They JoudlvcaI2ed for him to jump, Alas! They culled in vain; Thus answered the deluded chump, "T cawn't without me cane !" The. flames rolled on. they watched his form 'Mid smoke and flanio prow dim; They perished in that flame so warm, Both cigarette and him. Londo.i Smoker. ll;OCO PHOTOGRAPHS. the ordinary run of Mary, William, and John. They express themselves in this wise: A nan going to Concord or Salisbury says: "I want to get'back till dinner to morrow." Ask any of them if they have seen the bride. They will say "Oh, yes; I've eaten some of the eake,yit." And,""! Iiave been to shows before now a' ready." I have In mind a man who has receieved first-grade cert i- licates in four counties, and he says "I. have saw, and "If yon don't take yonr buggy robe in youdl be losin it directly." This same young man rides and drives pretty horses, dresses well and h is his necktie of the latest tint. Th, people in Knochville cook in old Dutch men; they clean them oat with a long pole wit h wet cloths on. the end This pole the old people call htittle wnsch, the young ones hutler. Dried apples are called scnitts, from the Ger man schuitls. Thf ()vens bake pies lJyaiiuriiUy,unT"iViiVis verily a land of pies pies for breakfast, dinner, and supper. It is no unusual thing to find five or six, different kinds of pies on the table of poorest people. These people have plenty to eat, and. they enjoy it, but thev, prepare sonre rarer dishes. Dried fruit of any kind is bolted with SlIUFOItD IK ttOWA lun Office: DURHAM, X. C. FuctoVics: Durham, N. C, Richmond, Va. TLld folio-wing r -i ri X- 4 tct Uji.ci-ilu.LC fX. V. .Vl!ia:K; a:ilc." Otriftial GJiano,"' ''Progressive A Miininiolh Hani on a Brooklyn Art Gallery Is Yonrs Among Them I Nineteen thousand photographs were captured by the Post Office Department the other day in Brooklyn. They. were entirely repectable and unobjection able portraits of people residing in. all, parts of the country. It was for the purpose of securing their return to their owners that the government laid hands upon this extraordinary number of pic tures sit a single establishment engaged in the manufacture of likenesses in (rayon. This industry, as carried on by the concern referred to. is one of the most remarkable swindles of modern j mial J pastry with cabb.ige dumpings i. I . II 1 L IV 1 ,1 times. It is piily verv recently tliat 'J'111- iouee is mu.i.Mn uns w.iy ;: the authorities have succeeded in con- ; totf ,s ln,t i"t "the ot, which trolling it to any extent. l' '!e'1 UP with water and allowed to BTooklyn is the chief centre for en-! Uo!' " bile the rest, of the meal is in terprises of this description. In Chi- 'preparation. Next day they put in more cago also thev are conducted on a large -'"e and more water and boil again, scale. Having done business hitherto ftd so continue Jintsl the pot is about with4uipui:ify, they have nndoubied! v , as mJJlvy as le;it w-('n tnptyiug takes reaped enornroiispr.'.iits. Their ue-t hods pb'f "ud the process is renewed, have become somewhat .familiar to th. i Everybody iif3 manual labor, and public through their cirmlars, which t,le women work in the held with the have been scattered so wid-lv "throut'li ' meiK It ssacommou sight to.-ee women the mails that there is hardly 'a houe- ploughing and binding whea, or split hold "in the United 'States which has , ) r hoeing, or hauling wotl. has not received one -r more of them, j 'hc girls frerpiently marry at about 14 Each o!' these docu:;ients conveys to the .Vpars of "hI one such tells this a'ldrspe a very attractive projiositiou, t-iry: She akes her baby to the to the elf. ct that the undersigned "Art woods, piles up a sort of pen of chips Company" will make, free of "charge, a "bout :t, ami cuts four cords of wood a life-size portrait in crayon from any , f,;l.v' besides cooking t he nieak This photograph of himself or a member of woman has seven or eight children; his .far.:jl'v which the persons written ber ii-idjaud is well to do, having horses to may cure to forward. This liberal , VVJV-?,,i! ;'- "irprl O-wlr- off,'r ,!'ls f?'od for thirty davs, and 1 'ihe men have labor-saving macuiues, on i i ceo!;: MMise asii o. i.- uiai tne . ..v..-, m...,,,, , and feed ci:t;er-; the women also have sewing iiiaehines and cooking stoves. It is a hard place for women; they have no housekeepers. One young woman just 21 years (;t age has b en since the age individual ad- . of 11 doing : he washing, scorning, iron- attention. The term is often misused. The reason that the closing of a col lege is called the commencement is be cause that dates the bcrinnihg of" the graduates' degreeof A. B., U.S.,. PhD., The District Lecturer Thrills the Peo ple of Hatter Shop, Ilnwan Academy ainl Peeler Alliance. Correspondence ot the Watchman. Mr. Editor: Saturday, April 30th, was evidently a red letter dav for the Hatter Shop Alliance. The writer was there, but will undertake only .'a brief outline of the proceedings he feeble 'effort he kno s will deserve the waste basket fate. At el even o'clock ihe audience was called to order by Prof. F. B. Brown. The first on the programme was. a piece of music by Elm Grove choir. Prayer followed bv Mr. II. C. Peeler. !.... li......... ii...... " J i i i- i mi. iiiuwii ineu mane a lew pre mm- -nwl f !, ie-. i i r i i ...i- . i i i ti V alul tne best speech delivered, was made nary remarks and introduced Mr. A.C. i,,. .... ?.. i' M , , Shuford, our district lecturer. Bro. u .;, , , Af J, "r 1 ci p j. ii, . , Atneiicas best ilommuMit. Mr. 17 ri rnf,W,th i3 ood writer and here is the It m- 1 WrhF ? neiTly iist f Ji Liberty is the mun- mo t pv pit ? H ' t - aL!lTr1 i "Hient of America. Should th Amor- 1 Pen oC Kovccnment fade away, eomplrmeated by all, both alluncemea j :m,l , n , "i. I 11 ,1 1 f. 1 . Will ii tntinii- V Hit U order. He spoke loud, clear and ev- i SjnnpsU or the Irecscclin-s of lW rssfon -at St. I'aulVt'Inir etc. bo w-ben. a sciiol that has not a ihe eighty-n.nth session of Uiv eiiauer and des not confer degrees calls its closing the, commencement it is simply a misuse of the word. The. annual Junior debate of the D Evangelical Lutheran Svnod of North Carolina was formally ojened withdht! regm.lr morning service. liev. Geo. IL Cox. P!Videiit. dplivoritwr bu ...n.- . . - ' v. . ' . III. DenK)thtnean Literary S ciety came j nal sermon, based on Ep-hesiaiis 6 T.J? off last ni-ht. The whole affair was j Immediately following was the ainin fine. The young men did themselves Proration of the Lor,?s Kuns-r'-rt.-irt.-i- and their society peat credit in the plated in by the mepibers of cSnuL success which they made, fcpaee for-' lliey theji adjourned to meet at !::).' i mis a sketch ot t lie niinr, bi:t I must say that the first speaker was a North Carolinian, and another tiling I must say, and Unit is, that the final oration the recipient shall recommend the firm to mo n'ai'lnn.'s, wheat drill- Iris friends anu fuliv." KC't p the j ileum; care- Iiiasmiieh as it is guaranteed that Alliance Oiliciul Acid rhos-! T ,orr:Vt Tf "A a1 ! nrm; oianci. iiiiiiii iieaiini fii ami iji'Mii". oi TESTI NrJ ON-IALS : From !r.'J. S. .r.!nv:-t-'i. niciaVr. r of t!u- t MiiLVc liHiHreUi 1801. 0. St.ue rV.iiani M.n;S:r Alliaiie Wjindioasi- ut I.Hivil: S.T. Minnas, F.sij . rr.'tr . . and V:i.: finish i r.i- -Value .. the dressed nor uimsuallv jumps at the offer and sew ng for a tamily ot seven, and sends on the plioiograph. A b-w Wneu she tells her father she is indis- uavs later lie receives word that the por- P'm ami wines lor help, he replies . . . . ... - 1 I i 1 .11! . I trait lias been mane, hut. he lsimforue-d that it cannot be shipped without a frame, let it suffer damage. An illus- onr president now fills never can the American liberty as it was, be obliter ated from the pages of history as the only freedom the world eversaw. Mr. Homer i, from Indian Territory, and belongs to the Choctaw tribe. You will probably hear from him again as lie is a contestant for the orators medal, given by the r.'.culfy to the successful one of six. Mr. I.iomer, al though the only .Junior on the contest, has very good. -chances of being the luck' one. M iiiv have formed the idea that the Iud;: ins are of small mental abil.tv. ..i .. i i l i p ucuy iu i ue point, r ree irom aouse, his speech was strength to the Alli ance and a pleasure to outsiders, except to the bosses; they don't like to see anybody make a speech to the farmers, but as the saving is they must "lump it." The audience was7 lheu di.M-.yssed and a line dinner was prepared id 1 lie grove. All were united to come and partake of the feast, At the expira tion of One hour tin; crowd assembled iu the hall ami a citizens meeting was held. It was not a private one as is generally the case, it was changed sim ply to give the outsiders a chance to take part in the meeting. Bro. Shu ford talked nearly an hour, giving them, a grand le-son, together with siTmie excellent advice, which encour aged them to stand by the Alliance and its demands. In order to see how they stood in regard to parties, a vote was taken. Ihe entire crowd stood in favor of working their demands through, the domnant party, haing ii" opposition whatever. Bro. Shuford's : l i i i i l i i i i 1 i i v.su to uns p.ace urn mncn goon aim l'h ihidel di ia team two -.ears ago. Oar we nope id se n;m waa us again. kve:;ixo skssiox. A L t b. but in this thev are mistaken, for in all there are seven here, and thev are all fine scholars and stand high in thir classes, many at the I mad. In another article I will give some thing of the laws by which the tribes of t i if Indian Terrnorv are governed. There will be a match gone or base ball between oar college ten and the team of the Vanderbilt Universityjd Nashville. Tenn.. next V-dn-day. We pie.ticf soute Hue p.laviug as tne L.r .l l-li il . 1 .1 vauueroiir. p;rc ner p aveii lor fie This' Alliance is not as large in num bers as some, but is just as strong in fiith. Yes, they are practically a unit, and will be there when the last trum pet sounds. AT ROY." A N ACADEMY. We then made a drive to this place, accompanied by t he choir and -p'-akers. - -. Durham. X. C? ; My IV;ir Sir: Vu'tir- of tin: Sth just to hand. A:n nrrv tii tt ! .!'el not revive vonr ciivuhtr l-.'il'r, lint am ; o v to ?av lor vuur 1' t nin.cr , t'l.it 1 i!o ii6tJ!iow a single, party amoiitr Cli? tsanitmu.'jitii'soiH w.' iiehvercl- -eronzer to tiiissi'Ksun. m ho ii not; peri-.-ctly sati.-ficd u itii !ii nun'tV T..1. .-..i.: Ii-.i fir.. l nlM.. ( lh.l ittom. I'Ut t-ii'v s: v Unit ;s enure.y iutroiuti- Iks to the ( t .-c:toii. 1 u?i:d eleven tois on my utria and.havi-never ha-I any tvrlilizer that l-bC;i'ii mcJi Sati-1'.u'torv results.. lerv tru'y a't.i- rejfpeetfuily your?,- J-. S. JoIlNS'lIlN'. R;!x:i:vil:.k. X. C, Autr. 1" 1 ? ii r'T s rn Ferblizer Coinpa ny, (lints: Fiiiil enclosed certificates of Iiidge- ville Alliance, Xo. Tsf, of Caswell couutv, and ; t rated price list of frames, costing from (1. D. Itarifi'?. I hav made the certii'ieates for ! to 615, is inclosed. By this time the hidi-viHc- Alliance -a directed by the Alliance, j victim is very alixious to get tt'.e picture, li van iv.iv.t it made etnintrer sin. L think tf and lie is Hot Ullllkelv t ' respond V.itl) anvtlnnI could put in, let me know at once. the money demanded. Otherwise, he re- :l col toil gin, and Ins wile ami mother The puan., has -ive.v satisfaction and the Alii- ! plies with inore or h s indignation and g' barefooted 111 tile summer. Ill dress ance l.as ordered me to let you know it and all ' demands his photograph back'. Ill the 1"' ' illv lli' to tlie I'dest styles, have otlitTS that it mav concern. she has nothing to do dul to sit around the house all day. They pride t hem-elves upon their Jersey stock of cows. Mr. Peal miikj? t wen t v Jersey cows, has large buns, wa'er. supplied by a wind mid, several farms, a store, grUt and aw nulP, and ti . . . i j i A ooilt eigiil O c!oc. T he v it assemldv took seat: 111 speaking Vonrs truly, (Jko. M. BrnTOS, II a ii. n:i. X. (,:., Any. i, ;.s:;. Dtfuijim lYvti'li..T Coinnaii v:: - " dniuvt e0iite..s I was a, little afraid of" your Fertilizer last ycvr..ir'iiscd (as I had .lone for .Tars) Iiit(';tu.'s't'lii'iviical.s. I thf .:il:!i none' C'.uid 1..,. Ik-iut. . 1'se.Hialf your? and half La--':ujx..this ycar.'Saii'l am inu;l to .-;.y.vou:s ii"v ti la. ru hu e.T arid tit; it m sarae tain!. . I wi-!f w.is rihl.' to iriye it the rccouiinen.la- it rti-., rvt-s. iKeea it un,to -the standard. V)MI Iihvc". and all of n will us.- it m. v I- v....,- 'ours.i., Ceo. L.AVilli msox. , Secy Jiidvilk- Alliance Xo. 784, i ei- SYTH OOLNTY, 1 i, August. is'.M. j. FoUSYTH Cot'STV, Wiasain The cren outlook where Oflicial (iuano was used wiL -coiiinare favorably with any other Fi rt iliz.T in our county. Our people arc gen ei'Liily we'i satisfied with said puano. J. F. (iRIFKITU. and uncle S in is often cinaied. A young man above th" average went to see his best girl, and hid hi bottle of whiskey u nder the do. r (ei. Tiie dog found the treasure, and b uked so fun- latter case, though he may write iii tv siiks, teat hers, an J goid-hea.ied ui ibre letters, he will never cet'his property hs, all for Sunday. There are title, n Caswell Co. I again, for the reason that it is themot wgaiis in eighteen homes. This is also j ihu'iortant point in the business policv a laud of corn whiskey and apple brandy, of the crayon company never to return a photograph unless a frame is paid for. The PJ.OOO photographs captured by jxistollicr inspectors in theestabli-hment spoken of had a!i been held in tins wav ier fraudulent purposes. Nece-s.rilv hsly tiiat the old man, going to; many of them were id' great value to their owners, being likene-ses of ihar ones de al or for other-reasons not to be replaced, and in a large percentage of Pustance" people would doubtless havi the building and the i. Prof. Brown, the county lectur-r, was tVie hist to speak here. He spoke upwards of an diour. illustrating his. points, with practical jokes. A display of music was then manifested, after which Bro.-Shuford was callt-d up n. He occupied the floor until nearly twelve o'clock. A vote similar to that of the other place then ensued, which was a unanimous one. The choir then sang "Good Night," and we adj mrncd. AT i'EELEU SCHOOL !I;U3E. May the 2d was the fixed day for Hie grand picnic. It was a success; the 1 ooys are not unprepared. C. L. Miller. Salem, Va., April 30, !bU2. i ag-Q- "When 1 hears a man preaehiu' tie saloon-keeper down to hell, I thinks to myself, w hen d it saloon-keeper gets to the judgment bar of God lie will reach in his side'pocket and pull out his li cense and sav: I fere, Lord, am de give me license dav Was Speaking namet of Deacon t lio ness: "em ': -and KhW J to do this bu.-i- now what going to do wjii above stated time the presi- oent called the Synod to order. The lection of nilieers bdlowed, nsu1ting I'oliows: l(,.v. Gto. II. Cox, A. president; Uev. C. Ai luse. vice-presi-lenlj UeV.C. B. Ktiig, secretary f auL f. Frank Patterson, treasuier. It was--the unanimous vote of Iher Svnod. that Bev. SmuucI Uothrockt. 1 ). 1)., assisted by Ib v. G. D. Bernheiuv I). P.. should induct die aforesaid offi cers into t heir -respei five offices. Al though Dr. Ijofhrock is now eighty t. vo years of age, y his manner of sjeieh was firm and impressive, his ar ticulation atiiT pronunciation were well." high perfect. Prayer Was then ode red bv J)r. l'etnh.eim, whom the members of Synod were gbtd to welcome once more to their midst. LV-vs. L. K. Probst, II. M.. Petrea ana J. IrDeaton were received as ad- . visary mem'.irrs. L'eports were then made by the pas tors and their delegates on the state of the church. Synod then adjourned pending the reading of like 'reports SECOND SESSION. Tr.e reading of reports on the state of I'ue church was resinned, after w hjcli"" the difLu'ent eomniittecs were h.eard Tfnd acted upon. iiieven o'clock being Ihe bonr np- pointed for an educational address,--; t i -l - i .viio.i uiwY. !i to oi pep.se 'iiltn ir. mi account of t!ie iudspo.-it ion of the speaker. At this pointv bawever, Kvv !. D. Shiny made a ta-lk, setting forftr" the u ed-of North ('aftdina- College and urging Svnod to stand by it undes; i all circumstances.- . ' THIRD SESSIOX. Aceoriiiug to the onh or 7 business, ) the i.iternoon of the's- ci Jhl day shall be devot. d to ben ticiary education; therefore, Ciuf. C, L. 'p. Fisher was ealh d upon t,.jpak in behalf of the Mt. Pleasant Feraaie Seminarv. II is plans and -inten'io. s 'completely f-ur-p.ri-ed Luany of tin if-e Resent. He con vinced tliat he means business. - Jjlashcr I, say, it is absolutely r.ec K.,'i- ..!.,, , i...... t.w.n ive tpiiet him, found tiie liotlle, and the young man had to "fess no. A pariy of oung people went on a picnic; :i 1 i,jmf-and the occasion as well. servant can led the luncii ai.il was also'.,,,. ..lC thou iiroii-o.l bv th.. I I V. i ' "o iiivi i..h..v- -. tine ;iml the crowd large. began at the usual hour. 1 lit; IJllll J I LUW.l VI U,1 1 I J'LUCLt ease. Mr. Shuford spoke two hoursiin the burning issues of tiie day, handling the Si. Louis platform wi'h credit to Din- prejiarei to proide souiethiiig to drink; this he j wonuJM ()f t,t, ,!(.;.rhhor!ood. Attn HigIvMans, Va., August 20, 1 S01 . I am now an old tobacco grower, and have H-ed a peat many Fertilizers since I have been , e ,r;.,l'to ransom them eventually Concealed in the Woods near the horses, i ,.;,,,,,,,. W!IS tlnj.hed a meet ''i-.-wu!j. touacco. - out nave never uea uny : i, ,. tin ,,..,..,, nh ,,,.,, .l.,,,,,,..!. which were tied out ot siL'hr. I he ser- , i, u.' i ,,,..il ,,.. tin.. ,,f ' I l... .,...... -- .... ... ............ . . 1.1 1 III. IIMII 1 II" ... ........... 1 lie fgOOU lug Was brand that exceeds the Durham. held. i i t ! " I i C M lllll i : 1 I III i K - I't IIH. piHUV.ilV wt III'.- IIK'UV! in UIMHM IU I lie ll'OI I III 11,'MHI J w v 4 i . 1 . w . y . . i My tobacco , i oc , ,,,, . .0 il.r.i-..,- Vahf. was liistructel to call f r the men i ..a?..,..,,,,.. i!.n .1; 1 e. t j l v,v . . 1 - , in in. i.u- ..i-i nit mi - - - - - - ill SS U lis 1 c I L" 1 i 1 1 1 ' t , . 1 . 1 1 , o 1 -1 1 u 1 1 1 1 ' I .11 I 1 1i!l.l 1 is doing as well this year as Lever had a cro; ' .. norr..jf ;ic-t Mv!l V ill ule Uilfd the suitl wb" the lunch was re adv and tell them --. ., .-, .i - . . ... it 1 1 11 1 . ti. 1 1 ' to .10, so lair as tne- icriinzcr is eonccineu. 1.; asked for the fr.illie was received. To 1 tie noises nal oroKCU loose. rtll laic ; j,,e ojtc-ln.e lawyer tiled to essarv that everv clown sillv face. ('lown Decidedly! ' Now if. for in stance, I .hal your face I would get my employer to double my wages instautcr. Kolnisctie I 'olLszritiuxj. Electric Bittcra. This reiaedy is becoming s' wt 11 known and so popular as to neeit no special mention. All who have used Fd citric Hitters sing thc. same song of .ntise p. purer niedicino does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all thai is claimed. Electric Iii: t eis will cure all disea-es of Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Iluiis. Salt ILiiium ami other ati'ectioms caused by i in pit re b'uod. It will drive Malaria from ll.ie system and jirevent an well as cure ail Malarial fevers. V v cure of headache. Consumption and In digos', e-n try Electric Hitters. Em ire sa'.isfactieii guaranteed or mor.ey re 1'iin'ded. i 'rice LOc. and sl.(H') p r hot lie at Kluttz Cods drug store. with 1 e excetions this time. A cheerfully recoranierd the the D.urleini to every fanner wlio wishes a high grade Fertilizer at a low price. t Tetku B. Booth. produce it then was a simple matter, ' nie'' NV(i;'fc rul!lillo the hors -s gam At Sortoi ia, Nebra.-ka. a Vfjung hxdv ca'df a 1 b-y intcrleriiig, but he under-; won't dan je witii a young man ipile rOURTII SESSION. ' Tiie com mil tees that had not- re-, ported wer" now called upon to do so. .r. -e,ig oi in r h.ing ; done at this se i mi v. .is the leecivnig 01 the Win's ton Mi , Sam as a in tegrai p n I f the Synod7 .Not on'y is tl'iis the first one received" :i Miis mciting of Svio-d, but St. Ma! ti.ev.s, ivci ii' I V o:- g ii.ii d at Wtl mingtou, was also received. Ilev. . G. I). BernheiV.i, of the'N'orjlr Carolimk Syinid, but lately uf th.e Pennsylvania Svnod. has been called to "take charge or it. ... The time having arrived for.the ad- dresses on missions. Synod ndjotirnftl to r.-a.ssej;;b!e at the cxpiratio:i of ten mi.iut--. K v. L. iv. Pivdjst in, -,de the frrsLad- 1 . 1 - e. ; e.-s o i.g th n sf darted sK.li ing. a ha h all listened attentive!. ke ufl !.e importance of sustain-' e , -dons wh.ich had already arte i and those which will bo . lo-v. hut, spoke of the nsis- Min-ton which he is now seiv-. e i ! i- point, he says, niust not bo -c your orders to W.ILWorih,tato:'Aet,briirect toiis l , J G. BEEHHAEDT, County, Agft, the nvanuf-cturer of the "art work" re- excepting one or two, who from noSitt;- ; tool n.(r;. thn he could get through he belongs to the Alliance, and il t U11 SALISBURY, N. C. MARBLE false prophets, Concord Titu s. It Should Be ia Every IIou-c. I tins section of IJowan h-eing pretty J. B. Wil-011. o71 (lay street, Sharps- is tlie Elac-oto Get Monuments, Tombstones, & ! . - laf ) ,;l.r ftock tf .VEiniON.T MARBLE to-arrive in a fenv day -.,l-Wanioa--in eveiy, respect a:il positively will not be undersold. quiring probably not more than 15 min- "Vss, remained with the ladies. ihis : w.jt,. so j,e didn't, make an thing and t he hipping of t hedight fantastic has utes. There are well known niechan- nteii 1 usn 10 get uiiuk. -1. uty, didu t do any hafm either. 1 he p.eo- got to be done on the t'cala plattorm teal methods employed 111 tins nidus- in en ion; nun. pie are aware of sucn ta'se prophet: try which s.ive labor.wonderful. The I There are some misstatements in i and will not listen to such "cranky affair amounts to no more than throw- tle ;lbove article, but owing to its local doctrine any longer, ing an enlarged "sun print" from the u;iture ifc wiU. ;n,erest sumc o olir ) Th Alliance is solid through here. puoiograjm ujxm a sneet. 01 wnue tiper filling it in with crayon in an expedition readeis. Ed). J manner familiar to those skilled in the ; tt-.-.-.t tit- trade. Any one who has seen a real oil painting" turned out in three min- Its Wonderful Effects oa. the Liver, jutes by the watch will understand lUiUllLJ' something of the nature of the process. ! Ful. Biliousness, Constipation and Ma- it asiungton ntar. 1 fin-ia, take Lemon Elixn For hegie-.-p u.; i.ir tn-ri' s'.re i.jvi young ru -a in husit.-'--s th -re, less than 500 of them b"i;rg in th'-church Increasing so rap dly as ir does in "population, ife will l e th.e -Lrreatest mi-take our lives .to neglect J his most important point. i)i and when.' He - 1 IT' 4 pri-ie to tr.e present .1, besides other' well won :ed up. burg. Pa., sas he wiil not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for Cunsurijio:, Coulihri and CeI'ds that it cured ins v. if- who was threatened with Pneumonia af- ! churcl 1 . nun w -1 c guar Granite Monnmente tS.ly .-Of all V'".'1'"81 specialty . C. B. WEBB & CO., Proprietor Letter from iioanoke Col lego.- Corresiiondence of the Watchman. f I will again let the readers of the Watchman hear from me. I do not ' Di.-eovery has done uim mom guod than T.,,li.r.iioM sieL- nn.l VprvntN f.vr.f. t hi-ia hut Sc iOO WOr X h lUderS , a n i Ui ng u e c ci u -j m . 44 .. n 1 . - w v. .-, . ' .., iir . - .. . ,. a Tt I...,K. ...l-n T..iiiin T'.livir I ...l.h..c-c..Hr i.m t.ll nmr4 . it t i-n . IV o. ill!) CZ i.M) 1 I Knochville. f Fv.r Sleeplessness, Nervousness ami j) j .m) waicj.mg 0ur cause very c- i . .- ccri 'Jiearttaiiure iawe ieuiu i cn.xo. ,.1-Kelv I see th" manv schemes to Sixicen miles sout.i of bahsburv, in. For Fevers, Chills and Debility, take clos iV. i s u. .u. u i i i , ' i , i 1 1 T . - wor'C the Alliance out in ponnt.- Kiiii-'in Piiimri' XI. l vi t 1 1 - i I in I tin. T . t, i i v r i " ' liHlo v.ll-i.r.4 of IvnrwdVv Wo, lu nnnip L id ics. for iiat u ral a nd t h rough organ ic But I hope she will go m po llbllU IOIH-V 'l JjllULO 1 ll.Ct OUIIIV " T . i - , was t.-keo from L-uher;in church regulat ion, take Lemon Lli.-ir. things, of tiie first church in Charlotte; i t i ho'.v it was pointed with h, which has grown irom a smnll ter au attack ol I4.1 uripjie, wnea various nocK to a large Congregation, nr. other remedies and several physiciairs-j H..rnheiin deserves much credit for Ia- had done her r.o goud. Kooert i.arner, , Cooks;. ort. Pa., claims Dr. King - 1 ' ' Mentien fie Watchman when you write Dr. Mozlev's Lemon liixir will not in a thu-d party or any w 1 I hi 1 it :cs, not osmg par. y so ost and we J'' JOHNSTON'. : . JOHNSTON. &-ELLIOTT, CHARLOTTEj IT. C. colored families T. L. ELLIOTT I m,)Ile-vt people, but have ways peculiarly bowels t. Try it. Free Trial But tles at Khittz Oc Co.'s drug store. Jaige bottles .-. sun! l.o0. ilt Don't cry over mdk. fash 1 1 1 r r . 1 T I 1 1 I 00 rs in i-eiiaii or the Lutheran cnurcn. Pev. Kimball made a few remarks on the subject of mis.si r.s. He spoke mainly of The necessity of jeop!e deny ing themselves--of many tilings which thev could do without, so that they I might contribute so -much the more to st;r VrT -I - . "s . . ... .j ,m - .4. " I- 1 v .UTS-l Granite 11 STEAM and Marble Works v u rvi. ... ,v,i. i ...... Jidiit-i 5 44.. -x.i ... ..-.v , ,..t eiur vo;e- canei ui. Jjouen. i-iiou .uc c-ii 1 1 i.ei 11 r , .,,. ...a.,, .ih,v- ii-i:n,.l 1 es- ... j- m-i i. 1.,. 1 ....1:,,:.. ii. :ii...,"i 4-...,. fail j oil anv 01 t.ie Hoc namtu oi-, better oil. 1 hat seems to oe wiiiie i.iiiiiiie- in uns village tim uo en.tw. ul yl whicfi ansu irom :i loriuu or . , . , tir ,, d.l These are industrious diseased liver, sto:nach,kideys or . one scu.une - mUCil raul'T see us go iniw mir in. .i - - -. i .t p 4i Prenared only bv Dr. H. Mozley, At- party than to go w.t a tne;n, lor i.ie f lanta, Oa. 50c. and t bottles at drug- ,.iT that we won i-i "oii-T tin-m anu gists. their rul'nir jt.wer. We want to nvi'.-p nnr votes croint. fc we must ?t ....i-,iii !i'r.,ar:i- L'D tor what I III I 11 I I II - II VI VV ' 'v-. ..- such nroiind and find the cat. Ak!i,jii j ;,.-,-. Dr. Bowman, one of the most iei rxn.N K; I palpit orators in the South, was .called upon by different ones to make Mr;. John N. Whura pUISWildll- AtwlmlegaleaiiclTetail.. . Zls&r -&fm&X 1,1 I,ouVi! county. Agents for Iron their own. Tltey believe strictly in walking iu the ways their rather trod, w hich has passed into a joke. Enoch viile is an old German and Dutch set tlement, and Dutch habits cling to the people, most of the older members of whom speak very broken Hnglish. Persons going to the village must be initiated into their mode of living and speaking. Scarcely any household are called by t heir real German or real Eng lish names." They have changed even their own names.and fresh arrivals from Iredell county. Auents for Iron Germany or Holland would not under A Prominent minister Writes. After ten years of grvat suilering from u-i T...1: '., i'iIi ........ f iioi-rmu Ji r .st ra - LTO lot' ti.in biliousness, disordered kidneys aiul w!.o has been a democrat has a ng.it k ble. Everv ni-.n : -?:yJJg2 fences, finals, Urotings, &c. . stad their language, which is so pecu- letter, t napieu i..... . ... , 0 - - - . . o . A,. . ' Corns ami all Skin Eruptions, and posi- conimeneeinem. 1 will .auswi - - 1 (plv of Salisbury and vicinitv wanting monumonts qlmuhl 1 1' r i t T' n'Pt'ri;,!,,tres tvvy cures Piles or no pay required, it A th ul(, is UHH now ith the ch rres- inl -f n I- ;S : i fc l,m11 111 "Uiments. Simula nre kidenhour, Ltughenhour, Propsf, . r intecd to give perfect satisfaction rv - . . , f ,.0n,4.r , ;,;rlMtl4 VYlta US. Itimatos furillsluMl gratis. " Yost, Clodfelter, Foutz, Eddieman, ;ro nev reTmuled. Price 2r. cents per mg of ch M I t.on ' . - . -' M.r.'. o.v 1 tie w.itciiin.-. ii wHeryoii wittc. . , Vneetit, e. I heir givu names are box. For sale hy l. i. iviuu a. to. . eonslipation, I have been cured oy Lr. Mezley's Leinoii Elixir and am uow a weii liiau. Rev. C. C. Davis, E!d. M. E. Church fcoutli, a voice in the jirnu. Semi But d-Mi't seed men that wui t nere. set silent at the primaries. You might :i -4 1 fl ..f .,11 'I'h. No. 2S Tathal St. Atlanta, Ua. as wei ' .;, , " - I- gre.nest fight will be :.t the pnmane- Backlea's Arnica Salve. j send men with that understanding. ... . C . ,...r.h for VifllitlCs n,. , i :.. -..!, I f,.r I'll J J o I 1 UC uesi sai v e in 1 1 v. s .... , Tlniises. Sores. Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, 'iVtter. Chanped Uiii I)L.l li!i:i alv( mcciv.-- 1 il. ax ... I Ilar.d-:, Chilblains, why the C. i - ,o. C'iou is eai.ei. answer: clos ot Dk.M! Sin: ! .if) t ."t! ii ..a ..ar.;. M. .'!i;is.--l vt-ur-- .i-th:a,i i . i aa v- of i!ic . . - I ; t a r.-i. on ot .May W II-J is t i' !:a I V:- r!.. "i- : i.ir.y ; r -. - ii ! r-;a t !:rjt' ..' i l.:-.s g;i .;!y ii..; i"'. c f:.c ' i..-. taiej:.s. : ! 1. f :i tra- an 1 Of 44iv JmiiS"', a; aur !iin-t s. oi'. It tf tiie a!!: t" I'i'i:. v'a.tr il to he ri I :v.i. vaiirj r':-;' Uairv. J Ye: c:i'i U:i llAi in aay iro!n: .iai'-:e M. TAi'scorr. ,- v.ai 1 1.-".'.' i ; . 4 1 . a la.K on. .mission, vairhi, ne sas, w as the fir-t missionary on earth, ami has given us I'll example which all i should fodow. Sin depn -ciatei the jvahejof prop it y, which Dr. Bowmaii ' c'. arly proved; th- ref re, let mor ! ciiurehi s and missions be established j that the value of things may U; ii. ... j . . c. ease,;. Tlius closed the fourth session. J, M. C, in Concord Slun uird. . --a When Baby tvcjs sick, ire? gan? her Castcrii. When slie was a Chil 1, she cried for Castoria vVhen she brcaaie Miss, she clung to Casteria. Wfc?n she bad Cliildrea. sh ja- j them Castoria j Aul'UllK tai lu re has occurred" in villU'l j for 9 .'.) ye. .is. P r a failure the officer :uui t lose "fbvir heads. . l'or.'.i f-dlii'-r ! U.e Ciii.i-i.i gains a eitizih, and tlT i deo.viors -h se their money. 0c I i (F!(.) tinnier. . 1 - m1g!f- , ChtldreT -.Cry for pftcher's Ca$ton2 -

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