: : .hffi i W FA TITHI) ' VV 551 h TTil $5lTfl ' :- I I - ' . 1 " " " ' " ' " " r" V ''' ' ' " " "'" "' jy, ''"' ' ' ' . " ' . ' " " '.' ' - ."' 1 L ' - -' ' ' '"-''. ' , " ' " i- iTTi'tT"i""' ' " ' 1 111 Jir M1U- ?"' i . ,-, . . ""Tfr, .tat. VVTTT-THTRD SERIES. . SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1892 NO. 29; j .4 a. - - - 4 4 j j : I i TZ : r"' ; . '' "CP .' w''P P:--V;ev.;;--i;,v-;: ;rT (IS SOSC! OFyTlIE TROUSSEAU. j ' gJWM ir.nrMrtTM,ni n'if," v,.' -.rT-f rf i ni v'ii V;T.3 -j. -wla'p nr.il cwsrtvainJ Roitnj ! i A i fC Vrr - il fir I 4 - tjlX V ' I Ylel tht Ie grown o sloitt, . . 1 V ' iitng Wjr eyes a'.l lif r,: ''. ! . frtr Infanta nnd ChUdren. ' : ; wi ri..Mr,.i. V extort ! no "well adapted to children that f rvrfi?HPTi.l itiu superior to any prcscrijitlon xnowu io'bh)." II. A. AncBcn, II. D., 111 So. Oxford tt, ISwotyn, It, T. fTh ii cf Crtrtrla Is iOUn!rfrftl n4 ' in"r,tu wlt-knowii that jt wmru w.-rlc t,W! -r?t fwniHw wio uo uul keep CtorU Nw York City. Law I'astor Bloo'uilngdae SormoJ ChureU. Contort cnrwi ColJe, Oon!patlon, Bour Ktouiach, Dlarrboja. Lructatloi, Kilia Worm, give Blueis uul promotes of- TTltfout talurlous medication. . , 4 ' . Trrt srernl yenrs I hare reommrrv!M your CaHtria, ' id hrill ulways contlniw fc an ho an It liotf luat'tabt produced DnaoUl resulta," . Enwm F, ?Aiirti, It T). Tb Wlotbjip," 146iU Stftttt and tth A, Kw York City. Tin CffSTAon Cotpf TflioaiUT Stbset, KW Yotuc "T i , Oil, the first bride blest, jH'itr little Impvy Kve, ' :In love and iunotencc ?rcs?cl. aTTi 'WAT Just as They Slionld Be! ' jU:i:' lo von witii u -f;m;ill , alTair tilut vim iuy ncotl. "J n Knlan.l, t lie tiiiiifiu aikl lulu y Unein ' taunt rit-s,. ,niWlf w;tiVs :iru -well knowii. - Miy,Ai:i,"ric:in families in 1 heir re Jsirh froii! iJri-:iil lnng iny articles' ; witli 'tiii-iii, for ihry know them prcljy vt4lvlyt yo'i m iy irot one f Uito. .-Cmfi-U-HCt' Itt tween man siifl ':! h sl'AV.uf 'rowih, Mifl'w lien'.fi.utiil, its r.niiy makes it viiluulle.,. I ak your . en-i'Mice ai.l niako a, reference to tki-i Joi:rn;sl to imlorso that coiili.lence. ; il. no't liiink il wi'l le nii-i'l it e L I m .k-Hie b-t form of ji Lm an j.tlolliws vvoilh of Clolhing from ri!i()!iiti one for, liMioustus ami iL . t. l .... i t a tA IiraHllCll . Il'il ai!l ju.nu in ntr vrur.-. The imiU so sm.-ill in itself, iin.'l vct i-rf coMiftnt t vou is .s. jre it ilauinwt' s li -iini; its lini t Jien relief i . " , ' i " r- ' , ' . P' vw - tls it i: lias h'-conie the ltnrvel f.f its sini". , Onf ainl uh.iif roBs. of i : j. h . . l i . : . ..... ran ii'iiii'. rn.i'rti w j i ii: Mitraii i my .'. l- I., f!,-. tl. .V.-.P ,,M.. WM.uM lllll kiowii ht cmihiK' ce as f)Ii. HAY- DOCK'S NEW UVEIl PILL. It id old iii Jl -ejii arrets t f Ki!ij'e, 1'iit U iif t ""North Ani-'iica. The price is ;s low ;;s aa iion'i st nieneine cjui lie. suljit, '1 cents. S omI a postal card j fir a s;i!un!e i ii, to try .tin in, "before )'!' pare liase. ' .. MAY DOCK', ' C3 Fulton St., N. X Men! o i t'..c v.".. tt binun when yen w rite. Evc-y person who con torn 1 plates, having SPRIKG SUIT does himself an injustice not to first-look through" our stock of CLOTHING. In lierfcction of fit ami finish our present stock is the envy of all. We can ieil over $10,000 last year ami v6 don't 'propose to carry it any longer. So from, th js - on we will cut pfiees r g irtvml - It'tr- Seerh a t this neant : A Silf-I2vUlciit Tact. I !' ; ' Thi jon'jwrV lv'lh.a ni.m be 101110 i;!u'iveil with tlmaltno tuulini ite4 power of kiutlnt. It is potM,t lever and piiua isnuvi Ions vietori h. The man who pleadi w'tii his- follow men, from n he. rt overflow iii with love and kiiidui M, -tloM ni'Megoo l in one speech thin ih-i man who nsei ubn.-o call ac complish in a life time. In church, State society and home comineing ri.- For ,"). (Kl von .-,-t a $7.50 to $10 00 Suit. " .1! UK) to 12.00 4- lo.(KH 2;f.0() .4 44 I of t " TUK) ik 13 00 l 4. 4. Horfolk Alliapca Ez cli ange ' - 11 and 13 Commerce St., OvixVand controlled by AlHai'cenien for handling produce, "i , ! COTTOIT A" SPECIALTY. Don't .se!h : before v.riting for par ticulars to . " ": J J. ROGERS, Mgr. . r. O. Eox 12. 22 .00 to 2 j.t)0 " j Boy's Department is fairly ablaze- with, a trulv ; grand, display of Clothes for the tittle ones. Suits at $1,J$1.50, .$2.00, 4.00 andlOO all good. - We have a few more of those Si its worth 63.00 and $10.00, isliirhtlv damaued, which we ofler'Tor 83.Q0. Its a fact thr$our Clothes a: e properly made and arc silrc to the. solid, substantial and satisfactory v ctori's are those that enunifite frum kiiidness. There .arc men who drive their wives into unfaithfulness and their children away from homeinto lives of "wickness thnniuh a dictatorial lossin. that mauif'-sts itself in words and deeds of bitterness and unkin lness. There rare'ni misters of the g'osptd who rpel rather than attract, who drive mpii away from them and the chim h Ijecaiise they !ibov apirir of vindictiv ness and fitterr.ess in the pii'pit ai.d abuse i! I who do not agree with theii pecu'il.r way' of th'nking. There i re politicians w ho make ineii vote against ihem iuid injure the party to which thev iieiong bee;.ue thev indnlire in viHitiiati. n rather than, argn niejits. lV'b!e have a right t.o tin ir-opiniots and no man h is a rigut to uousy ins fell a w;m ia because he can't agree with hint, j There is no .place in th;s world where dictatorial assumption of authority-and imliilging in bitterness pays. lvindi;es attr:;cts; alu'S. repels. Kiiu:- tl 'ss builds iii1: abuse destroys. Kind- ncss wins; abuse 'defeats, hiiidii's produles Jove; abuse produces hatred. Kindness ia si force! that brings about re for ins and elevates inakiud; i buse i.- u ftire tiaijLdegriM- iU'-wiagaraleMj no "movements for lettering the coli- iitrm ot tne iuuuan race. ; It is !s't Xi'je. a Wo maii s word. iv hat' is n t niei ? T11I2 XtAT'l'MSpPTlIX-: CUATI2IU An Jfrrdrll; Sctaier's MttfXxvX It . tx tracts fnm a trlicte Jitter ' Written After tiia ; risiit. . - EolTos LAKL5IAr5C;-Tiie iiriicle en-" litied Soi' War Ht.-try, relative to tin; Cr&trrM ntv.r let ersburg. V a., printed in u recent bs;ie of Lrnvl m?ti! reminded me that Iredell county bad u goo 1 it my soldjens in thut bat tle, and that -shortly after it ':. over and while sdll laboring ndrr its ox citenient, r wrote a long privale Utter to rt rebttivK uaw liriug in Stitesviile. giving in froj jmdsi va way not in-, tcnnei lor tno tnibbc nn uccount of the iff;iir. He fleemcd the letter wor thy, :.s a conlribiitioii to cuirent hi-t-tory, to be published, and took it to ''Fathir l!runrr,M of Salisbury, who selected a portion of it, which he pub- ti'hea in the oi.i Lahouxa atcmma. The, article win pubiishel about Au gust, irot . h sid' S those from Iredell, the 40th North Carolina regiment ha I soldiers from the nei:hl'oriiir counties d' Rowan, Mecklenburg, Lincoln, Ga-ton, C!cvelanl, Catawba and McDowell. It may be the ftiryivors would like to read again what a comrade wrote at the time of this battle. It may be well, for the proper un derstanding of the letter by those who were not at the battle, to explain that in the position we then occupied in ihe lims around Petersburg our (Ran som's) brigade, composed of what was left of the 21th, 25th, iftth, 49 Ii ar.,1 oGtli North Curoliii'i regiments, fronted eastward. The nrt of the lino where the mine waexplode 1 and tlr "CraerM tornml was jut a little so ith oi our posir on. When ;.fter hew explosion our reimei.t (the 25th) was thrown luck, to protect oui right mid rear and t) tire' into 'lu flink of the enemy if they attempted to advauee toward Petersburg Through the g-ip in our lines mae by l he explosion, it fronted to the south while the remainder ol the brigade still fronted to the east and its left extended nearly o the rear of the light of the next (49Ji) regiment rorniing a right anrle, which To us. 11 pp in:, . ' ttf 1 9 I U t I t 8 I WAV irive satisfaction. No sljii nking, fading or buttons falling off. - - Our. Spring Stock is complete ; in the new Shades and Styles. Yen run no who have j CoillC to ,SO US t iiipnfa r Wnntli and 11 ii Oi- i "lcan ai1 wo say, as a irial -WV h p.iiti'-ul is loi honuM Vne Snrvr itvimif. j -ii i i MiM.iiti,- tju,iirtl.aiiors. UiiUmltrd E.vn.nn Will llfOVO COUClllSl VeIT. 3i D.F3io x. Cherry. Naslivlllo, Tenn. Vf fiu I'UIH ft j 1 ' III'- lll'li' i I T J M. S. BROWN. MARBLE WORKS Is the Placs to Get Monuments, ToinlDstones; toirA:J;.rSe stock -ofVEUMONT MARBLE to arrive in a f w days Wo guarantee s'ac'llai1 hi every respect and positively will not be ttnde sold. 1 y Granite Monuments ; - Of all V''ia. spceialty f it is 11'! yon a-k r W. ll,ito be candid and jii a l it severe, the bhlut f ( b'-wiiig ium on the streetkor in company. The wr.t'T not lniiL'k'd s;iv a -Mil on our stive's y .j - . very f it, and eyei y tew minute's the gum woul I hnlge in t'lie upper story ol Jier mouth, and in trying to get it hark she stmnped'her toe, ynd her eyes looked like the full moon.; That was -a gr.-.rd sig!it;on a public thoroughfare, -wasn't ii Y Snne ir!s have another habit, oi putting money in their mouth nick els, dimea or any loose and unhandy change. Now, this is decidedly not "nice." Of course, you deny that-you ever did such a.horriWle thiutr, but then are giris, and swcefT and pretty ones. too, at that, who unconsciously (tor surely 1 1vy would not do it knowingly) pop-bits of money into their mouths as he nvst convenient plat e to' carry it when nanus are titled with na leases or an umbrella and a trailing gown make one long to be a circus attraction with four arms. Outside of the fact that a naturally dainty cat tire should revolt a putting to one's lips a coin that ha lieen goodness kij ws where, there i the self-evident fact that disease could L easily be transmitted in this manner. It is an old' and hackneyed 'subject, ve know, but the daily sight of such ji dis gusting practice makes -enderfmation allowable. Nothing in this wide world is as dirty as 'money. "Filthy lucre" expresses it njo.st correctly, and tlien in) agine a woman who would never ttiink of kissing; a dirfy, ragged tramp placing between her lips a coin that lie has prob.ibly carried in the same place. Look; at 'it in this liht, and you will not be so ready to make ymr mouth the receptacle for dirty, diseas dissein inatini; bits of coin. Durham Recorder. was other nearer the "Lr.der tltm any part of the brigade. I was at ihe nine the senior cuptain of the Ii rrgimeiit hit h made my eomp.ny (C) the i;rg4i t. company of i he, ivgimeiit, r and, tk? i eloie, put -it imi'm diatTdy at this angle nearest the "Crater," w here we Were f. -ree l to see mere of the terrible set ne. than any others. The "Col. Fleming' of tlv? lefter was . Cd. .John A. Fleming, of Me U'lwtll couniy, who commanded the r gini'Mit (in that occasion mitil. Jie wa Icillel )iiati w'.ioiu a bravi-r 'man ecer liv. d. lilaj. D ivi"' was Ihe gallant James T. D i i, of M cklep 1)U rg, afterwards lieutenant coiom-1 of the regiment, and who was mortaliy wounded in (fen. h e s la:-t L'reat ciiare bv which he broke the enemvV iitie in front of Petersburg," in March, lb05, and died a few days alter. -My Captain Iviwin r. Harris, whom I had known as the fnn-!oving "3 pee." llar lis at Davidson College, was from Ca barrus, though thenin command of an I rede! 1 company, (formerly Capt. A.I). MooreV) which comj-'any sit the time was the left company of the reir'nit-nt. Vonrs trul v. U. A. Ciiambeks. Chattanooga, Tenn. graced eHch t.ther iii the death strus gl. - Weicotjld see si man bayonet his nniand w hildin Jhe jaet of withdraw ing his wapo i have! his hand mashed by the butt of a rifle. This is plain truth. U ij iif f kageration. Hut overwheliin nunitH-rs in such a fight must pretaii; - Oradmdlv the sinall portion f CljiattV Hngude which was between Mj nUd the mine were pressed brtk upon nf. But nobly and you may ciuph isik the wordve ntnt lie vnlctill'j, did jlhose South Carolini coufe.-t qvery inch of the .grouud. Color aftcjr eler w-u$ placetl upon (Iim works from which oar me-i" were driven until twthe stands waved defiance1 in our fac.fc.; Ilyond 'the brow of the hill and hidden by it from us, more ll.i!iit d our 'outnuuilfered bo- s thus making eiijHtvcn in all. Wiiile this was g ing o;j our men were not idle. Poor Colonel. F. Cinne to me, and and g tve ine comm:.nd. of the s mie men I had on the 24 of June, told me to place tjieui in a snia'J ditcji rnnni,.g perpendicularly to "the' main trench, mid, if possible, stop the enemy -who were pouring around the inside of our works and coming down on 7ur riirht flank. The remainder of the regiment poured a galling tire; into theimisses of the enem v who were pouring over "the works and down upon our men. By this me.iils the enemy were first checked and then (caused to lie low in the cap tared works., !Pre the sharpshooting w;is kcpt;np o i botli sides, but owing to the position of my company it ya- ic to hre right m'o the ditch packed full of w bite a-itl LI ack Yankees. Ev ery b,ill told. Three or four titi.es d'! a Yankee color behr r bravdy corr his c.l us out and cUik-Tr to get his nten to Mhr.v, but they couM not be inducicl t' leave the trenches amL fin ally h ? fell a victim to his reckless dar ing. Here we held them s.t b..y until our general could concen' rate' forces Iiy eleven oM'oek all was ready. Just I M-fori- this and while the sharp-hooting was r.igmg, Col, V. was kIpjc through the head. Poor fell o A ! lie was e n-sied past van a greatly disfigured man. The ball nil J the blood made his face shock ing to look upon. Hut we did not then h.tv'e time forireg e's. We could see the enemy's bayoueti glis'en s;nd their colors move while -they .prepared to charge do vn up ni us. Oh ! this was a feriiUle, moment! Knt h man seemed to kno7anl fedtoo, tiut wt nvik kwp theni back. If we did ; not we would be slaughtered where we were, or.all killed if we altemptel to i ' rea' v and in either case Petersburg was gonej Thi South Cartdinians were gon 1 by the lelt iluik down the main 1 .re.rc.hes7 a ml were forming with ihe left of our regiment. The right l our regiment was then nest to the enemy and would have to 'receive the a-s itiii. Just think of that moment. Upon it the fate-of Petersburg, per haps ot our army, perhaps of the Con federacy itself, depend d! On the out side of our lot works on w hirh flo ated twelve flags -we could see the bayinet of men formed in line of battle -ready to charge over. In our trenches were p icl-.e I m isses of I he enemy, w ho, a?; soon as their comrades had passed over them, and gotten between them ;:nd us, would rise and follow them. Al! this we stood! and fiitv viihin fifty yards of our.. Ag iust this force Avas our regitrent, and the remnant of El- other on our gorl fortune i gettina througli ately w hen the order to moTe separated us. H,s coinfiany ,was on l hel-Escnse me, Lnt do von think" extreme left of the rtyini-nt, and in going back to mr oi l position led the v'ay. At the head of his company he followcnl Mj. Davis along the trenches chatting gaily, when they came to an exposed position on the line. A ball from the piieniy passed closafa the major. He turr.ed to warn his men to walk low. Just as he turned a ball struck poor El., passing through hi neck, cutting the great nr(ervr The blood fpouted from his neck in a stream ns. large as ones finger, r.ml go hed out at his motith. And now ensued n most ten der and nfiectinatn ' w'ene. The poor fellow seemed at once to re nliz' his -'condition'.. Hf could not snenkr lint stepping up to Major Da vis he pissed his left hand 'through hi arm to siipport himself from Jailing, Mil 1 extended his right to tell the ma jor ftrewell, while he gave him a look which M !j. D. says he shall never ibr get to his dying day. It seemed to sty; T am killed; I know you cannot help ni"; do not forget rue; good-bye!" I he major saw he was going fast, the blood was spouting from his neck. He urged him to sit "flown. This he did not seem inclined to do, but tottering toTjieutenant Crawford, of his com pany, shook hands with him, gave him the same look and fainted from loss of blood. He ceased- to breathe r.S lit was carried out. Thus it Was ihat poor "Speck," as we always called him. iViiinVirnim.s yow'eonld ever lovetue if w ell- vou SV: '-Well, I mast w tliH i.' ,v He: 'Oh, don't be cffendMl. It Cost me more than 5&00 to nnd out v heVber the last one loved me or not, riai lHo got to economize, you- Vaow.n Uncle f "Hovy- are yon g tting on with your collection jc'ilMV,-' Nephew: "A few .weeks a? I h 1 an extremely rare and valuable ?p d m?n.' , , . ' . Uncle: MPray, what wa tint?" Nrphew: tt piee of g okl aov creigu, in fact but I bad t. change ih" Intci'inc;ti(ii'riLtln Ctiarlinu-s, Bride: "Don't yoti tcninilx-r that v. children wei-ne to pkv house in brio or four paeking-lM)xes? Ain those tlafn were too h.tppy to 1 ist f 0room:"Oh I don't know; nreuVwo living in a flat Tlirmkhn JAfe, "Yes," - said young Hudgkius, who sat in calm disregud of tho clock, ' may s iy that! am iv fixture in out cdiice, now." . ": '-v . - --- not try, to describe the sorrow I feel Vn; was iny best, my mot intinv.itc frieud, in the leitnon.t, - UI know Mr. Undgjifns," hhs an swered gently, "but this isn't your o'fiico you know." Lansing Xeic? Wuggt l4Sm;th,the bahcr, is a very : scnoianv person. f ...... .a W acrar: 4IIe has si sin nwi"-l!a' died. I cannot, an I therefore shulli60"11 s.".c stuff aa dreams are m.ulo ot. llarper .1 JSaiar, - Winkle: - lare you sren Tw aer in hei new tailor made gowm ?" Ned 1: "No, she" was out walking when I called." Winkle:" Wusnnv oneelseat home?' No Id: "Yes, the tailor who made it Was there." , 1.1 y C. B. WEBB & CO., Proprietor. Merit tm. the Watcliraan when yon write J-OIINSTO mi - T. L. ELLIOTT JOHNSTON & ELLIOTT, CHAELQTTE, IT. C. !x . ; - - S EA I LI I- ' , Li"" 3 V Granite EndMarble Works - A t uholcsale and retail. Own- 'lift! rP ir m.lnl -1 - iiiu tClCl" llL'll MOOaESVILU GRANITE 111 1 -. I I I'Olinf V A,.,t.i f.... Tu ' . ........... vw. mi , nt 1113 IU1 X I I'll I t 2rZ.:r i-jcinces, finals, restmgs, &c. Dou't read ! Dou't lh:nk ! D-m't be lieve! Now, are vou better? You wo men who think lhat patent medicines area humbug, ami Dr. Tierce's Favorite L'rescriptio'i ihe biggest humbug of the whole (oeeause it's the best known of al!) docs your lack of faith cure conn? It is very easy to 'Vou'l" in this world. Suspicion always ecraes more easily than cnlitlenee. lint doubt little faith never made a sick woman weil. anf ihe ."Favorite Prescription" has cured' thou- simlsof uciieate, weak .women, which makes us think that our "Prescription" is better than your "don't believe." We're" both honest. Lot us come to gether. You try Dr. Pierce's Favonte Preseiiplioii. If it doesn't do as repre sented, you get your money again. Where proofs so easy, can you afford to doubt. - ; j Pi 1 ice's PEcCRlPTIOX CI THE FRUIT AT I'ETEI.-.-BURG. Extract, from a letter dated, On the Line-, Petersburg, Vra., July 31, lSfW: " The night previous to the hat tie. he (Col. Fleming of the 4(J h) and M.;j. Davis ami myself had had a long and most pleasant conversion, ia f'et Cd. F. and sit ui and chatted until in dnight. iittle dreaming what ;i storm was brewing or how- fatal it woidd be to e of us. Next monrug the S A, l. I-l" 1 spr.ngmg or a mine uu er retrain (formerly 13r.;nchV) battery, immedi ately on the right of our brigade, a terrific vdly from the enemy's ariii h rv along the whole line and a simul taneous cha'-ge by a l;rge portion, if not the "whole of Burnside's corp. liott's men the remainder of our bri gade being scattered along our works to hold or try to hold to tiiem in c ise of a front assault. The suspense was awfu!. We kept up a close tire and endeavored to make the place so hot th.it 1 hose outside of our iiivs would be ht!i to (line over. 01.! wh .t a load was raised as we looked to the righ t and s;v.v coming up ever the brow of the lull the 2oth ('., the 25th N. C. and Mahone's brigade. Still kutiwing the tremendous f jrce of ihe enemy, ue trembled for t!;e result of the charge. Strong r and stronger , e ma le our lire upon the enemy. On, on, l'glit on, came the Confederates. The yell was raised, the men took the run. and right on, right up to our lost works they went. Such a sdrnt-we raised ; s we saw ihe enemy 11 e pell mell from before our men! Then was bailee. Oh ! but we did pour ihe It: it le 11 sioiiii mtw iiiu iiiii.i ui'ia-ci t,j men that rushed down the hill to their Little but-active are Pr. Pleasant Pellets. liest Liver Pills made; gentle, yet thorough. They regulate and iuvigorate the liver, stomhcTi and bowels. waked lis from our slumbers' and called , m,r c us into position in the trend e-. A great many of Elliott's (formerly Ev ans') brigade of South Cardlini ins, who immediate'' supported the bat ttry,"were blown up. ami asfill greater mifnbfr swallowed no in the clia-in. Gen. Elliott was wounded. The men, i of course were greatly confused by the j II' I 1 ll I A lll01ULt OH'l I'llU . i ' I . -. . 1 - -. . rrnssei an nackel upon eacn H.c u.uuj ---s. .0 r.,, t..i..,,.o11.. I,.UJ r.F ih ci.oinv All" lit 111 - l ' 1.1 ' I'-w vn ..j owti lines. Such a slaughter! The re-taken works, -the main trench eight feet wide, the perpendicular 4itclies, the numeroMs ditches, ihe numerous "bomb-preofv were literally jur-ked with the deiel and wounded. Black and white Yankees were piled and other. What t!ie people Want. It is justly expected that in all func tions of government" the .wishes, and wants of the p. ople should 1 e consid ered, and - this, too,, before any other, in a icpublic whose beast is that ot equality before the law it is surprising tu.it any other sentiment should pre vail. But a s d expeii-mce is teaching us tha honesty, truth and virtue are not always the producliott of political aspiration. We are sadly realizing that those whom-we trusted most im plicitly have all along been studying how they might most -effectually be tray the tritst of the people, it they niLdit thereby build up their jw-n per soilal intere ts, and thin trauduleulh make wt tilth for themselves. This persistent betrayal of political and financed trust has been winked at and patiently cn lured, until the toiler has irowii weary.. i. the unequal strife; until his eye', heretofore blinded, are open-to the baud and greed which areT daily circumscribing his circle of rights. He is m ii big the discovery that the law made by his entrusted servants gives to his neighbor powers and privileges which tire emphatically defied hi;:s if. The laboring men, the m:.s of the people who have been deceived and defrauded, are simply ask ing tor their equal rights its Aoi-Tic-an citizens. The people simply want jus tice; they simply plead that unjust dis- cr nunat ion sh;iiux)t despo.l them oi their heritage of manhood. That equal merit shall have an equal chance; 1 hat the m iiihooil, the human, rnay not die within li em. The people have I 1 ! J .1 1. is net i lor lusttcr; 11 ey nave neei -treated with sib nt contempt lone. enough," s.nd from now on theyat-4 oin to eeuantl and enforce then demands. X;u'.on'oriiiit. Strength zind IIca"t!r. If you are not feeling strong and healthv. trv Electric lhtters. If "La CJrinpo'1 has b ft you weak and weary, u.sc Klectrie lh iters, this remedy acts tlirt ctlv on Liver. Stomach and Kidr.eys geatly aiding thuse organs to perform their function--. It you are afflicted with sick Headache, you w ill hud speedy nut oerinanent -rein f by taking-Electric Bit lers. One trial will convince you that this is the remedy you need.; Large bot tles only 0O0. at Rluttz & Co.'s drugstore A good to way slop sl.mder is to pay no attention to it. The next timesom -b -dy s ays anyih'g bad about you just try it, and see h ny ma l they will get. BacHcn's Araica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Salt "Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped" inrnd, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2o cents per box. For sale by T. F. Xlullz & Co. bers. They poured into the cha-m (a iremendous one) m de by their mine, and ovt r the works, on either si !e, in a restless stream of men both black and" white, crying: "No q- arter to the rebels! ' The 2-3th ir-gini?nt was on the right of our brigade and ours n t. The -loih h d thrown up a ravine to protect our llauk and re ir and our ; iment tl And now we witi!essed-;-ud to somedt gree participated in one of I lie ni'st terrific and desperate fight3 of t!ie war. The enemy re-inforced rapidly. (Jtd nmri art'-i eolumn of troops-negroes and wbile men in great Hark bbn Actor: "I have worked hard to piracy lis? people. I havctri"d everything in ' he business,but they won't be pleatd." Manriger: "Havevou tried iroinor out of the business?" ' She: "WTien she besins to act. tho nidience torgets that it is in a theatre." , He: . "Yes, it se ins t thsnk it is a Kinor, and legir-s talking." j Doc! or; "Dil you have a hctivy :hill.". 7 I1 '.ri'atifMil; "it. fecmed 1) toi: "Did your teeth chatter?'' . F r Patient: "No; they were in my dressing case.' . -ti-o.-r's Boy: "Tilts lady says the butter is bad1 Giocer: - "Give her good weight." It is not "until a man is thirty beforo he logins to wrap the sniyH bilh on the outside of. his roll. SiTing. L "I r.m weddetl to art," sai 1 Parley. "Welt," sai.t Critictis.giziug ut Par ley's Picture, "I'd et n- divorce if I were vou. bhe has desc ried you. Brooklyn Life. " - Beggar: . "Please, sir, will ye lend me a dime Jer git kouu tliin ter eat-?" Gentleman "You've got a quarter in your hand now. .Wluu'g that for?" Beggar: "that's to tip the waittr." -XY.. Weekly. Uncle rJI)ony:It 4ooks ter moi powerful liko I'd hab to git married, sah, unless something happens." , Chubberly: HUiiiess what, under" Uncle Ebony: "Unless I gits a suit. tt clothes from a gentleman about y-t size, salu! ' I. LEMON ELIXIR Its Wcnlcrful EL'ects oa tho Liver, Stoiaacli, Uowels and -Kidneys. rotect our tiaurk .ind re ir and our reg ment mov d to th" rig t and joined he outnumbered Smth Cardinians. made the number of -our poor fellows who had been killtd when the won were taken, look small. Along Iv ie we had two lines running parallel and close to each otht r. In an angle ot our front line a force of the enemy were penned. Our men deterinimd lo take these without risking the lives ol our men. A mortar was brought up and a few shells dropped over i imuig Them, when t hey soon surrendered. In this tlock was BrigaUer B irtlett, ard s'aff. He bad !os.fa leg lief ore York 'ovvn, and in this battle hi tronlen leg was broken. 0 ir whole line war again ill pes- ssi n. And now to re turn to our own regiment. Aft r Ha lines pouri' g over the parapet ami -.naliinrr Inn-n the itis!lTP (if l hfi tlVm h"S. . . 1 . t 1.1 1 1 our men from two .It- 'aKen, ami ine ngut cer, our iego.e-u. pharr,- w::s male, our mine works re s- n - - I R .lfJm ..! . .:i1 I II III lU'M'lllV ti'lMUS sums win . . ,. 1 ... ..!, .. ...... ., I T-ontil-P cj V 1 , . . lL r , , closed at noon on Srrdas durnll e thus coming on our men from two .11- mumm., -Vb..... ... .leoplo of Salisbury and vicinity wanting monuments should nil ir 0 n 051 utlm 1 !(rrecti.sn,. "Byontts Tocked, r tleJ w..s onhred b: ck to o.r old p.- i n . spoiled with u?. Estimatos ftirntslind irrntis'. ' . I rd,.ldvl nd uu n in their desner- tptain E!vi'i V. Harris and m -d; MeintLc; nwUniuc. . , C-hlldf-yi Cry for Pitcher's T-tCrla." utim threw awry thejr arms a:il hal just been cougr..lul..t.:ig a ; Find the ean?e fo each wrii kle anih man's face, m d ou will find it was put there bv worryiogver something that worrying edIrvot-help. ; For Biliotwncs, 'Constipation and jra larin, take Lemon Elixir. For Indigent ion, Siek nnd Nervous Headache, take-Lemon Elixir. Ft r Sleeplessness, Nervousness ami Hearlfailureitake iAjniou Elixir. For Fover Chills and Debility," tiiko Lemon Elixir. , Lalies, far natural and through organ iq regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Jr. Mozley's Ieinon Elixir will not fail jou in any ot the above named tTis eascs, all of which arise from ai torpid or diseased liver, -tpaach,kidueys or bowels. - -" ; Prepared only by Dr. IL Jl.ozley, At J.mtn, On. 50c. ond ?l bottles at --drug gists. " " ' - ' A Promlacnt Uinlstor Writes. After ten years of great fullering from Indigestion", with great nervou-- prostra- tioii, biliou.-mesli.Hordcied kitineys ami const ipalion, Hiave been cured by Dr. Mozley'j Lemon Elixir and ata now a we'd man. - Rev. C. C. Davis, . "Eld. M. E. Church South, No. 23 Tatindl St. Atlanta, Ga, A M'itIO .iKDltlNE. rotl.tnff ao rmcncJius an P. P. P. for a srr r;r m 'ii n at ibis sea or-, sUKi lorionir-s ii. iun,u- i it an 1 as ; 'r aytit'M'f ana sp.H-rzrr i.i.e P P. f. II :ll thn xrjn M.d til. f-nn put jou in '.tkxI - rv fiMon. 1. P I. Is i ltf Ir st an log nwU- i Ine In the vorl i frr ihe ea.icnt aiaat-DU. i&e 3. steai Is liable to id tue sf-rn g. F ir 0 1 so m, s pi r.ru; itons. P m Ira. Vlcer tnS- '.1!H. u p-.U P. '. P., ami g-t well sms e-In !V b!-s I -g ontv to - rt'-rlvt a imra the t ol i. P. r. (Prickly As'i, Poke Hoot a ,tlPota&aume ?:-c .t striTj mrdVtfw Is P P. P., he greates. i 1 uiiii ;r In t le vv jrl i, ;n ! u of peo ae In UU city wlu-ro n is a mxt iciasol lenity. VThcn Uikby vrss sick, -re ar'e her Cutrx. Wht n slie was a CliiM.she crljd for Castorta " Vlien she b-ca-tie Miss, she clung to Costaria. Wh she had CiiWren. !ic : tbm Castoria uTho world is full of fools and ho who woiild not wislv to e one must not only shut himself up alone but mib't also tlest n y hi loukiiig gl iss." Make uote of this, -4 A. Little Qiri's Experience ia aI4gat house. Mr. and Sirs. Loreu Trescott are keep- " crs of the government lighthouse atSaml Beach, Michigan, and ate b-cssed with i daughter lour -yea is oiti. iust April was taketi-down vyilh ileasle., lollowett with a drejidlul C'ouhtiiid turiiing into a Fever. Doctors at liouie and at Detroit treafetl her, Imt in vain, he grew .worso rapidly, until she waaa mere hantlfnl of 'ones. Then iihe triethDr. K'n's New Discovery aud aftr I be Ue of two aid i half bottles, was com p.' t ly cured. They jty Dr. Kings JtW Discovery is worth i's weight in .bb yet yon nmy get atria) Kittle free at K!ut & Co, T drug .sire, X H v

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